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Liber Psalmorum, Psalmi 91-120, Psalmus 112

Psalmus 112

1 Alleluja. Laudate, pueri, Dominum ; laudate nomen Domini. 2 Sit nomen Domini benedictum ex hoc nunc et usque in sæculum. 3 A solis ortu usque ad occasum laudabile nomen Domini. 4 Excelsus super omnes gentes Dominus, et super cælos gloria ejus. 5 Quis sicut Dominus Deus noster, qui in altis habitat, 6 et humilia respicit in cælo et in terra ? 7 Suscitans a terra inopem, et de stercore erigens pauperem : 8 ut collocet eum cum principibus, cum principibus populi sui. 9 Qui habitare facit sterilem in domo, matrem filiorum lætantem.

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Psalmus 112 Psalm 112 Salmo 112

1 Alleluja. Laudate, pueri, Dominum ; laudate nomen Domini. Praise the Lord, children; praise the name of the Lord 2 Sit nomen Domini benedictum ex hoc nunc et usque in sæculum. 2 May the name of the Lord be blessed from now on and forever. 3 A solis ortu usque ad occasum laudabile nomen Domini. |||||setting|to be praised|| |do sol|do oriente|||pôr do sol|louvável|| 3 From the rising of the sun to the setting of the sun, the name of the Lord is to be praised. 4 Excelsus super omnes gentes Dominus, et super cælos gloria ejus. Most High||||||||| Altíssimo|||||||céus|| 4 The Lord is exalted above all nations, and his glory above the heavens. 5 Quis sicut Dominus Deus noster, qui in altis habitat, 6 et humilia respicit in cælo et in terra ? ||||||||||the humble|||||| |||||||altos||||||||| 5 Who is like the Lord our God, who dwells on high, 6 and regards the lowly things in heaven and on earth? 7 Suscitans a terra inopem, et de stercore erigens pauperem : 8 ut collocet eum cum principibus, cum principibus populi sui. lifting up||||||the dung|lifting up|||he may place||||||| 7 Raising up the needy from the earth, and raising the poor from the dung: 8 that he may place him with the princes, with the princes of his people. 9 Qui habitare facit sterilem in domo, matrem filiorum lætantem. |||barren|||||rejoicing 9 Who makes the barren dwell in the house, a mother of children rejoicing.