Da li da USTANETE ili da odustanete?
(verb to be)|question particle|(verb to be)|you get up|or|(verb to be)|you give up
Sollten Sie AUFSTEHEN oder sollten Sie aufgeben?
Should you STAND UP or give up?
Dragi moji, dobro mi došli!
Dear|my|well|to me|arrived
My dear ones, welcome!
ja sam Slavica,
I am Slavica,
a ovo je moj YouTube kanal
and this is my YouTube channel
i svakog četvrtka ovde imate
and|every|Thursday|here|you have
and every Thursday you have here
korisne savete kako da kreirate život i posao koje ćete da obožavate.
useful|tips|how|to|create|life|and|work|that|you will|to|love
useful tips on how to create a life and business that you will love.
U današnjem videu
In today's video
radi se o tome kako da ne odustanete
it is about|reflexive pronoun|about|how|to|not||give up
it's about how not to give up
kada ste na putu ostvarenja svojih ciljeva.
when you are on the path to achieving your goals.
Prošle nedelje sam imala LIVE na YouTube-u i puno ljudi me je to pitalo.
Last week I had a LIVE on YouTube and many people asked me about it.
i čak i kada sam objasnila, opet malo kasnije,
and|even|and|when|I|explained|again|a little|later
and even when I explained it, a little later,
opet me je neko to pitao i onda sam odlučila da ću da snimim video o tome jer očigledno to predstavlja
again|me|was|someone|that|asked|and|then|I|decided|to|I will||record|video|about|that|because|obviously|that|represents
someone asked me about it again and then I decided that I would record a video about it because obviously it represents
ljudima danas veliki problem.
a big problem for people today.
A i inače, iz prakse znam,
And|also|otherwise|from|practice|I know
And also, from experience I know,
da su ljudi jako nestrpljivi danas kada su
that people are very impatient today when it comes to
u pitanju ostvarenja nekih ciljeva životnih
regarding the achievement of certain life goals
i da lako odustaju od velikih stvari
and|that|easily|give up|from|great|things
and that they easily give up on big things
i onda životare i to je velika šteta.
and|then|just survive|and|that|is|great|shame
and then they just get by, and that is a great shame.
Ja ću vam danas dati par
I|will|to you|today|give|pair
Today, I will give you a few
ideja kako, u stvari, možete da
idea|how|in|fact|you can|to
ideas on how, in fact, you can
istrajete lakše u ostvarenju svojih ciljeva.
you persist|more easily|in|achieving|your|goals
you persevere more easily in achieving your goals.
Obavezno pogledajte ovaj video do kraja
Be sure to|watch|this|video|until|the end
Make sure to watch this video until the end
i pritisnite subscribe i zvonce, kako biste
and|press|subscribe|and|bell|how|you would
and press subscribe and the bell, so you can
uvek bili obavešteni kad ima nešto novo na mom kanalu.
always|be|informed|when|there is|something|new|on|my|channel
always be notified when there is something new on my channel.
I korisno, naravno!
It|useful|of course
And useful, of course!
Tamo negde, pre dvadeset godina
Somewhere, twenty years ago
ja sam upoznala NLP i coaching
I met NLP and coaching
prvo NLP, pa kasnije coaching.
first NLP, then later coaching.
i prva misao koju sam imala kada sam upoznala tu fenomenalnu metodologiju
And the first thought I had when I encountered that phenomenal methodology
je bila da
was|female|to be
was that
da zaista od srca želim
that|truly|from|heart|I wish
that I truly wish from the heart
da dođem u Srbiju
to come to Serbia
i da podučavam ljude.
and to teach people.
Jer sam shvatila koliko je to korisno i da želim
Because|I|realized|how much|is|it|useful|and|that|I want
Because I realized how useful it is and that I want
svima to da
to everyone|that|yes
everyone to
približim, da mogu da uče,
I bring closer|so that|they can|to|learn
I get closer so they can learn,
da im obezbedim da mogu da
that|to them|I provide|that|they can|to
to provide them with the ability to
imaju kvalitetan trening na našem jeziku.
they have|quality|training|in|our|language
have quality training in our language.
Ali, zašto počinjem odatle?
But|why|do I start|from there
But why do I start from there?
Zato što je to bio san koji sam imala pre 20 godina
Because|that|it was|that|dream|dream|that|I|had|before|years
Because that was a dream I had 20 years ago.
a danas ga živim.
and today I live it.
I zato što je jako dugo trajalo
I|that's why|that|is|very|long|lasted
And because it lasted a very long time
to ostvarenje. Ali danas kada pogledam,
to|realization|But|today|when|I look
to achieve. But today when I look,
šta bih sve izgubila da sam odustala,
what|would|everything|have lost|if|I|had given up
at what I would have lost if I had given up,
bukvalno mi nije dobro.
literally|to me|is not|well
I literally feel unwell.
Jako mi je bilo teško
Very|to me|was|hard|difficult
It was very hard for me.
jako dugo je trajalo,
It lasted a very long time,
kroz mnoga pakla sam prošla,
through|many|hells|I|have passed
I went through many hells,
sam mnogo srećna što sam danas tu gde jesam.
am|very|happy|that|am|today|here|where|I am
I am very happy that I am here today.
I znam da mnogi od vas imaju neke svoje velike snove
And I know that many of you have some big dreams
i žele da postignu neke stvari
and|they want|to|achieve|some|things
and want to achieve some things
ali odustanu.
but|they give up
but give up.
Neki odustanu zato što ne ide brzo
Some|give up|because|that|not|goes|fast
Some give up because it doesn't happen quickly
Zato što razmišljaju da se sve to dešava preko noći
Because|that|they think|that|reflexive pronoun|all|that|happens|overnight|night
Because they think that all of this happens overnight.
Ni drugim ljudima se ne dešava preko noći!
Neither|other|people|(reflexive particle)|not|happens|overnight|night
It doesn't happen to other people overnight either!
Vama se ČINI
to you|reflexive pronoun|seems
It SEEMS to you
da se nekome dešava preko noći
that something happens to someone overnight
ali vi niste imali pojma da ja postojim
but|you|were not|had||that|I|exist
but you had no idea that I existed
pre dvadeset godina
twenty years ago
niste imali pojma da sam ja imala san pre dvadeset godina
you (plural)|had|idea|that|I|I|had|dream|before|twenty|years
you had no idea that I had a dream twenty years ago
vi sada možda mene vidite i kažete:
you might see me now and say:
"WOW, blago Slavici! Ona priča na YouTube-u! Ljudi je slušaju!"
"WOW, lucky Slavica! She's talking on YouTube! People are listening to her!"
"Ona ima neke edukacije, ljudi dođu!"
"She has some educational sessions, people come!"
"Tako bih volela i ja! Ona je napisala neke knjige"
"I wish I could do that too! She has written some books"
"Tako bih volela i ja!"
"I would love that too!"
Ali najgore je što ljudi koji bi voleli tako da rade
But|worst|is|that|people|who|would|like|like that|to|work
But the worst part is that people who would love to work like that
kao ja i koji bi možda mogli i trebali da rade kao ja
like me and who might be able and should work like me
možda i bolje od toga,
maybe even better than that,
odustanu zato što to
give up|because|that|it
give up because of that.
Primete da za godinu dana ne postignu to što sam postigla
They notice|that|in|year|days|not|achieve|what|that|I|achieved
They notice that in a year they don't achieve what I have achieved.
za dvadeset niti mogu da postignu za dve
in|twenty|threads|I can|to|achieve|in|two
In twenty years, they can't achieve it in two.
i onda, kao, "Ok", odustanu.
and|then|like|okay|they give up
And then, like, "Okay," they give up.
A ne treba odustajati!
And|not|should|give up
But you shouldn't give up!
Ako je nešto vaš san
If something is your dream.
onda zaista postoje načini
then|really|there are|ways
then there really are ways
kako vi možete da dođete do njega.
how you can reach it.
Ali jedan od osnovnih
But one of the basic
sastojaka tog ostvarenja je, u stvari, istrajnost.
ingredients of that achievement is, in fact, perseverance.
Da istrajete u tome.
To persevere in it.
I istrajati naravno nije lako,
It|to persist|of course|is not|easy
And persisting is certainly not easy,
jer da je lako, svako bi,
because if it were easy, everyone would,
istrajao, ali ne može svako da istraje
persist, but not everyone can persist
i teško je!
and it is hard!
Ja vas neću lagati. Neću reći
I|you|will not|lie|I will not|tell
I will not lie to you. I will not say
"Postoji lak način da"
There is|easy|way|to
"There is an easy way to"
"stignete do svojih ciljeva". Ne!
you reach|to|your|goals|
"reach your goals". No!
Ne postoji lak, samo postoji način!
There is no easy way, there is only a way!
Jedna od ključnih stvari je vaša svest
One of the key things is your awareness
znači, pod broj jedan je vaša svest o tome
it means|under|number|one|is|your|awareness|about|that
meaning, number one is your awareness of that
šta ćete sve izgubiti ako odustanete.
what|will|everything|lose|if|give up
what you will lose if you give up.
i zato vam ja dajem moj primer.
and|therefore|to you|I|give|my|example
and that's why I give you my example.
Zamislite danas da ja nemam ovaj život
Imagine|today|that|I|do not have|this|life
Imagine today that I don't have this life
da sam i dalje u Nemačkoj zaposlena
that|I am|still|employed|in|Germany|female employee
that I am still employed in Germany
i da nisam uzela svoj život u svoje ruke i da sam, evo, sa pedeset i nešto godina
and|that|I had not|taken|my|life|in|my|hands|and|that|I|here|at|fifty|and|something|years
and that I haven't taken my life into my own hands and that I am, look, in my fifties.
skoro, onako
almost|like that
almost, like that
poprilično u tom nekom
pretty much in that kind of
dobu u kom kada izgubite posao, ne možete više da se zaposlite nigde
time|in|which|when|you lose|job|not|you can|anymore|to|reflexive pronoun|get employed|anywhere
time when you lose your job, you can't get hired anywhere anymore
i da drhtim da li će me neko zaposliti
and I tremble whether someone will hire me
i upropastiti mi moj stil života
and ruin my lifestyle
na koji sam navikla
to|which|I|got used to
that I have gotten used to
i sve te stvari koje idu s tim.
and all those things that come with it.
Znate, s tim godinama kada ste zaposleni
You know|with|those|years|when|you are|employed
You know, with those years when you are employed
i kada će vas otpustiti i, šta ja znam, zameniti nekim mlađim.
and when they will let you go and, I don't know, replace you with someone younger.
To je jedna stvar, a druga je stvar
That's one thing, and the other thing is
zamislite sve te ljude koje sam u poslednjih
imagine all those people I have met in the last
eto, šesnaest godina, koliko sam stvarno
here|sixteen|years|how much|I am|really
well, sixteen years, how long I have really
na putu u Srbiji, da kažem,
on|the road|in|Serbia|to|say
been on the road in Serbia, to say,
na našim prostorima koliko radim
in|our|areas|as much as|I work
in our areas how much I work
sve te ljude koji su od mene učili, da nisu
all|those|people|who|are|from|me|learned|that|they are not
all those people who have learned from me, if they hadn't
imali tu priliku da uče od mene
they had|that|opportunity|to|learn|from|me
they had the opportunity to learn from me
i da nisu imali tu priliku da promene svoje živote.
and|that|they did not|had|that|opportunity|to|change|their|lives
and they did not have the opportunity to change their lives.
I koliko u stvari je to nekim životima značilo
And|how much|in|fact|is|that|some|lives|meant
And how much that actually meant in some lives
mom najviše!
mom|the most
the most for me!
Ali i mnogim drugima takođe.
But for many others as well.
I to što vi imate kao san, takođe
And what you have as a dream, also
može da znači mnogim životima
can mean a lot in many lives
mnogo, jer ne znam, šta god da je vaš san
a lot|because|not|I know|what|ever|to be|your|your|dream
a lot, because I don't know, whatever your dream is
problem je u tome što mi u stvari
the problem|is|in|that|what|we|in|reality
the problem is that we actually
često odustajemo zbog nestrpljenja
often|give up|due to|impatience
often give up due to impatience
i zbog toga što ne shvatamo šta ćemo sve izgubiti ako
and|because|that|what|not|we understand|what|we will|everything|lose|if
and because we do not understand what we will lose if
we give up
we give up
a drugi problem je što odustajemo zbog toga što nam ljudi govore.
and|second|problem|is|that|we give up|because|that|what|to us|people|say
and another problem is that we give up because people tell us.
Ja se sećam pre
I|reflexive pronoun|remember|before
I remember 20 years ago I had that dream,
20 godina imala sam taj san,
i, naravno, kad sam o tome govorila,
and|of course|when|I|about|that|spoke
and, of course, when I talked about it,
svi su mislili: Ma pusti je, neće to ona uraditi.
everyone|were|thinking|Oh|leave|her|will not|that|she|do
everyone thought: Oh, just leave her, she won't do that.
Kao, nemoguće je da će tako nešto uraditi
Like, it's impossible that she would do something like that
da će dati otkaz i doći u Srbiju da radi
that she would quit her job and come to Serbia to work
ali kada sam konačno to uradila,
but when I finally did it,
2003\. sam dala otkaz i 2004. sam prestala da radim
In 2003, I quit my job and in 2004, I stopped working.
došla prvi put u Beograd
I came to Belgrade for the first time.
i krenula da započinjem celu ovu stvar
And I started to begin this whole thing.
to je bilo jako teško,
It was very difficult,
znači, tri - četiri godine kasnije nakon što sam zaista poželela
it means|three|four|years|later|after|that|I|really|wished
I mean, three to four years later after I really wanted to.
i sebi postavila taj cilj,
and|to myself|set|that|goal
and set that goal for myself,
tri godine straha i drhtanja
three|years|of fear|and|trembling
three years of fear and trembling
i premišljanja i odlučivanja
and reconsidering and deciding
i konačno kad sam odlučila,
and finally when I made the decision,
i kada sam došla ovde,
and when I came here,
ljudi su mislili da sam odlepila.
people|were|thinking|that|I|went crazy
people thought I had gone crazy.
Toliko su mislili da sam poludela
They thought|were|thinking|that|I|went crazy
They thought I had lost my mind.
da su mi davali vizit kartice
that|they|to me|gave|business|cards
They even gave me business cards.
da s nekim porazgovaram
to|with|someone|I talk
to talk to someone.
"sa nekim pametnim", tako su mi govorili.
with|someone|smart|like that|they|to me|told
"to someone smart," that's what they told me.
"Evo imam ja...", pa onda psihoterapeut ili
Here|I have|me|then|or|psychotherapist|
"Here I have...", then the psychotherapist or
psiholog ili psihijatar
psychologist or psychiatrist
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