Cyclops Pars Tertia
||Third Part
Cyclops Teil drei
Cyclops Part Three
Cíclope, tercera parte
Cyclope, troisième partie
Ciclope parte terza
サイクロプス パート 3
사이클롭스 3부
Cyclopen deel drie
Cyklop, część trzecia
Ciclope Parte Três
Tepegöz Bölüm Üç
Циклоп Частина третя
Pars Tertia
|Third part
Part Three
prima luce Polyphemus caecus speluncam aperuit et oves liberavit.
"at first light"|"at first light"|Polyphemus|blind|cave|opened||the sheep|set free
At first light, the blind Polyphemus opened the cave and released the sheep.
С первыми лучами света слепой Полифем открыл пещеру и освободил овец.
iratissimus erat.
most angry|
He was very angry.
Он был очень зол.
homines igitur in terga ovium diligenter quaerebat.
"the men"|"therefore" or "thus"||backs of sheep|sheep's backs|carefully|was searching for
Therefore, he diligently searched for men in the backs of the sheep.
поэтому он внимательно высматривал людей за овцами.
Ulixes tamen consilium callidum cepit.
Ulysses|"nevertheless"|"plan" or "clever plan"|clever|"took"
However, Ulysses devised a clever plan.
Однако Одиссей принял хитрый план.
comites se celare sub ovibus iussit.
companions|themselves|"to hide"|under|"the sheep"|ordered
he ordered his companions to hide himself under the sheep.
он приказал графу спрятаться под овцами.
Polyphemus in exitu speluncae stabat sed Ulixem comitesque invenire non poterat quod sub ovibus celati erant.
Polyphemus|in|at the exit|cave's entrance|"was standing"|but|Ulysses|"and companions"|find|not|"was not able"|because|under|the sheep|hidden under|they were hidden
|||da caverna||||||||||ovelhas|celados|
But a Ulysses in Polyphemus, who in the end of the of the cave, stood largely concealed beneath the sheep, and his suite were to find that it was not able to.
Полифем стоял у выхода из пещеры, но не смог найти Одиссея и его спутников, поскольку они были спрятаны под овцами.
ubi ex spelunca effugerunt Ulixes comitesque ad navem cucurrerunt et navem celeriter conscenderunt.
"when"||cave|"they escaped"|Ulysses|and his companions||ship|ran to|and||quickly|boarded the ship
the ship of Ulysses and his suite to the ship, ran up, and when he discovered from the cave of the escaped of you out quickly detected.
когда они вырвались из пещеры, Одиссей и его спутники побежали к кораблю и быстро проникли на борт.
dum tamen ab insula navigabant, Ulixes magna cum voce clamavit, “Cyclops, comites meos consumpsisti sed nunc Iuppiter te punivit!”
while|"however"|from|island|were sailing|Ulysses|great|with|loud voice|shouted||companions|my companions|"you consumed"|"but"|"now"|Jupiter|you|has punished
|sin embargo|||||||||||||||||
While still on the island sailed Ulysses large with a loud voice, "Cyclops consumed my companions punished, but now on you!"
Пока они еще отплывали от острова, Улисс воскликнул громким голосом: «Циклоп, ты поглотил моих спутников, но теперь Юпитер наказал тебя!»
ubi hoc audivit, Polyphemus ad litus festinavit et saxa in navem iecit.
"when" or "where"|this|"heard this"|||shore|hurried to||rocks|||"threw" or "cast"
When he heard the blinded to the beach quickly got into the boat rocks shot.
Когда Полифем услышал это, он поспешил на берег и забросал корабль камнями.
“cur hoc facis?” comites Ulixi inquiunt, “gigas navem paene delevit!”
"Why"|this|"you do"|companions|of Ulysses|they say|giant|the ship|almost|almost destroyed
"Why are you doing this?" Ulysses companions say, the "giant ship almost deleted!"
«Почему ты это делаешь?» Спутники Одиссея говорят: «Великан чуть не уничтожил корабль!»
sed ille iratissimus erat.
|he|very angry|
but he was very angry.
но он был очень зол.
“ego Ulixes te fefelli, Polypheme” clamabat.
I|||"I deceived"|Polyphemus|was shouting
"I fail to Ulysses, Polyphemus," called out.
«Я, Одиссей, обманул тебя, Полифем», — воскликнул он.
ubi hoc audivit, Polyphemus patrem Neptunum rogavit ut Ulixem puniret.
when|||Polyphemus|"his father Neptune"|Neptune|"asked" or "begged"|"to" or "that"|Ulysses|"might punish"
When he heard this, Polyphemus asked his father Neptune to punish Ulysses.
Услышав это, Полифем попросил своего отца Нептуна наказать Улисса.
saxum ingens a monte rapuit et summa vi in navem iecit.
"large rock"|huge|from|"from the mountain"|"seized" or "snatched"|and|great force|with force||the ship|"he/she/it threw"
He snatched a huge rock from the mountain and threw it with all his strength at the ship.
Он схватил с горы огромный камень и с огромной силой швырнул его в корабль.
Ulixes tamen tutus ab insula Cyclopum navigavit.
Ulysses|However|"safe"|from||of the Cyclopes|"sailed away"
Nevertheless, Ulysses sailed safely away from the island of the Cyclopes.
Однако Одиссей благополучно отплыл с острова Циклопов.