Alice in Wonderland: Ch 1. (little fox chinese)
Alice|in|Wonderland|Chapter 1||little fox|
Alice im Wunderland: Kapitel 1. (Kleiner Fuchs, Chinesisch)
Alice in Wonderland: Ch 1. (little fox chinese)
Alicia en el país de las maravillas: Capítulo 1. (pequeño zorro chino)
Alice au Pays des Merveilles : Ch 1. (petit renard chinois)
Alice nel Paese delle Meraviglie: Capitolo 1. (piccola volpe cinese)
不思議の国のアリス:Ch1. (リトルフォックス・チャイニーズ)
Alice no País das Maravilhas: cap. 1 (little fox chinese)
Алиса в стране чудес: Ч. 1. (Маленький лисенок по-китайски)
Alice in Wonderland: Ch 1. (little fox chinese)
愛麗絲 夢遊 仙境 1:掉 進 兔子 洞
Alice|"Wonderland"|Wonderland|fall into|fall into|rabbit|rabbit hole
|berjalan dalam mimpi|Negeri Ajaib|jatuh|jatuh ke|lubang kelinci|lubang
Alice in Wonderland 1: Down the Rabbit Hole
Alicia en el país de las maravillas 1: Por la madriguera del conejo
Alice nel Paese delle Meraviglie 1: Nella tana del coniglio
不思議の国のアリス 1: ウサギの穴へ
一個 陽光燦爛 的 夏日 午後 ,愛麗絲 坐在 河邊。
a|sunny and bright|of|summer|afternoon|Alice|sitting by|riverside
satu|cerah||musim panas|sore|Alice|di tepi|tepi sungai
One sunny summer afternoon, Alice was sitting by the river.
Una tarde soleada de verano, Alice estaba sentada junto al río.
Un assolato pomeriggio estivo, Alice sedeva vicino al fiume.
她 的 姐姐 夏洛特 坐在 她 身邊 ,開心 地 看著 書。
she|possessive particle|sister|Charlotte|sitting|she|beside her|happily|happily|reading|book
|||Charlotte|duduk di||di sampingnya|senang|||
Her older sister Charlotte sat beside her, happily reading a book.
Sua sorella Charlotte sedeva accanto a lei, leggendo felicemente un libro.
愛麗絲 覺得 很 無聊 ,她 瞥 了 瞥 姐姐 的 書。
Alice|feels|"very"|bored|she|glanced at|past tense marker|glanced at|sister|possessive particle|book
Alice was bored, and she glanced at her sister's book.
Alice si annoiò e guardò il libro di sua sorella.
“要是 一 本書 裡 沒有 圖畫 ,那 還有 什麼 意思 呢?
if|a|this book|in|does not have|illustrations|then|is there|what|point|question particle
"What's the point of a book if there are no pictures in it?
“Che senso ha un libro se non ha immagini?
“ 愛麗絲 問。
' asked Alice.
chiese Alice.
夏洛特 忙 著 看書 ,沒有 回答 她。
Charlotte|busy|verb particle|reading a book|did not|answer|her
Charlotte was busy reading and didn't answer her.
Charlotte era impegnata nella lettura e non le rispose.
愛麗絲 嘆 了 口氣 ,她 在 考慮 要 不要 做 一個 雛菊 花環。
Alice|sighed|past tense marker|sigh|she|is|considering|whether to|"or not"|make|a|daisy flower wreath|daisy wreath
Alice sighed as she considered making a daisy wreath.
Alice sospirò mentre pensava di realizzare una ghirlanda di margherite.
但是 ,那 就 需要 她 去 摘 雛菊。
but|that|then|"requires"||to go|pick|daisies
But that would require her to pick daisies.
Ma ciò richiederebbe che lei raccogliesse le margherite.
可 這 炎熱 的 天氣 讓 愛麗絲 一點兒 都 不想 動。
can|this|scorching heat|possessive particle|weather|makes|Alice|a bit|at all|doesn't want|move
But this hot weather made Alice not want to move at all.
Ma il caldo faceva sì che Alice non volesse più muoversi.
突然 ,一隻 兔子 從 女孩兒 們 的 身邊 跑 過。
Suddenly|a|rabbit|from|the girls|plural marker|possessive particle|beside them|ran past|past
Suddenly, a rabbit ran past the girls.
All'improvviso, un coniglio corse oltre le ragazze.
他 是 白色 的 ,還 穿著 彩色 的 背心。
||||||colorful||tank top
He is white and wears a colored vest.
È bianco e indossa un gilet colorato.
“天 啊!
"My God!
"Dio mio!
天 啊!
heaven|exclamation particle
Oh, my God!
“ 他 大喊 ,”我要 遲到 了!
he|shouted|"I'm going to"|late|past tense marker
’ he yelled, ‘I’m going to be late!
" Lui gridò: "Farò tardi!
愛麗絲 非常 困 ,甚至 沒有 意識 到 動物 會 說話 是 一件 奇怪 的 事情。
Alice|very|sleepy|even||aware of||animal||speak||a strange thing|strange||
Alice was so sleepy that she didn't even realize that it was a strange thing that animals could talk.
Alice era così assonnata che non si era nemmeno accorta che fosse strano che gli animali parlassero.
但是 ,白兔 竟然 從 背心 口袋 裡 拿出 了 一隻 手錶。
However|white rabbit|actually|from|vest|pocket||took out|||pocket watch
However, White Rabbit actually took out a watch from his vest pocket.
C'est alors que le lapin blanc sort une montre de la poche de son gilet.
Tuttavia, Bianconiglio tirò fuori un orologio dal taschino del gilet.
“我 從來 沒有 見過 兔子 穿 背心 ,” 愛麗絲 說 ,“更 不 可能 戴 手錶。
"I've never seen a rabbit in a vest," said Alice, "much less likely in a watch.
"Je n'ai jamais vu un lapin porter un gilet, dit Alice, et encore moins une montre.
"Non ho mai visto un coniglio indossare un panciotto," disse Alice, "e certamente nemmeno un orologio.
愛麗絲 跳 起來 ,去 追 白兔 ,白兔 跳進 了 樹籬 旁邊 的 一個 大洞 裡。
Alice||||chase|White Rabbit||jumped into||hedge|beside|||large hole|
Alice jumped up, and ran after the White Rabbit, who hopped into a big hole in the hedge.
Alice balzò in piedi e inseguì il coniglio bianco, che saltò in una grande buca vicino alla siepe.
愛麗絲 緊緊 地 跟 著 他 ,並 沒有 想 以後 要 怎麼 出去。
Alice followed him closely, not thinking about how to get out in the future.
Alice lo seguì da vicino, senza pensare a come uscire più tardi.
突然 ,她 開始 往下掉!
suddenly|||falling down
Suddenly, she started falling!
All'improvviso ha iniziato a cadere!
“救命 啊!
Help me!|
“ 愛麗絲 大喊。
' cried Alice.
她 感覺 自己 好像 掉 進 了 一個 大井裡。
|feels like|||||||deep well
She felt as if she had fallen into a big well.
Si sentiva come se fosse caduta in un grande pozzo.
下面 太 黑 了 ,什麼 都 看不到。
It was too dark down below to see anything.
Era troppo buio laggiù per vedere qualcosa.
愛麗絲 看 了 看 周圍 ,兔子 洞 的 四周 全是 櫥櫃 和 架子 ,牆上 貼著 地圖 和 各種 圖片。
||||around her|Rabbit's|hole||all around||cabinets||shelves|on the wall|pasted with|map||various|pictures
Alice looked around. The rabbit hole was surrounded by cabinets and shelves, and there were maps and pictures on the walls.
Alice si guardò intorno: la tana del coniglio era circondata da armadietti e scaffali, e le pareti erano ricoperte di mappe e varie immagini.
愛麗絲 從 架子 上 拿 了 一個 寫 著 橘子醬 的 罐子。
Alice|from||||||labeled with||Orange marmalade||jar
Alice took a jar marked Marmalade from the shelf.
Alice prese dallo scaffale un barattolo con sopra scritto marmellata.
當 她 看到 罐子 裡 什麼 也 沒有 時 ,非常 失望。
She was very disappointed when she saw that there was nothing in the jar.
Rimase molto delusa quando vide che nel barattolo non c'era niente.
“如果 我 把 這個 罐子 扔下去 ,可能 會 砸死 人 的。
||||the jar|throw down|||crush to death||
"If I threw this can down, it might kill someone.
"Se butto giù questo barattolo, potrebbe uccidere qualcuno.
“ 愛麗絲 說。
" Alice said.
她 把 罐子 推進 下 一個 架子 裡。
she||jar|push in||next|shelf|
She pushed the jar into the next shelf.
Spinse il barattolo sullo scaffale successivo.
愛麗絲 繼續 往下掉。
||falling down
Alice continued to fall.
Alice continuava a cadere.
“經過 這次 之後 ,我 一定 不會 因為 從 樓梯 上 滾下來 生氣 了。
||||||||the stairs||rolling down||
"After this time, I definitely won't be angry for rolling down the stairs.
"Dopo questo non sarò più arrabbiato perché sono caduto dalle scale.
不 對 ,就 連 從 屋頂 上 掉下來 我 也 不會 抱怨 了!
|||even||roof||fall down|||will not|complain|
No, I won't even complain about falling off the roof!
No, non mi lamento nemmeno se cado dal tetto!
愛麗絲 不斷 地 往下掉。
|continuously||falling down
Alice kept falling down.
Alice continuava a cadere.
究竟 什麼 時候 才 會 停止 呢?
When will it stop?
Quando si fermerà?
“我 掉 了 多少 英里 了 呢?
"How many miles have I lost?
“Quanti chilometri ho perso?
“ 愛麗絲 說 ,”我 一定 快到 地球 中心 了。
said Alice, "I must be almost at the center of the earth."
"Devo essere quasi al centro della terra", disse Alice.
如果 我 穿過 了 地球 呢?
||crossed||the Earth|
What if I travel across the earth?
E se passassi attraverso la terra?
“ 愛麗絲 會 掉 到 哪裡 去 呢?
"Where will Alice fall?
"Dove cadrà Alice?
她 試著 回憶 自己 在 地理課 上學 到 的 知識。
||recall|||geography class||||knowledge
She tried to recall what she had learned in geography class.
Cercò di ricordare ciò che aveva imparato durante la lezione di geografia.
“我 只 需要 問 我 看到 的 第一個 人 ,我會 問 '請問 這裡 是 紐西蘭 還是 澳大利亞?
|||||||||||Excuse me|||New Zealand||Australia
"I just have to ask the first person I see, 'Is this New Zealand or Australia?
"Chiedo semplicemente alla prima persona che vedo, dico 'questa è la Nuova Zelanda o l'Australia?
”愛麗絲 沉默 了 一會 ,隨後 她 想起 了 自己 的 貓 “戴娜” 。
Alice|was silent|past tense||afterwards||thought of||her||cat|Diana (1)
Alice was silent for a while, and then she thought of her cat "Dinna".
Alice rimase in silenzio per un momento, poi pensò al suo gatto, Dana.
“希望 今晚 有人 記得 喂 它。
I hope|tonight||remember to|feed|
"Hopefully someone remembers to feed it tonight.
“Speriamo che qualcuno si ricordi di dargli da mangiare stasera.
“ 愛麗絲 說 ,”哦 ,戴娜 ,你 要是 在 這裡 該 多 好!
" Alice said, "Oh, Dana, if you were here!
"Alice disse: "Oh, Dana, se solo tu fossi qui!
這裡 沒有 老鼠 ,但是 你 也許 可以 抓 到 蝙蝠。
No rats here, but you might be able to catch a bat.
Non ci sono topi qui, ma potresti riuscire a catturare i pipistrelli.
貓 吃 蝙蝠 嗎?
Do cats eat bats?
I gatti mangiano i pipistrelli?
還是 蝙蝠 吃 貓?
Or bats eat cats?
”愛麗絲 不 知道 問題 的 答案。
"Alice didn't know the answer to the question.
她 覺得 非常 非常 累。
She feels very, very tired.
她 開始 做夢 ,夢到 她 正 牽 著 戴娜 的 手 散步。
||dreaming|dreamed that||just|holding||Diana||hand|walking
She began to dream that she was walking holding Dana's hand.
突然 ,愛麗絲 掉 在 了 一堆 樹枝 和 干 樹葉 上。
||||past action particle|a pile of|branches||dry|tree leaves|
Suddenly, Alice fell on a pile of twigs and dry leaves.
她 並 沒有 受傷 ,所以 她 馬上 跳 了 起來。
She wasn't hurt, so she jumped right away.
那 隻 白兔 跑 進 了 前方 長長的 走廊 里。
The white rabbit ran into the long corridor ahead.
“我 得 趕上 那 隻 兔子!
||catch up to|||
"I have to catch up with that rabbit!
“ 愛麗絲 飛快 地 追 了 過去。
" Alice ran after her quickly.
“哎呀 ,我 的 耳朵 和 鬍子 呀!
"Oh, my ears and beard!
現在 太晚 了!
|too late|
it is too late now!
“ 白兔 邊 拐彎 邊 說。
"The white rabbit said while turning the corner.
愛麗絲 也 趕到 拐角 ,但是 白兔 已經 不見 了。
||arrived at|the corner|||||
Alice also rushed to the corner, but the white rabbit had disappeared.
她 發現自己 在 一個 又 長 又 低 的 大廳 裡 , 兩邊 都 是 小門。
She found herself in a long, low hall with little doors on either side.
天花板 上 的 燈 發出 微弱 的 光 ,照著 整個 大廳。
The lamps on the ceiling cast a faint light, illuminating the whole hall.
“那 只 白兔 肯定 是 進 了 其中 一扇門。
|||definitely||entered|past tense marker||a door
"The white rabbit must have gone through one of the doors.
“ 愛麗絲 說。
' said Alice.
她 走 到 大廳 的 一邊 ,試著 打開 每 一扇門 ,門 全都 鎖住 了。
|||||||||a door|||locked|
She went to one side of the hall and tried to open every door, but they were all locked.
她 走 到 大廳 的 另一邊 ,那些 門 也 都 鎖住 了。
|||||the other side|||||locked|
She went to the other side of the hall, and those doors were also locked.
愛麗絲 傷心地 站 在 大廳 中間。
|sadly|stands|||in the middle
Alice stood sadly in the middle of the hall.
“我該 怎麼 出去 呢?
"How am I going to get out?
“ 愛麗絲 傷心地 說。
' said Alice sadly.