2015 年 6 月 12 日
Turcia et Unio Europaea
Turkey||Union|European Union
15.12.2006, klo 12.46
Die Lunae civitatibus Unionis Europaeae placuit, ut aliquot consultationes de Turcia in unionem asciscenda in posterius differrentur.
the|"of Monday"|"to the states"|||"it was decided"|that|several|deliberations||Turkey|||to be admitted||"to a later"|be postponed
On Monday, the states of the European Union decided to postpone some consultations on Turkey's accession to the union.
Hoc decretum ideo factum est, quod Turci dicto Unionis Europaeae non audientes recusaverant, quominus naves ex Cypro venientes portubus suis reciperent.
|decree|for this reason|||because|the Turks|"of the EU"||||"not listening to"|"had refused"|"from"|ships||from Cyprus|coming from Cyprus|their ports|their|"receive" or "accept"
This decision was made because the Turks had refused to listen to the statement of the European Union, preventing them from receiving ships coming from Cyprus at their ports.
Deliberationes, quae de societate Turciae habentur, in triginta quinque capita ad varios aspectus politicos pertinentia digestae sunt, e quibus adhuc nonnisi unum ad finem adductum est.
Deliberations|which||society|of Turkey|are held||thirty|thirty-five|chapters||various|aspects|||are arranged|||||only||||brought|
The deliberations which have been held concerning the Turkish society have been divided into thirty-five chapters relating to various political aspects, of which only one has yet been brought to an end.
(Reijo Pitkäranta)
Fuglesang astronauta Suetus
15.12.2006, klo 12.45
Scandinavi iam suum proprium astronautam habent, cum Christer Fuglesang Suetus et Robertus Curbeam Americanus naviculae spatiali Discovery insidentes in spatium cosmicum emissi sunt.
The Scandinavians now have their own astronaut, since Christer Fuglesang of Sweden and Robert Curbeam of America were launched into outer space aboard the spaceship Discovery.
Nec Fuglesang tantum ipsi volatui interfuit, sed etiam ambulationem spatialem altero astronauta comite feliciter suscepit missile suum cum statione cosmica copulando et eidem alam quandam applicando.
||||it was flying|it was of benefit|||||||||he undertook|missile|||||docking|||wing||
Not only did Fuglesang take part in the flight itself, but he also successfully undertook a spacewalk with another astronaut by coupling his rocket to the space station and applying a certain wing to it.
(Reijo Pitkäranta)
Multi mafiosi in Italia capti
Many mafiosos were captured in Italy
15.12.2006, klo 12.45
Custodes publici Italiae, dum duos impetus in criminalitatem ordinatam faciunt, amplius centum homines comprehenderunt.
|||while|||||||more than|||
Italian police have arrested more than 100 people in two raids on organized crime.
In Italia septentrionali et in Calabria, regione meridiana, triginta quattuor mafiosi capti sunt, cum non abesset suspicio, quin mercaturas armorum et drogarum exercerent et cum grege criminali nomine ?Ndrangheta?
||northern|||||||||||||was absent|||trade||||they were conducting||||||
In northern Italy and Calabria, the southern region, thirty-four mafiosos were arrested on suspicion of dealing in arms and drugs and with a criminal group called the ?Ndrangheta?
they would conspire
they would conspire
Inter alteram incursionem aedilibus Neapolitanis contigit, ut octoginta coniuratos de commercio drogarum suspectos in diversis partibus Italiae deprehenderent.
During another raid, it happened to the Neapolitan police to arrest eighty suspected drug-trafficking conspirators in different parts of Italy.
(Reijo Pitkäranta)
De condicione fluminis Rheni
On the condition of the river Rhine
15.12.2006, klo 12.44
Commissio internationalis fluminis Rheni protegendi aquam Rheni iam esse bonae qualitatis confirmat.
||||of protecting|||||||
The International Commission for the Protection of the Rhine River confirms that the water of the Rhine is already of good quality.
Abhinc enim viginti annos incendium in quadam fabrica chemica Helvetica effecit, ut viginti tonnae materiae venenosae in Rhenum effugerent et pisces per spatium multorum centenorum chiliometrorum morerentur.
ago|||||||||||||||of poisonous|||escaped||fish||||||they would die
Twenty years ago, a fire in a Swiss chemical factory caused twenty tons of poisonous material to escape into the Rhine and kill fish over a distance of many hundreds of kilometers.
Existimantur sexaginta miliarda euronum ad flumen restituendum adhibita esse.
It is estimated that sixty billion euros have been used to restore the river.
(Tom Bergman)
Sepulcrum S. Pauli inventum
The tomb of St. Paul was found
15.12.2006, klo 12.44
Archaeologi se reliquias Sancti apostoli Pauli in crypta cuiusdam ecclesiae Romanae invenisse credunt.
|||||||||||to have found|they believe
Archaeologists believe they have found the remains of Saint Paul the Apostle in the crypt of a Roman church.
Sarcophagus, in quo ossa eius condita esse existimantur, repertus est, postquam investigatores duas magnas tabulas marmoreas de altaribus sustulerunt.
||||||||he was found||||||||||they lifted
The sarcophagus, in which his bones are thought to have been buried, was discovered after researchers removed two large marble tablets from the altars.
Postea locus repertionis cancellis circumdatus est, per quos latus sarcophagi marmorei conspici potest.
||of the resting place|bars|surrounded|||||||is visible|
Later, the place of discovery was surrounded by railings, through which the side of the marble sarcophagus can be seen.
Traditum est Sanctum apostolum Paulum anno sexagesimo quinto Romae martyrium subisse.
It is said that the Holy Apostle Paul was martyred in Rome in the sixty-fifth year.
(Reijo Pitkäranta)
Sollemnitas Sanctae Luciae
The feast of Saint Lucia
15.12.2006, klo 12.43
Die Mercurii sive Idibus Decembribus (13.12.)
On Wednesday or December (13.12.)
in urbe Helsinki more translaticio festum Sanctae Luciae celebratum est.
in the city of Helsinki the feast of St. Lucia was celebrated in the traditional manner.
Proprium huius sollemnitatis est lucem tenebris afferre, quam ob rem quotannis aliqua virgo eligi solet, quae corona candelarum ornata et curru per mediam urbem vecta diem brumalem illuminet.
The property||of the solemnity||||to bring|||||||to be chosen||||of candles|||||||driven||winter|
The peculiarity of this festival is to bring light to the darkness, which is why every year a virgin is usually chosen, who, decorated with a wreath of candles and driven in a chariot through the center of the city, will light up the winter day.