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Quid Es Tu?, Quid es tu? – septimum

Quid es tu? – septimum

Quid Es Tū? - Septimum

Iōsēphus: Salvēte, audītōrēs! Nōmen mihi est Iōsēphus.

Lebbaeus: Salvēte, amīcī! Et ego vocor Lebbaeus.

Iōsēphus: Spērō vōs esse bene. Hoc est ācroāma nostrum nōmine “QUID ES TŪ?” ego, Iōsēphus, et amīcus meus, Lebbaeus, sumus magistrī linguae Latīnae.

Lebbaeus: Rēctē dīxistī, amīce! Ut valēs hodiē?

Iōsēphus: Ego optimē valeō. Et tū, Lebbaee?

Lebbaeus: Optimē! Optimē! Ego bene valeō hodiē.

Iōsēphus: Ut audīvistis, Lebbaeus prōnūntiat verba modō ecclesiasticō: sīcut sententia “vēnī, vīdī, vīcī”

Lebbaeus: Ita. Et Iōsēphus prōnūntiat verba modō classicō: sīcut sententia “vēnī, vīdī, vīcī.”

Iōsēphus: sīcut Caesar.

Lebbaeus: sīcut Caesar. Ita. [amīcī rīdent] Hodiē, auditores, ego partem agō sīcut vocābulum. Itaque, vōs et amīcus meus vocābulum dīvīnāre dēbētis.

Iōsēphus: Quid est Lebbaeus? Cognōscere volumus. Certē homō est, sed quam partem Lebbaeus agit? Estne animal? Estne planta? Estne rēs? Ego et vōs vocābulum dīvīnāre dēbēmus. Quid es tū, Lebbaee?

[Mūsica cantat]

Iōsēphus: Lebbaee, esne tū in nātūrā?

Lebbaeus: In nātūrā ego sum. In nātūrā ego habitō.

Iōsēphus: Esne tū animal?

Lebbaeus: Ita. Ego sum animal. Nōn sum plantā. Nōn sum rēs. Ego sum animal.

Iōsēphus: Bene! Habēsne quattuor crūra?

Lebbaeus: Certē, ego quattuor crūra habeō.

Iōsēphus: Esne tū bēstia an animal domesticum?

Lebbaeus: Ō amīce, ego bēstiās timeō. Ego nōn sum bēstia. Ego territus quandō bēstiae apud mē.

Iōsēphus: Bēstiae apud tē habitant?

Lebbaeus: Aliquandō bēstiae apud mē habitant. Bēstiae in campīs, in silvīs. Ego valdē timeō bēstiās.

Iōsēphus: Esne tū parvus?

Lebbaeus: Nōn. Ego nōn sum parvus. Et ego nōn sum maximus.

Iōsēphus: Tū es medius!

[amīcī rīdent]

Lebbaeus: Eh, fortasse.

Iōsēphus: Quem colōrem habēs?

Lebbaeus: [susurrat] Multōs colōrēs, sed amīcī meī habent paucōs colōrēs.

Iōsēphus: Ubi habitās? In domō?

Lebbaeus: In domō ego nōn habitō.

Iōsēphus: In rūre?

Lebbaeus: In rūre ego habitō.

Iōsēphus: In fundō?

Lebbaeus: [exspīrat] In fundō ego habitō. Et apud fundum bēstiae habitant, nonne?

Iōsēphus: Ita vērō. Bēstiae in fundō habitant sed -

Lebbaeus: In fundō habitant? !

Iōsēphus: [susurrat] Minimē.

Lebbaeus: fortasse in fundō. Fortasse bēstiae occultant [cum Iōsēphō] in fundō.

Iōsēphus: Occultant, [sonat] mysteriōsī.

[amīcī sonant et rīdent]

Iōsēphus: Habitāsne in horreō?

Lebbaeus: Ita. Ego in horreō habitō.

Iōsēphus: Custōdīsne aliquid?

Lebbaeus: Amīce mī, ego custōs nōn sum.

Iōsēphus: Sed tū in horreō habitās et in fundō. Habēsne caudam?

Lebbaeus: Ita. Ego ūnam caudam habeō.

Iōsēphus: [rīdet] Ūnam? Simplex.

Lebbaeus: Ita. Grātiās.

[amīcī rīdent]

Iōsēphus: Dāsne aliquid hominibus?

Lebbaeus: Ego aliquid hominibus nōn dō. Sed ego et dominus īmus ad multōs locōs. Ego eō per campōs et per silvās. Ego quoque trāns terrās variās eō cum dominō meō.

Iōsēphus: Placetne tibi currere?

Lebbaeus: Ita. Currere mihi maximē placet. [Iōsēphus mīrātur] Et mala mihi quoque placent.

Iōsēphus: Mala?

Lebbaeus: ita [Iōsēphus exspīrat] et carōtae et frūmenta.

Iōsēphus: Habēsne ungulās?

Lebbaeus: Ita, ego quattuor ungulās habeō.

Iōsēphus: Habēsne calceōs?

Lebbaeus: Calceōs? Calceōs?

Iōsēphus: [rīdēns] Ita.

Lebbaeus: Calceōs, certē, amīce mī. Calceōs ego habeō.

Iōsēphus: Ego tē cognōscō te, Lebbaee. Esne tū -

Lebbaeus: - Nōn sum Lebbaeus. Ego nōn sum Lebbaeus.

Iōsēphus: [exspīrat] Ō, animal, animal. [rīdet]

Lebbaeus: Quid? Dīc mihi.

Iōsēphus: Bēstia, esne tū -

Lebbaeus: - Nōn sum bēstia.

Iōsēphus: Ignōsce mihi.

Lebbaeus: Nōn sum.

Iōsēphus: Ignōsce mihi.

[amīcī rīdent]

Iōsēphus: Esne tū equus?

Lebbaeus: Ita! Ego sum equus!

Iōsēphus: Nōn caballus sed equus.

Lebbaeus: Equus ita.

[amīcī rīdent]

Lebbaeus: Amīce, [Iōsēphus cōnstat] dē mē nārrāre volō [Iōsēphus cōnstat] quia ego sum equus clārus.

Iōsēphus: Oh, tū es clārus?

Lebbaeus: Ita. Certē, ego sum clārus.

Iōsēphus: Cūr clārus es?

Lebbaeus: Cūr? Quia dominus meus clārissimus fuit.

Iōsēphus: Quis est dominus tuus?

Lebbaeus: Dominus meus erat rēx clārus. Dominus meus nōmine meō oppidum vocāvit. Itaque ego habeō oppidum.

Iōsēphus: Ubi est oppidum?

Lebbaeus: In Asiā.

Iōsēphus: In Asiā.

Lebbaeus: Ita. Et dominus meus et ego iter fēcimus ad multōs locōs: Graeciā usque ad Indiam. [Iōsēphus exspīrat] Ita.

Iōsēphus: Procul!

Lebbaeus: Nōmen dominī est Alexander.

Iōsēphus: Alexander? Alexander Magnus?

Lebbaeus: Ita.

Iōsēphus: Cognōscō dominum tuum!

Lebbaeus: Ita. Quid est nōmen meum? Ego sum Būcephalus.

Iōsēphus: Būcephalus.

[amīcī rīdent]

Lebbaeus: Ita. Būcephalus. Sed Būcephalus ego sum. Amīce, ut rogāvistī, ut dīxistī, frūmenta et mala et carōtae mihi placent. [Iōsēphus cōnstat] ego cōnsūmō multa [Iōsēphus cōnstat] Hominēs quoque mihi placent. Sed muscae mē valdē vexant.

Iōsēphus: At, amīce?

Lebbaeus: Quid?

Iōsēphus: Muscae valdē tē vexant? [Lebbaeus intellegit et rīdet] Muscae?

Lebbaeus: [rīdēns] Ita. Muscae. Muscae. Muscae. Ah, lingua Latīna...

Iōsēphus: Ō, pulcherrima!

Lebbaeus: Ita. Et amīce ego portō hominēs. Et hominēs mē vēnantur quia ego diū currere possum.

Iōsēphus: Optimē! Et tū quoque es intellegēns?

Lebbaeus: Ita. Ego calidus, intellegēns sum. Et amīce, ego sum pulcher!

Iōsēphus: Quam pulcher es tū.

Lebbaeus: Ita. Et augustus sum! [Iōsēphus mīrātur]

[Amīcī rīdent]

Lebbaeus: Et magnificus!

Iōsēphus: Vērum est!

Lebbaeus: [rīdēns] Ita, ita. Et in familiā meā ūnus volat!

Iōsēphus: Quis volat in familiā tuā?

Lebbaeus: Pēgasus.

Iōsēphus: Pēgasus in mȳthologiā!

Lebbaeus: Nōn.

Iōsēphus: Nōn? In mȳthologiā?

Lebbaeus: Est in nātūrā!

Iōsēphus: [susurrat] Nōn crēdō. Tibi nōn crēdō.

Lebbaeus: Mihi nōn crēdis? [exspīrat] Tempus fugit, amīce.

Iōsēphus: Āh, ēheu!

[Amīcī rīdent]

Lebbaeus: Mihi tempus ad currendum.

Iōsēphus: Audītōrēs, hodiē Lebbaeus partem equī ēgit! Actor bonus erat. Nōnne cōnsentītis? Eī multās quaestiōnēs rogāvī et Lebbaeus bene semper respondit. Audītōrēs, vocābulum dīvīnāvistis?

Lebbaeus: spērō vōs rēctē dīvīnāsse!

Iōsēphus: Optimē audīvistis, et ego et Lebbaeus multās grātiās vōbīs agimus!

Lebbaeus: Certē, grātiās plūrimās, audītōrēs!

Iōsēphus: Ācroāma nostrum fīnītum est. Valēte!

Lebbaeus: In proximum!

[Mūsica cantat]

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Quid es tu? – septimum |||seventh was bist du - der Siebte what are you – the seventh qué vas a - el séptimo ce que vous êtes - Le septième che cosa siete - il settimo あなたは何者ですか– 7番目 wat ben je - de zevende o que você está - o sétimo Sen nesin - yedinci що ти? – сьомий

**Quid Es Tū? What are you? - Septimum** - Seventh

**Iōsēphus**: Salvēte, audītōrēs! Josephus: Hail, hearers! Nōmen mihi est Iōsēphus. My name is Josephus.

**Lebbaeus**: Salvēte, amīcī! Lebbaeus: Hail, friends! Et ego vocor Lebbaeus. ||am called|

**Iōsēphus**: Spērō vōs esse bene. Hoc est ācroāma nostrum nōmine “QUID ES TŪ?” ego, Iōsēphus, et amīcus meus, Lebbaeus, sumus magistrī linguae Latīnae. ||our motto||||||||||||||| This is our catchphrase called "WHAT ARE YOU?" I, Josephus, and my friend, Lebbaeus, are masters of the Latin language.

**Lebbaeus**: Rēctē dīxistī, amīce! ||you said| Ut valēs hodiē?

**Iōsēphus**: Ego optimē valeō. Et tū, Lebbaee?

**Lebbaeus**: Optimē! Optimē! Ego bene valeō hodiē.

**Iōsēphus**: Ut audīvistis, Lebbaeus prōnūntiat verba modō ecclesiasticō: sīcut sententia “vēnī, vīdī, vīcī” |||||||ecclesiastical manner|like|saying|I came|I came|I conquered

**Lebbaeus**: Ita. Et Iōsēphus prōnūntiat verba modō classicō: sīcut sententia “vēnī, vīdī, vīcī.” ||pronounces|||classical manner||||I saw|I conquered And Josephus pronounces the words in a classic way: as in the sentence "vēnī, vēdī, vīcī."

**Iōsēphus**: sīcut Caesar. Josephus: like Caesar.

**Lebbaeus**: sīcut Caesar. Ita. __[amīcī rīdent]__ Hodiē, auditores, ego partem agō sīcut vocābulum. |||listeners||||| [amîcî rîdent] Today, listeners, I will play the part as a vocabulary. Itaque, vōs et amīcus meus vocābulum dīvīnāre dēbētis. |||||||must Therefore, you and my friend must learn the word dīvīnā.

**Iōsēphus**: Quid est Lebbaeus? Josephus: What is Lebbaeus? Cognōscere volumus. |we want We want to know. Certē homō est, sed quam partem Lebbaeus agit? |||||part||does He is certainly a man, but what part does Lebbaeus play? Estne animal? Is it an animal? Estne planta? |the plant Estne rēs? Ego et vōs vocābulum dīvīnāre dēbēmus. ||||divine|must Quid es tū, Lebbaee?

__[Mūsica cantat]__ Music sings|

**Iōsēphus**: Lebbaee, esne tū in nātūrā? |||you||

**Lebbaeus**: In nātūrā ego sum. In nātūrā ego habitō.

**Iōsēphus**: Esne tū animal?

**Lebbaeus**: Ita. Ego sum animal. ||animal Nōn sum plantā. ||a plant Nōn sum rēs. Ego sum animal.

**Iōsēphus**: Bene! Habēsne quattuor crūra? Do you have||legs Do you have four legs?

**Lebbaeus**: Certē, ego quattuor crūra habeō. ||||legs|

**Iōsēphus**: Esne tū bēstia an animal domesticum? ||||or||domestic animal ||||か||

**Lebbaeus**: Ō amīce, ego bēstiās timeō. ||||beasts| Lebbaeus: Oh my friend, I am afraid of beasts. Ego nōn sum bēstia. Ego territus quandō bēstiae apud mē. |terrified|when|beasts|at my side|me I was frightened when the beasts were with me.

**Iōsēphus**: Bēstiae apud tē habitant? Joseph||at|you|live Josephus: Are the beasts living with you?

**Lebbaeus**: Aliquandō bēstiae apud mē habitant. |sometimes||with|| |時々|||| Lebbaeus: Sometimes animals live with me. Bēstiae in campīs, in silvīs. ||fields||in the woods 獣|||| Beasts in the plains, in the woods. Ego valdē timeō bēstiās. |very|fear|the beasts I am very afraid of beasts.

**Iōsēphus**: Esne tū parvus? |||little |||小さい Josephus: Are you too small?

**Lebbaeus**: Nōn. Lebbaeus: No. Ego nōn sum parvus. |||small I am not small. Et ego nōn sum maximus. ||||greatest And I am not important.

**Iōsēphus**: Tū es medius! |||middle Josephus: You are the middle!

__[amīcī rīdent]__ [laughing in a friendly way]

**Lebbaeus**: Eh, fortasse. ||perhaps Lebbaeus: Eh, perhaps.

**Iōsēphus**: Quem colōrem habēs? Josephus: What color will you have?

**Lebbaeus**: __[susurrat]__ Multōs colōrēs, sed amīcī meī habent paucōs colōrēs. |whispers||colors||||||colors Lebbaeus: [whispers] Many colors, but my friends have few colors.

**Iōsēphus**: Ubi habitās? ||you live Joseph: Where do you live? In domō? |house In the House?

**Lebbaeus**: In domō ego nōn habitō. Lebbaeus: I do not live in the house.

**Iōsēphus**: In rūre? ||in the countryside

**Lebbaeus**: In rūre ego habitō.

**Iōsēphus**: In fundō? ||in the bottom ||基盤で Josephus: In the bottom?

**Lebbaeus**: __[exspīrat]__ In fundō ego habitō. |||the bottom|| |||fondo|| Lebbaeus: [breathes out] I live in the bottom. Et apud fundum bēstiae habitant, nonne? |at the|bottom||| ||農場||| |||bestie|| And they live at the bottom of the beast, don't they?

**Iōsēphus**: Ita vērō. Josephus: Yes, I saw. Bēstiae in fundō habitant sed - Animals live on the farm but - Животные живут на ферме, но...

**Lebbaeus**: In fundō habitant? Lebbaeus: Do they live in the bottom? !

**Iōsēphus**: __[susurrat]__ Minimē. ||not at all Josephus: [whispers] Not much.

**Lebbaeus**: fortasse in fundō. |perhaps in the bottom||the bottom Lebbaeus: perhaps in the bottom. Fortasse bēstiae occultant __[cum Iōsēphō]__ in fundō. ||hide||Joseph|| ||||ヨセフ|| Perhaps the beasts are hiding [with Josephus] in the bottom. Возможно, звери прячутся [с Иосифом Флавием] на дне.

**Iōsēphus**: Occultant, __[sonat]__ mysteriōsī. |They hide|sounds|mysterious Josephus: They hide, [it sounds] mysterious. Иосиф Флавий: Они прячутся, [звучит] загадочно.

__[amīcī sonant et rīdent]__ |sound|| [they sound and laugh]

**Iōsēphus**: Habitāsne in horreō? ||in|barn |||granaio Joseph: Do you live in a barn? Джозеф: Ты живешь в сарае?

**Lebbaeus**: Ita. Ego in horreō habitō. ||the barn|

**Iōsēphus**: Custōdīsne aliquid? |"Do you guard?"|something |あなたは何かを守っていますか?| Josephus: Will you guard something? Джозефус: Ты будешь что-нибудь охранять?

**Lebbaeus**: Amīce mī, ego custōs nōn sum. ||||guard|| ||||番人|| Леббей: Друг мой, я не хранитель.

**Iōsēphus**: Sed tū in horreō habitās et in fundō. ||||the barn|||| Josephus: But you live in a barn and on a farm. Иосиф Флавий: Но ты живешь в сарае и на ферме. Habēsne caudam? |tail |尾 Do you have a tail? У тебя есть хвост?

**Lebbaeus**: Ita. Lebbaeus: Yes. Ego ūnam caudam habeō. |one|tail| |一つの|| I have one tail. У меня есть один хвост.

**Iōsēphus**: __[rīdet]__ Ūnam? ||one Josephus: [laughs] What? Simplex. simple straightforward シンプレックス Simple.

**Lebbaeus**: Ita. Lebbaeus: Yes. Grātiās. Thank you

__[amīcī rīdent]__ [laughing in a friendly way]

**Iōsēphus**: Dāsne aliquid hominibus? |"Do you give"|something|to the men |ダスネ|| Joseph: Do you give anything to people? Иосиф Флавий: Вы что-нибудь даете людям?

**Lebbaeus**: Ego aliquid hominibus nōn dō. ||something||not|give |||||与える Lebbaeus: I do not give anything to men. Леббей: Мужчинам я ничего не даю. Sed ego et dominus īmus ad multōs locōs. |||lord|we go|to|many|places ||||行く|||場所 But the owner and I go to many places. Но мы с владельцем ходим во многие места. Ego eō per campōs et per silvās. I|I go||fields||| |||野原||| I went with him through the fields and through the woods. Я ходил с ним по полям и лесам. Ego quoque trāns terrās variās eō cum dominō meō. |also|across|lands|various||with|my master|my ||渡る|土地|様々な|||主人| I, too, with my lord, have passed over various lands to him.

**Iōsēphus**: Placetne tibi currere? |Do you like|to you|run |あなたは走ることが好きですか?|| Joseph: Do you like to run?

**Lebbaeus**: Ita. Currere mihi maximē placet. to run||most of all|it pleases ||非常に| I like running very much. __[Iōsēphus mīrātur]__ Et mala mihi quoque placent. ||and|apples|||please |||リンゴ||| [Josephus marvels] And evil things also please me. [Иосиф изумляется] И злое мне тоже нравится. [Джозеф дивується] І злі речі також подобаються мені.

**Iōsēphus**: Mala? |bad Joseph: Bad? Джозеф: Плохо?

**Lebbaeus**: ita __[Iōsēphus exspīrat]__ et carōtae et frūmenta. |||breathes||carrots||grains or crops |||||||穀物 Lebbaeus: so [Josephus exhales] both carrots and wheat. Леббей: Итак [Иосиф выдыхает] и морковь, и пшеница.

**Iōsēphus**: Habēsne ungulās? ||hooves ||zoccoli ||蹄 Joseph: Do you have hooves? Джозеф: У тебя есть копыта?

**Lebbaeus**: Ita, ego quattuor ungulās habeō. ||||claws| Lebbaeus: Yes, I have four hooves. Леббей: Да, у меня четыре копыта.

**Iōsēphus**: Habēsne calceōs? ||shoes ||靴 Josephus: Do you have shoes?

**Lebbaeus**: Calceōs? Lebbaeus: Shoes? Calceōs? shoes Shoes?

**Iōsēphus**: __[rīdēns]__ Ita. Joseph|| Josephus: [rīdēns] Yes. Иосиф Флавий: [rīdēns] Да.

**Lebbaeus**: Calceōs, certē, amīce mī. |Shoes||| Lebbaeus: Shoes, of course, my friend. Calceōs ego habeō. shoes|| I have shoes.

**Iōsēphus**: Ego tē cognōscō te, Lebbaee. |||I know|you| Josephus: I know you, Lebbaeus. Esne tū - Are you -

**Lebbaeus**: - Nōn sum Lebbaeus. Lebbaeus: - I am not Lebbaeus. Ego nōn sum Lebbaeus. I am not a Lebbaeus.

**Iōsēphus**: __[exspīrat]__ Ō, animal, animal. Josephus: [breathes out] Oh, animal, animal. __[rīdet]__ [laughs]

**Lebbaeus**: Quid? Lebbaeus: What? Dīc mihi. Say|to me Tell me.

**Iōsēphus**: Bēstia, esne tū - Josephus: Are you a beast?

**Lebbaeus**: - Nōn sum bēstia. Lebbaeus: - I am not a beast.

**Iōsēphus**: Ignōsce mihi. |"Forgive me."| |許して| Joseph: Forgive me.

**Lebbaeus**: Nōn sum. Lebbaeus: I am not.

**Iōsēphus**: Ignōsce mihi. |Forgive| Joseph: Forgive me.

__[amīcī rīdent]__ [laughing in a friendly way]

**Iōsēphus**: Esne tū equus? |||horse Joseph: Are you a horse? Джозеф: Ты лошадь?

**Lebbaeus**: Ita! Lebbaeus: Yes! Ego sum equus! I am a horse!

**Iōsēphus**: Nōn caballus sed equus. ||workhorse||horse ||cavallo|| ||馬|| Josephus: Not a horse but a horse. Иосиф Флавий: Не лошадь, а лошадь.

**Lebbaeus**: Equus ita. Lebbaeus: A horse, yes.

__[amīcī rīdent]__ [laughing in a friendly way]

**Lebbaeus**: Amīce, __[Iōsēphus cōnstat]__ dē mē nārrāre volō __[Iōsēphus cōnstat]__ quia ego sum equus clārus. ||||about||tell|I want|||because|||horse|famous ||||||||||||||明るい Lebbaeus: Friend, [Josephus stands] I want to tell [Josephus stands] because I am a bright horse. Леббей: Друг, [Иосиф встает] Я хочу сказать [Иосиф встает], потому что я смышленый конь.

**Iōsēphus**: Oh, tū es clārus? |Oh|||famous Josephus: Oh, are you bright?

**Lebbaeus**: Ita. Lebbaeus: Yes. Certē, ego sum clārus. Certainly||I am|famous Of course, I am clear. Конечно, мне ясно.

**Iōsēphus**: Cūr clārus es? ||famous| Josephus: Where are you?

**Lebbaeus**: Cūr? |Why Lebbaeus: Why? Леббей: Почему? Quia dominus meus clārissimus fuit. because|my lord||"most distinguished"|was |||非常に明るい|だった Because my master was very clear. Потому что мой учитель был очень ясен.

**Iōsēphus**: Quis est dominus tuus? |||your lord|your Josephus: Who is your master? Иосиф Флавий: Кто твой хозяин?

**Lebbaeus**: Dominus meus erat rēx clārus. ||my|was|"king"|clear ||||王| Lebbaeus: My lord was an illustrious king. Леббей: Мой господин был прославленным королем. Dominus meus nōmine meō oppidum vocāvit. Lord|||my|town|called ||||città| ||||町|呼んだ My lord called the town after my name. 私の主人は私の名前で町を呼びました。 Мой господин назвал город моим именем. Itaque ego habeō oppidum. |||town So I have a town. それで、私は町を持っています。 Итак, у меня есть город.

**Iōsēphus**: Ubi est oppidum? ||is| Joseph: Where is the town? ヨセフ: 町はどこにありますか? Джозеф: Где находится город?

**Lebbaeus**: In Asiā. Lebbaeus: In Asia. Леббей: В Азии.

**Iōsēphus**: In Asiā. Josephus: In Asia.

**Lebbaeus**: Ita. Lebbaeus: Yes. Et dominus meus et ego iter fēcimus ad multōs locōs: Graeciā usque ad Indiam. |||||journey|"we made"|to many places|many|places|from Greece|all the way||India |||||旅|行った||||ギリシャ|ずっと||インド And my master and I traveled to many places: Greece as far as India. И мы с моим учителем побывали во многих местах: от Греции до Индии. __[Iōsēphus exspīrat]__ Ita. |breathes| [Josephus exhales] Yes.

**Iōsēphus**: Procul! Joseph|Far away! |遠くに Josephus: Come on! Джозефус: Давай!

**Lebbaeus**: Nōmen dominī est Alexander. ||of the lord||Alexander Lebbaeus: The lord's name is Alexander. Леббей: Имя господина — Александр.

**Iōsēphus**: Alexander? Josephus: Alexander? Иосиф Флавий: Александр? Alexander Magnus? Alexander the Great?

**Lebbaeus**: Ita. Lebbaeus: Yes.

**Iōsēphus**: Cognōscō dominum tuum! |I recognize|your lord|your Joseph: I know your master! Джозеф: Я знаю твоего хозяина!

**Lebbaeus**: Ita. Lebbaeus: Yes. Quid est nōmen meum? What is my name? Как меня зовут? Ego sum Būcephalus. ||I am Bucephalus. I am Bucephalus. Я Буцефал.

**Iōsēphus**: Būcephalus. Josephus: Būcephalus. Иосиф Флавий: Буцефал.

__[amīcī rīdent]__ [laughing in a friendly way]

**Lebbaeus**: Ita. Lebbaeus: Yes. Būcephalus. Bucephalus Sed Būcephalus ego sum. But I am Būcephalus. Но я Буцефал. Amīce, ut rogāvistī, ut dīxistī, frūmenta et mala et carōtae mihi placent. |that|you asked|||grains|and|apples||carrots|| My friend, as you asked, I like wheat and apples and carrots. Мой друг, как ты и просил, я люблю пшеницу, яблоки и морковь. __[Iōsēphus cōnstat]__ ego cōnsūmō multa __[Iōsēphus cōnstat]__ Hominēs quoque mihi placent. |||I consume||||||| [Josephus cônstat] I consume a lot [Josephus cônstat] I also like people. [Josephus constat] Я много потребляю [Josephus constat] Еще мне нравятся люди. Sed muscae mē valdē vexant. |the flies||very|annoy greatly |ハエ|||うるさい But the flies bother me very much. Но мухи меня очень беспокоят.

**Iōsēphus**: At, amīce? |at friend| Josephus: But, friend?

**Lebbaeus**: Quid? |What Lebbaeus: What?

**Iōsēphus**: Muscae valdē tē vexant? |flies|very||bother you Josephus: Do the flies bother you so much? __[Lebbaeus intellegit et rīdet]__ Muscae? ||||the fly [Lebbeus understands and laughs] Flies?

**Lebbaeus**: __[rīdēns]__ Ita. Lebbaeus: [rīdēns] Yes. Muscae. of the flies Flies. Muscae. Flies. Muscae. flies Flies. Ah, lingua Latīna... |language|Latin language Ah, the Latin language...

**Iōsēphus**: Ō, pulcherrima! ||"O, most beautiful!" ||美しい Josephus: Oh, most beautiful!

**Lebbaeus**: Ita. Lebbaeus: Yes. Et amīce ego portō hominēs. |||"I carry"|people And I bear men kindly. Et hominēs mē vēnantur quia ego diū currere possum. |||hunt me down|because|I|for a long time|run|can run |||狩る|||長く|| And people worship me because I can run for a long time. И люди поклоняются мне, потому что я могу бегать долго.

**Iōsēphus**: Optimē! Josephus: Very well! Et tū quoque es intellegēns? ||also||understanding And are you also intelligible? А ты тоже внятный?

**Lebbaeus**: Ita. Lebbaeus: Yes. Ego calidus, intellegēns sum. |"I am clever."|| |熱い|| I am warm, understanding. Я теплый, понимающий. Я теплий, розуміючий. Et amīce, ego sum pulcher! ||||handsome And dear, I am beautiful!

**Iōsēphus**: Quam pulcher es tū. Josephus: How beautiful you are. Джозефус: Какая ты красивая.

**Lebbaeus**: Ita. Lebbaeus: Yes. Et augustus sum! |And I am revered!| |私は尊厳なる者です!| And I am August! А я Август! __[Iōsēphus mīrātur]__ |wonders [Joseph is amazed]

__[Amīcī rīdent]__ [Friends laugh]

**Lebbaeus**: Et magnificus! ||And magnificent! Lebbaeus: And magnificent!

**Iōsēphus**: Vērum est! |"True"| Josephus: It is true!

**Lebbaeus**: __[rīdēns]__ Ita, ita. Lebbaeus: [rīdēns] Yes, yes. Et in familiā meā ūnus volat! ||in my family|my|one person|flies |||||飛ぶ And in my family one flies! А в моей семье один летает!

**Iōsēphus**: Quis volat in familiā tuā? |||||"your" or "your family" Joseph: Who flies in your family? Джозеф: Кто летает в твоей семье?

**Lebbaeus**: Pēgasus. |Pegasus Lebbaeus: Pegasus. Леббей: Пегас.

**Iōsēphus**: Pēgasus in mȳthologiā! |||in mythology |||神話の中で Иосиф Флавий: Пегас в мифологии!

**Lebbaeus**: Nōn. Lebbaeus: No.

**Iōsēphus**: Nōn? In mȳthologiā? |mythology In mythology?

**Lebbaeus**: Est in nātūrā! Lebbaeus: It is in nature! Леббей: Это в природе!

**Iōsēphus**: __[susurrat]__ Nōn crēdō. |||I don't believe. Джозефус: [шепчет] Я не верю. Tibi nōn crēdō. I don't believe you.

**Lebbaeus**: Mihi nōn crēdis? |||"Do you believe" Lebbaeus: Do you not believe me? Леббей: Ты мне не веришь? __[exspīrat]__ Tempus fugit, amīce. [exhales] Time flies, my friend. [выдыхает] Время летит, друг мой.

**Iōsēphus**: Āh, ēheu! ||alas

__[Amīcī rīdent]__

**Lebbaeus**: Mihi tempus ad currendum. ||time||to run ||||走ること Lebbaeus: I have time to run. Леббеус: У меня есть время побежать. Леббе: Час мені бігти.

**Iōsēphus**: Audītōrēs, hodiē Lebbaeus partem equī ēgit! |||||of the horse|drove Josephus: Listen, today Lebbaeus is riding a horse! Иосиф Флавий: Слушай, сегодня Леббей едет на коне! Actor bonus erat. He was a good actor. Nōnne cōnsentītis? |Do you agree? Don't you agree? Вы не согласны? Eī multās quaestiōnēs rogāvī et Lebbaeus bene semper respondit. to him|||||||| You asked him many questions and Lebbaeus always answered well. Вы задавали ему много вопросов, и Леббей всегда хорошо отвечал. Audītōrēs, vocābulum dīvīnāvistis? Will you listen, have you seen the word dīvīnā? Послушайте, вы видели слово дивина?

**Lebbaeus**: spērō vōs rēctē dīvīnāsse! |I hope||| Lebbaeus: spērō vōs rēctē dīvīnāsse!

**Iōsēphus**: Optimē audīvistis, et ego et Lebbaeus multās grātiās vōbīs agimus! |very well|||||||||we give thanks Josephus: You have heard very well, and I and Lebbaeus are very grateful to you!

**Lebbaeus**: Certē, grātiās plūrimās, audītōrēs! |||very many| Lebbaeus: Certainly, many thanks, audience!

**Iōsēphus**: Ācroāma nostrum fīnītum est. |our song||our end| Josephus: Our Ācroāma is finished. Valēte! Goodbye!

**Lebbaeus**: In proximum! Lebbaeo|| Lebbaeus: To the next! Леббе: До наступного!

__[Mūsica cantat]__ |sings [sings music]