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張悦楷講《三國演義》, 036

呢 一日 , 曹操 喺 相府 , 正在 同 佢 嗰 啲 親信 議論 緊 關雲長 嘅 事 。 有人 嚟 稟報 話 關雲長 有信 送 嚟 噉 。 曹操 接 咗 信 一 睇 , 哎呀 ! 雲長 去 咗 喇 ! 喺 呢 個 時候 , 看守 北門 嘅 將官 飛報 嚟 話 : 關公 奪門 而 去 ! 車仗 鞍馬 總共 二十幾 人 , 都 係 向 住 北方 去 㗎 。 跟 住 , 關公 住宅 裏 便 嘅 人 嚟 稟報 話 喇 : 關公 冚𠾴唥 封 起 晒 丞相 所 賜 嘅 金銀財寶 。 十名 美女 都 留 低 喺 度 , 另外 喺 內 堂 住 開 。 漢壽 亭 侯個 大印 掛 喺 大堂 之上 。 丞相 所 撥 嘅 差役 都 冇 帶走 , 只 係 帶 住 原來 跟 嚟 嘅 人員 , 以及 隨身行李 出 咗 北門 走 咗 喇 。 大家 聽 咗 個個 都 愕然 啊 。 唯有 一個 將官 挺身而出 話 : 我願 帶 三千 鐵甲 馬 軍 , 去 生擒 關某 獻 畀 丞相 。 大家 一睇 , 原來 係 蔡陽 將軍 。 喺 曹操 部下 , 所有 嘅 將官 當中 呢 , 同 關雲長 交情 深厚 嘅 , 除 咗 張 遼 之外 仲有 一個 徐晃 。 噉 其餘 嗰 啲 呢 , 對 關雲長 亦 好 敬服 嘅 。 就 唯獨 蔡陽 唔 服 佢 , 所以 今日 一 聽聞 話 關雲長 走 咗 唄 , 佢 就 話 要 去 追 。 曹操 話 : 哎 ! 雲長 不 忘 故主 , 來 去 明白 , 確係 個 大丈夫 啊 ! 你 哋 各位 都 好 應該 學 下 佢 呀 ! 程昱 話 喇 : 丞相 , 你 待 關雲長 可謂 情高義厚 。 而 家 佢 不辭而別 , 只 係 寫封信 嚟 亂講 一通 , 冒犯 丞相 軍威 , 真 係 罪大咯 。 如果 噉 樣放 咗 佢 , 畀 佢 去 投奔 袁紹 , 直情 係 與虎添翼 啦 。 不如 追去 殺 咗 佢 , 以絕後患 為 好 喎 。 以前 我 已經 應承 過 佢 㗎 喇 , 點 可以 失信 呢 ? 各為 其主 , 唔 好 去 追 喇 。 曹操 又 對 張 遼話 : 雲長 封金掛印 , 金錢 不能 動其心 , 爵位 不能 移其志 , 呢 種人 我 非常 非常 尊敬 佢 。 嗯 , 嗯 , 我 諗 佢 行 咗 冇 幾 遠 唧 , 我 索性 做 個人 情 ! 文遠 。 小將 在 。 你 快 啲 去 追 上 佢 , 請 佢 稍 為 留 一 留步 , 等 我 去 同 佢 送行 。 我仲要 送 啲 路費 同埋 送件 錦袍 畀 佢 , 等 佢 日後 做個 紀念 。 遵命 ! 張遼得 咗 命令 , 一個 人 騎馬 行先 嘞 。 曹操 帶住 幾十人 , 隨後 騎馬 亦 趕住 去 嘞 。 有 啲 聽 眾會問 : 喂 , 關公 騎 嗰 匹 馬 係 赤兔馬 嚟 㗎 喎 , 唔 係 話 佢 能夠 日行千里 嘅 ? 噉 張 遼 、 曹操 佢 哋 係 點 追 得到 㗎 ? 嘿嘿 , 冇 錯 , 赤兔馬 呢 係 跑得快 , 日行千里 。 如果 放開 四蹄 快 跑 呀 , 佢 哋 係 追 唔 到 嘅 。 但 係 噉 喎 , 呢 次 關雲長 佢 唔 係 自己 一個 人 走 個 喎 , 佢 要 護送 兩位 嫂嫂 一齊 去 河北 㗎 嘛 。 所以 佢 只 能夠 勒住 馬 韁 , 跟 住 架車 慢慢 行 㗎 啫 。 所以 張 遼 佢 哋 呀 就 好容易 追得 上 佢 嘞 。 關雲長 行行 下 , 忽然 聽見 背後 有人 大聲 噉 嗌: 雲長 唔 好 行住 呀 ! 擰 轉頭 一望 , 只見 張 遼 拍馬 飛奔 而 嚟 。 關雲長 即刻 叫 啲 隨行人員 , 護送 車輛 跟 住 大路 向前 便 快 啲 行 。 自己 呢 , 勒住 赤兔馬 , 按定 青龍刀 喺 路 中心 處 等 。 好 快脆 , 張 遼 飛馬 跑 到 嚟 喇 : 雲 長兄 , 請 你 唔 好 行住 呀 。 文遠 , 莫非 你 要 追 我 返 去 係 嘛 ? 唔 係 , 唔 係 呀 。 丞相 知道 兄長 要 走 嘞 , 想 嚟 送行 , 特登 叫 我 先行一步 , 請 兄長 稍 為 等 一陣 唧 , 並 冇 其他 意思 。 好 啊 ! 就算 係 丞相 嘅 鐵甲 馬 軍 嚟 到 , 關某 亦 願意 決一死戰 ! 兄長 唔 使 疑心 嘅 , 丞相 嚟 到 就 知 嘞 。 關雲長 策馬 行上 道 橋處 , 見到 曹操 帶住 幾十人 , 騎住 馬 飛奔 前 嚟 。 曹操 嘅 後 便 , 乃 係 許褚 、 徐晃 、 于禁 、 李典 呢 一班 大將 。 曹操 佢 哋 跑 到 埋 嚟 。 曹操 見到 關公 啊 喺 橋 上 橫刀立馬 , 就 叫 啲 將官 勒住 馬匹 , 一 迾 噉 排開 。 關公 見 大家 手上 都 冇 揸 住 兵器 , 噉 先至 放心 。 曹操 話 嘞 : 雲長 乜 走 得 咁 快 呀 吓 ? 關公 喺 馬上 護一護個 身行個 嚟 。 關某 以前 曾經 同 丞相 講定 㗎 喇 , 而家 故主 喺 河北 , 關某 唔 能夠 唔 快 啲 趕住 去 呀 。 喺 走 之前 , 曾經 屢次 去 相府 但 係 見 唔 到 丞相 , 所以 只 能夠 封金掛印 , 寫封信 向 丞相 告辭 。 希望 丞相 唔 好 忘記 以前 嘅 諾言 啊 。 哦 ? 哈哈哈 哈哈哈 , 點會 呢 ? 我 正 係 要 取信於 天下 , 一定 遵守 諾言 嘅 。 我怕 你 喺 路上 唔 夠 使用 , 特意 準備 咗 啲 路費 送 畀 將軍 。 曹操 噉 樣一講 , 就 有 個 軍官 , 托 咗 一盤 金過 嚟 要 送 畀 關公 。 關公 話 : 過去 已經 得到 丞相 好多 賞賜 , 而家仲有 剩 。 丞相 留返 呢 啲 黃金 愛 嚟 賞 畀 將士 啦 。 誒 , 呢 哋 僅僅 係 用 嚟 酬謝 將軍 嘅 大功 於 萬一 , 何必 推辭 呢 ? 區區 微勞 , 何足掛齒 呢 ? 關公 唔 肯要 。 哈哈哈哈 哈哈哈哈 , 啊 , 雲長 , 你 真 係 天下 之 義士 ! 就 恨 我 福薄 , 留 你 唔 住 呀 ! 關將軍 , 呢 處 有 錦袍 一件 , 送 畀 你 聊表寸心 。 曹操 跟 住 叫 一個 軍官 落馬 , 用 雙手 捧住 錦袍 送 畀 關公 。 關公 怕 有 咩 意外 喎 , 佢 唔 敢 落馬 去 接件 錦袍 。 噉 點樣 接 呢 ? 關公 佢 就 用 把 青龍刀 個 刀尖 , 輕輕 一挑 , 挑起 件 錦袍 披 喺 身上 。 哎呀 ! 送袍 過去 嗰 個 軍官 見 關公 舉起 刀 㨃 過 嚟 , 哈哈 , 嚇到 眯 埋 雙眼 。 只 覺得 手上 一輕 , 錦袍 已經 離 咗 手 嘞 。 曹操 佢 哋 成 班 人 個個 都 睇 到 擘 大個 口 。 關公 接受 咗 件 錦袍 , 勒轉 隻 馬 , 向 住 去路 。 自己 擰 轉頭 多謝 曹操 : 多謝 丞相 賜 袍 , 第日 有 機會 再見 喇 ! 𠽤𡃈𠽤𡃈𠽤𡃈, 關公 落 咗 橋 , 向 住 北方 飛馳而去 。 許褚忍 唔 住 話 嘞 : 此人 太過 無禮 , 等 我 去 捉 佢 返 嚟 ! 佢 單人 匹馬 , 我 哋 啊 幾十人 , 佢 點 會 唔 疑心 嘅 呢 ? 我 嘅 說話 已經 出口 , 唔 好 追 佢 ! 於是 曹操 就 帶 住 大家 回城 嘞 。 一路 呀 仲猛 咁 想 住 關公 啊 ! 而家 講下 關雲長 嘞 。 佢 一路 去 追返 自己 嗰 架車 同 啲 人 。 大約 行 咗 三十幾 里 , 咦 ? 點解 唔 見影 呢 ? 關雲長 個 心慌 咯 , 騎住 馬 四周圍 咁 去 搵 。 忽然 喺 前面 山頭 有 一個 人 高聲 大叫 : 關將軍 你 等一等 ! 關文 祥擔 高頭 望下 , 只見 一個 後 生仔 係 用 黃巾 扎住頭 , 揸 住 支 長槍 , 騎住 匹 快 馬 , 馬 頸 下 便 掛住 一個 人頭 。 佢 帶 住 百 幾個 步兵 飛奔 過 嚟 。 關雲長 問 佢 : 你 係 邊個 ? 嗰 個 後 生仔 一 嚟 到 , 掉 低 支槍 落 咗 馬 跪 低 就 行禮 。 關雲長 怕 佢 有 咩 詭計 喎 , 就勒定 馬 揸 住 刀 問 佢 : 壯士 , 請問 你 尊姓大名 ? 我 係 襄城 人 , 姓 廖名化 , 字元儉 。 因為 兵荒馬亂 流落江湖 , 聚集 咗 五百 幾人 , 以 搶劫 為生 。 剛才 , 我 嘅 同伴 杜 遠 佢 落山 巡哨 , 將 兩位 夫人 劫 咗 上山 。 我問 啲 隨行人員 , 先至 知道 原來 係 大漢 劉皇叔 嘅 夫人 , 而且 聽講 係 關將軍 親自 護送 嘅 。 我 就 即刻 話 要 送 返 兩位 夫人 落山 。 點知 杜遠 出言不遜 , 我 就 殺 咗 佢 。 而家 , 特意 獻 佢 個 首級 嚟 向 將軍 請罪 ! 兩位 夫人 , 而 家 喺 邊 處 ? 喺 山上 便 。 噉 就 請 壯士 快 啲 送 兩位 夫人 落山 。 遵命 ! 廖化 即刻 帶人 返去 , 冇 幾耐 , 只見 百幾人 簇擁 住 架車 嚟 到 。 關雲長 跳 咗 落馬 , 放低 把 刀 , 恭恭敬敬 噉 行 埋 架車 前 便 向 兩位 嫂嫂 問候 。 兩位 嫂嫂 受驚 , 都 係 小弟 之罪 呀 ! 二叔 , 唔 好 噉 講 。 二叔 呀 , 如果 唔 係 得到 廖 將軍 嘅 保護 , 就 , 就 已經 畀 杜遠 污辱 咗 喇 。 關雲長 就問 啲 隨行人員 : 廖化 係 點樣 救 夫人 㗎 ? 噉 嘅 , 杜遠 劫 咗 兩位 夫人 上山 , 誒 就要 同 廖化 一人分 一個 做 老婆 喎 。 廖化 一 問起 來歷 , 就 非常 之 尊敬 話 要 送 返 兩位 夫人 落山 。 誒 但 係 杜遠 又 唔 聽 佢 話 , 廖化 噉 就 殺 咗 佢 嘞 。 關雲長 聽 咗 之後 , 就 好 多謝 廖化 。 廖化 想 帶 埋 全部 人馬 跟隨 關雲長 嘅 。 但 係 關公 諗 一 諗 : 呢 個人 係 黃巾 餘黨 , 喺 呢 個 時候 帶 埋 一齊 好 不便 嘅 , 就 推 咗 佢 。 噉 廖化 又 話 要 送 啲 金銀 。 關雲長 亦 都 冇 要 。 廖化 只好 拜別 關雲長 , 帶住 啲 人馬 走 返入 深山 嘞 , 呢 啲 呢 就 放落 唔 講住 。 關雲長 呀 睇 住 廖化 帶 人馬 走 咗 。 就 將剛 才 曹操 贈送 錦袍 個 事講 咗 畀 兩位 嫂嫂 知 , 然後 就 催 大家 起 行 。 一直 行到 夜晚 , 去 到 一間 農莊 嗰 處 借宿 。 個 莊主 呀 係 個伯爺 公 , 頭髮 鬍鬚 都 白晒 。 佢 見到 關雲長 一貌 堂堂 就問 : 將軍 姓甚名誰 呀 ? 關雲長 對 佢 行 個 禮 : 我 乃 係 劉玄德 嘅 細 佬 關雲長 。 哦 ! 哦 莫非 就 係 斬 顏良 、 文丑 嘅 關公 係 嘛 ? 係 。 哦 , 素仰 將軍 威名 , 今日 有幸 相見 , 哈哈哈哈 , 誒 請入 嚟 請入 嚟 。 多謝 老人家 , 不過 喺 車上 便仲有 皇叔 兩位 夫人 啊 。 噉 嗰 位 伯 爺 公 就 嗌 佢 老婆 同個 女出 嚟 迎接 兩位 夫人 , 一齊 入到 去 草堂 坐落 。 關公 唔 坐 , 畢恭畢敬 噉 企 喺 兩位 夫人 側跟 。 伯爺 公 就 請 關公 坐 啦 。 關公 話 : 嫂嫂 在 上 , 點 敢坐 呢 ? 原來 關公 係 咁 講 禮 嘅 。 於是 個伯爺 公 , 就 叫 佢 老 妻 請 兩位 夫人 入去 內室 款待 ; 自己 呢 , 就 喺 草堂 款待 關公 。 關公 問伯爺 公叫 咩 名 。 伯爺 公話 : 我姓 胡名華 。 桓 帝 嘅 時候 呢 , 誒 曾經 做 過議 郎 嘅 , 後 嚟 就 辭 咗 官 退休 嘞 。 誒 關將軍 , 而家 想 去 邊處 呢 ? 去 河北 搵 我 兄長 。 哦 , 誒 將軍 要 去 河北 , 誒 必定 經過 滎陽 嘅 。 我 有 個 仔 叫做 胡班 , 而 家 喺 滎陽 太守 王植 部下 做 從事 , 我 想 寫封信 勞煩 將軍 路過 滎陽 嘅 時候 交 畀 佢 , 呵呵 , 唔 知 將軍 肯 唔 肯 呢 ? 應當 效勞 。 關公 佢 哋 喺 胡 華 個 莊院 休息 咗 一晚 。 第 日 , 食完 早飯 , 請 兩位 夫人 上車 ,攞 咗 胡 華 寫 畀 個 仔 嘅 信 , 就 告別 起 行 , 一路 就 去 洛陽 嘞 。 行 啊 行 啊 , 前 便 嚟 到 一個 關隘 叫做 東嶺 關 。 守 關 嘅 將官 姓孔 名秀 , 佢 就 帶 住 五百名 兵丁 喺 嶺上 守衛 。 當日 , 關雲長 一行 人 , 護送 車輛 上嶺 。 軍士 見到 就 去 報告 孔秀 。 孔秀行 出關 嚟 迎接 。 關雲長 落 咗 馬 同 孔秀行 咗 個禮 。 孔秀問 : 將軍 要 去 邊處 呀 ? 我 辭別 咗 丞相 , 要 去 河北 搵 我 兄長 。 去 河北 呀 ? 河北 袁紹 乃 係 丞相 嘅 對頭 嚟 噃, 噉 將軍 你 去 河北 , 有 冇 丞相 嘅 公文 憑證 啊 ? 因為 出發 得 好 倉促 , 未有 攞 到 噃。 既然 係 冇 公文 憑證 , 噉 就要 等 我 稟報 過 丞相 先至 能夠 放行 。 噉 等 你 稟報 得 嚟 , 就 會 耽誤 我 嘅 行程 㗎 喇 。 呢 啲 乃 係 法例 規定 , 唔 係 噉 唔 得 㗎 。 噉 , 你 真 係 唔 放 我過 關係 嘛 ? 你 要 過去 都 得 , 留低 啲 人 喺 度 做 抵押 啦 。 啊 ? 啊 ! 豈有此理 ! 看刀 ! 關公 畀 佢 激 到 發火 , 舉刀 就要 殺 孔秀 。 孔 秀 瀡 聲 退 返 入關 , 氹 氹 聲 打起 戰鼓 , 召集 兵卒 披掛 上馬 就 殺 落關 嚟 。 佢 大聲 噉 嗌: 你仲敢 唔 敢過去 呀 ? 關雲長 叫 車輛 同 啲 隨行人員 退後 啲 , 縱 馬提刀 , 說話 都 唔 講咯 就 直取 孔秀 。 孔秀 挺起 槍 嚟 迎戰 , 兩馬 相交 , 僅僅 一個 回合 , 關雲長 鋼刀 一揮 , 孔秀 呀 當堂 屍橫馬下 。 嗰 班 兵丁 喇喇聲 逃命 喇 。 關雲長 喝 住 佢 哋 話 : 軍士 唔 使 走 ! 我 殺 孔秀 乃 係 不得已 嘅 , 同 你 哋 唔 相干 。 借 你 哋 把 口 , 傳句 說話 畀 曹丞相 聽 , 就 話 孔秀 要害 我 , 所以 我 先 至 殺 咗 佢 唧 。 聽見 未 呀 ? 聽見 呀 聽見 呀 , 誒 誒 , 多謝 將軍 不殺 之恩 喇 ! 嗰 班 兵丁 呀 , 趴 喺 地 嚟 猛 咁 叩頭 。 關雲長 交带 完 嘞 , 即刻 請 兩位 夫人 坐車 出關 , 向 住 洛陽 進發 。 噉 佢 哋 嘅 動靜 呢 , 早就 有 探子 向 洛陽 太守 韓福 報告 咗 。 韓福 急急 召集 所有 嘅 將官 嚟 商量 。 牙將 孟坦話 : 關雲長 既然 冇 丞相 嘅 公文 憑證 , 即 係 私自 逃跑 。 我 哋 如果 唔 攔阻 佢 就 連 我 哋 都 有罪 嘅 喎 。 韓福話 : 關公 咁 勇猛 , 顏良 、 文丑 都 畀 佢 殺 咗 。 我 哋 對 佢 不 能力 敵 , 只 能夠 用計 仔 嚟 捉 佢 嘅 咋 。 大人 , 小將 有 一條 計 。 我 哋 喺 關口 , 用 啲 鹿角 等等 嘅 障礙物 攔住 。 等 佢 嚟 到 嗰 陣 , 小將 呀 帶兵 同 佢 交鋒 , 然後 詐輸 引 佢 嚟 追 。 到 其時 , 大人 你 就 用 暗箭 射 佢 , 如果 射低 咗 佢 , 捉 咗 佢 去 許都 呀 , 梗 有 重賞 啊 ! 呢 條計 好極 喇 ! 我 哋 就 依次 計 行事 啦 ! 呢頭 商量 妥當 , 嗰 頭 探子 嚟 報告 話 關公 佢 哋 嚟 到 嘞 。 韓福 立即 彎弓 插箭 , 帶住 一千 人馬 , 排列 喺 關口 。 韓福問 : 嚟 嘅 係 邊個 啊 ? 關公 就 喺 馬上 護一 護身 佢 話 : 我 係 漢壽 亭 侯 關雲長 , 想 借路 出關 。 有 冇 曹丞相 嘅 公文 憑證 呢 ? 因為 事忙 , 冇 攞 到 啊 。 我 奉 丞相 命令 , 鎮守 呢 處 , 專一 查問 往來 奸細 。 如果 冇 公文 憑證 , 即 係 逃跑 喇 。 吖 吖 呸 ! 東嶺 孔秀 , 已經 畀 我 殺 咗 咯 , 你 亦 係 想 死 係 嘛 ? 孟 將軍 , 你 出馬 同 我 捉 咗 佢 ! 孟坦 一 拍 隻 馬 , 舞起 雙刀 直奔 關雲長 。 關雲長 叫 車輛 退後 啲 , 縱 馬上 前 嚟 迎敵 。 孟坦 打 咗 唔 到 三個 回合 , 撥轉 馬頭 就 走 。 關雲長 策馬 猛追 上去 。 孟坦 本來 一廂情願 , 要 引 關公 嚟 追 , 但 係 佢 點 都 冇 諗 到 關雲長 隻 馬 快 得 咁 犀利 。 追 咗 唔 夠 幾步 , 已經 追上 嚟 。 關雲長 一刀 劈 過去 , 將孟坦 斬 為 兩 橛 。 噉 關雲長 剛剛 勒馬 想返 轉頭 , 韓福 啊 匿 住 喺 門口 , 出盡 飲奶 之力 放 咗 一箭 。 哎呀 ! 正 正 射中 關雲長 隻 左臂 。 關雲長 一口 咬實 支箭 掹 咗 出 嚟 , 啪啪 聲 流血 , 唔 理喇 , 一圈 隻 馬 飛跑 過去 直奔 韓福 , 沖 散 嗰 班 軍 兵 。 韓福 呀 想 走 都 走 唔 切 喇 , 關雲長 手起刀落 , 連頭 帶膊 呀 斬 咗 佢 落馬 。 跟 住 殺 散 咗 啲 軍兵 , 保護 車輛 過關 。 關雲長 撕 咗 塊 布包 住箭傷 , 都 唔 顧得 休息 , 事關 怕 畀 人 哋 暗算 啦 , 漏夜 趕去 汜 水關 。 汜 水關 守 關 嘅 將官 就 姓 卞 名喜 。 佢 最 厲害 就 係 使 流星錘 嘞 。 佢 本來 呢 係 黃巾 餘黨 , 後 嚟 就 投降 咗 曹操 分派 佢 嚟 呢 度 守 關 。 佢 當時 聽聞 關公 就 嚟 要 到 , 就 諗 咗 條計 仔 。 係 噉 嘅 , 喺 關 前 有 間 鎮國寺 , 佢 喺 裏頭 埋伏 定 二百 幾名 刀斧手 。 準備 帶 關公 去 到 鎮國寺 裏頭 就 約定 掟 杯 為 號 , 刀斧手 呢 就 衝出 嚟 殺死 關公 噉 。 好 喇 , 佢 安排 妥當 , 就 出關 去 迎接 關公 啦 。 關公 見到 卞 喜出 嚟 迎接 佢 就 落馬 同 佢 見面 。 卞 喜話 : 關將軍 名 震天 下 , 邊個 唔 敬仰 呢 ? 而家 將軍 又 去 跟 返 皇叔 咯 , 真 係 忠義 呀 ! 關公 就將 斬 孔秀 、 韓 福 嘅 事 講 畀 佢 聽 。 卞 喜話 : 將軍 你 殺 佢 哋 殺 得 啱 啊 殺 得 啱 呀 ! 等 我 見到 丞相 嘅 時候 , 一 定將 你 嘅 苦衷 稟報 畀 丞相 知 。 關公 噉 就 好 歡喜 啦 , 同 佢 一齊 上 返馬 , 過 咗 汜 水關 就 去 到 鎮國寺 落馬 。 佢 哋 一 到 , 一大 班 和尚 , 打響 個 鐘出 嚟 歡迎 。 原來 呢 間 鎮國寺 呀 , 乃 係 漢明帝 御前 香火 寺院 。 寺裏 頭呢 有 三百多個 和尚 嘅 。 其中 有個 和尚 叫做 普淨 , 佢 同 關公 係 鄉里 來 。 當時 普淨 和尚 已經 知道 卞 喜 嘅 用意 。 見到 關公 嚟 到 嘞 , 就 上前 對 關公 打 咗 個 問訊 , 即 係 行 咗 個 和尚 禮呀 。 佢 話 : 將軍 離開 蒲東 幾 多年 喇 ? 哦 , 都 將近 二十年 喇 。 你仲認 唔 認得 貧僧 呢 ? 誒 , 離開 鄉下 咁 多年 咯 , 認 唔 出 咯 。 貧僧 嘅 屋企 , 同 將軍 嘅 屋企 就 係 隔 一條 河 咋 嘛 。 哦 ! 我 都 唔 記得 喇 , 哈哈哈哈 哈哈哈 哈哈哈 。 卞 喜見 普淨 和尚 同關 公認 咗 鄉里 , 仲 傾談 得 咁 親熱 , 怕 佢 會 洩 露 機關 , 就 喝 佢 話 : 我要 請 關將軍 赴宴 , 你 啲 和尚 唔 好 喺 度 亂 咁 噏 嘢 ! 關公 話 嘞 : 噉 唔 係 嘅 , 同鄉 見到 面 , 點會 話 唔 敘下 鄉土 之 舊情 呢 ? 一 於 唔 理 卞 喜 , 繼續 傾 。 普淨 呀 請 關公 去 方丈 飲茶 。 關公 話 嘞 : 兩位 夫人 仲 喺 車上 , 請獻茶 畀 佢 哋 先 啦 。 普淨 就 斟 咗 茶 先 去 請 夫人 飲 , 然後 就 請 關公 入去 方丈 。 方丈 就 係 寺院 嘅 主持人 住 嘅 地方 。 呢 處 冇 外人 嘞 , 普淨用 隻 手 , 將 佢 自己 掛 喺 腰 上 嘅 戒刀 舉 咗 一舉 , 同 關公 打個 眼色 。 哦 ! 關公 會意 嘞 。 喺 方丈 出 嚟 , 就 叫 衛士 揸 住 刀 跟貼 佢 。 卞喜 就 請 關公 去 法堂 宴會 。 關公 話 : 你 請 我 飲酒 , 係 好意 定 係 惡意 呀 ? 卞喜 都 未 嚟 得 及 回答 啊 , 關公 眼快 , 早就 睇 見 掛 喺 牆上 嘅 帷幕 後 便 , 埋伏 咗 刀斧手 。 佢 大喝一聲 話 : 呸 ! 我 以 為 你 係 個 好人 , 竟然 咁 斗膽 ! 卞喜 知道 穿 晒 煲 嘞 , 大聲 嗌 話 快 啲 逳 手 啊 ! 嗰 班 人 正話 想 逳 手 啦 , 正一 係 雞蛋 碰 石頭 啦 , 畀 關公 一劍 一個 , 斬 低 晒 。 卞喜 就 趯 咗 出房 , 跟 住條 長廊 猛 咁 走 。 關公 掉 開 把 劍 , 揸 返起 把 大刀 去 追 佢 。 卞喜 就 暗暗 攞 個 流星錘 出 嚟 , 睺 關公 追到 近 喇 , 豁 咁 一錘 飛過去 , 想 打 關公 。 關公 手急眼快 , 一刀 隔開 咗 , 跟 住 搶 上 兩步 , 一刀 過去 就將 卞 喜 劈開 兩 橛 。 關公 又 連忙 走 去 睇 下 兩位 夫人 , 咦 , 已經 畀 一班 兵丁 圍住 嘞 。 啲 兵丁 見到 關公 殺氣騰騰 噉 追過 嚟 , 瀡 噉 就 走散 晒 , 噉 就 平安 冇 事 啦 。 關公 見到 普淨 和尚 就 多謝 佢 話 : 如果 唔 係 師父 , 早就 畀 呢 個 奸賊 害死 咯 。 豈敢 豈敢 , 貧僧 唔 能夠 再 喺 呢 度 住 落 去 嘞 。 我 都 要 收拾 衣缽出 外地 雲遊 , 後會有期 ! 將軍 多多保重 啊 ! 關公 多謝 過普淨 , 護送 車輛 離開 鎮國寺 , 向 住 滎陽 進發 嘞 。 嗰 個 滎陽 太守 叫做 王植 , 同 洛陽 太守 韓福 呢 係 兩 親家 嚟 。 而家 王植 聽聞 韓福 畀 關公 殺 咗 , 好 嬲 喇 , 就 諗 計要 暗害 關公 。 同時 呢 , 一 早就 派 人 守住 關口 。 呢 一日 , 關公 嚟 到 嘞 。 王植出 到 關口 笑口吟吟 噉 嚟 迎接 關公 。 啊 ! 關將軍 駕到 有失遠迎 , 請 將軍 恕罪 ! 小將 嚟 得 匆忙 , 請 太守 唔 好 見怪 。 請問 關將軍 要 去 邊處 呢 ? 護送 兩位 嫂嫂 , 去 河北 尋找 兄長 。 哦 , 誒 將軍 一路 鞍馬勞頓 , 兩位 夫人 亦 係 困倦 喇 , 不如 請入 城 , 喺 賓館 休息 一 晚 , 聽日 起程 都 未 遲 吖 。 有勞 太守 大人 。 關公 見 王植 態度 咁 殷勤 , 就 稟明 兩位 夫人 就 一齊 入 城 , 去 到 賓館 。 賓館 裏頭 樣樣 都 準備 得 乾淨 企理 齊齊整整 , 噉 喺 度過 夜 十分 舒適 。 安排 好 之後 , 王植話 要 請 關公 去 赴宴 。 關公 話 多謝 晒 嘞 , 推辭 咗 冇 去 。 王植 就 派 人 將圍 酒席 送到 嚟 賓館 。 關公 因為 一路上 啊 確實 係 辛苦 喇 。 等 兩位 夫人 食完 晚飯 , 就 請 佢 哋 去 正房 休息 。 吩咐 啲 隨從 啊 餵飽 啲 馬匹 之後 就 各自 去 瞓 啦 噉 。 佢 自己 呢 , 亦 都 解開 盔甲 休息 嘞 。 而家講 下 嗰 個 太守 王植 。 佢 就 叫 胡 班 嚟 , 秘密 噉 吩咐 佢 話 : 嗰 個 關 某 , 背叛 丞相 逃跑 。 又 一路 殺死 太守 同埋 守 關 嘅 將校 , 真 係 死罪 都 嫌 輕 啊 。 此人 英勇 難敵 , 要 捉 佢 呀 極難 嘅 。 你 今晚 帶 一 千軍 兵去 圍住 賓館 , 一人 一支 火把 。 等到 三 更 時分 , 一齊 放火 , 唔 理 係 邊個 ,冚𠾴唥 燒死 晒 佢 哋 。 我 呢 親自 帶兵 接應 。 遵命 ! 胡班 接受 咗 命令 , 就 點齊 兵士 秘密 噉 將 啲 柴草 等等 運到 去 賓館 門口 , 就 約定 時間 準備 逳 手 喇 。

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呢 一日 , 曹操 喺 相府 , 正在 同 佢 嗰 啲 親信 議論 緊 關雲長 嘅 事 。 this|day|Cao Cao|at|the residence of the prime minister|currently|with|he|those|plural marker|trusted advisors|discussing|ongoing|Guan Yu|possessive particle|matter On this day, Cao Cao was in the government office, discussing matters regarding Guan Yu with his trusted aides. 有人 嚟 稟報 話 關雲長 有信 送 嚟 噉 。 someone|come|report|said|Guan Yu||sent|here|like this Someone came to report that Guan Yu had sent a letter. 曹操 接 咗 信 一 睇 , 哎呀 ! 雲長 去 咗 喇 ! Cao Cao|received|past tense marker|letter|one|read|oh no|Yun Chang|left|past tense marker|final particle Cao Cao received the letter and upon reading it, exclaimed, "Oh no! Yun Chang has left!" 喺 呢 個 時候 , 看守 北門 嘅 將官 飛報 嚟 話 : at|this|measure word|time|guard|North Gate|possessive particle|officer|rushed report|came|said At this moment, the officer guarding the north gate rushed in to report: 關公 奪門 而 去 ! 車仗 鞍馬 總共 二十幾 人 , 都 係 向 住 北方 去 㗎 。 Guan Gong|burst through the door|and|left|chariots|horses|a total of|over twenty|people|all|are|towards|facing|north|going|particle indicating certainty "Guan Gong has broken through the gate and left! There are more than twenty people in total, all heading north!" 跟 住 , 關公 住宅 裏 便 嘅 人 嚟 稟報 話 喇 : ||Guan Gong|residence|inside|then|possessive particle|person|come|report|say|final particle Then, someone from Guan Gong's residence came to report and said: 關公 冚𠾴唥 封 起 晒 丞相 所 賜 嘅 金銀財寶 。 Guan Gong|cover up|seal|rise|completely|prime minister|particle indicating action|bestowed|possessive particle|gold silver and treasures Guan Gong has sealed up all the gold and silver treasures given by the Prime Minister. 十名 美女 都 留 低 喺 度 , 另外 喺 內 堂 住 開 。 ten|beautiful women|all|||at|this place|another|at|||| Ten beautiful women stayed here, while others lived in the inner hall. 漢壽 亭 侯個 大印 掛 喺 大堂 之上 。 Han Shou|pavilion|the seal of Hou|great seal|hanging|at|main hall|above The great seal of the Marquis of Hanshou is hanging above the main hall. 丞相 所 撥 嘅 差役 都 冇 帶走 , 只 係 帶 住 原來 跟 嚟 嘅 人員 , 以及 隨身行李 出 咗 北門 走 咗 喇 。 Prime Minister|(particle indicating location)|allocate|(possessive particle)|laborers|all|not|taken away|||||originally|||(possessive particle)|personnel|and|carry-on luggage|exit|past tense marker|North Gate|leave|past tense marker|(particle indicating completed action) The officials assigned by the Prime Minister did not take anything away, only the personnel who originally came along and their personal luggage left through the north gate. 大家 聽 咗 個個 都 愕然 啊 。 everyone|heard|past tense marker|each person|all|shocked|sentence-final particle Everyone was shocked. 唯有 一個 將官 挺身而出 話 : 我願 帶 三千 鐵甲 馬 軍 , 去 生擒 關某 獻 畀 丞相 。 only|one|general|stepped forward|said||to lead|three thousand|armored|horses|troops|to|capture alive|a certain Guan|present|to|chancellor Only one general stepped forward and said: I am willing to lead three thousand armored cavalry to capture Guan and present him to the Prime Minister. 大家 一睇 , 原來 係 蔡陽 將軍 。 everyone|at a glance|originally|is|General Choi Yeung|general Everyone looked and realized it was General Cai Yang. 喺 曹操 部下 , 所有 嘅 將官 當中 呢 , 同 關雲長 交情 深厚 嘅 , 除 咗 張 遼 之外 仲有 一個 徐晃 。 at|Cao Cao|subordinates|all|possessive particle|generals|among|question particle|with|Guan Yu|friendship|deep|possessive particle|except|past tense marker|Zhang|Liao|besides|there is also|one|Xu Huang Among all the generals under Cao Cao, the one who had a deep friendship with Guan Yun Chang, besides Zhang Liao, was Xu Huang. 噉 其餘 嗰 啲 呢 , 對 關雲長 亦 好 敬服 嘅 。 then|the rest|that|plural marker|question particle|towards|Guan Yun Chang|also|very|respectful|possessive particle The others also held great respect for Guan Yun Chang. 就 唯獨 蔡陽 唔 服 佢 , 所以 今日 一 聽聞 話 關雲長 走 咗 唄 , 佢 就 話 要 去 追 。 then|only|Choi Yeung|not|convinced|he|so|today|once|heard|that|Guan Yu|leave|past tense marker|particle|he|then|said|wants|to|chase Only Cai Yang does not respect him, so today as soon as he heard that Guan Yu had left, he said he wanted to chase after him. 曹操 話 : 哎 ! 雲長 不 忘 故主 , 來 去 明白 , 確係 個 大丈夫 啊 ! Cao Cao|said|ah|Yun Chang|not|forget|former lord|come|go|understand|definitely|a|great man|ah Cao Cao said: "Ah! Yun Chang does not forget his former master, coming and going with understanding, truly a great man!" 你 哋 各位 都 好 應該 學 下 佢 呀 ! ||everyone|all|very|should|||he/she|sentence final particle All of you should really learn from him! 程昱 話 喇 : 丞相 , 你 待 關雲長 可謂 情高義厚 。 Cheng Yu|said|particle indicating completion|Prime Minister|you|treat|Guan Yun Chang|can be said to be| Cheng Yu said: "Prime Minister, you treat Guan Yu with great loyalty and righteousness." 而 家 佢 不辭而別 , 只 係 寫封信 嚟 亂講 一通 , 冒犯 丞相 軍威 , 真 係 罪大咯 。 and|family|he|left without saying goodbye|only|is|wrote a letter|to|talk nonsense|all at once|offended|prime minister|military authority|really|is|a great crime Now he has left without saying goodbye, only writing a letter full of nonsense, offending the Prime Minister's military authority, truly a grave offense. 如果 噉 樣放 咗 佢 , 畀 佢 去 投奔 袁紹 , 直情 係 與虎添翼 啦 。 if|like this||past tense marker|him|let|him|go|seek refuge|Yuan Shao|simply|is||particle indicating suggestion or realization If we let him go like this and join Yuan Shao, it would be like adding wings to a tiger. 不如 追去 殺 咗 佢 , 以絕後患 為 好 喎 。 might as well|chase after|kill|past tense marker|him|to eliminate future troubles|as|good|sentence-final particle It would be better to chase after him and kill him to eliminate future troubles. 以前 我 已經 應承 過 佢 㗎 喇 , 點 可以 失信 呢 ? before|I|already|promised|past tense marker|he|sentence final particle|past action particle|how|can|break trust|question particle I have already made a promise to him before, how can I go back on my word? 各為 其主 , 唔 好 去 追 喇 。 ||||go|chase|particle indicating completed action Everyone has their own master, don't chase after him. 曹操 又 對 張 遼話 : Cao Cao|again|to|Zhang| Cao Cao then said to Zhang Liao: 雲長 封金掛印 , 金錢 不能 動其心 , 爵位 不能 移其志 , 呢 種人 我 非常 非常 尊敬 佢 。 Yun Chang|a person of integrity and honor|money|cannot|sway his heart|title|cannot|change his ambition|this||I|very|very|respect|him Yun Chang, with the golden seal and the hanging badge, cannot be swayed by money, nor can his rank change his ambition. I have great, great respect for such a person. 嗯 , 嗯 , 我 諗 佢 行 咗 冇 幾 遠 唧 , 我 索性 做 個人 情 ! hmm||I|think|he|walk|past tense marker|not|very|far|particle|I|simply|do|personal|favor Hmm, hmm, I think he hasn't gone too far, so I'll just do him a favor! 文遠 。 Wen Yuan Wen Yuan. 小將 在 。 young general|is The young general is here. 你 快 啲 去 追 上 佢 , 請 佢 稍 為 留 一 留步 , 等 我 去 同 佢 送行 。 you|||go|||him|please|him|||stay|one|moment|wait|I|go|with|him|see off You quickly go chase after him, please ask him to stay for a moment, so I can go and see him off. 我仲要 送 啲 路費 同埋 送件 錦袍 畀 佢 , 等 佢 日後 做個 紀念 。 |to give|some|travel expenses|and|to send|ceremonial robe|to|him|so that|he|in the future||memento I also need to send some travel expenses and a ceremonial robe to him, so that he can have a memento in the future. 遵命 ! at your command At your command! 張遼得 咗 命令 , 一個 人 騎馬 行先 嘞 。 Zhang Liao|past tense marker|order|one|person|riding a horse|go ahead|sentence-final particle Zhang Liao received the order and rode ahead alone. 曹操 帶住 幾十人 , 隨後 騎馬 亦 趕住 去 嘞 。 Cao Cao|led|several dozen men|soon after|riding a horse|also|hurriedly|went|past tense marker Cao Cao, along with dozens of men, followed on horseback. 有 啲 聽 眾會問 : 喂 , 關公 騎 嗰 匹 馬 係 赤兔馬 嚟 㗎 喎 , 唔 係 話 佢 能夠 日行千里 嘅 ? there is|some|||hey|Guan Gong|rides|that|measure word for horses|horse|is|Red Hare|come|particle indicating certainty|particle indicating realization|not|is|saying|he|able to|travel a thousand miles a day|possessive particle Some audience members might ask: Hey, isn't the horse that Guan Gong rides the Red Hare, which is said to be able to travel a thousand miles a day? 噉 張 遼 、 曹操 佢 哋 係 點 追 得到 㗎 ? then|Zhang|Liao|Cao Cao|they|plural marker|are|how|catch up|able to|question particle So how did Zhang Liao and Cao Cao manage to catch up? 嘿嘿 , 冇 錯 , 赤兔馬 呢 係 跑得快 , 日行千里 。 hehe|not|wrong|Red Hare|this|is|runs fast|travels a thousand miles a day Hehe, that's right, the Red Hare horse runs fast, covering a thousand miles a day. 如果 放開 四蹄 快 跑 呀 , 佢 哋 係 追 唔 到 嘅 。 if|let go|all four hooves|quickly|run|particle|he|plural marker|is|chase|not|catch|particle If it were to run freely, they wouldn't be able to catch up. 但 係 噉 喎 , 呢 次 關雲長 佢 唔 係 自己 一個 人 走 個 喎 , 佢 要 護送 兩位 嫂嫂 一齊 去 河北 㗎 嘛 。 |||particle||||he||||||||||needs|escort|two|sisters-in-law|together|go|Hebei|particle|particle But you see, this time Guan Yu is not traveling alone; he has to escort two sisters-in-law to Hebei. 所以 佢 只 能夠 勒住 馬 韁 , 跟 住 架車 慢慢 行 㗎 啫 。 so|he|only|can|hold|horse|reins|||the car|slowly|drive|particle|only So he can only hold the reins and follow the cart slowly. 所以 張 遼 佢 哋 呀 就 好容易 追得 上 佢 嘞 。 so|Zhang|Liao|he|they|particle|then|very easily|||him|particle So, Zhang Liao and his men were able to catch up to him easily. 關雲長 行行 下 , 忽然 聽見 背後 有人 大聲 噉 嗌: 雲長 唔 好 行住 呀 ! Guan Yun Chang|walking|down|suddenly|heard|behind|someone|loudly|like that|shout|Yun Chang|not|good|walking|particle Guan Yunchang was walking when suddenly he heard someone shouting loudly from behind: "Yun Chang, don't keep walking!" 擰 轉頭 一望 , 只見 張 遼 拍馬 飛奔 而 嚟 。 |turn his head|with one glance|only saw|Zhang|Liao|spurring his horse|galloping|and|coming He turned his head and saw Zhang Liao galloping towards him. 關雲長 即刻 叫 啲 隨行人員 , 護送 車輛 跟 住 大路 向前 便 快 啲 行 。 Guan Yun Chang|immediately|call|some|accompanying personnel|escort|vehicle|||main road|forward|then|fast|a bit|move Guan Yunchang immediately called his attendants to escort the vehicles and quickly move forward along the main road. 自己 呢 , 勒住 赤兔馬 , 按定 青龍刀 喺 路 中心 處 等 。 myself|question particle|holding|Red Hare horse|pressing down|Green Dragon saber|at|road|center|place|waiting As for himself, he reined in his red hare horse and positioned his Qinglong saber in the center of the road to wait. 好 快脆 , 張 遼 飛馬 跑 到 嚟 喇 : 雲 長兄 , 請 你 唔 好 行住 呀 。 very|fast and agile|Zhang|Liao|Flying Horse|run|arrive|here|particle indicating completed action|Yun|elder brother|please|you|not|very|walk|particle indicating a question or exclamation So fast, Zhang Liao's cavalry has arrived: Brother Yun, please do not leave yet. 文遠 , 莫非 你 要 追 我 返 去 係 嘛 ? Man Yuen|could it be|you|want|chase|me|return|go|is|question particle Wen Yuan, are you planning to chase me back? 唔 係 , 唔 係 呀 。 ||||particle No, no. 丞相 知道 兄長 要 走 嘞 , 想 嚟 送行 , 特登 叫 我 先行一步 , 請 兄長 稍 為 等 一陣 唧 , 並 冇 其他 意思 。 Prime Minister|knows|elder brother|to|leave|past action particle|wants|to come|see off|specially|asked|I|to go ahead one step|please|elder brother|a little|to|wait|a moment|to leave|and|not have|other|intentions The Prime Minister knows that my brother is leaving, and wants to see him off, so he specially asked me to go ahead first. Please wait a moment, brother, there is no other intention. 好 啊 ! 就算 係 丞相 嘅 鐵甲 馬 軍 嚟 到 , 關某 亦 願意 決一死戰 ! Alright! Even if the Prime Minister's armored cavalry arrives, Guan will still be willing to fight to the death! 兄長 唔 使 疑心 嘅 , 丞相 嚟 到 就 知 嘞 。 elder brother|not|need|suspicion|possessive particle|prime minister|||then|knows|past tense particle Brother, there is no need to be suspicious, the Prime Minister will know when he arrives. 關雲長 策馬 行上 道 橋處 , 見到 曹操 帶住 幾十人 , 騎住 馬 飛奔 前 嚟 。 Guan Yu|riding|riding up|road|bridge|saw|Cao Cao|leading|dozens of men|riding|horses|galloping|forward|coming Guan Yunchang rode his horse up to the bridge and saw Cao Cao leading dozens of men, riding their horses and rushing forward. 曹操 嘅 後 便 , 乃 係 許褚 、 徐晃 、 于禁 、 李典 呢 一班 大將 。 Cao Cao|possessive particle|rear|then|actually|is|Xu Chu|Xu Huang|Yu Jin|Li Dian|this|a group of|generals Behind Cao Cao were generals like Xu Chu, Xu Huang, Yu Jin, and Li Dian. 曹操 佢 哋 跑 到 埋 嚟 。 Cao Cao|he|they|run|to|together|here Cao Cao and his men ran over. 曹操 見到 關公 啊 喺 橋 上 橫刀立馬 , 就 叫 啲 將官 勒住 馬匹 , 一 迾 噉 排開 。 Cao Cao|saw|Guan Gong|ah|at|bridge|on|ready to fight|then|ordered|the|generals|rein in|horses|one|suddenly|like this|to move aside When Cao Cao saw Guan Gong standing on the bridge with his sword drawn, he ordered his officers to rein in their horses and spread out. 關公 見 大家 手上 都 冇 揸 住 兵器 , 噉 先至 放心 。 Guan Gong|saw|everyone|in hand|all|not have|holding|continuous|weapons|then|only then|feel at ease Guan Gong saw that everyone did not have weapons in their hands, so he felt at ease. 曹操 話 嘞 : 雲長 乜 走 得 咁 快 呀 吓 ? Cao Cao|said|past tense marker|Yun Chang|why|run|so|that|fast|sentence-final particle|surprised particle Cao Cao said: "Yun Chang, why are you running so fast?" 關公 喺 馬上 護一護個 身行個 嚟 。 Guan Gong|is|on horseback|||come Guan Gong protected himself while on horseback. 關某 以前 曾經 同 丞相 講定 㗎 喇 , 而家 故主 喺 河北 , 關某 唔 能夠 唔 快 啲 趕住 去 呀 。 Guan certain|previously|once|with|Prime Minister|agreed|particle indicating certainty|particle indicating completed action|now|lord|at|Hebei|Guan certain|not|able to|not|||hurry|go|particle indicating urgency Guan has previously agreed with the Chancellor, and now the former lord is in Hebei, so Guan cannot delay and must hurry. 喺 走 之前 , 曾經 屢次 去 相府 但 係 見 唔 到 丞相 , 所以 只 能夠 封金掛印 , 寫封信 向 丞相 告辭 。 at|leave|before|once|repeatedly|go|the Prime Minister's residence|but|was|see|not|arrive|Prime Minister|so|only|able to|seal the official document||to|Prime Minister|take leave Before leaving, he had repeatedly gone to the Chancellor's residence but could not see the Chancellor, so he could only seal the gold and hang the seal, writing a letter to bid farewell to the Chancellor. 希望 丞相 唔 好 忘記 以前 嘅 諾言 啊 。 hope|Prime Minister|not|very|forget|past|possessive particle|promise|sentence-final particle I hope the Prime Minister does not forget the promises made in the past. 哦 ? 哈哈哈 哈哈哈 , 點會 呢 ? oh|hahaha||how could|question particle Oh? Hahaha, how could that be? 我 正 係 要 取信於 天下 , 一定 遵守 諾言 嘅 。 I|currently|am|want|gain trust from|the world|definitely|keep|promise|particle indicating possession or modification I am indeed trying to gain the trust of the world, and I will definitely keep my promises. 我怕 你 喺 路上 唔 夠 使用 , 特意 準備 咗 啲 路費 送 畀 將軍 。 |you|at|on the road|not|enough|use|specially|prepared|past tense marker|some|travel expenses|give|to|General I was worried that you wouldn't have enough for the journey, so I specially prepared some travel expenses to give to the general. 曹操 噉 樣一講 , 就 有 個 軍官 , 托 咗 一盤 金過 嚟 要 送 畀 關公 。 Cao Cao|like this|once said|then|there is|a|military officer|entrusted|past tense marker|a tray||here|wanted|to deliver|to|Guan Gong As soon as Cao Cao said this, a military officer came over with a tray of gold to give to Guan Gong. 關公 話 : 過去 已經 得到 丞相 好多 賞賜 , 而家仲有 剩 。 Guan Gong|said|in the past|already|received|Prime Minister|many|rewards||remaining Guan Gong said: In the past, I have already received many rewards from the Prime Minister, and there is still some left. 丞相 留返 呢 啲 黃金 愛 嚟 賞 畀 將士 啦 。 Prime Minister|return|this|plural marker|gold|love|come|reward|give|soldiers|sentence final particle The Prime Minister should keep this gold to reward the soldiers. 誒 , 呢 哋 僅僅 係 用 嚟 酬謝 將軍 嘅 大功 於 萬一 , 何必 推辭 呢 ? hey|this|plural marker|only|is|used|to|reward|general|possessive particle|great achievement|in case of|emergency|why|decline|this Hey, this is merely to express gratitude for the general's great contributions, why refuse it? 區區 微勞 , 何足掛齒 呢 ? trivial|small effort||question particle A small token of effort, what is there to be concerned about? 關公 唔 肯要 。 Guan Gong|not|willing to take Guan Gong is unwilling to accept it. 哈哈哈哈 哈哈哈哈 , 啊 , 雲長 , 你 真 係 天下 之 義士 ! hahaha||ah|Yun Chang|you|||world|possessive particle|righteous hero Hahaha, hahaha, ah, Yun Chang, you really are a hero of the world! 就 恨 我 福薄 , 留 你 唔 住 呀 ! then|hate|I|unfortunate|keep|you|||sentence-final particle I just regret my bad luck, can't keep you! 關將軍 , 呢 處 有 錦袍 一件 , 送 畀 你 聊表寸心 。 General Kwan|this|place|has|brocade robe|one|to give|to you|you|to show a small token of appreciation General Guan, there is a brocade robe here, I send it to you as a token of my feelings. 曹操 跟 住 叫 一個 軍官 落馬 , 用 雙手 捧住 錦袍 送 畀 關公 。 Cao Cao|||ordered|a|military officer|dismount|using|both hands|held up|brocade robe|sent|to|Guan Gong Cao Cao then called a military officer to dismount, using both hands to hold the brocade robe and present it to Guan Gong. 關公 怕 有 咩 意外 喎 , 佢 唔 敢 落馬 去 接件 錦袍 。 Guan Gong|afraid|have|what|accident|particle|he|not|dare|dismount|to|pick up|brocade robe Guan Gong was afraid there might be an accident, so he didn't dare to dismount to receive the brocade robe. 噉 點樣 接 呢 ? 關公 佢 就 用 把 青龍刀 個 刀尖 , 輕輕 一挑 , 挑起 件 錦袍 披 喺 身上 。 like this|how|to receive|question particle|Guan Gong|he|then|used|measure word for tools|Green Dragon Blade|measure word for objects|tip of the knife|gently|with a flick|lifted|measure word for clothing|brocade robe|draped|on|body So how did he receive it? Guan Gong used the tip of his Qinglong knife to gently lift the brocade robe and drape it over himself. 哎呀 ! 送袍 過去 嗰 個 軍官 見 關公 舉起 刀 㨃 過 嚟 , 哈哈 , 嚇到 眯 埋 雙眼 。 oh no|deliver the robe|over there|that|classifier for people|officer|saw|Guan Gong|raised|knife|stab|past|come|haha|scared|||both eyes Oh no! The officer who delivered the robe saw Guan Gong raise the knife and was so scared that he squinted his eyes. 只 覺得 手上 一輕 , 錦袍 已經 離 咗 手 嘞 。 He only felt a lightness in his hand, and the brocade robe had already left his grasp. 曹操 佢 哋 成 班 人 個個 都 睇 到 擘 大個 口 。 Cao Cao|he|plural marker|whole|class|people|everyone|all|see|to|open|big|mouth Cao Cao and his group all looked on with their mouths wide open. 關公 接受 咗 件 錦袍 , 勒轉 隻 馬 , 向 住 去路 。 Guan Gong|accepted|past tense marker|measure word for clothing|brocade robe|reined in|measure word for animals|horse|towards|indicating continuous action|road Guan Gong accepted the brocade robe, turned his horse around, and headed down the road. 自己 擰 轉頭 多謝 曹操 : 多謝 丞相 賜 袍 , 第日 有 機會 再見 喇 ! myself||||Cao Cao||Chancellor||robe|next time|have|||particle indicating completed action I turned my head and thanked Cao Cao: Thank you, Chancellor, for the robe. We will meet again someday! 𠽤𡃈𠽤𡃈𠽤𡃈, 關公 落 咗 橋 , 向 住 北方 飛馳而去 。 the sound of a drum|Guan Gong|fell|past tense marker|bridge|towards|to|north|sped away Guan Gong crossed the bridge and flew northward. 許褚忍 唔 住 話 嘞 : 此人 太過 無禮 , 等 我 去 捉 佢 返 嚟 ! Xu Chu Ren|not|able to|talk|past tense marker|this person|too|rude|let|I|go|catch|him|return|here Xu Chu couldn't help but say: This person is too rude, let me go catch him and bring him back! 佢 單人 匹馬 , 我 哋 啊 幾十人 , 佢 點 會 唔 疑心 嘅 呢 ? he|single|horse|I|plural marker|exclamation particle|several dozen people|he|how|would|not|suspicion|past tense marker|question particle He is alone on horseback, and we have dozens of people. How could he not be suspicious? 我 嘅 說話 已經 出口 , 唔 好 追 佢 ! I|possessive particle|speech|already|spoken out|||chase|him My words have already been spoken, do not chase him! 於是 曹操 就 帶 住 大家 回城 嘞 。 then|Cao Cao|then|||everyone|back to the city|past action marker So Cao Cao took everyone back to the city. 一路 呀 仲猛 咁 想 住 關公 啊 ! all the way|particle indicating surprise|still fierce|so|want|to live|Guan Gong|particle indicating exclamation All the way, they were still thinking about Guan Gong! 而家 講下 關雲長 嘞 。 now|let's talk about|Guan Yu|past tense particle Now let's talk about Guan Yun Chang. 佢 一路 去 追返 自己 嗰 架車 同 啲 人 。 He|all the way|go|catch up with|his own|that|car|with|some|people He was chasing after his own carriage and the people. 大約 行 咗 三十幾 里 , 咦 ? 點解 唔 見影 呢 ? approximately|walked|past tense marker|over thirty|miles|huh|why|not|see|question particle After walking for about thirty-something miles, huh? Why can't I see them? 關雲長 個 心慌 咯 , 騎住 馬 四周圍 咁 去 搵 。 Guan Yu|possessive particle|anxious|sentence-final particle|riding|horse|all around|so|go|find Guan Yun Chang is feeling anxious, riding his horse around looking for something. 忽然 喺 前面 山頭 有 一個 人 高聲 大叫 : 關將軍 你 等一等 ! suddenly|at|in front|hilltop|there is|a|person|loudly|shouted|General Kwan|you| Suddenly, on the mountain ahead, a person shouted loudly: "General Guan, wait a moment!" 關文 祥擔 高頭 望下 , 只見 一個 後 生仔 係 用 黃巾 扎住頭 , 揸 住 支 長槍 , 騎住 匹 快 馬 , 馬 頸 下 便 掛住 一個 人頭 。 Kwan Man|Cheung Tam|tall|looked down|only saw|a|||was|using|yellow scarf||holding|particle indicating continuous action|measure word for long objects|spear|riding|measure word for horses|fast|horse|horse|neck|under|then|hanging|a|human head Guan Wenxiang looked up and saw a young man with a yellow headband, holding a long spear, riding a fast horse, with a human head hanging from the horse's neck. 佢 帶 住 百 幾個 步兵 飛奔 過 嚟 。 He|brought|carrying|hundred|more than a few|infantry|ran fast|over|here He was accompanied by over a hundred infantrymen rushing over. 關雲長 問 佢 : 你 係 邊個 ? Guan Yu|asked|him|you|are|who Guan Yun Chang asked him: "Who are you?" 嗰 個 後 生仔 一 嚟 到 , 掉 低 支槍 落 咗 馬 跪 低 就 行禮 。 that|measure word|||one|||||gun|on|past tense marker|horse|||then|bowed That young man, as soon as he arrived, dropped his gun, knelt down on the horse, and paid his respects. 關雲長 怕 佢 有 咩 詭計 喎 , 就勒定 馬 揸 住 刀 問 佢 : Guan Yu|afraid|he|has|what|trick|particle||horse|drive|holding|knife|asked|him Guan Yunchang was afraid he had some trick up his sleeve, so he tightened the reins of the horse, held a knife, and asked him: 壯士 , 請問 你 尊姓大名 ? brave man|may I ask|you|honorable surname and full name Brave man, may I ask your esteemed name? 我 係 襄城 人 , 姓 廖名化 , 字元儉 。 I|am|Xiangcheng|person|surname|| I am from Xiangcheng, my surname is Liao and my name is Hua, courtesy name Yuanjian. 因為 兵荒馬亂 流落江湖 , 聚集 咗 五百 幾人 , 以 搶劫 為生 。 because|chaos of war||gathered|past tense marker|five hundred|a few people|by|robbery| Due to the chaos of war, I wandered into the rivers and lakes, gathering over five hundred people, living by robbery. 剛才 , 我 嘅 同伴 杜 遠 佢 落山 巡哨 , 將 兩位 夫人 劫 咗 上山 。 just now|I|possessive particle|companion|Du|Yuan|he|down the mountain|patrol|to take|two|ladies|to rob|past tense marker|up the mountain Just now, my companion Du Yuan went down the mountain to patrol and kidnapped two ladies to bring them up the mountain. 我問 啲 隨行人員 , 先至 知道 原來 係 大漢 劉皇叔 嘅 夫人 , 而且 聽講 係 關將軍 親自 護送 嘅 。 |plural marker|accompanying staff|only then|knew|originally|is|Han Dynasty|Liu Bei|possessive particle|wife|moreover|heard|is|General Guan|personally|escorting|possessive particle I asked the accompanying personnel and only then did I realize that they were actually the wives of the great Han Liu Huangshu, and I heard that they were personally escorted by General Guan. 我 就 即刻 話 要 送 返 兩位 夫人 落山 。 I|then|immediately|said|need to|send|back|two|ladies|down the mountain So I immediately said that I wanted to send the two ladies back down the mountain. 點知 杜遠 出言不遜 , 我 就 殺 咗 佢 。 unexpectedly|Du Yuan|spoke disrespectfully|I|then|||him Unexpectedly, Du Yuan spoke disrespectfully, so I killed him. 而家 , 特意 獻 佢 個 首級 嚟 向 將軍 請罪 ! now|deliberately|offer|he|(measure word)|head|come|to|general|apologize Now, I specially present his head to apologize to the general! 兩位 夫人 , 而 家 喺 邊 處 ? two|ladies|and|home|is|| Where are the two ladies from? 喺 山上 便 。 on|the mountain|convenient They are from the mountain. 噉 就 請 壯士 快 啲 送 兩位 夫人 落山 。 then|just|please|strong man|quickly|more|send|two|ladies|down the mountain Then please ask the brave man to quickly escort the two ladies down the mountain. 遵命 ! at your command As you command! 廖化 即刻 帶人 返去 , 冇 幾耐 , 只見 百幾人 簇擁 住 架車 嚟 到 。 Liao Hua|immediately|bring people|back|not|long|only saw|over a hundred people|crowding around|around|the car|| Liao Hua immediately took people back, and after a while, they saw a hundred or so people crowding around a carriage coming. 關雲長 跳 咗 落馬 , 放低 把 刀 , 恭恭敬敬 噉 行 埋 架車 前 便 向 兩位 嫂嫂 問候 。 Guan Yu|jumped|past tense marker|off the horse|put down|measure word for tools|knife|respectfully|like that|walked|towards||in front of|then|towards|two|sisters-in-law|greeted Guan Yunchang jumped off the horse, put down his sword, and respectfully walked up to the front of the carriage to greet the two sisters-in-law. 兩位 嫂嫂 受驚 , 都 係 小弟 之罪 呀 ! both|sisters-in-law|were startled|all|are|younger brother||sentence-final particle The two sisters-in-law were startled, it’s all my younger brother's fault! 二叔 , 唔 好 噉 講 。 second uncle|not|well|like this|talk Uncle, don’t say that. 二叔 呀 , 如果 唔 係 得到 廖 將軍 嘅 保護 , 就 , 就 已經 畀 杜遠 污辱 咗 喇 。 second uncle|particle indicating surprise|if|||receive|Liao (surname)|general|possessive particle|protection|then|then|already|be|Du Yuan (name)|humiliated|past tense marker|particle indicating completed action Uncle, if it weren't for General Liao's protection, I would have already been insulted by Du Yuan. 關雲長 就問 啲 隨行人員 : 廖化 係 點樣 救 夫人 㗎 ? Guan Yun Chang||the|accompanying personnel|Liao Hua|is|how|save|wife|question particle Guan Yunchang then asked the accompanying personnel: How did Liao Hua save the lady? 噉 嘅 , 杜遠 劫 咗 兩位 夫人 上山 , 誒 就要 同 廖化 一人分 一個 做 老婆 喎 。 like this|possessive particle|Du Yuan|kidnapped|past tense marker|two|wives|to the mountain|eh||with|Liao Hua||one|be|wife|sentence-final particle So, Du Yuan kidnapped two ladies and took them up the mountain, and he wanted to share one with Liao Hua as a wife. 廖化 一 問起 來歷 , 就 非常 之 尊敬 話 要 送 返 兩位 夫人 落山 。 Liao Hua|one|asked about|background|then|very|possessive particle|respectful|said|must|escort|return|two|ladies|down the mountain When Liao Hua asked about their background, he respectfully said he wanted to return the two ladies down the mountain. 誒 但 係 杜遠 又 唔 聽 佢 話 , 廖化 噉 就 殺 咗 佢 嘞 。 eh|||Du Yuan|again|not|listen|he|words|Liao Hua|then|then|kill|past tense marker|him|final particle But Du Yuan didn't listen to him, so Liao Hua killed him. 關雲長 聽 咗 之後 , 就 好 多謝 廖化 。 Guan Yu|heard|past tense marker|after|then|very|grateful to|Liao Hua After hearing this, Guan Yun Chang thanked Liao Hua very much. 廖化 想 帶 埋 全部 人馬 跟隨 關雲長 嘅 。 Liao Hua|wants|to bring|along|all|troops|to follow|Guan Yun Chang|possessive particle Liao Hua wanted to bring all his men to follow Guan Yun Chang. 但 係 關公 諗 一 諗 : 呢 個人 係 黃巾 餘黨 , 喺 呢 個 時候 帶 埋 一齊 好 不便 嘅 , 就 推 咗 佢 。 |is|||||this|||||||measure word|time|bringing|along|together|very|inconvenient|possessive particle|then|pushed|past tense marker|him But Guan Gong thought for a moment: This person is a remnant of the Yellow Turbans, and it is very inconvenient to bring him along at this time, so he pushed him away. 噉 廖化 又 話 要 送 啲 金銀 。 then|Liao Hua|again|said|wants|to give|some|gold and silver Then Liao Hua said he wanted to send some gold and silver. 關雲長 亦 都 冇 要 。 Guan Yu|also|all|not|necessary Guan Yun Chang also did not want it. 廖化 只好 拜別 關雲長 , 帶住 啲 人馬 走 返入 深山 嘞 , 呢 啲 呢 就 放落 唔 講住 。 Liao Hua|had no choice but to|bid farewell to|Guan Yu|taking|plural marker|troops|to leave|return to|deep mountains|past tense marker|this|plural marker|||let go|not|talking about Liao Hua had no choice but to bid farewell to Guan Yun Chang and took his men back into the deep mountains, and this part will not be mentioned. 關雲長 呀 睇 住 廖化 帶 人馬 走 咗 。 Guan Yu|particle indicating exclamation|see|continuous aspect particle|Liao Hua|lead|cavalry|run|past tense marker Guan Yun Chang watched as Liao Hua and his men left. 就 將剛 才 曹操 贈送 錦袍 個 事講 咗 畀 兩位 嫂嫂 知 , 然後 就 催 大家 起 行 。 then|just now|just|Cao Cao|gifted|brocade robe|measure word|matter|past tense marker|to|two|sisters-in-law|know|then|then|urged|everyone|to|depart Just now, I told the two sisters-in-law about the matter of Cao Cao giving me the brocade robe, and then urged everyone to set off. 一直 行到 夜晚 , 去 到 一間 農莊 嗰 處 借宿 。 continuously|walked to|night|||a|farm|||stay overnight We kept walking until night and arrived at a farmhouse to borrow a place to stay. 個 莊主 呀 係 個伯爺 公 , 頭髮 鬍鬚 都 白晒 。 the|landlord|sentence-final particle|is|the old man|grandpa|hair|beard|all|completely white The owner of the farmhouse is an old man, with white hair and beard. 佢 見到 關雲長 一貌 堂堂 就問 : 將軍 姓甚名誰 呀 ? he|saw|Guan Yu|a face|imposing||general|what is your surname and given name|question particle When he saw Guan Yunchang's imposing appearance, he asked: "What is your name, General?" 關雲長 對 佢 行 個 禮 : 我 乃 係 劉玄德 嘅 細 佬 關雲長 。 Guan Yu|to|him|give|a|bow|I|am|is|Liu Xuande|possessive particle|younger|brother|Guan Yu Guan Yunchang replied to him with a bow: "I am Guan Yunchang, the son of Liu Xuande." 哦 ! 哦 莫非 就 係 斬 顏良 、 文丑 嘅 關公 係 嘛 ? oh|oh|could it be|just|is|kill|Yan Liang|Wen Chou|possessive particle|Guan Gong|is|question particle Oh! Oh, could it be that the Guan Gong who killed Yan Liang and Wen Chou is here? 係 。 yes Yes. 哦 , 素仰 將軍 威名 , 今日 有幸 相見 , 哈哈哈哈 , 誒 請入 嚟 請入 嚟 。 oh|I admire|general|illustrious name|today|fortunate|to meet|hahaha|hey|||| Oh, General Su Yang's reputation is remarkable, it's a pleasure to meet you today, hahaha, please come in, please come in. 多謝 老人家 , 不過 喺 車上 便仲有 皇叔 兩位 夫人 啊 。 thank you|old man|but|at|in the car||uncle|two|ladies|ah Thank you, elder, but there are still two ladies, the Emperor's uncle's wives, in the carriage. 噉 嗰 位 伯 爺 公 就 嗌 佢 老婆 同個 女出 嚟 迎接 兩位 夫人 , 一齊 入到 去 草堂 坐落 。 then|that|measure word for people|||paternal uncle|then|called|he|wife|with the||here|to greet|two|ladies|together|entered|to|grass hall|sit down Then that gentleman called his wife and daughter out to welcome the two ladies, and they all went into the cottage to sit. 關公 唔 坐 , 畢恭畢敬 噉 企 喺 兩位 夫人 側跟 。 Guan Gong|not|sit|very respectful|like that|stand|at|two|wives|side Guan Gong did not sit, but stood respectfully beside the two ladies. 伯爺 公 就 請 關公 坐 啦 。 grandfather|honorable|then|please|Guan Gong|sit|particle indicating suggestion or confirmation The elder gentleman then invited Guan Gong to sit. 關公 話 : 嫂嫂 在 上 , 點 敢坐 呢 ? Guan Gong|said|sister-in-law|at|above|how||question particle Guan Gong said: 'Sisters-in-law are present, how can I dare to sit?' 原來 關公 係 咁 講 禮 嘅 。 it turns out|Guan Gong|is|so|talk|about manners|particle indicating possession or description It turns out that Guan Gong speaks of etiquette this way. 於是 個伯爺 公 , 就 叫 佢 老 妻 請 兩位 夫人 入去 內室 款待 ; 自己 呢 , 就 喺 草堂 款待 關公 。 then||honorable|then|called|him|old|wife|invited|two|ladies|to enter|inner room|entertain|himself|particle|then|at|straw hut|entertain|Guan Gong So the elder gentleman asked his wife to invite the two ladies into the inner room to be entertained; as for himself, he would entertain Guan Gong in the cottage. 關公 問伯爺 公叫 咩 名 。 Guan Gong|||what|name Guan Gong asked Uncle, what is your name? 伯爺 公話 : 我姓 胡名華 。 grandfather|said|| Uncle replied: My surname is Hu and my name is Hua. 桓 帝 嘅 時候 呢 , 誒 曾經 做 過議 郎 嘅 , 後 嚟 就 辭 咗 官 退休 嘞 。 Huan|Emperor|possessive particle|time|particle indicating a question|ah|once|to be||official|possessive particle|later|come|then|to resign|past tense marker|official position|retirement|completed action particle During the reign of Emperor Huan, I once served as a court official, but later I resigned and retired. 誒 關將軍 , 而家 想 去 邊處 呢 ? hey|General Kwan|now|want|to go|where|question particle Hey, General Guan, where do you want to go now? 去 河北 搵 我 兄長 。 go|Hebei|find|my|elder brother I am going to Hebei to find my elder brother. 哦 , 誒 將軍 要 去 河北 , 誒 必定 經過 滎陽 嘅 。 oh|eh|general|wants to|go|Hebei||definitely|pass through|Xingyang|possessive particle Oh, hey General, you are going to Hebei, you will definitely pass through Xingyang. 我 有 個 仔 叫做 胡班 , 而 家 喺 滎陽 太守 王植 部下 做 從事 , I|have|measure word for people|son|is called|Hu Ban|and|family|at|Xingyang|governor|Wang Zhi|subordinate|work as|engaged in I have a son named Hu Ban, who is currently serving under the governor Wang Zhi in Xingyang. 我 想 寫封信 勞煩 將軍 路過 滎陽 嘅 時候 交 畀 佢 , 呵呵 , 唔 知 將軍 肯 唔 肯 呢 ? I|want|to write a letter|to trouble|the general|passing by|Xingyang|possessive particle|time|to hand over|to|him|haha|not|||willing|||question particle I would like to write a letter and trouble the General to deliver it to him when passing through Xingyang, hehe, I wonder if the General would be willing to do that? 應當 效勞 。 should|serve It should be my duty to serve. 關公 佢 哋 喺 胡 華 個 莊院 休息 咗 一晚 。 Guan Gong|he|they|at|||possessive particle|courtyard|rest|past tense marker| Guan Gong and his men rested for a night at Hu Hua's manor. 第 日 , 食完 早飯 , 請 兩位 夫人 上車 ,攞 咗 胡 華 寫 畀 個 仔 嘅 信 , 就 告別 起 行 , 一路 就 去 洛陽 嘞 。 the|day|finished eating|breakfast|please|two|ladies|get in the car|take|past tense marker|||wrote|to|measure word|son|possessive particle|letter|then|said goodbye|to|leave|all the way|then|go|Luoyang|past action marker On the day, after having breakfast, I asked the two ladies to get in the car, took the letter that Hu Hua wrote for the child, and then said goodbye and set off, heading towards Luoyang. 行 啊 行 啊 , 前 便 嚟 到 一個 關隘 叫做 東嶺 關 。 ||||||||a|pass|called|Dongling|pass As we walked, we soon arrived at a pass called Dongling Pass. 守 關 嘅 將官 姓孔 名秀 , 佢 就 帶 住 五百名 兵丁 喺 嶺上 守衛 。 guard|pass|possessive particle|officer|||he|then|||500|soldiers|at||defend The officer guarding the pass was named Kong Xiu, and he was stationed there with five hundred soldiers. 當日 , 關雲長 一行 人 , 護送 車輛 上嶺 。 that day|Guan Yu|a group|people|escort|vehicle|up the mountain On that day, Guan Yunchang and his group escorted the vehicles up the mountain. 軍士 見到 就 去 報告 孔秀 。 soldier|saw|then|go|report|Kong Siu The soldiers saw them and went to report to Kong Xiu. 孔秀行 出關 嚟 迎接 。 Hung Sau Hang|exit customs|come|welcome Kong Xiuhang came out to greet. 關雲長 落 咗 馬 同 孔秀行 咗 個禮 。 Guan Yu|got off|past tense marker|horse|and||past tense marker| Guan Yunchang got off his horse and greeted Kong Xiuhang. 孔秀問 : 將軍 要 去 邊處 呀 ? |general|wants|to go|where|question particle Kong Xiu asked: Where are you going, General? 我 辭別 咗 丞相 , 要 去 河北 搵 我 兄長 。 I|bid farewell|past tense marker|Prime Minister|want|go|Hebei|find|my|elder brother I have bid farewell to the Chancellor, and I am going to Hebei to find my elder brother. 去 河北 呀 ? go|Hebei|question particle Going to Hebei? 河北 袁紹 乃 係 丞相 嘅 對頭 嚟 噃, 噉 將軍 你 去 河北 , 有 冇 丞相 嘅 公文 憑證 啊 ? Hebei|Yuan Shao|is|is|Chancellor|possessive particle|rival|come||then|General|you|go|Hebei|have|not have|Chancellor|possessive particle|official document|proof|question particle Yuan Shao from Hebei is the rival of the Prime Minister, so General, if you go to Hebei, do you have the Prime Minister's official documents as proof? 因為 出發 得 好 倉促 , 未有 攞 到 噃。 because|departure|past tense marker|very|rushed|did not|||particle indicating uncertainty Because the departure was very rushed, I haven't been able to get them. 既然 係 冇 公文 憑證 , 噉 就要 等 我 稟報 過 丞相 先至 能夠 放行 。 since|is|no|official document|proof|then|must|wait|I|report|to|Prime Minister|only then|able to|release Since there are no official documents, I need to report to the Prime Minister before I can let you go. 噉 等 你 稟報 得 嚟 , 就 會 耽誤 我 嘅 行程 㗎 喇 。 then|wait|you|report|can|come|then|will|delay|my|possessive particle|schedule|sentence-final particle|particle indicating completed action If I wait for you to report, it will delay my schedule. 呢 啲 乃 係 法例 規定 , 唔 係 噉 唔 得 㗎 。 ||are|the|law|regulations|not|is|like this|||particle indicating certainty These are the regulations set by the law, it can't be done otherwise. 噉 , 你 真 係 唔 放 我過 關係 嘛 ? then|you|||not|let||relationship|question particle So, you really won't let me go, right? 你 要 過去 都 得 , 留低 啲 人 喺 度 做 抵押 啦 。 you|need|to go|all|fine|leave|some|people|at|there|do|mortgage|sentence-final particle You can go, but leave some people here as collateral. 啊 ? 啊 ! 豈有此理 ! 看刀 ! ah|ah|how can this be reasonable| Huh? Ah! This is outrageous! Look at the knife! 關公 畀 佢 激 到 發火 , 舉刀 就要 殺 孔秀 。 Guan Gong|to|him|provoke|to the point of|anger|raise his knife|then would|kill|Kong Xiu Guan Gong was so provoked that he got angry and raised his knife to kill Kong Xiu. 孔 秀 瀡 聲 退 返 入關 , 氹 氹 聲 打起 戰鼓 , 召集 兵卒 披掛 上馬 就 殺 落關 嚟 。 Kong|Hsiu|Liao|sound|retreat|return|enter the pass|drum|beat|sound|raise|war drum|gather|soldiers|put on armor|mount|then|kill|leave the pass|come Kong Xiu retreated into the pass, beating the war drums, gathering soldiers to put on their armor and charge down the pass. 佢 大聲 噉 嗌: 你仲敢 唔 敢過去 呀 ? He|loudly|like that|shouted||not|dare to go over|question particle He shouted loudly: Do you still dare to go over there? 關雲長 叫 車輛 同 啲 隨行人員 退後 啲 , 縱 馬提刀 , 說話 都 唔 講咯 就 直取 孔秀 。 Guan Yu|shouted|vehicle|with|plural marker|entourage|step back|a bit|urged||talking|all|not|said|then|directly attacked|Kong Xiu Guan Yunchang ordered the vehicles and the accompanying personnel to retreat, brandishing his sword, and without saying a word, he directly charged at Kong Xiu. 孔秀 挺起 槍 嚟 迎戰 , 兩馬 相交 , 僅僅 一個 回合 , 關雲長 鋼刀 一揮 , 孔秀 呀 當堂 屍橫馬下 。 Kong Xiu|raised|gun|to|face the battle|two horses|crossed|only|one|round|Guan Yun Chang|steel knife|with one swing|Kong Xiu|ah|on the spot|corpse lying under the horse Kong Xiu raised his spear to meet the challenge, and as the two horses crossed paths, in just one round, Guan Yunchang swung his steel blade, and Kong Xiu fell dead on the spot. 嗰 班 兵丁 喇喇聲 逃命 喇 。 that|group|soldiers|loudly|escape|particle indicating action completion The soldiers fled in a panic. 關雲長 喝 住 佢 哋 話 : 軍士 唔 使 走 ! 我 殺 孔秀 乃 係 不得已 嘅 , 同 你 哋 唔 相干 。 Guan Yu|shouted|at|he|they|said|soldiers|not|need|run away|I|killed|Kong Xiu|only|was|unavoidable|possessive particle|with|you|plural particle|not|related Guan Yunchang shouted at them: Soldiers, there's no need to run! My killing of Kong Xiu was unavoidable and has nothing to do with you. 借 你 哋 把 口 , 傳句 說話 畀 曹丞相 聽 , 就 話 孔秀 要害 我 , 所以 我 先 至 殺 咗 佢 唧 。 borrow|you|plural marker|measure word|mouth|pass the sentence|words|to|Prime Minister Cao|hear|then|said|Kong Xiu|to harm|I|so|I|first|then|kill|past tense marker|he|to stab Borrow your mouth to convey a message to Prime Minister Cao, just say that Kong Xiu wanted to harm me, so I killed him first. 聽見 未 呀 ? hear|not yet|question particle Did you hear that? 聽見 呀 聽見 呀 , 誒 誒 , 多謝 將軍 不殺 之恩 喇 ! heard|particle indicating realization|||||thank you|general|not killing|grace|particle indicating completion I heard it, I heard it, hey hey, thank you General for your mercy! 嗰 班 兵丁 呀 , 趴 喺 地 嚟 猛 咁 叩頭 。 that|group|soldiers|particle|lie|on|ground|here|fiercely|so|bowing Those soldiers are kneeling on the ground, banging their heads hard. 關雲長 交带 完 嘞 , 即刻 請 兩位 夫人 坐車 出關 , 向 住 洛陽 進發 。 Guan Yu|hand over|finished|past action particle|immediately|please|two|ladies|take a car|leave the border|towards|residing|Luoyang|set out Guan Yunchang has finished his instructions, immediately ask the two ladies to get in the carriage and head towards Luoyang. 噉 佢 哋 嘅 動靜 呢 , 早就 有 探子 向 洛陽 太守 韓福 報告 咗 。 then|they|plural marker|possessive particle|movements|question particle|already|has|scout|to|Luoyang|governor|Han Fu|report|past tense marker So, their movements had already been reported to the governor of Luoyang, Han Fu, by scouts. 韓福 急急 召集 所有 嘅 將官 嚟 商量 。 Han Fu|urgently|summon|all|possessive particle|officers|come|discuss Han Fu quickly summoned all the generals to discuss. 牙將 孟坦話 : 關雲長 既然 冇 丞相 嘅 公文 憑證 , 即 係 私自 逃跑 。 General Yajang|said Mantan|Guan Yu|since|no|Prime Minister|possessive particle|official document|proof|then|is|privately|escape The general Maung Tan said: Since Guan Yunchang does not have the chancellor's official document as proof, it means he has escaped privately. 我 哋 如果 唔 攔阻 佢 就 連 我 哋 都 有罪 嘅 喎 。 ||if|not|stop|he|then|even|||all|guilty|particle|particle If we do not stop him, we will be guilty as well. 韓福話 : 關公 咁 勇猛 , 顏良 、 文丑 都 畀 佢 殺 咗 。 Han Fook said|Guan Gong|so|brave|Yan Liang|Wen Chou|all|by|him|killed|past tense marker Han Fu said: Guan Gong is so brave that Yan Liang and Wen Chou were both killed by him. 我 哋 對 佢 不 能力 敵 , 只 能夠 用計 仔 嚟 捉 佢 嘅 咋 。 we|plural marker|against|him|not|ability|rival|only|can||child|to|catch|him|possessive particle|only We are unable to match his abilities, so we can only use tricks to catch him. 大人 , 小將 有 一條 計 。 adult|young general|has|one plan|strategy Sir, I have a plan. 我 哋 喺 關口 , 用 啲 鹿角 等等 嘅 障礙物 攔住 。 we|plural marker|at|checkpoint|use|some|antlers|etc|possessive particle|obstacles|block At the checkpoint, we will use obstacles like deer antlers to block him. 等 佢 嚟 到 嗰 陣 , 小將 呀 帶兵 同 佢 交鋒 , 然後 詐輸 引 佢 嚟 追 。 wait|he|arrives|at|that|time|young general|particle|leads troops|with|him|clash|then|feign defeat|lure|him|to|chase When he arrives, I will lead the troops to engage him, then feign defeat to lure him into chasing. 到 其時 , 大人 你 就 用 暗箭 射 佢 , 如果 射低 咗 佢 , 捉 咗 佢 去 許都 呀 , 梗 有 重賞 啊 ! at|that time|adult|you|then|use|hidden arrow|shoot|him|if|shot down|past tense marker|him|catch|past tense marker|him|go|Xu Du|sentence-final particle|surely|have|heavy reward|exclamatory particle At that time, sir, you can shoot him with a hidden arrow. If you manage to take him down, capturing him will surely earn you a great reward! 呢 條計 好極 喇 ! 我 哋 就 依次 計 行事 啦 ! this||extremely good|particle indicating completed action|I|plural marker|then|in order|plan|act| This plan is excellent! We will proceed step by step! 呢頭 商量 妥當 , 嗰 頭 探子 嚟 報告 話 關公 佢 哋 嚟 到 嘞 。 this side|discuss|properly|that|side|scout|come|report|saying|Guan Gong|he|they|||already After discussing this side, the scouts came back to report that Guan Gong and his men have arrived. 韓福 立即 彎弓 插箭 , 帶住 一千 人馬 , 排列 喺 關口 。 Han Fu|immediately|draw bow|nock arrow|leading|one thousand|troops|arranged|at|the pass Han Fu immediately bent his bow and notched an arrow, leading a thousand troops, arranged at the pass. 韓福問 : 嚟 嘅 係 邊個 啊 ? Han Fook asked|come|possessive particle|is|who|question particle Han Fu asked: Who is coming? 關公 就 喺 馬上 護一 護身 佢 話 : Guan Gong|then|at|immediately|protect|protect oneself|he|said Guan Gong then protected himself on horseback and said: 我 係 漢壽 亭 侯 關雲長 , 想 借路 出關 。 I|am|Han Shou|Pavilion|Marquis|Guan Yun Chang|want|borrow a road|exit the pass I am Guan Yu, the Marquis of Hanshou, and I want to borrow the road to leave the pass. 有 冇 曹丞相 嘅 公文 憑證 呢 ? is there|not have|Prime Minister Cao|possessive particle|official document|certificate|question particle Do you have the official document from Prime Minister Cao? 因為 事忙 , 冇 攞 到 啊 。 because|busy with work|didn't|||sentence-final particle I was busy and couldn't get it. 我 奉 丞相 命令 , 鎮守 呢 處 , 專一 查問 往來 奸細 。 I|receive|Prime Minister|order|garrison|this|place|solely|interrogate|coming and going|spies I am under the command of the Prime Minister, stationed here to specifically investigate any treachery. 如果 冇 公文 憑證 , 即 係 逃跑 喇 。 if|no|document|proof|then|is|escape|particle indicating completed action If there is no official document, it means you are trying to escape. 吖 吖 呸 ! 東嶺 孔秀 , 已經 畀 我 殺 咗 咯 , 你 亦 係 想 死 係 嘛 ? ah||pui|Tung Ling|Hung Sau|already|by|I|kill|past tense marker|final particle|you|also|are|want|die|are|question particle Ah ah, spit! Dongling Kongxiu has already been killed by me, do you also want to die? 孟 將軍 , 你 出馬 同 我 捉 咗 佢 ! General Meng|General|you|come out|with|I|catch|past tense marker|him General Meng, you go out and catch him with me! 孟坦 一 拍 隻 馬 , 舞起 雙刀 直奔 關雲長 。 Meng Tan|one|slap|measure word for animals|horse|brandish|dual swords|charge straight at|Guan Yun Chang Meng Tan slapped the horse, brandished his dual blades, and charged straight at Guan Yunchang. 關雲長 叫 車輛 退後 啲 , 縱 馬上 前 嚟 迎敵 。 Guan Yu|shouted|vehicle|back up|a little|let||forward|come|meet the enemy Guan Yunchang ordered the vehicles to back up a bit, then rode forward to meet the enemy. 孟坦 打 咗 唔 到 三個 回合 , 撥轉 馬頭 就 走 。 Montan|fight|past tense marker|not|reach|three|rounds|turn|horse's head|then|leave Meng Tan couldn't land a hit after three exchanges, turned the horse's head, and ran away. 關雲長 策馬 猛追 上去 。 Guan Yu|ride his horse|fiercely chased|up Guan Yun Chang rode his horse and chased fiercely. 孟坦 本來 一廂情願 , 要 引 關公 嚟 追 , 但 係 佢 點 都 冇 諗 到 關雲長 隻 馬 快 得 咁 犀利 。 Montan|originally|one-sidedly|wanted|to invite|Guan Gong|to come|chase|||he|how|at all|not|thought|to|Guan Yun Chang|measure word for animals|horse|fast|to be|so|powerful Meng Tan was originally one-sidedly wishing to lure Guan Gong to chase, but he never thought that Guan Yun Chang's horse was so fast. 追 咗 唔 夠 幾步 , 已經 追上 嚟 。 chase|past tense marker|not|enough|a few steps|already|catch up|here After chasing for just a few steps, he had already caught up. 關雲長 一刀 劈 過去 , 將孟坦 斬 為 兩 橛 。 Guan Yu|one stroke|slash|past||chop|into|two|pieces Guan Yun Chang swung his sword and struck, cutting Meng Tan in two. 噉 關雲長 剛剛 勒馬 想返 轉頭 , 韓福 啊 匿 住 喺 門口 , 出盡 飲奶 之力 放 咗 一箭 。 then|Guan Yu|just now|rein in the horse|wanted to return|turn around|Han Fu|ah|hide|continuous aspect particle|at|the door|exerted all|drinking milk|strength|shot|past tense marker|an arrow At that moment, Guan Yun Chang had just reined in his horse and was about to turn back, when Han Fu, hiding at the door, used all his strength to shoot an arrow. 哎呀 ! 正 正 射中 關雲長 隻 左臂 。 oh no|just||hit|Guan Yu|measure word for limbs|left arm Oh no! It hit Guan Yu's left arm directly. 關雲長 一口 咬實 支箭 掹 咗 出 嚟 , 啪啪 聲 流血 , 唔 理喇 , 一圈 隻 馬 飛跑 過去 直奔 韓福 , 沖 散 嗰 班 軍 兵 。 Guan Yun Chang|with one bite|bit down hard|arrow|pulled|past tense marker|out|come|popping|sound|bleeding|||a circle|measure word for animals|horse|ran fast|past|directly rushed towards|Han Fu|charged|scattered|that|group|military|soldiers Guan Yu bit down on the arrow and pulled it out, blood gushing out. Without caring, a group of horses ran past, charging straight at Han Fu, scattering the soldiers. 韓福 呀 想 走 都 走 唔 切 喇 , 關雲長 手起刀落 , 連頭 帶膊 呀 斬 咗 佢 落馬 。 Han Fu|particle|want|to leave|all||||particle|Guan Yu|with a swift motion of his hand|including the head|and shoulder|particle|to chop|past tense marker|he|off the horse Han Fu couldn't escape even if he wanted to. Guan Yu raised his knife and chopped him off his horse. 跟 住 殺 散 咗 啲 軍兵 , 保護 車輛 過關 。 ||kill|disperse|past tense marker|plural marker|soldiers|protect|vehicle|pass through customs Then he killed the scattered soldiers to protect the vehicles and get through. 關雲長 撕 咗 塊 布包 住箭傷 , 都 唔 顧得 休息 , 事關 怕 畀 人 哋 暗算 啦 , 漏夜 趕去 汜 水關 。 Guan Yu|tore|past tense marker|measure word for flat objects|cloth bag||all|not|able to care for|rest|concerning|afraid|to be|people|plural marker|ambush|sentence final particle|late at night|rushed to|| Guan Yu tore a piece of cloth to wrap around his arrow wound, not caring to rest, as he was afraid of being ambushed, and hurried to the Cishui Pass. 汜 水關 守 關 嘅 將官 就 姓 卞 名喜 。 Si|Shuikuan|defend|pass|possessive particle|officer|then|surname|Bian| The general guarding the Sui Water Pass is named Bian Xi. 佢 最 厲害 就 係 使 流星錘 嘞 。 he|most|powerful|then|is|use|meteor hammer|past tense marker His greatest skill is using the meteor hammer. 佢 本來 呢 係 黃巾 餘黨 , 後 嚟 就 投降 咗 曹操 分派 佢 嚟 呢 度 守 關 。 he|originally|this|was|Yellow Turban|remnants|later|came|then|surrendered|past tense marker|Cao Cao|assigned|him|to come|this|place|guard|pass Originally, he was part of the remnants of the Yellow Turbans, but later he surrendered to Cao Cao who assigned him to guard this place. 佢 當時 聽聞 關公 就 嚟 要 到 , 就 諗 咗 條計 仔 。 he|at that time|heard|Guan Gong|then|come|to|arrive|then|thought|past tense marker|plan|child When he heard that Guan Gong was coming, he thought of a plan. 係 噉 嘅 , 喺 關 前 有 間 鎮國寺 , 佢 喺 裏頭 埋伏 定 二百 幾名 刀斧手 。 is|||at|Guan|in front of|there is|measure word for buildings|Zhen Guo Temple|he|in|inside|ambushed|or|two hundred||swordsmen So, there is a Zhen Guo Temple in front of the pass, and he ambushed over two hundred axe-wielding men inside. 準備 帶 關公 去 到 鎮國寺 裏頭 就 約定 掟 杯 為 號 , 刀斧手 呢 就 衝出 嚟 殺死 關公 噉 。 prepare|bring|Guan Gong|go|arrive|Zhen Guo Temple|inside|then|agreed|throw|cup|as|signal|axe and swordman|question particle|then|rush out|come|kill|Guan Gong|like that Prepare to bring Guan Gong to the Zhen Guo Temple, and agree to throw cups as a signal, then the knife and axe men will rush out to kill Guan Gong. 好 喇 , 佢 安排 妥當 , 就 出關 去 迎接 關公 啦 。 good|particle indicating completion|he|arrange|properly|then|go through customs|go|welcome|Guan Gong|particle indicating suggestion or confirmation Alright, he has made proper arrangements, so let's go out to welcome Guan Gong. 關公 見到 卞 喜出 嚟 迎接 佢 就 落馬 同 佢 見面 。 Guan Gong|saw|Bian|happy|come|welcome|him|then|dismounted|with|him|met When Guan Gong saw Bian Xi coming out to greet him, he dismounted and met with him. 卞 喜話 : 關將軍 名 震天 下 , 邊個 唔 敬仰 呢 ? Bian|said|General Kwan|name|Zhen Tian|under|who|not|admire|this Bian Xi said: "General Guan's name shakes the world, who does not admire him?" 而家 將軍 又 去 跟 返 皇叔 咯 , 真 係 忠義 呀 ! now|general|again|go|follow|return|uncle|sentence-final particle|really|is|loyalty|exclamatory particle Now the general is going to follow the Emperor's uncle, truly loyal and righteous! 關公 就將 斬 孔秀 、 韓 福 嘅 事 講 畀 佢 聽 。 Guan Gong||behead|Kong Hsiu|Han|Fuk|possessive particle|matter|tell|to|him|hear Guan Gong then told him about the matter of killing Kong Xiu and Han Fu. 卞 喜話 : 將軍 你 殺 佢 哋 殺 得 啱 啊 殺 得 啱 呀 ! Bian|said|General|you|kill|he|they|kill|correctly|right|particle|kill|correctly|right|particle Bian Xi said: General, you killed them rightly, you killed them rightly! 等 我 見到 丞相 嘅 時候 , 一 定將 你 嘅 苦衷 稟報 畀 丞相 知 。 when|I|see|Prime Minister|possessive particle|time|one||you|possessive particle|difficulties|report|to|Prime Minister|know When I see the Prime Minister, I will definitely report your grievances to him. 關公 噉 就 好 歡喜 啦 , 同 佢 一齊 上 返馬 , 過 咗 汜 水關 就 去 到 鎮國寺 落馬 。 Guan Gong|like this|then|very|happy|particle|with|he|together|ride|back to horse|pass|past tense marker|Si|Shui Pass|then|go|arrive|Zhen Guo Temple|dismount Guan Gong was very happy, and he got back on the horse with him, and after passing the Zishui Pass, they arrived at the Zhen Guo Temple and dismounted. 佢 哋 一 到 , 一大 班 和尚 , 打響 個 鐘出 嚟 歡迎 。 They|plural marker|one|arrive|||monks|ring|the||here|welcome When they arrived, a large group of monks rang the bell to welcome them. 原來 呢 間 鎮國寺 呀 , 乃 係 漢明帝 御前 香火 寺院 。 originally|this|measure word for buildings|Zhen Guo Temple|particle indicating surprise|actually|is|Emperor Ming of Han|in front of the emperor|incense and prayers|temple It turns out that this Zhen Guo Temple is a temple for incense offerings to Emperor Ming of Han. 寺裏 頭呢 有 三百多個 和尚 嘅 。 inside the temple|on the head|there are|more than three hundred|monks|possessive particle There are more than three hundred monks in the temple. 其中 有個 和尚 叫做 普淨 , 佢 同 關公 係 鄉里 來 。 among them|there is a|monk|named|Pujing|he|and|Guan Gong|is|village|local Among them, there is a monk named Pu Jing, who is from the same village as Guan Gong. 當時 普淨 和尚 已經 知道 卞 喜 嘅 用意 。 at that time|Pujing|monk|already|knew|Bian|Xi|possessive particle|intention At that time, Monk Pu Jing already knew about Bian Xi's intentions. 見到 關公 嚟 到 嘞 , 就 上前 對 關公 打 咗 個 問訊 , 即 係 行 咗 個 和尚 禮呀 。 saw|Guan Gong|||past tense marker|then|stepped forward|to||ask|past tense marker|measure word|inquiry|||perform|past tense marker|measure word|monk|greeting When he saw Guan Gong arrive, he stepped forward to greet him, performing a monk's salute. 佢 話 : 將軍 離開 蒲東 幾 多年 喇 ? he|said|the general|leave|Pung Dong|how||particle indicating completed action He said: How many years has the general been away from Pudding? 哦 , 都 將近 二十年 喇 。 oh|already|nearly|twenty years|particle indicating completed action Oh, it's almost twenty years. 你仲認 唔 認得 貧僧 呢 ? |||monk|question particle Do you still recognize the monk? 誒 , 離開 鄉下 咁 多年 咯 , 認 唔 出 咯 。 eh|leave|countryside|so|many years|particle||||particle Eh, it's been so many years since I left the countryside, I can't recognize him. 貧僧 嘅 屋企 , 同 將軍 嘅 屋企 就 係 隔 一條 河 咋 嘛 。 poor monk|possessive particle|home|and|general||home|just|is|separated|one|river|only|question particle The monk's house is just across a river from the general's house. 哦 ! 我 都 唔 記得 喇 , 哈哈哈哈 哈哈哈 哈哈哈 。 oh|I|also|not|remember|past tense particle|hahaha|haha| Oh! I don't remember either, hahahaha hahahaha hahahaha. 卞 喜見 普淨 和尚 同關 公認 咗 鄉里 , 仲 傾談 得 咁 親熱 , 怕 佢 會 洩 露 機關 , 就 喝 佢 話 : Bian|Xijian|Pujing|monk||publicly recognized|past tense marker|village|still|talking|so|so|friendly|afraid|he|will|||secret|then|scolded|him|words Bian Xi saw that the monk Pu Jing and Guan Gong were recognized in the village, and they were talking so intimately that he was afraid they would leak secrets, so he said to him: 我要 請 關將軍 赴宴 , 你 啲 和尚 唔 好 喺 度 亂 咁 噏 嘢 ! I want|to invite|General Kwan|to the banquet|you|plural marker|monks|||at|here|randomly|so|talk|nonsense I want to invite General Guan to a banquet, you monks shouldn't be talking nonsense here! 關公 話 嘞 : 噉 唔 係 嘅 , 同鄉 見到 面 , 點會 話 唔 敘下 鄉土 之 舊情 呢 ? Guan Gong|said|past tense marker|then|not|is|question particle|fellow townsman|seeing|face|how could|say|not|reminisce about|hometown|possessive particle|old feelings|question particle Guan Gong replied: That's not the case, when fellow villagers meet, how can we not reminisce about our hometown? 一 於 唔 理 卞 喜 , 繼續 傾 。 one|at|not|care|about|happy|continue|talking Anyway, Bian Xi ignored him and continued talking. 普淨 呀 請 關公 去 方丈 飲茶 。 Pu Jing|particle|please|Guan Gong|go|abbot|drink tea Pu Jing said, 'Please invite Guan Gong to the abbot's place for tea.' 關公 話 嘞 : 兩位 夫人 仲 喺 車上 , 請獻茶 畀 佢 哋 先 啦 。 Guan Gong|said|past tense marker|two|wives|still|at|in the car||to|them|plural marker|first|sentence-final particle Guan Gong replied, 'The two ladies are still in the car, please serve them tea first.' 普淨 就 斟 咗 茶 先 去 請 夫人 飲 , 然後 就 請 關公 入去 方丈 。 Pu Jing|then|pour|past tense marker|tea|first|go|invite|lady|drink|then|then|invite|Guan Gong|enter|abbot Pu Jing then poured tea and went to invite the ladies to drink, and then invited Guan Gong into the abbot's place. 方丈 就 係 寺院 嘅 主持人 住 嘅 地方 。 abbot|just|is|temple|possessive particle|host|live|possessive particle|place The abbot's place is where the head of the temple resides. 呢 處 冇 外人 嘞 , 普淨用 隻 手 , 將 佢 自己 掛 喺 腰 上 嘅 戒刀 舉 咗 一舉 , 同 關公 打個 眼色 。 ||no|outsiders|past action particle||measure word for one|hand|to take|he|himself|hang|at|waist|on|possessive particle|sabre|raise|past action particle|one motion|with|Guan Gong|give a|signal There were no outsiders here, Pu Jing raised the dagger he had hanging at his waist with one hand and exchanged a glance with Guan Gong. 哦 ! oh Oh! 關公 會意 嘞 。 Guan Gong|understand|past tense particle Guan Gong understands. 喺 方丈 出 嚟 , 就 叫 衛士 揸 住 刀 跟貼 佢 。 at|abbot|exit|come|then|ordered|guard|hold|firmly|knife|closely follow|him When he comes out of the abbot's room, he tells the guards to hold the knife and follow him closely. 卞喜 就 請 關公 去 法堂 宴會 。 Bianxi|then|invite|Guan Gong|to go|courtroom|banquet Bian Xi then invites Guan Gong to a banquet in the court. 關公 話 : 你 請 我 飲酒 , 係 好意 定 係 惡意 呀 ? Guan Gong|said|you|invite|me|drink alcohol|is|good intention|or|is|bad intention|question particle Guan Gong said: "Are you inviting me to drink out of good intentions or bad intentions?" 卞喜 都 未 嚟 得 及 回答 啊 , 關公 眼快 , 早就 睇 見 掛 喺 牆上 嘅 帷幕 後 便 , 埋伏 咗 刀斧手 。 Bianxi|already|not yet|come|able|and|answer|ah|Guan Gong|quick-eyed|long ago|||hanging|at|on the wall|possessive particle|curtain|behind|then|ambushed|past tense marker|axe and sword men Bian Xi still hasn't come to answer, but Guan Gong's eyes are sharp. He has already seen the ambush of the knife and axe men behind the curtain hanging on the wall. 佢 大喝一聲 話 : 呸 ! 我 以 為 你 係 個 好人 , 竟然 咁 斗膽 ! He||said|phew|I|||you|are|a|good person|unexpectedly|so|audacious He shouted loudly, saying: "Pah! I thought you were a good person, but you are so bold!" 卞喜 知道 穿 晒 煲 嘞 , 大聲 嗌 話 快 啲 逳 手 啊 ! Bianxi|knows|wear|sun|boil|past tense particle|loudly|shout|say|fast|a little|take off|hat|ah particle Bian Xi realized he was in deep trouble and shouted loudly, "Hurry up and escape!" 嗰 班 人 正話 想 逳 手 啦 , 正一 係 雞蛋 碰 石頭 啦 , 畀 關公 一劍 一個 , 斬 低 晒 。 that|group|people|really|want|to escape|hand|particle|definitely|is|egg|to hit|stone|particle|to give|Guan Gong|one sword|one|to chop|down|completely Those people were just thinking about escaping, but it was like an egg hitting a rock. Guan Gong took them down one by one with his sword. 卞喜 就 趯 咗 出房 , 跟 住條 長廊 猛 咁 走 。 Bianxi|then|kicked|past tense marker|out of the room|followed||long corridor|fiercely|so|ran Bian Xi then rushed out of the room and ran down the long corridor. 關公 掉 開 把 劍 , 揸 返起 把 大刀 去 追 佢 。 Guan Gong|drop|open|measure word for tools|sword|hold|pick up|measure word for tools|broadsword|go|chase|him Guan Gong dropped his sword and picked up a big knife to chase after him. 卞喜 就 暗暗 攞 個 流星錘 出 嚟 , 睺 關公 追到 近 喇 , 豁 咁 一錘 飛過去 , 想 打 關公 。 Bianxi|then|secretly|took|the|meteor hammer|out|here|Hou|Guan Gong|caught up to|close|particle indicating action completion|suddenly|so|one strike|flew over|wanted|to hit|Guan Gong Bian Xi secretly took out the meteor hammer, and when Guan Gong got close, he swung it over to try to hit Guan Gong. 關公 手急眼快 , 一刀 隔開 咗 , 跟 住 搶 上 兩步 , 一刀 過去 就將 卞 喜 劈開 兩 橛 。 Guan Gong|quick to act and quick to see|one stroke|separate|past tense marker|||||two steps|one stroke|past||||split|two|pieces Guan Gong was quick and agile, he sliced it apart with one stroke, then rushed forward two steps and cleaved Bian Xi in two. 關公 又 連忙 走 去 睇 下 兩位 夫人 , 咦 , 已經 畀 一班 兵丁 圍住 嘞 。 Guan Gong|again|hurriedly|walked|to|see|down|two|wives|eh|already|by|a group of|soldiers|surrounded|past tense particle Guan Gong hurriedly went to check on the two ladies, and oh, they were already surrounded by a group of soldiers. 啲 兵丁 見到 關公 殺氣騰騰 噉 追過 嚟 , 瀡 噉 就 走散 晒 , 噉 就 平安 冇 事 啦 。 the|soldiers|saw|Guan Gong|full of killing intent|like that|chased|over|then|like that|then|got separated|completely|like that|then|safely|no|issue|particle The soldiers saw Guan Gong charging over with a fierce aura, so they scattered in all directions, and everything was safe. 關公 見到 普淨 和尚 就 多謝 佢 話 : 如果 唔 係 師父 , 早就 畀 呢 個 奸賊 害死 咯 。 Guan Gong|saw|Pu Jing|monk|then|thanked|him|said|if|not|were|master|long ago|by|||villain|killed|particle indicating completed action Guan Gong thanked Master Pu Jing when he saw him, saying: If it weren't for the master, I would have been killed by this treacherous villain long ago. 豈敢 豈敢 , 貧僧 唔 能夠 再 喺 呢 度 住 落 去 嘞 。 how dare (I)||poor monk|not|able to|again|at|this|place|live|continue|going|past tense particle How dare I, how dare I! The poor monk can no longer stay here. 我 都 要 收拾 衣缽出 外地 雲遊 , 後會有期 ! 將軍 多多保重 啊 ! I|also|need to|pack||abroad|travel|we will meet again|general||ah I also need to pack my belongings and travel to other places. Until we meet again! General, take care! 關公 多謝 過普淨 , 護送 車輛 離開 鎮國寺 , 向 住 滎陽 進發 嘞 。 Guan Gong|thank you|Guo Pujing|escort|vehicle|leave|Zhen Guo Temple|towards|residing|Xingyang|set off|past tense particle After thanking Pu Jing, Guan Gong escorted the vehicle away from the Zhen Guo Temple and headed towards Xingyang. 嗰 個 滎陽 太守 叫做 王植 , 同 洛陽 太守 韓福 呢 係 兩 親家 嚟 。 that|measure word for people|Xingyang|governor|is called|Wang Zhi|and|Luoyang|governor|Han Fu|particle indicating a question or emphasis|is|two|in-laws|come The governor of Xingyang is named Wang Zhi, and he is related by marriage to the governor of Luoyang, Han Fu. 而家 王植 聽聞 韓福 畀 關公 殺 咗 , 好 嬲 喇 , 就 諗 計要 暗害 關公 。 now|Wang Zhi|heard|Han Fu|by|Guan Gong|killed|past tense marker|very|angry|sentence-final particle|then|thought|plan|assassinate|Guan Gong Now, Wang Zhi heard that Han Fu was killed by Guan Gong, and he was very angry, so he thought of a plan to secretly harm Guan Gong. 同時 呢 , 一 早就 派 人 守住 關口 。 at the same time|particle indicating a question|one|long ago|send|people|guard|checkpoint At the same time, someone had already been sent to guard the pass. 呢 一日 , 關公 嚟 到 嘞 。 this|day|Guan Gong|||past tense marker On this day, Guan Gong arrived. 王植出 到 關口 笑口吟吟 噉 嚟 迎接 關公 。 |arrive|customs|smilingly|like that|come|welcome|Guan Gong Wang Zhi went to the pass with a smiling face to welcome Guan Gong. 啊 ! 關將軍 駕到 有失遠迎 , 請 將軍 恕罪 ! ah|General Kwan|has arrived|I failed to welcome you from afar|please|General|forgive my offense Ah! General Guan has arrived, and I failed to welcome you from afar, please forgive me! 小將 嚟 得 匆忙 , 請 太守 唔 好 見怪 。 young general|come|already|in a hurry|please|governor|||take offense The young general has come in a hurry, please do not take offense, Governor. 請問 關將軍 要 去 邊處 呢 ? may I ask|General Kwan|wants|to go|where|question particle May I ask where General Guan is headed? 護送 兩位 嫂嫂 , 去 河北 尋找 兄長 。 escort|two|sisters-in-law|go|Hebei|search for|elder brother I am escorting the two sisters-in-law to Hebei to look for their elder brother. 哦 , 誒 將軍 一路 鞍馬勞頓 , 兩位 夫人 亦 係 困倦 喇 , 不如 請入 城 , 喺 賓館 休息 一 晚 , 聽日 起程 都 未 遲 吖 。 oh|eh|general|all the way|weary from travel|both|ladies|also|are|tired|particle indicating completion|might as well|invite in|city|at|hotel|rest|one|night|tomorrow|departure|still|not|late|particle indicating suggestion Oh, General, you have traveled a long way, and the two ladies must be tired as well. Why not come into the city and rest at an inn for the night? It won't be too late to set off tomorrow. 有勞 太守 大人 。 thank you for your trouble|governor|sir Thank you, Governor. 關公 見 王植 態度 咁 殷勤 , 就 稟明 兩位 夫人 就 一齊 入 城 , 去 到 賓館 。 Guan Gong|saw|Wang Zhi|attitude|so|attentive|then|informed|both|ladies|then|together|enter|city|go|arrived|hotel Guan Gong saw Wang Zhi's attitude was so cordial, so he informed both ladies to enter the city together and went to the hotel. 賓館 裏頭 樣樣 都 準備 得 乾淨 企理 齊齊整整 , 噉 喺 度過 夜 十分 舒適 。 hotel|inside|everything|all|prepared|very|clean|tidy|in good order|then|at|spend|night|very|comfortable Inside the hotel, everything was prepared cleanly and neatly, making the overnight stay very comfortable. 安排 好 之後 , 王植話 要 請 關公 去 赴宴 。 arrange|well|after||wants|invite|Guan Gong|to|attend the banquet After everything was arranged, Wang Zhi said he wanted to invite Guan Gong to a banquet. 關公 話 多謝 晒 嘞 , 推辭 咗 冇 去 。 Guan Gong|said|thank you|very much|past tense marker|declined|past tense marker|did not|go Guan Gong said thank you very much, but declined and did not go. 王植 就 派 人 將圍 酒席 送到 嚟 賓館 。 Wang Zhi|then|send|someone|the surrounding|banquet|deliver to|come|hotel Wang Zhi then sent someone to deliver the banquet to the hotel. 關公 因為 一路上 啊 確實 係 辛苦 喇 。 Guan Gong|because|along the way|ah|indeed|is|hard|particle indicating completed action Guan Gong has indeed had a hard journey. 等 兩位 夫人 食完 晚飯 , 就 請 佢 哋 去 正房 休息 。 wait|two|ladies|finish eating|dinner|then|invite|they|plural marker|go|main room|rest After the two ladies finish their dinner, please invite them to the main room to rest. 吩咐 啲 隨從 啊 餵飽 啲 馬匹 之後 就 各自 去 瞓 啦 噉 。 instructed|plural marker|attendants|particle|feed|plural marker|horses|after|then|each|go|sleep|particle|like that Instruct the attendants to feed the horses well, and then everyone can go to sleep. 佢 自己 呢 , 亦 都 解開 盔甲 休息 嘞 。 he|himself|particle indicating a change of state|||take off|armor|rest|particle indicating completed action As for himself, he also took off his armor to rest. 而家講 下 嗰 個 太守 王植 。 |about|that|classifier for people|governor|Wang Zhi Now let's talk about that governor, Wang Zhi. 佢 就 叫 胡 班 嚟 , 秘密 噉 吩咐 佢 話 : 嗰 個 關 某 , 背叛 丞相 逃跑 。 He|then|called|Hu|Ban|here|secretly|like this|instructed|him|to say|that|classifier for people|Guan|certain|betrayed|prime minister|escaped He called Hu Ban and secretly instructed him to say: that Guan Mou betrayed the Prime Minister and escaped. 又 一路 殺死 太守 同埋 守 關 嘅 將校 , 真 係 死罪 都 嫌 輕 啊 。 again|all the way|killed|governor|and|||possessive particle|military officer|really|is|death penalty|all|consider|light|sentence-final particle He also killed the governor and the officers guarding the pass; it's really too light a punishment for such a crime. 此人 英勇 難敵 , 要 捉 佢 呀 極難 嘅 。 this person|brave|hard to defeat|to|catch|him|particle|extremely difficult|particle This person is incredibly brave and difficult to capture. 你 今晚 帶 一 千軍 兵去 圍住 賓館 , 一人 一支 火把 。 you|tonight|bring|one|thousand soldiers||surround|hotel|each person|one|torch Tonight, take a thousand soldiers to surround the inn, each with a torch. 等到 三 更 時分 , 一齊 放火 , 唔 理 係 邊個 ,冚𠾴唥 燒死 晒 佢 哋 。 wait until|||time|together|set fire|||is|who|burn everything|burn to death|all|they|plural marker When it reaches the third watch, set fire together, regardless of who it is, burn them all to death. 我 呢 親自 帶兵 接應 。 I|question particle|personally|lead troops|provide support I will personally lead the troops to respond. 遵命 ! at your command Understood! 胡班 接受 咗 命令 , 就 點齊 兵士 秘密 噉 將 啲 柴草 等等 運到 去 賓館 門口 , 就 約定 時間 準備 逳 手 喇 。 Hu Ban|accepted|past tense marker|order|then|gather|soldiers|secretly|like that|will|plural marker|firewood|etc|deliver|to|hotel|entrance|then|agreed|time|prepare|escape|hand|particle indicating completion After receiving the order, Hu Ban secretly gathered the soldiers to transport the firewood and other supplies to the hotel entrance, and agreed on a time to prepare for the handover.

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