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02.Story by Cris, THE YOUNG AND PRODIGIOUS T.S. SPIVET( short 10/50 )


Every night in his setting room father took off his boots and muttering some cryptic statements after raising glass of whiskey upto his lips precisely every 45 seconds.

A conversion from a cricket.

Crickets and insects, were my mother's specialty.

Dr Clair spent most of her adult life studying tiny creatures with the magnifying glass, then classifying them into species ... and subspecies.

What if it doesn't exist?

What?I mean, for a year now, you stopped everything to prove that tigermonk cicindele's exist Stopped everything?

What do you mean, in a maternal sense or a scientific one?

What is it that you want me to start doing again? Or else I stopped doing?

I don't know. Your research on the parasitic scolyte catepiller maybe?

Your findings could've saved all the pine trees in Montana. Every other scientific attempt have failed.

Failed? Form the ecologists point of view, maybe.

But from the caterpillar's point of view, looks like a win win situation.

Anyway I never liked pine trees. They're dripy and sticky. Some things are just meant to die.

How my parents ever fell for each other is a mystery.



【SYN】 mysterious : a cryptic message / remark / smile

a cryptic crossword clue


My speciality is international tax law.


The books in the library are classified according to subject.

Patients are classified into three categories.


maternal love

I'm not very maternal.

She didn't have any maternal instincts.


It is one of the great unsolved mysteries of this century.

THE YOUNG AND PRODIGIOUS T.S. SPIVET( short 10/50 ) THE YOUNG AND PRODIGIOUS T.S. SPIVET( corto 10/50 ) LE JEUNE ET PRODIGIEUX T.S. SPIVET( court 10/50 ) 若き天才T.S.スピヴェット( 10/50ショート)

Every night in his setting room father took off his boots and muttering some cryptic statements after raising glass of whiskey upto his lips precisely every 45 seconds. 每个晚上,在休息室 父亲脱下靴子 咕哝些只有自己懂的话 举起手里的威士忌 精确地每45秒喝一口

A conversion from a cricket. 胡说八道的死蛐蛐

Crickets and insects, were my mother's specialty. 蛐蛐是一种昆虫 它们是我母亲的研究对象

Dr Clair spent most of her adult life studying tiny creatures with the magnifying glass, then classifying them into species ... and subspecies. 克莱尔博士自打成年起的大部分时光都在用放大镜研究微小生物 并且将其分入种属以及亚种

What if it doesn't exist? 假如它不存在呢?

What?I mean, for a year now, you stopped everything to prove that tigermonk cicindele's exist Stopped everything? 我是说,都一年了,你放弃了一切就为了证明虎甲属中确实存在虎和尚...放弃一切?

What do you mean, in a maternal sense or a scientific one? 你是指什么...是指作为母亲的责任还是其他的科学研究?

What is it that you want me to start doing again? Or else I stopped doing? 你想让我在已经放弃的东西里找回来的是什么?

I don't know. Your research on the parasitic scolyte catepiller maybe? 我不知道 说不定是你对小蠹毛虫的研究?

Your findings could've saved all the pine trees in Montana. Every other scientific attempt have failed. 你的发现可能会拯救蒙大拿所有的松树 其他所有的科学研究都失败了

Failed? Form the ecologists point of view, maybe. 从生态学角度看,许是失败了

But from the caterpillar's point of view, looks like a win win situation. 但从毛虫的角度看却像是双赢的结果

Anyway I never liked pine trees. They're dripy and sticky. Some things are just meant to die. 但总之,我从没喜欢过松树 又潮又黏 有些东西生来就是要灭绝的

How my parents ever fell for each other is a mystery. 我的父母是如何相爱的是一个谜


cryptic 含义隐晦的;晦涩难懂的

【SYN】 mysterious : a cryptic message / remark / smile 令人困惑的信息/话语/微笑

a cryptic crossword clue 扑朔迷离的纵横字谜线索

speciality 专业;专长:

My speciality is international tax law. 我的专业是国际税法。

classify 分类;归类:

The books in the library are classified according to subject. 图书馆的书按学科分类。

Patients are classified into three categories. 病人被归为三种类型。

maternal 母亲的;母亲般慈爱的:

maternal love 母爱

I'm not very maternal. 我不太像个母亲。

She didn't have any maternal instincts. 她没有一点做母亲的天性。

mystery 神秘的事物;不可理解之事;奥秘:

It is one of the great unsolved mysteries of this century. 这是本世纪尚未解开的大奥秘之一。