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Quid Es Tu?, Quid es tu? - primum

Quid es tu? - primum

Iōsēphus: Salvēte, audītōrēs. Nōmen mihi est Iōsēphus.

Lebbaeus: Salvēte, amīcī. Et ego vocor Lebbaeus.

Iōsēphus: Spērō vōs esse bene. Hoc est ācroāma nostrum nōmine “Quid es tū?” Ego, Iōsēphus, et amīcus meus, Lebbaeus, sumus magistrī linguae Latīnae.

Lebbaeus: Āh. Rēctē dixīstī. Ut valēs hodiē, amīce?

Iōsēphus: Valeō. Et tū, Lebbaee?

Lebbaeus: Ō, valeō mediocriter [Iōsēphus exspīrat] ego paululum aegrōtō.

Iōsēphus: Ō, maestus sum. Ut audīvistis, Lebbaeus prōnūntiat verba modō ecclēsiasticō, sīcut nōmine “Caesar”.

Lebbaeus: [rīdet] Et Iōsēphus prōnūntiat verba modō classicō, sīcut nōmine “Caesar.” Hodiē ego pars imāgō sīcut vocābulum. Itaque vōs et amīcus meus vocābulum dīvīnāre dēbētis.

Iōsēphus: Quid est Lebbaeus? [rīdent] Cognōscēre volumus. Certē est homō.

Lebbaeus: Certē.

Iōsēphus: Sed quam partem Lebbaeus agit? Estne animal? Estne planta? Estne rēs? Egō et vōs vocābulum dīvīnāre dēbēmus. Quid es tū, Lebbae?

[Mūsica cantat]

Iōsēphus: Esne tū animal?

Lebbaeus: Mmm, sum animal, amīce.

Iōsēphus:Ō, tū es animal. Esne animal minor quam -

Lebbaeus: Minor

Iōsēphus: Minor. Esne minor quam mēnsa?

Lebbaeus: Mmm. Rēctē! sum . . . nōn . . . minor quam?

Iōsēphus: Sīc

Lebbaeus: Minor quam mēnsa ego sum.

Iōsēphus: Tū es minor quam mēnsa.

Lebbaeus: Certē.

Iōsēphus: Esne maior quam caput?

Lebbaeus: Ego sum maior.

Iōsēphus: Hūmānum! Caput hūmānum!

Lebbaeus: Ō, caput. Quid? Quid rogās?

Iōsēphus: Esne tū maior quam caput hūmānum?

Lebbaeus: Ō, caput hūmānum. Umm. Rēctē. Ego sum maior quam caput hūmānum.

Iōsēphus: Habitāsne in silvā?

Lebbaeus: Aliquandō. Ego habitō, nōn semper, sed aliquandō. Ego habitō in silvā.

Iōsēphus: In silvā. Habitāsne in monte?

Lebbaeus: Āh! Et in montibus aliquandō habitō.

Iōsēphus: Aliquandō.

Lebbaeus: Mhm.

Iōsēphus: Nōn semper?

Lebbaeus: Nōn, nōn semper.

Iōsēphus: Habitāsne in . . . habitāsne prope flūmen?

Lebbaeus: Mhm. Ego prope flūmen habitō, quia piscēs perplacent mihi.

Iōsēphus: āh-ha. Piscēs perplacent.

Lebbaeus: Mhm.

Iōsēphus: Fortasse tū es [aliquid murmurat] animal. . .

Lebbaeus: Ita, ego sum animal.

Iōsēphus: Habēsne multōs colōrēs?

Lebbaeus: Nōn multōs colōrēs. Paucōs colōrēs habeō.

Iōsēphus: Quid colōrem habēs? [Lebbaeus susurrat] Quem colōrem?

Lebbaeus: Ō quid [susurrat] quem. Quem colōrem habeō? Ego habeō colōrem badium.

Iōsēphus: Badium.

Lebbaeus: Mhm. Badium.

Iōsēphus: Cōnsūmisne piscēs?

Lebbaeus: Rēctē. Ego cōnsūmō piscēs.

Iōsēphus: Esne tū ursus?

Lebbaeus: Ha. Nōn, nōn sum ursus. Ego in multīs locīs cōnsīdō. Et. . .

Iōsēphus: In multīs locīs cōnsīdis

Lebbaeus: [cōnstat] Ego vēnor piscēs, et ego vēnor mūrēs et cunīculōs et animālia parva. Et ursus est maior quam mēnsa sed ego minor quam mēnsā.

Iōsēphus: Ita.

Lebbaeus: Rēctēne? [Iōsēphus cōnstat] Tū meministī?

Iōsēphus: Et volāsne?

Lebbaeus: Ha. Certē

Iōsēphus: Āh. Per caelum! [Lebbaeus cōnstat] Esne tū aquila?

Lebbaeus: Āh! Sum.

Iōsēphus: Ai! Ah-ha!

[Amīcī rīdent]

Lebbaeus: Bene, bene.

Iōsēphus: Dīvīnāre possum.

Lebbaeus: Tū rēctissimē rogāvistī.

Iōsēphus: [murmurāns] optimē, optimē, grātiās!

Lebbaeus: Aquila optimē videt et spectat in silvīs, in montibus, in -

Iōsēphus: sīc!

Lebbaeus: in multīs locīs, rēctēne?

Iōsēphus: Nōn in domibus.

Lebbaeus: [efflat] Grātiās.

Iōsēphus: [rīdēns] Optimē.

Lebbaeus: Sed amīce, tempus fugit.

Iōsēphus: Audītōrēs, hodiē Lebbaeus partem aquilae ēgit! Actor bonus erat. Nōnne cōnsentītis? Eī multās quaestiōnēs rogāvī et Lebbaeus bene respondit. Audītōrēs, vocābulum dīvīnāvistis?

Lebbaeus: Spērō vōs rēctē dīvīnāsse!

Iōsēphus: Optimē audīvistis et nōs multās grātiās vōbīs agimus!

Lebbaeus: Grātiās plūrimās agimus, omnēs!

Iōsēphus: Ācroāma nostrum fīnītum est. Valēte!

Lebbaeus: In proximum!

[Mūsica cantat]

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Quid es tu? - primum Was|bist|du| "What"|||"first" Co||| was bist du - Erste what are you - first qué vas a - primero qu'est-ce que tu es - d'abord あなたは何者ですか- 初め wat ben je - Eerst o que você está - primeiro что ты - первый Sen nesin - Birinci що ти? - перший

Iōsēphus: Salvēte, audītōrēs. |Seid gegrü|Zuhörer Joseph|Hello|listeners Josephus: Hail, hearers. ヨセフス: 聞いている人たち、万歳。 Nōmen mihi est Iōsēphus. My name is|to me||Joseph My name is Josephus.

Lebbaeus: Salvēte, amīcī. ||Freunde Lebbaeus: Greetings, friends.|Hello|friends Lebbaeus: Farewell, my friend. Леббей: Прощай, друг мой. Et ego vocor Lebbaeus. ||werde genannt| ||"I am called"|Lebbaeus And my name is Lebbaeus. そして私の名前はレバウスです。 А меня зовут Леббей. Ve benim adım Lebbaeus.

Iōsēphus: Spērō vōs esse bene. |ich hoffe|ihr|sein|gut |"I hope"|you all|to be| Joseph: I hope you are well. ジョセフ: 元気でいることを願っています。 Yusuf: Umarım iyisindir. Джозеф: Сподіваюся, ти добре. Hoc est ācroāma nostrum nōmine “Quid es tū?” Ego, Iōsēphus, et amīcus meus, Lebbaeus, sumus magistrī linguae Latīnae. dies|ist|das Motto|unser|im Namen|||||Joseph|und|mein Freund|mein|Lebbeus|wir sind|Lehrer|der Sprache|Latein This|is|"entertainment"|our show|The translation of "nōmine" in this context is "named."|"What"||"you"||||friend|||are teachers|teachers|Latin language teachers|Latin language This is our ācroāma called "What are you?" I, Josephus, and my friend, Lebbaeus, are masters of the Latin language. これは「あなたは何ですか?」という私たちのアクロアマです。私、ヨセフスと友人のレッバウスはラテン語の教師です。 Это наша акроама под названием «Кто ты?» Я, Иосиф Флавий, и мой друг Леббей — преподаватели латинского языка. Bu, "Sen nesin?" adlı ācroāma'mızdır. Ben, Josephus ve arkadaşım Lebbaeus, Latin dilinin ustalarıyız. Це наша ācroāma під назвою "Що ти?" Я, Йосип Флавій, і мій друг Леббей є майстрами латинської мови.

Lebbaeus: Āh. |Ah |Ah Lebbaeus: Ah. Lebbaeus: Ah. Rēctē dixīstī. richtig|du hast gesagt "Correctly" or "You are right."|"You said correctly." You said it right. 正しく言いましたね。 Вы сказали это правильно. Doğru söyledin. Ви правильно сказали. Ut valēs hodiē, amīce? |wie geht es dir|heute|Freund As|are you well|today|friend How are you doing today, my friend? Как твои дела сегодня, мой друг? Bugün nasılsın arkadaşım? Як справи сьогодні, друже?

Iōsēphus: Valeō. |Ich bin gesund |I am well. Josephus: Goodbye. Джозефус: До свидания. Josephus: Güle güle. Et tū, Lebbaee? und||Lebbaee ||And you, Lebbaeus? And then, Lebba? И потом, Лебба? Ve sonra, Lebba?

Lebbaeus: Ō, valeō mediocriter [Iōsēphus exspīrat] ego paululum aegrōtō. ||ich bin|mäßig||stirbt||ein wenig|ich bin krank |Oh||moderately well||expires||"a little sick"|I am sick |||średnio||||| Lebbaeus: Oh, I am moderately well [Josephus exhales] I am a little sick. レバウス: ああ、私はまあまあ元気です [ヨセフスが息を吐き出す] 私は少し病気です。 Леббей: О, я вполне здоров [Иосиф выдыхает]. Я немного приболел. Lebbaeus: Oh, orta derecede iyiyim [Josephus nefes verir] Biraz hastayım.

Iōsēphus: Ō, maestus sum. ||traurig|bin ||"sad" or "sorrowful"| Josephus: Oh, I am sad. Джозефус: О, мне грустно. Josephus: Ah, üzgünüm. Ut audīvistis, Lebbaeus prōnūntiat verba modō ecclēsiasticō, sīcut nōmine “Caesar”. als|ihr habt gehört|Lebbaeus|spricht|Worte|in der Weise|kirchlich|wie|im Namen|Cäsar "As"|You heard|Lebbaeus|pronounces|words|in a manner|ecclesiastical manner|"just as"|by the name|"Caesar" As you have heard, Lebbaeus pronounces the words in an ecclesiastical manner, as by the name "Caesar." 聞いたことがあるように、レッバウスは「カエサル」という名前のように、教会的な方法でこの言葉を発音します。 Как вы слышали, Леббей произносит эти слова в церковной манере, например, по имени «Цезарь». Duyduğunuz gibi, Lebbaeus kelimeleri "Sezar" adıyla olduğu gibi dini bir tarzda telaffuz ediyor.

Lebbaeus: [rīdet] Et Iōsēphus prōnūntiat verba modō classicō, sīcut nōmine “Caesar.” Hodiē ego pars imāgō sīcut vocābulum. ||und|Josef|spricht|Worte|in klassischer Weise|klassisch|wie|im Namen||Heute|ich|Teil|Abbild|wie|Wort |laughs||||||classical manner|"just as"||Caesar|Today||part|image, likeness, representation|"just as"|word Lebbaeus: [laughs] And Josephus pronounces the words in a classical manner, as in the name "Caesar." Today I am part of the image as well as the vocabulary. レバウス: [笑い]そしてヨセフスは、「カエサル」という名前のように、古典的な方法で言葉を発音します。今日、私は語彙だけでなくイメージの一部でもあります。 Леббей: [смеется] И Иосиф произносит эти слова в классической манере, как в имени «Цезарь». Сегодня я являюсь частью образа, а также словарного запаса. Lebbaeus: [gülüyor] Ve Josephus kelimeleri "Sezar" adında olduğu gibi klasik bir şekilde telaffuz ediyor. Bugün, söz dağarcığının yanı sıra görüntünün de bir parçasıyım. Леббей: [сміється] І Йосип Флавій вимовляє слова в класичній манері, як в імені «Цезар». Сьогодні я є частиною іміджу, а також словникового запасу. Itaque vōs et amīcus meus vocābulum dīvīnāre dēbētis. also|ihr||mein Freund|mein|Wort|erraten|müsst Therefore|you all|and|||word|divine|must divine word Therefore, you and my friend should guess the word. したがって、あなたと私の友人は語彙を学ばなければなりません。 Поэтому вы и мой друг должны выучить словарный запас. Тому ви і мій друг повинні вивчити словниковий запас.

Iōsēphus: Quid est Lebbaeus? |was||Lebbaeus |What||Lebbaeus Joseph: What is Lebbaeus? ヨセフス: レバウスとは何ですか? Иосиф Флавий: Что такое Леббей? [rīdent] Cognōscēre volumus. wir lachen|kennen lernen|wir wollen are laughing|to learn|"we want" [they laugh] We want to find out. [笑い] 私たちは知りたいのです。 [смех] Мы хотим знать. [сміх] Ми хочемо знати. Certē est homō. gewiss|ist|Mensch Certainly||Certainly is human. He is certainly a man. 確かに彼は男だ。 Он, конечно, мужчина. Він, звичайно, чоловік.

Lebbaeus: Certē. |Sicherlich |Certainly Lebbaeus: Certainly. Леббеус: Конечно.

Iōsēphus: Sed quam partem Lebbaeus agit? |aber|welche|Teil|Lebbaeus|vertritt ||"which"|"role"|Lebbaeus|plays a role Josephus: But what part does Lebbaeus play? ヨセフス: しかし、レバウスはどのような役割を果たしているのでしょうか? Иосиф Флавий: Но какую роль играет Леббей? Йосип Флавій: Але яку роль відіграє Лебвей? Estne animal? Is it an animal|Is it an animal? Is it an animal? 動物ですか? Это животное? Estne planta? |die Pflanze Is it|Is it a plant? Is it a plant? Estne rēs? |Sache |thing Is it a thing? Это вещь? Egō et vōs vocābulum dīvīnāre dēbēmus. ich|und|ihr|Wort|deuten|müssen I||you|word|divine|we must I and you will have to guess the vocabulary. 私とあなたは語彙を推測する必要があります。 Нам с вами предстоит угадать словарный запас. Ми з тобою повинні будемо відгадати словниковий запас. Quid es tū, Lebbae? Was||du|Lebbae |||Lebbaeus What are you, Lebba? Ты что, Лебба?

[Mūsica cantat] Die Musik|singt Music sings|sings [sings music] [поет музыку]

Iōsēphus: Esne tū animal? |bist du||Tier |Are you||animal Joseph: Are you an animal? Джозеф: Ты животное?

Lebbaeus: Mmm, sum animal, amīce. |Mmm, I'm an animal, friend.|||friend Lebbaeus: Mmm, I am an animal, my friend. Леббеус: Ммм, я животное, друг мой.

Iōsēphus:Ō, tū es animal. Josephus: Oh, you are an animal. Джозефус: О, ты животное. Esne animal minor quam - ist||kleiner|als ||smaller than|"than" Are you an animal smaller than - Вы животное меньше, чем...

Lebbaeus: Minor |der Kleinere Lebbaeus| Lebbaeus: Minor Леббей: Минор

Iōsēphus: Minor. |der Kleinere Josephus: Minor. Иосиф Флавий: Незначительный. Esne minor quam mēnsa? ist|kleiner|als|Tisch Are you|smaller||table Are you younger than Mēnsa? メンサより若いですか? Ты моложе Менсы? Ти молодший за Менсу?

Lebbaeus: Mmm. Lebbaeus: Mmm. Леббей: Ммм. Rēctē! Right Right! Верно! sum . I am . Я . . . . . . nōn . nicht no нет . . . minor quam? weniger|als |than smaller than?

Iōsēphus: Sīc |so |"Thus" or "In this way" Josephus: Yes

Lebbaeus: Minor quam mēnsa ego sum. |der Kleinere||Tisch|ich|bin |||table|"I" or "I am"| Lebbaeus: I am smaller than the moon. レバウス: 私は月よりも小さいです。

Iōsēphus: Tū es minor quam mēnsa. |||||table Joseph: You are smaller than a table.

Lebbaeus: Certē. Lebbaeus: Certainly.

Iōsēphus: Esne maior quam caput? ||||Kopf ||greater||head Joseph: Are you taller than a head?

Lebbaeus: Ego sum maior. |||größer Lebbaeus|||"I am greater." Lebbaeus: I am the elder.

Iōsēphus: Hūmānum! |Human nature! Josephus: Human! Caput hūmānum! Kopf|menschliches Haupt Human head!|human A human head!

Lebbaeus: Ō, caput. |oh|head Lebbaeus: Oh, the head. Quid? Was What What? Quid rogās? was|du fragst What|"What do you ask?" What do you ask?

Iōsēphus: Esne tū maior quam caput hūmānum? |bist du|du|größer|als|Kopf|menschlich |||greater|"than"|| Josephus: Are you bigger than a human head? Йосип Флавій: Ти більший за людську голову?

Lebbaeus: Ō, caput hūmānum. ||human head|human head Lebbaeus: Oh, a human head. Umm. Umm. Rēctē. Ego sum maior quam caput hūmānum. ||greater||head| I am greater than a human head.

Iōsēphus: Habitāsne in silvā? |wohnst du||Wald |Do you live?|"in"|forest Joseph: Do you live in the forest?

Lebbaeus: Aliquandō. |irgendwann |"At some time." Lebbaeus: Sometimes. Леббеус: Іноді. Ego habitō, nōn semper, sed aliquandō. |wohne|nicht|immer|sondern|manchmal "I"|"I live"|not||| |||||czasami I lived, not always, but for a while. Ego habitō in silvā. Ich||in|Wald I live in the forest.

Iōsēphus: In silvā. Joseph: In the forest. Habitāsne in monte? du wohnst||Berg ||mountain Do you live in the mountains?

Lebbaeus: Āh! Lebbaeus: Ah! Et in montibus aliquandō habitō. ||den Bergen|manchmal|wohne |in the mountains|in the mountains|| And I dwelt for some time in the mountains.

Iōsēphus: Aliquandō. |manchmal Josephus: Sometimes.

Lebbaeus: Mhm. |Hmm |Sure. "Mhm" in this context can be translated to "Yes" or "I agree." Lebbaeus: Mhm.

Iōsēphus: Nōn semper? |nicht|immer Josephus: Not always?

Lebbaeus: Nōn, nōn semper. Lebbaeus: No, not always.

Iōsēphus: Habitāsne in . |du wohnst|in Josephus: Do you live in . . . habitāsne prope flūmen? |nahe|Fluss |near|river ||rzeka do you live near the river ти живеш біля річки?

Lebbaeus: Mhm. Lebbaeus: Mhm. Ego prope flūmen habitō, quia piscēs perplacent mihi. |nahe||wohne|weil|Fische|gefällt mir| |near|||because|fish|"are very pleasing"| ||||||bardzo się podobają| I live near a river, because I like fish.

Iōsēphus: āh-ha. ||ah-ha Piscēs perplacent. die Fische|gefällt sehr |are very pleasing The fish are happy. Рибки щасливі.

Lebbaeus: Mhm. Lebbaeus: Mhm.

Iōsēphus: Fortasse tū es [aliquid murmurat] animal. |Vielleicht|||etwas|etwas murmelt|Tier |Perhaps|||something|murmurs something incomprehensible| Josephus: Perhaps you are [mutters something] an animal. . .

Lebbaeus: Ita, ego sum animal. |so|||Tier |Thus||| Lebbaeus: Yes, I am an animal.

Iōsēphus: Habēsne multōs colōrēs? |hast du||Farben |"Do you have"|many|colors Joseph: Do you have many colors?

Lebbaeus: Nōn multōs colōrēs. |Not||colors Lebbaeus: Not many colors. Paucōs colōrēs habeō. wenige|Farben|habe a few|| I have a few colors.

Iōsēphus: Quid colōrem habēs? |was|Farbe|hast ||color|"do you have" Josephus: What color will you have? [Lebbaeus susurrat] Quem colōrem? Lebbaeus|flüstert|wen|Farbe |whispers|Which|What color [Lebbaeus whispers] Which color?

Lebbaeus: Ō quid [susurrat] quem. ||was|flüstert|wen ||what|whispers to|whom Lebbaeus: Ō what [he whispers] whom. レバウス: ああ、何ということだ[彼はささやく] 誰だ。 Quem colōrem habeō? welchen|| What color do I have? 私は何色を持っていますか? Ego habeō colōrem badium. |||schwarz |||I have brown. |||brązowawy I have the color of almonds. У мене колір мигдалю.

Iōsēphus: Badium. Josephus: Badium.

Lebbaeus: Mhm. Lebbaeus: Mhm. Badium.

Iōsēphus: Cōnsūmisne piscēs? |du isst|Fische |Do you consume|fish Josephus: Will you eat fish? ヨセフス: 魚を食べますか?

Lebbaeus: Rēctē. Lebbaeus: Right. Ego cōnsūmō piscēs. |ich esse| |I eat| I eat fish.

Iōsēphus: Esne tū ursus? |bist du|du|Bär |||bear Joseph: Are you a bear?

Lebbaeus: Ha. Lebbaeus: Ha. Nōn, nōn sum ursus. |nicht|ich bin|Bär |||bear No, I'm not a bear. Ego in multīs locīs cōnsīdō. |in|vielen|Orten|ich sitze ||many|places|"I sit down" I sat in many places. Et. And. . . .

Iōsēphus: In multīs locīs cōnsīdis ||||"you settle" ||||osiedlisz Josephus: You have sat in many places

Lebbaeus: [cōnstat] Ego vēnor piscēs, et ego vēnor mūrēs et cunīculōs et animālia parva. |es steht fest||ich jage|Fische||||Mäuse||Kaninchen||kleine Tiere|kleine Tiere |it is known||"I hunt"|fish|and||I hunt|mice|and|rabbits||small animals|small animals |||łowię|||||||króliki||| Lebbaeus: [stands] I am a bird of fish, and I am a bird of deer and burrows and small animals. レバウス: [立ち上がる] 私は魚の鳥であり、鹿や巣穴や小動物の鳥でもあります。 Леббей: [стоит] Я птица-рыба, и я птица-олени, и норы, и мелкие звери. Et ursus est maior quam mēnsa sed ego minor quam mēnsā. |der Bär||größer|als|Tisch|||||Tisch |||||table|||||the table And the bear is greater than the moon, but I am smaller than the moon. そして、クマは月より大きいですが、私は月より小さいです。

Iōsēphus: Ita. |so sei es |Yes, indeed Josephus: Yes.

Lebbaeus: Rēctēne? |Richtig |"Is it correct?" Lebbaeus: Right? [Iōsēphus cōnstat] Tū meministī? |ist||du erinnerst dich |||You remember? |||ty pamiętałeś [Joseph stands] Do you remember?

Iōsēphus: Et volāsne? ||willst du ||"Do you want?" ||Czy chcesz? Josephus: And do you fly?

Lebbaeus: Ha. Certē sicherlich Certainly

Iōsēphus: Āh. Josephus: Ah. Per caelum! |Himmel through|Through the sky! By heaven! [Lebbaeus cōnstat] Esne tū aquila? Lebbaeus||||Adler |is known|are you||Are you an eagle? ||||orzeł [Lebbaeus stands] Are you an eagle?

Lebbaeus: Āh! Lebbaeus: Ah! Sum. "I am." I am.

Iōsēphus: Ai! |Oh Josephus: Alas! Ah-ha! exclamation of realization| Ah-ha!

[Amīcī rīdent] die Freunde|lachen friends|friends laugh [Friends laugh]

Lebbaeus: Bene, bene. Lebbaeus: Well, well.

Iōsēphus: Dīvīnāre possum. |ich kann deuten|ich kann |To divine|"I can divine." |Przepowiadać przyszłość mogę.| Josephus: I can tell. Джозефус: Я могу сказать.

Lebbaeus: Tū rēctissimē rogāvistī. |du|sehr richtig|du hast gefragt ||most correctly|"you asked" ||bardzo słusznie| Lebbaeus: You asked very directly.

Iōsēphus: [murmurāns] optimē, optimē, grātiās! ||sehr gut|sehr gut| |murmuring|very well|very well|Thank you Josephus: [murmuring] very well, very well, thank you!

Lebbaeus: Aquila optimē videt et spectat in silvīs, in montibus, in - |der Adler|sehr gut|sieht||schaut|in den|den Wäldern||den Bergen| |The eagle|"very well"|"sees" or "looks at"||watches||"in the forests"||| Lebbaeus: The eagle sees and looks best in forests, in mountains, in -

Iōsēphus: sīc! |so |thus Josephus: Yes!

Lebbaeus: in multīs locīs, rēctēne? |||Orten|richtig ||many|places|"correctly?" or "rightly?" Lebbaeus: in many places, right?

Iōsēphus: Nōn in domibus. |||den Häusern |||"in houses" Josephus: Not in houses.

Lebbaeus: [efflat] Grātiās. Lebbaeus|"blows out"|Thanks Lebbaeus: [breathes] Gratitude.

Iōsēphus: [rīdēns] Optimē. ||sehr gut |laughing|Very well. Josephus: [rīdēns] Optimē.

Lebbaeus: Sed amīce, tempus fugit. ||Freund|die Zeit|vergeht |But||time|time flies Lebbaeus: But my friend, time flies.

Iōsēphus: Audītōrēs, hodiē Lebbaeus partem aquilae ēgit! ||heute||Teil|des Adlers|hat gespielt ||today||part|eagle's part|"acted as" ||||||zagrał Josephus: Listen, today Lebbaeus has eaten the part of an eagle! ヨセフス: 聞いてください、今日レバウスは鷲の一部を食べたのです! Actor bonus erat. Schauspieler|guter|war The actor|good|was He was a good actor. Nōnne cōnsentītis? nicht wahr|ihr stimmt zu Surely|Do you agree? Don't you agree? Eī multās quaestiōnēs rogāvī et Lebbaeus bene respondit. ihm|viele|Fragen|ich fragte|||| To him|many|questions|I asked||||responded You asked him many questions and Lebbaeus answered well. Audītōrēs, vocābulum dīvīnāvistis? |Wort|habt ihr geraten Listeners|word|"Did you guess" Will you listen, have you seen the word dīvīnā? Послушайте, вы видели слово дивина?

Lebbaeus: Spērō vōs rēctē dīvīnāsse! |ich hoffe||rechtmäßig|göttlich geurte |I hope|||divined correctly Lebbaeus: I hope you are right! Леббеус: Надеюсь, ты прав!

Iōsēphus: Optimē audīvistis et nōs multās grātiās vōbīs agimus! ||ihr habt gehört||wir|vielen|Dank|euch|danken |Very well|heard||us|||"to you"|"we give" Josephus: You have heard very well and we thank you very much!

Lebbaeus: Grātiās plūrimās agimus, omnēs! |Vielen Dank|vielen|wir danken|alle |Thank you|Many thanks|we give thanks|all of you |||składamy| Lebbaeus: Thank you very much, everyone!

Iōsēphus: Ācroāma nostrum fīnītum est. |Das Werk|unser|beendet|ist Joseph|Performance||"finished"| Josephus: Our Ācroāma is finished. Valēte! Farewell! Goodbye!

Lebbaeus: In proximum! |in|die Nähe Lebbaeus: To the next!||"to the next" Lebbaeus: To the next! Леббе: До наступного!

[Mūsica cantat] [sings music]