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E-Books (english-e-reader), Rain Man Chapter 1-5 (2)

Rain Man Chapter 1-5 (2)

'Could you please tell me the name of the person who will get my father's money?' Charlie asked politely.

'I'm sorry. I cannot tell you that.' Just like Mooney.

'Why is it a secret?' Charlie left his chair and went over to stand by the window. 'Is this person... an old girlfriend of Dad's?'

From the window, Charlie could see the old Buick. Susanna was sitting in the back, enjoying the afternoon sun. A small man, carrying a bag, moved towards the car. He walked in a strange way, moving from side to side.

'Mr Babbitt, I knew your father from the time you were two years old,' Dr Bruner said softly.

Charlie turned. 'The year my mother died,' he said quickly.

'Yes,' said Bruner. 'Now, the will names me as the person to look after the money. But this hospital and I get none of that money. I am doing this for your father.'

Charlie was beginning to feel very angry. To calm himself, he turned back to the window. The man with the bag was now standing next to the Buick. 'And you want me to just forget about the money?'

'I think you have been upset,' Bruner said softly, 'by a. man who never knew how to show love.'

Charlie knew that this was true. He did not know what to say. Outside, the man was taking a small notebook out of his bag. He began writing in it.

'I understand how you feel,' Dr Bruner continued. 'But there's nothing I can do.'

'I'll fight for my money, Dr Bruner,' Charlie said.

Dr Bruner got up from his chair. 'I'm sure you are a fighter, Mr Babbitt,' he said. 'Your father was a fighter. But I am a fighter too.'

Dr Bruner walked with Charlie out through the front door. The day was getting hotter, but it was still beautiful weather.

The little man with the bag was still standing by the Buick. He was writing in his notebook. Again and again he looked from the car back to the notebook. He did not look at Susanna.

'Raymond,' said Dr Bruner, 'go back inside.'

The man with the notebook was not listening. He continued writing in the notebook. Charlie walked past him and went to open the door.

'Of course, this car is not white,' Raymond said. He did not look up from his notebook. 'This is a blue car now...'

Charlie looked at Raymond in surprise. He was a small man of about forty. He looked clean and tidy, with short hair and very ordinary clothes. What was a little strange was that there was no expression on his face. There was no light in his small black eyes, and no movement in his mouth. It was a face that was neither happy nor sad.

Smiling, Charlie turned to Susanna. 'You know,' he said slowly, 'this car was white. My dad painted it blue when I was very little.'

'And, and,' Raymond continued quickly to himself, '... it cost an arm and a leg.'

The smile left Charlie's face. 'That's what my father often said - "an arm and a leg". How does this man know that?' he asked.

Charlie looked at the man called Raymond. Raymond looked up for a second. Then he looked at his notebook again,

'You come with me, Raymond,' Dr Bruner said. 'These people have to go.'

But Charlie was moving closer to Raymond. 'Do you know this car?' he asked.

A frightened expression came across Raymond's face. He looked at Dr Bruner for help. 'I... don't... know,' he muttered.

'Yes, you do know this car!' Charlie said angrily. 'Why do you know?'

'That's enough, Mr Babbitt,' Dr Bruner said. 'You're upsetting him. You're -'

'Charlie, please,' Susanna said.

Now Raymond looked from Susanna to Dr Bruner. He began writing in his notebook and muttering to himself.

'Babbitt Charlie. Charlie... Babbitt. Charlie Babbitt. 1961 Beechcrest Avenue.'

Charlie was astonished. 'How do you know that address?' he asked.

Dr Bruner spoke quietly. 'Because he's your brother,' he said.

'But I don't have a brother,' the astonished Charlie said. 'I never had a brother.'


Charlie and Dr Bruner walked through the flower garden and talked together. Susanna sat with Raymond, who was still writing in his notebook.

'What can I tell you?' the doctor asked.

'Where to begin?'

'What does he write in that notebook?'

'He writes down things that he thinks are dangerous. Things like bad weather reports.'

'Why does he do that?'

'I think he writes dangerous things down to try and hide them. Raymond sees danger everywhere. Any change frightens him. That is why he always does things in the same way every day.'

'What do you mean?'

'Raymond always eats the same way, sleeps the same way, talks the same way. Everything. But he's a person, your brother. In some ways, a very intelligent person.'

Dr Bruner looked at Charlie for a second or two, then he continued. 'Raymond cannot have relationships with other people, and he cannot see the relationship between things. He talks to you, but he also talks to the car and the television. Everything is the same to him. Doctors call this sort of person autistic.'

Charlie thought about this. It was difficult to understand.

'And the most important thing is that Raymond can't feel. He cannot be happy or sad in the way that we are happy or sad.'

Dr Bruner stopped speaking and looked at Charlie. Charlie was biting his lip and looking over at his brother.

'What Raymond did with you today... that was very good,' Dr Bruner said softly. 'Very good. For a stranger.'

Charlie shook his head and laughed. 'The world is strange,' he said. 'Three million dollars! What's he going to spend it on?'

It was late afternoon. Charlie was walking with Raymond. Susanna waited in the car. She thought that Charlie was saying goodbye to his new brother.

Charlie walked quickly towards the Buick. Raymond walked next to him.

'This is Daddy's car,' Raymond said. 'It was white. But now this is a blue car.'

Charlie got into the Buick. 'Get in, Raymond,' he said.

Raymond got into the car.

'Charlie, wait a minute!' Susanna said. 'Where are we taking him?'

'For a holiday,' Charlie said. He started the car and they drove away. Raymond looked back over his shoulder at the house that they were leaving. There was no expression on his face, but it was very clear that he was anxious.

'Don't worry, Raymond,' Susanna told him, 'you're coming back.'

Charlie said nothing.


They drove back to Cincinnati. Raymond sat in the back of the Buick and watched the road go by. He said nothing to Charlie or Susanna, but muttered strange things to himself.

They went to a hotel, and took two rooms. Charlie showed Raymond his room.

'This is your room, Ray,' he said.

That was a big mistake.

Raymond looked around the room. 'This is not my room,' he said. There was a frightened expression on his face. 'This is... is not my room.'

'Just for tonight,' Charlie said.

'Until we take you home,' Susanna said.

But Raymond was very upset now. He was shaking his head from side to side and muttering to himself. 'Of course, I'm going to be here a long time. A very long time... Of course, they moved my bed.'

'Sorry, Raymond,' Charlie said. 'You like the bed under the window.' He started pushing the bed into its new place.

But Raymond was still unhappy. He started muttering about books. The only book in the room was a telephone book for Cincinnati.

'Charlie, let's take him home,' Susanna said. She liked Raymond, and she did not like to see him upset.

'He's OK,' Charlie said. 'Do you like pizza, Ray?'

'Do you like pizza, Charlie Babbitt?' Raymond knew the word 'pizza' because 'pizza' was a Wallbrook word. This calmed him a little.

'I'll ask the hotel to send a pizza up to your room,' Charlie said. 'We like pizza, don't we, Ray? We're brothers.'

'Charlie, he still doesn't look happy,' Susanna said. 'I don't understand why you brought him here. I think he wants to go back to Wallbrook.'

'Ray's fine,' Charlie said, 'all he needs is some TV and some pizza. What's on TV, Ray?'

Raymond looked at his watch. 'The Lucky Money Wheel,' he told the watch.

'Great. Sit down, and you can watch it.'

Charlie turned on the television. The Lucky Money Wheel came on.

'You've got your TV,' Charlie said. 'You've got a pizza coming. Aren't things good, Ray?'

Charlie looked at Raymond and Raymond looked at Charlie, but there was no expression on his face.

'Do you ever smile, Ray?' Charlie asked.

'Do you ever smile?' Raymond repeated. There was still no expression on his face.

Raymond sat on his bed and watched television. Charlie came in with a pizza.

Ray looked at the pizza and shook his head. 'What's the problem, Ray?' Charlie asked.

Raymond wanted to eat the pizza the way that he ate it at Wallbrook. Charlie cut the pizza into tiny squares for him, and put each square on a toothpick.

Charlie and Susanna went off to their room. Raymond watched a film. A man in the film told his son to turn the television off. Raymond got up and turned his television off.

Raymond continued to look at the television, but now there was nothing to watch. He heard the sound of another television in Charlie and Susanna's room. Raymond got up and went into their room.

Charlie and Susanna were in bed. They did not see Raymond come into the room. Raymond sat on the end of the bed and watched the television.

Susanna saw him first. 'Charlie,' she said, in a quiet voice. 'Raymond is sitting at the end of the bed.'

Charlie sat up and saw that Raymond was watching TV and eating pizza. 'Raymond, what are you doing in here?' he shouted. 'Get out!'

Raymond got up and went back to his room. Susanna looked at Charlie with an angry expression on her face. 'Go and talk to him!' she said.

'What for?' Charlie asked.

'Because he's frightened,' Susanna said. 'He's never been away from Wallbrook before. You've upset him!'

Charlie got angry. 'Raymond is not going back to Wallbrook,' he said. 'He has to learn how to live in the real world.'

Susanna was astonished. 'What do you mean he's not going back to Wallbrook?'

Charlie looked away from her and bit his lip. 'I took Raymond,' he said quietly, 'and I'm keeping him until I get my money.'

Susanna's eyes widened. 'What money?' she asked.

'Dad left Ray some money. A lot of money.'

Money! Now Susanna was beginning to understand. 'How much money... did... your... father... leave Raymond?' she asked angrily.

Charlie looked away again. 'He left him his house and all his money,' he said. 'Three million dollars.'

Susanna muttered some angry words in Italian and jumped out of bed. Then, she picked up her suitcase from the floor and threw it open.

'What are you doing?' Charlie asked.

'I'm leaving you, Charlie.' She was coldly angry.

Now Charlie was astonished. 'Why?' he asked.

Susanna pushed her things into the suitcase and pulled on her coat. 'Because you've kidnapped your brother for money,' she shouted.

'I have not kidnapped him! I just want my money. What's wrong with that?'

'Everything!' Susanna shouted. She looked at Charlie for a second and shook her head. Then she picked up her suitcase and moved towards the door. When she got to the door, she turned and looked at Charlie again. 'I did love you, Charlie,' she said sadly. 'But you are not the man that I thought you were.'

Rain Man Chapter 1-5 (2) Rain Man Kapitel 1-5 (2) Rain Man Capítulo 1-5 (2) Rain Man Chapitre 1-5 (2) Esőember 1-5. fejezet (2) レインマン 第1章~第5章 (2) 레인맨 챕터 1-5 (2) Rain Man Rozdział 1-5 (2) Rain Man Capítulo 1-5 (2) Yağmur Adam Bölüm 1-5 (2) Людина дощу Розділ 1-5 (2) 雨人第1-5章 (2)

'Could you please tell me the name of the person who will get my father's money?' 'Could you please tell me the name of the person who will get my father's money?' "Meg tudná nekem mondani annak a személynek a nevét, aki megkapja apám pénzét? Charlie asked politely. ||вежливо Charlie asked politely. Charlie udvariasan megkérdezte.

'I'm sorry. I cannot tell you that.' Ezt nem mondhatom el neked. Just like Mooney. Akárcsak Mooney. ムーニーのように。 Assim como Mooney.

'Why is it a secret?' 'Why is it a secret?' "Miért titok ez? Charlie left his chair and went over to stand by the window. Charlie otthagyta a székét, és odament az ablakhoz. 찰리는 의자에서 일어나 창가에 서 있었습니다. 'Is this person... an old girlfriend of Dad's?' "Ez a személy... apa régi barátnője?

From the window, Charlie could see the old Buick. Az ablakból Charlie láthatta az öreg Buickot. Susanna was sitting in the back, enjoying the afternoon sun. Susanna seděla vzadu a užívala si odpoledního slunce. Susanna hátul ült, élvezte a délutáni napsütést. A small man, carrying a bag, moved towards the car. K autu se blížil malý muž s taškou. Egy kis ember, kezében egy táskával, elindult a kocsi felé. He walked in a strange way, moving from side to side. Kráčel podivným způsobem, přecházel ze strany na stranu. Furcsa módon járt, ide-oda járkált. 彼は奇妙な方法で歩き、左右に動いた。 그는 이상한 방식으로 걸으며 좌우로 움직였습니다.

'Mr Babbitt, I knew your father from the time you were two years old,' Dr Bruner said softly. "Pane Babbitte, znal jsem vašeho otce od vašich dvou let," řekl tiše doktor Bruner. Babbitt úr, kétéves kora óta ismerem az édesapját - mondta halkan Bruner doktor. '배빗 씨, 저는 당신이 두 살 때부터 아버님을 알고 지냈어요." 브루너 박사가 부드럽게 말했습니다. Dr. Bruner yumuşak bir sesle, "Bay Babbitt, babanızı iki yaşınızdan beri tanıyorum," dedi.

Charlie turned. Charlie megfordult. Charlie se virou. Charlie döndü. 'The year my mother died,' he said quickly. 'The year my mother died,' he said quickly. Abban az évben, amikor anyám meghalt - mondta gyorsan. "O ano em que minha mãe morreu", disse ele rapidamente. "Annemin öldüğü yıl," dedi hemen.

'Yes,' said Bruner. 'Now, the will names me as the person to look after the money. "V závěti jsem uveden jako osoba, která se má o peníze starat. „Nun, das Testament benennt mich als die Person, die sich um das Geld kümmert. "A végrendelet engem nevez meg a pénz gondozására kijelölt személyként. 「今、意志は私をお金の世話をする人として指名します。 '이제 유언장에 돈을 관리할 사람으로 저를 지정했습니다. 'Agora, o testamento me nomeia como a pessoa que cuidará do dinheiro. Теперь в завещании я указан как лицо, которое будет распоряжаться деньгами. "Vasiyette paraya bakacak kişi olarak benim adım geçiyor. But this hospital and I get none of that money. Ale tato nemocnice ani já žádné peníze nedostáváme. Aber dieses Krankenhaus und ich bekommen nichts von dem Geld. De ez a kórház és én nem kapunk ebből a pénzből. 하지만 이 병원과 저는 그 돈을 한 푼도 받지 못합니다. Mas este hospital e eu não recebemos nada desse dinheiro. Но мы с этой больницей ничего из этих денег не получаем. Ama bu hastane ve ben o paranın hiçbirini alamıyoruz. I am doing this for your father.' Dělám to pro tvého otce. Ezt az apádért teszem. 네 아버지를 위해 이러는 거야. Estou fazendo isso por seu pai. Я делаю это для твоего отца". Bunu baban için yapıyorum.'

Charlie was beginning to feel very angry. Charlie se začínal cítit velmi rozzlobeně. Charlie kezdett nagyon dühös lenni. Charlie estava começando a ficar com muita raiva. Чарли начинал очень злиться. To calm himself, he turned back to the window. |успокоиться||||||| Aby se uklidnil, otočil se zpět k oknu. Hogy megnyugodjon, visszafordult az ablakhoz. 落ち着くために、彼は窓に戻った。 Чтобы успокоить себя, он снова повернулся к окну. The man with the bag was now standing next to the Buick. Muž s taškou teď stál vedle Buicku. Der Mann mit der Tasche stand jetzt neben dem Buick. A táskás férfi most a Buick mellett állt. O homem com a bolsa estava parado ao lado do Buick. 'And you want me to just forget about the money?' "A ty chceš, abych na ty peníze prostě zapomněl? „Und du willst, dass ich das Geld einfach vergesse?“ "És azt akarod, hogy felejtsem el a pénzt? — E você quer que eu simplesmente esqueça o dinheiro? "Ve benden parayı unutmamı mı istiyorsun?

'I think you have been upset,' Bruner said softly, 'by a. man who never knew how to show love.' "Myslím, že tě rozrušil muž, který nikdy neuměl projevovat lásku," řekl Bruner tiše. »Ich glaube, Sie haben sich geärgert«, sagte Bruner leise, »über a. Mann, der nie wusste, wie man Liebe zeigt.' Azt hiszem, felzaklatott téged - mondta Bruner halkan - egy olyan ember, aki sosem tudta, hogyan kell szeretetet mutatni. 「私はあなたが動揺していると思います」とブルーナーはそっと言いました。愛を示す方法を知らなかった男。」 브루너는 '사랑을 표현하는 방법을 전혀 모르는 사람 때문에 속상하셨을 것 같아요'라고 부드럽게 말했습니다. "Acho que você ficou chateado", disse Bruner suavemente, "por um. homem que nunca soube demonstrar amor.' Я думаю, что вас расстроил, - мягко сказал Брунер, - человек, который никогда не умел проявлять любовь". "Sanırım," dedi Bruner yumuşak bir sesle, "sevgi göstermeyi hiç bilmeyen bir adam tarafından üzülmüşsünüz.

Charlie knew that this was true. Charlie věděl, že je to pravda. Charlie tudta, hogy ez igaz. Чарли знал, что это правда. Charlie bunun doğru olduğunu biliyordu. He did not know what to say. Nevěděl, co má říct. Nem tudta, mit mondjon. Ele não sabia o que dizer. Ne söyleyeceğini bilemedi. Outside, the man was taking a small notebook out of his bag. Muž venku vytahoval z tašky malý zápisník. Outside, the man was taking a small notebook out of his bag. Odakint a férfi egy kis noteszt vett elő a táskájából. Do lado de fora, o homem tirava um caderninho da bolsa. Adam dışarıda çantasından küçük bir not defteri çıkarıyordu. He began writing in it. Začal do něj psát. Elkezdett írni benne.

'I understand how you feel,' Dr Bruner continued. "Nasıl hissettiğinizi anlıyorum," diye devam etti Dr. Bruner. 'But there's nothing I can do.' "Ale já s tím nemůžu nic dělat. "De nem tehetek semmit. 「しかし、私にできることは何もありません。」 Но я ничего не могу сделать.

'I'll fight for my money, Dr Bruner,' Charlie said. "Budu bojovat o své peníze, doktore Brunere," řekl Charlie. Harcolni fogok a pénzemért, Dr. Bruner - mondta Charlie.

Dr Bruner got up from his chair. Doktor Bruner vstal ze židle. Dr Bruner got up from his chair. Dr. Bruner felállt a székéből. O Dr. Bruner levantou-se da cadeira. 'I'm sure you are a fighter, Mr Babbitt,' he said. "Jsem si jistý, že jste bojovník, pane Babbitte," řekl. Biztos vagyok benne, hogy ön harcos, Babbitt úr - mondta. "Tenho certeza de que você é um lutador, Sr. Babbitt", disse ele. 'Eminim siz bir savaşçısınızdır, Bay Babbitt,' dedi. 'Your father was a fighter. Az apád harcos volt. 'Baban bir savaşçıydı. But I am a fighter too.' De én is harcos vagyok. Mas também sou um lutador.' Ama ben de bir savaşçıyım.

Dr Bruner walked with Charlie out through the front door. Doktor Bruner vyšel s Charliem předními dveřmi. Dr. Bruner kisétált Charlie-val a bejárati ajtón. O Dr. Bruner saiu com Charlie pela porta da frente. The day was getting hotter, but it was still beautiful weather. Den byl čím dál teplejší, ale stále bylo krásné počasí. A nap egyre melegebb lett, de még mindig gyönyörű idő volt.

The little man with the bag was still standing by the Buick. A kisember a táskával még mindig a Buick mellett állt. O homenzinho com a sacola ainda estava parado ao lado do Buick. He was writing in his notebook. Again and again he looked from the car back to the notebook. Znovu a znovu se díval z auta na zápisník. 何度も何度も彼は車からノートブックに戻って見ました。 Repetidas vezes ele olhou do carro de volta para o notebook. He did not look at Susanna.

'Raymond,' said Dr Bruner, 'go back inside.' Raymond - mondta Bruner doktor -, menjen vissza a házba. "Raymond", disse o Dr. Bruner, "volte para dentro."

The man with the notebook was not listening. A férfi a notebookkal nem figyelt. He continued writing in the notebook. Folytatta az írást a jegyzetfüzetbe. Charlie walked past him and went to open the door. Charlie kolem něj prošel a šel otevřít dveře. Charlie ging an ihm vorbei, um die Tür zu öffnen. Charlie elsétált mellette, és kinyitotta az ajtót.

'Of course, this car is not white,' Raymond said. "Tohle auto samozřejmě není bílé," řekl Raymond. He did not look up from his notebook. Nevzhlédl od svého zápisníku. Nem nézett fel a jegyzetfüzetéből. Ele não ergueu os olhos do caderno. 'This is a blue car now...' "Ez most egy kék autó...

Charlie looked at Raymond in surprise. Charlie meglepetten nézett Raymondra. Charlie olhou surpreso para Raymond. He was a small man of about forty. Negyven év körüli, alacsony férfi volt. Ele era um homem pequeno de cerca de quarenta anos. He looked clean and tidy, with short hair and very ordinary clothes. ||||||||||обычная| Vypadal čistě a upraveně, měl krátké vlasy a velmi obyčejné oblečení. Tisztának és rendezettnek tűnt, rövid hajjal és nagyon hétköznapi ruhában. 彼はきれいで整頓されていて、短い髪とごく普通の服を着ていました。 Ele parecia limpo e arrumado, com cabelo curto e roupas muito comuns. What was a little strange was that there was no expression on his face. Trochu zvláštní bylo, že v jeho tváři nebyl žádný výraz. Ami egy kicsit furcsa volt, hogy nem volt arckifejezés az arcán. 少し不思議なことに、彼の顔には表情がありませんでした。 O que era um pouco estranho era que não havia expressão em seu rosto. Что было немного странно, так это то, что на его лице не было никакого выражения. There was no light in his small black eyes, and no movement in his mouth. V jeho malých černých očích nebylo žádné světlo a v ústech se nic nepohnulo. Apró fekete szemeiben nem volt fény, és a szája sem mozdult. Não havia luz em seus pequenos olhos negros e nenhum movimento em sua boca. It was a face that was neither happy nor sad. ||||||ни... ни||| Nebyla to tvář ani veselá, ani smutná. Ez az arc nem volt sem boldog, sem szomorú. Era um rosto que não era feliz nem triste.

Smiling, Charlie turned to Susanna. Charlie se s úsměvem obrátil k Susanně. Charlie mosolyogva Susanna felé fordult. Sorrindo, Charlie virou-se para Susanna. 'You know,' he said slowly, 'this car was white. "Víte," řekl pomalu, "tohle auto bylo bílé. Tudod - mondta lassan -, ez az autó fehér volt. “Sabe”, ele disse lentamente, “este carro era branco. My dad painted it blue when I was very little.' Když jsem byl malý, táta ho natřel na modro. My dad painted it blue when I was very little.' Meu pai pintou de azul quando eu era bem pequeno.

'And, and,' Raymond continued quickly to himself, '... it cost an arm and a leg.' "A, a," pokračoval Raymond rychle pro sebe, "stálo to ruku a nohu. És, és - folytatta Raymond gyorsan magában -... egy karomba került. 「そして、そして、」レイモンドはすぐに彼自身に続けました、「...それは腕と足を要しました。」 레이먼드는 재빨리 혼잣말을 이어가며 '... 팔과 다리가 부러졌어요'라고 말했습니다. 'E,' Raymond continuou rapidamente para si mesmo, '... custou um braço e uma perna.' И, и, - быстро продолжал Раймонд, - ... это стоило руку и ногу". "Ve, ve," diye devam etti Raymond kendi kendine hızla, "... bir kol ve bir bacağa mal oldu.

The smile left Charlie's face. Charlieho úsměv opustil tvář. A mosoly elhagyta Charlie arcát. O sorriso deixou o rosto de Charlie. 'That's what my father often said - "an arm and a leg". "To říkal často můj otec - "ruka a noha". 'That's what my father often said - "an arm and a leg". Apám gyakran mondta ezt: "egy kar és egy láb". How does this man know that?' Jak to ten člověk ví? Honnan tudja ez az ember ezt? Como esse homem sabe disso? Bu adam bunu nereden biliyor?' he asked.

Charlie looked at the man called Raymond. Charlie se podíval na muže jménem Raymond. Charlie a Raymond nevű férfira nézett. Charlie olhou para o homem chamado Raymond. Raymond looked up for a second. Raymond na okamžik vzhlédl. Raymond egy pillanatra felnézett. Raymond olhou para cima por um segundo. Then he looked at his notebook again, Pak se znovu podíval do svého zápisníku, Então ele olhou para seu caderno novamente,

'You come with me, Raymond,' Dr Bruner said. Jöjjön velem, Raymond - mondta Bruner doktor. 'These people have to go.' "Ezeknek az embereknek mennie kell. "Bu insanlar gitmeli.

But Charlie was moving closer to Raymond. Charlie se však k Raymondovi přibližoval. De Charlie egyre közelebb ment Raymondhoz. Mas Charlie estava se aproximando de Raymond. Ama Charlie Raymond'a yaklaşıyordu. 'Do you know this car?' "Znáte tohle auto? "Ismeri ezt az autót? he asked.

A frightened expression came across Raymond's face. V Raymondově tváři se objevil vyděšený výraz. Raymond arcára ijedt kifejezés ült ki. Uma expressão assustada apareceu no rosto de Raymond. На лице Раймонда появилось испуганное выражение. Raymond'un yüzünde korkmuş bir ifade belirdi. He looked at Dr Bruner for help. Bruner doktorra nézett segítségért. 'I... don't... know,' he muttered. ||||пробормотал Én... nem... tudom - motyogta. - Eu... não... sei - murmurou.

'Yes, you do know this car!' "Igen, ismered ezt az autót! 「はい、あなたはこの車を知っています!」 'Sim, você conhece este carro!' Charlie said angrily. mondta Charlie dühösen. Charlie disse com raiva. 'Why do you know?' "Proč to víš? "Honnan tudod? 'Porque você sabe?'

'That's enough, Mr Babbitt,' Dr Bruner said. "To stačí, pane Babbitte," řekl doktor Bruner. Elég volt, Babbitt úr - mondta Bruner doktor. 'You're upsetting him. |Ты его расстраиваешь.| "Rozčiluješ ho. "Felzaklatod őt. You're -'

'Charlie, please,' Susanna said. Charlie, kérlek - mondta Susanna.

Now Raymond looked from Susanna to Dr Bruner. Raymond most Susannáról Dr. Brunerre nézett. He began writing in his notebook and muttering to himself. |||||||бормоча себе под нос|| Začal si psát do zápisníku a mumlat si pro sebe.

'Babbitt Charlie. Charlie... Babbitt. Charlie Babbitt. 1961 Beechcrest Avenue.' 1961 Beechcrest Avenue.

Charlie was astonished. Charlie byl ohromen. Charlie megdöbbent. 'How do you know that address?' "Honnan tudod ezt a címet? he asked.

Dr Bruner spoke quietly. Bruner doktor halkan beszélt. 'Because he's your brother,' he said.

'But I don't have a brother,' the astonished Charlie said. "Ale já nemám bratra," řekl udivený Charlie. 「しかし、私には兄弟がいません」と驚いたチャーリーは言いました。 'I never had a brother.' "Nikdy jsem neměl bratra.


Charlie and Dr Bruner walked through the flower garden and talked together. Charlie a doktor Bruner se procházeli květinovou zahradou a povídali si. Susanna sat with Raymond, who was still writing in his notebook.

'What can I tell you?' "Co vám mohu říci? "Mit mondhatnék? 「私はあなたに何を言うことができますか?」 the doctor asked.

'Where to begin?' "Kde začít? "Hol kezdjem? 「どこから始めますか?」

'What does he write in that notebook?' "Co si píše do toho zápisníku?

'He writes down things that he thinks are dangerous. "Píše si věci, které považuje za nebezpečné. "Leírja azokat a dolgokat, amelyeket veszélyesnek tart. 'Ele escreve coisas que ele acha que são perigosas. "Tehlikeli olduğunu düşündüğü şeyleri yazıyor. Things like bad weather reports.' ||||отчёты о погоде Například špatné zprávy o počasí. Olyan dolgok, mint a rossz időjárás-jelentések. 悪天候の報告のようなもの。」 Coisas como relatórios de mau tempo. Такие вещи, как сообщения о плохой погоде". Kötü hava raporları gibi şeyler.'

'Why does he do that?' "Proč to dělá? "Miért csinálja ezt? 'Почему он это делает?'

'I think he writes dangerous things down to try and hide them. "Myslím, že si nebezpečné věci zapisuje, aby se je pokusil skrýt. Szerintem azért ír le veszélyes dolgokat, hogy megpróbálja elrejteni őket. '위험한 것을 숨기려고 적는 것 같아요. – Acho que ele anota coisas perigosas para tentar escondê-las. Я думаю, что он пишет опасные вещи, чтобы попытаться их скрыть. "Bence tehlikeli şeyleri saklamaya çalışmak için yazıyor. Raymond sees danger everywhere. Raymond vidí nebezpečí všude. Raymond mindenhol veszélyt lát. Раймонд видит опасность повсюду. Raymond her yerde tehlike görüyor. Any change frightens him. Každá změna ho děsí. Minden változás megrémíti őt. Qualquer mudança o assusta. Любые перемены пугают его. Herhangi bir değişiklik onu korkutur. That is why he always does things in the same way every day.' Proto dělá věci každý den stejně. Ezért csinálja mindig ugyanúgy a dolgokat minden nap. 그래서 그는 항상 매일 같은 방식으로 일을 처리합니다. Bu yüzden her şeyi her gün aynı şekilde yapıyor.

'What do you mean?' "Co tím myslíš? "Hogy érted ezt? 'O que você quer dizer?' "Ne demek istiyorsun?

'Raymond always eats the same way, sleeps the same way, talks the same way. "Raymond vždycky jí stejně, spí stejně, mluví stejně. "Raymond mindig ugyanúgy eszik, ugyanúgy alszik, ugyanúgy beszél. 'Raymond sempre come do mesmo jeito, dorme do mesmo jeito, fala do mesmo jeito. 'Raymond her zaman aynı şekilde yer, aynı şekilde uyur, aynı şekilde konuşur. Everything. Tudo. But he's a person, your brother. Ale je to člověk, tvůj bratr. De ő egy ember, a testvéred. Но он человек, твой брат. In some ways, a very intelligent person.' V některých ohledech velmi inteligentní člověk. Bizonyos szempontból nagyon intelligens ember. De certa forma, uma pessoa muito inteligente. В некотором смысле очень интеллигентный человек". Bazı açılardan çok zeki bir insan.

Dr Bruner looked at Charlie for a second or two, then he continued. Doktor Bruner se na Charlieho vteřinu nebo dvě díval a pak pokračoval. 브루너 박사는 찰리를 한두 초간 쳐다보더니 계속 말을 이어갔습니다. Доктор Брунер секунду-другую смотрел на Чарли, затем продолжил. 'Raymond cannot have relationships with other people, and he cannot see the relationship between things. "Raymond nedokáže navazovat vztahy s ostatními lidmi a nevidí vztahy mezi věcmi. 「レイモンドは他の人との関係を持つことができず、物事間の関係を見ることができません。 'Raymond não pode ter relacionamentos com outras pessoas, e ele não pode ver a relação entre as coisas. Раймонд не может иметь отношения с другими людьми и не видит взаимосвязи между вещами. He talks to you, but he also talks to the car and the television. Mluví s vámi, ale také s autem a televizí. Beszél hozzád, de beszél az autóhoz és a tévéhez is. 그는 여러분과 대화할 뿐만 아니라 자동차와 텔레비전과도 대화합니다. Ele fala com você, mas também fala com o carro e a televisão. Everything is the same to him. Všechno je pro něj stejné. Számára minden ugyanaz. すべてが彼にとって同じです。 Doctors call this sort of person autistic.' Lékaři takovým lidem říkají autisté. Az orvosok az ilyen embereket autistának nevezik. 医者はこの種の人を自閉症と呼びます。 Врачи называют таких людей аутистами".

Charlie thought about this. Charlie se nad tím zamyslel. Charlie elgondolkodott ezen. Charlie pensou sobre isso. Чарли задумался над этим. It was difficult to understand. Bylo těžké to pochopit. Nehéz volt megérteni.

'And the most important thing is that Raymond can't feel. "A nejdůležitější je, že Raymond nic necítí. "És a legfontosabb dolog az, hogy Raymond nem tud érezni. 「そして最も重要なことは、レイモンドが感じることができないということです。 He cannot be happy or sad in the way that we are happy or sad.' Nemůže být šťastný ani smutný tak, jako jsme šťastní nebo smutní my. Ő nem tud úgy örülni vagy szomorkodni, ahogy mi örülünk vagy szomorkodunk. 彼は私たちが幸せまたは悲しい方法で幸せまたは悲しいことはできません。 Он не может быть счастлив или печален так, как счастливы или печальны мы".

Dr Bruner stopped speaking and looked at Charlie. Doktor Bruner přestal mluvit a podíval se na Charlieho. Dr. Bruner parou de falar e olhou para Charlie. Charlie was biting his lip and looking over at his brother. Charlie se kousal do rtu a díval se na bratra. Charlie az ajkába harapott, és a bátyjára nézett. 찰리는 입술을 깨물며 형을 바라보고 있었습니다. Charlie estava mordendo o lábio e olhando para o irmão. Чарли закусил губу и посмотрел на брата.

'What Raymond did with you today... that was very good,' Dr Bruner said softly. "To, co s vámi dnes Raymond dělal, bylo velmi dobré," řekl tiše doktor Bruner. Amit Raymond ma veled csinált... az nagyon jó volt - mondta halkan Bruner doktor. '레이먼드가 오늘 당신과 함께한 일은... 아주 훌륭했습니다.' 브루너 박사가 부드럽게 말했습니다. "O que Raymond fez com você hoje... foi muito bom", disse o Dr. Bruner suavemente. То, что Реймонд делал с вами сегодня... это было очень хорошо, - мягко сказал доктор Брунер. 'Very good. For a stranger.' Pro cizího člověka. Egy idegennek. 見知らぬ人のために。」 Для незнакомца".

Charlie shook his head and laughed. Charlie zavrtěl hlavou a zasmál se. Charlie megrázta a fejét, és nevetett. 'The world is strange,' he said. "Svět je zvláštní," řekl. Furcsa a világ - mondta. Мир странный, - сказал он. 'Three million dollars! "Tři miliony dolarů! What's he going to spend it on?' Za co je utratí? Mire fogja elkölteni?' 彼はそれを何に使うつもりですか?」 '이 돈을 어디에 쓸까요?' Com o que ele vai gastar? На что он их потратит?

It was late afternoon. Bylo pozdní odpoledne. Késő délután volt. Был поздний вечер. Charlie was walking with Raymond. Charlie šel s Raymondem. Чарли гулял с Раймондом. Susanna waited in the car. She thought that Charlie was saying goodbye to his new brother. Myslela si, že se Charlie loučí se svým novým bratrem. Ela pensou que Charlie estava se despedindo de seu novo irmão.

Charlie walked quickly towards the Buick. Charlie se rychle vydal kbuicku. Charlie gyorsan a Buick felé sétált. Raymond walked next to him. Raymond šel vedle něj.

'This is Daddy's car,' Raymond said. Ez apa autója - mondta Raymond. "Este é o carro do papai", disse Raymond. 'It was white. But now this is a blue car.'

Charlie got into the Buick. Charlie nastoupil do Buicku. Charlie entrou no Buick. 'Get in, Raymond,' he said. Szállj be, Raymond - mondta. "Entre, Raymond", disse ele. Садись, Раймонд, - сказал он.

Raymond got into the car.

'Charlie, wait a minute!' Charlie, várj egy percet! Susanna said. 'Where are we taking him?' "Kam ho vezeme? "Hová visszük? 'Para onde vamos levá-lo?'

'For a holiday,' Charlie said. 'Para um feriado,' Charlie disse. He started the car and they drove away. Beindította az autót, és elhajtottak. Ele ligou o carro e eles foram embora. Raymond looked back over his shoulder at the house that they were leaving. Raymond se ohlédl přes rameno na dům, který opouštěli. Raymond visszanézett a válla fölött a házra, ahonnan éppen távoztak. Raymond olhou por cima do ombro para a casa que eles estavam deixando. There was no expression on his face, but it was very clear that he was anxious. |||||||||||||||тревожный Ve tváři neměl žádný výraz, ale bylo zřejmé, že je znepokojený. 그의 얼굴에는 표정이 없었지만 그가 불안해하는 것은 분명했습니다. Não havia expressão em seu rosto, mas estava muito claro que ele estava ansioso. На его лице не было никакого выражения, но было ясно, что он встревожен.

'Don't worry, Raymond,' Susanna told him, 'you're coming back.' "Neboj se, Raymonde," řekla mu Susanna, "vrátíš se. Ne aggódj, Raymond - mondta neki Susanna -, vissza fogsz jönni. "Não se preocupe, Raymond", Susanna disse a ele, "você vai voltar."

Charlie said nothing. Charlie não disse nada.


They drove back to Cincinnati. Eles voltaram para Cincinnati. Raymond sat in the back of the Buick and watched the road go by. Raymond a Buick hátsó ülésén ült, és nézte az utat. 레이먼드는 뷰익 뒷좌석에 앉아 도로가 지나가는 것을 지켜보았습니다. Raymond sentou-se no banco de trás do Buick e observou a estrada passar. He said nothing to Charlie or Susanna, but muttered strange things to himself. ||||||||бормотал|||| Neřekl nic Charliemu ani Susanně, ale mumlal si pro sebe podivné věci. Semmit sem mondott Charlie-nak vagy Susannának, csak furcsa dolgokat mormogott magában.

They went to a hotel, and took two rooms. Odjeli do hotelu a zabrali si dva pokoje. Elmentek egy szállodába, és kivettek két szobát. Charlie showed Raymond his room. Charlie megmutatta Raymondnak a szobáját.

'This is your room, Ray,' he said.

That was a big mistake. Ez nagy hiba volt.

Raymond looked around the room. Raymond körülnézett a szobában. 'This is not my room,' he said. There was a frightened expression on his face. Ve tváři měl vyděšený výraz. Rémült arckifejezés ült ki az arcára. 'This is... is not my room.' "Ez... ez nem az én szobám.

'Just for tonight,' Charlie said.

'Until we take you home,' Susanna said. "Dokud tě neodvezeme domů," řekla Susanna. Amíg haza nem viszünk - mondta Susanna. "Пока мы не заберем тебя домой", - сказала Сюзанна.

But Raymond was very upset now. He was shaking his head from side to side and muttering to himself. Třásl hlavou ze strany na stranu a mumlal si pro sebe. A fejét ide-oda rázta, és magában motyogott. 'Of course, I'm going to be here a long time. "Samozřejmě, že tu budu dlouho. "Persze, sokáig itt leszek. '물론 여기 오래 있을 거예요. 'Конечно, я собираюсь остаться здесь надолго. A very long time... Of course, they moved my bed.' Velmi dlouho... Samozřejmě mi přestěhovali postel. Nagyon hosszú idő... Persze, áthelyezték az ágyamat. 아주 오랜 시간... 물론 그들은 내 침대를 옮겼습니다. Очень долго... Конечно, они передвинули мою кровать".

'Sorry, Raymond,' Charlie said. "Promiň, Raymonde," řekl Charlie. Sajnálom, Raymond - mondta Charlie. 'You like the bed under the window.' "Líbí se ti postel pod oknem. "Szereted az ágyat az ablak alatt. 「あなたは窓の下のベッドが好きです。」 'Тебе нравится кровать под окном'. He started pushing the bed into its new place. Začal postýlku posouvat na její nové místo. Elkezdte az ágyat az új helyére tolni. 彼はベッドを新しい場所に押し込み始めました。

But Raymond was still unhappy. Ale Raymond byl stále nešťastný. De Raymond még mindig boldogtalan volt. しかし、レイモンドはまだ不幸でした。 He started muttering about books. Začal mumlat o knihách. Er fing an, über Bücher zu murmeln. A könyvekről kezdett motyogni. Он начал бормотать что-то о книгах. The only book in the room was a telephone book for Cincinnati. Jedinou knihou v pokoji byl telefonní seznam Cincinnati. Az egyetlen könyv a szobában egy cincinnati telefonkönyv volt.

'Charlie, let's take him home,' Susanna said. "Charlie, odvezeme ho domů," řekla Susanna. Charlie, vigyük haza - mondta Susanna. Чарли, давай отвезем его домой, - сказала Сюзанна. She liked Raymond, and she did not like to see him upset. Měla Raymonda ráda a nerada ho viděla rozrušeného. Kedvelte Raymondot, és nem szerette, ha feldúltnak látta.

'He's OK,' Charlie said. Jól van - mondta Charlie. 'Do you like pizza, Ray?'

'Do you like pizza, Charlie Babbitt?' Raymond knew the word 'pizza' because 'pizza' was a Wallbrook word. Raymond znal slovo "pizza", protože "pizza" bylo slovo z Wallbrooku. Raymond ismerte a "pizza" szót, mert a "pizza" egy wallbrooki szó volt. 레이먼드는 '피자'가 월브룩의 단어이기 때문에 '피자'라는 단어를 알고 있었습니다. Раймонд знал слово "пицца", потому что "пицца" - это слово из Уолбрука. This calmed him a little. |Это его успокоило.||| To ho trochu uklidnilo. Ez egy kicsit megnyugtatta. Это его немного успокоило.

'I'll ask the hotel to send a pizza up to your room,' Charlie said. Megkérem a szállodát, hogy küldjenek fel egy pizzát a szobádba - mondta Charlie. 「ホテルにピザをあなたの部屋に送るように頼みます」とチャーリーは言いました。 Я попрошу отель прислать пиццу к вам в номер, - сказал Чарли. 'We like pizza, don't we, Ray? Szeretjük a pizzát, ugye, Ray? We're brothers.' Testvérek vagyunk.

'Charlie, he still doesn't look happy,' Susanna said. "Charlie, pořád nevypadá šťastně," řekla Susanna. Charlie, még mindig nem tűnik boldognak - mondta Susanna. 'I don't understand why you brought him here. "Nechápu, proč jsi ho sem přivedl. Nem értem, miért hoztad ide. I think he wants to go back to Wallbrook.' Szerintem vissza akar menni Wallbrookba.

'Ray's fine,' Charlie said, 'all he needs is some TV and some pizza. Ray jól van - mondta Charlie -, csak egy kis tévé és pizza kell neki. Рэй в порядке, - сказал Чарли, - все, что ему нужно, это телевизор и пицца. What's on TV, Ray?' Mi van a tévében, Ray? レイ、テレビには何がありますか?」 Что показывают по телевизору, Рэй?

Raymond looked at his watch. Raymond az órájára nézett. レイモンドは彼の時計を見ました。 Раймонд посмотрел на часы. 'The Lucky Money Wheel,' he told the watch. A szerencsés pénzkerék - mondta az órának. 그는 시계에 '행운의 머니 휠'이라고 말했습니다. 'Колесо счастливых денег', - сказал он часам.

'Great. Sit down, and you can watch it.' Ülj le, és megnézheted. Садись, и ты сможешь посмотреть".

Charlie turned on the television. Чарли включил телевизор. The Lucky Money Wheel came on. |||Колесо удачи|| A Lucky Money Wheel beindult. ラッキーマネーホイールが登場しました。 A Roda do Dinheiro da Sorte começou. Включилось колесо Lucky Money Wheel.

'You've got your TV,' Charlie said. "Máš svou televizi," řekl Charlie. 「あなたはあなたのテレビを持っています」とチャーリーは言いました。 "Você está com a sua TV", disse Charlie. 'У тебя есть свой телевизор, - сказал Чарли. 'You've got a pizza coming. "Jön egy pizza. 「あなたはピザが来ています。 'Тебе принесли пиццу. Aren't things good, Ray?' Hát nem jól mennek a dolgok, Ray? 物事は良くない、レイ?」 Разве все не хорошо, Рэй?

Charlie looked at Raymond and Raymond looked at Charlie, but there was no expression on his face. Charlie Raymondra nézett, Raymond pedig Charlie-ra, de az arcán nem volt kifejezés.

'Do you ever smile, Ray?' "Usmíváš se někdy, Rayi? Szoktál mosolyogni, Ray? 「あなたは今までに微笑んだことがありますか、レイ?」 Charlie asked.

'Do you ever smile?' Raymond repeated. There was still no expression on his face. V jeho tváři se stále neobjevil žádný výraz. Még mindig nem volt kifejezés az arcán. Ainda não havia expressão em seu rosto.

Raymond sat on his bed and watched television. Raymond leült az ágyára és tévét nézett. Charlie came in with a pizza. Charlie bejött egy pizzával. Charlie entrou com uma pizza.

Ray looked at the pizza and shook his head. Ray se podíval na pizzu a zavrtěl hlavou. Ray a pizzára nézett, és megrázta a fejét. 'What's the problem, Ray?' Charlie asked.

Raymond wanted to eat the pizza the way that he ate it at Wallbrook. Raymond chtěl jíst pizzu tak, jak ji jedl ve Wallbrooku. Raymond úgy akarta megenni a pizzát, ahogyan Wallbrookban ette. レイモンドは、ウォールブルックで食べたのと同じ方法でピザを食べたかったのです。 Raymond queria comer a pizza do jeito que comia em Wallbrook. Charlie cut the pizza into tiny squares for him, and put each square on a toothpick. |||||||||||||||зубочистка Charlie mu nakrájel pizzu na malé čtverečky a každý čtvereček napíchl na párátko. Charlie apró négyzetekre vágta neki a pizzát, és mindegyik négyzetet fogpiszkálóra tűzte. 찰리는 피자를 작은 사각형으로 자르고 각 사각형에 이쑤시개를 꽂았습니다. Charlie cortou a pizza em pequenos quadrados para ele e colocou cada quadrado em um palito. Чарли разрезал для него пиццу на маленькие квадратики и насадил каждый квадратик на зубочистку.

Charlie and Susanna went off to their room. Charlie a Susanna odešli do svého pokoje. Charlie és Susanna elmentek a szobájukba. Charlie e Susanna foram para o quarto. Чарли и Сюзанна ушли в свою комнату. Raymond watched a film. A man in the film told his son to turn the television off. Muž ve filmu řekl svému synovi, aby vypnul televizi. A filmben egy férfi azt mondta a fiának, hogy kapcsolja ki a tévét. Um homem no filme disse a seu filho para desligar a televisão. Raymond got up and turned his television off. Raymond vstal a vypnul televizi. Raymond levantou-se e desligou a televisão.

Raymond continued to look at the television, but now there was nothing to watch. Raymond se dál díval na televizi, ale teď už nebylo na co koukat. He heard the sound of another television in Charlie and Susanna's room. V pokoji Charlieho a Susanny zaslechl zvuk další televize. Egy másik televízió hangját hallotta Charlie és Susanna szobájában. Raymond got up and went into their room. Raymond vstal a šel do jejich pokoje. Raymond levantou-se e foi para o quarto.

Charlie and Susanna were in bed. They did not see Raymond come into the room. Raymonda v místnosti neviděli. Nem látták, hogy Raymond belépett a szobába. Eles não viram Raymond entrar na sala. Raymond sat on the end of the bed and watched the television. Raymond leült az ágy végére, és nézte a tévét.

Susanna saw him first. Susanna o viu primeiro. 'Charlie,' she said, in a quiet voice. Charlie - mondta halkan. 'Raymond is sitting at the end of the bed.' "Raymond az ágy végében ül.

Charlie sat up and saw that Raymond was watching TV and eating pizza. 'Raymond, what are you doing in here?' he shouted. 'Get out!' "Kifelé! 'Saia!'

Raymond got up and went back to his room. Raymond levantou-se e voltou para seu quarto. Susanna looked at Charlie with an angry expression on her face. Susanna se na Charlieho podívala s rozzlobeným výrazem ve tváři. Susanna dühös arckifejezéssel nézett Charlie-ra. Susanna olhou para Charlie com uma expressão de raiva no rosto. 'Go and talk to him!' "Jdi a promluv si s ním! "Menj és beszélj vele! 'Vá falar com ele!' she said.

'What for?' "Minek? 'Pelo que?' 'Зачем?' Charlie asked.

'Because he's frightened,' Susanna said. "Protože se bojí," řekla Susanna. Mert megijedt - mondta Susanna. 'He's never been away from Wallbrook before. "Nikdy předtím nebyl mimo Wallbrook. Még soha nem volt távol Wallbrooktól. '그는 한 번도 월브룩과 떨어져 본 적이 없습니다. 'Ele nunca esteve longe de Wallbrook antes. You've upset him!' Rozrušil jsi ho! Felzaklattad őt!' あなたは彼を動揺させました!」 Você o perturbou! Вы его расстроили!

Charlie got angry. Charlie dühös lett. Charlie ficou com raiva. Чарли рассердился. 'Raymond is not going back to Wallbrook,' he said. Raymond nem megy vissza Wallbrookba - mondta. 'He has to learn how to live in the real world.' "Meg kell tanulnia, hogyan éljen a való világban.

Susanna was astonished. Сусанна была поражена. 'What do you mean he's not going back to Wallbrook?' "Hogy érted, hogy nem megy vissza Wallbrookba? 'O que você quer dizer com ele não vai voltar para Wallbrook?'

Charlie looked away from her and bit his lip. Charlie od ní odvrátil pohled a kousl se do rtu. Charlie elfordította a tekintetét a lánytól, és az ajkába harapott. 'I took Raymond,' he said quietly, 'and I'm keeping him until I get my money.' "Vzal jsem Raymonda," řekl tiše, "a nechám si ho, dokud nedostanu peníze. Elvettem Raymondot - mondta halkan -, és addig tartom itt, amíg meg nem kapom a pénzem. "Peguei Raymond", disse ele baixinho, "e vou ficar com ele até receber meu dinheiro." "Raymond'u aldım," dedi sessizce, "ve paramı alana kadar onu tutacağım.

Susanna's eyes widened. Susanna szeme kitágult. 'What money?' "Milyen pénz? she asked.

'Dad left Ray some money. "Táta nechal Rayovi nějaké peníze. Apa hagyott Raynek egy kis pénzt. '아빠가 레이에게 돈을 남겼어요. 'Papai deixou algum dinheiro para Ray. A lot of money.'

Money! Now Susanna was beginning to understand. 'How much money... did... your... father... leave Raymond?' "Mennyi pénzt... hagyott... az... apád... Raymondra? she asked angrily. kérdezte dühösen.

Charlie looked away again. Charlie opět odvrátil pohled. Charlie ismét félrenézett. Charlie desviou o olhar novamente. 'He left him his house and all his money,' he said. Ráhagyta a házát és az összes pénzét - mondta. 'Ele deixou sua casa e todo o seu dinheiro', disse ele. 'Three million dollars.'

Susanna muttered some angry words in Italian and jumped out of bed. Susanna néhány dühös szót mormolt olaszul, és felugrott az ágyból. スザンナはイタリア語でいくつかの怒った言葉をつぶやき、ベッドから飛び降りました。 Susanna murmurou algumas palavras raivosas em italiano e pulou da cama. Сусанна пробормотала несколько гневных слов по-итальянски и вскочила с кровати. Then, she picked up her suitcase from the floor and threw it open. Pak zvedla z podlahy kufr a otevřela ho. Aztán felvette a bőröndjét a padlóról, és feldobta. それから、彼女は床からスーツケースを拾い上げて、それを開いた。 그리고는 바닥에서 여행 가방을 집어 들고는 가방을 열었습니다. Então, ela pegou sua mala do chão e a abriu. Затем она подняла с пола свой чемодан и открыла его.

'What are you doing?' 'O que você está fazendo?' Charlie asked.

'I'm leaving you, Charlie.' — Estou deixando você, Charlie. She was coldly angry. Hidegen dühös volt. Ela estava friamente zangada. Она была холодно сердита.

Now Charlie was astonished. 'Why?' 'Por que?' he asked.

Susanna pushed her things into the suitcase and pulled on her coat. Susanna si strčila věci do kufru a natáhla si kabát. Susanna betuszkolta a holmiját a bőröndbe, és felhúzta a kabátját. 수잔나는 짐을 여행 가방에 밀어 넣고 코트를 입었습니다. Susanna enfiou suas coisas na mala e vestiu o casaco. Сюзанна уложила свои вещи в чемодан и натянула пальто. 'Because you've kidnapped your brother for money,' she shouted. ||похитил|||||| Mert pénzért elraboltad a bátyádat - kiabálta. "Потому что ты похитил своего брата ради денег", - кричала она. 'Çünkü para için kardeşini kaçırdın,' diye bağırdı.

'I have not kidnapped him! Я его не похищала! I just want my money. What's wrong with that?' Mi a baj ezzel?'

'Everything!' Susanna shouted. Susanna gritou. She looked at Charlie for a second and shook her head. Chvíli se na Charlieho dívala a zavrtěla hlavou. Egy pillanatra Charlie-ra nézett, és megrázta a fejét. Then she picked up her suitcase and moved towards the door. Pak si vzala kufr a vydala se ke dveřím. Aztán felvette a bőröndjét, és elindult az ajtó felé. When she got to the door, she turned and looked at Charlie again. Amikor az ajtóhoz ért, megfordult, és újra Charlie-ra nézett. 'I did love you, Charlie,' she said sadly. "Milovala jsem tě, Charlie," řekla smutně. Én szerettelek, Charlie - mondta szomorúan. 'Eu te amava, Charlie,' ela disse tristemente. Я любила тебя, Чарли, - грустно сказала она. 'But you are not the man that I thought you were.' "Ale ty nejsi ten, za koho jsem tě považoval. "De te nem az vagy, akinek gondoltalak. '하지만 당신은 내가 생각했던 그런 사람이 아닙니다.' Но вы не тот человек, за которого я вас принимала. "Ama sen sandığım gibi bir adam değilsin.