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Smash Boom Best, Sugar vs Salt (1)

Sugar vs Salt (1)

Announcer: From the brains behind Brains On!, it's Smash Boom Best.

Kailynn: The show for people with big opinions.

Announcer: From the brains behind Brains On!, it's Smash Boom Best!

Kailynn: The show for people with big opinions!

Molly: Hi, I'm Molly Bloom and this is Smash Boom Best. The show where we take two things, smash them together and ask you to decide which one is best. Today, we're going to tickle your taste buds with two of the most mouth-watering flavors in the world. One is the savory mineral we like to lick off pretzels, the other is the sweet ingredient we like to sprinkle on our cereal. That's right. It's sugar versus salt. Which fabulous flavor will come out on top? Here to help us decide is Kailynn. Hi, Kailynn.

Kailynn: Hi, Molly. Thank you for having me.

Molly: Thank you for being here today. Kailynn, before we get started, I just want to know what kind of snack do you prefer? Salty or sweet?

Kailynn: It's a tough one but I think I'd have to lean closer toward salty because sweet can be a little too overpowering.

Molly: When it comes to salty snacks which is your favorite?

Kailynn: Cashews, maybe, or some type of nut. Cashews are definitely my favorite though.

Molly: Cashews are very delicious. Even though you prefer salty, what is your favorite sweet snack?

Kailynn: I'm not quite sure if this is a snack but we have bacon covered in sugar so that's like the evenness of a little bit of salty but mostly sweet. That's why I like that mix.

Molly: I am a huge fan of a salty sugary mix myself so that sounds amazing. As you know, this is a debate show where the art of persuasion is highly valued. Do you ever get into debates with friends or family maybe about food?

Kailynn: Recently, me and my brother, we had this debate because he was on a cooking contest, so he had to learn all these skills like how to julienne a pepper, and he tried to tell me that he was better at cooking. I don't know how to julienne a pepper, so he has more skills than I do but he never uses them. I cook a lot more often so we're going back and forth, trying to figure out who's the better cook and then my stepmom came, she's like, "I agree with Kailynn. Sure, she doesn't know how to julienne a pepper but, overall, I think she's a better cook."

Molly: Nice. You got that judge in there. What's your favorite thing to cook?

Kailynn: I like making mac and cheese and orange chicken because I really like to eat those.

Molly: Mac and cheese and orange chicken is a little sweet. It's another sweet, salty dish.

Kailynn: Yeah, it is.

Molly: Now, it's time to introduce our debaters. Here to defend salt, the mineral we always have handy at the dinner table, it's cookbook and children's book author, New York Times columnist and restaurateur, Kenji Lopez-Alt. Hi, Kenji.

Kenji: Hey, how are you doing?

Molly: I'm doing great. Kenji, you recently wrote a picture book called Every Night is Pizza Night. My daughter loves it. Can you sum it up in one sentence?

Kenji: It's about a girl named Pipo who believes that pizza is the best food in the world and then discovers that there are other foods that could also be best.

Molly: Pizza is delicious. I do agree with her. Kenji, in one more sentence, why is salt cooler than sugar?

Kenji: Well, (laughs) because there are lots of things that taste great with just salt and no sugar but there is nothing that taste good with just sugar and no salt. Everything needs salt. It's essential for many, many reasons.

Molly: Excellent. Here to defend sugar, that sweet stuff we sprinkle, mix and melt into all of our favorite treats, it's molecular biologist turned cookbook author, food photographer, and recipe developer, Nik Sharma. Hi, Nik.

Nik: Hi, Molly.

Molly: Nik, you just published a cookbook called The Flavor Equation. Can you describe that in one sentence?

Nik: Yeah. My cookbook is a science-based cookbook that talks about what makes flavor so special to all of us, from our emotions, our memories, and the sight, sounds, textures, aromas, and taste and even salty, I put it in the book.

Molly: That was very generous of you. (chuckles) Sounds like you were giving a lot of thought to sugary and salty flavors recently. In one more sentence, why is sugar far superior to salt?

Nik: I think this should sum it up. Why would you like to be known as salty? Wouldn't you just want to be called sweet?

Molly: (chuckles) This conversation is already making me hungry. How are you feeling after these flavorful intros, Kailynn?

Kailynn: I already know this is going to be a hard decision for me because they both brought some interesting points that I agree with both of them for so I don't know. It'll be hard for me.

Molly: It's going to be a tough debate for sure but before we dive in, let's review today's rounds of debate. First, we've got the Declaration of Greatness. In this round, Nik and Kenji will defend their sides using the most persuasive facts, opinions, and logic. They'll also each have 30 seconds to rebut the other's declaration. Then we've got the Micro Round, a creative challenge both sides have prepared for in advance. For round three, it's the Sneak Attack. We'll surprise Nik and Kenji with an exciting challenge they have to respond to on the spot, and last, for round four, we've got the Final Six. Both sides will have exactly six words to win over our judge. Kailynn will be awarding points to each side along the way but she'll keep her scoring a secret until the very end. Listeners, we want you to judge too. If you'd like to keep score on the official scorecard, you can download one on our website at smashboom.org, and if you have any comments to share with us about the debate or the judge's decision, head to smashboom.org and send us a message. All right, Nik and Kenji, are you ready to make some mouth-watering arguments?

Kenji: Yes.

Nik: Let's do this.

Molly: All right. Then it's time for the Declaration of Greatness. Kailynn, you have two points to award in this round. One is for the best declaration of greatness and the other is for the best rebuttal. They can go to the same person or not. It's up to you. You can use any judging criteria you want. Who is the funniest, who had the more persuasive facts, you decide. Got it?

Kailynn: Got it.

Molly: Excellent. We flipped a coin and Nik, you're up first. Let's hear your knockdown, drag-out defense of the sweet stuff we can't live without, sugar.

Nik: Sugar is magic.

Don't believe me? Just watch the ballet, The Nutcracker. It takes place in the fantastical Land of Sweets, where chocolates and candy canes dance, and snow sparkles like sugar. The ruler of this glittering kingdom is The Sugar Plum Fairy, a beautiful fairy queen, who gets her name from sugar plum candies, which are, oddly enough, NOT PLUMS. Sugar plums are actually balls of sugar made of layer upon layer of hard candy -- like the candy coating on M&Ms. They're pure sugar and delight.

Would you want to go hang out in the magical Land of Salt? Bleh.

NO. I'm imagining a desolate cave, where pickles swing dance and salted fish flop around on the ground, trying to breathe. NOT A GOOD SCENE. Take me back to CandyLand! Remember that board game? That is a MAGICAL game. While you play, you get to imagine licking the ice cream roof of Candy Castle. Is there a board game called SaltyLand where you take a bite out of a beef jerky fence? Bleh. NO! Because salt is not magical, and it is definitely not as amazing as sugar.

Sugar makes our eyes twinkle and our hearts skip a beat. It ignites our imagination with images of beauty and goodness. Almost every word associated with sugar is positive -- sweet, honey, candy, sugar pie, honeybunch -- (sings) Sugar pie, honey bunch / You know that I love you / I can't help myself…

I love sugar. Because it's magic, but also because it's SO MUCH MORE than that. Sugar isn't just that sweet white powder on your donut, or those soft brown crystals melting into your oatmeal. It is an essential building block of life; it's found in almost every cell in your body, and every bite of food you eat. Check it out:

Sugar is the D in DNA. DNA contains all the instructions that make you, you: what color hair you have, how tall you are.

The “D” in DNA stands for deoxyribose, which is a sugar. If sugar didn't exist, DNA wouldn't exist. And if DNA didn't exist… neither would you! Or any living things, really. No dogs. No birds. No bacteria.

And not just that kind of sugar. Sugars aren't even necessarily that sweet. Carbohydrates, the word for the sugars we eat, come in two forms: simple and complex. Simple carbohydrates give us a quick boost of energy and they're found in fruits, candy, milk. honey and ice cream.

Complex carbohydrates give us longer lasting energy and are found in foods like oatmeal, corn, beans, sweet potatoes, whole wheat bread, rice... the list goes on! All of these foods also contain some sodium -- a.k.a. salt -- but we only need a small amount of that stuff to survive. Dietary experts recommend making carbohydrates 45 - 65% of our daily diet! If 45 - 65% of our diet was made up of salt, we'd turn into those weird swing dancing pickles I told you about! NO THANKS.

Luckily for us, it feels great to eat carbohydrates because they're a wonderful source of energy. But it can be hard to STOP eating simple carbohydrates because sugar makes our brain release the chemical messenger dopamine, which tells our brain, “Hey! That was great! Do it again!” Which is why, when Cookie Monster eats one cookie, he usually wants another…

Cookie Monster: ME WANT COOKIE!

Because sugar is delicious, and also a magnificent creative medium! Just watch the Great British Baking Show, Zumbo's Just Desserts or Sugar Rush! They make Gingerbread castles with windows made of sugar glass, Black Forest cakes covered with little chocolate trees and bears, roses made of fondant icing, peaches and strawberries made out of marzipan... Are there any cooking shows called SALT RUSH!? Again, no. That just makes me thirsty for some sweet lemonade.

So yeah. Sugar is magic. It's a great source of energy, it's a brilliant artistic medium and it's an essential building block for life on earth…

Person: …and BEYOND!

That's right. Sugar's been found in outer space. The simple sugar molecule glycolaldehyde was discovered in the center of the Milky Way Galaxy in a cloud of gas and dust. So next time you look up at the night sky, imagine a dusting of magical sugar out there, making our little milky way the sweetest galaxy in the universe.

Molly: An out-of-this-world argument for sugar. Kailynn, what did you think of that declaration? What stood out to you?

Kailynn: My favorite parts were when he talked about a fantasy world, the candy world, I would love to live there with all the chocolate rivers and stuff, and when he used science in his argument, I learned a lot about DNA and dopamine and how sugar is important for us to be able to live. I didn't know that so that was cool.

Molly: That was very cool. Kenji, you've got a salty look on your face but don't worry, you've got 30 seconds to make a rebuttal, and your time starts now.

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Sugar vs Salt (1) Zucker vs. Salz (1) Azúcar frente a sal (1) Zucchero contro sale (1) 砂糖 vs 塩 (1) Açúcar vs Sal (1) Сахар против соли (1) Şeker vs Tuz (1) Цукор проти солі (1) 糖与盐 (1)

**Announcer:** From the brains behind __Brains On!__, it's __Smash Boom Best__. المذيع: من العقول وراء Brains On! ، إنه Smash Boom Best. Locutor: Dos cérebros por trás do Brains On!, é o Smash Boom Best.

**Kailynn:** The show for people with big opinions. Kailynn||||||| Kailynn: العرض للأشخاص ذوي الآراء الكبيرة. Kailynn: O show para pessoas com grandes opiniões.

**Announcer:** From the brains behind Brains On!, it's Smash Boom Best! Locutor: Dos cérebros por trás do Brains On!, é Smash Boom Best!

**Kailynn:** The show for people with big opinions! Kailynn: العرض للأشخاص ذوي الآراء الكبيرة!

**Molly:** Hi, I'm Molly Bloom and this is Smash Boom Best__.__ The show where we take two things, smash them together and ask you to decide which one is best. مولي: مرحبًا ، أنا مولي بلوم وهذا سماش بوم بست. العرض حيث نأخذ شيئين ، ونجمعهما معًا ونطلب منك تحديد أيهما أفضل. Molly: Oi, eu sou Molly Bloom e este é o Smash Boom Best. O show em que pegamos duas coisas, as juntamos e pedimos para você decidir qual é a melhor. Today, we're going to tickle your taste buds with two of the most mouth-watering flavors in the world. ||||hacer cosquillas||gusto|papilas gustativas|||||||apetitoso|sabores||| اليوم ، نحن بصدد دغدغة ذوقك مع اثنين من أكثر النكهات التي يسيل لها اللعاب في العالم. Hoje, vamos agradar seu paladar com dois dos sabores mais deliciosos do mundo. One is the savory mineral we like to lick off pretzels, the other is the sweet ingredient we like to sprinkle on our cereal. |||sabroso|||||lamer||los pretzels|||||dulce|||||espolvorear|||cereal أحدهما هو المعدن اللذيذ الذي نحب أن نلتقطه من المعجنات ، والآخر هو المكون الحلو الذي نفضل رشه على حبوبنا. Um é o mineral saboroso que gostamos de lamber pretzels, o outro é o ingrediente doce que gostamos de polvilhar em nosso cereal. That's right. Isso mesmo. It's sugar versus salt. Which fabulous flavor will come out on top? Qual sabor fabuloso vai sair por cima? Here to help us decide is Kailynn. Aqui para nos ajudar a decidir está Kailynn. Hi, Kailynn.

**Kailynn:** Hi, Molly. Thank you for having me. |||haber| Obrigado por me receber.

**Molly:** Thank you for being here today. Molly: Obrigado por estar aqui hoje. Kailynn, before we get started, I just want to know what kind of snack do you prefer? Kailynn, antes de começarmos, só quero saber que tipo de lanche você prefere? Salty or sweet? salado|| Salgado ou doce?

**Kailynn:** It's a tough one but I think I'd have to lean closer toward salty because sweet can be a little too overpowering. |||||||||||inclinarme||hacia|||||||||abrumador Kailynn: É difícil, mas acho que teria que me inclinar para o salgado porque o doce pode ser um pouco avassalador.

**Molly:** When it comes to salty snacks which is your favorite? Molly: Quando se trata de salgadinhos, qual é o seu favorito?

**Kailynn:** Cashews, maybe, or some type of nut. |anacardos||||||nuez Kailynn: Cajus, talvez, ou algum tipo de castanha. Cashews are definitely my favorite though. A castanha de caju é definitivamente a minha favorita.

**Molly:** Cashews are very delicious. Even though you prefer salty, what is your favorite sweet snack? Mesmo que você prefira salgado, qual é o seu doce favorito?

**Kailynn:** I'm not quite sure if this is a snack but we have bacon covered in sugar so that's like the evenness of a little bit of salty but mostly sweet. |||||||||||||||||||||equilibrio||||||||| Kailynn: Não tenho certeza se isso é um lanche, mas temos bacon coberto de açúcar, então é como a uniformidade de um pouco de salgado, mas principalmente doce. That's why I like that mix. É por isso que eu gosto dessa mistura.

**Molly:** I am a huge fan of a salty sugary mix myself so that sounds amazing. ||||gran|||||azucarado|||||| Molly: Eu mesma sou uma grande fã de uma mistura açucarada salgada, então isso soa incrível. As you know, this is a debate show where the art of persuasion is highly valued. ||||||||||||persuasión|||valorada Como sabem, esta é uma mostra de debate onde a arte da persuasão é muito valorizada. Do you ever get into debates with friends or family maybe about food? Você já entrou em debates com amigos ou familiares, talvez sobre comida?

**Kailynn:** Recently, me and my brother, we had this debate because he was on a cooking contest, so he had to learn all these skills like how to julienne a pepper, and he tried to tell me that he was better at cooking. ||||||||||||||||competencia culinaria||||||||||||cortar en tiras|||||||||||||| Kailynn: Recentemente, eu e meu irmão tivemos esse debate porque ele estava em um concurso de culinária, então ele teve que aprender todas essas habilidades, como fazer julienne uma pimenta, e ele tentou me dizer que era melhor cozinhando. I don't know how to julienne a pepper, so he has more skills than I do but he never uses them. |||||cortar en tiras||||||||||||||| Eu não sei como fazer julienne uma pimenta, então ele tem mais habilidades do que eu, mas ele nunca as usa. I cook a lot more often so we're going back and forth, trying to figure out who's the better cook and then my stepmom came, she's like, "I agree with Kailynn. |||||||||||||||||||||||madrastra||||||| Eu cozinho com muito mais frequência, então estamos indo e voltando, tentando descobrir quem é o melhor cozinheiro e então minha madrasta veio, ela disse: "Eu concordo com Kailynn. Sure, she doesn't know how to julienne a pepper but, overall, I think she's a better cook." ||||||||||en general|||||| Claro, ela não sabe como fazer julienne uma pimenta, mas, no geral, acho que ela é uma cozinheira melhor."

**Molly:** Nice. You got that judge in there. |||juez|| Você tem aquele juiz aí. What's your favorite thing to cook? Qual é a sua coisa favorita para cozinhar?

**Kailynn:** I like making mac and cheese and orange chicken because I really like to eat those. ||||macarrones|||||||||||| Kailynn: Eu gosto de fazer macarrão com queijo e frango com laranja porque gosto muito de comê-los.

**Molly:** Mac and cheese and orange chicken is a little sweet. It's another sweet, salty dish. ||||plato É outro prato doce e salgado.

**Kailynn:** Yeah, it is. Kailynn: Sim, é.

**Molly:** Now, it's time to introduce our debaters. Molly: Agora, é hora de apresentar nossos debatedores. Here to defend salt, the mineral we always have handy at the dinner table, it's cookbook and children's book author, New York Times columnist and restaurateur, Kenji Lopez-Alt. |||||||||a la mano||||||autor de libros de cocina||||||||columnista del NYT||restaurador|Kenji Lopez-Alt||Kenji Lopez-Alt Aqui para defender o sal, o mineral que sempre temos à mão na mesa de jantar, é o autor de livros de receitas e livros infantis, colunista e restaurateur do New York Times, Kenji Lopez-Alt. Hi, Kenji.

**Kenji:** Hey, how are you doing? Kenji: Ei, como você está?

**Molly:** I'm doing great. Molly: Estou indo muito bem. Kenji, you recently wrote a picture book called __Every Night is Pizza Night.__ My daughter loves it. Kenji, você escreveu recentemente um livro ilustrado chamado Every Night is Pizza Night. Minha filha adora. Can you sum it up in one sentence? ||resumir||||| Você pode resumir em uma frase?

**Kenji:** It's about a girl named Pipo who believes that pizza is the best food in the world and then discovers that there are other foods that could also be best. ||||||Pipo|||||||||||||||||||||||| Kenji: É sobre uma garota chamada Pipo que acredita que pizza é a melhor comida do mundo e então descobre que existem outras comidas que também podem ser melhores.

**Molly:** Pizza is delicious. I do agree with her. Eu concordo com ela. Kenji, in one more sentence, why is salt cooler than sugar? |||más||||||| Kenji, em mais uma frase, por que o sal é mais frio que o açúcar?

**Kenji:** Well, (laughs) because there are lots of things that taste great with just salt and no sugar but there is nothing that taste good with just sugar and no salt. Kenji: Bem, (risos) porque há muitas coisas que ficam ótimas só com sal e sem açúcar, mas não há nada que fique bom só com açúcar e sem sal. Everything needs salt. Tudo precisa de sal. It's essential for many, many reasons. É essencial por muitas, muitas razões.

**Molly:** Excellent. Here to defend sugar, that sweet stuff we sprinkle, mix and melt into all of our favorite treats, it's molecular biologist turned cookbook author, food photographer, and recipe developer, Nik Sharma. ||||||||esparcimos|||derretimos||||||delicias||molecular||convertido|autor de libros de cocina||||||creador de recetas||Sharma(1) Aqui para defender o açúcar, aquela coisa doce que polvilhamos, misturamos e derretemos em todas as nossas guloseimas favoritas, é o biólogo molecular que virou autor de livros de receitas, fotógrafo de alimentos e desenvolvedor de receitas, Nik Sharma. Hi, Nik.

**Nik:** Hi, Molly.

**Molly:** Nik, you just published a cookbook called __The Flavor Equation.__ Can you describe that in one sentence? |||||||||sabor|||||||| Molly: Nik, você acabou de publicar um livro de receitas chamado The Flavor Equation. Você pode descrever isso em uma frase?

**Nik:** Yeah. My cookbook is a science-based cookbook that talks about what makes flavor so special to all of us, from our emotions, our memories, and the sight, sounds, textures, aromas, and taste and even salty, I put it in the book. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||vista|||||||||||||| Meu livro de receitas é um livro de receitas baseado na ciência que fala sobre o que torna o sabor tão especial para todos nós, desde nossas emoções, nossas memórias, e a visão, sons, texturas, aromas e gostos e até salgados, coloquei no livro .

**Molly:** That was very generous of you. Molly: Isso foi muito generoso de sua parte. (chuckles) Sounds like you were giving a lot of thought to sugary and salty flavors recently. ||||||||||||||sabores| (risos) Parece que você estava pensando muito nos sabores açucarados e salgados recentemente. In one more sentence, why is sugar far superior to salt? Em mais uma frase, por que o açúcar é muito superior ao sal? 多说一句,为什么糖远优于盐?

**Nik:** I think this should sum it up. |||||resuma|| Nik: Eu acho que isso deve resumir. Why would you like to be known as salty? ||||||||salado Por que você gostaria de ser conhecido como salgado? Wouldn't you just want to be called sweet? Você não gostaria apenas de ser chamado de doce?

**Molly:** (chuckles) This conversation is already making me hungry. |risita||||||| Molly: (ri) Essa conversa já está me deixando com fome. How are you feeling after these flavorful intros, Kailynn? ||||||sabrosas|introducciones| Como você está se sentindo depois dessas introduções saborosas, Kailynn?

**Kailynn:** I already know this is going to be a hard decision for me because they both brought some interesting points that I agree with both of them for so I don't know. |||||||||||||||||trajeron||||||||||||||| Kailynn: Eu já sei que vai ser uma decisão difícil para mim porque ambos trouxeram alguns pontos interessantes que eu concordo com os dois, então não sei. It'll be hard for me. Vai ser difícil para mim.

**Molly:** It's going to be a tough debate for sure but before we dive in, let's review today's rounds of debate. ||||||difícil|||||||comencemos||||||| Molly: Vai ser um debate difícil, com certeza, mas antes de mergulharmos, vamos rever as rodadas de debate de hoje. First, we've got the Declaration of Greatness. Primeiro, temos a Declaração de Grandeza. In this round, Nik and Kenji will defend their sides using the most persuasive facts, opinions, and logic. |||||||||posturas|||||||| Nesta rodada, Nik e Kenji defenderão seus lados usando os fatos, opiniões e lógica mais persuasivos. They'll also each have 30 seconds to rebut the other's declaration. Eles também terão 30 segundos para refutar a declaração do outro. Then we've got the Micro Round, a creative challenge both sides have prepared for in advance. ||||||||||ambos equipos||||| Depois temos a Micro Rodada, um desafio criativo para o qual ambos os lados se prepararam com antecedência. For round three, it's the Sneak Attack. |||||ataque sorpresa| Para a terceira rodada, é o Sneak Attack. We'll surprise Nik and Kenji with an exciting challenge they have to respond to on the spot, and last, for round four, we've got the Final Six. ||||||||||||||||en el momento|||||||||| Vamos surpreender Nik e Kenji com um desafio emocionante que eles têm que responder no local e, por último, para a quarta rodada, temos os seis finalistas. Both sides will have exactly six words to win over our judge. Ambos os lados terão exatamente seis palavras para conquistar nosso juiz. Kailynn will be awarding points to each side along the way but she'll keep her scoring a secret until the very end. |||otorgando||||lado|||||||||||||| Kailynn dará pontos a cada lado ao longo do caminho, mas ela manterá sua pontuação em segredo até o final. Listeners, we want you to judge too. Ouvintes, queremos que vocês julguem também. If you'd like to keep score on the official scorecard, you can download one on our website at smashboom.org, and if you have any comments to share with us about the debate or the judge's decision, head to smashboom.org and send us a message. |||||||||tarjeta de puntuación||||||||||||||||||||||||||del juez|||||||||| Se você quiser manter a pontuação no scorecard oficial, você pode baixar um em nosso site em smashboom.org, e se você tiver algum comentário para compartilhar conosco sobre o debate ou a decisão do juiz, vá para smashboom.org e envie nos uma mensagem. All right, Nik and Kenji, are you ready to make some mouth-watering arguments? ||||||||||||que hacen agua| Muito bem, Nik e Kenji, estão prontos para fazer algumas discussões de dar água na boca?

**Kenji:** Yes.

**Nik:** Let's do this. Nik: Vamos fazer isso.

**Molly:** All right. Then it's time for the Declaration of Greatness. Então é hora da Declaração de Grandeza. Kailynn, you have two points to award in this round. Kailynn, você tem dois pontos para ganhar nesta rodada. One is for the best declaration of greatness and the other is for the best rebuttal. Um é para a melhor declaração de grandeza e o outro é para a melhor refutação. They can go to the same person or not. Eles podem ir para a mesma pessoa ou não. It's up to you. Você decide. You can use any judging criteria you want. ||||criterios de juicio||| Você pode usar qualquer critério de julgamento que desejar. Who is the funniest, who had the more persuasive facts, you decide. Got it? Entendi?

**Kailynn:** Got it. Kailynn: Entendi.

**Molly:** Excellent. We flipped a coin and Nik, you're up first. Jogamos uma moeda e Nik, você é o primeiro. Let's hear your knockdown, drag-out defense of the sweet stuff we can't live without, sugar. |||argumento contundente|intensa||||||||||| Vamos ouvir sua defesa arrasadora das coisas doces sem as quais não podemos viver, docinho.

**Nik:** Sugar is magic.

Don't believe me? Just watch the ballet, __The Nutcracker__. |||ballet|el|El Cascanueces Basta assistir ao balé, O Quebra-Nozes. It takes place in the fantastical __Land of Sweets__, where chocolates and candy canes dance, and snow sparkles like sugar. |||||fantástico|||Tierra de Dulces||||dulces|bastones de caramelo|||nieve|brillan|| Acontece na fantástica Terra dos Doces, onde chocolates e bastões de doces dançam, e a neve brilha como açúcar. The ruler of this glittering kingdom is __The Sugar Plum Fairy__, a beautiful fairy queen, who gets her name from sugar plum candies, which are, oddly enough, NOT PLUMS. |regente|||brillante|||||ciruela de azúcar|Hada||||||||||||caramelos de ciruela|||curiosamente|curiosamente suficiente||ciruelas pasas A governante deste reino brilhante é The Sugar Plum Fairy, uma linda rainha das fadas, que recebe seu nome de doces de ameixa, que, curiosamente, NÃO AMEIXAS. Sugar plums are actually balls of sugar made of layer upon layer of hard candy -- like the candy coating on M&Ms. |ciruelas|||bolas|||||capa|sobre sobre||||||||cobertura de caramelo|||M&Ms Ameixas de açúcar são na verdade bolas de açúcar feitas de camada sobre camada de balas duras – como a cobertura de doces em M&Ms. They're pure sugar and delight. ||||delicia Eles são puro açúcar e prazer.

Would you want to go hang out in the magical Land of Salt? |||||pasar tiempo||||||| Você gostaria de sair na mágica Terra do Sal? Bleh. expresión de desdén Bleh.

NO. I'm imagining a desolate cave, where pickles swing dance and salted fish flop around on the ground, trying to breathe. |||desolada||donde||se balancean|||salados||se retuercen||||suelo|||respiran Estou imaginando uma caverna desolada, onde picles dançam e peixes salgados se debatem no chão, tentando respirar. NOT A GOOD SCENE. |||escena NÃO É UMA BOA CENA. Take me back to CandyLand! ||||CandyLand Leve-me de volta para CandyLand! Remember that board game? ||juego de mesa| Lembra daquele jogo de tabuleiro? That is a MAGICAL game. Isso é um jogo MÁGICO. While you play, you get to imagine licking the ice cream roof of Candy Castle. |||||||lamer||||cobertura||| Enquanto você joga, você imagina lamber o telhado de sorvete do Candy Castle. Is there a board game called SaltyLand where you take a bite out of a beef jerky fence? |||juego de mesa|||SaltyLand|||||mordisco|||||corte de carne|valla de carne Existe um jogo de tabuleiro chamado SaltyLand onde você dá uma mordida em uma cerca de carne seca? Bleh. NO! Because salt is not magical, and it is definitely not as amazing as sugar. Porque o sal não é mágico e definitivamente não é tão incrível quanto o açúcar.

Sugar makes our eyes twinkle and our hearts skip a beat. ||||brillan||||||latido O açúcar faz nossos olhos brilharem e nossos corações pularem uma batida. It ignites our imagination with images of beauty and goodness. |enciende||||||||bondad Ele inflama nossa imaginação com imagens de beleza e bondade. Almost every word associated with sugar is positive -- sweet, honey, candy, sugar pie, honeybunch -- (sings) __Sugar pie, honey bunch / You know that I love you / I can't help myself…__ casi todas|||||||||miel||||cariño||||||||||||||| Quase todas as palavras associadas ao açúcar são positivas -- doce, mel, doce, torta de açúcar, honeybunch -- (canta) Sugar pie, honey bunch / Você sabe que eu te amo / Eu não consigo evitar...

I love sugar. Eu amo açúcar. Because it's magic, but also because it's SO MUCH MORE than that. Porque é mágico, mas também porque é MUITO MAIS do que isso. Sugar isn't just that sweet white powder on your donut, or those soft brown crystals melting into your oatmeal. ||||||polvo|||||esos|||cristales|que se derriten|en|tu|avena cocida O açúcar não é apenas aquele pó branco doce em sua rosquinha, ou aqueles cristais marrons macios derretendo em sua aveia. It is an essential building block of life; it's found in almost every cell in your body, and every bite of food you eat. É um bloco de construção essencial da vida; é encontrado em quase todas as células do seu corpo e em cada pedaço de comida que você come. Check it out: Confira:

Sugar is the D in DNA. O açúcar é o D no DNA. DNA contains all the instructions that make you, you: what color hair you have, how tall you are. O DNA contém todas as instruções que fazem de você, você: que cor de cabelo você tem, quão alto você é.

The “D” in DNA stands for deoxyribose, which is a sugar. ||||||desoxirribosa|||| O “D” no DNA significa desoxirribose, que é um açúcar. If sugar didn't exist, DNA wouldn't exist. Se o açúcar não existisse, o DNA não existiria. And if DNA didn't exist… neither would you! |||||tampoco|| E se o DNA não existisse... você também não existiria! Or any living things, really. Ou qualquer coisa viva, na verdade. No dogs. No birds. No bacteria.

And not just __that__ kind of sugar. E não apenas esse tipo de açúcar. Sugars aren't even necessarily that sweet. los azúcares||||| Os açúcares nem são necessariamente tão doces. Carbohydrates, the word for the sugars we eat, come in two forms: simple and complex. carbohidratos|||||||||||||| Carboidratos, a palavra para os açúcares que comemos, vêm em duas formas: simples e complexos. Simple carbohydrates give us a quick boost of energy and they're found in fruits, candy, milk. |||||||||||||frutas|| Carboidratos simples nos dão um rápido impulso de energia e são encontrados em frutas, doces, leite. honey and ice cream. mel e sorvete.

Complex carbohydrates give us longer lasting energy and are found in foods like oatmeal, corn, beans, sweet potatoes, whole wheat bread, rice... the list goes on! |||||duradera||||||||avena cocida||||||trigo integral|||||| Os carboidratos complexos nos dão energia mais duradoura e são encontrados em alimentos como aveia, milho, feijão, batata doce, pão integral, arroz... a lista continua! All of these foods also contain some sodium -- a.k.a. |||||||sodio||| salt -- but we only need a small amount of that stuff to survive. sal -- mas só precisamos de uma pequena quantidade desse material para sobreviver. Dietary experts recommend making carbohydrates 45 - 65% of our daily diet! dietéticos|||||||| Especialistas em dieta recomendam que os carboidratos sejam 45 - 65% de nossa dieta diária! If 45 - 65% of our diet was made up of salt, we'd turn into those weird swing dancing pickles I told you about! |||||||||||||raros|bailarines||pepinos bailarines|||| Se 45 - 65% da nossa dieta fosse composta de sal, nos transformaríamos naqueles picles esquisitos de dança de swing que eu te falei! NO THANKS.

Luckily for us, it feels great to eat carbohydrates because they're a wonderful source of energy. Felizmente para nós, é ótimo comer carboidratos porque eles são uma maravilhosa fonte de energia. But it can be hard to STOP eating simple carbohydrates because sugar makes our brain release the chemical messenger __dopamine__, which tells our brain, “Hey! |||||||||||||||libere||mensajero químico||dopamina||||| Mas pode ser difícil PARAR de comer carboidratos simples porque o açúcar faz nosso cérebro liberar o mensageiro químico dopamina, que diz ao nosso cérebro: “Ei! That was great! Isso foi ótimo! Do it again!” Which is why, when Cookie Monster eats one cookie, he usually wants another… |||||||Cookie Monster|||||||| Faça isso novamente!" É por isso que, quando o Cookie Monster come um biscoito, ele geralmente quer outro…

**Cookie Monster:** ME WANT COOKIE! Cookie Monster: EU QUERO BISCOITO!

Because sugar is delicious, and also a magnificent creative medium! Porque o açúcar é delicioso e também um meio criativo magnífico! Just watch the __Great British Baking Show__, __Zumbo's Just Desserts__ or __Sugar Rush__! |||||||de Zumbo||postres de Zumbo|||Rush Basta assistir ao Great British Baking Show, ao Zumbo's Just Desserts ou ao Sugar Rush! They make Gingerbread castles with windows made of sugar glass, Black Forest cakes covered with little chocolate trees and bears, roses made of fondant icing, peaches and strawberries made out of marzipan... Are there any cooking shows called SALT RUSH!? ||pan de jengibre|castillos de jengibre|||||||Selva Negra||pasteles de Selva Negra|||||||osos de chocolate|rosas|hechas||fondant|glaseado de fondant|duraznos||||||mazapán|||||||| Fazem castelos de gengibre com janelas feitas de vidro de açúcar, bolos Floresta Negra cobertos com ursinhos de chocolate, rosas feitas de glacê de fondant, pêssegos e morangos feitos de maçapão... Existe algum programa de culinária chamado SALT RUSH!? Again, no. That just makes me thirsty for some sweet lemonade. ||||sediento||||limonada dulce Isso só me deixa com sede de uma limonada doce.

So yeah. Sugar is magic. It's a great source of energy, it's a brilliant artistic medium and it's an essential building block for life on earth… |||||||||artístico||||||||||| É uma grande fonte de energia, é um meio artístico brilhante e é um alicerce essencial para a vida na Terra…

**Person:** …and BEYOND! ||más allá Pessoa: …e ALÉM!

That's right. Isso mesmo. Sugar's been found in outer space. azúcar||||el espacio exterior| O açúcar foi encontrado no espaço sideral. The simple sugar molecule glycolaldehyde was discovered in the center of the Milky Way Galaxy in a cloud of gas and dust. |||molécula de azúcar|glicolaldehído||||||||Vía Láctea|||||||||polvo A simples molécula de açúcar glicolaldeído foi descoberta no centro da Via Láctea em uma nuvem de gás e poeira. So next time you look up at the night sky, imagine a dusting of magical sugar out there, making our little milky way the sweetest galaxy in the universe. ||||||||||||capa de polvo|||||||||leche||||||| Então, da próxima vez que você olhar para o céu noturno, imagine uma camada de açúcar mágico lá fora, tornando nossa pequena via láctea a galáxia mais doce do universo.

**Molly:** An out-of-this-world argument for sugar. Molly: Um argumento de outro mundo para o açúcar. Kailynn, what did you think of that declaration? Kailynn, o que você achou dessa declaração? What stood out to you? |destacó||| O que se destacou para você?

**Kailynn:** My favorite parts were when he talked about a fantasy world, the candy world, I would love to live there with all the chocolate rivers and stuff, and when he used science in his argument, I learned a lot about DNA and dopamine and how sugar is important for us to be able to live. Kailynn: Minhas partes favoritas foram quando ele falou sobre um mundo de fantasia, o mundo dos doces, eu adoraria morar lá com todos os rios de chocolate e outras coisas, e quando ele usou ciência em seu argumento, eu aprendi muito sobre DNA e dopamina e como o açúcar é importante para podermos viver. I didn't know that so that was cool. Eu não sabia disso então foi legal.

**Molly:** That was very cool. Molly: Isso foi muito legal. Kenji, you've got a salty look on your face but don't worry, you've got 30 seconds to make a rebuttal, and your time starts now. Kenji, você está com um ar salgado no rosto, mas não se preocupe, você tem 30 segundos para fazer uma refutação, e seu tempo começa agora.