Četvorosatna Radna Nedelja od Tim Ferisa 2
Die Vier-Stunden-Woche von Tim Ferriss 2
The Four Hour Workweek by Tim Ferriss 2
La semaine de travail de quatre heures par Tim Ferriss 2
ティム・フェリス著「週 4 時間労働 2」
Четырехчасовая рабочая неделя Тима Ферриса 2
Glas u meni se drao kao dete,
||||screamed|like a|
The voice in me cried like a child,
kome je oduzeta igracka.
||taken away|
who had the toy taken away.
Apsolutno moram ovo da uradim!
I absolutely have to do this!
Apsolutno moram da saznam sta ce se desiti u sledecoj epizodi serije!
|||find out||||||||
I absolutely have to find out what happens in the next episode of the series!
Apsolutno moram da vidim da li mi je neko odgovorio na poruku!
I absolutely need to see if anyone has replied to my message!
Moram da pojedem nesto slatko,
I have to eat something sweet,
inace cu umreti...
otherwise i will die...
Istina je da mi ne bi bilo nista.
The truth is that I wouldn't mind.
Zemlja bi se idalje okretala oko svoje ose.
|||still|would rotate|||axis
The earth would continue to spin on its axis.
Ja bih bio isti kao pre 5 minuta.
I would be the same as 5 minutes ago.
Ali u tom trenutku gotovo da nista nije moglo da me zaustavi.
But at that moment, almost nothing could stop me.
Sada znam da je "apsolutno moram to da uradim" stav
Now I know the "I absolutely have to do it" attitude
samo iluzija.
just an illusion.
I sada posto sam svestan toga mogu i da stanem na vreme
And now that I am aware of it, I can stop on time
Cesto zaustavim sebe i zapitam se,
|I often stop||||
I often stop myself and ask myself,
zasto nesto zelim da uradim i
why do I want to do something and
sta ce mi stvarno biti ako to ne uradim.
what will really happen to me if I don't do it.
Sta biste uradili da ste preziveli operaciju srca
What would you do if you survived heart surgery?
i da mozete da radite samo 2 sata dnevno
and that you can only work 2 hours a day
Sta biste uradili da mozete da radite samo 2 sata
What would you do if you could only work for 2 hours
Sta da neko uperi pistolj u vas i
What if someone points a gun at you and
natera vas da eliminisete 80% svih aktivnosti u zivotu i
makes you eliminate 80% of all activities in life i
da zadrzite samo one najbolje.
to keep only the best.
Upoznajte Dzosa. Nakon sto je Dzos zavrsio fakultet,
Meet Dzos. After Jose graduated from college,
saznao je da ima rak.
he found out he had cancer.
I da su mu sanse da prezivi manje od 50%.
And that his chances of surviving are less than 50%.
Zeleo je da postane menadzment konsultant i
He wanted to become a management consultant and
jos mnogo toga, ali odjednom nista od toga
a lot more, but suddenly none of that
nije bilo bitno.
it didn't matter.
Odjdnom je znao odgovore na sva pitanja koja su ga mucila i
He always knew the answers to all the questions that tormented him
kristalno jasno je znao sta zeli da radi
he knew crystal clear what he wanted to do
sa zivotom koji mu je preostao.
with the life he has left.
Kao da mu je neko u tom trenutku jasnoce skinuo naocare,
||||||||clarity|took off|glasses
It was as if someone had clearly taken off his glasses at that moment,
koje su mu ceo zivot zamagljivale vid.
which blurred his vision all his life.
Postalo je jasno.
It became clear.
Najveci rizik u zivotu nije bio pravljenje gresaka, vec zaljenje.
The biggest risk in life was not making mistakes, but regrets.
Dzos vise nije mogao da vrati vreme unazad i
Joss could no longer turn back time and
prozivi godine koje je posvetio stvarima i aktivnostima
names of the years he devoted to things and activities
koje ne voli.
which he does not like.
2 godine kasnije. Dzos je potpuno izlecen.
2 years later. Jose is completely cured.
I zatekao se na obali dok posmatra
|I found myself|||||
And he found himself on the shore watching
10 narvala koji su izasli na povrsinu i
10 narwhals that came to the surface and
podigli u svoje rogove dugacke i do nekoliko metara
raised in their horns up to several meters long
u vis.
|in the vis
Sada putuje svetom i zaradjuje
Now he travels the world and makes money
tako sto radi kao pisac freelancer.
so he works as a freelance writer.
Nekada nase vreme uzimamo zdravo za gotovo.
Sometimes||||for granted||
Sometimes we take our time for granted.
Pravimo odluke kao da imamo
We make decisions as if we have
neograniceno mnogo vremena u zivotu.
Istina je da vremen istice. Svakog dana i
||||is running out|||
It is true that time is running out. Every day and
svakog minuta.
every minute.
A postoji realna sansa da ce nam se zivot zavrsiti
And there is a real chance that our life will end
sutra ili do kraja dana.
tomorrow or by the end of the day.
Dzos je prosao kroz ono sto nazivaju najbolja i
Dzos went through what they call the best and
najgora situacija u njegovom zivotu.
the worst situation in his life.
Da li je onda potrebno da nam neki covek u belom
Do we need a man in white?
odbroji dane na 2, 3 cifre
count down the days to 2, 3 digits
da bi se oslobodili okova.
to free themselves from the shackles.
Ako se s vremena na vreme potsetimo cinjenice
If we remind ourselves of the facts from time to time
da je zivot lomljiv i prolazan.
that life is fragile and fleeting.
Mozda ce nam biti jasnije sta zelimo da uradimo.
Maybe it will be clearer to us what we want to do.
Lakse cemo donositi odluke u zivotu.
It will be easier for us to make decisions in life.
Provescemo manje vremena radeci beskorisne stvari i
We will spend less time doing useless things and
stvari koje ne volimo
things we don't like
Dve stvari koje su se stalno provlacile kroz zivot i rad Stiv Dzobsa su
||||||ran through|||||||
The two things that have constantly passed through the life and work of Steve Jobs are
fokus i jednostavnost.
focus and simplicity.
To je bila jedna od njegovih mantri i
tako su fokus i jednostavnost bili kljucni za uspeh
so focus and simplicity were key to success
iPoda, iPhona i drugih uredjaja.
iPods, iPhones and other devices.
Definisite listu stvari koje treba da uradite i
Define a list of things to do and
listu stvari koje ne treba da uradite tokom dana.
a list of things not to do during the day.
nikada nemojte imati vise od 2 stvari
never have more than 2 things
na listi stvari koje treba da uradite.
on your to-do list.
Da li mozete raspremiti kucu, videti se sa prijateljem,
Can you tidy up the house, meet a friend,
napraviti rucak, otici na trening,
make lunch, go to training,
procitati knjigu i zavrsiti posao
read the book and finish the work
u jednom danu.
in one day.
Mozda ako ste supermen ili super zena,
Maybe if you are superman or superwoman,
ali sta je realnije? Da cete obaviti sve zadatke koje ste zacrtali ili
but what is more realistic? That you will complete all the tasks you set out or
da ce vas zadaci preplaviti
that tasks will overwhelm you
i ako imate srece uradicete
||||werdet ihr tun
and if you're lucky you will
jednu do dve stvari.
one or two things.
Ego onaj naporni glas iznutra
Ego that nagging voice inside
ne zeli da se odrekne nicega,
doesn't want to give up anything,
ali ako odaberete jednu do dve stvari i postavite ih na listu -
but if you pick one or two things and put them on a list -
postici cete to sto ste planirali.
you will achieve what you planned.
Izaberite tu jednu stvar, da ukoliko je ostvarite mozete da kazete sebi da cete biti srecni
Choose that one thing, so that if you achieve it, you can tell yourself that you will be happy
do kraja dana.
Until the end of the day.
Kao sto smo vec zakljucili, ego zeli sve i ne zeli nicega da se odrekne.
As we have already concluded, the ego wants everything and does not want to give up anything.
Ali ako slusamo ego zivot ce nas osamariti
But if we listen to the ego, life will make us lonely
u jednom trenutku,
at one point,
rukom koja se zove istina.
with the hand called truth.
Da li to znaci da treba se odreknem svega
Does that mean I should give up everything?
sto sam planirao u zivotu?
What did I plan in life?
Naprotiv, princip 80 / 20
On the contrary, the 80 / 20 principle
moze da nam pomogne da ostvarimo vise nego
can help us achieve more than that
sto je realno ocekivano.
which is realistically expected.
Najcesce za 20% ulozenog vremena,
Most often for 20% of the invested time,
na poslu obavimo 80% zadataka.
at work we complete 80% of the tasks.
Dok 80% vremena
While 80% of the time
provedemo na ostalih 20% rezultata.
spend on the other 20% of the results.
U grupi 20% ucesnika
In the group, 20% of the participants
je zaduzeno za 80% uspeha grupe.
is responsible for 80% of the group's success.
Djak uradi 80% domaceg, za 20% vremena.
Djak does 80% of homework, in 20% of the time.
20% i manje ljudi na svetu
20% or less people in the world
poseduje 80% i vise ukupnog bogatstva.
owns 80% or more of the total wealth.
I Velfredu Paretu je
So did Welfred Pareto
20% povrsine baste donosilo
20% of the area of the garden yielded
80% ukupne kolicine graska.
80% of the total amount of peas.
Obrazac je jasan skoro svuda gde pogledamo,
The pattern is clear almost everywhere we look,
ali cemu to?
but why?
Za samo 20% ulozeng vremena
For only 20% of the time
mozemo da postignemo 80% rezultata.
we can achieve 80% of the results.
Te nam se nekada isplati
Sometimes it pays off
da se odreknemo ostalih 20% rezultata,
to give up the other 20% of the results,
kako bi ustedeli 80% naseg vremena.
to save 80% of our time.
Da biste zastitili sebe i ono do cega vam je stalo,
To protect yourself and what you care about,
naucite da se postavite kao osoba
learn to position yourself as a person
do koje nije lako doci.
which is not easy to reach.
Ustanovite sebe kao nekoga ko ne trpi zlostavljanje i
Establish yourself as someone who does not tolerate abuse and
nije zrtva energetskih vampira.
not a victim of energy vampires.
Postoje mnogi ljudi i mnoge stvari koje nam trace vreme.
There are many people and many things that take up our time.
Neke od njih su: Pisanje izvestaja,
Some of them are: Writing reports,
sastanci, email-ovi, potvrdjivanje zahteva.
meetings, emails, confirming requests.
Proveravajte email i ostale poruke
Check email and other messages
jedanput do dvaput dnevno.
once to twice a day.
Tim Feris predlaze termine u 12 i 16 casova.
The Ferris team suggests appointments at 12 and 4 p.m.
S druge strane, ljudi koji vas stalno pitaju za misljenje
On the other hand, people who keep asking your opinion
oko najmanjih gluposti, a zapravo vas ni ne slusaju,
about the smallest nonsense, and they don't even listen to you,
zale se na posao, decka, devojku.
they are addicted to work, boyfriend, girlfriend.
radnike u banci, kasirku i
bank workers, cashiers and
uvek su njihovi problemi najtezi...
their problems are always the hardest...
To su energetski vampiri.
These are energy vampires.
Neke od korisnih fraza koje mogu da vam pomognu da se odbranite su
Some of the useful phrases that can help you defend yourself are
Trenutno sam zauzet, ali izvolite kako mogu da pomognem?
I'm busy at the moment, but how can I help?
Izvinite sto vas prekidam, ali
Sorry to interrupt you, but
ocekujem vazan poziv za 5 minuta.
I expect an important call in 5 minutes.
Ukoliko zahtevaju od vas da se sastanete,
If they ask you to meet,
pitajte ih za agendu -
ask them for the agenda -
spisak pitanja na koje treba odgovoriti na sastanku.
a list of questions to be answered at the meeting.
Zatim odgovorite na ista putem mejla ili poruke
Then reply to the same via email or message
da biste u potpunosti izbegli sastanak.
to avoid the meeting altogether.
Kada stvarno morate da se sastanete sa nekim
When you really have to meet someone
predlozite vreme koje vam odgovara.
suggest a time that suits you.
Na primer 16 casova, kada ste vec obavili
For example 16 hours, when you have already done it
jednu najbitniju stvar za danas i naglasite:
one most important thing for today and emphasize:
Ako vam ne odgovara 16 sati,
If 16 hours is not convenient for you,
molim vas da mi navedete 2 razlicita termina koji vam odgovaraju.
please give me 2 different terms that suit you.
To ce izbeci
It will escape
Bespotrebno razmenjivanje mejlova.
Unnecessary exchange of emails.
Da biste ustedeli vreme i novac, sacekajte da se odredjene stvari
To save time and money, wait until certain things are done
stack up.
Umesto da idete u kupovinu svaki dan,
Instead of going shopping every day,
kupujte na svaka 3 dana ili na nedeljnoj bazi.
shop every 3 days or on a weekly basis.
Umesto da spremate hranu na svaka 3 sata,
Instead of preparing food every 3 hours,
spremite hranu za ceo dan ili nekoliko dana.
prepare food for the whole day or several days.
Umesto da odgovarate na poruke jednu po jednu,
Instead of replying to messages one by one,
sacekajte da se poruke nakupe i
wait for the messages to accumulate and
odgovorite na sve odjednom.
answer all at once.
Nece vas vise nista uzaludno prekidati i
Nothing will interrupt you in vain anymore
manje vremena ce te provesti na prelazenje sa jedne aktivnosti na drugu.
you will spend less time switching from one activity to another.
Da li vam je bitnije da se osecate produktivno ili
Is it more important for you to feel productive or
da zaista postizete rezultate
to really get results
nemojte izmisljati zadatke samo da
don't invent tasks just to
bi vas oni odvukli od jedne stvari koju zapravo trebada radite.
they would distract you from the one thing you should actually be doing.
Da li zaista mislite da se nesto bitno desilo na
Do you really think that something important happened on
fejsbuku u 10 minuta koji su prosli
Facebook in the past 10 minutes
od kako ste poslednji put proverili.
since you last checked.
Kao sto vec znate, ulozeno vreme
As you already know, invested time
nije dobar pokazatelj rezultata koje ste postigli.
it's not a good indicator of the results you've achieved.
Ako vam je bitno da se produktivno sto duze,
If it is important for you to be productive as long as possible,
radite stvari sa pola fokusa i
do things with half focus and
sa puno pauza i pricajte sto vise sa drugima o tome
with lots of breaks and talk to others about it as much as possible
kako naporno radite.
how hard you work.
Nastavlja se...
It continues...