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The Book of Judith, The Book of Judith, Chapter 2

The Book of Judith, Chapter 2

1 Anno tertiodecimo Nabuchodonosor regis, vigesima et secunda die mensis primi, factum est verbum in domo Nabuchodonosor regis Assyriorum ut defenderet se.2 Vocavitque omnes majores natu, omnesque duces et bellatores suos, et habuit cum eis mysterium consilii sui :3 dixitque cogitationem suam in eo esse, ut omnem terram suo subjugaret imperio.4 Quod dictum cum placuisset omnibus, vocavit Nabuchodonosor rex Holofernem principem militiæ suæ,5 et dixit ei : Egredere adversus omne regnum occidentis, et contra eos præcipue, qui contempserunt imperium meum.6 Non parcet oculus tuus ulli regno, omnemque urbem munitam subjugabis mihi.7 Tunc Holofernes vocavit duces et magistratus virtutis Assyriorum, et dinumeravit viros in expeditionem sicut præcepit ei rex, centum viginti millia peditum pugnatorum, et equitum sagittariorum duodecim millia.8 Omnemque expeditionem suam fecit præire in multitudine innumerabilium camelorum, cum his quæ exercitibus sufficerent copiose, boum quoque armenta, gregesque ovium, quorum non erat numerus.9 Frumentum ex omni Syria in transitu suo parari constituit.10 Aurum vero et argentum de domo regis assumpsit multum nimis.11 Et profectus est ipse, et omnis exercitus cum quadrigis, et equitibus, et sagittariis : qui cooperuerunt faciem terræ sicut locustæ.12 Cumque pertransisset fines Assyriorum, venit ad magnos montes Ange, qui sunt a sinistro Ciliciæ : ascenditque omnia castella eorum, et obtinuit omnem munitionem.13 Effregit autem civitatem opinatissimam Melothi, prædavitque omnes filios Tharsis et filios Ismaël qui erant contra faciem deserti, et ad austrum terræ Cellon.14 Et transivit Euphraten, et venit in Mesopotamiam : et fregit omnes civitates excelsas quæ erant ibi, a torrente Mambre usquequo perveniatur ad mare :15 et occupavit terminos ejus, a Cilicia usque ad fines Japheth qui sunt ad austrum.16 Abduxitque omnes filios Madian, et prædavit omnem locupletationem eorum, omnesque resistentes sibi occidit in ore gladii.17 Et post hæc descendit in campos Damasci in diebus messis, et succendit omnia sata, omnesque arbores, et vineas fecit incidi :18 et cecidit timor illius super omnes inhabitantes terram.

The Book of Judith, Chapter 2 Das Buch Judith, Kapitel 2 The Book of Judith Chapter 2 Il libro di Giuditta, capitolo 2 Księga Judyty, rozdział 2 O Livro de Judith, Capítulo 2

1 Anno tertiodecimo Nabuchodonosor regis, vigesima et secunda die mensis primi, factum est verbum in domo Nabuchodonosor regis Assyriorum ut defenderet se.2 Vocavitque omnes majores natu, omnesque duces et bellatores suos, et habuit cum eis mysterium consilii sui :3 dixitque cogitationem suam in eo esse, ut omnem terram suo subjugaret imperio.4 Quod dictum cum placuisset omnibus, vocavit Nabuchodonosor rex Holofernem principem militiæ suæ,5 et dixit ei : Egredere adversus omne regnum occidentis, et contra eos præcipue, qui contempserunt imperium meum.6 Non parcet oculus tuus ulli regno, omnemque urbem munitam subjugabis mihi.7 Tunc Holofernes vocavit duces et magistratus virtutis Assyriorum, et dinumeravit viros in expeditionem sicut præcepit ei rex, centum viginti millia peditum pugnatorum, et equitum sagittariorum duodecim millia.8 Omnemque expeditionem suam fecit præire in multitudine innumerabilium camelorum, cum his quæ exercitibus sufficerent copiose, boum quoque armenta, gregesque ovium, quorum non erat numerus.9 Frumentum ex omni Syria in transitu suo parari constituit.10 Aurum vero et argentum de domo regis assumpsit multum nimis.11 Et profectus est ipse, et omnis exercitus cum quadrigis, et equitibus, et sagittariis : qui cooperuerunt faciem terræ sicut locustæ.12 Cumque pertransisset fines Assyriorum, venit ad magnos montes Ange, qui sunt a sinistro Ciliciæ : ascenditque omnia castella eorum, et obtinuit omnem munitionem.13 Effregit autem civitatem opinatissimam Melothi, prædavitque omnes filios Tharsis et filios Ismaël qui erant contra faciem deserti, et ad austrum terræ Cellon.14 Et transivit Euphraten, et venit in Mesopotamiam : et fregit omnes civitates excelsas quæ erant ibi, a torrente Mambre usquequo perveniatur ad mare :15 et occupavit terminos ejus, a Cilicia usque ad fines Japheth qui sunt ad austrum.16 Abduxitque omnes filios Madian, et prædavit omnem locupletationem eorum, omnesque resistentes sibi occidit in ore gladii.17 Et post hæc descendit in campos Damasci in diebus messis, et succendit omnia sata, omnesque arbores, et vineas fecit incidi :18 et cecidit timor illius super omnes inhabitantes terram. |"thirteenth year"|||Twentieth||||"month"||"it happened"||The word "verbum" in this context translates to "a message."||house of Nabuchadnezzar|||||||"and he called"||"elders"|"elders"||||"warriors"||"and"|"had"|"with"|||"of his counsel"||"and he said"|His intention|"His own"|||||"all"||"His own"|"to subjugate"|||||"had pleased"|"to all"||||Holofernes|||||||||||"of the west"||||||"despised"||||"will not spare"|||"any kingdom"||||"fortified city"|"you will subjugate"||"Then"|Holofernes: military commander||Leaders||||||"Counted"|"men"||Military campaign||"commanded"|"to him"|King||||"of foot soldiers"|"of the fighters"||"of the cavalry"|"of archers"|||||||"to precede"|||"innumerable multitude"|||||"armies"|"sufficerent" - "would suffice"|"Abundantly"|"herds of oxen"||"herds of cattle"|"and flocks"||||||"Grain"|||all of Syria||"in his journey"||"to be prepared"||Gold|||||||||||"set out"|||||||"with chariots"||"horsemen"||"archers"||"covered"||"of the land"||"like locusts"|"And when"|"had passed through"|"borders" or "territories"||||"great"||"of Ange"||||"to the left"|Cilicia's|"and he ascended"|"all things"|fortified places|"their"||||"fortified place"|"Effregit" translates to "He broke into" in English.|||The Latin word "opinatissimam" in the given context translates to "most renowned" in English.|Melothi: Melothi city|"and plundered"|||Tharsis: the Tarsians||||||||"of the desert"|||To the south||Cellon: Kellan's land||"he crossed"|||||"to Mesopotamia"||"broke" or "destroyed"|||"high cities"|The Latin word "quæ" in this context translates to "which."|"were"|"there"|||Mambre torrent.|"until"|||||"occupied"||||||||Japheth's southern borders|||||"And he led away"||"sons" or "children"|The Midianites||"plundered"|"all"|"their wealth"|||"resisting him"|||||"by the sword"|||"these things"|||"fields"|of Damascus|||"in the days of harvest"||"Set on fire"||The word "sata" in this context translates to "crops."||trees||Vineyards|"he made"|"to be cut down"||"Fell" or "collapsed"|"fear of him"||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||усю||||||||зневажили|імперії|моє||не пощадить|око не пощадить|твій|жодному царству|царство|всю|місто|укріплене місто|підкориш мені|мені||Олоферн||||магістрати влади Ассирії|сили|||порахував|чоловіків||експедицію|як наказав йому|наказав||||двадцять|тисячі|піхотинців|піхотинців-воїнів||кінноти лучників|лучників|дванадцять тисяч||||||випереджати||множинністю|незліченної кількості|верблюдів||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 1 In the thirteenth year of king Nebuchadnezzar, on the twenty-second day of the first month, word came to Nebuchadnezzar's house to defend himself. that he was to bring under the dominion of all his country.4 When this statement pleased all, king Nebuchadnezzar called Holofernes, the commander of his army, you shall subjugate to me any kingdom, and every fortified city.7 Then Holofernes summoned the leaders and officers of the army of the Assyrians, and mustered out of the army, as the king commanded him, a hundred and twenty thousand fighting men on foot, and twelve thousand archers, horsemen. innumerable camels, with those things which were sufficient for the armies in abundance, and herds of oxen, and herds and of the sheep, of which there was no number.9 He determined that corn should be prepared from all Syria during his passage.10 He took in great abundance the gold and silver from the king's house. they covered the face of the earth like locusts.12 And when he had passed through the borders of the Assyrians, he came to the great mountains of Ange, which are on the left of Cilicia: and went up all their castles, and conquered all the fortifications. over against the face of the desert, and to the south of the land of Cellon.14 And he passed over the Euphrates and came into Mesopotamia, and broke all the high cities that were there, from the torrent of Mamre, until one come to the sea. They are to the south.16 And he carried away all the sons of Midian, and stripped them of all their riches, and slew all that resisted him with the edge of the sword. t In the days of the harvest he burned all the fields of Damascus, and caused all the trees and the vineyards to be cut in pieces:18 and his fear fell upon all the inhabitants of the earth. 1 В тринадцатый год царя Навуходоносора, в двадцать второй день первого месяца, было слово в доме Навуходоносора, царя Ассирийского, чтобы он защищался, чтобы подчинить себе всю землю под своей властью. 4 Когда это было сказано ко всеобщему удовлетворению, царь Навуходоносор призвал Олоферна вождя своего войска 5 и сказал ему: выступите против всех царств западных, и особенно против тех, которые презирали мое правление. 6 Глаз твой не пощадит ни в одном царстве, и ты подчинишь мне каждый укрепленный город. 7 Тогда Олоферн созвал вождей и судей ассирийских доблестей и исчислил людей для похода, как приказал ему царь, одного человека. сто двадцать тысяч пеших воинов и двенадцать тысяч конных лучников, бесчисленное множество верблюдов, со всем, что было достаточно для войска, а также стада волов и отары овец, которым не было числа, 9 И решил он заготовить зерно. всю Сирию в своем переходе. 10 И взял он много золота и серебра из царского дома, и все войско с колесницами, и всадниками, и лучниками, которые покрыли все лицо земли, как саранча, и самых важных. город Мелофи, и разграбил всех сыновей Фарсиса и сыновей Измаила, которые были против пустыни и к востоку от земли Целлон, 15 и занял пределы ее, от Киликии до пределов Иафета, 16 И унес он всех сынов Мадиамских, и разграбил все имущество их, и всех сопротивлявшихся ему убил острием меча, и поджег все посевы и все деревья. и вырубил виноградники: 18 и страх перед ним напал на всех жителей земли.