The Landlady (2)
ذا لاندليدي (2)
Die Vermieterin (2)
La casera (2)
La propriétaire (2)
女主人 (2)
집주인 (2)
Gospodyni (2)
A senhoria (2)
The Landlady (2)
'It's Weaver,' Billy said.
قال بيلي: `` إنه ويفر.
'Oh, of course it is!'
"أوه ، بالطبع هو كذلك!"
she cried, sitting down on the sofa.
صرخت وهي جالسة على الأريكة.
'How silly of me.
|How foolish of me.||
I do apologize.'
'Do you know something that's extraordinary about all this?
هل تعرف شيئًا غير عادي حول كل هذا؟
Wissen Sie etwas, das an all dem außergewöhnlich ist?
Both those names, Mulholland and Temple, I not only seem to remember each one separately but they appear to be connected as well.
كلا هذين الاسمين ، Mulholland و Temple ، لا يبدو أنني أتذكر كل منهما على حدة فحسب ، بل يبدو أنهما مرتبطان أيضًا.
An diese beiden Namen, Mulholland und Temple, scheine ich mich nicht nur getrennt zu erinnern, sondern sie scheinen auch miteinander verbunden zu sein.
As if they were both famous for the same sort of thing, if you see what I mean.'
Als ob sie beide für dieselbe Sache berühmt wären, wenn Sie verstehen, was ich meine.'
'Well, come over here now, dear, and sit down beside me on the sofa and I'll give you a nice cup of tea and a biscuit before you go to bed.'
Komm her, Liebes, setz dich neben mich aufs Sofa, und ich gebe dir eine schöne Tasse Tee und einen Keks, bevor du ins Bett gehst.
Billy watched her as she busied herself with the cups and saucers.
Billy beobachtete sie, während sie sich mit den Tassen und Untertassen beschäftigte.
He noticed that she had small, white, quickly moving hands, and red fingernails.
'I'm almost positive I saw them in the newspapers,' Billy said.
Ich bin mir fast sicher, dass ich sie in den Zeitungen gesehen habe", sagte Billy.
'I'll think of them in a second.
I'm sure I will.'
There is nothing more annoying than a thing like this which remains just outside one's memory.
Es gibt nichts Ärgerlicheres als eine Sache, die einfach außerhalb des eigenen Gedächtnisses bleibt.
Nu există nimic mai enervant decât un lucru ca acesta care rămâne chiar în afara memoriei cuiva.
He hated to give up.
Ura să renunțe.
'Now wait a minute,' he said.
'Wait just a minute.
Mulholland... Christopher Mulholland... wasn't that the name of the schoolboy who was on a walking tour through the West Country, and then suddenly...'
she said.
'And sugar?'
'Yes, please.
And then suddenly...?'
she said.
'Oh no, my dear, that can't possibly be right because my Mr Mulholland was certainly not a schoolboy when he came to me.
Oh nein, meine Liebe, das kann nicht stimmen, denn mein Herr Mulholland war sicherlich kein Schuljunge, als er zu mir kam.
He was a university student.
Come over here now and sit next to me and warm yourself in front of this lovely fire.
Come on.
Your tea's all ready for you.'
He crossed the room slowly, and sat down on the edge of the sofa.
She placed his teacup on the table in front of him.
'There we are,' she said.
'How nice and comfortable this is, isn't it?'
Billy started drinking his tea.
She did the same.
For half a minute, neither of them spoke but Billy knew that she was looking at him.
Her body was half-turned towards him and he could feel her eyes resting on his face, watching him from over her teacup.
Ihr Körper war ihm halb zugewandt, und er spürte, wie ihre Augen auf seinem Gesicht ruhten und ihn über ihre Teetasse hinweg beobachteten.
Now and again he caught a peculiar smell that seemed to come from her direction.
Ab und zu nahm er einen merkwürdigen Geruch wahr, der aus ihrer Richtung zu kommen schien.
It wasn't unpleasant, and it reminded him - well, he wasn't quite sure what it was.
Es war nicht unangenehm, und es erinnerte ihn - nun, er war sich nicht ganz sicher, was es war.
New leather?
|New hide?
Neues Leder?
Or was it the corridors of a hospital?
Oder waren es die Korridore eines Krankenhauses?
'Mr Mulholland loved his tea,' she finally said.
'I've never seen anyone in my life drink as much tea as dear, sweet Mr Mulholland.'
Ich habe noch nie in meinem Leben jemanden so viel Tee trinken sehen wie den lieben Mr. Mulholland".
'I suppose he left fairly recently,' Billy said.
Ich nehme an, er ist erst vor kurzem gegangen", sagte Billy.
she said.
'But my dear boy, he never left.
He's still here.
Mr Temple is also here.
They're on the third floor, both of them together.'
Billy put down his cup slowly on the table, and stared at his landlady.
She smiled back at him and then put out one of her white hands and patted him comfortingly on the knee.
|||||||||||||||gently touched|||||
Sie lächelte ihn an, streckte dann eine ihrer weißen Hände aus und tätschelte ihm tröstend das Knie.
'How old are you, my dear?'
she asked.
she cried.
'Oh, it's the perfect age!
Mr Mulholland was also seventeen.
But I think he was a little shorter than you are - in fact I'm sure he was.
And his teeth weren't quite so white.
You have the most beautiful teeth, Mr Weaver.
Mr Temple was a little older.
He was actually twenty-eight.
I wouldn't have guessed it, though, if he hadn't told me.
Ich hätte es allerdings nicht geahnt, wenn er es mir nicht gesagt hätte.
N-aș fi ghicit, totuși, dacă nu mi-ar fi spus.
There wasn't a mark on his body.'
Es gab keinen einzigen Kratzer an seinem Körper.'
Nu era nicio urmă pe corpul lui.
'A what?'
Billy said.
'His skin was just like a baby's.'
There was a pause.
Billy picked up his teacup, drank some more and then put it down again in its saucer.
He waited for her to say something else but she seemed to have fallen into another of her silences.
Er wartete darauf, dass sie noch etwas sagen würde, aber sie schien wieder in eines ihrer Schweigen verfallen zu sein.
Czekał, aż powie coś jeszcze, ale wyglądało na to, że zapadła w kolejną ciszę.
He sat there, looking ahead, biting his lower lip.
|||||chewing on|||
Er saß da, schaute nach vorne und biss sich auf die Unterlippe.
'That parrot,' he said at last.
'You know something?
It completely fooled me when I looked through the window from the street.
Als ich von der Straße aus durch das Fenster sah, war ich völlig irritiert.
I thought it was alive.'
Ich dachte, es sei lebendig.'
'Sadly, no longer.'
'It's very clever the way it's been stuffed,' he said.
Die Art und Weise, wie es gestopft wurde, ist sehr clever", sagte er.
C'est très intelligent la façon dont il a été empaqueté", a-t-il déclaré.
'It doesn't look at all dead.
Es sieht überhaupt nicht tot aus.
Who did it?'
'I did.'
'You did?'
'Of course,' she said.
'And have you met my little Basil as well?'
Und hast du auch meinen kleinen Basil kennengelernt?
She nodded towards the dog curled up so comfortably in front of the fire.
Billy looked at it.
Suddenly he realized that this animal had all the time been as silent and motionless as the parrot.
He touched it gently on the top of its back.
It was hard and cold but perfectly preserved.
'Good heavens,' he said.
Gütiger Himmel", sagte er.
'How very interesting.
It must be awfully difficult to do a thing like that.'
Es muss furchtbar schwierig sein, so etwas zu tun.'
'Not at all,' she said.
'I stuff all my little pets myself when they die.
J'empaille moi-même tous mes petits animaux lorsqu'ils meurent.
Will you have another cup of tea?'
'No, thank you,' Billy said.
The tea tasted faintly bitter and he didn't really like it.
Der Tee schmeckte leicht bitter und er mochte ihn nicht wirklich.
'You did sign the book, didn't you?'
'Oh, yes.'
'That's good.
Because later, if I forget what you were called, then I can always look it up.
Pentru că mai târziu, dacă uit cum te numești, atunci pot oricând să caut.
I still do that every day with Mr Mulholland and Mr... Mr...'
Încă fac asta în fiecare zi cu domnul Mulholland și domnul... domnul...'
'Temple,' Billy said.
— Templu, spuse Billy.
'Gregory Temple.
— Templul Gregory.
Excuse me for asking, but haven't there been any other guests here except them in the last two or three years?'
Entschuldigen Sie die Frage, aber waren in den letzten zwei oder drei Jahren außer ihnen keine anderen Gäste hier?
Scuzați-mă că vă întreb, dar nu au mai fost alți oaspeți aici în afară de ei în ultimii doi sau trei ani?
Holding her teacup high in one hand, moving her head slightly to the left, she looked at him out of the corners of her eyes and gave him another gentle little smile.
Sie hielt ihre Teetasse hoch in einer Hand, bewegte ihren Kopf leicht nach links, sah ihn aus den Augenwinkeln an und schenkte ihm ein weiteres sanftes kleines Lächeln.
Ținându-și ceașca de ceai sus într-o mână, mișcându-și ușor capul spre stânga, îl privi cu coada ochilor și îi aruncă un alt zâmbet blând.
'No, my dear,' she said.
'Only you.'