Comitia Finniae parlamentaria 23.03.2007, klo 08.45 Die Dominico (18.3.)
Elections|of Finland|parliamentary|at|Day|Sunday
Parliamentary elections in Finland on 23.03.2007, at 08:45 on Sunday (18.3.)
in Finnia comitia parlamentaria habita sunt, ut apud nos quinto quoque anno fieri consuevit.
in|Finland|elections|parliamentary|held|were|as|among|us|every fifth|also|year|to be held|is accustomed
In Finland, parliamentary elections were held, as is customary every five years.
Eventu suffragiorum divulgato apparuit factionem centralem, quamvis detrimentum quattuor sedium cepisset, tamen unam et quinquaginta sedes sibi conciliavisse itaque principatum in parlamento servasse.
event|of the elections|having been announced|it appeared|faction|central|although|loss|four|seats|had taken|nevertheless|one|and|fifty|seats|to itself|had secured|and thus|leadership|in|parliament|had maintained
After the results of the voting were announced, it became clear that the central party, although it had lost four seats, had still secured one hundred and fifty seats and thus maintained its leadership in parliament.
Qui successus autem nihil erat ad victoriam, quam conservativi reportaverunt: grex enim eorum parlamentaris decem legatis auctus usque ad quinquaginta homines crevit.
However, this success was nothing compared to the victory that the conservatives achieved: their parliamentary group increased from ten representatives to fifty members.
Eo acerbior erat clades socialistarum, quippe quorum numerus a quinquaginta tribus ad quadraginta quinque descenderet.
Therefore|more bitter|was|defeat|of the socialists|since|of whom|number|from|fifty|three|to|forty|five|would descend
The defeat of the socialists was all the more bitter, as their number fell from fifty-three to forty-five.
Adversa perpessae sunt etiam partes Foederis sinistrorum duabus sedibus amissis.
adverse|endured|are|also|parts|of the Federation|of the left|two|seats|lost
The left-wing Federation also suffered setbacks, losing two seats.
Factiones minores varia fortuna dimicaverunt: prasini, qui dicuntur, quindecim sedes consecuti gratiam suam priorem paululum auxerunt, item partes populares Finno-Suetorum decem sedibus occupatis.
Factions|minor|various|fortune|fought|the greens|who|are called|fifteen|seats|having obtained|favor|their||a little|increased|likewise|parties|popular|||ten|seats|occupied
Minor parties fought with varying fortunes: the Greens, as they are called, gained fifteen seats, slightly increasing their previous standing, as did the popular parties of the Finn-Swedes, occupying ten seats.
Democratae autem Christiani, quibus septem legati obtigerunt, eodem statu quo ante remanserunt.
The Democrats|however||to whom|seven|delegates|were assigned|in the same|state|as|before|remained
However, the Christian Democrats, who secured seven representatives, remained in the same position as before.
Factio autem Finnorum fundamentalium tantum progressum fecit, ut in locum trium legatorum quinque substituerentur.
The party|however|of the Finns|fundamental|only|progress|made|so that|in|place|of three|legates|five|were substituted
The Fundamental Finns, however, made only enough progress to replace three representatives with five.
(Reijo Pitkäranta) Sauli Niinistö rex comitiorum 23.03.2007, klo 08.44 Sauli Niinistö, pristinus candidatus praesidentialis partium dextrarum, regem quendam illorum comitiorum se praebuit: conquisivit enim sibi plus sexaginta milia suffragiorum, qua maiorem sententiarum copiam nemo umquam in electionibus in Finnia institutis accepit.
||Sauli|Niinistö|king|of the elections|at|||former|candidate|presidential|of the parties|right-wing|king|a certain|of those|elections|himself|presented|he obtained|for|for himself|more|sixty|thousand|votes|by which|greater|of votes|quantity|no one|ever|in|elections|in|Finland|held|received
(Reijo Pitkäranta) Sauli Niinistö elected as king of the elections 23.03.2007, 08:44 Sauli Niinistö, the former presidential candidate of the right-wing parties, presented himself as a kind of king of those elections: he garnered more than sixty thousand votes, which is a greater number of votes than anyone has ever received in elections held in Finland.
(Reijo Pitkäranta) Nova Felinarum species inventa 23.03.2007, klo 08.44 Anno proxime praeterito in Borneo quinquaginta duae novae herbarum et animalium species repertae sunt, ut refert Ordo internationalis naturae tuendae (WWF).
||New|of Felina|species|discovered|at|Year|next|past|in|Borneo|fifty|two|new|of plants|and|of animals|species|found|are|as|reported|Order|international|nature|conservation|(WWF)
(Reijo Pitkäranta) New species of felines discovered 23.03.2007, 08:44 In the past year in Borneo, fifty-two new species of plants and animals have been discovered, as reported by the World Wildlife Fund (WWF).
In iis est animal felinum, quod antea pro Neofele nebulosa, bestia in Asia continenti vivente, habebatur.
In|them|is|animal|feline|which|previously|for|Neofele|nebulous|beast|in|Asia|continent|living|was considered
Among them is a feline animal, which was previously considered to be the Neofelis nebulosa, a creature living on the Asian continent.
Recentioribus autem investigationibus apparuit feram insularem a Neofele continentali tantum differre, quantum leonem a tigri et tigrim a pardo.
more recent|however|investigations|it appeared|wild|island|from|Neofele|continental|only|to differ|as much as|lion|from|tiger|and|tiger|from|leopard
However, more recent investigations have shown that the island wildcat differs from the continental Neofelis as much as a lion differs from a tiger and a tiger from a leopard.
(Reijo Pitkäranta) Theatrum antiquum repertum 23.03.2007, klo 08.43 Theatrum Acharnanum, quod in Graecia antiqua clarissimum erat, abhinc paucas septimanas a quibusdam structoribus fortuito inventum esse nuntiatur.
||Theater|ancient|discovered|at|Theater|of Acharnes|which|in|Greece|ancient|most famous|was|ago|few|weeks|by|certain|builders|accidentally|found|to be|is reported
(Reijo Pitkäranta) Ancient theater discovered 23.03.2007, 08:43 The theater of Acharnes, which was very famous in ancient Greece, has been reported to have been accidentally discovered a few weeks ago by some builders.
Fodiebantur fundamenta cuiusdam aedificii, quod decem chiliometra a mediis Athenis in septentriones aberat, cum fori theatri lapidei reperti sunt.
were being dug|foundations|of a certain|building|which|ten|kilometers|from|middle|Athens|in|north|was away|when|of the forum|theater|stone|were found|are
The foundations of a certain building were being dug, which was located ten kilometers to the north of central Athens, when the stone of the theater was discovered.
Scaena autem et ceterae parietinae sub platea domibusque propinquis obrutae latebant.
The scene|however|and|other|walls|under|the street|and houses|nearby|buried|were hidden
The stage and other walls were hidden beneath the street and nearby houses.
Illud theatrum saeculo quinto a.Chr.n.
That|theater|in the century|fifth|||
That theater was used in the fifth century B.C.
sive aetate urbis Atheniensium aurea adhibebatur.
whether|age|of the city|of the Athenians|golden|was applied
or during the golden age of the city of Athens.
(Tom Bergman) Concentus ecclesiasticus Latinus 23.03.2007, klo 08.42 Chorus Neapolitanus musicae barocae deditus nomine Mysterium vocis die Lunae (19.3.)
||Concert|ecclesiastical|Latin||Choir|Neapolitan|of music|baroque|dedicated|by the name of|Mystery|of voice|on the day|of Monday
(Tom Bergman) The Latin church concert on 23.03.2007, at 08:42, the Neapolitan choir dedicated to baroque music named Mysterium vocis on Monday (19.3.)
vesperi Helsinkii in Ecclesia Iohannis sacra concentum Latinum edidit.
in the evening|of Helsinki|in|Church|John|sacred|concert|Latin|he/she/it performed
In the evening, a sacred Latin concert was held in the Church of St. John in Helsinki.
Programma imprimis ex tribus hymnis Latinis mediaevalibus constabat, quorum modi a musicographis Neapolitanis saeculo duodevicesimo compositi erant.
The program|primarily|from|three|hymns||medieval|consisted|of which|melodies|by|musicographers|Neapolitan|century|eighteenth|composed|were
The program consisted mainly of three medieval Latin hymns, the styles of which were composed by Neapolitan musicographers in the eighteenth century.
Cantus ecclesiastici, quos ille chorus mira arte praesentabat, erant "Dies irae", "Stabat mater", "Veni Creator Spiritus".
The songs|ecclesiastical|which|that|choir|wonderful|skill|presented|were|Day|of wrath|Stood|mother|Come|Creator|Spirit
The ecclesiastical songs, which the choir presented with remarkable skill, were "Dies irae", "Stabat mater", "Veni Creator Spiritus".
(Reijo Pitkäranta)
(Reijo Pitkäranta)
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