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01.Speaking, 32. The Breakup

32. The Breakup

Myra told Myron that they shouldn't see each other for a while. Her doctor had suggested that she take a short vacation from her job and a long vacation from Myron.

"What did you tell him about me?" Myron asked.

She told her doctor that she had dreams about Myron leaving her. She sometimes dreamed that he pushed her out of his car in the middle of nowhere. She would be crying on the side of the road in the middle of the night, cold and scared, as the taillights disappeared.

"What kind of dream is that?" Myron's voice was loud. "Do you think I would ever do that to you?" She said that she didn't know.

"You don't know?! Of course I wouldn't do that to you! I love you!"

Myra asked Myron to lower his voice. She no longer believed that he loved her. One day, feeling low and insecure, she had told Myron that it would be nice to get away for the weekend. Perhaps they could go to a quiet resort in the mountains. He told her that he was playing golf that Saturday. Maybe they could go to a resort another time. She was astounded.

"I needed you that weekend. Instead, you preferred to play golf. Now there is a shadow on my heart that nothing can remove," she told him sadly.


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32. The Breakup 32. Die Trennung 32. La ruptura 32.別れ 32. A Separação 32. Расставание 32. Ayrılık 32\. Розрив 32. 分手

Myra told Myron that they shouldn't see each other for a while. Myra le dijo a Myron que no debían verse durante un tiempo. Майра сказала Мирону, що вони не повинні бачитися деякий час. Her doctor had suggested that she take a short vacation from her job and a long vacation from Myron. Su médico le había sugerido que se tomara unas cortas vacaciones de su trabajo y unas largas vacaciones de Myron. Лікар запропонував їй взяти коротку відпустку з роботи та тривалу відпустку з Мироном.

"What did you tell him about me?" "¿Qué le dijiste de mí?" "Що ти йому про мене розповіла?" Myron asked. запитав Мирон.

She told her doctor that she had dreams about Myron leaving her. Le dijo a su médico que soñaba que Myron la dejaba. Вона розповіла лікарю, що їй сниться, як Мирон покидає її. She sometimes dreamed that he pushed her out of his car in the middle of nowhere. A veces soñaba que él la empujaba de su coche en medio de la nada. Їй іноді снилося, ніби він виштовхнув її зі своєї машини в пустелі. She would be crying on the side of the road in the middle of the night, cold and scared, as the taillights disappeared. Estaría llorando a un lado de la carretera en mitad de la noche, fría y asustada, mientras desaparecen las luces traseras. Ela estaria a chorar na berma da estrada a meio da noite, com frio e assustada, quando as luzes traseiras desaparecessem. Вона плакала б на узбіччі дороги серед ночі, холодна й налякана, коли задні ліхтарі зникали.

"What kind of dream is that?" "¿Qué tipo de sueño es ese?" — Що це за сон? Myron's voice was loud. La voz de Myron era fuerte. Голос Мирона був гучним. "Do you think I would ever do that to you?" "¿Crees que yo haría eso alguna vez contigo?" "Achas que eu alguma vez te faria isso?" — Як ти думаєш, я б коли-небудь зробив це з тобою? She said that she didn't know. Ella dijo que no sabía. Вона сказала, що не знає.

"You don't know?! "¿No sabes?! "Ти не знаєш?! Of course I wouldn't do that to you! ¡Por supuesto que no haría eso contigo! Звісно, я б так з тобою не вчинив! I love you!" Я люблю тебе!"

Myra asked Myron to lower his voice. Myra le pidió a Myron que bajara la voz. Myra pede a Myron que baixe a voz. Майра попросила Мирона знизити голос. She no longer believed that he loved her. Ella ya no creía que él la amara. Ela já não acreditava que ele a amava. Вона вже не вірила, що він її любить. One day, feeling low and insecure, she had told Myron that it would be nice to get away for the weekend. Un día, sintiéndose deprimida e insegura, le había dicho a Myron que estaría bien escaparse un fin de semana. Um dia, sentindo-se em baixo e insegura, disse a Myron que seria bom passar o fim de semana fora. Одного разу, почуваючись пригніченим і невпевненим, вона сказала Мирону, що було б непогано втекти на вихідні. Perhaps they could go to a quiet resort in the mountains. Quizás podrían ir a un tranquilo resort en las montañas. Можливо, вони могли б поїхати на тихий курорт у горах. He told her that he was playing golf that Saturday. Él le dijo que iba a jugar golf ese sábado. Ele disse-lhe que ia jogar golfe nesse sábado. Він сказав їй, що тієї суботи грав у гольф. Maybe they could go to a resort another time. Tal vez podrían ir a un resort en otro momento. Може, іншим разом поїдуть на курорт. She was astounded. Estaba asombrada. Вона була вражена.

"I needed you that weekend. "Te necesitaba ese fin de semana. "Ти був мені потрібен на тих вихідних. Instead, you preferred to play golf. En cambio, preferiste jugar al golf. Натомість ви віддавали перевагу грі в гольф. Now there is a shadow on my heart that nothing can remove," she told him sadly. "Ahora hay una sombra en mi corazón que nada puede quitar", le dijo tristemente. Теперь на моем сердце тень, которую ничто не может стереть, — с грустью сказала она ему. Тепер на моєму серці лежить тінь, яку ніщо не може усунути», — сумно сказала вона йому.


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