Dutchies to be
"OM TE" in DUTCH // How to make sentences with "om...te + infinitive"? (NT2 - A2/B1)
Dutchies to be
AGREE and DISAGREE in Dutch. Learn all about the "het eens zijn met" construction.
Dutchies to be
DUTCH CONJUNCTION WORDS for TIME in bijzinnen/subordinate clauses (NT2 - A2/B1)
Dutchies to be
ZOUDEN in Dutch // How to use it and what's the difference with ZULLEN? (NT2 - A2/B1)
Dutchies to be
Common Dutch verbs #1 - Learn how to conjugate Dutch verbs with many example sentences!! (1)
Dutchies to be
DOEN & MAKEN in Dutch: Wat is het verschil? // What's the difference? (NT2 A1/A2) #learndutch
Dutchies to be
Learn ALL DIFFERENT WAYS to use the verbs ZITTEN, STAAN & LIGGEN (NT2 - A2/B1)
Dutchies to be
Dutch CURSE words // How to swear in Dutch? // Scheldwoorden (NT2 - A2/B1)
Dutchies to be
The Dutch verb ZIJN: learn all forms + functions! (NT2 A1/A2) #learndutch
Dutchies to be
GROCERY SHOPPING in DUTCH // Boodschappen doen // Dutch for BEGINNERS les 21 (NT2 - A1)
Dutchies to be
👂Storytime 1: INTRODUCING yourself and NEGATION in DUTCH (NT2 - A1) - YouTube
Dutchies to be
NIET en GEEN: Learn Dutch NEGATION // Negatie (NT2 - A1) - YouTube
Dutchies to be
ZULLEN & GAAN for the future tense in Dutch (NT2 - A2) - YouTube
Dutchies to be
WILLEN & ZULLEN: Modal verbs in DUTCH #1 (NT2 - A1/A2) - YouTube
Dutchies to be
MOETEN & MOGEN: modal verbs in DUTCH #2 (NT2 - A1/A2) - YouTube
Dutchies to be
PERFECTUM in DUTCH: when to use HEBBEN or ZIJN? (NT2 - A2) - YouTube
Dutchies to be
AFLEIDINGEN \#1: zelfstandige naamwoorden van WERKWOORDEN