Hvernig vinna skal hylli kvenna
how|work shall|shall|support|
Wie man die Gunst der Frauen gewinnt
How to work to honor women
Comment gagner la faveur des femmes
Hoe de gunst van vrouwen te winnen
Hur man vinner kvinnors gunst
**Hvernig vinna skal hylli kvenna.
How to work to honor women.
Sannleikurinn er sá, að það er eigi eins auðvelt og þú kant að hyggja, að vinna hylli kvenna.
The truth||"the one"|"that"|it||not|"as easy"|easy|||know how||to think||win|favor|women's
The truth is that winning the favor of women is not as easy as you might think.
Eg á hér auðvitað eigi við þær konur, er rápa á kvöldin fram og aftur um göturnar í þeim tilgangi að kynnast karlmönnum, heldur þær, sem eru þess virði, að sókst sé eftir ást þeirra eða vináttu.
I|on|here of course|of course|not|mean|those women|women|who|wander||the evenings|back and forth||back and forth||the streets||"their"|for the purpose||get to know|men|but rather|"those women"|who are|are|worthy of|worth seeking||sought after|is sought after|sought after|love or friendship|their love or||friendship or love
Of course, I am not referring to those women who roam the streets at night with the aim of meeting men, but those who are worth seeking out for their love or friendship.
Að kynnast vændiskonum er engum erfiðleikum bundið.
"To"|get to know|prostitutes||no one|difficulties|bound by
Getting to know prostitutes is not difficult.
Til þess þarf venjulega eigi annað en peninga.
|for that|needs|usually|not usually needed|anything else||money
This usually requires nothing but money.
En til þess að vinna hjarta heiðvirðrar konu, eru peningar lítils virði.
In order to|||to||heart|honorable|honorable woman||money||
But in order to win the heart of an honorable woman, money is of little value.
Til þess þarf önnur meðul: góða sál og hreint hjartalag.
|"for that"|"needs"|other means|remedies||good soul||pure|pure heart
This requires other means: a good soul and a pure heart.
Sá, sem eigi hefir góða góða sál og gott hjarta, getur eigi gert sér neina von um, að vinna ást heiðvirðrar konu, því að hún krefst ástar, umhyggju og trygðar.
||"not"|"has"|good|good|soul|and|good||"can"|"not"|made for oneself|for himself|any|hope|||win|love|honorable|woman||||demands|love|care and concern||loyalty
He who does not have a good soul and a good heart cannot hope to win the love of an honorable woman, because she requires love, care and security.
Hún vill eiga sálina og hjartað óskift, og með það fyrir augum flanar hún aldrei að ráði sínu.
||"possess"|the soul||the heart|undivided||"with"|"that in mind"|with that in mind|in mind|wavers||never||her decision|her own judgment
She wants to have her soul and heart intact, and with that in mind she never flinches from her advice.
Auk þessa þarf maðurinn að vera kurteis, viðmótsþýður og frjálslegur í framkomu.
In addition|"this"|"needs to be"|the person||be|polite|approachable|and|casual||behavior
In addition to this, the man must be polite, approachable and casual in his demeanor.
Þessir eiginleikar eru ómissandi hverjum þeim, sem komast vill í mjúkinn hjá kvenþjóðinni, og skal eg nú skýra mál mitt nokkru nánar.
These|qualities||indispensable|"to anyone"|"those who"||get close to|||good graces|with|the female population||"shall"|I will|now|explain|my point|"my point"|a bit|more in detail
These qualities are essential for anyone who wants to get in the way of the female nation, and I will now explain my point in a little more detail.