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Liber Psalmorum, Psalmi 1-30, Psalmus 029

Psalmus 029

1 Psalmus cantici, in dedicatione domus David. 2 Exaltabo te, Domine, quoniam suscepisti me, nec delectasti inimicos meos super me. 3 Domine Deus meus, clamavi ad te, et sanasti me. 4 Domine, eduxisti ab inferno animam meam ; salvasti me a descendentibus in lacum. 5 Psallite Domino, sancti ejus ; et confitemini memoriæ sanctitatis ejus. 6 Quoniam ira in indignatione ejus, et vita in voluntate ejus : ad vesperum demorabitur fletus, et ad matutinum lætitia. 7 Ego autem dixi in abundantia mea : Non movebor in æternum. 8 Domine, in voluntate tua præstitisti decori meo virtutem ; avertisti faciem tuam a me, et factus sum conturbatus. 9 Ad te, Domine, clamabo, et ad Deum meum deprecabor. 10 Quæ utilitas in sanguine meo, dum descendo in corruptionem ? numquid confitebitur tibi pulvis, aut annuntiabit veritatem tuam ? 11 Audivit Dominus, et misertus est mei ; Dominus factus est adjutor meus. 12 Convertisti planctum meum in gaudium mihi ; conscidisti saccum meum, et circumdedisti me lætitia : 13 ut cantet tibi gloria mea, et non compungar. Domine Deus meus, in æternum confitebor tibi.

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Psalmus 029 Psalm 029 Psalm 029 Salmo 029 Psaume 029 詩篇029 Salmo 029 诗篇 029

1 Psalmus cantici, in dedicatione domus David. |of the song||dedication|| 1 Psalm of the song, at the dedication of the house of David. 1 Псалом песне при освящении дома Давидова. 2 Exaltabo te, Domine, quoniam suscepisti me, nec delectasti inimicos meos super me. I will exalt|||because|you have upheld|||delighted|||| ||||acolheste-me||nem |alegraste|||| 2 I will exalt thee, O Lord, because thou hast received me, and hast not pleased my enemies over me. 2 Я превознесу Тебя, Господи, потому что Ты принял меня и не угодил надо мною врагам моим. 3 Domine Deus meus, clamavi ad te, et sanasti me. |||||||you healed| |||||||curaste-me| 3 Lord my God, I cried to you, and you healed me. 3 Господи Боже мой, я воззвал к Тебе, и Ты исцелил меня. 4 Domine, eduxisti ab inferno animam meam ; salvasti me a descendentibus in lacum. |you brought out|||||you saved|||those descending||the pit |trouxeste||||||||descendo|| 4 Lord, you brought my soul out of hell; You saved me from going down into the lake. 4 Господи, Ты вывел мою душу из ада; Ты спас меня от спуска в озеро. 5 Psallite Domino, sancti ejus ; et confitemini memoriæ sanctitatis ejus. Sing to||his saints|||give thanks|memory|of holiness| |||||louvem a memória|memória da santidade|| 5 Sing to the Lord, his saints; and confess the memory of his sanctity. 5 Пойте Господу, святые Его; и исповедовать память своей святости. 6 Quoniam ira in indignatione ejus, et vita in voluntate ejus : ad vesperum demorabitur fletus, et ad matutinum lætitia. |||indignation||||||||||weeping|||morning|joy "Porque"||||||||||||permanecerá|choro, pranto, lamento|||manhã| 6 For anger is in his indignation, and life is in his will: weeping will be delayed for the evening, and joy for the morning. 6 Ибо гнев – в негодовании Его, и жизнь – в воле Его: плач задерживается до вечера, а радость – до утра. 7 Ego autem dixi in abundantia mea : Non movebor in æternum. |but|||my abundance||||| |||||||não serei abalado||eternamente 7 But I said in my abundance: I will not be moved for ever. 7 Но Я сказал в изобилии Моем: Я не поколеблюсь вовек. 8 Domine, in voluntate tua præstitisti decori meo virtutem ; avertisti faciem tuam a me, et factus sum conturbatus. ||will||you have granted|my glory|||you turned away||||||||troubled ||||concedeste|minha honra|||afastaste||||||||perturbado 8 Lord, in your will you have given strength to my beauty; You turned your face away from me, and I became troubled. 8 Господи, по воле Твоей Ты дал силу красоте моей; Ты отвернулся от меня, и я встревожился. 9 Ad te, Domine, clamabo, et ad Deum meum deprecabor. ||||||||I will plead ||||||||suplicarei a 9 I will cry to you, Lord, and I will plead with my God. 9 Взываю к Тебе, Господи, и умоляю Бога моего. 10 Quæ utilitas in sanguine meo, dum descendo in corruptionem ? |use|||||I descend||corruption 10 What use is there in my blood, while I descend into corruption? 10 Какая польза от крови моей, когда я впаду в тление? numquid confitebitur tibi pulvis, aut annuntiabit veritatem tuam ? |will confess||dust||will announce|| Acaso|confessará||pó|ou||| Will dust confess to you, or declare your truth? Признается ли тебе пыль, или объявит твою правду? 11 Audivit Dominus, et misertus est mei ; Dominus factus est adjutor meus. |||he had mercy||||||my helper| |||||||||ajudante| 11 The Lord heard, and had mercy on me; The Lord has become my helper. 11 Господь услышал и помиловал меня; Господь стал моим помощником. 12 Convertisti planctum meum in gaudium mihi ; conscidisti saccum meum, et circumdedisti me lætitia : 13 ut cantet tibi gloria mea, et non compungar. You have turned|my mourning|||joy||you tore||||surrounded||||||||||be ashamed |lamento|||||||||||||||||||me entristeça 12 You have turned my weeping into joy for me; Thou hast made my sackcloth known, and hast surrounded me with joy: 13 that my glory may sing to Thee, and I may not be reproached. 12 Ты превратил плач мой в радость обо мне; Ты открыл вретище мое и окружил меня радостью, 13 чтобы слава моя пела Тебе, и не был я поруган. Domine Deus meus, in æternum confitebor tibi. |||||I will praise| Господи Боже мой, я исповедуюсь Тебе навсегда.