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speak academy, Lesson 13.4 Serbian language - Dative

Lesson 13.4 Serbian language - Dative


Još jedan padež koji nam ukazuje na kretanje

Ovog puta na pravac kretanja ili cilj

Kuda ideš?

Idem ka centru

Druga upotreba Dativa je svrha

Dobija se kao odgovor na pitanja:

Kome (daješ)

Dajem poklon Dragani

Dajem olovku Milošu

Čemu se nadaš?

Nadam se uspehu

Dativ se gradi isto kao i Lokativ i ovde zapažamo iste glasovne promene

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Lesson 13.4 Serbian language - Dative Lesson|Serbian|language|Dative |||Dativ |||dative Lektion 13.4 Serbische Sprache – Dativ Μάθημα 13.4 Σερβική γλώσσα - Dative Lección 13.4 Idioma serbio - Dativo Leçon 13.4 Langue serbe - Datif Les 13.4 Servische taal - Datief Урок 13.4 Сербский язык - Дательный падеж Ders 13.4 Sırp dili - Dative Lesson 13.4 Serbian language - Dative

Dativ Dative Dative

Još jedan padež koji nam ukazuje na kretanje Another|case|grammatical case|which|to us|indicates|on|movement Другой случай, который указывает на движение Another case that indicates movement

Ovog puta na pravac kretanja ili cilj This|time|on|direction|movement|or|destination ||||||goal На этот раз к направлению движения или цели This time towards the direction of movement or goal

Kuda ideš? Where|are you going Where are you going?

Idem ka centru I am going|to|the center I am going to the center

Druga upotreba Dativa je svrha Second|use|Dative|is|purpose tweede|||| Другое использование дательного падежа - цель Another use of the Dative is purpose

Dobija se kao odgovor na pitanja: It is received|reflexive pronoun|as|answer|to|questions Получается в ответ на вопросы: It is obtained as an answer to the questions:

Kome (daješ) To whom|do you give To whom (are you giving)

Dajem poklon Dragani I give|a gift|to Dragana I am giving a gift to Dragana

Dajem olovku Milošu I give|pencil|to Miloš I am giving a pencil to Miloš

Čemu se nadaš? What|do|you hope waarop|je|hoopt На что ты надеешься? What are you hoping for?

Nadam se uspehu I hope|reflexive pronoun|success I hope for success

Dativ se gradi isto kao i Lokativ i ovde zapažamo iste glasovne promene Dative|reflexive pronoun|is formed|the same|as|and|Locative|and|here|we observe|the same|phonetic|changes Дательный падеж строится так же, как и местный падеж, и здесь мы наблюдаем те же изменения залога. The dative is formed the same way as the locative, and here we observe the same phonetic changes.

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