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Being Afraid

Being Afraid

An American president once said the only thing you have to fear is fear itself.

Can't remember which President, but never mind. I think that's an interesting quote. It's so true, most of the time. We all spend a lot of time worried or afraid that something bad will happen, and then nothing happens. It is the fear that frightens us, not the thing that might or might not happen. And then there are phobias. Millions of people are afraid of something that the rest of the world thinks is quite normal. How can you be afraid of things like peanut butter? There's actually a fear of peanut butter sticking to the roof of your mouth. Amazing. Fear is sometimes good. It makes us alert and can keep us safe in a dangerous situation.

Being Afraid

An American president once said the only thing you have to fear is fear itself.

Can’t remember which President, but never mind. I think that’s an interesting quote. 面白い引用だと思います。 It’s so true, most of the time. We all spend a lot of time worried or afraid that something bad will happen, and then nothing happens. It is the fear that frightens us, not the thing that might or might not happen. それは私たちを怖がらせる恐れであり、起こるかもしれないし、起こらないかもしれないことではありません。 And then there are phobias. Millions of people are afraid of something that the rest of the world thinks is quite normal. 何百万人もの人々は、世界の残りの人々が非常に正常であると考える何かを恐れています。 How can you be afraid of things like peanut butter? ピーナッツバターのようなものをどのように恐れることができますか? There’s actually a fear of peanut butter sticking to the roof of your mouth. Amazing. Fear is sometimes good. It makes us alert and can keep us safe in a dangerous situation.