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張悦楷講《三國演義》, 047

話 說 趙雲 啊 , 佢 向 蔡 瑁 追問 劉備 嘅 下落 , 毫無結果 。 佢 就 非常 疑心 , 又 試返 去 溪邊 睇 下 。 呢 次 係 仔細 噉 睇 喇 , 睇 下 睇 下 , 咦 , 只見 對岸 有 一帶 水漬 。 趙雲 個心 諗 嘞 : 唔 通 主公 佢 連 馬 一齊 跳 咗 過溪 ? 奇喇 , 趙雲 於是 又 叫 嗰 三百名 士兵 呀 , 分散 四圍 去 搵 , 搵 咗 一大 輪 乜嘢 蹤跡 都 冇 。 等到 趙雲 再 回 馬 嘅 時候 , 蔡瑁 已經 入 咗 城 。 趙雲 揦 住 個 守門 軍士 追問 , 佢 都 係 話 : 劉使君 係 飛馬 出 西門 走 咗 呢 噉 。 趙雲 初 初仲想入 城 嘅 , 收尾 一 諗 , 咪 䎺, 聽下 有 埋伏 咪 弊 。 於是 就 帶 住 嗰 三百 人 就 急急 返去 新野 。 而家 再 講下 劉備 。 佢 騎 住 的 盧 馬 一 跳 , 過 咗 檀溪 , 哈 佢 自己 都 傻 晒 喎 。 嘩 ! 幾丈 闊 嘅 溪水 一跳 就過 咗 去 , 真 係 天意 喇 , 天意 呀 ! 過 咗 檀溪 , 佢 一路 向 住 南漳縣 嗰 便 行 。 南漳縣 , 就 係 喺 而 家 湖北省 西北部 , 荊山 嘅 東 便 啊 。 佢 行 下行 下 , 就 不覺 日頭 就 嚟 落山 。 佢 喺 半路 遇見 一個 看 牛仔 , 騎 喺 牛 背脊 處 , 吹住 支笛 仔 , 都 唔 知 幾 得意 。 劉備 不覺 歎 咗 口氣 話 : 哎 , 真 係 羨慕 佢 呀 ! 羨慕 佢 ? 啊 講笑 啦 。 唔 係 講笑 喎 。 噉 劉備 為 咩 事要 羨慕 個 看 牛仔 呢 ? 唉 , 看 牛仔 冇 危險 吖 嘛 ; 劉備 有人 追住 要 殺 佢 嗰 喎 , 險死 還生 。 所以 劉備 就 歎 咗 口氣 話 羨慕 看 牛仔 。 噉 啊 劉備 勒定 馬 , 睇 住 個 看 牛仔 。 嗰 個 看 牛仔 吹吹下 支笛 , 亦 都 停 咗 口 唔 吹 嘞 。 叫 隻 牛 唔 好 行住 , 亦 猛 咁 望實 劉備 喎 。 望 咗 一陣 , 個 看 牛仔 就 問喇 : 將軍 呀 , 你 係 唔 係 破 黃巾 嗰 個 劉玄德 呢 ? 咦 ? 你 個 鄉下 仔 點解 識得 我個 名 啊 ? 我 啊 唔 識 㗎 本來 , 不過 時時 噉 侍候 師父 , 啲 人客 嚟 親呢 都 成日 話 有 個 劉玄德 , 身高 七尺 五寸 , 隻 手 髧 落 嚟 呀 , 長過 膝頭 嘅 , 雙眼 仲 能夠 望 到 自己 嘅 耳 仔 噉 話 。 我 睇 下 將軍 你 個樣 都 似 係 㗎 喇 , 噉 就 問下 你 咋 嘛 。 你 師父 係 邊個 啊 ? 我 師父 呀 , 複姓 司馬 , 名徽 , 字德操 , 潁川 人 , 道 號 水鏡 先生 。 哦 ? 你 師父 同邊 啲 人 做 朋友 呢 ? 嗱, 誒 , 襄陽 龐德公 、 龐統 啦 , 佢 哋 係 我 師父 嘅 好 朋友 嚟 呀 。 噉 龐德公 係 龐 統 嘅 邊個 啊 ? 佢 哋 兩個 係 叔侄 嚟 嘅 。 龐德公 大過 我 師父 十歲 ; 龐統 個別 字 叫做 士元 , 細 我 師父 五歲 。 有 一日 噃, 我 師父 喺 度 摘 緊 桑 棗 , 啱 啱 龐統 嚟 探 佢 。 噉 佢 哋 兩個 就 坐 喺 樖 桑樹 下 便 談論 起上 嚟 喇 。 嘿 , 傾 咗 成日 都 唔 攰 㗎 ! 我 師父 呀 , 好 喜歡 龐 統 嘅 , 當 佢 係 細 佬 噉 㗎 。 哦 , 哦 你 師父 喺 邊 住 㗎 ? 呢 , 就 係 前 便 樹林 裏 便 咋 嘛 ,嗱, 嗰 座 莊院 就 係 喇 , 見 唔 見 啊 ? 我 就 係 劉玄德 , 唔 該 你 帶我去 拜見 你 師父 啦 。 好 啊 , 你 跟 住 我 嚟 啦 。 噉 嗰 個 看 牛仔 啊 , 就 帶 劉備 去 。 行 咗 大約 二里 幾路 啦 , 就 嚟 到 嗰 間 莊院 。 劉備 落 咗 馬 , 行到 入 去 中門 , 忽然 聽見 裏 便 傳 嚟 彈琴 嘅 聲音 , 非常 之 悅耳 。 劉備 叫個 細路 唔 好 通報 住 , 企 定 喺 度 聽 。 啊 彈彈 下 , 突然 間 琴聲 停 咗 , 跟 住 有 個人 笑 住 行出 嚟 話 : 琴韻 清幽 , 聲音 之中 忽然 起 咗 高亢 之調 , 實 係 有 英雄 喺 度 竊聽 喇 。 嗰 個 細路 對 劉備 話 : 呢 個 就 係 我 師父 水鏡 先生 嘞 。 劉備 睇 下 呢 個人 , 只見 佢 松 形 鶴 骨 , 器宇不凡 啊 , 就 連忙 上前 行禮 。 呢 個 時候 呀 , 劉備 嘅 衣襟 仲 係 濕 㗎 。 水鏡 話 : 明公 今日 好彩免 咗 一場 大難 喇 。 吓 ? 哦 , 哦 哈哈哈哈 。 劉備 驚奇 到極 , 啊 佢 點 知 嘅 呢 嚱? 個 細路 就 介紹 話 : 師父 , 佢 就 係 劉玄德 啊 。 水鏡 請 劉備入 去 草堂 , 分 賓主 坐落 。 劉備 放眼 四圍 一望 , 只見 架上 便 堆滿 書卷 。 窗外 種 咗 好多 松樹 竹樹 非常 茂盛 。 有個 古琴 , 打 橫放 喺 石 床上 便 。 哎 只 覺得 環境 優雅 , 清氣 飄然 。 就 係 噉 樣 坐 一 坐 咋 , 成 個人 都 舒服 晒 。 水鏡 問 佢 : 明 公 喺 邊 處 嚟 呀 ? 偶然 經過 呢 處 , 得到 個 牧童 指引 , 能夠 拜識 尊顏 , 不勝 萬幸 啊 ! 明公 唔 使 隱瞞 喇 , 你實 係 走 難 走 到 嚟 呢 處 嘅 。 誒 , 係 呀 係 呀 。 於是 劉備 就將 襄陽 嘅 事 講 畀 水鏡 知 。 水鏡 話 : 我 睇 下明 公 嘅 氣息 就 已經 知道 咯 。 我 聽 聞明公 嘅 大名 好耐 , 為 咩 事到 而家仲 係 咁 落托 呢 ? 唉 ! 總之 係 命途 多 蹇 , 所以 搞 到 噉 係 啦 。 唔 係 嘅 , 唔 係 嘅 ! 皆 因 將軍 嘅 左右 不得 其人 啫 。 我 劉備 雖然 唔 中用 , 但 係 文有 孫乾 、 糜竺 、 簡雍 之輩 ; 武有 關羽 、 張飛 、 趙雲之 流 。 佢 哋 都 竭盡忠誠 噉 輔助 我 , 好 得力 㗎 。 冇 錯 , 關羽 、 張飛 、 趙雲 , 佢 哋 都 係 萬人敵 啊 。 可惜 缺乏 一個 善於 使用 佢 哋 嘅 人 。 至於 孫乾 、 簡 雍 佢 哋 幾位 , 不過 係 白面書生 , 唔 係 能夠 規劃 大事 嘅 人才 呀 。 我 亦 都 曾經 到處 去 尋找 過 嗰 啲 隱居 喺 山野 之中 嘅 賢德 人物 , 之 冇 辦法 啊 , 總 係 遇 唔 到 噉 嘅 人 。 孔子 唔 係 講 咩 ? 十室 之 邑 , 必有 忠信 吖 嘛 , 點解 話 冇 人才 呢 ? 水鏡 先生 引用 孔子 呢 句 說話 嘅 意思 即 係 講 , 就算 係 只有 十零家 咁 細 嘅 地方 啊 , 其中 亦 有講 忠信 嘅 好人 嘅 噉 。 劉備 就 話 嘞 : 我 真 係 愚昧無知 , 請 先生 賜教 。 明 公有 冇 聽過 荊襄 各 郡 流傳 嘅 一首 歌謠 呢 ? 嗰 支 歌謠 係 噉 講 嘅 : 八九年 間始 欲 衰 , 至 十三年 無 孑遺 。 到頭 天命 有所 歸 , 泥中 蟠龍 向天飛 。 呢 支 歌謠 所講 嘅 係 開始 於建安 初期 。 建安 八年 , 劉景升 死 咗 前妻 , 家庭 就 從此 發生 變亂 , 呢 個 就 係 所謂 始欲衰 嘞 。 無 孑遺 呢 , 即 係指 劉景升 就 快要 逝世 , 文武 人才 都 零零落落 冇 剩返 邊個 喇 。 而 天命有歸 、 龍 向天飛 呢 兩句 , 就 係 應 在 將軍 你 呀 ! 哎呀 ! 我 劉備 點 敢當 呢 ? 而家 天下 嘅 奇才 盡 在 呢 處 , 明公 你 快 啲 去 搵 啦 。 奇才 喺 邊 處 呀 ? 係 邊個 呢 ? 伏龍鳳雛 , 兩人 得 一 , 可安 天下 。 伏龍 、 鳳雛 ? 係 乜嘢 人 啊 ? 哈哈哈 哈哈哈 , 好 , 好 。 先生 , 請 你講 我 聽 , 佢 哋 係 邊個 啊 ? 哈哈哈 哈哈哈 , 好好 好 , 水鏡 一味 話 好好 好 , 好 到點 又 唔 講 喎 , 劉備 再 問 嘅 時候 , 水鏡 就 話 嘞 : 天色 都 好 晏 喇 , 將軍 今晚 就 喺 度過 夜 啦 , 聽日 我 再講 你 聽 啦 。 於是 水鏡 先生 就 吩咐 家童 擺開 酒飯 招待 劉備 。 匹馬 呢 就 叫 人 牽 咗 去 後園 餵養 。 劉備 食 完飯 , 就 去 瞓 嘞 。 佢 間 臥室 啊 , 就 喺 草堂 旁邊 嚟 。 劉備 因為 先頭 同 水鏡 先生 傾 咗 咁 耐 , 瞓 落 床 之後 啊 仲 係 諗 住 水鏡 講 過 嗰 啲 說話 , 所以 呀 一直 都 冇 瞓 着 。 到 咗 好 夜下 喇 , 忽然間 聽到 有 個人 敲門 入 嚟 , 水鏡 問 嗰 個人 話 : 元直 你 喺 邊 處 嚟 呀 ? 劉備 忍 唔 住 , 就 起身 偷偷地 聽下外 便 傾 偈 。 聽見 嗰 個 叫做 元 直 嘅 人 回答 話 喇 : 以前 , 聽講 劉景升 是非分明 , 喜愛 好人 , 憎恨 壞人 , 噉 我 特登去 拜見 下 佢 啦 。 及至 見面 嘞 , 原來 係 徒有虛名 嘅 唧 。 冇 錯 佢 係 喜愛 好人 , 不過 唔 識用 ; 雖然 憎恨 壞人 啊 , 之 又 唔 能夠 離開 佢 哋 。 嗨 , 所以 我 寫 低 封信 畀 佢 就 走 咗 嚟 你 呢 處 。 水鏡 話 喇 : 你 有 王佐之才 , 就 應該 選擇 個 好 嘅 人 去 為 佢 做事 , 點解 要 隨便 去 見 劉景升 呢 ? 其實 英雄豪傑 就 在 眼前 啊 , 你 自己 睇 唔 到 咋 嘛 。 係 , 先生 你 講得 啱 。 劉備 聽到 外 便 嘅 談話 歡喜 到 不得了 。 個心 諗 : 嗯 , 呢 個人 呀 , 唔 係 伏龍 就 係 鳳雛咯 。 好 想 出去 同 佢 見面 ,嚱嚱 之 又 唔 敢 啊 , 怕 太過 冒昧 嘞 。 當晚 劉備 成晚 囉 囉 攣 , 好不容易 等到 天光 就 喇喇聲 起 咗 身 , 即刻 去 求見 水鏡 先生 就 問 佢 話 : 誒 , 昨晚 嚟 嗰 個人 係 邊個 啊 ? 水鏡 話 : 佢 想 去 投奔 個 英明 嘅 主公 , 已經 去 咗 第處 咯 。 佢 叫做 咩 嘢 名 呢 ? 哈哈哈 哈哈 , 好 , 好 , 哈哈哈 。 誒 , 伏龍 、 鳳雛 , 究竟 係 邊個 啊 ? 哈哈哈哈 哈哈哈 , 哈哈哈哈 , 好 , 好 , 哈哈哈哈 。 水鏡 啊 硬 係 唔 肯講 。 噉 劉備 呢 , 又 懇求 水鏡 出山 嚟 幫助 佢 。 水鏡 話 嘞 : 我 係 個 山野 閒散 之 人 , 唔 啱 用 嘅 。 將來 自然 會 有 勝過 我 十倍 嘅 人 嚟 幫助 將軍 你 嘅 , 將軍 你 到處 留意 訪尋 下 啦 。 正 喺 度 談論 緊 , 忽然 聽見 莊外 人喊馬嘶 , 嘈 喧巴閉 。 有個 書童 走入 嚟 話 : 有個 將軍 帶住 幾百人 嚟 到 莊院 啊 。 劉備 吃 咗 一驚 , 急急 出去 睇 下 。 哦 ! 原來 係 趙雲 。 噉 就 又 放心 又 高興 。 趙雲 落 咗 馬 入 去 同 劉備 話 : 我 昨晚 返到 縣城 , 仲 係 搵 唔 到 主公 你 , 就 漏夜 沿路 咁 問追到 嚟 呢 處 咋 。 主公 你 快 啲 返去 縣城 啦 , 只怕 有人 帶兵 嚟 打 啊 。 於是 劉備 就入 去 告辭 咗 水鏡 , 同 趙雲 一齊 上馬 返去 新野 。 行 咗 冇 幾多 里路 , 就 遇到 一彪 人馬 嚟 到 嘞 , 原來 係 關羽 同 張飛 。 見到 面 大家 都 十分 歡喜 啦 。 一路行 , 劉備 就將 躍馬 過檀 溪 嘅 事 呀 , 講 畀 佢 哋 聽 。 佢 哋 聽 咗 呀 , 個個 都 話 出奇 夾好彩 呀 。 返到 去 新野縣 , 劉備 就 搵 埋孫 乾 佢 哋 嚟 商量 。 孫乾 就 叫 劉備 先 寫封信 畀 劉景升 , 將呢 件 事講 畀 佢 聽 。 噉 劉備 寫 好 信 , 就 叫 孫乾帶 去 荊州 。 劉表 見到 孫乾 就問 嘞 : 我 請 玄德去 襄陽 代 我 主持 大會 , 佢 點解 要 逃席 走 咗 去 呀 吓 ? 孫乾 就將 劉備 嘅 信 呈 上去 畀 佢 。 同時 呢 , 又將 蔡瑁 點樣 陰謀 傷害 , 好彩 隻 馬 使得 , 跳過 咗 檀溪 , 噉 先至 脫險 嘅 經過 , 詳詳細細 講 畀 劉表 聽 。 劉表 聽 咗 發火 喇 。 即刻 叫 人 嗌 蔡瑁 嚟 , 省 佢 一餐 。 鬧 佢 : 你 竟然 膽敢 害 我 細佬 ? 仲叫 人 拉 佢 出去 斬首 。 蔡夫人 即刻 趕出 嚟 , 喊住 噉 哀求 唔 好 殺 喇 。 劉表 就 嬲 得 好 緊要 , 唔 肯 放過 佢 。 孫乾 就 講情 話 嘞 : 將軍 如果 殺 咗 蔡 瑁 嘅 話 , 噉 恐怕 皇叔 就 好 難 喺 呢 處 住 得 落 去 㗎 喇 。 劉表 一聽 啊 噉 又 係 呀 嚱, 就將 蔡瑁 責罵 咗 一番 , 放 咗 佢 。 然後 呢 , 叫 佢 大 仔 劉 琦 同埋 孫乾去 新野 , 向 劉備 賠禮 請罪 。 劉琦 奉命 嚟 到 新野 , 劉備 就 出 嚟 迎接 佢 。 當日 , 照例 設宴款待 啦 , 飲到 咁 上下 , 劉琦 忽然 流 起 眼淚 上 嚟 。 劉備 問 佢 咩 嘢 事 , 劉琦話 : 我 嘅 繼母 蔡氏 , 時時 都 想害 我 嘅 , 小侄 唔 知點 先至 能夠 免禍 啊 。 真 係 乜嘢 計都 冇 , 請 叔父 指教 我 啦 。 哈哈 , 人 哋 嘅 家事 好難 管 嘅 , 所以 劉備 只 係 勸 佢 小心 孝順 個 繼母 , 自然 冇 禍 㗎 喇 噉 。 第 日 , 劉琦返 去 荊州 。 劉備 騎住 的 盧馬送 劉琦 出去 城外 , 佢 指 住 隻 馬 對 劉 琦 話 : 嗰 日 , 如果 唔 係 呢 匹 馬 我 已經 死 咗 㗎 喇 。 劉琦話 : 呢 啲 都 唔 關 隻 馬 事 嘅 , 係 叔父 嘅 洪福齊天 啊 。 講完 , 劉琦 就 同 劉備 告別 , 流住 眼淚 噉 返去 荊州 。 劉備 勒 轉馬 頭行 返入 城 。 喺 街市 見到 有 個人 , 頭戴 葛巾 , 身穿 布袍 , 攬住 條黑 腰帶 就 着 住 一對 黑 布鞋 , 一路行 就 一路 唱住 歌 。 啲 歌詞 係 噉 嘅 : 天地 反覆 兮 , 火欲 殂 ; 大廈 將崩 兮 , 一木難 扶 。 山谷 有賢 兮 , 欲 投 明主 ; 明主 求賢 兮 , 卻 不知 吾 。 劉備 一聽 呢 支歌 , 歌詞 講得 明明白白 , 話 漢朝 就 嚟 要 滅亡 , 好似 間 大屋 就 嚟 冧 噉 ; 而家 山谷 之間 啊 係 有 賢德 嘅 人才 喺 處 嘅 , 想 嚟 投奔 英明 嘅 主公 ; 而 英明 嘅 主公 想 物色人才 , 之 又 唔 識得 我 噉 。 劉備 聽 咗 就 諗 嘞 噃: 呢 個人 莫非 就 係 水鏡 所講 嘅 伏 龍 、 鳳雛 ? 於是 就 落 咗 馬 招呼 佢 , 請 佢 入 去 縣衙門 坐 。 坐落 之後 問 佢 個 姓名 。 嗰 個人 話 : 我 係 潁 上 人 , 姓 單名 福 。 好 耐 就 聽講 使君 要 納士招賢 , 好 想 嚟 投奔 使君 。 但 係 又 唔 敢 貿貿然 嚟 , 因此 喺 街市 上 唱 下歌 , 用 噉 嘅 辦法 嚟 引起 使君 你 注意 啫 。 劉備 好 歡喜 , 將 佢 當做 上賓 一樣 噉 嚟 看待 。 單福話 嘞 : 剛才 使君 所 騎 嗰 匹 馬 , 唔 該 再 畀 我 睇 下 好 嘛 ? 劉備 叫 人 除 低 馬鞍 , 牽 咗 匹 馬 嚟 到 大堂 外便 。 單福行 過去 睇 咗 一下 佢 就 話 嘞 : 呢 隻 唔 係 的 盧馬 ? 嗯 , 雖然 係 千里馬 , 不過 就 係 會 剋 主人 嘅 喎 , 唔 好 騎 佢 呀 。 哦 , 已經 應 咗 喇 。 於是 劉備 就將 跳過 檀 溪 嘅 事 講 畀 單 福 聽 。 單福話 : 嗰 次 係 救主 , 唔 係 剋 主 。 佢 終歸 要 剋 一次 主人 嘅 , 之 我 有 個 辦法 可以 免 咗 佢 。 請 先生 你 講下 點樣 先至 可以 免 咗 佢 剋 主 呢 ? 嗱, 明公個 心目 中 如果 有 邊 個人 你 係 同 佢 有 冤仇 嘅 , 噉 你 呀 將呢 匹馬 送 畀 佢 , 等匹馬 剋 咗 呢 個人 之後 , 然後 明公 你 再 騎 返 佢 呢 , 噉 就 自然 冇 事 㗎 喇 。 咩 話 ? 劉備 面色 都 變 咗 。 先生 啱 啱 嚟 到 , 唔 用 正道 嚟 教 我 , 反而 一下 就 教 我 做 啲 利己 害人 嘅 事 , 我 不敢 領教 ! 哈哈哈哈 哈哈哈哈 , 我 一向 聽 聞使君 對人極 之 仁德 , 故此 先頭 特登 噉 樣講 嚟 試下 你 啫 。 我 劉備 點敢 話 對 人 有 咩 嘢 仁德 吖 。 仲 係 要 請 先生 指教 我 。 我 喺 潁 上 嚟 呢 一處 , 就 聽見 新野 啲 百姓 唱 一首 歌謠 , 話 : 新野 牧 , 劉皇叔 ; 自到 此 , 民豐 足 。 可見 使君 確實 係 對待 民眾 十分 仁德 啊 。 劉備 同 單福 呀 傾談 得 非常 投機 , 於是 劉備 呢 , 就 任命 單福 做 軍師 , 負責 訓練 教導 本部 人馬 。 而家 再 講返 下 曹操 。 佢 自從 由 冀州 返回 許都 啊 , 就 一直 都 想 奪取 荊州 㗎 嘞 。 所以 呢 , 佢 特意 派 咗 曹仁 、 李典 , 同埋 降將 呂曠 、 呂翔 , 率領 三 萬軍 兵 駐 扎 喺 樊城 。 樊城 就 係 喺 而 家 湖北省 襄樊市 。 同 襄陽 呢 就 隔 住 漢水 遙遙相對 嘅 。 噉 曹仁 率領 呢 班 部隊 呀 , 虎視眈眈 噉 睺 硬 荊州 、 襄陽 , 隨時 探聽虛實 。 有 一日 , 呂曠同 呂翔 就 嚟 稟告 曹仁話 : 而家 劉備 屯兵 喺 新野 , 招軍買馬 , 積草 儲糧 。 佢 呀 企圖 唔 細 㗎 , 要 早日 剷除 咗 佢 至 得 。 我 哋 兩個 自從 歸降 丞相 之後 , 未有 立過 半寸 嘅 功勞 , 希望 撥 五千 精兵 畀 我 哋 , 等 我 哋 去 攞 劉備 嘅 人頭 嚟 獻 畀 丞相 。 曹仁好 歡喜 , 即刻 就 撥 咗 五千 兵 畀 佢 哋 兩個 , 前去 新野 嚟 攻打 劉備 嘞 。 劉備 一 接到 呢 個 消息 , 就 請 單福 嚟 商量 。 單福話 : 既然 敵兵 嚟 侵犯 , 就 唔 好 畀 佢 哋 入境 啊 。 我 哋 要 噉 樣 打 : 派 關公 帶 一支 軍隊 , 由 左 便 殺出 , 打 敵軍 嘅 中路 ; 張飛 帶 一支 軍隊 由右 便 殺出 , 打 敵軍 嘅 後路 ; 明公 你 就 帶 埋 趙雲 , 喺 前路 出兵 迎戰 , 噉 就 可以 擊破 敵人 㗎 嘞 。 劉備 聽 佢 嘅 說話 , 立即 派 關公 、 張飛 , 帶兵 出發 。 然後 自己 就 同 埋單 福 、 趙雲 等等 啊 , 總共 帶 咗 二千 人馬 出關 去 迎敵 嘞 。 行 咗 冇 幾多 里路 , 只見 山 後塵 頭大起 , 呂曠 、 呂翔 帶兵 嚟 到 嘞 。 噉 啊 雙方 都 各自 射住 陣角 。 劉備 出馬 企 喺 門 旗 之下 , 大聲 噉 喝 話 : 來將 何人 ! 膽敢 侵犯 我 嘅 地方 呀 ! 呂曠 出馬 回答 話 : 我 係 大將 呂曠 ! 奉 咗 丞相 嘅 命令 , 特意 嚟 捉 你 呀 ! 劉備 好 嬲 啊 , 叫 趙雲 出馬 . 兩個 打 咗 幾個 回合 唧 , 趙雲 一槍 就 刺 咗 呂曠 落馬 嗚呼哀哉 . 劉備 跟 住 用 馬鞭 一揮 , 全軍 掩殺 過去 . 呂翔 抵敵 唔 住 , 帶住 人馬 撤退 . 正在 行行 下 , 喺 路邊 呀 一支 軍隊 突然 殺出 嚟 , 嘿為 首 大將 乃 係 關雲長 啊 ! 沖 殺 咗 一陣 , 呂翔 損失 咗 成 大半 人馬 , 搏命 咁 奪路 先至 走 甩 咗 . 又行 咗 唔 到 十里 路 , 又 有 一支 軍隊 攔住 去路 嘞 . 為首 一員大將 , 挺起 長矛 大聲 噉 話 : 張翼德 在 此 ! 直取 呂翔 。 呂翔 措手不及 , 畀 張飛 一矛 刺中 翻身 落馬 當堂 冇 命 。 噉 剩 低落 嚟 嗰 啲 殘兵 敗 卒 , 四散 咁 奔走 。 劉備 指揮 軍隊 呀 窮追 猛趕 , 結果 呢 就 俘虜 咗 成 大半 。 打贏 咗 仗 , 劉備 班師 返去 新野 。 呢 位 新 上任 嘅 軍師 單福 呀 確係 使得 啊 ! 劉備 呀 更加 敬重 佢 嘞 , 同時 呢 , 就 慰勞 賞賜 三軍 啦 。 噉 嗰 啲 走 甩 咗 嘅 敗兵 呢 , 就 趯 返去 樊城 報告 畀 曹仁知 , 話 : 呂曠 、 呂翔 就 被 殺 , 大部分 嘅 軍士 被俘 嘞 噉 。 曹仁大 驚 , 佢 又 同 李 典 商量 。 李典 話 : 佢 哋 兩個 , 皆 因為 輕敵 而致 陣亡 。 而家 我 哋 , 只 係 宜於 安兵 不動 , 將 情形 報告 丞相 。 請 丞相 派 大軍 嚟 征剿 , 呢 個 先 至 係 上策 啊 。 曹仁話 喇 : 唔 係 ! 而家二將 陣亡 , 又 損失 咁 多 人馬 , 呢 個 仇 唔 快 啲 報 點得 啊 。 我 量 佢 新野 彈丸之地 , 使 乜 勞煩 丞相 出動 大軍 呢 ? 劉備 係 個人 中 豪傑 啊 , 唔 好 輕視 佢 呀 。 乜 你 咁 膽怯 㗎 ? 兵法 有話 : 知彼知己 , 百戰百勝 。 我 唔 係 膽怯 唔 敢 打 , 就 係 怕 唔 能夠 必勝 咋 。 啊 ? 乜 你 噉 就 動搖 喇 ? 我事 必要 生擒 劉備 ! 將軍 如果 要 去 , 噉 等 我 留 喺 處 守 樊城 啦 。 哼 ! 你 如果 唔 同埋 去 , 噉 就 真 係 動搖 嘞 喎 ! 吓 , 李典 無可奈何 , 就 唯有 同 曹仁 一齊 , 點起 二萬五千 軍馬 渡過 河 , 一直 殺 奔 新野 而 去 。 而家 再講 下單 福 。 佢 得勝 返到 新野 之後 呢 , 就 對 劉備 話 : 曹仁 屯兵 喺 樊城 , 佢 一 知道 呂曠 、 呂翔 被 殺 , 必定會 出動 大軍 嚟 打 我 哋 㗎 。 噉 我 哋 點樣 迎敵 好 呢 ? 佢 如果 出動 全部 人馬 嚟 打 我 哋 , 樊城 就 空虛 啦 , 我 哋 可以 乘機 奪取 咗 樊城 。 好 啊 ! 噉 點 打法 呢 ? 單福 就 伏 喺 劉備 耳仔邊 , 細細 聲話 如此 如此 噉 。 嘿 呀 劉備 歡喜 到極 喇 , 立即 下令 作好 一切 準備 。 呢 一日 , 探馬 嚟 報告 話 : 曹仁 率領 大軍 渡河 嚟 到 嘞 。 單福話 : 果然 不出 我 之 所料 啊 ! 於是 就 請 劉備 出兵 去 迎敵 。 兩陣 對圓 , 趙雲 出馬 挑戰 , 曹仁 呢 , 就 叫 李典 出陣 同 趙雲 交鋒 。 兩個 打 咗 大約 十幾個 回合 啦 , 李典 就 諗 住 打 唔 過一撥 隻 馬 就 跑 返回 陣 。 趙雲 喝 一聲 你 咪 走 ! 縱馬 追上去 。 但 係 呢 就 畀 曹 兵 嘅 兩翼 , 用箭 嚟 射住 , 就 收兵 回營 。 李典 返到 營寨 就 去 見 曹仁 啦 佢 話 : 佢 哋 嘅 軍隊 好 精銳 , 唔 好 輕敵 啊 ! 不如 , 返 樊城 罷啦 。 曹仁 發火 喇 : 哼 ! 未曾 出兵 嘅 時候 , 你 就 已經 動搖 我 嘅 軍心 㗎 嘞 。 今日 又 故意 打輸 , 罪該 斬首 ! 嘩 嗨 ! 真 係 喝 啲 刀斧手 , 要 綁 起 李典 拉出去 殺頭 喎 。 好彩 得到 眾位 將官 苦苦 求情 先至免 咗 一死 。 曹仁 於是 將李典 調 咗 去 率領 後軍 , 佢 自己 呀 帶兵 做 前部 。 第 日 , 曹仁 命令 啊 擊鼓 進軍 。 佈 咗 一個 陣勢 , 就 派 個人 去問 劉備 話 , 識 唔 識 我 嘅 陣勢 呀 噉 。 單福 啊 行 上去 高頂 , 仔細 噉 觀察 咗 一番 , 哦 ! 原來如此 。 佢 就 同 劉備 講 嘞 : 呢 個 陣 我 識得 嘅 , 唔 難 破 嘅 。 噉 究竟 曹仁 擺 嘅 係 咩 嘢 陣 ? 單福 又 用 咩 嘢 辦法 去 破 佢 呢 就 下回分解 喇 。

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話 說 趙雲 啊 , 佢 向 蔡 瑁 追問 劉備 嘅 下落 , 毫無結果 。 said|speaking|Zhao Yun|ah|he|towards|||pressed for answers|Liu Bei|possessive particle|whereabouts| It is said that Zhao Yun asked Cai Mao about Liu Bei's whereabouts, but to no avail. 佢 就 非常 疑心 , 又 試返 去 溪邊 睇 下 。 He|then|very|suspicious|again|tried to|go|riverside|| He became very suspicious and tried to go back to the riverbank to take a look. 呢 次 係 仔細 噉 睇 喇 , 睇 下 睇 下 , 咦 , 只見 對岸 有 一帶 水漬 。 this|time|is|carefully|like this|look|particle indicating completed action|||||eh|only saw|opposite bank|has|a area|water stains This time he looked carefully, and lo and behold, he saw a stretch of water stains on the opposite bank. 趙雲 個心 諗 嘞 : 唔 通 主公 佢 連 馬 一齊 跳 咗 過溪 ? Zhao Yun|in his heart|thought|past tense marker|||Lord|he|even|horse|together|jumped|past tense marker|over the creek Zhao Yun thought to himself: Could it be that the lord jumped across the river with the horse? 奇喇 , 趙雲 於是 又 叫 嗰 三百名 士兵 呀 , 分散 四圍 去 搵 , 搵 咗 一大 輪 乜嘢 蹤跡 都 冇 。 suddenly|Zhao Yun|then|again|called|that|three hundred|soldiers|particle|dispersed|all around|to|search|search|past tense marker|a large|round|anything|trace|all|none Strangely, Zhao Yun then called upon the three hundred soldiers to spread out and search, but they found no traces at all. 等到 趙雲 再 回 馬 嘅 時候 , 蔡瑁 已經 入 咗 城 。 when|Zhao Yun|again|return|horse|possessive particle|time|Cai Mao|already|enter|past tense marker|city By the time Zhao Yun returned on horseback, Cai Mao had already entered the city. 趙雲 揦 住 個 守門 軍士 追問 , 佢 都 係 話 : 劉使君 係 飛馬 出 西門 走 咗 呢 噉 。 Zhao Yun|pulled|hold|the|gate|soldier|questioned|he|also|is|said|Liu Shijun|is|on horseback|out|west gate|ran|past tense marker|this|way Zhao Yun grabbed a gatekeeper soldier and questioned him, and he said: Liu Shijun has fled on horseback through the west gate. 趙雲 初 初仲想入 城 嘅 , 收尾 一 諗 , 咪 䎺, 聽下 有 埋伏 咪 弊 。 Zhao Yun|initially||city|possessive particle|after thinking|one|thought|then|dead|listen|there is|ambush|then|bad At first, Zhao Yun still wanted to enter the city, but after thinking it over, he decided against it, fearing there might be an ambush. 於是 就 帶 住 嗰 三百 人 就 急急 返去 新野 。 so|then|took|with|that|three hundred|people|then|hurriedly|returned to|New Territory So he took those three hundred men and hurried back to Xinye. 而家 再 講下 劉備 。 now|again|talk about|Liu Bei Now let's talk about Liu Bei. 佢 騎 住 的 盧 馬 一 跳 , 過 咗 檀溪 , 哈 佢 自己 都 傻 晒 喎 。 he|ride|continuous aspect particle|possessive particle|Lu (a name)|horse|one|jump|cross|past tense marker|Tan River|haha|he|himself|also|silly|completely|sentence-final particle He jumped over the creek on the horse he was riding, and even he was stunned. 嘩 ! 幾丈 闊 嘅 溪水 一跳 就過 咗 去 , 真 係 天意 喇 , 天意 呀 ! wow|several zhang|wide|possessive particle|creek water|with one jump||past tense marker|over there|really|is|fate|final particle|fate|exclamatory particle Wow! The creek was several feet wide, and he jumped over it in one go. It really is fate, fate! 過 咗 檀溪 , 佢 一路 向 住 南漳縣 嗰 便 行 。 passed|past tense marker|Tanxi|he|all the way|heading|towards|Nanzhang County|that|then|walked After crossing the creek, he continued heading towards Nanzhang County. 南漳縣 , 就 係 喺 而 家 湖北省 西北部 , 荊山 嘅 東 便 啊 。 Nanzhang County|just|is|at|||Hubei Province|northwest|Jing Mountain|possessive particle|east|side|sentence-final particle Nanzhang County is located in the northwest part of Hubei Province, on the eastern side of Jing Mountain. 佢 行 下行 下 , 就 不覺 日頭 就 嚟 落山 。 he|walk|down|down|then|unaware|daytime|just|come|sunset As he walked, he didn't realize that the sun was starting to set. 佢 喺 半路 遇見 一個 看 牛仔 , 騎 喺 牛 背脊 處 , 吹住 支笛 仔 , 都 唔 知 幾 得意 。 He|at|halfway|met|a|looking|cowboy|riding|on|cow|back|place|blowing||little|also|not|know|how|cute He encountered a cowboy on the way, riding on the back of a cow, playing a flute, looking quite charming. 劉備 不覺 歎 咗 口氣 話 : 哎 , 真 係 羨慕 佢 呀 ! Liu Bei|unconsciously|sighed|past tense marker|breath|said|sigh|really|is|envious|him|particle Liu Bei couldn't help but sigh and said: "Ah, I really envy him!" 羨慕 佢 ? 啊 講笑 啦 。 唔 係 講笑 喎 。 envy|him|ah|joking|particle|not|is|joking|particle Envy him? Ah, just kidding. No, I'm not kidding. 噉 劉備 為 咩 事要 羨慕 個 看 牛仔 呢 ? then|Liu Bei|for|what||to envy|the|watching|cowboy|question particle So why does Liu Bei need to envy that cowboy? 唉 , 看 牛仔 冇 危險 吖 嘛 ; 劉備 有人 追住 要 殺 佢 嗰 喎 , 險死 還生 。 sigh|see|cowboy|not|danger|particle|particle|Liu Bei|someone|chasing|wants|kill|him|that|particle|almost died|still alive Sigh, the cowboy is not in danger; Liu Bei has someone chasing him wanting to kill him, it's a matter of life and death. 所以 劉備 就 歎 咗 口氣 話 羨慕 看 牛仔 。 so|Liu Bei|then|sighed|past tense marker|breath|said|envied|watching|cowboy So Liu Bei sighed and said he envied the cowboy. 噉 啊 劉備 勒定 馬 , 睇 住 個 看 牛仔 。 then|ah|Liu Bei|tied up|horse|watch|at|the|looking|cowboy Then Liu Bei tied up his horse and watched the cowboy. 嗰 個 看 牛仔 吹吹下 支笛 , 亦 都 停 咗 口 唔 吹 嘞 。 that|measure word|to watch|cowboy|to blow a little||also|all|stopped|past tense marker|mouth|not|blow|completed action particle The cowboy played a tune on his flute, but then stopped playing. 叫 隻 牛 唔 好 行住 , 亦 猛 咁 望實 劉備 喎 。 to call|measure word for animals|cow|not|very|walking|also|fiercely|so|staring at|Liu Bei|sentence-final particle He told the cow not to walk and stared intently at Liu Bei. 望 咗 一陣 , 個 看 牛仔 就 問喇 : 將軍 呀 , 你 係 唔 係 破 黃巾 嗰 個 劉玄德 呢 ? look|past tense marker|for a moment|classifier|watching|cowboy|then|asked|general|sentence-final particle|you|are|not|are|defeating|Yellow Turban|that|classifier|Liu Xuande|question particle After a while, the cowboy asked: General, are you the Liu Xuande who defeated the Yellow Turbans? 咦 ? 你 個 鄉下 仔 點解 識得 我個 名 啊 ? eh|you|possessive particle|countryside|boy|why|knows|my|name|question particle Eh? How does your country boy know my name? 我 啊 唔 識 㗎 本來 , 不過 時時 噉 侍候 師父 , 啲 人客 嚟 親呢 都 成日 話 有 個 劉玄德 , 身高 七尺 五寸 , 隻 手 髧 落 嚟 呀 , 長過 膝頭 嘅 , 雙眼 仲 能夠 望 到 自己 嘅 耳 仔 噉 話 。 I|ah|not|know|question particle|originally|but|all the time|like this|serve|master|plural marker|customers|come||all|every day|say|have|measure word|Liu Xuande|height|seven feet|five inches|measure word|hand|reach|down|come|ah|longer than|knee|possessive particle|both eyes|still|able to|see|to|himself|possessive particle|ear|little|like this|say I didn't know at first, but I often serve my master, and the customers who come here always say there's a Liu Xuande, who is seven feet five inches tall, with hands that hang down longer than his knees, and his eyes can even see his own ears. 我 睇 下 將軍 你 個樣 都 似 係 㗎 喇 , 噉 就 問下 你 咋 嘛 。 I|look|at|general|you|appearance|also|look like|is|particle indicating certainty|particle indicating change of state|then|just|ask|you|particle indicating a question|particle indicating a suggestion I looked at your face, and you do seem to resemble him, so I just asked you. 你 師父 係 邊個 啊 ? you|master|are|who|question particle Who is your master? 我 師父 呀 , 複姓 司馬 , 名徽 , 字德操 , 潁川 人 , 道 號 水鏡 先生 。 I|master|particle|compound surname|Sima|||Yingchuan|person|||Water Mirror|Mr My master? His surname is Sima, his name is Hui, courtesy name is Decao, he is from Yingchuan, and his Daoist title is Mr. Water Mirror. 哦 ? 你 師父 同邊 啲 人 做 朋友 呢 ? oh|you|master||particle|people|be|friends|question particle Oh? Who does your master make friends with? 嗱, 誒 , 襄陽 龐德公 、 龐統 啦 , 佢 哋 係 我 師父 嘅 好 朋友 嚟 呀 。 well|hey|Xiangyang|Pang Degong|Pang Tong|sentence-final particle|he|plural marker|is|I|master|possessive particle|very|friend|come|sentence-final particle Well, uh, it's Pang De Gong and Pang Tong from Xiangyang. They are good friends of my master. 噉 龐德公 係 龐 統 嘅 邊個 啊 ? then|Pang Tak-kung|is|Pang|Tung|possessive particle|who|question particle So, who is Pang De Gong to Pang Tong? 佢 哋 兩個 係 叔侄 嚟 嘅 。 he|they|two|are|uncle and nephew|come|particle indicating possession or description They are uncle and nephew. 龐德公 大過 我 師父 十歲 ; 龐統 個別 字 叫做 士元 , 細 我 師父 五歲 。 Pang De Gong|older than|me|master|ten years old|Pang Tong|individual|character|called|Shi Yuan|younger than|me|master|five years old Pang De Gong is ten years older than my master; Pang Tong's courtesy name is Shiyuan, and he is five years younger than my master. 有 一日 噃, 我 師父 喺 度 摘 緊 桑 棗 , 啱 啱 龐統 嚟 探 佢 。 there is|one day|particle|I|master|at|location particle|picking|continuous tense marker|mulberry|jujube|||Pang Tong|came|visit|him One day, my master was picking mulberries, and just then, Pang Tong came to visit him. 噉 佢 哋 兩個 就 坐 喺 樖 桑樹 下 便 談論 起上 嚟 喇 。 then|he|they|two|then|sit|at|mulberry|mulberry tree|under|then|discuss|up|come|particle indicating completed action So the two of them sat under the mulberry tree and started talking. 嘿 , 傾 咗 成日 都 唔 攰 㗎 ! 我 師父 呀 , 好 喜歡 龐 統 嘅 , 當 佢 係 細 佬 噉 㗎 。 hey|talk|past tense marker|all day|also|not|tired|sentence final particle|I|master|sentence final particle|very|likes|Pang|Tong|possessive particle|treat|he|is|small|boy|like|sentence final particle Hey, they talked all day and didn't get tired at all! My master really likes Pang Tong, treats him like a little brother. 哦 , 哦 你 師父 喺 邊 住 㗎 ? oh||you|master|at|where|live|question particle Oh, oh, where does your master live? 呢 , 就 係 前 便 樹林 裏 便 咋 嘛 ,嗱, 嗰 座 莊院 就 係 喇 , 見 唔 見 啊 ? this|then|is|in front of|convenient|forest|inside|convenient|particle indicating suggestion|particle indicating obviousness|look|that|measure word for buildings|village|then|is|particle indicating completed action|see|not|see|particle indicating question Well, it's just over there in the forest, see that courtyard over there? Can you see it? 我 就 係 劉玄德 , 唔 該 你 帶我去 拜見 你 師父 啦 。 I|am|am|Liu Xuande|||you|take me to|pay respects to|your|master|sentence-final particle I am Liu Xuande, please take me to meet your master. 好 啊 , 你 跟 住 我 嚟 啦 。 ||you|||me|come|particle indicating suggestion or urgency Okay, just follow me. 噉 嗰 個 看 牛仔 啊 , 就 帶 劉備 去 。 like this|that|measure word|to see|cowboy|particle|then|to bring|Liu Bei|to go That cowboy over there will take Liu Bei. 行 咗 大約 二里 幾路 啦 , 就 嚟 到 嗰 間 莊院 。 walk|past tense marker|approximately|two miles|a bit more|sentence final particle|then|come|arrive|that|measure word for buildings|clinic After walking about two miles, we arrived at that manor. 劉備 落 咗 馬 , 行到 入 去 中門 , 忽然 聽見 裏 便 傳 嚟 彈琴 嘅 聲音 , 非常 之 悅耳 。 Liu Bei|dismount|past tense marker|horse|walked to|enter|towards|main gate|suddenly|heard|inside|then|coming|coming|playing piano|possessive particle|sound|very|particle indicating possession|pleasant to hear Liu Bei got off his horse, walked into the main gate, and suddenly heard the sound of someone playing the piano inside, which was very pleasant. 劉備 叫個 細路 唔 好 通報 住 , 企 定 喺 度 聽 。 Liu Bei|tell the|child|||report|continuously|stand|still|at|there|listen Liu Bei told the child not to report anything and to stand still and listen. 啊 彈彈 下 , 突然 間 琴聲 停 咗 , 跟 住 有 個人 笑 住 行出 嚟 話 : ah|play|for a while|suddenly|moment|piano sound|stopped|past tense marker|||there was|a person|||||said Ah, after a bit of playing, suddenly the piano sound stopped, and then a person came out smiling and said: 琴韻 清幽 , 聲音 之中 忽然 起 咗 高亢 之調 , 實 係 有 英雄 喺 度 竊聽 喇 。 the sound of the zither|is serene|sound|within|suddenly|rise|past tense marker|high-pitched||really|is|have|hero|at|place|eavesdropping|sentence-final particle The melody is serene, and suddenly a high-pitched tone arose within the sound; there is indeed a hero eavesdropping here. 嗰 個 細路 對 劉備 話 : 呢 個 就 係 我 師父 水鏡 先生 嘞 。 that|measure word for people|kid|to|Liu Bei|said|this|measure word|just|is|my|master|Shui Jing|Mr|past action particle The child said to Liu Bei: This is my master, Mr. Water Mirror. 劉備 睇 下 呢 個人 , 只見 佢 松 形 鶴 骨 , 器宇不凡 啊 , 就 連忙 上前 行禮 。 Liu Bei|look|at|this|person|only saw|he|pine|shape|crane|bone|extraordinary demeanor|ah|then|hurriedly|stepped forward|bowed Liu Bei looked at this person and saw that he had a relaxed posture and an extraordinary presence, so he hurriedly stepped forward to pay his respects. 呢 個 時候 呀 , 劉備 嘅 衣襟 仲 係 濕 㗎 。 this|measure word|time|particle|Liu Bei|possessive particle|collar|still|is|wet|particle At this moment, Liu Bei's collar was still wet. 水鏡 話 : 明公 今日 好彩免 咗 一場 大難 喇 。 Water Mirror|said|Sir Ming|today||past tense marker|one|great disaster|sentence-final particle Shuijing said: "My lord, you were lucky to have avoided a great disaster today." 吓 ? 哦 , 哦 哈哈哈哈 。 huh|oh||hahaha Huh? Oh, oh hahaha. 劉備 驚奇 到極 , 啊 佢 點 知 嘅 呢 嚱? Liu Bei|surprised|to the extreme|ah|he|how|knows|past tense particle|question particle|exclamation particle Liu Bei was extremely surprised, "How did he know?" 個 細路 就 介紹 話 : 師父 , 佢 就 係 劉玄德 啊 。 the|kid|then|introduced|said|master|he|just|is|Liu Xuande|ah The little boy introduced: "Master, this is Liu Xuande." 水鏡 請 劉備入 去 草堂 , 分 賓主 坐落 。 Water Mirror|please||go|grass hall|divide|guests and host|seating arrangement Shuijing invited Liu Bei to enter the cottage and arranged the seating for the guests and host. 劉備 放眼 四圍 一望 , 只見 架上 便 堆滿 書卷 。 Liu Bei|looking around|all around|at a glance|only saw|on the shelf|then|piled up|scrolls Liu Bei looked around and saw that the shelves were piled high with scrolls. 窗外 種 咗 好多 松樹 竹樹 非常 茂盛 。 outside the window|planted|past tense marker|many|pine trees|bamboo trees|very|lush Outside the window, there were many pine and bamboo trees, very lush. 有個 古琴 , 打 橫放 喺 石 床上 便 。 there is a|guqin|play|horizontally|at|stone|on the table|then There was an ancient zither placed horizontally on the stone bed. 哎 只 覺得 環境 優雅 , 清氣 飄然 。 sigh|only|feel|environment|elegant|fresh air|floating Ah, one could only feel that the environment was elegant, with a refreshing atmosphere. 就 係 噉 樣 坐 一 坐 咋 , 成 個人 都 舒服 晒 。 ||||||||||all|| Just sitting like this, the whole person feels comfortable. 水鏡 問 佢 : 明 公 喺 邊 處 嚟 呀 ? Shui Jing|asked|he|Ming|sir|at|where|place|come|question particle Shuijing asked him: Where does the gentleman come from? 偶然 經過 呢 處 , 得到 個 牧童 指引 , 能夠 拜識 尊顏 , 不勝 萬幸 啊 ! accidentally|passing|this|place|got|the|shepherd|guidance|able to|pay respects to|your esteemed face|cannot|express how fortunate|ah Passing by this place by chance, I was guided by a shepherd, and I am extremely fortunate to meet you! 明公 唔 使 隱瞞 喇 , 你實 係 走 難 走 到 嚟 呢 處 嘅 。 sir|not|need|to hide|particle indicating completed action||are|||||here|||particle indicating possession You don't have to hide it, you really came here after fleeing. 誒 , 係 呀 係 呀 。 hey|yes|particle indicating affirmation|| Ah, yes, yes. 於是 劉備 就將 襄陽 嘅 事 講 畀 水鏡 知 。 then|Liu Bei||Xiangyang|possessive particle|matter|to tell|to|Shui Jing|know So Liu Bei told Shui Jing about the situation in Xiangyang. 水鏡 話 : 我 睇 下明 公 嘅 氣息 就 已經 知道 咯 。 Water Mirror|said|I|look||sir|possessive particle|breath|then|already|know|final particle Shui Jing said: I can tell just by sensing the aura of Ming Gong. 我 聽 聞明公 嘅 大名 好耐 , 為 咩 事到 而家仲 係 咁 落托 呢 ? I|heard||possessive particle|great name|a long time|for|what|matter to||is|so|low-key|question particle I have heard of Ming Gong's great name for a long time, why is it that until now things are still so difficult? 唉 ! 總之 係 命途 多 蹇 , 所以 搞 到 噉 係 啦 。 sigh|in short|is|fate|very|difficult|so|||like this|is|particle indicating realization or conclusion Alas! In short, it is a difficult fate, that's why it has come to this. 唔 係 嘅 , 唔 係 嘅 ! not|is|correct|not|is|correct No, that's not it, that's not it! 皆 因 將軍 嘅 左右 不得 其人 啫 。 all|because|general|possessive particle|subordinates|cannot|his people|only It's all because the general's left and right cannot be trusted. 我 劉備 雖然 唔 中用 , 但 係 文有 孫乾 、 糜竺 、 簡雍 之輩 ; 武有 關羽 、 張飛 、 趙雲之 流 。 I|Liu Bei|although|not|useful|but|is||Sun Qian|Mi Zhu|Jian Yong|such people||Guan Yu|Zhang Fei||class Although I, Liu Bei, am not in a position of power, I have talented people like Sun Qian, Mi Zhu, and Jian Yong in civil matters; and in military matters, I have warriors like Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, and Zhao Yun. 佢 哋 都 竭盡忠誠 噉 輔助 我 , 好 得力 㗎 。 they|plural marker|all|with utmost loyalty|like this|assist|me|very|capable|sentence-final particle They all assist me with utmost loyalty, which is very helpful. 冇 錯 , 關羽 、 張飛 、 趙雲 , 佢 哋 都 係 萬人敵 啊 。 not|wrong|Guan Yu|Zhang Fei|Zhao Yun|he|plural marker|all|are|one against ten thousand|sentence-final particle That's right, Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, and Zhao Yun, they are all formidable opponents. 可惜 缺乏 一個 善於 使用 佢 哋 嘅 人 。 unfortunately|lacks|a|good at|using|he|plural marker|possessive particle|person Unfortunately, there is a lack of someone skilled at utilizing them. 至於 孫乾 、 簡 雍 佢 哋 幾位 , 不過 係 白面書生 , 唔 係 能夠 規劃 大事 嘅 人才 呀 。 as for|Sun Qian|||||a few|but|are|naive scholars|not|are|able to|plan|major affairs|possessive particle|talented people|sentence-final particle As for Sun Qian and Jian Yong, they are just young scholars and not capable of planning major affairs. 我 亦 都 曾經 到處 去 尋找 過 嗰 啲 隱居 喺 山野 之中 嘅 賢德 人物 , 之 冇 辦法 啊 , 總 係 遇 唔 到 噉 嘅 人 。 I|also|all|once|everywhere|go|searching|past tense marker|that|plural marker|reclusive|in|wilderness||possessive particle|virtuous|person|possessive particle|not have|method|ah|always|is|encounter|not|arrive|such|possessive particle|person I have also gone around looking for those virtuous individuals who live in seclusion in the mountains, but there is no way, I just can't seem to find such people. 孔子 唔 係 講 咩 ? 十室 之 邑 , 必有 忠信 吖 嘛 , 點解 話 冇 人才 呢 ? Confucius|not|is|talking|what|ten households|possessive particle|village|must have|loyalty and trustworthiness|particle|particle|why|say|no|talented people|question particle Doesn't Confucius say? In a village of ten households, there must be loyalty and trust, so why say there are no talents? 水鏡 先生 引用 孔子 呢 句 說話 嘅 意思 即 係 講 , 就算 係 只有 十零家 咁 細 嘅 地方 啊 , 其中 亦 有講 忠信 嘅 好人 嘅 噉 。 Mr Shui Jing|sir|quoting|Confucius|this|sentence|saying|possessive particle|meaning||is|speaking|||||||possessive particle|||||||possessive particle|||like that Mr. Shui Jing quoted Confucius to mean that even in a small place with only a dozen families, there are still good people who speak of loyalty and trust. 劉備 就 話 嘞 : 我 真 係 愚昧無知 , 請 先生 賜教 。 Liu Bei|then|said|past tense marker|I|really|am|ignorant|please|sir|enlighten me Liu Bei said: I am truly ignorant, please teach me, sir. 明 公有 冇 聽過 荊襄 各 郡 流傳 嘅 一首 歌謠 呢 ? Ming|Gongyu|not|heard|Jingxiang|each|county|passed down|possessive particle|a|ballad|question particle Have you ever heard of a ballad that has been passed down in the various counties of Jingxiang? 嗰 支 歌謠 係 噉 講 嘅 : that|classifier for songs|song|is|like this|said|particle indicating past action That ballad goes like this: 八九年 間始 欲 衰 , 至 十三年 無 孑遺 。 1989||wanted|to decline|until|2013|no|descendants In the years of eight and nine, it began to decline, until thirteen years later, nothing was left. 到頭 天命 有所 歸 , 泥中 蟠龍 向天飛 。 in the end|destiny|something|return|in the mud|coiled dragon| In the end, fate has its return, the dragon coiled in the mud flies towards the sky. 呢 支 歌謠 所講 嘅 係 開始 於建安 初期 。 this|measure word for songs|nursery rhyme|spoken of|possessive particle|is|beginning||early period The ballad speaks of the beginning in the early Jian'an period. 建安 八年 , 劉景升 死 咗 前妻 , 家庭 就 從此 發生 變亂 , 呢 個 就 係 所謂 始欲衰 嘞 。 Jian'an|eighth year|Liu Jingsheng|died|past tense marker|ex-wife|family|then|from then on|happened|turmoil|this|classifier|just|is|so-called|beginning to decline|sentence-final particle In the eighth year of Jian'an, Liu Jingsheng's first wife passed away, and from then on, the family fell into chaos. This is what is called the beginning of decline. 無 孑遺 呢 , 即 係指 劉景升 就 快要 逝世 , 文武 人才 都 零零落落 冇 剩返 邊個 喇 。 no|descendants|question particle|||Liu Jing Sheng|then|soon|die|literary and martial|talents|all|few and far between|not|remaining|who|final particle Without any heirs, it means that Liu Jingsheng is about to pass away, and there are hardly any talented civil and military officials left. 而 天命有歸 、 龍 向天飛 呢 兩句 , 就 係 應 在 將軍 你 呀 ! and||dragon||question particle|two sentences|just|are|should|at|general|you|particle The phrases 'Heaven's mandate has returned' and 'The dragon flies towards the sky' are meant for you, General! 哎呀 ! 我 劉備 點 敢當 呢 ? oh no|I|Liu Bei|how|dare to take on|question particle Oh! How could I, Liu Bei, dare to take on this responsibility? 而家 天下 嘅 奇才 盡 在 呢 處 , 明公 你 快 啲 去 搵 啦 。 now|world|possessive particle|genius|||||Sir Ming|you|||go|find|sentence-final particle Right now, all the extraordinary talents in the world are gathered here, Lord Ming, you should hurry and seek them out. 奇才 喺 邊 處 呀 ? 係 邊個 呢 ? genius|at|where|place|question particle|is|who|question particle Where is the genius? Who is it? 伏龍鳳雛 , 兩人 得 一 , 可安 天下 。 the hidden dragon and phoenix chick|two people|obtain|one|can stabilize|the world The dragon and the phoenix, only one of the two can bring peace to the world. 伏龍 、 鳳雛 ? 係 乜嘢 人 啊 ? Zhuge Liang|Pang Tong|is|what|person|question particle Dragon and phoenix? What kind of people are they? 哈哈哈 哈哈哈 , 好 , 好 。 hahaha||good|good Hahaha, okay, okay. 先生 , 請 你講 我 聽 , 佢 哋 係 邊個 啊 ? sir|please||I|hear|he|plural marker|is|who|question particle Sir, please tell me, who are they? 哈哈哈 哈哈哈 , 好好 好 , 水鏡 一味 話 好好 好 , 好 到點 又 唔 講 喎 , hahaha|||good|||||||when|again|not|say|particle Hahaha, hahaha, very good, very good, Shui Jing keeps saying very good, but when it comes to the point, he doesn't say anything. 劉備 再 問 嘅 時候 , 水鏡 就 話 嘞 : Liu Bei|again|asked|possessive particle|time|Shui Jing|then|said|past tense marker When Liu Bei asked again, Shui Jing said: 天色 都 好 晏 喇 , 將軍 今晚 就 喺 度過 夜 啦 , 聽日 我 再講 你 聽 啦 。 sky|already|very|late|particle indicating completed action|general|tonight|then|at|spend|night|particle indicating completed action|tomorrow|I||you|hear|particle indicating completed action The sky is getting late, General, you will spend the night here tonight, and I will tell you more tomorrow. 於是 水鏡 先生 就 吩咐 家童 擺開 酒飯 招待 劉備 。 then|Master Shui Jing|Mr|then|instructed|servant|set out|food and drink|to entertain|Liu Bei So Mr. Shui Jing instructed the servants to set up food and drink to entertain Liu Bei. 匹馬 呢 就 叫 人 牽 咗 去 後園 餵養 。 the horse|this|then|called|person|led|past tense marker|to|back yard|feed The horse was then taken to the back garden to be fed. 劉備 食 完飯 , 就 去 瞓 嘞 。 Liu Bei|eat|finished eating|then|go|sleep|past tense marker Liu Bei finished his meal and then went to sleep. 佢 間 臥室 啊 , 就 喺 草堂 旁邊 嚟 。 He|measure word for rooms|bedroom|sentence-final particle|just|at|the study|next to|coming from His bedroom is right next to the straw hut. 劉備 因為 先頭 同 水鏡 先生 傾 咗 咁 耐 , 瞓 落 床 之後 啊 仲 係 諗 住 水鏡 講 過 嗰 啲 說話 , 所以 呀 一直 都 冇 瞓 着 。 Liu Bei|because|earlier|with|Sima Hui|Mr|talk|past tense marker|so|long|sleep|down|bed|after|ah|still|is|thinking|about|Sima Hui|said|past|that|plural marker|words|so|ah|continuously|all|not|sleep|past tense marker Because Liu Bei had been talking with Master Shui Jing for so long earlier, after lying down, he was still thinking about what Shui Jing had said, so he couldn't fall asleep. 到 咗 好 夜下 喇 , 忽然間 聽到 有 個人 敲門 入 嚟 , 水鏡 問 嗰 個人 話 : arrive|past tense marker|very|late at night|sentence-final particle|suddenly|heard|there is|a person|knock on the door|enter|come|Shui Jing (a name)|asked|that|person|said Late at night, he suddenly heard someone knocking on the door, and Shui Jing asked that person: 元直 你 喺 邊 處 嚟 呀 ? Yuen Chik|you|at|||come|question particle Yuan Zhi, where are you from? 劉備 忍 唔 住 , 就 起身 偷偷地 聽下外 便 傾 偈 。 Liu Bei|endure|not|able to|then|got up|secretly||then|| Liu Bei couldn't hold back, so he got up and secretly listened to the conversation outside. 聽見 嗰 個 叫做 元 直 嘅 人 回答 話 喇 : heard|that|measure word|called|Yuan|straight|possessive particle|person|answered|speech|particle indicating completed action He heard a person named Yuan Zhi respond: 以前 , 聽講 劉景升 是非分明 , 喜愛 好人 , 憎恨 壞人 , 噉 我 特登去 拜見 下 佢 啦 。 in the past|I heard|Liu Jing Sheng|has a clear sense of right and wrong|likes|good people|hates|bad people|so|I||pay a visit|a little|him|sentence final particle In the past, I heard that Liu Jing Sheng was clear about right and wrong, loved good people, and hated bad people, so I specifically went to pay him a visit. 及至 見面 嘞 , 原來 係 徒有虛名 嘅 唧 。 until|we met|past tense marker|it turned out|was|just a name|possessive particle|person When I finally met him, it turned out he was just a person with a hollow reputation. 冇 錯 佢 係 喜愛 好人 , 不過 唔 識用 ; 雖然 憎恨 壞人 啊 , 之 又 唔 能夠 離開 佢 哋 。 not|wrong|he|is|loves|good people|but|not|knows how to use|although|hates|bad people|ah|then|again|not|able to|leave|them|plural marker It's true that he loves good people, but he doesn't know how to utilize them; although he hates bad people, he still can't separate himself from them. 嗨 , 所以 我 寫 低 封信 畀 佢 就 走 咗 嚟 你 呢 處 。 Hi|so|I|||letter|to|him|then|||to|you|this|place Hi, so I wrote a letter to him and came over to you. 水鏡 話 喇 : 你 有 王佐之才 , 就 應該 選擇 個 好 嘅 人 去 為 佢 做事 , 點解 要 隨便 去 見 劉景升 呢 ? Shui Jing|said|particle|you|have|talent of Wang Zuo|then|should|choose|a|good|particle|person|to|for|him|work|why|need|casually|to|meet|Liu Jing Sheng|particle Shuijing said: You have the talent of a king, so you should choose a good person to work for him. Why do you want to casually meet Liu Jingsheng? 其實 英雄豪傑 就 在 眼前 啊 , 你 自己 睇 唔 到 咋 嘛 。 actually|heroes and great men|just|at|in front of|ah|you|yourself|see|not|able to|particle indicating surprise|particle indicating obviousness In fact, the heroes and talents are right in front of you, you just can't see them. 係 , 先生 你 講得 啱 。 yes|sir|you|speak|right Yes, sir, you are right. 劉備 聽到 外 便 嘅 談話 歡喜 到 不得了 。 Liu Bei|heard|outside|then|possessive particle|conversation|happy|to|extremely Liu Bei was overjoyed to hear the conversations outside. 個心 諗 : 嗯 , 呢 個人 呀 , 唔 係 伏龍 就 係 鳳雛咯 。 my heart|thinks|hmm|this|person|particle|not|is|Zhuge Liang|then|is| The heart thinks: Hmm, this person, either a hidden dragon or a phoenix chick. 好 想 出去 同 佢 見面 ,嚱嚱 之 又 唔 敢 啊 , 怕 太過 冒昧 嘞 。 good|want|go out|with|him|meet|but|particle indicating contrast|again|not|dare|particle indicating exclamation|afraid|too much|presumptuous|particle indicating completed action I really want to go out and meet him, but I'm hesitant, afraid it would be too presumptuous. 當晚 劉備 成晚 囉 囉 攣 , 好不容易 等到 天光 就 喇喇聲 起 咗 身 , 即刻 去 求見 水鏡 先生 就 問 佢 話 : that night|Liu Bei|whole night|particle indicating completion|particle indicating completion|restless|with great difficulty|waited until|dawn|then|sound of something falling|get up|past tense marker|body|immediately|go|request an audience|Shui Jing|Mr|then|asked|he|said That night, Liu Bei tossed and turned all night, and finally, when dawn broke, he got up and immediately went to seek out Master Shui Jing to ask him: 誒 , 昨晚 嚟 嗰 個人 係 邊個 啊 ? hey|last night|came|that|person|is|who|question particle Hey, who was that person who came last night? 水鏡 話 : 佢 想 去 投奔 個 英明 嘅 主公 , 已經 去 咗 第處 咯 。 Water Mirror|said|he|wants|to go|seek refuge|the|wise|possessive particle|lord|already|gone|past tense marker|somewhere else|sentence-final particle Shui Jing replied: He wants to join a wise lord and has already gone to another place. 佢 叫做 咩 嘢 名 呢 ? he|is called|what|thing|name|question particle What is his name? 哈哈哈 哈哈 , 好 , 好 , 哈哈哈 。 hahaha|ha|good|good|hahaha Hahaha, okay, okay, hahaha. 誒 , 伏龍 、 鳳雛 , 究竟 係 邊個 啊 ? hey|Zhuge Liang|Pang Tong|after all|is|who|question particle Hey, Fulong, Fengchu, who exactly are they? 哈哈哈哈 哈哈哈 , 哈哈哈哈 , 好 , 好 , 哈哈哈哈 。 hahaha|haha|hahaha||| Hahahaha, hahaha, hahahaha, okay, okay, hahahaha. 水鏡 啊 硬 係 唔 肯講 。 water mirror|ah|hard|is|not|willing to talk Shuijing just refuses to speak. 噉 劉備 呢 , 又 懇求 水鏡 出山 嚟 幫助 佢 。 then|Liu Bei|question particle|again|earnestly requested|Shui Jing|come out of retirement|to|help|him So, Liu Bei, again requested Shui Jing to come out of the mountains to help him. 水鏡 話 嘞 : 我 係 個 山野 閒散 之 人 , 唔 啱 用 嘅 。 water mirror|said|past tense particle|I|am|classifier for people|rural|leisurely|possessive particle|person|not|suitable|used|particle indicating possession Shui Jing said: I am a person who lives a leisurely life in the mountains, not suitable for this. 將來 自然 會 有 勝過 我 十倍 嘅 人 嚟 幫助 將軍 你 嘅 , 將軍 你 到處 留意 訪尋 下 啦 。 in the future|naturally|will|have|surpass|me|ten times|possessive particle|person|come|help|general|you|possessive particle|general|you|everywhere|pay attention to|searching|down|particle indicating suggestion or urging In the future, there will naturally be someone ten times better than me to help you, General. You should pay attention and look for them everywhere. 正 喺 度 談論 緊 , 忽然 聽見 莊外 人喊馬嘶 , 嘈 喧巴閉 。 currently|at|place|discussing|ongoing|suddenly|heard|outside the village||noisy|commotion Just as they were discussing, they suddenly heard people shouting and horses neighing outside the village, making a lot of noise. 有個 書童 走入 嚟 話 : 有個 將軍 帶住 幾百人 嚟 到 莊院 啊 。 there is a|young scholar|walked in|here|said||general|bringing|several hundred men|||village|particle A young scholar came in and said: A general has arrived at the village with several hundred people. 劉備 吃 咗 一驚 , 急急 出去 睇 下 。 Liu Bei|eat|past tense marker|a fright|hurriedly|go out|see|a particle indicating a quick action Liu Bei was startled and hurried out to take a look. 哦 ! 原來 係 趙雲 。 oh|originally|is|Zhao Yun Oh! It turns out to be Zhao Yun. 噉 就 又 放心 又 高興 。 then|just|both|relieved|again|happy Then he felt both relieved and happy. 趙雲 落 咗 馬 入 去 同 劉備 話 : Zhao Yun|dismount|past tense marker|horse|enter|go|with|Liu Bei|said Zhao Yun got off his horse and went in to tell Liu Bei: 我 昨晚 返到 縣城 , 仲 係 搵 唔 到 主公 你 , 就 漏夜 沿路 咁 問追到 嚟 呢 處 咋 。 I|last night|returned to|county town|still|am|find|not|to|my lord|you|then|late at night|along the road|so||coming|this|place|particle indicating a question I returned to the county town last night, but I couldn't find you, my lord, so I asked along the way and chased all the way here. 主公 你 快 啲 返去 縣城 啦 , 只怕 有人 帶兵 嚟 打 啊 。 Your Excellency|you|||return|county town|particle|I'm afraid|someone|bringing troops|here|attack|particle My lord, you should hurry back to the county town, or else someone might bring troops to attack. 於是 劉備 就入 去 告辭 咗 水鏡 , 同 趙雲 一齊 上馬 返去 新野 。 then|Liu Bei|||to say goodbye|past tense marker|Shui Jing|and|Zhao Yun|together|mounted|returned|Xin Ye So Liu Bei went in to bid farewell to Shui Jing, and together with Zhao Yun, mounted their horses and returned to Xin Ye. 行 咗 冇 幾多 里路 , 就 遇到 一彪 人馬 嚟 到 嘞 , 原來 係 關羽 同 張飛 。 walk|past tense marker|not|how many|miles|then|encountered|a group of|soldiers|||past action marker|originally|is|Guan Yu|and|Zhang Fei After traveling a few miles, they encountered a group of people coming, and it turned out to be Guan Yu and Zhang Fei. 見到 面 大家 都 十分 歡喜 啦 。 seeing|face|everyone|all|very|happy|particle Seeing each other, everyone was very happy. 一路行 , 劉備 就將 躍馬 過檀 溪 嘅 事 呀 , 講 畀 佢 哋 聽 。 along the way|Liu Bei||ride a horse|||possessive particle|matter|sentence-final particle|tell|to|them|plural marker|hear As they walked, Liu Bei told them about the incident of leaping over the Danxi. 佢 哋 聽 咗 呀 , 個個 都 話 出奇 夾好彩 呀 。 They|plural marker|heard|past tense marker|sentence-final particle|everyone|all|said|surprisingly||sentence-final particle They heard it, and everyone said it was surprisingly lucky. 返到 去 新野縣 , 劉備 就 搵 埋孫 乾 佢 哋 嚟 商量 。 return to|to|Xinye County|Liu Bei|then|find||Qian|he|plural marker|come|discuss When they returned to Xinye County, Liu Bei gathered Sun Qian and the others to discuss. 孫乾 就 叫 劉備 先 寫封信 畀 劉景升 , 將呢 件 事講 畀 佢 聽 。 Sun Qian|then|asked|Liu Bei|first|write a letter|to|Liu Jing Sheng||matter||to|him|hear Sun Qian asked Liu Bei to first write a letter to Liu Jingsheng, to inform him about this matter. 噉 劉備 寫 好 信 , 就 叫 孫乾帶 去 荊州 。 then|Liu Bei|write|good|letter|then|called||to|Jingzhou So Liu Bei wrote the letter and asked Sun Qian to take it to Jingzhou. 劉表 見到 孫乾 就問 嘞 : Liu Biao|saw|Sun Qian||particle indicating a completed action When Liu Biao saw Sun Qian, he asked: 我 請 玄德去 襄陽 代 我 主持 大會 , 佢 點解 要 逃席 走 咗 去 呀 吓 ? I|invite||Xiangyang|on behalf of|me|host|conference|he|why|needs to|leave the seat|leave|past tense marker|go|question particle|exclamation particle I invited Xuande to Xiangyang to preside over the conference on my behalf, why did he run away? 孫乾 就將 劉備 嘅 信 呈 上去 畀 佢 。 Sun Qian||Liu Bei|possessive particle|letter|to present|up|to give|him Sun Qian presented Liu Bei's letter to him. 同時 呢 , 又將 蔡瑁 點樣 陰謀 傷害 , 好彩 隻 馬 使得 , 跳過 咗 檀溪 , 噉 先至 脫險 嘅 經過 , 詳詳細細 講 畀 劉表 聽 。 at the same time|particle indicating a question||Cai Mao|how|plot|harm|fortunately|measure word for animals|horse|managed to|jump over|past tense marker|Tanxi|then|only then|escape danger|possessive particle|process|in detail|tell|to|Liu Biao|listen At the same time, he detailed how Cai Mao conspired to harm him, fortunately the horse managed to jump over the Tanxi, thus escaping danger. 劉表 聽 咗 發火 喇 。 Liu Biao|heard|past tense marker|get angry|sentence-final particle Liu Biao was furious after hearing this. 即刻 叫 人 嗌 蔡瑁 嚟 , 省 佢 一餐 。 immediately|call|person|order|Choi Mau|come|save|him|a meal He immediately called for Cai Mao to come, saving him a meal. 鬧 佢 : 你 竟然 膽敢 害 我 細佬 ? scold|him|you|actually|dare|harm|my|younger brother Scold him: You actually dare to harm my younger brother? 仲叫 人 拉 佢 出去 斬首 。 still asking|people|to pull|him|to go out|beheaded Still asking people to drag him out and behead him. 蔡夫人 即刻 趕出 嚟 , 喊住 噉 哀求 唔 好 殺 喇 。 Mrs Choi|immediately|drive out|here|crying|like that|pleading|||kill|particle indicating completed action Madam Cai immediately rushed out, crying and pleading not to kill. 劉表 就 嬲 得 好 緊要 , 唔 肯 放過 佢 。 Liu Biao|then|angry|to the extent of|very|important|not|willing|let go|him Liu Biao was very angry and refused to let him go. 孫乾 就 講情 話 嘞 : 將軍 如果 殺 咗 蔡 瑁 嘅 話 , 噉 恐怕 皇叔 就 好 難 喺 呢 處 住 得 落 去 㗎 喇 。 Sun Qian|then|talk about emotions|said|past tense marker|general|if|kill|past tense marker|||possessive particle|said|then|I'm afraid|imperial uncle|would|very|difficult|at|this|place|live|able|settle|down|sentence-final particle|sentence-final particle Sun Qian then spoke emotionally: If the general kills Cai Mao, then I'm afraid the royal uncle will find it very difficult to stay here. 劉表 一聽 啊 噉 又 係 呀 嚱, 就將 蔡瑁 責罵 咗 一番 , 放 咗 佢 。 Liu Biao|upon hearing|ah|like this|again|is|particle|to scold||Cai Mao|scolded|past tense marker|a bit|let go|past tense marker|him Liu Biao heard this and scolded Cai Mao, then let him go. 然後 呢 , 叫 佢 大 仔 劉 琦 同埋 孫乾去 新野 , 向 劉備 賠禮 請罪 。 then|question particle|to call|him|eldest|son|Liu|Qi|and||Xinye|to|Liu Bei|to apologize|to ask for forgiveness Then, he called his eldest son Liu Qi and Sun Qian to go to Xinye to apologize to Liu Bei. 劉琦 奉命 嚟 到 新野 , 劉備 就 出 嚟 迎接 佢 。 Liu Qi|under orders|come|to|Xin Ye|Liu Bei|then|go out|come|welcome|him Liu Qi arrived in Xinye as ordered, and Liu Bei came out to welcome him. 當日 , 照例 設宴款待 啦 , 飲到 咁 上下 , 劉琦 忽然 流 起 眼淚 上 嚟 。 that day|as usual|held a banquet to entertain|particle indicating suggestion|drinking until|so|up and down|Liu Qi|suddenly|flow|start|tears|up|come That day, as usual, a banquet was held, and after drinking for a while, Liu Qi suddenly started to cry. 劉備 問 佢 咩 嘢 事 , Liu Bei|asked|him|what|thing|matter Liu Bei asked him what was wrong, 劉琦話 : 我 嘅 繼母 蔡氏 , 時時 都 想害 我 嘅 , 小侄 唔 知點 先至 能夠 免禍 啊 。 Liu Qi said|I|possessive particle|stepmother|Choi family|always|all|wants to harm|me|possessive particle|nephew|not||only then|able to|avoid disaster|ah Liu Qi said: My stepmother, the Choi family, always wants to harm me. I don't know how my nephew can avoid disaster. 真 係 乜嘢 計都 冇 , 請 叔父 指教 我 啦 。 ||what|plan|not have|please|uncle|teach|me|sentence final particle I really have no plans at all, please advise me, uncle. 哈哈 , 人 哋 嘅 家事 好難 管 嘅 , 所以 劉備 只 係 勸 佢 小心 孝順 個 繼母 , 自然 冇 禍 㗎 喇 噉 。 haha|people|plural marker|possessive particle|family matters|very difficult|manage|possessive particle|so|Liu Bei|||advised|him|be careful|filial to|classifier|stepmother|naturally|no|misfortune|sentence-final particle|sentence-final particle|like that Haha, it's really hard to manage other people's family matters, so Liu Bei only advised him to be careful and filial to his stepmother, and naturally, there would be no disaster. 第 日 , 劉琦返 去 荊州 。 the|day||to|Jingzhou The next day, Liu Qi returned to Jingzhou. 劉備 騎住 的 盧馬送 劉琦 出去 城外 , 佢 指 住 隻 馬 對 劉 琦 話 : Liu Bei|riding|possessive particle||Liu Qi|outside|outside the city|he|pointed|at|measure word for animals|horse|to|||said Liu Bei rode his Lu horse to send Liu Qi out of the city, and he pointed at the horse and said to Liu Qi: 嗰 日 , 如果 唔 係 呢 匹 馬 我 已經 死 咗 㗎 喇 。 that|day|if|||this|measure word for animals|horse|I|already|||sentence-final particle|past action particle That day, if it weren't for this horse, I would have already died. 劉琦話 : 呢 啲 都 唔 關 隻 馬 事 嘅 , 係 叔父 嘅 洪福齊天 啊 。 Liu Qi said|||all|not|related|measure word for animals|horse|matter|possessive particle|is|uncle|possessive particle|great fortune and happiness|particle indicating exclamation or affirmation Liu Qi said: "These have nothing to do with the horse, it's my uncle's great fortune." 講完 , 劉琦 就 同 劉備 告別 , 流住 眼淚 噉 返去 荊州 。 finished speaking|Liu Qi|then|with|Liu Bei|said goodbye|flowing|tears|like that|returned to|Jingzhou After saying that, Liu Qi bid farewell to Liu Bei, returning to Jingzhou with tears in his eyes. 劉備 勒 轉馬 頭行 返入 城 。 Liu Bei|urged|turned the horse|head|returned into|city Liu Bei turned the horse's head and rode back into the city. 喺 街市 見到 有 個人 , 頭戴 葛巾 , 身穿 布袍 , 攬住 條黑 腰帶 就 着 住 一對 黑 布鞋 , 一路行 就 一路 唱住 歌 。 at|market|saw|there is|a person|wearing on head|turban|wearing|cloth robe|holding||belt|then|wearing|continuous aspect particle|a pair of|black|cloth shoes||then|all the way|singing|song In the market, he saw a person wearing a headscarf, dressed in a cloth robe, holding a black belt and wearing a pair of black cloth shoes, singing as he walked. 啲 歌詞 係 噉 嘅 : the|lyrics|are|like|particle indicating description The lyrics are like this: 天地 反覆 兮 , 火欲 殂 ; 大廈 將崩 兮 , 一木難 扶 。 heaven and earth|in constant flux|a particle indicating possession or emphasis||extinguished|great building||a particle indicating possession or emphasis||support The heavens and the earth are in turmoil, fire is about to extinguish; the great building is about to collapse, and one tree cannot support it. 山谷 有賢 兮 , 欲 投 明主 ; 明主 求賢 兮 , 卻 不知 吾 。 valley|has a wise man|particle indicating possession|wants|to submit|enlightened ruler|enlightened ruler|seeks wise men|particle indicating possession|but|does not know|I In the valley, there are wise men who wish to serve a bright lord; the bright lord seeks wise men, yet does not know me. 劉備 一聽 呢 支歌 , 歌詞 講得 明明白白 , 話 漢朝 就 嚟 要 滅亡 , 好似 間 大屋 就 嚟 冧 噉 ; 而家 山谷 之間 啊 係 有 賢德 嘅 人才 喺 處 嘅 , 想 嚟 投奔 英明 嘅 主公 ; 而 英明 嘅 主公 想 物色人才 , 之 又 唔 識得 我 噉 。 Liu Bei|upon hearing|this|||said|clearly|saying|Han Dynasty|soon|come|will|perish|like|measure word for buildings|big house|soon|come|collapse|like|now|valley||ah|is|have|virtuous|possessive particle|talented people|at|place|possessive particle|want||||||||||||possessive particle|again|not|recognize|me|like When Liu Bei heard this song, the lyrics were clear and straightforward, saying that the Han dynasty is about to perish, just like a big house is about to collapse; and now in the valleys, there are virtuous talents who wish to seek refuge with a wise lord; yet the wise lord wants to find talents, but does not recognize me. 劉備 聽 咗 就 諗 嘞 噃: 呢 個人 莫非 就 係 水鏡 所講 嘅 伏 龍 、 鳳雛 ? Liu Bei|heard|past tense marker|then|thought|past tense marker|sentence-final particle|this|person|could it be|just|is|Shui Jing||possessive particle|hidden|dragon|phoenix chick Liu Bei thought to himself: Could this person be the伏龍 (Hidden Dragon) and 鳳雛 (Phoenix Chick) mentioned by Shui Jing? 於是 就 落 咗 馬 招呼 佢 , 請 佢 入 去 縣衙門 坐 。 so|then|get off|past tense marker|horse|greet|him|invite|him|enter|to|county office|sit So, I got off the horse to greet him and invited him to sit in the county office. 坐落 之後 問 佢 個 姓名 。 sit down|after|ask|him|measure word|name After sitting down, I asked him for his name. 嗰 個人 話 : 我 係 潁 上 人 , 姓 單名 福 。 that|person|said|I|am|Ying|Shang|person|surname|given name|Fu The person said: I am from Ying Shang, my surname is Shan and my name is Fu. 好 耐 就 聽講 使君 要 納士招賢 , 好 想 嚟 投奔 使君 。 very|long|then|heard|Lord|wants|recruit talented people|very|want|to come|seek refuge|Lord I have heard for a long time that the governor is looking to recruit talented individuals, and I really want to come and seek the governor's support. 但 係 又 唔 敢 貿貿然 嚟 , 因此 喺 街市 上 唱 下歌 , 用 噉 嘅 辦法 嚟 引起 使君 你 注意 啫 。 ||again|not|dare|recklessly|come|therefore|at|market|on|sing||using|such|possessive particle|method|to|attract|sir|you|attention|just But I didn't dare to come recklessly, so I sang a song in the market to attract your attention. 劉備 好 歡喜 , 將 佢 當做 上賓 一樣 噉 嚟 看待 。 Liu Bei|very|happy|will|him|treat as|honored guest|the same|like this|come|regard Liu Bei was very happy and treated him like a distinguished guest. 單福話 嘞 : 剛才 使君 所 騎 嗰 匹 馬 , 唔 該 再 畀 我 睇 下 好 嘛 ? Dan Fook said|past tense marker|just now|Sir|particle indicating possession|riding|that|measure word for horses|horse|||again|give|me|see|a little|good|question particle Shan Fu said: Just now, could you let me see the horse that the lord was riding? 劉備 叫 人 除 低 馬鞍 , 牽 咗 匹 馬 嚟 到 大堂 外便 。 Liu Bei|called|someone|remove|low|saddle|led|past tense marker|measure word for horses|horse|come|arrive|hall|outside Liu Bei ordered someone to remove the saddle and brought a horse to the hall. 單福行 過去 睇 咗 一下 佢 就 話 嘞 : 呢 隻 唔 係 的 盧馬 ? Dan Fook Hang|past|look|past tense marker|a moment|he|then|said|past action marker|this|measure word for animals|not|is|possessive particle|Luma Shan Fu walked over to take a look and said: Isn't this a Lu horse? 嗯 , 雖然 係 千里馬 , 不過 就 係 會 剋 主人 嘅 喎 , 唔 好 騎 佢 呀 。 hmm|although|is|a fast horse|but|just|is|will|harm|owner|possessive particle|sentence-final particle|not|well|ride|it|sentence-final particle Hmm, although it is a steed of a thousand miles, it will harm its owner, so don't ride it. 哦 , 已經 應 咗 喇 。 oh|already|should|past tense marker|sentence final particle Oh, it's already agreed. 於是 劉備 就將 跳過 檀 溪 嘅 事 講 畀 單 福 聽 。 then|Liu Bei||skip|Tan|creek|possessive particle|matter|tell|to|Shan|Fu|hear So Liu Bei told Dan Fu about the incident at Tanxi. 單福話 : 嗰 次 係 救主 , 唔 係 剋 主 。 Dan Fook said|that|time|was|savior|not|was|| Dan Fu said: That time was to save the master, not to harm the master. 佢 終歸 要 剋 一次 主人 嘅 , 之 我 有 個 辦法 可以 免 咗 佢 。 he|eventually|has to|defeat|one time|master|possessive particle|then|I|have|a|method|can|spare|past tense marker|him He ultimately has to harm the master once, but I have a way to exempt him from that. 請 先生 你 講下 點樣 先至 可以 免 咗 佢 剋 主 呢 ? please|sir|you|tell me|how|only then|can|avoid|past tense marker|he|defeat|master|question particle Please, sir, can you tell me how he can be exempted from harming the master? 嗱, 明公個 心目 中 如果 有 邊 個人 你 係 同 佢 有 冤仇 嘅 , 噉 你 呀 將呢 匹馬 送 畀 佢 , 等匹馬 剋 咗 呢 個人 之後 , 然後 明公 你 再 騎 返 佢 呢 , 噉 就 自然 冇 事 㗎 喇 。 well||mind|in|if|there is|which|person|you|are|with|him|have|enmity|particle indicating possession|then|you|particle||horse|give|to|him||kill|past tense marker|this||after|then|Sir Ming|you|again|ride|back|it|this|then|then|naturally|have no|trouble|particle indicating certainty|particle indicating completed action Well, if there is someone in your heart, my lord, with whom you have a grudge, then you should send this horse to him. Let the horse deal with that person, and then you can ride it again, and naturally, there will be no issue. 咩 話 ? 劉備 面色 都 變 咗 。 what|to say|Liu Bei|complexion|all|changed|past tense marker What did you say? Liu Bei's expression changed. 先生 啱 啱 嚟 到 , 唔 用 正道 嚟 教 我 , 反而 一下 就 教 我 做 啲 利己 害人 嘅 事 , 我 不敢 領教 ! sir|||to||||||teach|me|instead|in one go|then|taught|me|to do|some|self-serving|harmful to others|possessive particle|things|I|dare not|accept the teaching Sir, you just arrived, and instead of teaching me the right way, you immediately teach me to do selfish and harmful things. I dare not accept that! 哈哈哈哈 哈哈哈哈 , 我 一向 聽 聞使君 對人極 之 仁德 , 故此 先頭 特登 噉 樣講 嚟 試下 你 啫 。 hahaha||I|always|heard|||possessive particle|benevolence|therefore|earlier|specially|like this||to come|to try|you|only Hahaha, I have always heard that you are extremely benevolent towards others, so I deliberately said this to test you. 我 劉備 點敢 話 對 人 有 咩 嘢 仁德 吖 。 I|Liu Bei|how dare|say|to|people|have|what|thing|benevolence|particle How could I, Liu Bei, dare to say that I have any benevolence towards others? 仲 係 要 請 先生 指教 我 。 ||need|please|teacher|instruct|me I still need to ask for your guidance, sir. 我 喺 潁 上 嚟 呢 一處 , 就 聽見 新野 啲 百姓 唱 一首 歌謠 , 話 : I|at|Ying|up|come|this|place|then|heard|Xinye|possessive particle|common people|sing|a|song|said When I arrived here in Ying, I heard the people of Xinya singing a song that said: 新野 牧 , 劉皇叔 ; 自到 此 , 民豐 足 。 Xinye|Mu|Liu the Emperor's Uncle||here||sufficient Xinya shepherd, Liu the Emperor; since coming here, the people are prosperous. 可見 使君 確實 係 對待 民眾 十分 仁德 啊 。 it is evident|your honor|indeed|is|treating|the people|very|benevolent|ah It is clear that the governor truly treats the people with great benevolence. 劉備 同 單福 呀 傾談 得 非常 投機 , 於是 劉備 呢 , 就 任命 單福 做 軍師 , 負責 訓練 教導 本部 人馬 。 Liu Bei|with|Shan Fu|particle|conversation|very|extremely|compatible|so||particle|then|appointed||as|military advisor|responsible for|training|teaching|headquarters|troops Liu Bei and Shan Fu had a very good conversation, so Liu Bei appointed Shan Fu as a military advisor, responsible for training and teaching the troops. 而家 再 講返 下 曹操 。 now|again|talk about|next|Cao Cao Now let's talk about Cao Cao again. 佢 自從 由 冀州 返回 許都 啊 , 就 一直 都 想 奪取 荊州 㗎 嘞 。 He|since|from|Jizhou|returned|Xudu|ah|then|always|all|wants|to seize|Jingzhou|particle|particle Since he returned from Jizhou to Xudu, he has always wanted to seize Jingzhou. 所以 呢 , 佢 特意 派 咗 曹仁 、 李典 , 同埋 降將 呂曠 、 呂翔 , 率領 三 萬軍 兵 駐 扎 喺 樊城 。 so|question particle|he|intentionally|sent|past tense marker|Cao Ren|Li Dian|and|surrendering general|Lue Kuang|Lue Xiang|led|three||soldiers|stationed|set up|at|Fan City So, he specifically sent Cao Ren, Li Dian, and the surrendered generals Lu Kuang and Lu Xiang to lead thirty thousand troops stationed at Fancheng. 樊城 就 係 喺 而 家 湖北省 襄樊市 。 Fancheng|just|is|at|||Hubei Province|Xiangfan City Fancheng is in present-day Xiangfan City, Hubei Province. 同 襄陽 呢 就 隔 住 漢水 遙遙相對 嘅 。 with|Xiangyang|this|then|separated|by|Han River|far apart|possessive particle It is located across the Han River from Xiangyang. 噉 曹仁 率領 呢 班 部隊 呀 , 虎視眈眈 噉 睺 硬 荊州 、 襄陽 , 隨時 探聽虛實 。 then|Cao Ren|leads|this|group|troops|particle|with a fierce gaze|then|Hou|hard|Jingzhou|Xiangyang|at any time| So, Cao Ren led this group of troops, watching closely and preparing to attack Jingzhou and Xiangyang, always gathering intelligence. 有 一日 , 呂曠同 呂翔 就 嚟 稟告 曹仁話 : there is|one day||Lu Hsiang|then|came|to report| One day, Lu Kuang and Lu Xiang came to report to Cao Ren saying: 而家 劉備 屯兵 喺 新野 , 招軍買馬 , 積草 儲糧 。 now|Liu Bei|station troops|at|Xin Ye||gather hay|store grain Right now, Liu Bei is stationed in Xinye, recruiting soldiers and buying horses, stockpiling grass and grain. 佢 呀 企圖 唔 細 㗎 , 要 早日 剷除 咗 佢 至 得 。 he|sentence-final particle|intention|not|small|sentence-final particle|must|as soon as possible|eliminate|past tense marker|he|only|okay His intentions are not small; he wants to eliminate us as soon as possible. 我 哋 兩個 自從 歸降 丞相 之後 , 未有 立過 半寸 嘅 功勞 , 希望 撥 五千 精兵 畀 我 哋 , 等 我 哋 去 攞 劉備 嘅 人頭 嚟 獻 畀 丞相 。 I|plural marker|we two|since|surrender|Prime Minister|after|have not|established|half an inch|possessive particle|merit|hope|allocate|five thousand|elite soldiers|to|I|plural marker|let|I|plural marker|go|take|Liu Bei|possessive particle|head|come|present|to|Prime Minister Since we both surrendered to the Prime Minister, we have not achieved even half an inch of merit, and we hope to be allocated five thousand elite soldiers so that we can take Liu Bei's head to present to the Prime Minister. 曹仁好 歡喜 , 即刻 就 撥 咗 五千 兵 畀 佢 哋 兩個 , 前去 新野 嚟 攻打 劉備 嘞 。 Cao Ren is good|happy|immediately|then|allocate|past tense marker|five thousand|soldiers|to|them|plural marker|two|go to|Xin Ye|come|attack|Liu Bei|past tense marker Cao Ren was very happy and immediately allocated five thousand troops to them to go to Xinye to attack Liu Bei. 劉備 一 接到 呢 個 消息 , 就 請 單福 嚟 商量 。 Liu Bei|once|received|this|measure word|news|then|invited|Shan Fu|to come|discuss As soon as Liu Bei received this news, he called Shan Fu to discuss. 單福話 : 既然 敵兵 嚟 侵犯 , 就 唔 好 畀 佢 哋 入境 啊 。 Dan Fook said|since|enemy soldiers|come|invade|then|||let|them|plural marker|enter|particle Shan Fu said: Since the enemy troops are invading, we should not let them enter our territory. 我 哋 要 噉 樣 打 : we|plural marker|need|like this|way|fight We should fight like this: 派 關公 帶 一支 軍隊 , 由 左 便 殺出 , 打 敵軍 嘅 中路 ; send|Guan Gong|lead|a|army|from|left|then|charge out|attack|enemy|possessive particle|center road Send Guan Gong to lead a troop to break out from the left and attack the enemy's center. 張飛 帶 一支 軍隊 由右 便 殺出 , 打 敵軍 嘅 後路 ; Zhang Fei|led|a|army||then|charged out|attacking|enemy|possessive particle|rear road Zhang Fei led a troop to charge out from the right, attacking the enemy's rear. 明公 你 就 帶 埋 趙雲 , 喺 前路 出兵 迎戰 , 噉 就 可以 擊破 敵人 㗎 嘞 。 Lord Ming|you|then|bring|along|Zhao Yun|at|front|deploy troops|engage in battle|like this|then|can|defeat|enemy|particle indicating certainty|particle indicating completion My lord, you should take Zhao Yun and advance from the front to engage in battle, then we can defeat the enemy. 劉備 聽 佢 嘅 說話 , 立即 派 關公 、 張飛 , 帶兵 出發 。 Liu Bei|heard|he|possessive particle|words|immediately|sent|Guan Yu|Zhang Fei|led the troops|departed Liu Bei listened to his advice and immediately dispatched Guan Gong and Zhang Fei to lead the troops. 然後 自己 就 同 埋單 福 、 趙雲 等等 啊 , 總共 帶 咗 二千 人馬 出關 去 迎敵 嘞 。 then|we|just|together|with the bill|Fortune|Zhao Yun|etc|ah|in total|brought|past tense marker|two thousand|troops|out of the pass|to|face the enemy|past action marker Then he himself, along with Dan Fu, Zhao Yun, and others, brought a total of two thousand men out of the pass to confront the enemy. 行 咗 冇 幾多 里路 , 只見 山 後塵 頭大起 , 呂曠 、 呂翔 帶兵 嚟 到 嘞 。 walk|past tense marker|not|how many|miles|only saw|mountain|||Luey Kwang|Luey Cheung||come|arrive|past action marker After traveling a short distance, they saw a large dust cloud rising behind the mountains, as Lü Kuang and Lü Xiang brought their troops. 噉 啊 雙方 都 各自 射住 陣角 。 then|ah|both sides|all|each|aiming at|corner Both sides are shooting at the corners. 劉備 出馬 企 喺 門 旗 之下 , 大聲 噉 喝 話 : 來將 何人 ! 膽敢 侵犯 我 嘅 地方 呀 ! Liu Bei|to go out|to stand|at|gate|flag|under|loudly|like this|to shout|words|coming general|who|dares|to invade|my|possessive particle|territory|exclamatory particle Liu Bei stepped forward and stood under the flag, shouting loudly: Who dares to invade my territory! 呂曠 出馬 回答 話 : 我 係 大將 呂曠 ! 奉 咗 丞相 嘅 命令 , 特意 嚟 捉 你 呀 ! Lueh Kwang|to come out|to reply|said|I|am|great general||to receive|past tense marker|prime minister|possessive particle|order|specifically|to come|to capture|you|sentence-final particle Lü Kuang stepped forward and replied: I am the great general Lü Kuang! I have come specifically to capture you on the orders of the Prime Minister! 劉備 好 嬲 啊 , 叫 趙雲 出馬 . Liu Bei|very|angry|ah|ordered|Zhao Yun|to go into battle Liu Bei was very angry and called Zhao Yun to step forward. 兩個 打 咗 幾個 回合 唧 , 趙雲 一槍 就 刺 咗 呂曠 落馬 嗚呼哀哉 . the two|fight|past tense marker|several|rounds|sound of a weapon|Zhao Yun|one spear|then|stab|past tense marker|Lu Kuang|off his horse|alas The two fought for several rounds, and Zhao Yun pierced Lü Kuang with a spear, causing him to fall off his horse, alas. 劉備 跟 住 用 馬鞭 一揮 , 全軍 掩殺 過去 . Liu Bei|||using|whip|with a single swing|the entire army|encircled and killed|past Liu Bei waved his whip, and the entire army charged forward. 呂翔 抵敵 唔 住 , 帶住 人馬 撤退 . Lui Cheung|resist the enemy|not|able to|bringing|troops|retreat Lü Xiang couldn't hold off the enemy and retreated with his troops. 正在 行行 下 , 喺 路邊 呀 一支 軍隊 突然 殺出 嚟 , 嘿為 首 大將 乃 係 關雲長 啊 ! currently|walking|down|at|roadside|particle|a|army|suddenly|rushed out|here||chief|general|is|is|Guan Yu|particle As they were moving along, suddenly a troop emerged from the roadside, and the leading general was none other than Guan Yunchang! 沖 殺 咗 一陣 , 呂翔 損失 咗 成 大半 人馬 , 搏命 咁 奪路 先至 走 甩 咗 . charge|kill|past tense marker|moment|Lui Cheung|lost|past tense marker|whole|more than half|troops|desperately|like that|break through|only then|||past tense marker After a fierce battle, Lü Xiang lost more than half of his troops and fought desperately to break through before finally escaping. 又行 咗 唔 到 十里 路 , 又 有 一支 軍隊 攔住 去路 嘞 . walked again|past tense marker|not|reach|ten miles|road|again|there is|a|army|blocking|way to go|sentence-final particle After walking less than ten miles, another troop blocked their way. 為首 一員大將 , 挺起 長矛 大聲 噉 話 : 張翼德 在 此 ! 直取 呂翔 。 leading||raised|spear|loudly|like that|said|Zhang Yide|at|this|directly attack|Lue Xiang At the forefront, a general raised his spear and shouted loudly: 'Zhang Yide is here! Directly targeting Lu Xiang.' 呂翔 措手不及 , 畀 張飛 一矛 刺中 翻身 落馬 當堂 冇 命 。 Lu Xiang|caught off guard|by|Zhang Fei|one spear|struck|turned over|fell off his horse|on the spot|no|life Lu Xiang was caught off guard and was pierced by Zhang Fei's spear, falling off his horse and losing his life on the spot. 噉 剩 低落 嚟 嗰 啲 殘兵 敗 卒 , 四散 咁 奔走 。 like that|remaining|downcast|come|that|plural marker|defeated soldiers|defeat|soldiers|scattered|like that|running away The remaining defeated soldiers scattered and fled. 劉備 指揮 軍隊 呀 窮追 猛趕 , 結果 呢 就 俘虜 咗 成 大半 。 Liu Bei|commanded|army|particle|relentlessly pursued|hurried|as a result|particle|then|captured|past tense marker|all|most of them Liu Bei commanded the army to pursue relentlessly, resulting in the capture of a large majority. 打贏 咗 仗 , 劉備 班師 返去 新野 。 won|past tense marker|battle|Liu Bei|retreated|returned to|Xin Ye Having won the battle, Liu Bei returned to Xinye. 呢 位 新 上任 嘅 軍師 單福 呀 確係 使得 啊 ! this|measure word for people|new|appointed|possessive particle|military strategist|Dan Fook|sentence-final particle|really is|capable|sentence-final particle This newly appointed strategist, Shan Fu, is indeed impressive! 劉備 呀 更加 敬重 佢 嘞 , 同時 呢 , 就 慰勞 賞賜 三軍 啦 。 Liu Bei|particle indicating exclamation|even more|respect|him|particle indicating completed action|at the same time|particle indicating a question|then|reward|bestow|three armies|particle indicating completion or change of state Liu Bei respects him even more, and at the same time, rewards and comforts the three armies. 噉 嗰 啲 走 甩 咗 嘅 敗兵 呢 , 就 趯 返去 樊城 報告 畀 曹仁知 , 話 : 呂曠 、 呂翔 就 被 殺 , 大部分 嘅 軍士 被俘 嘞 噉 。 like this|that|plural marker|to run|to escape|past tense marker|possessive particle|defeated soldiers|question particle|then|to hurry|return|Fan City|to report|to||to say|Lue Kuang|Lue Hsiang|then|passive marker|killed|most|possessive particle|soldiers|captured|past tense marker|like this So those defeated soldiers who escaped rushed back to Fan City to report to Cao Ren, saying: "Lü Kuang and Lü Xiang have been killed, and most of the soldiers have been captured." 曹仁大 驚 , 佢 又 同 李 典 商量 。 Cao Renda|surprised|he|again|with|Li|Dian|discuss Cao Ren was greatly shocked, and he discussed it with Li Dian. 李典 話 : 佢 哋 兩個 , 皆 因為 輕敵 而致 陣亡 。 Li Dian|said|they|plural marker|two|both|because of|underestimating the enemy|and caused|death in battle Li Dian said: "Both of them died because they underestimated the enemy." 而家 我 哋 , 只 係 宜於 安兵 不動 , 將 情形 報告 丞相 。 now|I|we|||suitable for|to move troops|not move|to report|situation|report|prime minister Right now, we should just stay put and report the situation to the Prime Minister. 請 丞相 派 大軍 嚟 征剿 , 呢 個 先 至 係 上策 啊 。 please|Prime Minister|send|large army|here|suppress|this|measure word|first|only|is|best strategy|ah Please have the Prime Minister send a large army to suppress them; this is the best strategy. 曹仁話 喇 : 唔 係 ! 而家二將 陣亡 , 又 損失 咁 多 人馬 , 呢 個 仇 唔 快 啲 報 點得 啊 。 Cao Ren said|particle indicating finality|not|||||||||||||quickly|particle indicating degree|avenge|how to|particle indicating a question Cao Ren said: No! Now that two generals have fallen and we've lost so many troops, how can we not take revenge quickly? 我 量 佢 新野 彈丸之地 , 使 乜 勞煩 丞相 出動 大軍 呢 ? I|measure|he|new thing|in a tiny place|use|what|trouble|prime minister|mobilize|army|question particle I estimate that their new territory is just a small area; why should we trouble the Prime Minister to mobilize a large army? 劉備 係 個人 中 豪傑 啊 , 唔 好 輕視 佢 呀 。 Liu Bei|is|person|among|hero|particle|||underestimate|him|particle Liu Bei is a hero among men; do not underestimate him. 乜 你 咁 膽怯 㗎 ? what|you|so|timid|question particle What, are you so timid? 兵法 有話 : 知彼知己 , 百戰百勝 。 military strategy|there is a saying||win every battle The art of war says: Know your enemy and know yourself, and you will win every battle. 我 唔 係 膽怯 唔 敢 打 , 就 係 怕 唔 能夠 必勝 咋 。 I|not|am|timid|not|dare|fight|just|am|afraid|not|able to|win for sure|particle indicating emphasis I'm not afraid to fight, I just fear that I might not be able to win for sure. 啊 ? 乜 你 噉 就 動搖 喇 ? ah|what|you|like this|then|waver|particle indicating change of state Huh? Are you wavering like this? 我事 必要 生擒 劉備 ! |must|capture alive|Liu Bei I must capture Liu Bei alive! 將軍 如果 要 去 , 噉 等 我 留 喺 處 守 樊城 啦 。 General|if|want|to go|then|wait|I|stay|at|place|guard|Fancheng|sentence-final particle General, if you want to go, then let me stay here to guard Fan City. 哼 ! 你 如果 唔 同埋 去 , 噉 就 真 係 動搖 嘞 喎 ! hum|you|if|not|and|go|then|just|really|are|shaken|past action particle|sentence-final particle Hmph! If you don't go with me, then it really is shaking things up! 吓 , 李典 無可奈何 , 就 唯有 同 曹仁 一齊 , 點起 二萬五千 軍馬 渡過 河 , 一直 殺 奔 新野 而 去 。 ah|Li Dian|had no choice|then|only|with|Cao Ren|together|gathered|25000|cavalry|crossed|river|continuously|attacked|rushed|Xinye|and|left Huh, Li Dian had no choice but to join Cao Ren, raising 25,000 troops to cross the river and rush to Xinye. 而家 再講 下單 福 。 now||placing an order|fortune Now let's talk about the good fortune. 佢 得勝 返到 新野 之後 呢 , 就 對 劉備 話 : he|victorious|returned to|Xinye|after|particle indicating past action|then|to|Liu Bei|said After he returned victorious to Xinye, he said to Liu Bei: 曹仁 屯兵 喺 樊城 , 佢 一 知道 呂曠 、 呂翔 被 殺 , 必定會 出動 大軍 嚟 打 我 哋 㗎 。 Cao Ren|stationed troops|at|Fan City|he|one|knows|Lue Kuang|Lue Xiang|by|killed||mobilize|large army|to|fight|us|plural marker|sentence final particle Cao Ren stationed troops in Fan City. Once he knows that Lü Kuang and Lü Xiang have been killed, he will definitely mobilize a large army to fight us. 噉 我 哋 點樣 迎敵 好 呢 ? then|we|plural marker|how|face the enemy|well|question particle So how should we face the enemy? 佢 如果 出動 全部 人馬 嚟 打 我 哋 , 樊城 就 空虛 啦 , 我 哋 可以 乘機 奪取 咗 樊城 。 he|if|deploy|all|troops|come|fight|we|plural marker|Fan City|then|empty|particle indicating change of state|we|plural marker|can|take advantage of the opportunity|capture|past tense marker|Fan City If he mobilizes all his troops to fight us, Fan City will be left empty, and we can take the opportunity to seize Fan City. 好 啊 ! 噉 點 打法 呢 ? Alright! So what’s the strategy? 單福 就 伏 喺 劉備 耳仔邊 , 細細 聲話 如此 如此 噉 。 Dan Fook|then|whispered|at|Liu Bei|ear|softly||like this|like this|like that Shan Fu will hide next to Liu Bei and whisper this and that. 嘿 呀 劉備 歡喜 到極 喇 , 立即 下令 作好 一切 準備 。 hey|ah|Liu Bei|happy|to the extreme|particle indicating completion|immediately|gave orders|to make good|all|preparations Hey, Liu Bei is extremely happy, and immediately orders to make all preparations. 呢 一日 , 探馬 嚟 報告 話 : 曹仁 率領 大軍 渡河 嚟 到 嘞 。 this|day|scout|came|report|said|Cao Ren|led|large army|crossed the river|||past tense marker On this day, a scout came to report that Cao Ren led a large army across the river. 單福話 : 果然 不出 我 之 所料 啊 ! Danfuk said|as expected|did not come out|I|possessive particle|expectation|ah Dan Fu said: "As expected, it did not go beyond my expectations!" 於是 就 請 劉備 出兵 去 迎敵 。 then|immediately|request|Liu Bei|deploy troops|to|confront the enemy So he invited Liu Bei to send troops to meet the enemy. 兩陣 對圓 , 趙雲 出馬 挑戰 , 曹仁 呢 , 就 叫 李典 出陣 同 趙雲 交鋒 。 two armies|face off|Zhao Yun|take the field|challenge|Cao Ren|question particle|then|call|Li Dian|go into battle|with||clash The two armies faced off, Zhao Yun rode out to challenge, and Cao Ren called Li Dian to the battlefield to engage with Zhao Yun. 兩個 打 咗 大約 十幾個 回合 啦 , 李典 就 諗 住 打 唔 過一撥 隻 馬 就 跑 返回 陣 。 the two of them|fight|past tense marker|about|over ten|rounds|sentence-final particle|Li Dian|then|||fight|not||measure word for animals|horses|then|run|return|formation The two fought for about ten or so rounds, and Li Dian thought about retreating back to the camp after not being able to defeat a wave of cavalry. 趙雲 喝 一聲 你 咪 走 ! 縱馬 追上去 。 Zhao Yun|shout|one shout|you|don't|run away|ride fast|catch up Zhao Yun shouted, "Don't you run away!" and chased after them on horseback. 但 係 呢 就 畀 曹 兵 嘅 兩翼 , 用箭 嚟 射住 , 就 收兵 回營 。 ||this|then|by|||possessive particle|flanks||to|shoot at|then|withdraw troops|return to camp However, they were shot at by arrows from the two wings of Cao's troops, and had to retreat back to the camp. 李典 返到 營寨 就 去 見 曹仁 啦 佢 話 : Li Dian|returned to|camp|then|go|see|Cao Ren|particle indicating completed action|he|said When Li Dian returned to the camp, he went to see Cao Ren and said: 佢 哋 嘅 軍隊 好 精銳 , 唔 好 輕敵 啊 ! 不如 , 返 樊城 罷啦 。 they|plural marker|possessive particle|army|very|elite|not|very|underestimate the enemy|sentence-final particle|might as well|return|Fan City| "Their army is very elite, we shouldn't underestimate them! How about we return to Fan City instead?" 曹仁 發火 喇 : 哼 ! 未曾 出兵 嘅 時候 , 你 就 已經 動搖 我 嘅 軍心 㗎 嘞 。 Cao Ren|angry|particle indicating completed action|humph|not yet|deploy troops|possessive particle|time|you|already|already|shaken|my||morale|particle indicating certainty|particle indicating completed action Cao Ren got angry: Hmph! Before the troops were deployed, you had already shaken my military morale. 今日 又 故意 打輸 , 罪該 斬首 ! today|again|intentionally|lose|crime deserves|beheading Today, you deliberately lost the battle; you deserve to be executed! 嘩 嗨 ! 真 係 喝 啲 刀斧手 , 要 綁 起 李典 拉出去 殺頭 喎 。 wow|hi|||||executioner|need|||Li Dian|take out|beheaded|particle indicating suggestion Wow! Really, the executioners should tie up Li Dian and take him out to be beheaded. 好彩 得到 眾位 將官 苦苦 求情 先至免 咗 一死 。 fortunately|received|everyone|officer|desperately|pleading||past tense marker|a death Fortunately, with the pleas of the other generals, he was spared from death. 曹仁 於是 將李典 調 咗 去 率領 後軍 , 佢 自己 呀 帶兵 做 前部 。 Cao Ren|then||adjusted|past tense marker|to|lead|rear army|he|himself|sentence-final particle|command troops|to be|vanguard Cao Ren then assigned Li Dian to lead the rear army while he himself took command of the front troops. 第 日 , 曹仁 命令 啊 擊鼓 進軍 。 the|day|Cao Ren|ordered|ah|to beat the drum|to advance On that day, Cao Ren ordered to beat the drums and advance. 佈 咗 一個 陣勢 , 就 派 個人 去問 劉備 話 , 識 唔 識 我 嘅 陣勢 呀 噉 。 set up|past tense marker|a|formation|then|send|a person||Liu Bei|saying|recognize|not|recognize|me|possessive particle|formation|question particle|like this He set up a formation and sent someone to ask Liu Bei if he recognized his formation. 單福 啊 行 上去 高頂 , 仔細 噉 觀察 咗 一番 , 哦 ! 原來如此 。 Dan-fuk|ah|walk|up|high peak|carefully|like that|observe|past tense marker|a round|oh|so that's how it is Dan Fu went up to the high ground and carefully observed for a while, oh! So that's how it is. 佢 就 同 劉備 講 嘞 : 呢 個 陣 我 識得 嘅 , 唔 難 破 嘅 。 he|then|with|Liu Bei|said|past tense marker|this|measure word|situation|I|can recognize|past tense marker|not|difficult|defeat|marker for adjectives He then told Liu Bei: I recognize this formation, it's not difficult to break. 噉 究竟 曹仁 擺 嘅 係 咩 嘢 陣 ? 單福 又 用 咩 嘢 辦法 去 破 佢 呢 就 下回分解 喇 。 then|exactly|Cao Ren|put|possessive particle|is|what|thing|formation|Dan Fu|again|use|what|thing|method|to|defeat|him|question particle|then||particle indicating completed action So what kind of formation did Cao Ren set up? And what method did Dan Fu use to break it? That will be explained next time.

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