(67) Slow Korean Conversation - #1 Dog - YouTube
(67) Langsame koreanische Konversation - #1 Hund - YouTube
(67) Conversación lenta en coreano - #1 Perro - YouTube
(67) Conversation coréenne lente - Chien #1 - YouTube
(67) Conversazione lenta in coreano - #1 Cane - YouTube
(67) Slow Korean Conversation - #1 Dog - YouTube
(67) Langzaam Koreaans gesprek - #1 Hond - YouTube
(67) Conversa lenta em coreano - #1 Cão - YouTube
(67) Медленная корейская беседа - #1 Собака - YouTube
(67) Yavaş Korece Konuşma - #1 Köpek - YouTube
(67) 慢速韓語對話 - #1 狗 - YouTube
(67) Slow Korean Conversation - #1 Dog - YouTube
그러면 그냥 그냥 시작
Then let's just start.
자, 여기부터 한국말로! 저희들은 여기부터 한국말로 합니다
|vanaf hier|||||
now|from here|in Korean|we|from here|in Korean|speak
Okay, from here in Korean! We will speak in Korean from here.
간단하게 이름 소개해주세요
simply|name|please introduce
Please briefly introduce your name.
안녕하세요 정하나입니다
hello|I am Jeong Hana
Hello, this is Jeong Hana.
정하나씨. 사실 여기는 저희 어머니 집입니다
Ms Jeong Hana|actually|here|our|mother|is house
Ms. Jeong Hana. Actually, this is my mother's house.
마당인데... 여기 어머니 회사에서 일하고 계신 분
in the yard|here|my mother|at the company|working|is|person
It's the yard... Here is someone who works at my mother's company.
네 회사직원입니다. 사실은 오늘은, 오늘 주제는
your|I am an employee|actually|today|today|topic
Yes, they are a company employee. Actually, today, the topic is...
강아지... 강아지 얘기를 하고싶어요
dog|puppy|conversation|I want to
I want to talk about dogs...
강아지 키우죠? 네 키우고 있습니다
dog|do you raise|yes|raising|I am
You have a dog, right? Yes, I do.
언제부터 키웠어요? 9개월 정도 키웠습니다
when|did you raise|9 months|approximately|I raised
Since when have you had it? I've had it for about 9 months.
강아지 키우니까 어때요? 뭐가 제일 좋아요? 집에 오면 반겨주는 게 너무 행복해요
dog|raising|how is it|what|most|good|at home|when|welcoming|thing|very|makes me happy
How is it having a dog? What do you like the most? I'm so happy when it greets me when I come home.
사람보다 강아지가 더 반길 때도 있지않아요? 늘상 그런 거 같습니다
than a person|dog|more|welcoming|times|isn't it|always|such|thing|seems
Isn't it true that sometimes a puppy greets you more enthusiastically than a person? It seems like that's always the case.
어떤 종류의 강아지에요? '비숑 프리제'라는 강아지입니다
what|type of|dog|Bichon||is dog
What kind of puppy is it? It's a 'Bichon Frise'.
그러면 그 강아지가 어떻게 생겼는지 대충 설명해 줄 수 있으세요?
then|that|dog|how|looks|roughly|explain|to you|possibility|is there
Then can you roughly describe what that puppy looks like?
우선 털이 하얗구요, 그리고 모량이 풍부해서 굉장히 뽀글뽀글해요 모량
first|fur|is white|and|amount of hair|is abundant|very|curly|amount of hair
First of all, its fur is white, and it has a lot of hair, so it's very curly.
털이 많아요. 털이 풍부하게 많아요 제 생각에는 저도 모량은 처음 듣는 단어에요
hair|is abundant|hair|richly|is abundant|my|in my opinion|I also|hair volume|first|hearing|word
There is a lot of fur. There is a rich amount of fur. I think this is the first time I've heard the word 'moryang'.
근데 '모'는 한문으로 털. 털의 양이 많다 털의 량, 모량, 그래서 "모량이 많다"
but|'mo'|in Chinese characters|hair|of hair|amount|is large|of hair|quantity|amount of hair|therefore|amount of hair|is large
But 'mo' means fur in Chinese characters. A lot of fur, the quantity of fur, moryang, so "there is a lot of moryang."
강아지 이름이 뭐예요? 아또요. 아또, 굉장히 재밌는 이름인데
dog|name|is what|is Atto|Atto|very|interesting|name
What is the dog's name? Atto. Atto, that's a very interesting name.
그걸로 굉장히 많은 개그, 조크 가 나올 수도 있을 것 같아요
with that|very|many|jokes|jokes|can|come out|possibility||thing|seems
I think a lot of jokes and gags could come from that.
예를 들면 "아~ 또 똥 쌌어!" 맞아요, 그런 거 말이 많아요
||ah~|again|poop|pooped|that's right|such|thing|talk|is a lot
For example, "Ah~ I pooped again!" That's right, there are a lot of comments like that.
아또의 어떤 특이한 취미랄까 아니면 특이한 행동? 그런 거 있으면 말해 주세요
of Ato|what|unusual|hobby|or|unusual|behavior|such|thing|if|tell|please
If you have any unusual hobbies or behaviors of Ato, please let me know.
아또는 신기하게 간식을 주면 바로 먹지않고 숨겨놔요 쇼파 구석이나
the other one|strangely|snack|when (I) give|immediately|not eating|hides|sofa|in the corner
Interestingly, Ato doesn't eat the snacks right away when given; instead, he hides them.
이불 속이나 숨겨놔서 나중에 찾아서 몰래 먹어요 아 그렇구나. 그 사실 집에서 키우는 개 말고
blanket|inside|hiding|later|finding|secretly|eat|ah|I see|that|fact|at home|raising|dog|other than
He hides them in the corner of the sofa or under the blanket and later finds them to eat secretly. Oh, I see. That fact is different from the dog I have at home.
야생동물들이 그렇게 하는 경우가 많죠 맞아요. 아 그렇구나.
wild animals|like that|do|case|often|that's right|ah|I see
Wild animals often do that, right? Oh, I see.
뭘 제일 좋아해요? 음식 중에서 아직 나이가 어려서
what|most|do you like|food|among|still|age|young
What do you like the most? Among foods, since you are still young.
아직은 (개) 먹는 사료, (개)밥만 제일 좋아해요 자, 마지막으로 아또한테 한마디! 아또한테 하고싶은 말이 있다면
still|dog|eating|food|||most|likes|now|lastly|to Ato|one word|to Ato|want to say|words|if there is
For now, I really like (dog) food, (dog) kibble the most. Now, finally, a word for Ato! If you have something to say to Ato,
한마디 해주세요 아또야~ 우리 앞으로 행복하게 오래오래 건강하게 살자. 아또야 사랑해~
one word|please|my dear|we|in the future|happily|for a long time|healthily|let's live||I love you
please say a word. Ato, let's live happily and healthily for a long time. I love you, Ato~
아또야 나도 사랑해~ 본 적은 없지만 ㅋㅋㅋ 그리고 마지막으로... 사실 여기 있는 하나씨는
Attoya|I also|love|seen|instance|not|haha|and|lastly|actually|here|being|Ms Hana
Atoya, I love you too~ I haven't seen you, but haha. And lastly... actually, the person here, Hana,
블로거죠? 인스타그램 거기에서 아또 강아지에 대한 블로그,
are you a blogger|Instagram|there|about|dog|regarding|blog
is a blogger, right? On Instagram, she has a blog about Ato the dog,
비디오를 많이 올립니다. 그거 간단하게 홍보해주세요
the video|a lot|I upload|that|simply|please promote
and she posts a lot of videos. Please promote that briefly.
아또의 일상과 사진을 담은... 여러가지 일상들을... 비디오와 사진을 찍은 일상을 담은 아또만의
Atto's|daily life|photos|containing|various|daily activities|video and|photos|taken|daily life|containing|unique to Atto
It's about Ato's daily life and photos... various daily activities... capturing Ato's unique daily life through videos and photos.
인스타그램을 운영하고 있습니다 서치에
Instagram|operating|I am|in search
I am running an Instagram account.
'비숑 아또' 라고 검색하면 아또를 찾으실 수 있습니다 제가 자막도 여기 띄울게요. '비숑 아또'
Bichon'|Atto'|that'|if you search'|Atto'|you will find'|possibility'|exists'|I'|subtitles'|here'|will show||
If you search for 'Bichon Atto', you will be able to find Atto. I will also display the subtitles here. 'Bichon Atto'.
그러면 다음 동영상에서 만나보죠 안녕히 계세요. 안녕~
then|next|in the video|we will meet|goodbye|stay|bye~
Then, see you in the next video. Goodbye. Bye~
자, 처음을 어떻게 시작할까? 좀 웃긴 게 좋지 않을까? 개그같은 거? 어떻게 할까요? 이 개그 어때?
let's|beginning|how|should I start|a little|funny|thing|good|not|like a joke|thing|how|should I do|this|joke|how about
So, how should we start? Wouldn't it be good to start with something funny? Like a joke? What do you think about this joke?
베를린에서 음식을 함부로 먹으면 안되는 이유 베를린
in Berlin|food|carelessly|eat|not allowed|reason|
The reason you shouldn't eat food carelessly in Berlin.
베를린에서 음식을 함부로 먹으면 안되는 이유 배탈나서? 독일 수도.
in Berlin|food|carelessly|eat|not allowed|reason|getting an upset stomach|Germany|capital
The reason you shouldn't eat food carelessly in Berlin is because you might get a stomachache? The capital of Germany.
hi joke
High joke!
내가 사실 이거 실험을 해봤는데 재미가 없다고 그러더라고 재밌는데요? 너무 재밌는데요? 제 스타일이에요
I|actually|this|experiment|tried|fun|not|they said|it's fun|very|it's fun|my|style
I actually tried this experiment, and they said it wasn't fun, but I think it's really fun! It's so much fun! It's my style.
아 근데 못 알아듣지 않으실까? 시청자들이. 외국인들이요? 독일 수도
Ah, but won't they not understand? The viewers. Foreigners? Especially Germans.
못 알아듣죠. 한국사람은 재밌는데... 이게 영어로가 아니니까. 한국말의 그거니까 그러면 그냥 시작!
cannot|understand|Korean person|is interesting|this|in English|is not|of Korean|that is|then|just|start
They won't understand. It's fun for Koreans... because it's not in English. It's in Korean, so let's just start!
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