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Liber Psalmorum, Psalmi 91-120, Psalmus 118-Aleph

Psalmus 118-Aleph

1 Alleluja. Aleph. Beati immaculati in via, qui ambulant in lege Domini. 2 Beati qui scrutantur testimonia ejus ; in toto corde exquirunt eum. 3 Non enim qui operantur iniquitatem in viis ejus ambulaverunt. 4 Tu mandasti mandata tua custodiri nimis. 5 Utinam dirigantur viæ meæ ad custodiendas justificationes tuas. 6 Tunc non confundar, cum perspexero in omnibus mandatis tuis. 7 Confitebor tibi in directione cordis, in eo quod didici judicia justitiæ tuæ. 8 Justificationes tuas custodiam ; non me derelinquas usquequaque.

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Psalmus 118-Aleph |Aleph

1 Alleluja. Aleph. Beati immaculati in via, qui ambulant in lege Domini. |blessed are the||||||| Blessed are the undefiled in the way, who walk in the law of the Lord. 2 Beati qui scrutantur testimonia ejus ; in toto corde exquirunt eum. ||search||||||seek him| 2 Blessed are those who scrutinize his testimonies; they seek him with all their hearts. 3 Non enim qui operantur iniquitatem in viis ejus ambulaverunt. ||||||||they walked 3 For those who work iniquity have not walked in his ways. 4 Tu mandasti mandata tua custodiri nimis. ||||to be kept| 4 You have commanded that your commandments be kept too. 5 Utinam dirigantur viæ meæ ad custodiendas justificationes tuas. I wish|may they be directed||||to keep|| 5 May my ways be directed to keep your justifications. 6 Tunc non confundar, cum perspexero in omnibus mandatis tuis. ||||I have perceived|||| 6 Then shall I not be confounded, when I have seen in all thy commandments. 7 Confitebor tibi in directione cordis, in eo quod didici judicia justitiæ tuæ. |||direction|||||I have learned||| 7 I will confess to you in the direction of my heart, in that I have learned the judgments of your justice. 8 Justificationes tuas custodiam ; non me derelinquas usquequaque. ||||||to the end 8 I will keep your justifications; do not leave me forever.