2009 年 7 月 2 日
De inundationibus Indonesiae
About|floods|of Indonesia
On the floods of Indonesia
09.02.2007, klo 11.10
09.02.2007, at 11:10 AM
Aquae diluviales, quae Iacartam, urbem principem Indonesiae his diebus obruerunt, die Martis (6.2.)
The waters|flood|which|Jakarta|city|capital|of Indonesia|these|days|overwhelmed|on the day|of Tuesday
The floodwaters that have overwhelmed Jakarta, the capital city of Indonesia, in recent days, began to gradually recede on Tuesday (6.2.).
paulatim descendere coeperunt.
gradually|to descend|they began
Quae quamvis ita essent, etiamtum superficies aquarum tribus fere metris supra limitem inundationis, qui dicitur, usque manebat.
Which|although|thus|were|still|surface|of the waters|three|almost|meters|above|limit|of the flood|which|is called|until|remained
Although these things were so, the surface of the waters remained nearly three meters above the flood limit, which is said to be.
Imbribus et inundationibus Indonesiam affligentibus saltem quadraginta quattuor homines necati sunt et quadraginta fere milia civium propter morbos cutaneos et ventrales a medicis curantur.
rains|and|floods|Indonesia|afflicting|at least|forty|four|people|killed|are|and|forty|nearly|thousand|citizens|due to|diseases|skin|and|intestinal|by|doctors|are treated
With rains and floods afflicting Indonesia, at least forty-four people have been killed and nearly forty thousand citizens are being treated by doctors for skin and stomach diseases.
Ordines circumiectales non dubitant, quin, nisi Indonesia tot silvicidiis vastata esset, fieri non potuerit, ut tanta clades naturae accideret.
Orders|surrounding|not|doubt|that|unless|Indonesia|so many|deforestations|devastated|were|happen|not|could|that|such a great|disaster|of nature|would occur
Surrounding communities do not doubt that, unless Indonesia had been devastated by so many deforestations, such a natural disaster could not have occurred.
(Reijo Pitkäranta)
(Reijo Pitkäranta)
Quid Vladimir Putin dixerit
What Vladimir Putin said
09.02.2007, klo 11.09
09.02.2007, at 11:09
Vladimir Putin, praesidens Russiae, interrogatus, quid de Finnia ad confoederationem Nato adiungenda sentiret, negavit se credere securitatem orbis terrarum meliorem redditum iri, si Finni ad illam societatem accessissent.
Vladimir|Putin|president|of Russia|having been asked|what|about|Finland|to|confederation|NATO|joining|would feel|he denied|himself|to believe|security|of the world|of the earth|better|made|to be|if|Finns|to|that|society|had joined
Vladimir Putin, President of Russia, when asked what he thought about Finland joining the NATO alliance, denied believing that the security of the world would be improved if the Finns joined that organization.
"Multo praestat", inquit, "viribus unitis adversus varios terrores internationales super omnium cervice pendentes pugnare quam structuras militares iuxta confinium Russiae admovere.
By much|prevails|he says|forces|united|against|various|threats|international|over|all|neck|hanging|to fight|than|structures|military|near|border|of Russia|to move
"It is much better," he said, "to fight with united forces against various international threats hanging over everyone than to move military structures close to the border of Russia.
Talia consilia ad relationes Finniae et Russiae corroborandas nihil conferunt."
Such|plans|for|relations|of Finland|and|of Russia|strengthening|nothing|contribute
Such plans do nothing to strengthen the relations between Finland and Russia."
(Reijo Pitkäranta)
(Reijo Pitkäranta)
Tumultus pedifollicus Italiae
Tumult|football|of Italy
Football turmoil in Italy
09.02.2007, klo 11.08
February 9, 2007, at 11:08 AM
Societas pedifollica Italiae interdixit, ne hac septimana in Italia ulla certamina pedifollica aut ad series nationales aut ad ludos internationales pertinentia ponerentur.
The Association|football|of Italy|prohibited|that not|this|week|in|Italy|any|competitions|football|or|to|league|national|or|to|matches||relevant|were held
The Italian Football Federation has banned any football matches in Italy this week, whether related to national leagues or international games.
In causa huius decreti est tumultus violentissimus in Sicilia nuper factus: in stadio enim Catinensi, dum grex Panhormitanus cum manu Catinensium de victoria certat, res subito in tantam perturbationem erupit, ut quidam custos publicus interficeretur et complures spectatores in nosocomium propter laesiones graves deportarentur.
In|cause|of this|decree|is|tumult|very violent|in|Sicily|recently|made|in|stadium|for|of Catania|while|team|of Panormus|with|hand|of Catania|about|victory|competes|the situation|suddenly|into|such great|disturbance|erupted|so that|a certain|guard|public|was killed|and|many|spectators|to|hospital|because of|injuries|serious|were carried away
The reason for this decision is a very violent riot that recently occurred in Sicily: at the Catania stadium, while the Palermo team was competing for victory against the Catania team, the situation suddenly erupted into such chaos that a public security officer was killed and several spectators were taken to the hospital due to serious injuries.
(Reijo Pitkäranta)
(Reijo Pitkäranta)
Nomina Suetis gratissima
Names|to the Swedes|most pleasing
Names most beloved by the Swedes
09.02.2007, klo 11.08
09.02.2007, at 11:08
Nomina Lucas et Emma anno proxime praeterito maxima gratia apud populum Sueticum valebant.
The names|Lucas|and|Emma|in the year|next|past|greatest|favor|among|people|Swedish|were strong
The names Lucas and Emma were most popular among the Swedish people in the year just past.
Tum enim nongentae nonaginta una puellae recens natae in baptismate Emma nominatae sunt, cum numerus puerorum nomen Lucas habentium mille centum septem esset.
Then|for|nine hundred|ninety|one|girls|recently|born|in|baptism|Emma|named|were|when|number|of boys|name|Lucas|having|one thousand|one hundred|seven|was
For then, ninety-one girls recently born were named Emma at baptism, while the number of boys bearing the name Lucas was one thousand one hundred seven.
Aliquot nomina, quae annis saeculi proximi quadragesimis et quinquagesimis civibus Suetis acceptissima erant, auram popularem iam amisisse videntur.
Several|names|which|years|of the century|of the next|fortieth|and|fiftieth|citizens|Swedish|most accepted|were|atmosphere|popular|already|to have lost|seem
Some names, which were most accepted by Swedish citizens in the forties and fifties of the last century, now seem to have lost their popular appeal.
In numero eorum sunt Kjell, Irene, Gunilla.
In|number|of them|are|Kjell|Irene|Gunilla
Among them are Kjell, Irene, Gunilla.
(Tom Bergman)
(Tom Bergman)
De frigore hiemali in Finnia
About the winter cold in Finland
09.02.2007, klo 11.07
09.02.2007, at 11:07
Inde a primis diebus mensis Februarii Finnia tantis frigoribus hiemalibus vexatur, ut temperatura non solum in Lapponia, sed etiam in regionibus mediae Finniae ad quadraginta fere gradus infra zerum descenderit.
From there|from|first|days|month|of February|Finland|such great|cold|winter|is afflicted|so that|temperature|not|only|in|Lapland|but|also|in|regions|central|of Finland|to|forty|nearly|degrees|below|zero|has fallen
Since the early days of February, Finland has been afflicted by such severe winter cold that the temperature has dropped to nearly forty degrees below zero, not only in Lapland but also in the central regions of Finland.
Quantam vim hoc tempus gelidissimum ad vitam cotidianam habuerit, vel inde apparet, quod consumptio electricitatis ad summum fastigium evecta est.
how much|force|this|time|coldest|to|life|daily|has had|or|from there|it is evident|that|consumption|electricity|to|highest|peak|carried|is
The extent to which this extremely cold weather has affected daily life is evident from the fact that electricity consumption has reached an all-time high.
Praeterea commeatus publicus claudicavit, cum nonnumquam accidit, ut tramina propter vitia technica ex gelu exorta ad metam hora constituta non pervenirent.
Furthermore|transport|public|faltered|when|sometimes|it happened|that|trains|due to|faults|technical||frost|arising|at|destination|hour|scheduled|not|arrived
Furthermore, public transport has faltered, as it sometimes happened that trains did not arrive at their scheduled destination due to technical faults caused by the frost.
(Reijo Pitkäranta)
(Reijo Pitkäranta)
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