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Easy Latin texts, Text 9

Text 9

Servio Tullio

Post hunc Servius Tullius suscepit imperium, genitus ex nobili femina, captiva tamen et ancilla.

Hic quoque Sabinos subegit, montes tres, Quirinalem, Viminalem, Esquilinum, urbi adiunxit, fossas circum murum duxit. Primus omnium censum ordinavit, qui adhuc per orbem terrarum incognitus erat. Sub eo Roma omnibus in censum delatis habuit capita LXXXIII (= tria et octoginta) milia civium Romanorum cum his, qui in agris erant. Occisus est scelere generi sui Tarquini Superbi, filii eius regis, cui ipse successerat, et filiae, quam Tarquinius habebat uxorem.

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Servio Tullio Servius Tullius|Tullius |トゥッリウス Servius Tullius セルウィウス・トゥッリウス

Post hunc Servius Tullius suscepit imperium, genitus ex nobili femina, captiva tamen et ancilla. After|this man|Servius Tullius||"took over"||born||noble woman|woman|captive woman servant|"nevertheless"||slave woman |||||||||女性|捕虜||| Danach übernahm Servius Tullius die Regierung, geboren von einer edlen Frau, aber einer Gefangenen und Sklavin. After this Servius took power, born of a noble woman prisoner is the maid. Après cela, Servius Tullius prit le gouvernement, né d'une femme noble, mais captive et esclave. この後、セルウィウス・トゥッリウスが権力を引き継ぎ、貴族の女性から生まれたが、捕虜であり、奴隷であった。

Hic quoque Sabinos subegit, montes tres, Quirinalem, Viminalem, Esquilinum, urbi adiunxit, fossas circum murum duxit. |||subdued|three hills|three|Quirinal|Viminal Hill|Esquiline Hill||added to the|"ditches" or "trenches"||wall|led ||||||クイリナール|||||trenches|周囲に|| Here, too, the Sabines; annexed three hills, the Quirinal, Viminal, and Esquiline, to the city; and formed, and brought him to fill up the trenches round the city walls. Ici aussi, il soumit les Sabins, annexa les trois montagnes, le Quirinal, le Viminal et l'Esquilin, à la ville, et construisit des douves autour du mur. 彼はまたサビニ族を征服し、三つの山、クィリナーレ、ヴィミナーレ、エスクイリヌスを都市に加え、城壁の周りに堀を掘った。 Primus omnium censum ordinavit, qui adhuc per orbem terrarum incognitus erat. first||census|ordered||||the world|of the world|unknown| ||国勢調査|||||||| First of all census, which was still unknown throughout the world. Il organisa le premier recensement de tous, qui était encore inconnu dans le monde entier. 初めに彼は全ての人々の国勢調査を行った。これはまだ地球上で知られていなかった。 Sub eo Roma omnibus in censum delatis habuit capita LXXXIII (= tria et octoginta) milia civium Romanorum cum his, qui in agris erant. ||||||"having registered"|"had" or "held"|heads|eighty-three|three||eighty|thousands of citizens|of the citizens|of the Romans||with these people|"who" or "which"||"in the fields"| Also during his reign from Rome during his reign to all the heads of the 83 included in the calculation (= to three and a hundred and eighty) thousand of those citizens, with those of the Romans, who were in the fields. Sous lui, Rome avait 833 (= quatre-vingt-trois) mille têtes de citoyens romains, y compris ceux qui étaient dans les champs, amenés au recensement. その下でローマは全ての人々を国勢調査に登録し、83万人(=三と八十)のローマ市民を有していた。彼らの中には農場にいた者たちも含まれていた。 Occisus est scelere generi sui Tarquini Superbi, filii eius regis, cui ipse successerat, et filiae, quam Tarquinius habebat uxorem. ||by the crime|"of his son-in-law"|||The Proud||"of that king"||||||daughters|||"had as"| ||||||傲慢な|||||||||||| He was slain by the crime of his son-in-law Tarquinius Probus, the son of the king, to whom he himself had succeeded, and the daughter whom Tarquinius had as his wife. Il fut tué par le crime de son gendre Tarquin le Fier, le fils de son roi, auquel il avait lui-même succédé, et la fille que Tarquin avait épousée. 彼は、その王位を継承したタルクィニウス・スーペルブスの一族の悪事によって殺された。タルクィニウスが妻としていた娘を持つ王の息子であった。