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Evangelium secundum Ioannem, Caput 07

Caput 07

1 Post hæc autem ambulabat Jesus in Galilæam : non enim volebat in Judæam ambulare, quia quærebant eum Judæi interficere.

2 Erat autem in proximo dies festus Judæorum, Scenopegia. 3 Dixerunt autem ad eum fratres ejus : Transi hinc, et vade in Judæam, ut et discipuli tui videant opera tua, quæ facis. 4 Nemo quippe in occulto quid facit, et quærit ipse in palam esse : si hæc facis, manifesta teipsum mundo. 5 Neque enim fratres ejus credebant in eum. 6 Dicit ergo eis Jesus : Tempus meum nondum advenit : tempus autem vestrum semper est paratum. 7 Non potest mundus odisse vos : me autem odit, quia ego testimonium perhibeo de illo quod opera ejus mala sunt. 8 Vos ascendite ad diem festum hunc, ego autem non ascendo ad diem festum istum : quia meum tempus nondum impletum est. 9 Hæc cum dixisset, ipse mansit in Galilæa.

10 Ut autem ascenderunt fratres ejus, tunc et ipse ascendit ad diem festum non manifeste, sed quasi in occulto. 11 Judæi ergo quærebant eum in die festo, et dicebant : Ubi est ille ? 12 Et murmur multus de eo erat in turba. Quidam enim dicebant : Quia bonus est. Alii autem dicebant : Non, sed seducit turbas. 13 Nemo tamen palam loquebatur de illo propter metum Judæorum.

14 Jam autem die festo mediante, ascendit Jesus in templum, et docebat. 15 Et mirabantur Judæi, dicentes : Quomodo hic litteras scit, cum non didicerit ? 16 Respondit eis Jesus, et dixit : Mea doctrina non est mea, sed ejus qui misit me. 17 Si quis voluerit voluntatem ejus facere, cognoscet de doctrina, utrum ex Deo sit, an ego a meipso loquar. 18 Qui a semetipso loquitur, gloriam propriam quærit ; qui autem quærit gloriam ejus qui misit eum, hic verax est, et injustitia in illo non est. 19 Nonne Moyses dedit vobis legem : et nemo ex vobis facit legem ? 20 Quid me quæritis interficere ? Respondit turba, et dixit : Dæmonium habes : quis te quærit interficere ? 21 Respondit Jesus et dixit eis : Unum opus feci, et omnes miramini : 22 propterea Moyses dedit vobis circumcisionem (non quia ex Moyse est, sed ex patribus), et in sabbato circumciditis hominem. 23 Si circumcisionem accipit homo in sabbato, ut non solvatur lex Moysi : mihi indignamini quia totum hominem sanum feci in sabbato ? 24 Nolite judicare secundum faciem, sed justum judicium judicate.

25 Dicebant ergo quidam ex Jerosolymis : Nonne hic est, quem quærunt interficere ? 26 et ecce palam loquitur, et nihil ei dicunt. Numquid vere cognoverunt principes quia hic est Christus ? 27 Sed hunc scimus unde sit : Christus autem cum venerit, nemo scit unde sit. 28 Clamabat ergo Jesus in templo docens, et dicens : Et me scitis, et unde sim scitis : et a meipso non veni, sed est verus qui misit me, quem vos nescitis. 29 Ego scio eum : quia ab ipso sum, et ipse me misit. 30 Quærebant ergo eum apprehendere : et nemo misit in illum manus, quia nondum venerat hora ejus. 31 De turba autem multi crediderunt in eum, et dicebant : Christus cum venerit, numquid plura signa faciet quam quæ hic facit ? 32 Audierunt pharisæi turbam murmurantem de illo hæc : et miserunt principes et pharisæi ministros ut apprehenderent eum. 33 Dixit ergo eis Jesus : Adhuc modicum tempus vobiscum sum : et vado ad eum qui me misit. 34 Quæretis me, et non invenietis : et ubi ego sum, vos non potestis venire. 35 Dixerunt ergo Judæi ad semetipsos : Quo hic iturus est, quia non inveniemus eum ? numquid in dispersionem gentium iturus est, et docturus gentes ? 36 quis est hic sermo, quem dixit : Quæretis me, et non invenietis : et ubi sum ego, vos non potestis venire ?

37 In novissimo autem die magno festivitatis stabat Jesus, et clamabat dicens : Si quis sitit, veniat ad me et bibat. 38 Qui credit in me, sicut dicit Scriptura, flumina de ventre ejus fluent aquæ vivæ. 39 Hoc autem dixit de Spiritu, quem accepturi erant credentes in eum : nondum enim erat Spiritus datus, quia Jesus nondum erat glorificatus.

40 Ex illa ergo turba cum audissent hos sermones ejus, dicebant : Hic est vere propheta.41 Alii dicebant : Hic est Christus. Quidam autem dicebant : Numquid a Galilæa venit Christus ?42 nonne Scriptura dicit : Quia ex semine David, et de Bethlehem castello, ubi erat David, venit Christus ?43 Dissensio itaque facta est in turba propter eum.44 Quidam autem ex ipsis volebant apprehendere eum : sed nemo misit super eum manus.45 Venerunt ergo ministri ad pontifices et pharisæos. Et dixerunt eis illi : Quare non adduxistis illum ?46 Responderunt ministri : Numquam sic locutus est homo, sicut hic homo.47 Responderunt ergo eis pharisæi : Numquid et vos seducti estis ?48 numquid ex principibus aliquis credidit in eum, aut ex pharisæis ?49 sed turba hæc, quæ non novit legem, maledicti sunt.50 Dixit Nicodemus ad eos, ille qui venit ad eum nocte, qui unus erat ex ipsis :51 Numquid lex nostra judicat hominem, nisi prius audierit ab ipso, et cognoverit quid faciat ?52 Responderunt, et dixerunt ei : Numquid et tu Galilæus es ? scrutare Scripturas, et vide quia a Galilæa propheta non surgit.53 Et reversi sunt unusquisque in domum suam.

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Caput 07 Kapitel 07 Chapter 07 Capítulo 07 Розділ 07

1 Post hæc autem ambulabat Jesus in Galilæam : non enim volebat in Judæam ambulare, quia quærebant eum Judæi interficere. |||||||"not"||"he wanted"|||||||| |||||||||queria|||||procuravam matar||| 1 And after these things Jesus walked into Galilee: for he would not walk into Judea, because the Jews sought to kill him. 1 И после сего вошел Иисус в Галилею, ибо не хотел Он идти в Иудею, потому что Иудеи искали убить Его.

2 Erat autem in proximo dies festus Judæorum, Scenopegia. |||||||Feast of Tabernacles |||||||Festa das Tendas 2 But the Jewish feast of Tabernacles was near. 2 На следующий день был праздник Иудейский Сценопегия. 3 Dixerunt autem ad eum fratres ejus : Transi hinc, et vade in Judæam, ut et discipuli tui videant opera tua, quæ facis. ||||||"Depart" or "Go away"|||||||||||||| ||||||Vá daqui|daqui|||||||||vejam|||| 3 And his brothers said to him: Pass over from here and go into Judea, so that your disciples also may see your works that you are doing. 3 И сказали ему братья его: выйди отсюда и иди в Иудею, чтобы и ученики твои увидели дела твои, которые ты делаешь. 4 Nemo quippe in occulto quid facit, et quærit ipse in palam esse : si hæc facis, manifesta teipsum mundo. |"indeed" or "for indeed"||in secret|||||||"in public"|||||"reveal yourself"|yourself| |pois que||||||procura estar visível|||em público||||||a si mesmo| 4 No one works in secret if he wants to be known publicly. If you do these things, manifest yourself to the world. 4 Ибо никто ничего не делает тайно и не стремится быть явно: если делаете это, покажитесь миру. 5 Neque enim fratres ejus credebant in eum. ||||"believed in"|| 5 For his brothers did not believe in him. 5 Ибо братья его не верили в него. 6 Dicit ergo eis Jesus : Tempus meum nondum advenit : tempus autem vestrum semper est paratum. |||||||"has come"||||||ready |||||||||||||sempre está pronto 6 Jesus therefore said to them: My time has not yet come: but your time is always ready. 6 Иисус сказал им: Мое время еще не пришло, а для вас всегда время. 7 Non potest mundus odisse vos : me autem odit, quia ego testimonium perhibeo de illo quod opera ejus mala sunt. |||"to hate"||||||||bear witness to||||||| |||odiar vocês||||||||||||||| 7 The world cannot hate you: but it hates me, because I bear witness of him that his works are evil. 7 Вас мир не может ненавидеть, а меня ненавидит, потому что я свидетельствую о нем, что дела его злы. 8 Vos ascendite ad diem festum hunc, ego autem non ascendo ad diem festum istum : quia meum tempus nondum impletum est. |"go up"|||feast|"this"|"I"|||"I am not going"|||||||||fulfilled| 8 You go up to this festival, but I do not go up to that festival because my time is not yet fulfilled. 8 Вы приходите на этот праздник, а Я не прихожу на тот праздник, потому что Мое время еще не истекло. 9 Hæc cum dixisset, ipse mansit in Galilæa. "These things"||he had said||||Galilee ||||ficou|| 9 When he had said this, he himself remained in Galilee. 9 Сказав это, он остался в Галилее.

10 Ut autem ascenderunt fratres ejus, tunc et ipse ascendit ad diem festum non manifeste, sed quasi in occulto. ||they ascended|||"then"||||||||not openly|||| ||||||||subiu||||||||| 10 And when his brothers went up, then he also went up to the feast day, not openly, but as it were in secret. 10 Когда же пришли братья его, то и он пришел на праздник не явно, а как бы тайно. 11 Judæi ergo quærebant eum in die festo, et dicebant : Ubi est ille ? 11 The Jews therefore sought him on the feast day, and said: Where is he? 11 Иудеи искали Его в праздник и говорили: где он? 12 Et murmur multus de eo erat in turba. |whispering|great deal of||||| 12 And there was much murmuring in the crowd about him. 12 И был много ропота о Нем в толпе. Quidam enim dicebant : Quia bonus est. "Someone"||||| For some said: Because he is good. Некоторые говорили: Потому что он хороший. Alii autem dicebant : Non, sed seducit turbas. |||||"deceives" or "misleads"|crowds But others said: No, but he seduces the crowds. Но другие говорили: нет, но он соблазняет толпу. 13 Nemo tamen palam loquebatur de illo propter metum Judæorum. ||openly|||||fear of Jews| 13 However, no one spoke openly about him because of the fear of the Jews. 13 Однако никто не говорил о нем открыто из-за страха перед иудеями.

14 Jam autem die festo mediante, ascendit Jesus in templum, et docebat. ||||"in the middle"||||||was teaching 14 When the feast was already half over, Jesus went up into the temple area and began to teach. 14 В середине праздника Иисус вошел в храм и учил. 15 Et mirabantur Judæi, dicentes : Quomodo hic litteras scit, cum non didicerit ? ||||||letters||||"has learned" 15 And the Jews were astonished, saying: How does this man know letters, when he has not learned? The Jews were amazed and said, "How does he know scripture without having studied?" 15 И изумились Иудеи, говоря: как может этот человек знать буквы, если он не научился? 16 Respondit eis Jesus, et dixit : Mea doctrina non est mea, sed ejus qui misit me. ||||||teaching|||||||| 16 Jesus answered them and said: My doctrine is not mine, but his that sent me. 16 Иисус сказал им в ответ: Мое учение не Мое, но Пославшего Меня. 17 Si quis voluerit voluntatem ejus facere, cognoscet de doctrina, utrum ex Deo sit, an ego a meipso loquar. ||"wills to do"||||"will know"||||||||||myself|"I speak" 17 If any one wishes to do his will, he shall know of the doctrine, whether it be of God, or whether I speak of myself. Whoever chooses to do his will shall know whether my teaching is from God or whether I speak on my own. 17 Если кто захочет творить волю его, тот узнает об учении, от Бога ли оно, или от себя говорю. 18 Qui a semetipso loquitur, gloriam propriam quærit ; qui autem quærit gloriam ejus qui misit eum, hic verax est, et injustitia in illo non est. ||himself|||"his own"||||||||||||||injustice|||| ||de si mesmo||||procura||||glória||||||||||||não há| 18 He who speaks from himself seeks his own glory; but he that seeketh the glory of him that sent him, this is true, and there is no unrighteousness in him. 18 Кто говорит от себя, ищет себе славы; а кто ищет славы Пославшему Его, это правда, и нет в нем неправды. 19 Nonne Moyses dedit vobis legem : et nemo ex vobis facit legem ? 19 Did not Moses give you the law, and none of you makes the law? Did not Moses give you the law? Yet none of you keeps the law. 19 Разве Моисей не дал вам закона, и никто из вас не издавал закона? 20 Quid me quæritis interficere ? ||procurais| 20 Why do you seek to kill me? 20 Почему ты хочешь убить меня? Respondit turba, et dixit : Dæmonium habes : quis te quærit interficere ? ||||Demon you have||||| The crowd answered and said, "You have a demon, who wants to kill you?" Толпа ответила и сказала: У вас есть демон: кто пытается вас убить? 21 Respondit Jesus et dixit eis : Unum opus feci, et omnes miramini : 22 propterea Moyses dedit vobis circumcisionem (non quia ex Moyse est, sed ex patribus), et in sabbato circumciditis hominem. |||||||"I did"|||"you marvel"|||||"circumcision"||||Moses|||||||the Sabbath|"you circumcise"| 21 Jesus answered and said to them: I have done one work, and you will all marvel: 22 therefore Moses gave you circumcision (not because it is from Moses, but from the fathers), and you circumcise a man on the Sabbath. 21 Иисус сказал им в ответ: одно дело Я сделал, и вы все дивитесь: 22 поэтому Моисей дал вам обрезание (не потому, что оно от Моисея, но от отцов), и вы обрезаете человека в субботу. 23 Si circumcisionem accipit homo in sabbato, ut non solvatur lex Moysi : mihi indignamini quia totum hominem sanum feci in sabbato ? ||||||||"be broken"||||"Are indignant"||||||| 23 If a man receives circumcision on the sabbath, so that the law of Moses is not broken: are you angry with me because I made the whole man healthy on the sabbath? 23 Если кто примет обрезание в субботу, чтобы не нарушится закон Моисеев, то на меня ли вы гневаетесь за то, что я всего человека исцелил в субботу? 24 Nolite judicare secundum faciem, sed justum judicium judicate. |to judge||outward appearance||||"Judge" or "make judgment" Stop judging by appearances, but judge justly. 24 Не судите по лицу, но судите судом праведным.

25 Dicebant ergo quidam ex Jerosolymis : Nonne hic est, quem quærunt interficere ? |||||||||they seek| 25 Then some of the people of Jerusalem said: Isn't this the one they are trying to kill? 25 Тогда некоторые из жителей Иерусалима сказали: не этого ли хотят убить? 26 et ecce palam loquitur, et nihil ei dicunt. "and"||"openly" or "publicly"||||| 26 and, lo, he speaks openly, and they say nothing to him. 26 И вот, он говорит открыто, а ему ничего не говорят. Numquid vere cognoverunt principes quia hic est Christus ? Could the authorities have realized that he is the Messiah? Действительно ли князья знали, что это Христос? 27 Sed hunc scimus unde sit : Christus autem cum venerit, nemo scit unde sit. |"this man"|||"he is from"||||||||"he is from" ||||||||tiver vindo|||| 27 But we know where he is from: but when Christ comes, no one knows where he is from. 27 Но мы знаем, откуда он; а когда придет Христос, никто не знает, откуда он. 28 Clamabat ergo Jesus in templo docens, et dicens : Et me scitis, et unde sim scitis : et a meipso non veni, sed est verus qui misit me, quem vos nescitis. |||||teaching|||||know|||"I am from"|||||||||"true"|||||| 28 Then Jesus cried out in the temple, teaching, and saying: And you know me, and you know where I am from: and I did not come from myself, but it is true that sent me, whom you do not know. 28 Тогда Иисус воззвал в храме, уча и говоря: И вы знаете Меня, и знаете, откуда Я; и Я не от Себя пришёл, но истинно послал Меня, Кого вы не знаете. 29 Ego scio eum : quia ab ipso sum, et ipse me misit. 29 I know him because I am from him, and he sent me. 29 Я знаю его, потому что я от него, и он послал меня. 30 Quærebant ergo eum apprehendere : et nemo misit in illum manus, quia nondum venerat hora ejus. |||"to seize"||||||hand||||| |||||||||||ainda não||| 30 They therefore sought to seize him: and no one laid hands on him, because his hour had not yet come. 30 И искали схватить Его, но никто не наложил на него руки, потому что еще не пришел час его. 31 De turba autem multi crediderunt in eum, et dicebant : Christus cum venerit, numquid plura signa faciet quam quæ hic facit ? |||||||||||||more signs|||||| ||||||||||||"porventura fará"||||||| But many of the crowd began to believe in him, and said, "When the Messiah comes, will he perform more signs than this man has done?" 31 Многие из толпы поверили ему и сказали: Когда придет Христос, сотворит ли Он больше знамений, чем то, что делает здесь? 32 Audierunt pharisæi turbam murmurantem de illo hæc : et miserunt principes et pharisæi ministros ut apprehenderent eum. |the Pharisees||murmuring about him|||||||||"the officers"||"to arrest him"| ||||||||||||||prendessem ele| 32 The Pharisees heard the crowd murmuring these things about him: and the leaders and the Pharisees sent their ministers to arrest him. 32 Фарисеи услышали, как толпа ропщет о Нем, и послали начальники и фарисеи своих служителей схватить Его. 33 Dixit ergo eis Jesus : Adhuc modicum tempus vobiscum sum : et vado ad eum qui me misit. |||||"a little while"||"with you"|||"I go"||||| 33 Jesus therefore said to them: I am yet a little time with you: and I go to him that sent me. 33 Тогда Иисус сказал им: еще немного Я с вами, и иду к Пославшему Меня. 34 Quæretis me, et non invenietis : et ubi ego sum, vos non potestis venire. "You seek"||||you will find|||||||| 34 Ye shall seek me, and shall not find me: and where I am, ye cannot come. 34 Будете искать Меня, и не найдете Меня; и куда Я, вы не сможете прийти. 35 Dixerunt ergo Judæi ad semetipsos : Quo hic iturus est, quia non inveniemus eum ? ||||themselves|||"about to go"||||"we find"| |||||||irá||||| 35 The Jews then said to themselves: Where is this man going, since we will not find him? So the Jews said to one another, "Where is he going that we will not find him? 35 Тогда иудеи сказали себе: куда идет этот человек, если мы не найдем его? numquid in dispersionem gentium iturus est, et docturus gentes ? ||"dispersion" or "scattering"|||||"to teach"|nations or peoples ||||irá|||ensinará as nações| Is he going to disperse the nations and teach the nations? Surely he is not going to the dispersion among the Greeks to teach the Greeks, is he? Собирается ли он рассеять народы и научить народы? 36 quis est hic sermo, quem dixit : Quæretis me, et non invenietis : et ubi sum ego, vos non potestis venire ? |||word||||||||||||||| 36 What is this saying, which he said: You will seek me, and you will not find me: and where I am, you cannot come? 36 Что это за слова, которые он сказал: будете искать Меня, и не найдете Меня; и куда Я, вы не можете прийти?

37 In novissimo autem die magno festivitatis stabat Jesus, et clamabat dicens : Si quis sitit, veniat ad me et bibat. |"last" or "final day"||||"of the feast"||||||||"is thirsty"|||||"let him drink" 37 On the last day of the great festival, Jesus stood and cried out, saying: If anyone is thirsty, let him come to me and drink. 37 В последний день великого праздника Иисус встал и воззвал, говоря: кто жаждет, иди ко Мне и пей. 38 Qui credit in me, sicut dicit Scriptura, flumina de ventre ejus fluent aquæ vivæ. ||||||the Scripture|rivers||belly||will flow||living water |||||||rios|||||| 38 He who believes in me, as the Scripture says, rivers of living water flow from his belly. Whoever believes in me, as scripture says: 'Rivers of living water will flow from within him.'" 38 У того, кто верует в Меня, у того, как говорит Писание, текут реки живой воды из чрева. 39 Hoc autem dixit de Spiritu, quem accepturi erant credentes in eum : nondum enim erat Spiritus datus, quia Jesus nondum erat glorificatus. ||||||"were to receive"||believers|||||||given|||||glorified ||||||||||||||||||ainda não|| 39 He said this in reference to the Spirit that those who came to believe in him were to receive. There was, of course, no Spirit yet, because Jesus had not yet been glorified. 39 И это сказал он о Духе, которого должны были получить те, кто верил в Него, ибо Дух еще не был дан, потому что Иисус еще не был прославлен.

40 Ex illa ergo turba cum audissent hos sermones ejus, dicebant : Hic est vere propheta.41 Alii dicebant : Hic est Christus. |||||"had heard"||||||||||||| 40 The crowd therefore, when they heard these words of his, said: This is truly a prophet. 41 Others said: This is the Christ. 40 Когда народ с того места услышал эти слова его, они сказали: Это поистине пророк. 41 Другие сказали: Это Христос. Quidam autem dicebant : Numquid a Galilæa venit Christus ?42 nonne Scriptura dicit : Quia ex semine David, et de Bethlehem castello, ubi erat David, venit Christus ?43 Dissensio itaque facta est in turba propter eum.44 Quidam autem ex ipsis volebant apprehendere eum : sed nemo misit super eum manus.45 Venerunt ergo ministri ad pontifices et pharisæos. |||"Does" or "Surely not"||||||||||"offspring" or "descendant"|||||village||||||Dissension|||||||||||||||||||||||||high priests||Pharisees And some said: Did the Christ come from Galilee? 42 Does not the Scripture say: Because Christ came from the seed of David, and from the city of Bethlehem, where David was? 43 So there was dissension in the crowd because of him. : but no one laid hands on him. 45 Then the ministers came to the pontiffs and Pharisees. А некоторые говорили: Христос пришел из Галилеи? 42 Не говорит ли Писание: «Потому что Христос произошел от семени Давидова и из города Вифлеема, где был Давид?» 43 Итак, произошло раздор в толпе из-за Него. : но никто не наложил на него руки 45 Тогда служители пришли к понтификам и фарисеям. Et dixerunt eis illi : Quare non adduxistis illum ?46 Responderunt ministri : Numquam sic locutus est homo, sicut hic homo.47 Responderunt ergo eis pharisæi : Numquid et vos seducti estis ?48 numquid ex principibus aliquis credidit in eum, aut ex pharisæis ?49 sed turba hæc, quæ non novit legem, maledicti sunt.50 Dixit Nicodemus ad eos, ille qui venit ad eum nocte, qui unus erat ex ipsis :51 Numquid lex nostra judicat hominem, nisi prius audierit ab ipso, et cognoverit quid faciat ?52 Responderunt, et dixerunt ei : Numquid et tu Galilæus es ? ||||||"brought"|||||||||||||||||||"deceived"||||the rulers|||||||||||||||"accursed" or "cursed"||||||||||||||||||||||||"has heard"||||"has learned"||||||||||Galilean| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||"Por acaso"||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||Será que|||||||||||||||||||||| And they said to them: Why did you not bring him? 46 The ministers answered: Never has a man spoken like this man. 47 Then the Pharisees answered them: Have you also been deceived? but this crowd that does not know the law are cursed. 50 Nicodemus said to them, he who came to him at night, who was one of them: 51 Does our law judge a man unless he first hears from him and knows what he is doing? 52 They answered and said to him: Are you also a Galilean? who asked them, "Why did you not bring him?" 46 The guards answered, "Never before has anyone spoken like this one." 47 So the Pharisees answered them, "Have you also been deceived? 48 Have any of the authorities or the Pharisees believed in him? 49 But this crowd, which does not know the law, is accursed." 50 Nicodemus, one of their members who had come to him earlier, said to them, 51 "Does our law condemn a person before it first hears him and finds out what he is doing?" 52 They answered and said to him, "You are not from Galilee also, are you? Look and see that no prophet arises from Galilee." 53 Then each went to his own house, И сказали им: почему вы не привели его? 46 Служители отвечали: никогда человек не говорил так, как этот человек. 47 Тогда фарисеи ответили им: неужели и вы обманулись, а этот народ, не знающий закона? проклят 50 Никодим, пришедший к нему ночью, который был из них: 51 разве закон наш судит человека, если прежде не выслушает его и не узнает, что он делает? 52 Они сказали ему в ответ: Вы тоже галилеянин? scrutare Scripturas, et vide quia a Galilæa propheta non surgit.53 Et reversi sunt unusquisque in domum suam. "search"|||||||||||they returned||each one||| |||||||||||||cada um||| Search the Scriptures, and see that out of Galilee there is no prophet risen.53 And they returned each to his own house. исследуйте Писание и посмотрите, не приходит ли пророк из Галилеи. 53 И возвратились каждый в свой дом.