Matematika i njen loš PR - Vladislav Radak na TEDxNoviSad
Mathematik und ihre schlechte PR – Vladislav Radak bei TEDxNoviSad
Las matemáticas y sus malas relaciones públicas - Vladislav Radak en TEDxNoviSad
Les mathématiques et leurs mauvaises relations publiques - Vladislav Radak à TEDxNoviSad
Matematyka i jej zły PR - Vladislav Radak na TEDxNoviSad
Математика и ее плохой пиар - Владислав Радак на TEDxNoviSad
Matematik och dess dåliga PR - Vladislav Radak på TEDxNoviSad
Matematik ve onun kötü halkla ilişkiler - Vladislav Radak TEDxNoviSad'da
Mathematics and its bad PR - Vladislav Radak at TEDxNoviSad
Transkript: Aniko Kovac Lektor: Ivana Korom
Transcript: Aniko Kovac Editor: Ivana Korom
Tišina, ja predajem!
Silence|I|give up
Silence, I am teaching!
Ne, nemojte da se čudite, ovako počinje svako predavanje
No|don't|to|reflexive pronoun|be surprised|like this|starts|every|lecture
No, no se sorprenda, así es como comienza cada conferencia.
No, don't be surprised, this is how every math class starts
iz matematike u osnovnoj školi.
en matemáticas en la escuela primaria.
in elementary school.
Možete misliti kako se onda ta deca osećaju
|||||||se sentent
You can|imagine|how|themselves|then|those||feel
Вы можете себе представить, что чувствуют эти дети тогда
You can imagine how those children feel
kad treba da se suoče
when|they need|to|themselves|confront
когда они должны стоять лицом друг к другу
when they have to face
sa jednom vrlo kompleksnom naukom
с очень сложной наукой
a very complex science
koja zahteva timski rad i veliku komunikaciju.
that requires teamwork and great communication.
Da krenemo ispočetka.
||depuis le début
Let's|start|from the beginning
Let's start from the beginning.
Ja sam Vladislav Radak i ja sam matematičar.
I am Vladislav Radak and I am a mathematician.
Kad ljudi čuju da sam ja matematičar, kažu:
||entendent|||||ils disent
When|people|hear|that|I am|I|mathematician|they say
When people hear that I am a mathematician, they say:
"Ah, ti si jedan od tih, kao, genijalaca."
"Ah, you are one of those, like, geniuses."
Ja kažem: "Ne."
I say: "No."
"Ovaj, pa kao... Zato što znamo kao...
This|well|like|That's why|that|we know|like
„Ähm, na ja, wie … Weil wir wissen, wie …
"Well, like... Because we know like...
Matematičari, kao, moraju da imaju poseban dar..."
Mathematicians, like, must have a special gift..."
U našem narodu važi mit da za matematiku
In our nation, there is a myth that for mathematics
morate da budete talentovani,
you must be talented,
da morate da imate neki specijalan gen,
that you must have some special gene,
ili da budete ne-sportista i frik.
||||sportif|ou|un frimeur
oder ein Nichtsportler und ein Freak zu sein.
or that you must be a non-athlete and a freak.
Međutim, ništa od toga zapravo nije tačno.
However|nothing|of|that|actually|is not|true
However, none of that is actually true.
Ja njima kažem: "Ne, ja sam prosto samo
I|to them|say|No|I|am|just|only
Ich sage ihnen: „Nein, ich bin nur
I tell them: "No, I simply just
radio matematiku dovoljno da bih postao matematičar."
studied|mathematics|enough|to|I would|become|mathematician
hat Mathe genug gemacht, um Mathematiker zu werden."
did math enough to become a mathematician."
Oni pitaju: "Dobro, koliko si radio matematiku?"
They|ask|Well|how much|you|studied|math
They ask: "Well, how much did you do math?"
Pa kažem: "Šta znam, možda nekih osam sati dnevno
Well|I say|What|I know|maybe|about|eight|hours|daily
Also sage ich: "Was weiß ich, vielleicht acht Stunden am Tag
Well, I say: "I don't know, maybe about eight hours a day.
od kad sam se rodio."
since|when|I|reflexive pronoun|was born
seit ich geboren wurde. "
"Since I was born."
"Pff, pa, sa osam sati dnevno bih i ja mogao
Pff|well|with|eight|hours|daily|I would|also|I|could
„Pff, naja, bei acht Stunden am Tag könnte ich das auch
"Pff, well, with eight hours a day I could also
da postanem genijalac, nema tu ništa strano."
|je devienne|génie||||d'étrange
to|become|genius|there is no|here|nothing|strange
become a genius, there's nothing strange about that."
Kažem: "Pa da. U tome i jeste poenta.
|||||||le but
I say|well|yes|In|that|and|is|point
I say: "Well, yes. That's the point.
Svi mi smo matematičari
We are all mathematicians.
i to minimum 8 sati dnevno."
and|that|at least|hours|daily
and at least 8 hours a day."
Svesno ili nesvesno.
Bewusst oder unbewusst.
Consciously or unconsciously.
Čak svako od vas u publici.
|||||le public
Even|each|of|you|in|the audience
Sogar jeder von Ihnen im Publikum.
Even each of you in the audience.
A sada ćemo da vidimo i kako.
And|now|we will|to|see|and|how
And now we will see how.
Opipavanje matematike za nekog kome ova nauka
l'exploration||||à qui||science
Tactile exploration|of mathematics|for|someone|to whom|this|science
Gefühlsmathe für jemanden, dem diese Wissenschaft zusagt
The feel of mathematics for someone to whom this science
nije bliska, može da predstavlja problem.
is not|close|can|to|represent|problem
is not close, it can pose a problem.
Većina misli da je to neka grčka azbuka,
Die meisten Leute denken, es ist ein griechisches Alphabet,
Most people think it's some Greek alphabet,
gomila nekih brojeva
une pile|de certains|nombres
a pile|some|numbers
a bunch of numbers
i da se matematika krije isključivo u bibliotekama.
and|that|reflexive pronoun|mathematics|hides|exclusively|in|libraries
und dass Mathematik ausschließlich in Bibliotheken versteckt ist.
and that mathematics is hidden exclusively in libraries.
I većina matematičara neće pokušati da opovrgne
And|most|mathematicians|will not|try|to|disprove
Und die meisten Mathematiker werden nicht versuchen, das zu widerlegen
And most mathematicians will not try to refute
te vaše tvrdnje,
and your claims,
jer sebično čuvaju matematiku za sebe.
weil sie die Mathematik egoistisch für sich behalten.
because they selfishly keep mathematics to themselves.
I reći će: "Pa da, matematika nije baš za svakog."
I|will say|future tense marker|well|yes|mathematics|is not|really|for|everyone
And they will say: "Well, yes, mathematics is not really for everyone."
Sa matematikom ne možete da se sudarite pri izlasku iz autobusa.
With|math|not|you can|to|yourself|collide|when|exiting|from|bus
Du kannst nicht mit Mathe kollidieren, wenn du aus dem Bus aussteigst.
You cannot collide with mathematics when getting off the bus.
Ne možete da je omirišete, niti da je opipate.
Man kann es nicht riechen oder anfassen.
You cannot smell it, nor can you touch it.
Vi prosto znate da je tu negde i uglavnom je to nešto
You simply know that it is somewhere around and mostly it is something
što vas je mučilo u osnovnoj školi, ali mislite da ona
|||a dérangé|||||||
what|you|was|troubled|in|elementary|school|but|you think|that|it
that troubled you in elementary school, but you think that it
nema nikakvu ulogu u vašem životu.
has no|any|role|in|your|life
has no role in your life.
To, naravno, nije tačno.
That|of course|is not|true
That, of course, is not true.
Pođite sa mnom ispod prve pokorice sveta
Come|with|me|under|first|domination|of the world
Komm mit mir unter die erste Kruste der Welt
Come with me under the first layer of the world.
da vidimo koja matematička srž se krije u svetu koji nas okružuje.
let|us see|what|mathematical|essence|reflexive pronoun|hides|in|world|that|us|surrounds
um zu sehen, welcher mathematische Kern in der Welt um uns herum liegt.
let's see what mathematical essence is hidden in the world around us.
Posmatrajte spiralu puža. Ona do nanomilimetra
||du escargot|||nanomillimètre
Beobachten Sie die Schneckenspirale. Sie auf Nanomillimeter
Observe the spiral of a snail. It perfectly
savršeno prati Fibonačijev niz ili Fibonačijevu spiralu
parfaitement|suivre|de Fibonacci|suite|||
folgt perfekt der Fibonacci-Folge oder der Fibonacci-Spirale
follows the Fibonacci sequence or Fibonacci spiral
koja je objašnjena dosta jednostavnom matematičkom formulom.
which is explained by a fairly simple mathematical formula.
Ako to primenimo i na cvet suncokreta,
If|it|we apply|also|to|flower|sunflower
Wenn wir das auf eine Sonnenblume anwenden,
If we apply this to a sunflower,
to jest, na njegovo semenje,
that is, for his seeding,
objašnjenje je možda malo matematički komplikovanije,
explanation|is|maybe|a little|mathematically|more complicated
the explanation might be a bit mathematically complicated,
ali ovde se isto krije Fibonačijev niz brojeva.
but|here|reflexive pronoun|also|hides|Fibonacci|sequence|of numbers
but here the Fibonacci sequence of numbers is also hidden.
Momci iz finansija su to uočili na vreme
Les gars|||||remarqué||
The guys|from|finance|(they)|that|noticed|on|time
Das haben die Jungs von den Finanzen rechtzeitig gemerkt
The guys from finance noticed this in time
i skapirali su da postoji nešto što se zove
|ils ont décidé|||||||
and|realized|they|that|exists|something|that|(reflexive particle)|is called
und sie fanden heraus, dass es etwas namens gab
and figured out that there is something called
Fibonačijev otpor.
Fibonacci resistance.
Ovako izgleda moj svaki radni dan na poslu.
||||de travail|||
This way|looks|my|every|working|day|at|work
This is what my every workday looks like.
Ovo su finansije.
These are the finances.
Momci koji su izmislili Fibonačijev otpor,
|||ont inventé||
The guys|who|are|invented|Fibonacci's|resistance
The guys who invented Fibonacci resistance,
posmatrajući strukturu puža ili cveta,
en observant||||fleur
observing the structure of a snail or a flower,
su bukvalno preko noći postali milioneri.
they literally became millionaires overnight.
Naravno, matematiku i igrice ne možemo da zamislimo
Of course|math|and|games|not|we can|to|imagine
Of course, we cannot imagine math and games
bez matematike,
without math,
bez analitičke geometrije, bez vektorske geometrije,
without analytical geometry, without vector geometry,
svaki vaš potez miša se izračunava određenom formulom
||mouvement|souris||est calculé|à une certaine|
every|your|movement|mouse|reflexive particle|is calculated|certain|formula
Jede Ihrer Mausbewegungen wird nach einer bestimmten Formel berechnet
every move of your mouse is calculated by a certain formula.
ili algoritmom.
or|by algorithm
or with an algorithm.
Međutim, mene ljudi pitaju: "Okej, kako to radi u praksi?
However, people ask me: "Okay, how does it work in practice?
Kako ti koristiš matematiku?"
How do you use mathematics?"
Ja kažem: 'Ajmo ovako. Svi mi plaćamo račune u pošti.
||allons||||payons|factures||la poste
I|say|Let's|do it this way|All|we|pay|bills|at|the post office
Ich sage: ‚Lass uns so gehen. Wir alle bezahlen unsere Rechnungen bei der Post.
I say: 'Let's put it this way. We all pay our bills at the post office.
Mrzimo to da radimo, ali moramo to da uradimo.
nous détestons||||||||faire
We hate|it|to|do|but|we must|it|to|do
We hate doing it, but we have to do it.
Ako stojite u pošti u redu,
|vous êtes debout||||
If|you stand|in|the post office|in|line
If you are standing in line at the post office,
možete videti na desetine normalnih ili Gausovih raspodela.
|||dizaines|normales||de Gauss|distributions
you can|see|on|dozens of|normal|or|Gaussian|distributions
Sie können Dutzende von Normal- oder Gaußschen Verteilungen sehen.
you can see dozens of normal or Gaussian distributions.
Prvo: visina ljudi, verovatno i težina.
First|height|of people|probably|and|weight
First: the height of people, probably also weight.
Godište i da i ne, to je neka degenerisana
Year of birth|and|yes||no|that|is|some|degenerate
Alter und ja und nein, es ist irgendwie degeneriert
Year of birth, yes and no, it is some degenerated
ili pomerena normalna raspodela, jer znamo da penzioneri
|déplacée||||||les retraités
or|shifted|normal|distribution|because|we know|that|pensioners
or shifted normal distribution, because we know that retirees
obožavaju da plaćaju račune, dok deca ne plaćaju račune
they love to pay bills, while children do not pay bills
gotovo uopšte.
almost|at all
almost at all.
Dakle, već tu.
So, already there.
Međutim, kada ljudi hoće da detaljnije znaju
|||||plus en détail|
However|when|people|want|to|in more detail|know
However, when people want to know in more detail
kako to meni može da koristi,
how this can benefit me,
evo jednog jednostavnog primera.
here is|one|simple|example
here is a simple example.
Da bih stigao ovde na TEDx, ja sam morao da prođem
To|would|arrive|here|at|TEDx|I|was|had to|to|pass
Um hierher bei TEDx zu kommen, musste ich durch
To get here to TEDx, I had to go through
četiri internacionalna, velika aerodroma,
four international, major airports,
gužve su uvek katastrofa.
les embouteillages|||un désastre
traffic jams|are|always|a disaster
the crowds are always a disaster.
Ja imam matematičko rešenje, matematičku strategiju,
I have a mathematical solution, a mathematical strategy,
kako da kroz šaltere uvek prođem brže nego ostali.
|||guichets|||plus vite||les autres
how|to|through|counters|always|I pass|faster|than|others
how to always get through the counters faster than others.
Ne zaboravite normalnu raspodelu,
Do not|forget|normal|distribution
Don't forget the normal distribution,
to ste svi učili u školi.
you all learned that in school.
Šalim se, niste.
I'm joking|reflexive pronoun|you are not
Just kidding, you didn't.
Znate da se ljudi uvek grupišu na centralnim šalterima.
|||||se regroupent||centraux|guichets
You know|that|(reflexive pronoun)|people|always|group|at|central|counters
You know that people always group at the central counters.
Jer je to prosto prirodno.
Weil es einfach natürlich ist.
Because it is simply natural.
Kako odlazimo u levu i desnu stranu, tako je ljudi sve manje.
As|we go|to|left|and|right||so|is|people|all|fewer
As we move to the left and right, there are fewer and fewer people.
Po ovom zakonu znači da su poslednji šalteri
According to this law, it means that the last counters
sa leve i desne strane uvek najprazniji.
||||||le plus vide
on the left and right sides are always the emptiest.
Međutim, ljudi podsvesno razvijaju svoju matematičku strategiju.
However, people subconsciously develop their mathematical strategy.
Oni znaju da imaju levi i desni krajnji šalter slobodan,
They know that they have the left and right end counters free,
zato se oni i grupišu tu.
that's why|they|they|and|group|here
so they group there.
Moj šalter je uvek pretposlednji levi
My|counter|is|always|second to last|left
My counter is always the second to last on the left
ili pretposlednji desni.
or|second to last|right
or the second to last on the right.
Ostalo nam je još da odlučimo kako ćemo
It remains|to us|is|still|to|decide|how|we will
We still have to decide how we will
da izaberemo jedan od ta dva šaltera.
choose one of those two counters.
Prosta statistika.
Einfache Statistik.
Simple statistics.
Većina ljudi su desnoruki, što znači da se oni
Most people are right-handed, which means that they
polako više grupišu u desnu stranu, nego u levu.
slowly group more on the right side than on the left.
Dakle, moj šalter za prolazak je drugi pretposlednji
So|my|counter|for|passing|is|second|second to last
So, my passing counter is the second to last one.
s leve strane.
On the left side.
Probajte, pali svaki put.
essayez|ça marche||
Try|it works|every|time
Try it, it works every time.
Tišina! Izbaciću vas sa TEDx-a, ne šalim se!
|je vais vous expulser|||||||
Silence|I will remove|you|from|||not|joking|myself
Silence! I will throw you out of TEDx, I'm not joking!
Matematiku možemo videti u umetnosti.
Mathematics|we can|see|in|art
We can see mathematics in art.
Svi znamo da je jedno od najvećih dela umetnosti
We all know that one of the greatest works of art
Mona Liza, autora Leonarda da Vinčija -
is the Mona Lisa, by Leonardo da Vinci -
ne zaboravite da je on bio veliki pronalazač i matematičar.
do not|forget|that|he was|he|was|great|inventor|and|mathematician
don't forget that he was a great inventor and mathematician.
Na Mona Lizi možemo videti na desetine zlatnih preseka
On|Mona|Lisa|we can|see|in|dozens of|golden|sections
On the Mona Lisa, we can see dozens of golden sections
koji su objašnjeni ovom dosta jednostavnom formulom.
which are explained by this quite simple formula.
Da li je Leonardo da Vinči razumeo šta znači
(verb to be)|question particle|(verb to be)|Leonardo|(particle)|Vinci|understood|what|means
Did Leonardo da Vinci understand what it means
kreiranje lepote pomoću matematike
création|beauté|à l'aide de|
to create beauty using mathematics
ili je to radio podsvesno,
or did he do it subconsciously,
je pitanje na koje trenutno nemamo odgovor,
is|question|on|which|currently|we do not have|answer
is a question we currently do not have an answer to,
ali ono što jeste,
aber was ist
but what is,
da se zlatni presek definitivno krije na toj slici.
|||section|définitivement|se cache|||image
that|reflexive particle|golden|ratio|definitely|hides|in/on|that|picture
dass der goldene Schnitt definitiv in diesem Gemälde versteckt ist.
that the golden ratio is definitely hidden in that picture.
Ako gledamo matematiku u muzici,
If|we look at|mathematics|in|music
If we look at mathematics in music,
tu su stvari već poprilično objašnjene.
hier sind die dinge schon ziemlich erklärt.
things are already quite explained there.
Znamo koliko ima tonova, znamo šta je harmonija,
|||de tons||||harmonie
We know|how many|there are|tones|we know|what|is|harmony
We know how many tones there are, we know what harmony is,
znamo šta je disharmonija, dur, mol,
||||дур|си бемоль
we know|what|is|disharmony|major|minor
we know what disharmony is, major, minor,
kolike su frekvence i kolika je matematička razlika
what are|are|frequencies|and|what is|is|mathematical|difference
what are the frequencies and what is the mathematical difference
između svakog tona.
between each tone.
Tu je većina stvari objašnjena,
Most of the things are explained,
ostalo je samo još da razmislimo da li
remains|is|only|still|to|we think||
Es bleibt nur zu überlegen, ob
there is just one more thing to consider, whether
u klasičnoj muzici postoji određeno spontano kretanje,
in|classical|music|there is|certain|spontaneous|movement
in der klassischen musik gibt es eine gewisse spontane bewegung,
there is a certain spontaneous movement in classical music,
kao što je, na primer, Brnulijevo kretanje u matematici.
wie zum Beispiel Brnulis Bewegung in der Mathematik.
as, for example, Brunelleschi's movement in mathematics.
Međutim, ono što malo ljudi zna,
However, what few people know,
jeste da se matematika spontano koristila i u književnosti.
|||||s'est servie|||littérature
it is|that|reflexive pronoun|mathematics|spontaneously|was used|and|in|literature
ist, dass Mathematik spontan auch in der Literatur verwendet wurde.
is that mathematics was used spontaneously in literature.
Ako pogledamo Ser Artura Konana Dojla
If|we look at|Sir|Arthur|Conan|Doyle
If we look at Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
ili njegovu francusku suparnicu Agatu Kristi
or his French counterpart Agatha Christie
i njihove radove, to jest knjige,
and their works, that is, books,
shvatićemo da su oni koristili podsvesno matematiku
nous comprendrons||||||
we will understand|that|they|they|used|subconsciously|mathematics
we will understand that they subconsciously used mathematics
kako bi napravili strategiju, koja bi čitaoce zbunila
||faire||||les lecteurs|confondrait
to create a strategy that would confuse the readers
i sklonila ih sa prvobitnog plana koji oni imaju u vidu.
|a enlevé|||d'origine|plan|||||
und entfernte sie von dem ursprünglichen Plan, den sie im Sinn hatten.
and divert them from the original plan they have in mind.
Dakle, kad čitate njihove knjige
So|when|you read||books
So, when you read their books
teško možete da otkrijete gde se krije odgovor na ubistvo ili zločin.
hard|you can|to|discover|where|itself|hides|answer|to|murder|or|crime
it's hard to discover where the answer to the murder or crime is hidden.
Kako su oni to radili? Tako što su analizirali
How did they do it? By analyzing
strategije čitalaca i zatim rekli:
|des lecteurs||ensuite|ont dit
strategies|of readers|and|then|said
the strategies of readers and then saying:
"Okej, mi ćemo da uradimo suprotno."
Okay|we|will|to|do|the opposite
"Okay, we will do the opposite."
Dok sam radio storibord za svoj drugi roman,
|||table de montage||||roman
While|I was|working|storyboard|for|my|second|novel
While I was working on the storyboard for my second novel,
"Noć mrtvih snova",
|des morts|rêves
"Nacht der toten Träume",
"Night of Dead Dreams"
ja sam koristio sličan matematički model.
I used a similar mathematical model.
Rekao sam: "Rasplet knjige će biti u sredini knjige,
|||||||au milieu|
I said|(past tense marker)|resolution|of the book|will|be|in|the middle|of the book
I said: "The resolution of the book will be in the middle of the book,
pri tom čitaocima neću dati do znanja
at|that|to the readers|I will not|give|to|knowledge
Ich werde die Leser nicht wissen lassen
while I won't let the readers know
da su rasplet upravo prošli.
dass die Entfaltung gerade vorbei war.
that they have just passed the resolution.
Šta se dešava u svetu?
What|(reflexive particle)|is happening|in|the world
Was passiert in der Welt?
What is happening in the world?
Okej, jasno nam je da je matematika dosta bitna.
Okay|clear|to us|is|that|is|mathematics|quite|important
Okay, it's clear to us that mathematics is quite important.
To su skapirale i pre svega azijske zemlje.
This has been understood primarily by Asian countries.
Singapur, Šangaj i Hong Kong,
Singapore, Shanghai, and Hong Kong,
koji su vrlo brzo primenili nešto što se zove "singapurska matematika".
which|(verb to be)|very|quickly|applied|something|that|(reflexive pronoun)|is called|Singaporean|mathematics
which quickly applied something called "Singapore Math."
Singapurska matematika je matematika sa problemom u centru.
Singapore math is problem-centered mathematics.
Nemojte deci da objašnjavate teoriju.
Don't|to the children|to|explain|the theory
Do not explain the theory to the children.
Dajte im problem i pustite ih da oni sami grade spontano
Geben Sie ihnen ein Problem und lassen Sie sie spontan selbst bauen
Give them a problem and let them build spontaneously.
matematičku teoriju oko nje.
mathematical theory around it.
Zemlje koje su ovo primenile su vrlo brzo postale prve i vodeće
Countries that have implemented this have quickly become the first and leading.
na PISA testiranjima u svetu.
on|PISA|tests|in|the world
in PISA testing around the world.
PISA testiranje
PISA testing
meri pismenost, posebno matematičku pismenost
measures literacy, especially mathematical literacy
na nivou celog sveta, to jest onih zemalja
on a global level, that is, of those countries
koje učestvuju u testiranju.
that participate in the testing.
Zemlje koje su ovo na vreme primenile su bile prve.
Die Länder, die dies rechtzeitig umgesetzt haben, waren die ersten.
Countries that implemented this on time were the first.
Pogodite šta?
Erraten Sie, was?
Guess what?
Deset godina kasnije njihova ekonomija je cvetala.
Ten years later, their economy was flourishing.
Šta je singapurska matematika?
What is Singapore math?
Pi prodžekt kaže: "Ona nije 'nova matematika',
Pi|project|says|She|is not|new|mathematics
The Pi Project says: "It is not 'new math',
to je matematika koja prati razvoj mišljenja.
|||||développement|de la pensée
it is the mathematics that follows the development of thought.
Ona je konceptativna, a ne algoritamska,
It is conceptual, not algorithmic,
vizuelna, a ne rutinska - i zabavna.
visual, not routine - and fun.
Zabavno je podučavati i učiti,
Fun|is|to teach|and|to learn
It is fun to teach and learn,
jer je bazirana na razumevanju, a ne na memorisanju."
because it is based on understanding, not memorization.
Kakva je situacija kod nas?
What is the situation with us?
I mi smo učestvovali na PISA testiranju.
|||avons participé|||test
We also participated in the PISA testing.
Čitali ste medije sigurno.
vous avez lu||les médias|
You have read|(past tense auxiliary verb)|the media|surely
You have surely read the media.
Okej, prvi put smo učestvovali 2006. godine
Okay, we participated for the first time in 2006.
i uradili smo poprilično katastrofa.
and|we did|we|fairly|disastrous
and we did pretty much catastrophically.
45\. od 56 mesta.
45. out of 56 places.
U nivou severnoafričkih zemalja.
In|level|North African|countries
In the level of North African countries.
Rešili smo da nešto promenimo i da za 3 godine kad je sledeće testiranje
nous avons décidé||||changeons||||||||
We decided|we|to|something|change|and|to|in|years|when|is|next|testing
We decided to change something and in 3 years when the next testing
budemo mnogo bolji.
we will be|much|better
we will be much better.
2009\. godine smo stvarno bili bolji.
In 2009, we were really better.
44\. mesto - vi kažete: "Okej, matematički to je samo za jedno mesto bolje"
44th place - you say: "Okay, mathematically that's just one place better"
ali od koliko zemalja? 74.
but|from|how many|countries
but out of how many countries? 74.
Pogledajte koliko je ljudi lošije sad od nas.
Look|how much|is|people|worse|now|than|us
Look at how many people are worse off than us now.
2012\. godine smo učestvovali na PISA testiranju,
In 2012, we participated in the PISA testing,
ja sam bio jedan od članova tima,
I was one of the team members,
neću da vam otkrijem rezultate.
I will not|to|to you|reveal|results
I will not reveal the results to you.
Pogađate, nisu baš dobri.
vous devinez|||
You guess|they are not|really|good
You guess, they are not very good.
Moramo da imamo novu strategiju.
We must|to|have|new|strategy
We need to have a new strategy.
I zato je ministarstvo rešilo da primeni nešto novo.
|||ministère|a décidé||appliquer||
And that's why the ministry decided to implement something new.
2015\. godine nećemo učestvovati na testiranju.
year|we will not|participate|in|testing
In 2015, we will not participate in the testing.
(Smeh) Jer matematički, znate šta?
Laughter|Because|mathematically|you know|what
(Laughter) Because mathematically, you know what?
Ako se ne takmičite, ne možete da budete poslednji.
If|reflexive particle|not|compete|not|you can|to|be|last
If you don't compete, you can't be last.
2009\. godine, zadatke 6. nivoa
In 2009, no one in Serbia
nije uradio niko u Srbiji,
did not|do|nobody|in|Serbia
solved the level 6 tasks,
znači niko od testiranih učenika nije to uspeo da uradi.
it means|no one|of|tested|students|did not|that|succeeded|to|do
which means none of the tested students managed to do it.
U Singapuru, Hongkongu i u Šangaju
In|Singapore|Hong Kong|and|in|Shanghai
In Singapore, Hong Kong, and Shanghai
deca to rade otprilike na nivou od 24 procenta.
children do this at approximately 24 percent.
Taj najteži nivo.
That is the highest level.
Ekonomisti to označavaju ovako: "Vidite ovaj grafik,
Economists|that|denote|like this|You see|this|graph
Economists mark it this way: "Look at this graph,
crvenom bojom je označen procenat učenika
red|color|is|marked|percentage|of students
the percentage of students is marked in red.
koji su tačno uradili ovaj zadatak."
who|(plural verb to be)|exactly|did|this|task
"who exactly did this task."
2009\. godine jedan zadatak 4. nivoa je urađen stvarno dobro.
In 2009, one level 4 task was done really well.
Ljudi koji su testirali su seli i ponovo pogledali rezultate
The people|who|(auxiliary verb)|tested|(auxiliary verb)|sat down|and|again|looked at|the results
The people who tested sat down and looked at the results again
da vide kako mogu statistički, matematički da objasne
to|see|how|they can|statistically|mathematically|to|explain
to see how they could statistically, mathematically explain
tu anomaliju da naša deca zapravo zadatak 4. nivoa rade sasvim solidno.
this anomaly that our children actually perform quite solidly on level 4 tasks.
I uočili su sledeću stvar.
And they noticed the following thing.
Dečaci su radili 44,6 posto, devojčice 22,5.
Les garçons|||pourcent|
The boys|(auxiliary verb)|worked||The girls
Boys scored 44.6 percent, girls 22.5.
Kako to da dečaci urade uvek bolje, kad znamo da su devojčice glavni štreberi,
||||fontionner|||||||les filles|les principales|intellectuelles
How|that|to|boys|do|always|better|when|we know|that|are|girls|main|nerds
How come boys always do better, when we know that girls are the main nerds,
makar i u osnovnom i srednjoškolskom obrazovanju?
at least|both|in|primary|and|secondary|education
zumindest in der Grund- und Sekundarstufe?
at least in primary and secondary education?
Pogledali su zadatak i videli su da je on iz teorije verovatnoće.
They looked|(past tense marker)|task|and|they saw|(past tense marker)|that|is|it|from|theory|probability
They looked at the task and saw that it was from the theory of probability.
Verovatnoća se čak ni ne uči u osnovnoj i srednjoj školi,
Probability|(reflexive pronoun)|even|not|(negation particle)|is taught|in|elementary|and|secondary|school
Probability is not even taught in elementary and high school,
tek na nekim fakultetima.
only at some universities.
Možda da dođemo do sledećeg zaključka?
Maybe|to|we come|to|next|conclusion
Maybe we can come to the following conclusion?
Šta je sa sportom i praćenjem sportskih rezultata?
What about sports and tracking sports results?
Šta je sa kladionicama?
|||des paris sportifs
What|is|with|betting shops
What about betting shops?
Da li možda smatramo da bi naša deca imala više koristi
Do|question particle|maybe|we think|that|would|our|children|would have|more|benefits
Do we perhaps think that our children would benefit more
da uopšte ne idu na predavanje, nego da idu u kladionicu?
that|at all|not|they go|to|lecture|but|that|they go|to|betting shop
if they didn't go to lectures at all, but went to a betting shop instead?
Na ovo pitanje neću da odgovorim, diskutovaćemo o tome
To|this|question|I will not|to|answer||about|it
I will not answer this question, we will discuss it
možda kasnije.
maybe later.
Sa mojim profesorima i kolegama Dragicom Pavlović Babić i Ivanom Manić
With my professors and colleagues Dragica Pavlović Babić and Ivan Manić
sam seo i napisali smo knjigu "Formula života" sa podnaslovom
I am|SEO|and|we wrote|we|book|Formula|of life|with|subtitle
I am SEO and we wrote a book "The Formula of Life" with the subtitle
"za sve one koji vole matematiku i žele da je poklone drugima".
for|all|those|who|love|mathematics|and|want|to|it|give as a gift|to others
"für alle, die Mathe lieben und es anderen weitergeben wollen."
"for all those who love mathematics and want to gift it to others."
To je udžbenik i priručnik za buduće nastavnike matematike,
It|is|textbook|and|manual|for|future|teachers|of mathematics
It is a textbook and a manual for future mathematics teachers,
ali i za roditelje i učenike.
but also for parents and students.
I praktično, mi smo želeli da inspirišemo, a ne da objasnimo ljudima
We|practically|we|were|wanted|to|inspire|but|not|to|explain|to people
And practically, we wanted to inspire, not to explain to people.
kako se matematika savladava.
how|reflexive pronoun|mathematics|is mastered
wie Mathematik gemeistert wird.
how mathematics is mastered.
Da ona može da bude zabavna, da može da bude intrigantna
That it can be fun, that it can be intriguing
i da nam je prosto svima preko potrebna.
and|that|to us|is|simply|to everyone|extremely|necessary
und dass wir sie alle dringend brauchen.
and that it is simply necessary for all of us.
Ne samo za vraćanje kusura
|||retourner|la monnaie
Nicht nur für die Rückgabe von Wechselgeld
Not just for giving change
i za izračunavanje rate za kredit,
and for calculating loan installments,
nego da živimo život jednostavnije, inteligentnije i možda optimalnije.
||||plus simplement||||optimalement
but|to|live|life|more simply|more intelligently|and|maybe|more optimally
but to live life simpler, smarter, and perhaps more optimally.
Zaključak: Svako od nas je matematičar. Budimo realni.
Conclusion|Each|of|us|is|mathematician|Let's be|realistic
Conclusion: Each of us is a mathematician. Let's be realistic.
Ako želite stvarno da se bavite matematikom, to je dosta isplativo.
|||||vous occuper|||||rentable
If|you want|really|to|reflexive pronoun|engage in|mathematics|it|is|quite|profitable
If you really want to engage in mathematics, it is quite profitable.
Pogledajte Forbsovu listu prvih 20 najplaćenijih zanimanja na svetu.
|Forbsova|liste|des premiers|les mieux payés|professions||
Look at|Forbes'|list|first|highest-paid|professions|in|the world
Look at Forbes' list of the top 20 highest-paying jobs in the world.
Za 11 od tih 20 vam je potrebna diploma matematičara.
For 11 of those 20, you need a degree in mathematics.
Bilo da radite kao, što se kaže u našoj zemlji "čist matematičar",
Whether|to|work|as|as|it|is said|in|our|country|pure|mathematician
Whether you work as, as we say in our country, a "pure mathematician",
ili aktuar, matematičar u osiguranju, statističar ili fizičar,
or an actuary, an insurance mathematician, a statistician, or a physicist,
za sve vam je potrebna matematika.
you need mathematics for all of them.
Ja radim u velikoj internacionalnoj kompaniji
I work in a large international company
i da biste jedan takav posao dobili,
and|that|you would|one|such|job|received
and to get such a job,
morate da odgovorite i rešite zadatke sledećeg tipa:
you must|to|answer|and|solve||next|type
you must respond and solve tasks of the following type:
Uprava zatvora je donela novo pravilo o amnestiji
L'administration|de prison||a pris pris||règle||
The administration|of the prison|has|made|new|rule|about|amnesty
Die Gefängnisverwaltung hat eine neue Vorschrift zur Amnestie erlassen
The prison administration has made a new rule about amnesty
za 16 osuđenika na doživotnu robiju.
|condamnés||à perpétuité|réclusion
für 16 zu lebenslanger Haft verurteilte Verurteilte.
for 16 convicts serving life sentences.
Uveče su im saopštili sledeće:
In the evening|they|to them|informed|the following
In the evening, they informed them of the following:
"Ujutru ćemo vas poređati u kolonu jedan iza drugog
|||поставить в ряд|||||
|||mettre||file indienne|||
In the morning|we will|you|arrange|in|a column|one|behind|the other
"In the morning, we will line you up in a column one behind the other
i svakom od vas ćemo staviti jednu kapu na glavu - crnu ili belu.
and|each|of|you|we will|put|one|hat|on|head|black|or|white
and we will put a cap on each of your heads - black or white.
Od tih 16 kapa, proizvoljan broj je belih, a sve ostale su crne.
|||un nombre aléatoire||||||||
Out of those 16 caps, any number can be white, and all the others are black.
Poslednjeg u koloni ćemo pitati da pogodi koje je boje kapa na njegovoj glavi.
The last|in|line|we will|ask|to|guess|what|is|color|hat|on|his|head
Wir bitten den letzten in der Spalte, die Farbe des Hutes auf seinem Kopf zu erraten.
We will ask the last person in line to guess the color of the cap on his head.
Ukoliko pogodi, on je slobodan,
|il réussit|||
If|he hits|he|is|free
If he guesses correctly, he is free,
ukoliko ne, verovatno ga vešaju."
if|not|probably|him|they hang
if not, he will probably be hanged."
I tako će pitati svakog sve do prvog.
Und so wird er alle bis zum ersten fragen.
And so he will ask everyone until the first.
Jedan od zatvorenika, naravno, je specijalista finansijske matematike
One|of|prisoners|of course|is|specialist|financial|mathematics
One of the prisoners, of course, is a specialist in financial mathematics
koji je tu zbog finansijskih malverzacija, koje znamo da se dešavaju,
|||||malversations|||||se produisent
who|is|here|because of|financial|malversations|which|we know|that|reflexive pronoun|happen
who is here due to financial malfeasance, which we know happens,
je predložio strategiju po kojoj samo jedan zatvorenik, možda,
|a proposé||||||prisonnier|
has|proposed|strategy|according to|which|only|one|prisoner|maybe
schlug eine Strategie vor, bei der vielleicht nur ein Gefangener
has proposed a strategy according to which only one prisoner, maybe,
možda neće izboriti svoju slobodu.
maybe|will not|earn/fight for|his/her|freedom
er kann seine Freiheit nicht gewinnen.
maybe will not secure his freedom.
Ja ću da vam pomognem - verovatnoća da se taj prvi zatvorenik
I|will|to|you (plural)|help|probability|that|reflexive pronoun|that|first|prisoner
I will help you - the probability that the first prisoner
izbori za svoju slobodu je 50 procenata.
les élections|||||pourcent
will fight for his freedom is 50 percent.
A svi ostali će biti pušteni.
Und alle anderen werden freigelassen.
And all the others will be released.
Koja je to strategija?
What is that strategy?
Jeste spremni da zajedno rešimo ovaj zadatak?
Are you ready to solve this task together?
Hvala. (Aplauz)
Thank you|Applause
Thank you. (Applause)
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