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Cantonese without toil, 第 六十九 堂

第 六十九 堂


你 睇 吓 , 連 鬼佬 都 識 揸 筷子 食飯 喎 !

有啲 西人 可能 叻 過 你 㗎 。

唔係 掛 ? 佢哋 咁 了解 我哋 嘅 文化 嘅 咩 ?

你 唔 信 呀 ? 人哋 最 唔 中意 畀 你 叫做 鬼佬 , 重 會 話 你 冇 禮貌 添 。

咁 我 係 應該 斯文 啲 嘅 。

練習 一 翻譯

你 問路 嗰陣 , 記得 有禮貌 啲 呀 。

我哋 去 文化 中心 隔離 嗰個 公園 度 。

啲 後生仔 諗 啲 大人 一定 唔 了解 佢哋 。

喺 呢個 世界 上面 唔係 好多 人 信 鬼 啫 !

佢 好 驚 啲 西人 , 因為 佢 嘅 英文 好 水皮 呀 嘛 。

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第 六十九 堂 |Lesson 69| Lesson 69 Classe 69 第六十九堂

文化 Culture Culture

你 睇 吓 , 連 鬼佬 都 識 揸 筷子 食飯 喎 ! |||even|foreigner||know||chopsticks|eat rice| Look, even foreigners know how to use chopsticks to eat!

有啲 西人 可能 叻 過 你 㗎 。 some|Westerners|might|smart|than|you| Some Westerners may be more sophisticated than you.

唔係 掛 ? |"really" Isn't that surprising? 佢哋 咁 了解 我哋 嘅 文化 嘅 咩 ? ||understand||||| Do they really understand our culture?

你 唔 信 呀 ? ||believe| Don't you believe it? 人哋 最 唔 中意 畀 你 叫做 鬼佬 , 重 會 話 你 冇 禮貌 添 。 |most||like|||called|||will|say||have no|polite| People don't like being called "foreigner" by you, they might say you're rude.

咁 我 係 應該 斯文 啲 嘅 。 |||"should be"|polite|| So I should be more polite.

練習 一 翻譯 Let's practice translating.

你 問路 嗰陣 , 記得 有禮貌 啲 呀 。 |asking for directions|when||polite|| When you ask for directions, remember to be polite.

我哋 去 文化 中心 隔離 嗰個 公園 度 。 |||Cultural center|next to||the park|"there" Let's go to the park next to the Cultural Center.

啲 後生仔 諗 啲 大人 一定 唔 了解 佢哋 。 ||||adults|definitely||understand| The young people may think that the adults don't understand them.

喺 呢個 世界 上面 唔係 好多 人 信 鬼 啫 ! |||||||believe in|ghosts| There aren't many people in this world who believe in ghosts!

佢 好 驚 啲 西人 , 因為 佢 嘅 英文 好 水皮 呀 嘛 。 ||scared||||||||poor|emphasis particle| They are afraid of Westerners because their English is very fluent.