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張悦楷講《三國演義》, 049

話 說 劉備 呀 聽 咗 徐庶 , 推薦 諸葛孔明 嘅 一番 說話 , 真 係 似醉方醒 就 如夢初覺 。 佢 同埋 大家 返到 新野 之後 , 即刻 就 吩咐 人 準備 一份 厚禮 , 要 去 隆中 聘請 孔明 嘞 。 噉 劉玄德 點樣 三顧草廬 啊 , 就 等 陣先 至講 。 而家 呢 , 就 講下 徐庶 先 。 徐庶 同 劉備 分別 之後 , 覺得 劉備 待 自己 咁 好 , 咁 唔 捨得 自己 走 , 佢 好 感動 。 佢 又 怕 孔明 啊 唔 肯 出山 嚟 輔助 劉備 呀 , 於是 就 騎 住 馬 , 直筆 去 到 臥龍崗 入去 草廬 搵 孔明先 喎 。 孔明 就 問 佢 有 咩 事 呀 噉 。 徐庶 話 喇 : 我 本來 想為 劉皇叔 效力 嘅 , 無奈 我 母親 畀 曹操 捉 咗 去 韞 住 , 寫 咗 封信 嚟 叫 我 去 。 噉 我 就 唯有 離開 劉皇叔 去 許都 啦 。 我 臨行 嘅 時候 , 已經 將你 推薦 畀 劉皇叔 。 佢 好 快 就 會 嚟 求見 你 , 到 時 , 希望 你 唔 好 推辭 , 大展 平生 嘅 才幹 去 輔助 佢 啦 。 點知 孔明 一聽 就 唔 高興 喇 佢 話 : 乜 你將 我 當作 係 犧牲品 呀 ? 講完 , 衫袖 一拂 , 行 咗 入 去 。 徐庶 好 慚愧 呀 只有 走人 啦 , 上馬 趕路 去 許都 見 母親 嘞 。 曹操 知道 咗 徐庶 嚟 到 , 就 叫 荀彧 、 程昱 等等 一班 謀士 去 歡迎 佢 。 徐庶 呀 入 到 嚟 相府 拜見 曹操 。 曹操 話 嘞 : 先生 係 高明 之士 , 點解 去 同 劉備 做事 咁 委屈 自己 呀 ? 我 年輕 嘅 時候 , 為 咗 走 難 , 流落江湖 。 偶然 去 到 新野 結識 咗 玄德 , 交情 好 深厚 , 就 係 噉 啫 。 家母 喺 呢 處 多 得 丞相 照顧 , 不勝感激 啊 。 先生 而家 嚟 到 喇 , 正 可以 早晚 侍奉 令堂 。 而 我 亦 有 機會 時常 向 先生 請教 咯 。 寒暄 傾談 咗 一陣 , 徐庶 多謝 過 曹操 就 急急 去 見 母親 。 一 見面 , 就 跪 低 叩頭 請安 , 忍 唔 住 流起 眼淚 嚟 。 徐母 吃 咗 一驚 : 你 點解 會 嚟 到 呢 處 㗎 ? 孩兒 近日 喺 新野 為 劉皇叔 做事 , 因為 接到 母親 你 嘅 信 , 所以 趕住 嚟 許都 。 吓 ! 徐母 一下 嬲 起 上 嚟 , 拍住 枱 噉 鬧 徐庶 話 : 你 , 你 你 你 , 你 呢 個 冇 中 用 嘅 仔 呀 ! 飄蕩 江湖 幾年 喇 , 我 以 為 你 嘅 學業 都 會 有 啲 長進 㗎 , 點解 反而 仲 唔 及 當初 呢 ? 你 既然 係 讀 過書 , 就 需知 忠孝不能 雙全 啦 嘛 。 你 唔 知道 曹操 , 係 個 欺君罔上 嘅 奸賊 咩 ? 劉玄德 , 仁義 布 於 四海 , 況且 , 又 係 漢室 嘅 後代 , 你 能夠 為 佢 做事 , 噉 就 係 搵 到 個 英明 嘅 主公 啦 。 點 知道 , 你 而家 竟然 攞 住 一封 偽 造 嘅 書信 , 考慮 都 唔 考慮一下 , 就 棄明投暗 , 自己 攞 個 醜惡 嘅 名聲 。 真 係 蠢才 呀 你 。 我 , 我 , 我仲有 乜嘢 面目 同 你 相見 吖 ? 你 污辱 咗 祖宗 , 白白 生於 天地 之間 喇 ! 一番 說話 , 鬧到 徐庶 跪 喺 處 呀 伏 低 喺 地 , 唔 敢擔 高頭 望個 老母 。 徐母 鬧 完 徐庶 呀 , 就過 咗 屏風 行 咗 入 去 裏 便 。 一陣 咁 耐 , 家人 出 嚟 講 佢 聽 , 弊喇弊 喇 , 老夫 人吊頸 啊 ! 誒 呀 ! 嚇到 徐庶 慌忙 入去 搶救 , 但 係 嚟 唔 切 喇 , 徐母 已經 氣絕 身死 。 唉 徐庶 呀 呼天搶地 喊 到暈 咗 , 好耐好 耐先 至醒 返 。 曹操 知道 咗 呢 件 事 , 就 使 人 帶 咗 禮物 嚟 慰問 , 又 親自 嚟 祭奠 添 。 徐庶 呢 , 就 喺 許昌 嘅 南郊 , 安葬 咗 母親 就 居喪 守墓 。 凡 係 曹操 送 嚟 嘅 禮物 , 一概 唔 收 。 當時 , 曹操 又 想 計劃 去 南征 嘞 。 荀彧 就 勸 佢 話 : 而家 天時 咁 冷 , 唔 適宜 於 用兵 ; 仲 係 等到 春 暖 嘅 時候 , 然後 先至 好 長驅 大進 啊 。 曹操 接納 咗 佢 嘅 意見 。 就 利用 漳河 嘅 水 , 圍 咗 個 池 叫做 玄武池 , 就 喺 呢 處 訓練 水軍 , 作 南征 嘅 準備 。 呢 處 呢 就 暫時 放落 唔 講 嘞 。 而家 講下 劉備 。 佢 正 係 想 去 隆中 拜見 諸葛亮 。 呢 一日 , 有人 嚟 稟報 話 : 門外 有 一位 先生 , 帶住 頂 高高 嘅 帽 , 束住 條闊 闊 嘅 腰帶 , 睇 個樣 唔 係 尋常 人 嚟 , 話 要 嚟 見 大人 喎 。 啊 ? 莫非 佢 就 係 孔明 ? 劉備 即刻 正式 一下 衣服 , 出 門口 去 迎接 。 出到 去 一 睇 , 哦 , 唔 係 孔明 , 係 司馬徽 水鏡 先生 啊 ! 劉備 高興 非常 , 就 請 佢 入 去 後堂 坐落 , 獻過 茶 , 劉備 就 話 喇 : 自從 離別 仙顏 , 因為 軍務 繁忙 有失 拜訪 。 今日 得到 先生 光臨 , 真 係 大慰 仰慕 之情 啊 ! 聽講 徐元直 喺 處 , 特意 嚟 見 下 佢 。 哦 , 最近 因為 曹操 捉 咗 佢 母親 去 , 佢 母親 寫 咗 封信 嚟 , 叫 咗 佢 去 許昌 喎 。 哎呀 , 噉 就 中 咗 曹操 之計 喇 ! 我 一向 都 知道 徐母 為 人 , 十分 賢德 。 雖然 畀 曹操 捉 咗 去 , 亦 必定 唔 肯 寫信 叫 佢 個 仔 去 嘅 。 呢 封信 , 實 係 假 嘅 。 元直 唔 去 呢 , 佢 母親 仲 喺 處 。 而家 一去 呀 , 佢 母親 必定 死 咯 。 吓 ? 為 咩 事 呢 ? 徐母 係 個講 節義 嘅 人 , 個 仔 噉 樣 嚟 到 , 佢 覺得 好 羞恥 㗎 。 唉 ! 啊 係 喇 , 元直 臨行 嘅 時候 , 向 我 推薦 南陽 諸葛亮 , 呢 個人 點 㗎 ? 哈哈哈哈 , 元直 去 就 去 啦 , 何必 又 掹 佢 出 嚟 嘔 心血 呢 ? 咦 ? 先生 點解 會 噉 講 啊 ? 孔明同 博陵 崔州平 、 潁川 石廣元 、 汝南孟 公威 , 同埋 徐元直 , 呢 四個 人 係 最好 嘅 朋友 。 呢 四個 人 嘅 才學 各有 專長 。 唯獨 孔明 就 樣樣精通 。 佢 曾經 對 呢 四個 人 話 : 你 哋 各位 出去 做官 可以 做到 刺史 、 郡守 。 噉 佢 哋 就 問 孔明 你 嘅 志向 又點 啊 噉 。 孔明只 係 笑 下 唔 出聲 。 佢 平時 都 係 將 自己 比做 管仲 同樂 毅 。 佢 嘅 才能 就 好比 大海 一樣 , 深 不可 量 啊 。 哎呀呀 呀呀 ! 潁川 呢 個 地方 , 真 係 出 咁 多 好 人才 㗎 。 係 呀 , 從前 有 個人 叫做 殷馗 , 佢 好 識 天文 嘅 。 佢 曾經 講過 話 群星 聚 於 潁 分 , 嗰 個 地方 必多 賢士 嘅 噉 。 當時 關公 喺 旁邊 聽到 就 話 嘞 : 管仲 、 樂毅 乃 係 春秋戰國 時候 嘅 名人 , 功蓋 寰宇 。 孔明 將 自己 比做 呢 兩個 人 , 係 唔 係 太過 啲 呀 ? 司馬徽 就 笑 住 話 喇 : 哈哈哈 哈哈哈 , 以 我 睇 嚟 , 佢 唔 應該 同 呢 兩個 人 相比 。 我 啊 想 用 另外 兩個 人 嚟 比 佢 喎 。 關公 問 : 邊 兩個 啊 ? 佢 可以 比做 興周 八百年 嘅 姜子牙 , 旺漢 四百年 嘅 張子房 啊 ! 吓 ? 嘩 ! 大家 聽 咗 呀 驚奇 到 唔 會講 嘢 。 司馬徽 告辭 要 走 , 劉備 想 留 佢 都 留 唔 住 。 司馬徽 出 咗 門口 , 仰天大笑 佢 話 : 臥龍 雖然 得 其主 , 之 不得 其事 呀 。 可惜 啊 ! 可惜 啊 ! 講完 , 飄然 而 去 。 第 日 , 天氣 晴和 , 劉備 準備 出發 去 拜見 諸葛亮 嘞 。 一方面 呢 , 佢 就 派 人 去 採辦 啲 禮物 ; 一方面 叫 人 去 嗌 埋 關羽 同 張飛 嚟 。 冇 幾耐 嚟 到 嘞 , 劉備 就 話 : 我 今日 要 去 隆中 拜訪 諸葛 先生 , 兩位 賢弟 同埋 我 一齊 去 啦 。 關羽 冇 出聲 , 張飛 開口 嘞 : 大哥 唔 好 去 喇 。 點解 啊 三弟 ? 喺 呢 度 去 隆中 , 來回 百幾 二百里 。 嗰 個 先生 如果 唔 喺 屋企 , 豈 唔 係 白行 一趟 ? 嘿 ! 劉備 唔 高興 , 訪賢 都 怕 行路 嘅 咩 ? 你 怕 白行 一趟 , 噉 我 就 同 你 二哥 去 係 啦 。 噉 大哥 二哥 都 去 , 小弟 點 能夠 唔 去 呀 ? 你 既然 去 , 一路上 不得 無禮 呀 。 啊 , 噉 啊 梗 係 啦 。 劉備 知道 張飛 嘅 脾氣 粗暴 , 所以 同 佢 打 定 底 先 。 呢 個 時候 , 啲 差人 已 經辦 齊 禮物 。 劉備 就將 衙門 嘅 公事 交帶 畀 孫乾 、 簡 雍 佢 哋 料理 。 自己 呀 帶 住 關羽 、 張飛 同埋 幾個 隨從 , 擔住 禮盒 , 離開 衙門 , 上 馬出城 呀 直奔 隆中 。 佢 哋 一路行 , 不經 不覺 已經 嚟 到 隆中 。 隆中 喺 邊 處 呀 ? 即 係 而家 湖北省 襄陽縣 西便 , 就 臨近 漢水 。 噉 啊 由 新野 嚟 到 呢 度 呢 確係 幾遠 㗎 , 就 難怪 張飛 怕 白行 一趟 啊 。 劉備 騎 喺 馬上 , 聽到 左手 便 啲 田 嗰 度 啊 , 有個 農夫 喺 度 唱歌 喎 。 唱 咩 嘢 呢 ? 蒼天 如 圓蓋 。 劉備 聽 咗 個 心 就 讚 咗 聲 好 啊 。 佢 諗 : 呢 個 耕田 佬 嘅 口氣 唔 細 喎 , 將個 天 比做 圓蓋 。 再 聽 下 你 下文 點樣 接至 得 。 陸地 似 棋局 。 好 ! 下文 更好 , 將 大地 比作 棋盤 啊 。 劉備 勒定 隻 馬 , 一心 要 聽 到底 。 世人 黑白 分 。 好 嘩 ! 將 世上 各自 稱雄 對峙 嘅 雙方 , 比做 黑白 棋子 , 嘿 , 呢 個 比喻 確切 喇 。 聽落 去 聽 落 去 。 往來 爭 榮辱 : 榮者 自 安安 , 辱者 定 碌碌 。 南陽 有 隱居 , 高眠 臥 不足 啊 ! 劉備 聽 完 讚不絕口 。 何以 呢 ? 佢 呢 首歌 啊 寓意 深 啊 。 佢 唱 嘅 係 成敗 興亡 嘅 道理 , 歌 嘅 係 作者 胸中 嘅 抱負 。 嗯 , 睇 嚟 呢 首歌 決 唔 係 農夫 所 作 嘅 。 噉 係 邊個 作 嘅 呢 吓 問 下 至 得 。 劉備 就 叫 個 隨從 差 人 ,嗌 先頭 唱歌 嘅 農夫 過 嚟 問下 。 你 先頭 唱 嗰 首歌 係 邊個 作 㗎 ? 誒 , 誒 老爺 , 係 臥龍 先生 作 㗎 。 哦 ? 臥龍 先生 喺 邊 處 住 呀 ? 誒 , 誒 老爺 , 誒 誒 請 你 順住 我 隻 手指 望 過去 啦 。 呢 , 遠遠 嗰 座 高高 嘅 山崗 就 叫做 臥龍崗 嘞 。 喺 崗前 有座 疏疏 地 嘅 樹林 , 誒 , 誒 樹林 裏 便 有間 草廬 。 誒 , 諸葛 先生 就 住 喺 嗰 度 嚟 喇 。 好 , 唔 該 你 。 劉備 叫 隨從 差人 就 攞 咗 一塊 銀打賞 畀 個 農夫 。 多謝 老爺 , 多謝 老爺 ! 個 農夫 歡天喜地 , 多謝 過 劉備 又 返落 田 開工 。 劉備 佢 哋 跟 住 農夫 指 嘅 路 , 策馬 向前 行 。 行 咗 幾里路 , 望 過去 臥龍崗 嘅 景致 呀 果然 十分 幽雅 閒靜 。 點好法 呢 ? 後 嚟 有人 寫 咗 一篇 詩 , 讚美 臥龍 先生 隱居 嘅 呢 笪 地方 。 首詩 係 噉 嘅 : 襄陽 城西 二十里 , 一帶 高岡 枕 流水 ; 高岡 屈曲 壓雲根 , 流水 潺 湲 飛石 髓 ; 勢若 困龍 石上 蟠 , 形如 單鳳松 陰里 ; 柴門 半 掩閉 茅廬 , 中有 高人 臥不起 。 修竹 交加 列翠屏 , 四時 籬落 野花 馨 ; 床頭 堆積 皆 黃 卷 , 座 上 往來 無 白丁 ; 叩戶 蒼猿 時獻果 , 守門 老鶴夜 聽經 ; 囊里 名琴 藏古錦 , 壁間 寶劍 掛 七星 。 廬中 先生 獨 幽雅 , 閒來 親自 勤 耕稼 ; 專待 春雷 驚夢 回 , 一聲 長嘯 安 天下 。 噉 劉備 佢 哋 一路行 , 一路 就 飽覽 臥龍崗 一帶 嘅 景色 。 不經 不覺 就 嚟 到 嗰 間 草廬 嘞 。 劉備 落 咗 馬 , 行到 門口 伸手 敲下 道門 。 咯咯 咯 。 咯 , 咦 , 開門 嘞 。 有個 細路 行出 嚟 : 哦 ! 原來 係 個 將軍 呀 , 將軍 你 係 邊位 呀 ? 嚟 呢 度 有 咩 嘢 事 呀 ? 我 係 漢 左 將軍 、 宜城亭 侯 、 領 豫州 牧 、 皇叔 劉備 , 特意 前 嚟 拜見 先生 。 咪 , 咪 , 咪 住 咪 住 咪 住 。 你 呢 位 將軍 , 你 係 咁 多 姓 呢 ? 定 係 咁 多名 㗎 ? 我 唔 記得 咁 多 㗎 。 哎呀 ! 係 噃! 劉備 個心 諗 : 唔 怪 得 個 細佬哥 啊 , 怪 自己 呀 。 先頭 報個 姓名 就 欠 斟酌 啦 , 呢 一大 套 官銜 , 係 官場 上 用 嘅 啫 , 點 能夠 對個 細佬哥 用 呢 ? 哦 , 你 就 話 劉備 專誠 嚟 拜訪 先生 噉 就 得 嘞 。 誒 , 我 哋 屋企 好多 先生 嘅 噃, 你 要 拜訪 邊個 先生 呢 ? 誒 , 我要 拜訪 嘅 係 臥龍 先生 。 哦 , 佢 係 我 哋 屋企 嘅 二 先生 。 冇 錯 冇 錯 ! 我 就 係 要 拜訪 尊府 嘅 二 先生 。 哈哈 , 劉將軍 , 你 嚟 得 唔 啱 喇 , 我 哋 二 先生 唔 喺 屋企 嚟 喎 。 去 咗 邊處 呀 ? 佢 冇 話 落 , 唔 知去 咗 邊度 呢 。 幾時 返 嚟 呀 ? 歸期 都 冇 定 㗎 , 三五日 唔 定 , 誒 十 零日 都 唔 定 㗎 。 唉 , 真 係 唔 啱 喇 。 劉備 個心 諗 : 應 咗 三弟 個 說話 添 。 諸葛亮 唔 喺 屋企 , 白行 一趟 。 佢 呢 頭 噉 樣 諗 , 嗰 頭 張飛 開口 嘞 : 大哥 , 既然 先生 唔 喺 企 , 我 哋 返 去 咯 。 等 一陣 先 啦 。 關羽 亦 都 話 喇 : 不如 返去 先 , 然後 使人 嚟 探聽 過 消息 再 嚟 啦 。 噉 好 啦 。 劉備 又 叮囑 嗰 個 細 佬 哥 話 : 如果 先生 返 嚟 , 唔 該 你 話 佢 聽 , 劉備 嚟 拜訪 佢 。 得 喇得 喇 , 慢慢 行 啦 。 咦 咚 咣 , 個 細路 閂 返 道門 。 劉備 佢 哋 上 返 馬 扯 人 啦 , 張飛 又 開口 嘞 : 係 唔 係 呀 ? 由 新野縣 嚟 到 呢 度 , 來回 成百幾里 路 。 嗰 個 先生 又 唔 喺 屋企 , 豈 唔 係 白行 一趟 ! 劉備 聽到 張飛 喺 度 埋怨 , 亦 有 啲 發火 嘞 : 哼 ! 訪賢 點 能夠 怕 行路 嘅 呢 ? 唔 准多講 ! 係 ! 張飛 耷 低頭 , 唔 敢 再 開聲 。 劉備 呀 雖然 責怪 張飛 , 之 終歸 訪賢 撲個 空 , 個心 呢 總 係 有 啲 悶悶不樂 嘅 。 行 咗 幾里路 , 突然 見到 有 個人 啊 喺 前面 柏樹 旁邊 一條 小路 行緊過 嚟 。 呢 個人 , 容貌 軒昂 , 丰姿 俊爽 , 頭 戴逍遙 巾 , 身穿 黑布 袍 , 揸 住條 手杖 。 劉備 個心 諗 : 唔 通 呢 個 就 係 諸葛亮 ? 啊 真 好 彩真 好彩 , 佢 返 嚟 喇 ! 佢 即刻 叫 關羽 、 張飛 一齊 落 咗 馬 , 企 喺 路邊 。 等 呢 個人 行到 嚟 面前 喇 , 劉備 上前 一步 , 深深 噉 作 咗 個 揖 : 臥龍 先生 ! 嗰 個人 窒 咗 一 窒 , 雙手 攬住 支 手杖 退後 一步 。 啊 ! 將軍 係 邊位 呀 ? 問 臥龍 乜嘢 事 呢 ? 劉備 一聽 誤會 喇 , 點呢 ? 佢 個 心 諗 : 佢 一定 係 諸葛亮 , 佢 唔 認得 我 , 所以 唔 肯 直講 啊 。 於是 佢 就 話 喇 : 臥龍 先生 , 我 乃 係 新野縣 令姓 劉名備 , 字 玄德 。 久仰 先生 大名 如雷貫耳 。 今日 特來 寶崗 拜訪 , 適逢 先生 外出 不在 府 中 , 想 唔 到 喺 半路 相遇 , 真 係 我 劉備 平 生之幸 啊 ! 講完 跪 喺 地下 就 叩 一個頭 。 嗰 位 就 吃 咗 一 驚 喇 : 哎 不敢 不敢 ! 原來 係 劉將軍 , 我 並非 臥龍 , 我 乃 係 臥龍 嘅 朋友 啫 。 劉備 一聽 , 嗨 嗨 , 叩錯 頭添 , 連忙 企返 起身 。 哦 , 你 唔 係 臥龍 , 請問 先生 高姓大名 啊 ? 劉將軍 , 鄙人 係 博陵 崔州平 啊 。 劉備 個心 諗 : 見 唔 到 諸葛亮 , 見到 佢 嘅 好 朋友 , 大 名士 崔州平 噉 都 好 吖 。 哦 , 原來 係 崔州平 先生 , 久仰大名 ! 今日 能夠 見面 亦 係 我平 生之幸 啊 ! 劉備 一便講 , 一便 望一望 旁邊 , 見到 路邊 就 有 一塊 大 青石 。 佢 諗 嘞 : 嘿嘿 , 何必 企 喺 度 傾 呢 ? 於是 就 請 崔州平 喺 塊石 處 一齊 坐低 。 噉 關羽 、 張飛 呢 就 企 喺 劉備 後 便 。 張飛 呢 陣時 , 一肚 唔 自 在 , 個心 諗 嘞 : 大哥 都 唔 知 做 乜 呢 ! 行行 下路 見到 個人 行過 嚟 , 又 作揖 又 叩頭 。 而家仲要 坐響 處 傾 偈 添 , 唔 知有 咩 好 傾 呢 ! 劉備 同 崔州平 坐落 之後 , 崔州平 問 嘞 : 劉將軍 , 你 先頭 問 臥龍 有 咩 事 呀 ? 當前 天下大亂 , 四方 紛擾 。 我 久慕 臥龍 先生 大名 , 故此 冒昧 嚟 拜訪 , 希望 求得 一個 安邦定國 嘅 辦法 唧 。 哈哈哈 , 劉將軍 , 你 噉 樣講 實在 係 不明 治亂 之理 。 所以 想 強求 孔明 , 要 佢 扭轉乾坤 啫 。 以 我 嘅 愚見 認為 , 呢 個 係 做 唔 到 嘅 。 哦 ? 請 先生 賜教 。 將軍 以定 亂 為 主 吖 , 雖然 係 一片 仁心 。 但 係 自古以來 , 就 係 治亂 無常 㗎 喇 。 想當初 , 紂王 無道 , 寵信 妲 己 , 天下 人心 大亂 。 周武王 就 興師 滅 紂 , 一統天下 , 就 由 亂 而 轉為治 嘞 。 周朝 八百年 天下 , 最為 長久 , 其中 , 治同 亂 就 不止一次 。 有 五霸 爭強 , 七雄 並起 , 由治而亂 。 隨後 秦始皇 , 吞並 六國 , 一統天下 , 由亂 又 轉為治 嘞 喎 。 漢高祖 喺 芒 碭山 , 斬百蛇 起義 , 誅 秦滅楚 , 創成 一統天下 , 到 咗 王莽 篡位 , 又 由治而亂 喇 。 噉 好 彩光 武 中興 , 重整 基業 , 又 試由亂 而治 啦 。 到 咗 而家 二百年 咯 , 太平 已經 好 耐 嘞 。 故此 干戈 四起 , 諸侯 各霸 一方 。 而家 正 係 天下 由治 轉入 亂 嘅 時候 , 唔 能夠 一下 就 安定 落 嚟 㗎 。 將軍 你 想 使 孔明 斡 鏇 天地 , 補綴 乾坤 , 恐怕 唔 容易 呀 , 盞 費心 力 嘅 啫 。 開講 有話 : 順天 者 逸 , 逆天者 勞 。 數之 所在 理 不得 而奪 之 ; 命 之 所在 , 人 不得 而強 之 吖 嘛 。 劉備 一聽 , 哦 , 崔州平 將一治 一 亂 嘅 道理 , 完全 歸於 命數 。 嚱嚱, 佢 雖然 係 個 名士 , 之 並非 賢士 呀 。 於是 劉備 就 話 喇 : 承蒙 先生 指教 , 不勝感激 。 誒 , 請問 先生 有 冇 見到 孔明 啊 ? 哦 ? 劉將軍 , 我而家 正 係 想 去 探 佢 , 乜 佢 唔 喺 屋企 嚟 咩 ? 佢 唔 喺 處 喇 。 係 喇 , 先生 , 呢 處 有 馬 喺 度 , 好 想 請 先生 一齊 去 敝 縣 住 幾日 , 唔 知尊意 如何 呢 ? 呵呵 , 劉將軍 , 鄙人 嘅 性情 係 鍾 意閒 閒散 散 , 一向 都 無意 於 功名 。 將軍 自便 嘞 , 請 啊 ! 請 啊 ! 崔州平 一 講完 , 深深 作 咗 個 揖 就 行 咗 去 。 崔州平 一走 , 張飛 忍 唔 住 嘞 : 哼 ! 呢 啲 噉 嘅 人 , 天字第一號 大 懶蟲 ! 要 佢 嚟 有 乜 用 啊 ! 真 係 呀 宜得 一拳 𢱕 扁 佢 , 哼 ! 你 無緣無故 點解 要 𢱕 人 啊 ? 你 睇 佢 , 自己 唔 肯為 國家 出力 ! 啱 先仲勸 大哥 信 命數 ? 乜 都 唔 好理 喎 。 噉 嘅 懶人 不如 𢱕 扁 佢 好 過 啦 ! 佢 講 佢 嘅 , 我 哋 可以 唔 聽 佢 㗎 , 以後 不准 再 無禮 ! 哦 ! 謹 遵 大哥 吩咐 ! 張飛 唔 開口 嘞 。 噉 第一次 去 搵 孔明 呀 搵 唔 到 , 劉備 同埋 關羽 、 張飛 返去 新野縣 啦 。 過 咗 好幾日 , 劉備 派 人 去 探聽 孔明 嘅 消息 , 又 返 嚟 報信 話 : 臥龍 先生 已經 返 咗 屋企 喇 噉 。 劉備 個心 就 好 歡喜 , 即刻 叫 人 重新 置辦 禮物 , 又 叫 埋 關羽 、 張飛 嚟 , 準備 起程 嘞 噃。 嗱 各位 聽眾 , 先頭 講 嘅 就 係 劉備 初顧 草廬 。 而 家 佢 又 準備 去 二顧 草廬 嘞 , 究竟 呢 次 去 又點 呢 ?

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話 說 劉備 呀 聽 咗 徐庶 , 推薦 諸葛孔明 嘅 一番 說話 , 真 係 似醉方醒 就 如夢初覺 。 said|spoke|Liu Bei|particle|heard|past tense marker|Xu Shu|recommended|Zhuge Liang|possessive particle|a lot of|words|really|is||just|like awakening from a dream It is said that Liu Bei, after listening to Xu Shu, was recommended by Zhuge Kongming, and it truly felt like waking up from a drunken stupor, as if awakening from a dream. 佢 同埋 大家 返到 新野 之後 , 即刻 就 吩咐 人 準備 一份 厚禮 , 要 去 隆中 聘請 孔明 嘞 。 He|and|everyone|returned to|Xinye|after|immediately|then|instructed|people|prepare|a|generous gift|needs to|go|Longzhong|hire|Kongming|past action particle After he and everyone returned to Xinye, he immediately instructed people to prepare a generous gift to go to Longzhong to invite Kongming. 噉 劉玄德 點樣 三顧草廬 啊 , 就 等 陣先 至講 。 then|Liu Xuande|how|three visits to the thatched cottage|ah|then|wait|| Now, how Liu Xuande visited the thatched cottage three times, we will talk about that later. 而家 呢 , 就 講下 徐庶 先 。 now|particle indicating a question|then|talk about|Xu Shu|first For now, let's talk about Xu Shu first. 徐庶 同 劉備 分別 之後 , 覺得 劉備 待 自己 咁 好 , 咁 唔 捨得 自己 走 , 佢 好 感動 。 Xu Shu|with|Liu Bei|parting|after|felt|Liu Bei|treated|himself|so|well|so|not|willing to|himself|leave|he|very|moved After parting from Liu Bei, Xu Shu felt that Liu Bei treated him so well, and he was reluctant to leave; he was very moved. 佢 又 怕 孔明 啊 唔 肯 出山 嚟 輔助 劉備 呀 , 於是 就 騎 住 馬 , 直筆 去 到 臥龍崗 入去 草廬 搵 孔明先 喎 。 He|again|afraid|Kongming|ah|not|willing|come out of retirement|to|assist|Liu Bei|ah|so|then|riding|on|horse|directly|go|to|Wolong Hill|enter|thatched cottage|find||particle indicating realization He was also afraid that Kongming would not be willing to come out of the mountains to assist Liu Bei, so he rode a horse and went straight to Wolonggang to find Kongming. 孔明 就 問 佢 有 咩 事 呀 噉 。 Kongming|then|asked|he|has|what|matter|particle|like that Kongming then asked him what was the matter. 徐庶 話 喇 : Xu Shu|said|particle indicating completion or change of state Xu Shu said: 我 本來 想為 劉皇叔 效力 嘅 , 無奈 我 母親 畀 曹操 捉 咗 去 韞 住 , 寫 咗 封信 嚟 叫 我 去 。 I|originally|wanted to serve|Liu the Emperor's uncle|loyalty|particle indicating possession|unfortunately|I|mother|by|Cao Cao|capture|past tense marker|to|hidden|to keep|wrote|past tense marker||here|called|me|to go I originally wanted to serve Liu Huangshu, but unfortunately my mother was captured by Cao Cao and wrote a letter asking me to go. 噉 我 就 唯有 離開 劉皇叔 去 許都 啦 。 then|I|then|only|leave|Liu Huangshu|go|Xu Du|particle indicating suggestion or realization So I had no choice but to leave Liu Huangshu and go to Xudu. 我 臨行 嘅 時候 , 已經 將你 推薦 畀 劉皇叔 。 I|before leaving|possessive particle|time|already||recommend|to|Liu Huangshu When I was about to leave, I had already recommended you to Liu Huangshu. 佢 好 快 就 會 嚟 求見 你 , 到 時 , 希望 你 唔 好 推辭 , 大展 平生 嘅 才幹 去 輔助 佢 啦 。 he|very|soon|then|will|come|request to see|you|at|time|hope|you|not|well|refuse|fully display|lifetime|possessive particle|talent|to|assist|him|particle indicating suggestion He will come to see you very soon, and when that happens, I hope you won't refuse and will use your talents to assist him. 點知 孔明 一聽 就 唔 高興 喇 佢 話 : 乜 你將 我 當作 係 犧牲品 呀 ? unexpectedly|Kong Ming|upon hearing|immediately|not|happy|particle indicating change of state|he|said|what||me|as|to be|sacrifice|particle indicating question Unexpectedly, Kongming was not happy when he heard this; he said, 'What, do you consider me a sacrificial pawn?' 講完 , 衫袖 一拂 , 行 咗 入 去 。 finished speaking|shirt sleeve|with a flick|||| After saying that, he flicked his sleeves and walked in. 徐庶 好 慚愧 呀 只有 走人 啦 , 上馬 趕路 去 許都 見 母親 嘞 。 Xu Shu|very|ashamed|particle|only|leave|particle|get on the horse|hurry on the road|go|Xu Du|see|mother|particle Xu Shu felt very ashamed and could only leave, getting on his horse to hurry to Xudu to see his mother. 曹操 知道 咗 徐庶 嚟 到 , 就 叫 荀彧 、 程昱 等等 一班 謀士 去 歡迎 佢 。 Cao Cao|knew|past tense marker|Xu Shu|||then|called|Xun Yu|Cheng Yu|and so on|a group of|strategists|to go|welcome|him Cao Cao learned that Xu Shu had arrived, so he called Xu Yu, Cheng Yu, and other strategists to welcome him. 徐庶 呀 入 到 嚟 相府 拜見 曹操 。 Xu Shu|ah|enter|arrive|here|the prime minister's residence|pay respects to|Cao Cao Xu Shu entered the residence to pay his respects to Cao Cao. 曹操 話 嘞 : 先生 係 高明 之士 , 點解 去 同 劉備 做事 咁 委屈 自己 呀 ? Cao Cao|said|past tense marker|sir|is|talented|person|why|go|with|Liu Bei|work|so|wronged|himself|question particle Cao Cao said: "You are a man of great talent, why do you humiliate yourself by working for Liu Bei?" 我 年輕 嘅 時候 , 為 咗 走 難 , 流落江湖 。 I|young|possessive particle|time|for|past tense marker|||became a drifter When I was young, I had to flee and ended up wandering the rivers and lakes. 偶然 去 到 新野 結識 咗 玄德 , 交情 好 深厚 , 就 係 噉 啫 。 accidentally|went|to|Xinye|met|past tense marker|Xuande|friendship|very|deep|just|is|like this|only By chance, I arrived in Xinye and met Xuande, and we developed a deep friendship, that's all. 家母 喺 呢 處 多 得 丞相 照顧 , 不勝感激 啊 。 my mother|at|this|place|much|able to|Prime Minister|take care of|extremely grateful|ah My mother has been well taken care of by the Prime Minister here, and I am very grateful. 先生 而家 嚟 到 喇 , 正 可以 早晚 侍奉 令堂 。 sir|now|||particle indicating completed action|just|can|morning and evening|serve|your honorable mother Sir, you have arrived now, just in time to serve your mother morning and night. 而 我 亦 有 機會 時常 向 先生 請教 咯 。 and|I|also|have|opportunity|often|to|teacher|ask for advice|particle indicating completed action And I also have the opportunity to often seek advice from you. 寒暄 傾談 咗 一陣 , 徐庶 多謝 過 曹操 就 急急 去 見 母親 。 greeting|conversation|past tense marker|for a while|Xu Shu|thank|past|Cao Cao|then|hurriedly|go|see|mother After some small talk, Xu Shu thanked Cao Cao and hurried to see his mother. 一 見面 , 就 跪 低 叩頭 請安 , 忍 唔 住 流起 眼淚 嚟 。 one|meet|then|||bow|pay respects||||flow|tears|come Upon meeting, he knelt down and bowed to greet her, unable to hold back his tears. 徐母 吃 咗 一驚 : 你 點解 會 嚟 到 呢 處 㗎 ? Xu's mother|eat|past tense marker|a surprise|you|why|would|come|to|this|place|question particle Mother Xu was shocked: Why did you come to this place? 孩兒 近日 喺 新野 為 劉皇叔 做事 , 因為 接到 母親 你 嘅 信 , 所以 趕住 嚟 許都 。 child|recently|at|Xin Ye|for|Liu Huang Shu|working|because|received|mother|your|possessive particle|letter|so|in a hurry|to come|Xu Du The child has been working for Liu Huangshu in Xinye recently, and because I received your letter, I hurried to Xu Du. 吓 ! 徐母 一下 嬲 起 上 嚟 , 拍住 枱 噉 鬧 徐庶 話 : huh|Xu's mother|suddenly|angry|stand up|up|here|slapping|table|like that|scold|Xu Shu|said Huh! Mother Xu suddenly got angry, slamming the table and scolding Xu Shu, saying: 你 , 你 你 你 , 你 呢 個 冇 中 用 嘅 仔 呀 ! you|||||question particle|measure word|not have|useful|use|possessive particle|child|final particle You, you, you, you, you useless child! 飄蕩 江湖 幾年 喇 , 我 以 為 你 嘅 學業 都 會 有 啲 長進 㗎 , 點解 反而 仲 唔 及 當初 呢 ? drifting|rivers and lakes|several years|particle indicating completed action|I|||you|possessive particle|studies|also|would|have|some|progress|particle indicating certainty|why|on the contrary|still|not|as good as|at first|question particle You've been wandering the rivers and lakes for several years now, I thought your studies would have made some progress, why are you even worse than before? 你 既然 係 讀 過書 , 就 需知 忠孝不能 雙全 啦 嘛 。 you|since|are|||then|should know||both fulfilled|particle indicating finality|particle indicating obviousness Since you have read books, you should know that loyalty and filial piety cannot coexist. 你 唔 知道 曹操 , 係 個 欺君罔上 嘅 奸賊 咩 ? you|not|know|Cao Cao|is|a|treacherous|possessive particle|villain|question particle Don't you know that Cao Cao is a treacherous villain who deceives his lord? 劉玄德 , 仁義 布 於 四海 , 況且 , 又 係 漢室 嘅 後代 , 你 能夠 為 佢 做事 , 噉 就 係 搵 到 個 英明 嘅 主公 啦 。 Liu Xuande|benevolence and righteousness|spread|in|all over the world|moreover|also|is|Han dynasty|possessive particle|descendant|you|able to|for|him|work|then|just|is|||a|wise|possessive particle|lord|sentence-final particle Liu Xuande spreads benevolence and righteousness across the four seas, and moreover, he is a descendant of the Han dynasty. If you can work for him, then you have found a wise lord. 點 知道 , 你 而家 竟然 攞 住 一封 偽 造 嘅 書信 , 考慮 都 唔 考慮一下 , 就 棄明投暗 , 自己 攞 個 醜惡 嘅 名聲 。 how|to know|you|now|unexpectedly|take|holding|a|||possessive particle|letter|consider|also|not||then|abandon righteousness for selfishness|oneself|take|a|evil|possessive particle|reputation How could you know that you are now holding a forged letter, without even considering it, you abandon the light and embrace the dark, and tarnish your own reputation. 真 係 蠢才 呀 你 。 ||fool|particle|you You are really a fool. 我 , 我 , 我仲有 乜嘢 面目 同 你 相見 吖 ? I|I|I still have|what|face|with|you|meet|question particle What face do I have to meet you? 你 污辱 咗 祖宗 , 白白 生於 天地 之間 喇 ! you|insulted|past tense marker|ancestors|in vain|born in|heaven and earth|between|sentence-final particle You have insulted your ancestors, living in this world for nothing! 一番 說話 , 鬧到 徐庶 跪 喺 處 呀 伏 低 喺 地 , 唔 敢擔 高頭 望個 老母 。 a round of|talking|scolded until|Xu Shu|kneeling|at|place|particle|bent|low|at|ground|not||head|looking at|mother With just a few words, you made Xu Shu kneel down and bow his head to the ground, not daring to look up at his mother. 徐母 鬧 完 徐庶 呀 , 就過 咗 屏風 行 咗 入 去 裏 便 。 Xu's mother|scolded|finished|Xu Shu|particle||past tense marker|screen|walked|past tense marker|entered|go|inside|immediately After Xu's mother finished scolding Xu Shu, she went past the screen and entered inside. 一陣 咁 耐 , 家人 出 嚟 講 佢 聽 , 弊喇弊 喇 , 老夫 人吊頸 啊 ! a moment|so|long|family|come|out|say|he|heard|||old man||exclamation particle After a while, the family came out to tell him, it's bad, it's bad, the old lady has hanged herself! 誒 呀 ! 嚇到 徐庶 慌忙 入去 搶救 , 但 係 嚟 唔 切 喇 , 徐母 已經 氣絕 身死 。 eh|ah|scared|Xu Shu|hurriedly|rushed in|rescue||||||already|Xu's mother|already|died|death Oh no! Xu Shu was startled and hurried in to rescue, but it was too late, Xu's mother had already passed away. 唉 徐庶 呀 呼天搶地 喊 到暈 咗 , 好耐好 耐先 至醒 返 。 sigh|Xu Shu|particle|shouting to the heavens and grabbing the earth|crying|until fainting|past tense marker|||| Sigh, Xu Shu cried out to the heavens and earth until he fainted, and it took a long time for him to wake up. 曹操 知道 咗 呢 件 事 , 就 使 人 帶 咗 禮物 嚟 慰問 , 又 親自 嚟 祭奠 添 。 Cao Cao|knew|past tense marker|this|classifier for events|matter|then|sent|someone|bring|past tense marker|gift|come|condolences|also|personally|come|pay respects|additional particle Cao Cao learned about this incident, so he sent someone with gifts to express his condolences, and he personally came to pay his respects as well. 徐庶 呢 , 就 喺 許昌 嘅 南郊 , 安葬 咗 母親 就 居喪 守墓 。 Xu Shu|this|then|at|Xuchang|possessive particle|southern suburbs|buried|past tense marker|mother|then|in mourning|guarding the grave Xu Shu then buried his mother in the southern suburbs of Xuchang and kept vigil at her grave. 凡 係 曹操 送 嚟 嘅 禮物 , 一概 唔 收 。 every|is|Cao Cao|send|come|possessive particle|gift|all|not|accept As for the gifts sent by Cao Cao, he refused to accept them all. 當時 , 曹操 又 想 計劃 去 南征 嘞 。 at that time|Cao Cao|again|wanted|to plan|to go|southward campaign|past action marker At that time, Cao Cao was planning to launch a southern expedition. 荀彧 就 勸 佢 話 : Xun Yu|then|advised|him|to say Xun Yu advised him, saying: 而家 天時 咁 冷 , 唔 適宜 於 用兵 ; 仲 係 等到 春 暖 嘅 時候 , 然後 先至 好 長驅 大進 啊 。 now|weather conditions|so|cold|not|suitable|for|military action|still|is|waiting until|spring|warm|possessive particle|time|then|only then|very|long drive|great advance|sentence-final particle Right now, the weather is so cold, it's not suitable for military action; it would be better to wait until spring when it's warm, and then advance in full force. 曹操 接納 咗 佢 嘅 意見 。 Cao Cao|accepted|past tense marker|he|possessive particle|opinion Cao Cao accepted his advice. 就 利用 漳河 嘅 水 , 圍 咗 個 池 叫做 玄武池 , 就 喺 呢 處 訓練 水軍 , 作 南征 嘅 準備 。 then|use|Zhang River|possessive particle|water|surround|past tense marker|measure word|pond|called|Xuanwu Pond|then|at|this|place|train|navy|make|southward expedition|possessive particle|preparation He utilized the water from the Zhang River to surround a pool called Xuanwu Pool, where he trained the navy in preparation for the southern expedition. 呢 處 呢 就 暫時 放落 唔 講 嘞 。 here|||then|temporarily|put down|not|talk|past tense particle This place, let's temporarily not talk about it. 而家 講下 劉備 。 now|talk about|Liu Bei Now let's talk about Liu Bei. 佢 正 係 想 去 隆中 拜見 諸葛亮 。 he|just|is|wants|to go|Longzhong|to meet|Zhuge Liang He is currently wanting to go to Longzhong to meet Zhuge Liang. 呢 一日 , 有人 嚟 稟報 話 : this|one day|someone|came|to report|saying One day, someone came to report saying: 門外 有 一位 先生 , 帶住 頂 高高 嘅 帽 , 束住 條闊 闊 嘅 腰帶 , 睇 個樣 唔 係 尋常 人 嚟 , 話 要 嚟 見 大人 喎 。 outside the door|there is|a|gentleman|wearing|a|tall|possessive particle|hat|tied|||possessive particle|belt|looking|appearance|not|is|ordinary|person|come|said|wants|to come|see|adult|sentence-final particle There is a gentleman outside the door, wearing a tall hat and a wide belt, looking quite unusual, saying he wants to see the master. 啊 ? 莫非 佢 就 係 孔明 ? ah|could it be|he|just|is|Kongming Ah? Could it be that he is Kongming? 劉備 即刻 正式 一下 衣服 , 出 門口 去 迎接 。 Liu Bei|immediately|formally|quickly|clothes|go|door|to|welcome Liu Bei immediately tidied up his clothes and went to the door to welcome him. 出到 去 一 睇 , 哦 , 唔 係 孔明 , 係 司馬徽 水鏡 先生 啊 ! go out|to|one|look|oh|not|is|Kongming|is|Sima Hui|Water Mirror|Mr|ah When he went out to take a look, oh, it wasn't Kongming, it was Mr. Sima Hui, the Water Mirror! 劉備 高興 非常 , 就 請 佢 入 去 後堂 坐落 , 獻過 茶 , 劉備 就 話 喇 : Liu Bei|happy|very|then|invited|him|to enter|to go|back hall|to sit down|offered|tea||then|said|particle Liu Bei was very happy, so he invited him to sit in the back hall, served him tea, and Liu Bei said: 自從 離別 仙顏 , 因為 軍務 繁忙 有失 拜訪 。 since|parting|fair face|because|military duties|busy|there was a failure|visit Since we parted from your immortal face, I have been too busy with military affairs to visit. 今日 得到 先生 光臨 , 真 係 大慰 仰慕 之情 啊 ! today|received|Mr|visit|really|is|greatly honored|admiration||exclamation particle Today, Mr. De arrived, truly a great honor and admiration! 聽講 徐元直 喺 處 , 特意 嚟 見 下 佢 。 I heard|Xu Yuanzhi|at|place|specially|come|meet|briefly|him I heard that Xu Yuanzhi is here, specially came to meet him. 哦 , 最近 因為 曹操 捉 咗 佢 母親 去 , 佢 母親 寫 咗 封信 嚟 , 叫 咗 佢 去 許昌 喎 。 oh|recently|because|Cao Cao|captured|past tense marker|he|mother|to|he|mother|wrote|past tense marker|a letter|here|called|past tense marker|he|to|Xuchang|sentence-final particle Oh, recently because Cao Cao captured his mother, his mother wrote a letter asking him to go to Xuchang. 哎呀 , 噉 就 中 咗 曹操 之計 喇 ! oh no|then|just|fall for|past tense marker|Cao Cao|scheme|sentence-final particle Oh no, he has fallen into Cao Cao's trap! 我 一向 都 知道 徐母 為 人 , 十分 賢德 。 I|always|already|knew|Xu's mother|||very|virtuous I have always known Xu's mother to be a very virtuous person. 雖然 畀 曹操 捉 咗 去 , 亦 必定 唔 肯 寫信 叫 佢 個 仔 去 嘅 。 although|by|Cao Cao|caught|past tense marker|away|also|definitely|not|willing|write a letter|call|him|possessive particle|son|go|past tense marker Although he was captured by Cao Cao, he definitely would not be willing to write a letter asking his son to go. 呢 封信 , 實 係 假 嘅 。 this|letter|really|is|fake|particle indicating possession or description This letter is actually fake. 元直 唔 去 呢 , 佢 母親 仲 喺 處 。 Yuen Chik|not|go|question particle|he|mother|still|at|home Yuan Zhi is not going, and his mother is still in that place. 而家 一去 呀 , 佢 母親 必定 死 咯 。 now|once gone|sentence-final particle|he|mother|definitely|die|sentence-final particle If he goes now, his mother will definitely die. 吓 ? 為 咩 事 呢 ? huh||||question particle Huh? What is the reason for this? 徐母 係 個講 節義 嘅 人 , 個 仔 噉 樣 嚟 到 , 佢 覺得 好 羞恥 㗎 。 Xu's mother|is||integrity|possessive particle|person|that|son|like this|appearance|||he|feels|very|ashamed|sentence-final particle Xu's mother is a person who speaks of righteousness, and when her son looks like this, she feels very ashamed. 唉 ! 啊 係 喇 , 元直 臨行 嘅 時候 , 向 我 推薦 南陽 諸葛亮 , 呢 個人 點 㗎 ? sigh|ah|is|particle indicating completed action|Yuan Zhi|before leaving|possessive particle|time|towards|me|recommended|Nanyang|Zhuge Liang|this|person|how|question particle Sigh! Ah yes, when Yuan Zhi was about to leave, he recommended Zhuge Liang from Nanyang to me. What kind of person is he? 哈哈哈哈 , 元直 去 就 去 啦 , 何必 又 掹 佢 出 嚟 嘔 心血 呢 ? Hahaha|Yuen Chik|go|then|go|particle|why bother|again|pull|he|out|come|vomit|hard work|question particle Hahaha, if Yuan Zhi wants to go, then let him go. Why bother dragging him out to vomit his heart's blood? 咦 ? 先生 點解 會 噉 講 啊 ? eh|sir|why|would|like this|speak|question particle Huh? Why does the gentleman say that? 孔明同 博陵 崔州平 、 潁川 石廣元 、 汝南孟 公威 , 同埋 徐元直 , 呢 四個 人 係 最好 嘅 朋友 。 |Boling|Cui Zhouping|Yingchuan|Shi Guangyuan||Gongwei|and|Xu Yuanzhi|these|four|people|are|best|possessive particle|friends Kongming, along with Cui Zhouping from Boling, Shi Guangyuan from Yingchuan, Meng Gongwei from Runan, and Xu Yuan Zhi, these four are the best of friends. 呢 四個 人 嘅 才學 各有 專長 。 this|four|people|possessive particle|talents|each has|strengths These four people have their own specialties. 唯獨 孔明 就 樣樣精通 。 only|Kongming|then| Only Kongming is proficient in everything. 佢 曾經 對 呢 四個 人 話 : 你 哋 各位 出去 做官 可以 做到 刺史 、 郡守 。 He|once|to|these|four|people|said|you|plural marker|everyone|go out|be an official|can|achieve|district governor|county magistrate He once told these four people: You all can go out and become officials, you can become a governor or a prefect. 噉 佢 哋 就 問 孔明 你 嘅 志向 又點 啊 噉 。 then|he|they|then|asked|Kong Ming|you|possessive particle|ambition||ah|then So they asked Kongming, what are your aspirations then? 孔明只 係 笑 下 唔 出聲 。 |is|laugh|a little|not|make a sound Kongming just smiled and remained silent. 佢 平時 都 係 將 自己 比做 管仲 同樂 毅 。 he|usually|also|is|regard|himself|as|Guan Zhong|Tong Le|Yi He usually compares himself to Guan Zhong and Le Yi. 佢 嘅 才能 就 好比 大海 一樣 , 深 不可 量 啊 。 he|possessive particle|talent|just|like|ocean|same|deep|not|measure|ah particle His talent is like the ocean, immeasurable. 哎呀呀 呀呀 ! 潁川 呢 個 地方 , 真 係 出 咁 多 好 人才 㗎 。 oh no|ah|Yingchuan|this|measure word|place|||produce|so|many|good|talented people|particle indicating certainty Oh my! This place, Yingchuan, really produces so many talented people. 係 呀 , 從前 有 個人 叫做 殷馗 , 佢 好 識 天文 嘅 。 ||once upon a time|there was|a person|named|Yin Kui|he|very|knowledgeable|astronomy|particle Yes, there was once a person named Yin Kui, who was very knowledgeable in astronomy. 佢 曾經 講過 話 群星 聚 於 潁 分 , 嗰 個 地方 必多 賢士 嘅 噉 。 he|once|said|that|stars|gather|at|Ying|Fen|that|classifier for places|place||wise men|possessive particle|like this He once said that where the stars gather in Ying, there must be many wise men. 當時 關公 喺 旁邊 聽到 就 話 嘞 : at that time|Guan Gong|at|beside|heard|then|said|past tense marker At that time, Guan Gong heard it and said: 管仲 、 樂毅 乃 係 春秋戰國 時候 嘅 名人 , 功蓋 寰宇 。 Guan Zhong|Yue Yi|is|are|Spring and Autumn and Warring States|period|possessive particle|celebrities|achievements cover|the world Guan Zhong and Le Yi were famous figures during the Spring and Autumn and Warring States periods, their achievements were unparalleled. 孔明 將 自己 比做 呢 兩個 人 , 係 唔 係 太過 啲 呀 ? Kongming|will|himself|compare to|these|two|people|is|not|is|too much|particle|question particle Isn't it a bit too much for Kongming to compare himself to these two? 司馬徽 就 笑 住 話 喇 : Sima Hui|then|||said|particle indicating completed action Sima Hui then laughed and said: 哈哈哈 哈哈哈 , 以 我 睇 嚟 , 佢 唔 應該 同 呢 兩個 人 相比 。 hahaha||by|I|see|come|he|not|should|with|these|two|people|compare Hahaha, in my opinion, he shouldn't be compared to these two. 我 啊 想 用 另外 兩個 人 嚟 比 佢 喎 。 I|ah|want|use|another|two|people|to|compare|him|particle I want to use two other people to compete with him. 關公 問 : 邊 兩個 啊 ? Guan Gong|asked|which|two|particle Guan Gong asked: Which two? 佢 可以 比做 興周 八百年 嘅 姜子牙 , 旺漢 四百年 嘅 張子房 啊 ! He|can|be compared to|Xing Zhou|800 years|possessive particle|Jiang Ziya|Wang Han|400 years|possessive particle|Zhang Zifang|ah He can compare to Jiang Ziya from the Western Zhou dynasty, who lasted for 800 years, and Zhang Zifang from the Han dynasty, who lasted for 400 years! 吓 ? 嘩 ! 大家 聽 咗 呀 驚奇 到 唔 會講 嘢 。 Huh|Wow|everyone|heard|past tense marker|particle|surprised|to|not||thing Huh? Wow! Everyone was so surprised that they couldn't speak. 司馬徽 告辭 要 走 , 劉備 想 留 佢 都 留 唔 住 。 Sima Hui|farewell|needs|to leave|Liu Bei|wanted|to keep|him|also||| Sima Hui said goodbye and was about to leave, but Liu Bei wanted to keep him but couldn't. 司馬徽 出 咗 門口 , 仰天大笑 佢 話 : Sima Hui|exit|past tense marker|door|laughed loudly looking up at the sky|he|said Sima Hui went out the door, looked up to the sky and laughed loudly, saying: 臥龍 雖然 得 其主 , 之 不得 其事 呀 。 可惜 啊 ! 可惜 啊 ! Sleeping Dragon|although|has|his master|it|cannot obtain|his affairs|particle|unfortunately|ah|unfortunately|ah Although the Sleeping Dragon has its master, it cannot achieve its purpose. What a pity! What a pity! 講完 , 飄然 而 去 。 finished speaking|lightly|and|left After saying that, he floated away. 第 日 , 天氣 晴和 , 劉備 準備 出發 去 拜見 諸葛亮 嘞 。 the|day|weather|sunny|Liu Bei|prepared|to depart|to|visit|Zhuge Liang|past tense marker The next day, the weather was clear and Liu Bei was preparing to set off to visit Zhuge Liang. 一方面 呢 , 佢 就 派 人 去 採辦 啲 禮物 ; 一方面 叫 人 去 嗌 埋 關羽 同 張飛 嚟 。 on one hand|particle indicating a question or emphasis|he|then|send|people|to|buy|measure word for plural|gifts|on the other hand|call|people|to|invite|together|Guan Yu|and|Zhang Fei|come On one hand, he sent people to prepare gifts; on the other hand, he called for Guan Yu and Zhang Fei to come. 冇 幾耐 嚟 到 嘞 , 劉備 就 話 : not|long|||past tense particle|Liu Bei|then|said Not long after arriving, Liu Bei said: 我 今日 要 去 隆中 拜訪 諸葛 先生 , 兩位 賢弟 同埋 我 一齊 去 啦 。 I|today|want to|go|Longzhong|visit|Zhuge|Mr|two|wise younger brothers|and|I|together|go|particle indicating suggestion or encouragement "I want to visit Master Zhuge at Longzhong today, you two brothers come with me." 關羽 冇 出聲 , 張飛 開口 嘞 : Guan Yu|didn't|speak|Zhang Fei|opened his mouth|past tense marker Guan Yu didn't say anything, but Zhang Fei spoke up: 大哥 唔 好 去 喇 。 elder brother|not|well|go|particle indicating completed action "Big brother, it's not a good idea to go." 點解 啊 三弟 ? why|ah|third younger brother "Why not, third brother?" 喺 呢 度 去 隆中 , 來回 百幾 二百里 。 at|this|place|to|Longzhong|round trip|over a hundred| From here to Longzhong, it's a round trip of about one to two hundred miles. 嗰 個 先生 如果 唔 喺 屋企 , 豈 唔 係 白行 一趟 ? that|measure word for people|sir|if|not|at|home|how|not|is|walk without purpose|one trip If that gentleman is not at home, wouldn't it be a wasted trip? 嘿 ! 劉備 唔 高興 , 訪賢 都 怕 行路 嘅 咩 ? hey|Liu Bei|not|happy|visiting wise men|all|afraid|walking|possessive particle|question particle Hey! Liu Bei is not happy, is he afraid of traveling to visit the wise? 你 怕 白行 一趟 , 噉 我 就 同 你 二哥 去 係 啦 。 you|afraid|walk|one trip|then|I|will|with|you|second older brother|go|is|particle indicating suggestion or confirmation If you are afraid of a wasted trip, then I will go with your second brother. 噉 大哥 二哥 都 去 , 小弟 點 能夠 唔 去 呀 ? then|elder brother|second brother|all|go|younger brother|how|able to|not|go|question particle If both elder brother and second brother are going, how can I not go? 你 既然 去 , 一路上 不得 無禮 呀 。 you|since|are going|on the way|must not|rude|particle Since you are going, you must not be rude along the way. 啊 , 噉 啊 梗 係 啦 。 ah|like this|ah|||particle Ah, of course. 劉備 知道 張飛 嘅 脾氣 粗暴 , 所以 同 佢 打 定 底 先 。 Liu Bei|knows|Zhang Fei|possessive particle|temper|violent|so|with|him|fight|settle|foundation|first Liu Bei knew that Zhang Fei had a rough temper, so he made sure to settle things with him first. 呢 個 時候 , 啲 差人 已 經辦 齊 禮物 。 this|measure word|time|plural marker|delivery person|already||complete|gifts At this time, the officers had already prepared the gifts. 劉備 就將 衙門 嘅 公事 交帶 畀 孫乾 、 簡 雍 佢 哋 料理 。 Liu Bei||yamen|possessive particle|official business|hand over|to|Sun Qian|||they|plural marker|handle Liu Bei then entrusted the official matters of the yamen to Sun Qian and Jian Yong to handle. 自己 呀 帶 住 關羽 、 張飛 同埋 幾個 隨從 , 擔住 禮盒 , 離開 衙門 , 上 馬出城 呀 直奔 隆中 。 himself|particle indicating exclamation|to bring|to carry|Guan Yu|Zhang Fei|and|a few|attendants|carrying|gift box|to leave|yamen|to mount||particle indicating exclamation|heading straight to|Longzhong He brought Guan Yu, Zhang Fei, and a few attendants, carrying a gift box, left the yamen, mounted his horse, and headed straight to Longzhong. 佢 哋 一路行 , 不經 不覺 已經 嚟 到 隆中 。 they|plural marker||||already|||Longzhong As they traveled, they unknowingly arrived at Longzhong. 隆中 喺 邊 處 呀 ? 即 係 而家 湖北省 襄陽縣 西便 , 就 臨近 漢水 。 Longzhong|at|where|place|question particle|that is|is|now|Hubei Province|Xiangyang County|west|just|near|Han River Where is Longzhong? It is currently in Xiangyang County, Hubei Province, near the Han River. 噉 啊 由 新野 嚟 到 呢 度 呢 確係 幾遠 㗎 , 就 難怪 張飛 怕 白行 一趟 啊 。 like this|particle|from|Xinye|come|to|this|place|particle|really|quite far|particle|then|no wonder|Zhang Fei|afraid|Bai Xing|one trip|particle From Xinye to here is indeed quite far, no wonder Zhang Fei was afraid of making the trip. 劉備 騎 喺 馬上 , 聽到 左手 便 啲 田 嗰 度 啊 , 有個 農夫 喺 度 唱歌 喎 。 Liu Bei|riding|on|horse|heard|left|then|some|field|that|place|ah||farmer|||singing|particle indicating affirmation Liu Bei was riding on his horse and heard a farmer singing in the fields to his left. 唱 咩 嘢 呢 ? 蒼天 如 圓蓋 。 sing|what|thing|question particle|sky|like|round lid What are you singing? The sky is like a round lid. 劉備 聽 咗 個 心 就 讚 咗 聲 好 啊 。 Liu Bei|heard|past tense marker|classifier|heart|then|praised|past tense marker|voice|good|particle Liu Bei heard it and praised it aloud. 佢 諗 : 呢 個 耕田 佬 嘅 口氣 唔 細 喎 , 將個 天 比做 圓蓋 。 he|thought|this|measure word|farmer|man|possessive particle|tone|not|small|particle indicating realization||sky||round cover He thought: This farmer's tone is not small, comparing the sky to a round lid. 再 聽 下 你 下文 點樣 接至 得 。 again|listen|next|you|following text|how|continue|possible Let's listen to how you continue. 陸地 似 棋局 。 land|resembles|chessboard The land is like a chessboard. 好 ! 下文 更好 , 將 大地 比作 棋盤 啊 。 good|next text|even better|to regard|earth|as|chessboard|particle Good! The following is even better, comparing the earth to a chessboard. 劉備 勒定 隻 馬 , 一心 要 聽 到底 。 Liu Bei|tightened|measure word for animals|horse|wholeheartedly|wanted|to hear|the end Liu Bei tightened the reins of his horse, determined to listen to the end. 世人 黑白 分 。 the world|black and white|distinction The world is divided into black and white. 好 嘩 ! 將 世上 各自 稱雄 對峙 嘅 雙方 , 比做 黑白 棋子 , 嘿 , 呢 個 比喻 確切 喇 。 good|wow|to make|in the world|each|to dominate|confrontation|possessive particle|both sides|compared to|black and white|chess pieces|hey|||metaphor|accurate|particle indicating completed action Wow! Comparing the opposing sides that claim dominance in the world to black and white chess pieces, hey, this metaphor is indeed accurate. 聽落 去 聽 落 去 。 sounds like|go||| Keep listening, keep listening. 往來 爭 榮辱 : 榮者 自 安安 , 辱者 定 碌碌 。 南陽 有 隱居 , 高眠 臥 不足 啊 ! interaction|competition|honor and disgrace|honorable person|self|peaceful|disgraceful person|surely|busy|Nanyang|has|recluse|sleeps high|lying down|insufficient|ah Back and forth,争荣辱: The honorable are at peace, while the disgraced are certainly troubled. In Nanyang, there is a recluse, who sleeps soundly, not enough ah! 劉備 聽 完 讚不絕口 。 Liu Bei|heard|completely|praised without stopping Liu Bei listened and praised endlessly. 何以 呢 ? 佢 呢 首歌 啊 寓意 深 啊 。 why|question particle|he|this|song|particle indicating exclamation|meaning|deep|particle indicating exclamation Why is that? This song of his has deep meaning. 佢 唱 嘅 係 成敗 興亡 嘅 道理 , 歌 嘅 係 作者 胸中 嘅 抱負 。 he|sings|past tense marker|is|success and failure|rise and fall|possessive particle|principle|song|possessive particle|is|author|in the heart|possessive particle|ambition What he sings is the principle of success and failure, the song reflects the author's aspirations. 嗯 , 睇 嚟 呢 首歌 決 唔 係 農夫 所 作 嘅 。 hmm|||this|song||||farmer|||particle indicating possession Hmm, it seems this song definitely was not written by a farmer. 噉 係 邊個 作 嘅 呢 吓 問 下 至 得 。 then|is|who|made|past tense particle|question particle|ah|ask|polite particle|only|can So, who wrote this? Let's ask. 劉備 就 叫 個 隨從 差 人 ,嗌 先頭 唱歌 嘅 農夫 過 嚟 問下 。 Liu Bei|then|called|the|attendant|messenger|person|shouted|front|singing|possessive particle|farmer|come|here|ask Liu Bei called a servant and asked the farmer who was singing in the front to come over. 你 先頭 唱 嗰 首歌 係 邊個 作 㗎 ? you|earlier|sang|that|song|is|who|composed|question particle Who wrote the song you were singing earlier? 誒 , 誒 老爺 , 係 臥龍 先生 作 㗎 。 hey||sir|is|Mr Wolong|teacher|homework|particle indicating completed action Oh, oh sir, it was written by Mr. Wolong. 哦 ? 臥龍 先生 喺 邊 處 住 呀 ? oh|Mr Wolong|sir|at|where|place|lives|question particle Oh? Where does Mr. Wolong live? 誒 , 誒 老爺 , 誒 誒 請 你 順住 我 隻 手指 望 過去 啦 。 hey||sir|||please|you|follow|my|measure word for fingers|finger|look|over there|particle indicating a completed action Hey, hey sir, please follow my finger and look over there. 呢 , 遠遠 嗰 座 高高 嘅 山崗 就 叫做 臥龍崗 嘞 。 this|far away|that|measure word for mountains|high|possessive particle|hill|then|is called|Wolong Hill|sentence-final particle That high mountain in the distance is called Wolong Hill. 喺 崗前 有座 疏疏 地 嘅 樹林 , 誒 , 誒 樹林 裏 便 有間 草廬 。 at|the post|there is|sparse|ground|possessive particle|forest|ah||forest|inside|then|there is|thatched cottage In front of the hill, there is a sparse forest, and in the forest, there is a thatched cottage. 誒 , 諸葛 先生 就 住 喺 嗰 度 嚟 喇 。 eh|Zhuge|Mr|then|lives|at|that|place|come|particle indicating completed action Mr. Zhuge lives there. 好 , 唔 該 你 。 good|||you Okay, thank you. 劉備 叫 隨從 差人 就 攞 咗 一塊 銀打賞 畀 個 農夫 。 Liu Bei|called|attendant|messenger|then|took|past tense marker|a piece of||to|the|farmer Liu Bei asked his attendant to take a piece of silver and reward the farmer. 多謝 老爺 , 多謝 老爺 ! thank you|sir|thank you|sir Thank you, my lord, thank you, my lord! 個 農夫 歡天喜地 , 多謝 過 劉備 又 返落 田 開工 。 the|farmer|overjoyed|thanks|to pass|Liu Bei|again|return to|field|work The farmer was overjoyed, thanked Liu Bei again, and returned to the fields to work. 劉備 佢 哋 跟 住 農夫 指 嘅 路 , 策馬 向前 行 。 Liu Bei|he|they|follow|continuously|farmer|pointing|possessive particle|road|riding|forward|walk Liu Bei and his companions followed the path indicated by the farmer and rode forward. 行 咗 幾里路 , 望 過去 臥龍崗 嘅 景致 呀 果然 十分 幽雅 閒靜 。 walk|past tense marker|several miles|look|past|Wolong Hill|possessive particle|scenery|sentence-final particle|indeed|very|elegant|quiet After traveling a few miles, the view of Wolong Ridge was indeed very elegant and tranquil. 點好法 呢 ? 後 嚟 有人 寫 咗 一篇 詩 , 讚美 臥龍 先生 隱居 嘅 呢 笪 地方 。 how to do it|question particle|later|come|someone|write|past tense marker|a|poem|praise|Master Wu Long|Mr|recluse|possessive particle|this|small|place How should we do this? Later, someone wrote a poem praising Mr. Wolong's secluded place. 首詩 係 噉 嘅 : first poem|is|like this|particle indicating possession or description The poem goes like this: 襄陽 城西 二十里 , 一帶 高岡 枕 流水 ; 高岡 屈曲 壓雲根 , 流水 潺 湲 飛石 髓 ; 勢若 困龍 石上 蟠 , 形如 單鳳松 陰里 ; 柴門 半 掩閉 茅廬 , 中有 高人 臥不起 。 修竹 交加 列翠屏 , 四時 籬落 野花 馨 ; 床頭 堆積 皆 黃 卷 , 座 上 往來 無 白丁 ; 叩戶 蒼猿 時獻果 , 守門 老鶴夜 聽經 ; 囊里 名琴 藏古錦 , 壁間 寶劍 掛 七星 。 廬中 先生 獨 幽雅 , 閒來 親自 勤 耕稼 ; 專待 春雷 驚夢 回 , 一聲 長嘯 安 天下 。 Xiangyang|west of the city|twenty li|the area|high hills|resting on|flowing water|high hills|winding||flowing water|||flying stones|marrow||trapped dragon|on the stone|coiled|||in the shade|wooden gate|half|closed|thatched cottage||sage|cannot lie down|tall bamboo|interspersed||four seasons|fences|wildflowers|fragrant|bedside|piled up|all|yellow|scrolls|seat|on|visitors|no|commoners|knocking on the door|gray ape||gatekeeper|||in the bag|famous qin||between the walls|precious sword|hanging|seven stars|in the cottage|master|alone|elegant|in leisure|personally|diligent|farming||spring thunder|startled dream|return|one sound|long howl|pacifying|the world Twenty miles west of Xiangyang City, a high hill rests by the flowing water; the hill curves and presses against the clouds, the water flows gently over the flying stones; it seems like a trapped dragon coiled on the rock, shaped like a single phoenix under the pine shade; the thatched door is half-closed, and inside there is a high person who cannot rise. The bamboo grows densely forming a green screen, and in all seasons, wildflowers scent the fence; the bed is piled high with yellow scrolls, and no commoners come to visit; when knocking on the door, the gray ape occasionally presents fruit, while the old crane at the gate listens to the scriptures at night; in the bag, a famous qin is hidden with ancient brocade, and on the wall, a treasured sword hangs under the Big Dipper. The master in the cottage is uniquely elegant, and in his leisure, he personally works hard in the fields; he waits for the spring thunder to awaken from dreams, and with a long howl, he brings peace to the world. 噉 劉備 佢 哋 一路行 , 一路 就 飽覽 臥龍崗 一帶 嘅 景色 。 then|Liu Bei|he|they||all the way|then|fully enjoy|Wulonggang|area|possessive particle|scenery So Liu Bei and his companions traveled along the way, enjoying the scenery of Wolong Ridge. 不經 不覺 就 嚟 到 嗰 間 草廬 嘞 。 without realizing|unconsciously|then|||that|measure word for buildings|straw hut|past tense marker Before they knew it, they arrived at that thatched cottage. 劉備 落 咗 馬 , 行到 門口 伸手 敲下 道門 。 Liu Bei|get off|past tense marker|horse|walked to|door|reached out his hand|knocked on|the gate Liu Bei got off his horse and walked to the door, reaching out to knock on the gate. 咯咯 咯 。 clucking|sound of clucking Knock knock knock. 咯 , 咦 , 開門 嘞 。 particle indicating realization|particle indicating surprise|open the door|particle indicating completion or action Oh, hey, the door is opening. 有個 細路 行出 嚟 : 哦 ! 原來 係 個 將軍 呀 , 將軍 你 係 邊位 呀 ? 嚟 呢 度 有 咩 嘢 事 呀 ? there is a|child|walking out|here|oh|originally|is|the|general|particle|general|you|are|who|particle|come|this|place|have|what|thing|matter|particle A young boy came out: Oh! It turns out to be a general, which general are you? What brings you here? 我 係 漢 左 將軍 、 宜城亭 侯 、 領 豫州 牧 、 皇叔 劉備 , 特意 前 嚟 拜見 先生 。 I|am|Han|left|general||marquis|governor|Yuzhou|prefect|imperial uncle|Liu Bei|specially|forward|come|pay respects to|sir I am the Left General of Han, Marquis of Yicheng, Governor of Yuzhou, and the Emperor's uncle Liu Bei, here specially to pay my respects to you. 咪 , 咪 , 咪 住 咪 住 咪 住 。 meow|||stop|||| Meow, meow, meow, stop, stop, stop. 你 呢 位 將軍 , 你 係 咁 多 姓 呢 ? 定 係 咁 多名 㗎 ? 我 唔 記得 咁 多 㗎 。 you|question particle|measure word for people|general|you|are|so|many|surname|question particle|or|are|so|many names|question particle|I|not|remember|so|many|question particle You, General, how many surnames do you have? Or is it that many names? I can't remember that many. 哎呀 ! 係 噃! 劉備 個心 諗 : 唔 怪 得 個 細佬哥 啊 , 怪 自己 呀 。 oh no|is|right|Liu Bei||thought|not|blame||||||self|ah Oh! Right! Liu Bei thought: No wonder that little brother, blame myself. 先頭 報個 姓名 就 欠 斟酌 啦 , 呢 一大 套 官銜 , 係 官場 上 用 嘅 啫 , 點 能夠 對個 細佬哥 用 呢 ? first|report a|name|then|lacking|consideration|particle|this|big|set|official titles|is|officialdom|on|used|particle|only|how|able to|to the|younger brother|use|this Just reporting a name at the beginning is a bit careless, this whole set of titles is only used in the official circle, how can it be used on that little brother? 哦 , 你 就 話 劉備 專誠 嚟 拜訪 先生 噉 就 得 嘞 。 oh|you|then|said|Liu Bei|sincerely|come|visit|sir|like this|then|fine|particle indicating completed action Oh, you just say Liu Bei came specifically to visit you, that's enough. 誒 , 我 哋 屋企 好多 先生 嘅 噃, 你 要 拜訪 邊個 先生 呢 ? hey|||home|many|Mr|possessive particle||you|want|visit|which|Mr|question particle Hey, we have a lot of gentlemen at home, which gentleman do you want to visit? 誒 , 我要 拜訪 嘅 係 臥龍 先生 。 hey|I want to|visit|that|is|Mr Wolong|sir Hey, I want to visit Mr. Wolong. 哦 , 佢 係 我 哋 屋企 嘅 二 先生 。 oh|he|is|I|we|home|possessive particle|Mr Lee|teacher Oh, he is our second gentleman at home. 冇 錯 冇 錯 ! 我 就 係 要 拜訪 尊府 嘅 二 先生 。 not|wrong|||I|just|am|want|visit|your esteemed residence|possessive particle|second|Mr That's right, that's right! I want to visit the second gentleman at your place. 哈哈 , 劉將軍 , 你 嚟 得 唔 啱 喇 , 我 哋 二 先生 唔 喺 屋企 嚟 喎 。 haha|General Liu|you|come|able|not|right|particle indicating completed action|I|we|second|Mr|not|at|home|come|particle indicating suggestion or realization Haha, General Liu, you came at the wrong time, our second gentleman is not at home. 去 咗 邊處 呀 ? go|past tense marker|where|question particle Where did you go? 佢 冇 話 落 , 唔 知去 咗 邊度 呢 。 he|didn't|say|drop|not||past tense marker|where|question particle He didn't say, so I don't know where he went. 幾時 返 嚟 呀 ? when|return|here|question particle When will he come back? 歸期 都 冇 定 㗎 , 三五日 唔 定 , 誒 十 零日 都 唔 定 㗎 。 return date|already|not|confirmed|question particle|three to five days|not|confirmed|eh|ten||also|not|confirmed|question particle There is no fixed return date, it could be three to five days, or even ten days, it's uncertain. 唉 , 真 係 唔 啱 喇 。 劉備 個心 諗 : 應 咗 三弟 個 說話 添 。 sigh|||||particle indicating completed action|Liu Bei||thought|||third brother|possessive particle|words|also Sigh, this really isn't right. Liu Bei thought: I should have listened to my third brother. 諸葛亮 唔 喺 屋企 , 白行 一趟 。 Zhuge Liang|not|at|home|walk|one trip Zhuge Liang is not at home, let's take a trip. 佢 呢 頭 噉 樣 諗 , 嗰 頭 張飛 開口 嘞 : he|this|side|like|appearance|thought|that|side|Zhang Fei|spoke|past tense marker While he was thinking this, Zhang Fei spoke up: 大哥 , 既然 先生 唔 喺 企 , 我 哋 返 去 咯 。 elder brother|since|sir|not|at|standing|we|plural marker|return|go|sentence-final particle Big brother, since the gentleman is not here, let's go back. 等 一陣 先 啦 。 wait|a moment|first|particle indicating suggestion or request Wait a moment. 關羽 亦 都 話 喇 : 不如 返去 先 , 然後 使人 嚟 探聽 過 消息 再 嚟 啦 。 Guan Yu|also|all|said|particle indicating completed action|might as well|go back|first|then|send someone|come|inquire|past|news|again|come|particle indicating suggestion Guan Yu also said: Why don't we go back first, and then send someone to inquire about the news before coming back. 噉 好 啦 。 like this|good|particle indicating suggestion or agreement Alright then. 劉備 又 叮囑 嗰 個 細 佬 哥 話 : Liu Bei|again|instructed|that|classifier for people|small|boy|older brother|said Liu Bei also instructed that young man saying: 如果 先生 返 嚟 , 唔 該 你 話 佢 聽 , 劉備 嚟 拜訪 佢 。 if|Mr|returns|here|||you|tell|him|hear|Liu Bei|comes|visit|him If the gentleman returns, please tell him that Liu Bei came to visit him. 得 喇得 喇 , 慢慢 行 啦 。 okay||particle indicating completed action|slowly|walk|particle suggesting encouragement Okay, okay, take your time. 咦 咚 咣 , 個 細路 閂 返 道門 。 eh|bang|clang|the|child|lock|return|front door Oh bang, the young boy closed the door. 劉備 佢 哋 上 返 馬 扯 人 啦 , 張飛 又 開口 嘞 : Liu Bei|he|plural marker|ride|back|horse|pull|people|sentence-final particle|Zhang Fei|again|spoke|past tense marker Liu Bei and the others got back on their horses and started to leave, and Zhang Fei spoke up: 係 唔 係 呀 ? 由 新野縣 嚟 到 呢 度 , 來回 成百幾里 路 。 is|not|is|question particle|from|Xinye County|come|to|this|place|round trip||journey Isn't it? Coming all the way from Xinye County to here, it's over a hundred miles round trip. 嗰 個 先生 又 唔 喺 屋企 , 豈 唔 係 白行 一趟 ! that|measure word for people|Mr|again|not|at|home|how|not|is|go without purpose|one trip That gentleman isn't even home, isn't it a wasted trip! 劉備 聽到 張飛 喺 度 埋怨 , 亦 有 啲 發火 嘞 : Liu Bei|heard|Zhang Fei|at|there|complaining|also|had|a little|angry|past tense particle Liu Bei heard Zhang Fei complaining and got a bit angry: 哼 ! 訪賢 點 能夠 怕 行路 嘅 呢 ? hum|Fang Hsien|how|able to|fear|walking|question particle|particle indicating a question Hmph! How can one be afraid of traveling when visiting the wise? 唔 准多講 ! no| Don't say too much! 係 ! yes Yes! 張飛 耷 低頭 , 唔 敢 再 開聲 。 Zhang Fei|droop|head|not|dare|again|speak up Zhang Fei lowered his head, not daring to speak again. 劉備 呀 雖然 責怪 張飛 , 之 終歸 訪賢 撲個 空 , 個心 呢 總 係 有 啲 悶悶不樂 嘅 。 Liu Bei|particle indicating exclamation|although|blame|Zhang Fei|possessive particle|ultimately|seeking wise men|making a|empty||particle indicating a question|always|is|has|a little|unhappy|particle indicating possession Although Liu Bei blamed Zhang Fei, in the end, it was a fruitless visit to the wise, and he still felt a bit gloomy. 行 咗 幾里路 , 突然 見到 有 個人 啊 喺 前面 柏樹 旁邊 一條 小路 行緊過 嚟 。 walk|past tense marker|several miles|suddenly|saw|there is|a person|particle|at|front|cypress tree|next to|a|small road||here After walking a few miles, he suddenly saw a person walking towards him along a small path next to a cypress tree. 呢 個人 , 容貌 軒昂 , 丰姿 俊爽 , 頭 戴逍遙 巾 , 身穿 黑布 袍 , 揸 住條 手杖 。 this|person|appearance|handsome|demeanor|elegant|head||headscarf||black cloth|robe|holding||cane This person has a handsome appearance, elegant demeanor, wearing a carefree hat, dressed in a black robe, and holding a cane. 劉備 個心 諗 : 唔 通 呢 個 就 係 諸葛亮 ? Liu Bei||thought|||this|particle indicating a person or thing|just|is|Zhuge Liang Liu Bei thought to himself: Could this be Zhuge Liang? 啊 真 好 彩真 好彩 , 佢 返 嚟 喇 ! ah|really|||fortunately|he|||past tense particle Ah, what a stroke of luck, what a stroke of luck, he has returned! 佢 即刻 叫 關羽 、 張飛 一齊 落 咗 馬 , 企 喺 路邊 。 He|immediately|called|Guan Yu|Zhang Fei|together|got|past tense marker|horse|stood|at|roadside He immediately called Guan Yu and Zhang Fei to dismount and stand by the roadside. 等 呢 個人 行到 嚟 面前 喇 , 劉備 上前 一步 , 深深 噉 作 咗 個 揖 : 臥龍 先生 ! wait|this|person|walks|here|in front of|particle indicating completed action|Liu Bei|stepped forward|one step|deeply|like that|performed|past tense marker|classifier|bow|Zhuge Liang|Mr As this person walked up to him, Liu Bei stepped forward and deeply bowed: Mr. Sleeping Dragon! 嗰 個人 窒 咗 一 窒 , 雙手 攬住 支 手杖 退後 一步 。 that|person|stumbled|past tense marker|one|stumble|both hands|hugged|classifier for long objects|cane|stepped back|one step That person paused for a moment, holding onto a cane and taking a step back. 啊 ! 將軍 係 邊位 呀 ? 問 臥龍 乜嘢 事 呢 ? ah|general|is|who|question particle|ask|Wolong|what|matter|question particle Ah! Who is the general? What is it that you are asking, Wolong? 劉備 一聽 誤會 喇 , 點呢 ? 佢 個 心 諗 : Liu Bei|upon hearing|misunderstanding|particle indicating completed action|what to do|he|possessive particle|heart|thought Liu Bei heard this and misunderstood, what to do? He thought to himself: 佢 一定 係 諸葛亮 , 佢 唔 認得 我 , 所以 唔 肯 直講 啊 。 he|definitely|is|Zhuge Liang|he|not|recognizes|me|so|not|willing|speak directly|particle He must be Zhuge Liang, he doesn't recognize me, that's why he is unwilling to speak directly. 於是 佢 就 話 喇 : 臥龍 先生 , 我 乃 係 新野縣 令姓 劉名備 , 字 玄德 。 then|he|then|said|particle|Master Wolong|Mr|I|am|am|Xinye County|||courtesy name|Xuande So he said: Mr. Wolong, I am Liu Bei, the magistrate of Xinye County, courtesy name Xuande. 久仰 先生 大名 如雷貫耳 。 I've long heard of you|Mr|esteemed name|like thunder piercing the ear I have long heard of your esteemed name. 今日 特來 寶崗 拜訪 , 適逢 先生 外出 不在 府 中 , 想 唔 到 喺 半路 相遇 , 真 係 我 劉備 平 生之幸 啊 ! today|specially come|Baogang|visit|coincidentally|sir|out|not at|home|inside||||at|halfway|encounter|||I|Liu Bei|||ah Today, I specially came to visit Baogang, but it happens that you are not at home. I didn't expect to meet you halfway, truly a great fortune in my life! 講完 跪 喺 地下 就 叩 一個頭 。 after speaking|kneel|on|the ground|then|knock| After speaking, I knelt on the ground and bowed my head. 嗰 位 就 吃 咗 一 驚 喇 : 哎 不敢 不敢 ! 原來 係 劉將軍 , 我 並非 臥龍 , 我 乃 係 臥龍 嘅 朋友 啫 。 that|person|then|eat|past tense marker|one|scare|sentence-final particle|sigh|dare not|dare not|originally|is|General Liu|I|not|sleeping dragon|I|am|is|sleeping dragon|possessive particle|friend|only That person was startled: 'Oh, I dare not! It turns out to be General Liu. I am not the sleeping dragon; I am just a friend of the sleeping dragon.' 劉備 一聽 , 嗨 嗨 , 叩錯 頭添 , 連忙 企返 起身 。 Liu Bei|upon hearing|||bowing incorrectly|head|hurriedly|stood up|straightened up Upon hearing this, Liu Bei exclaimed, 'Oh no, I bowed incorrectly!' and quickly stood up. 哦 , 你 唔 係 臥龍 , 請問 先生 高姓大名 啊 ? oh|you|not|are|Wolong|may I ask|sir||question particle Oh, you are not Zhuge Liang, may I ask your esteemed name, sir? 劉將軍 , 鄙人 係 博陵 崔州平 啊 。 General Liu|I|am|Boling|Cui Zhouping|ah General Liu, I am Cui Zhouping from Boling. 劉備 個心 諗 : 見 唔 到 諸葛亮 , 見到 佢 嘅 好 朋友 , 大 名士 崔州平 噉 都 好 吖 。 Liu Bei||thought|see|not|arrive|Zhuge Liang|saw|his|possessive particle|good|friend|great|scholar|Cui Zhouping|like this|also|good|sentence-final particle Liu Bei thought: Even though I can't see Zhuge Liang, meeting his good friend, the great scholar Cui Zhouping, is also good. 哦 , 原來 係 崔州平 先生 , 久仰大名 ! 今日 能夠 見面 亦 係 我平 生之幸 啊 ! oh|originally|is|Mr Cui Zhouping|sir|I've long heard of your great name|today|able to|meet|also|is|||ah Oh, so you are Mr. Cui Zhouping, I have long admired your name! It is a great fortune for me to meet you today! 劉備 一便講 , 一便 望一望 旁邊 , 見到 路邊 就 有 一塊 大 青石 。 Liu Bei||as soon as|took a glance|beside|saw|roadside|then|there was|a piece|big|green stone As Liu Bei spoke, he glanced to the side and saw a large green stone by the roadside. 佢 諗 嘞 : 嘿嘿 , 何必 企 喺 度 傾 呢 ? he|thought|past tense marker|hehe|why bother|to stand|at|here|talk|question particle He thought: Hehe, why bother standing here to talk? 於是 就 請 崔州平 喺 塊石 處 一齊 坐低 。 so|then|invited|Choi Chau Ping|at|the rock|location|together|sit down So he invited Cui Zhouping to sit down together on the stone. 噉 關羽 、 張飛 呢 就 企 喺 劉備 後 便 。 then|Guan Yu|Zhang Fei|question particle|then|stand|at|Liu Bei|behind|easily At that time, Guan Yu and Zhang Fei stood behind Liu Bei. 張飛 呢 陣時 , 一肚 唔 自 在 , 個心 諗 嘞 : 大哥 都 唔 知 做 乜 呢 ! 行行 下路 見到 個人 行過 嚟 , 又 作揖 又 叩頭 。 Zhang Fei|this|moment|full of|not|||his heart|thought|past tense marker|elder brother|also|not|knew|doing|what|question particle|walking|down the road|saw|the person|walking past|coming|again|bowing|again|prostrating Zhang Fei was feeling restless and thought: My big brother doesn't even know what to do! As they walked along the road, they saw someone coming by, bowing and kneeling. 而家仲要 坐響 處 傾 偈 添 , 唔 知有 咩 好 傾 呢 ! ||place|talk|conversation|also|||what|good|talk|this Now they even have to sit here and chat, not knowing what good there is to talk about! 劉備 同 崔州平 坐落 之後 , 崔州平 問 嘞 : Liu Bei|and|Cui Zhouping|sat|after|Cui Zhouping|asked|particle indicating completed action Liu Bei and Cui Zhou Ping sat down afterwards, and Cui Zhou Ping asked: 劉將軍 , 你 先頭 問 臥龍 有 咩 事 呀 ? General Liu|you|earlier|asked|Wolong|has|what|matter|question particle General Liu, what did you ask about the sleeping dragon? 當前 天下大亂 , 四方 紛擾 。 currently|the world is in chaos|all directions|disturbances Currently, the world is in chaos, and there is turmoil everywhere. 我 久慕 臥龍 先生 大名 , 故此 冒昧 嚟 拜訪 , 希望 求得 一個 安邦定國 嘅 辦法 唧 。 I|have long admired|Mr Wolong|sir|great name|therefore|presumptuously|come|visit|hope|obtain|a|peace and stability for the country|possessive particle|method|to ask I have long admired the great name of Master Sleeping Dragon, so I took the liberty to visit, hoping to seek a method to stabilize the country. 哈哈哈 , 劉將軍 , 你 噉 樣講 實在 係 不明 治亂 之理 。 hahaha|General Liu|you|like this||really|is|not understanding|governance and chaos| Hahaha, General Liu, what you said is truly a misunderstanding of the principles of governance and chaos. 所以 想 強求 孔明 , 要 佢 扭轉乾坤 啫 。 so|want|to force|Kongming|to make|him|turn the world upside down|only So, wanting to force Kongming to turn the tide is just asking too much. 以 我 嘅 愚見 認為 , 呢 個 係 做 唔 到 嘅 。 according to|I|possessive particle|humble opinion|believe|this|measure word|is|do|not|able to|particle indicating completed action In my humble opinion, this is something that cannot be done. 哦 ? 請 先生 賜教 。 oh|please|sir|enlighten me Oh? Please enlighten me, sir. 將軍 以定 亂 為 主 吖 , 雖然 係 一片 仁心 。 general||chaos|as|main|particle|although|is|a piece of|benevolence The general is in charge of stability and chaos, even though he has a heart of compassion. 但 係 自古以來 , 就 係 治亂 無常 㗎 喇 。 ||since ancient times|||order and chaos|unpredictable||particle indicating completed action But since ancient times, chaos and order have always been unpredictable. 想當初 , 紂王 無道 , 寵信 妲 己 , 天下 人心 大亂 。 back then|King Zhou|was tyrannical|favored|||the world|people's hearts|was in great chaos In the past, King Zhou was tyrannical and favored Daji, causing great chaos among the people. 周武王 就 興師 滅 紂 , 一統天下 , 就 由 亂 而 轉為治 嘞 。 King Wu of Zhou|then|raised an army|destroyed|King Zhou||then|from|chaos|and||past action particle King Wu of Zhou raised an army to destroy Zhou, unifying the world, transitioning from chaos to order. 周朝 八百年 天下 , 最為 長久 , 其中 , 治同 亂 就 不止一次 。 Zhou Dynasty|800 years|under heaven|most|long-lasting|among them||chaos|then| The Zhou Dynasty lasted for eight hundred years, the longest in history, during which order and chaos occurred more than once. 有 五霸 爭強 , 七雄 並起 , 由治而亂 。 there are|Five Overlords|vying for strength|Seven Heroes|rising together| There were five hegemons vying for power and seven heroes rising, leading from order to chaos. 隨後 秦始皇 , 吞並 六國 , 一統天下 , 由亂 又 轉為治 嘞 喎 。 soon after|Qin Shi Huang|conquered|six states|||again||past action particle|sentence-final particle Subsequently, Qin Shi Huang conquered the six states, unifying the world, transitioning from chaos back to order. 漢高祖 喺 芒 碭山 , 斬百蛇 起義 , 誅 秦滅楚 , 創成 一統天下 , 到 咗 王莽 篡位 , 又 由治而亂 喇 。 Emperor Gaozu of Han|at||||uprising|exterminated||created||when|past tense marker|Wang Mang|usurpation|again||particle indicating completed action Emperor Gaozu was at Mangdang Mountain, where he beheaded a hundred snakes to start a rebellion, exterminated the Qin and destroyed Chu, and established a unified empire. Then came Wang Mang's usurpation, leading to chaos from order. 噉 好 彩光 武 中興 , 重整 基業 , 又 試由亂 而治 啦 。 then||||revival|restructuring|foundation|again|||particle indicating suggestion or finality Fortunately, Guangwu restored the dynasty, reorganized the foundation, and tried to bring order out of chaos. 到 咗 而家 二百年 咯 , 太平 已經 好 耐 嘞 。 arrive|past tense marker|now|two hundred years|sentence-final particle|peace|already|very|long|sentence-final particle Now it has been two hundred years, and peace has lasted a long time. 故此 干戈 四起 , 諸侯 各霸 一方 。 therefore|war|arise in all directions|feudal lords|each dominate|one region As a result, conflicts have erupted, and various lords dominate their own territories. 而家 正 係 天下 由治 轉入 亂 嘅 時候 , 唔 能夠 一下 就 安定 落 嚟 㗎 。 right now|currently|is|world|from peace|entering|chaos|possessive particle|time|not|able to|all at once|then|stable|down|come|sentence-final particle Right now, the world is transitioning from order to chaos, and it cannot be stabilized all at once. 將軍 你 想 使 孔明 斡 鏇 天地 , 補綴 乾坤 , 恐怕 唔 容易 呀 , 盞 費心 力 嘅 啫 。 General|you|want|to use|Kongming|to manipulate|wheel|heaven and earth|to mend|universe|I'm afraid|not|easy|particle|just|to worry|effort|possessive particle|only General, you want to use Kongming to manipulate the heavens and the earth, to mend the universe, but it might not be easy, it's just a lot of effort. 開講 有話 : 順天 者 逸 , 逆天者 勞 。 start speaking|have something to say|following the natural order|one who|carefree|one who goes against the natural order|laborious To speak plainly: those who follow the will of heaven find ease, while those who go against it toil. 數之 所在 理 不得 而奪 之 ; 命 之 所在 , 人 不得 而強 之 吖 嘛 。 counting|location|reason|cannot|and take away|it|life|location|location|people|cannot|and force|it|particle|particle Where the numbers lie, they cannot be taken away; where fate lies, people cannot force it. 劉備 一聽 , 哦 , 崔州平 將一治 一 亂 嘅 道理 , 完全 歸於 命數 。 Liu Bei|upon hearing|oh|Cui Zhouping||one|chaos|possessive particle|reasoning|completely|attributed to|fate When Liu Bei heard this, he realized that Cui Zhouping's reasoning about order and chaos completely relates to fate. 嚱嚱, 佢 雖然 係 個 名士 , 之 並非 賢士 呀 。 haha|he|although|is|the|gentleman|but|not|wise man|particle Haha, although he is a famous scholar, he is not a wise man. 於是 劉備 就 話 喇 : 承蒙 先生 指教 , 不勝感激 。 then|Liu Bei|then|said|particle indicating completed action|thanks to|sir|guidance|greatly appreciative So Liu Bei said: Thank you very much for your guidance, sir. 誒 , 請問 先生 有 冇 見到 孔明 啊 ? hey|excuse me|sir|||seen|Kongming|particle Uh, may I ask if you have seen Kongming? 哦 ? 劉將軍 , 我而家 正 係 想 去 探 佢 , 乜 佢 唔 喺 屋企 嚟 咩 ? oh|General Liu|I right now|currently|am|want|to go|visit|him|why|he|not|at|home|come|question particle Oh? General Liu, I was just thinking of visiting him, is he not at home? 佢 唔 喺 處 喇 。 He|not|is|here|past tense particle He is not here. 係 喇 , 先生 , 呢 處 有 馬 喺 度 , 好 想 請 先生 一齊 去 敝 縣 住 幾日 , 唔 知尊意 如何 呢 ? ||sir|this||||||||||||||||||| Yes, sir, there are horses here, and I would really like to invite you to stay in our county for a few days, what do you think? 呵呵 , 劉將軍 , 鄙人 嘅 性情 係 鍾 意閒 閒散 散 , 一向 都 無意 於 功名 。 haha|General Liu|I|possessive particle|personality|is|||||always|all|uninterested|in|fame Hehe, General Liu, my temperament is to enjoy a leisurely and relaxed life, and I have never been interested in fame and fortune. 將軍 自便 嘞 , 請 啊 ! 請 啊 ! general|help yourself|particle indicating completed action|please|particle for emphasis|please|particle for emphasis The general is free to do as he pleases, please! Please! 崔州平 一 講完 , 深深 作 咗 個 揖 就 行 咗 去 。 Cui Zhouping|one|finished speaking|deeply|made|past tense marker|a|bow|then|walked|past tense marker|away After Cui Zhouping finished speaking, he deeply bowed and left. 崔州平 一走 , 張飛 忍 唔 住 嘞 : Cui Zhouping|as soon as he left|Zhang Fei||||past tense particle As soon as Cui Zhouping left, Zhang Fei couldn't hold back: 哼 ! 呢 啲 噉 嘅 人 , 天字第一號 大 懶蟲 ! 要 佢 嚟 有 乜 用 啊 ! hum|||||people|number one|big|lazy person|need|he|come|have|what|use|particle Hmph! People like this are the number one lazybones in the world! What use is it to have him around! 真 係 呀 宜得 一拳 𢱕 扁 佢 , 哼 ! ||particle|should|one punch|hit|flatten|him|humph Really, just hit him once and flatten him, hum! 你 無緣無故 點解 要 𢱕 人 啊 ? you|for no reason|why|want|hit|person|question particle Why do you want to hit someone for no reason? 你 睇 佢 , 自己 唔 肯為 國家 出力 ! you|see|he|oneself|not||country|contribute Look at him, he doesn't want to contribute to the country! 啱 先仲勸 大哥 信 命數 ? 乜 都 唔 好理 喎 。 right||elder brother|believe|fate|what|all|not||particle Just now he was still advising the big brother to believe in fate? Don't care about anything at all. 噉 嘅 懶人 不如 𢱕 扁 佢 好 過 啦 ! like this|possessive particle|lazy person|might as well|hit|flatter|him|||final particle It's better to hit lazy people like this! 佢 講 佢 嘅 , 我 哋 可以 唔 聽 佢 㗎 , 以後 不准 再 無禮 ! he|said|his||I|plural marker|can|not|listen|to him|question particle|in the future|not allowed|again|rude He said his piece, we can choose not to listen to him, and from now on, no more disrespect! 哦 ! 謹 遵 大哥 吩咐 ! oh|||elder brother|instruction Oh! I will follow your orders, big brother! 張飛 唔 開口 嘞 。 Zhang Fei|not|speak|past tense marker Zhang Fei is not speaking. 噉 第一次 去 搵 孔明 呀 搵 唔 到 , 劉備 同埋 關羽 、 張飛 返去 新野縣 啦 。 like this|first time|to go|to find|Kongming|particle|to find|not|arrive|Liu Bei|and|Guan Yu|Zhang Fei||Xinye County|particle So the first time they went to find Kongming, they couldn't find him, Liu Bei, Guan Yu, and Zhang Fei returned to Xinye County. 過 咗 好幾日 , 劉備 派 人 去 探聽 孔明 嘅 消息 , 又 返 嚟 報信 話 : 臥龍 先生 已經 返 咗 屋企 喇 噉 。 passed|past tense marker|several days|Liu Bei|sent|person|to|inquire|Kongming|possessive particle|news|again|returned|to|report|said|Sleeping Dragon (nickname for Kongming)|Mr|already|returned|past tense marker|home|completed action particle|like that After several days, Liu Bei sent someone to inquire about Kongming's news, and they came back to report that: Mr. Wolong has already returned home. 劉備 個心 就 好 歡喜 , 即刻 叫 人 重新 置辦 禮物 , 又 叫 埋 關羽 、 張飛 嚟 , 準備 起程 嘞 噃。 Liu Bei||then|very|happy|immediately|called|people|again|prepare|gifts|also|called|together|Guan Yu|Zhang Fei|come|prepare|set off|past tense particle| Liu Bei was very happy, and immediately called for people to prepare gifts again, and also called Guan Yu and Zhang Fei to get ready to set off. 嗱 各位 聽眾 , 先頭 講 嘅 就 係 劉備 初顧 草廬 。 well|everyone|audience|earlier|said|possessive particle|then|is|Liu Bei|first visit|thatched cottage Now, listeners, what was mentioned earlier was Liu Bei's first visit to the thatched cottage. 而 家 佢 又 準備 去 二顧 草廬 嘞 , 究竟 呢 次 去 又點 呢 ? and|home|he|again|prepares|to go|second visit|thatched cottage|past tense particle|after all|this|time|go||question particle Now he is preparing to visit the thatched cottage for the second time, what will happen this time?

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