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[[SFX: Door opens in distance; footsteps and Charlotte's hydraulics approach.]]

X: [[To self, anxiously.]] …I… really should go lie back down.

Charlotte: [[Repeats, a la “Warning.”]] Triumph. Triumph. Triumph.

X: [[Turns.]] Hey! Dani! Charlotte! What's the -- [[Gasps.]] Kai!! !

Kai: Hello, X.

X: Oh my gosh!

[[SFX: X's footsteps in the grass -- just three or four steps.]]

Dani: Wait -- no! Don't run -- ergh.

X: Kai! I'm so happy to see you! Well, I mean, I've been seeing you, technically -- or, your body at least -- er, I mean, your chassis? [[Makes a face.]] Sorry, that sounds super weird and creepy. Ugh. I'm just so stoked that you're functional again!

Charlotte: I am [[blip]] also happy to see you.

X: [[Ignoring Charlotte, continues rambling.]] Oh man! I have this super-weird urge to run up to you and, like, squeeze your torso?! I mean… [[Laughs awkwardly.]] What's that all about, right? !

Dani: [[In the background.]] ...That's called a hug.

Kai: [[Matter-of factly.]] How about instead, we remain calm and civil so as to not worsen the massive blunt force trauma you've managed to incur on your forehead? [[Pause.]] Also, I am glad to see you as well.

Dani: [[Sternly.]] X, you bleed through those bandages one more time and I will end you.

Kai: [[To Dani:]] I am impressed by your devotion to your work. [[Turns to X:]] How is Chen?

X: [[Solemn.]] Not great. Sleeping, for now. That stupid assistant shot him through the shoulder this time -- close range. His lungs and heart were exposed, and we had to re-attach one of his arms. Thankfully, we've got the mother lode of antibiotics, bandages, IV fluids, and hemostatic sponges, so… I'm optimistic.

Kai: You usually are. [[Pause.]] And how are you?

X: Eh. [[Waves a hand dismissively.]] Just a lil' bump to the head. I was more worried about you, actually. [[Winces.]] I'm so sorry I couldn't fix you. I've never been good with machinery…

Kai: [[Stiffly, perhaps offended.]] It's fine. Don't worry about it.

X: [[Continues rambling.]] Ugh, and I can't believe I'm saying this, but I'm so glad Charlotte was here!

Dani: Me, too. It was her idea to harvest the final part we needed to repair Kai from the engine pod.

Charlotte: [[Pleased.]] Would you like to live -- [[blip]]?

X: [[Smiles.]] Nice. Thank you, Charlotte.

Charlotte: [[Primly.]] You are welcome.

X: Oh man. Kai, I'm just so glad you're back. I have so many questions for you! Like, were you conscious the whole time your suit was out of order? I mean, I was so afraid that you were trapped there in the darkness, screaming silently, staring out at us helplessly from within the metal prison of your suit…

Kai: [[Still stiffly.]] I am fine now, thank you.

X: [[Catches on to Kai's discomfort.]] Aaah, sorry, I don't mean to be all ramble-y… I'm just super excited you're back!

Dani: [[Tactfully changes the subject.]] Yeah, so… um… Charlotte and I took a quick stock of the ship, and it turns out the damage from the earthquake wasn't nearly as bad as we thought! [[Beat.]] … Earthquake? Shipquake? Tremor? [[Shrugs.]] Whatever we're calling it.

X: I like "shipquake"? That sounds accurate. And… what is the damage?

Dani: Well, we'll cover the bad news first just to get it over with. The communications pod is gone. Like, it finally broke off and sailed away and is officially gone forever. But it had been kinda hanging on by a thread, so… maybe it's not that much of a surprise?

[[Continues on.]] Also, the hull of the cockpit pod was ruptured, and we lost a lot of atmo before we could get it patched up. So basically, the whole thing's off-limits right now. Even though it's not technically my field, I tried grafting some of those pink crystals onto the rift to see if they'd help reinforce the seal, and so far they're responding with a nice even growth. They really flourished with the addition of some heat.

[[Considers.]] Oh, and Frost is still trapped and sedated in the dash core. They might be in shock, too, but… [[Shrugs.]] I kinda don't care since they're actively trying to kill us… [[To Charlotte.]] What else?

Charlotte: There was also significant damage along the portside corridor.

Dani: Oh right, yeah.

Charlotte: [[Continues.]] The trauma from the communications pod breaking away bent and ruptured several of the support beams near the one remaining magnetically sealed pod.

X: Uh-huhhh. And… what's in that pod again?

Charlotte: Aural receptors malfunctioning.

X: [[Rolls eyes.]] Okay. Is the door still sealed?

Charlotte: Affirma//tive. [[Blip.]] Yes. For now.

X: [[Nods.]] Okay. What else?

Dani: Just some minor buckling in the bulkheads and floors… some furniture and personal items out of place… broken glass… [[Shrugs.]] But… that seems to be the worst of it.

X: Wow. [[Relieved.]] Not too terrible. Thanks for checking. We can totally deal with all of this.

[[SFX: Bedsheets stirring on gurney.]]

Chen: [[Weakly.]] Deal with… what?

X: [[Can hardly contain excitement.]] Oh my gosh! And Chen's awake! Heee! Everything is so amazing!

Chen: [[Coughs blood.]] Yeah. Amazing. [[He spots Kai, and sounds genuinely pleased.]] Hey! Kai -- good to see you again.

Kai: The same to you, sir. I regret I was not around to help you take on the councillor's assistant.

Chen: Oh, I did just… just fine on my own. [[Coughs up more blood.]]

X: Yay. Good. [[Claps hands, rubs them together.]] Now -- who wants to help me round up the birds and get them back into the aviary? We only had a few dozen species to begin with, and they're not all exactly… friendly toward each other, so I'm worried that number might be rapidly dropping. Chen, you're exempt, of course, but I could actually use your help with --

Dani: [[Frowning, taking a step forward.]] Wait. Is that…?

X: What? [[Follows her gaze.]] A rock? Yes.

[[SFX: Dani takes a few steps into grass.]]

Dani: Nnnnno… [[Tone sounds definite.]] That. There. Under the maple tree.

X: The big white rock wedged underneath those exposed roots?

Dani: [[Eyes X.]] No. [[Beat.]] Um… not to alarm you or anything, but I'm… pretty sure that's a human skull.

Chen: What? !

X: [[Blinks. Then, dismissively:]] Noooooo. We're all just tired and stressed and suffering from massive amounts of blood loss and head trauma! Plus, it's been a super long day…

Chen: [[Attempts to sit up slightly, squints into the near distance.]] I… [[Grunts with pain.]] I think she might be right.

X: [[To Chen, covering up a deeper emotion, perhaps fear/anger.]] Okay, you were unconscious until about 30 seconds ago. You're probably hallucinating.

[[SFX: Dani steps forward into the grass/dirt, prods at the tree roots.]]

Dani: [[Squats down for a closer look.]] Yeah. This is very clearly a human skull. Male… probably aged six to seven months…

X: [[To self, chuckles helplessly.]] What?! That didn't really happen…

Chen: [[Peers at X closely with concern.]] What didn't happen?

Dani: Oh my gosh! [[SFX: Scrabble of dirt.]] Look… There's more than one!

Charlotte: [[Blip.]] Would you like to live forever?

X: I… no! [[Breathing quickens into hyperventilation.]] It was a dream.

[[SFX: Flies.]]

X: [[Desperate, nervous.]] Here -- they're seriously just rocks. I'll show you!

[[SFX: X takes a couple steps forward through the grass.]]

Chen: I don't think that's a good idea. [[Calmly, to Kai.]] Kai, why don't you help X re-bandage her head over there, by the waterfall and the orchids?

Kai: Roger that.

X: [[Snaps.]] Hey! Don't talk about me like I'm not here! And don't treat me like some hysterical invalid and usher me off to safety or whatever! I'm a scientist, and you have no idea what I've been through or dealt with or seen or done over the years. Okay? You have no idea what I'm capable of. In fact, I'm … I'm… [[Trails off, wipes her face absentmindedly. Stares at her fingertips, alarmed.]] Aaaah! What is this? This is blood.

Kai: [[Calmly.]] Yes. There is blood literally dripping down your face from your massive head injury.

Dani: [[Looks up briefly, frowns.]] Aw, come on! I've rebandaged that thing four times!

X: [[Mollified.]] Ah. [[Falls quiet.]]

Kai: [[Gently, though not condescending.]] Let's assess your injuries, get you bandaged up, and then we'll come back and figure all of this out.

X: [[Voice ever-so-slightly shaky.]] Yeah. Okay.

Kai: Here. [[Offers an arm.]]

[[SFX: They begin to walk away. Waterfall eventually fades in.]]

Charlotte: Do not judge us too harshly.

Dani: [[Distant.]] Oh my gosh… there's…

Kai: [[Talks over Dani, to X.]] It wasn't that bad.

X: [[Glances up at Kai.]] Hmm? What wasn't that bad?

Kai: Being… off. Out of commission. It wasn't all darkness and silent screaming. It was… quiet. Nothingness. Peace.

X: Oh. [[Thinks for a moment.]] That sounds… kind of nice, actually. Restful. [[Beat.]] Would you… um. Have preferred to stay that way?

Kai: No.

[[SFX: They stop walking.]]

Dani: [[In distance.]] … four… five… six…

Chen: [[Wearily, in distance.]] Look out -- there's one to your right. No, your other right.

X: [[Distracted, turns, frowns.]] Sounds like they're…

Kai: [[Firmly.]] They're just doing their jobs. We'll join them again when we're done with ours here. Hold still --

[[SFX: Bandage is removed from X's head.]]

X: [[Hisses in pain.]] Aaaaaah. Wow. That really… Ugh, it's like echoes of pain rippling through my skull. [[Pause.]] You know, I never did find out what happened --

Kai: [[Inspects her forehead, assesses quickly.]] Hm. Looks like a compound cranial fracture caused by a blunt object to the forehead. I'm assuming said object was the stock of a Caldwell Enterprises Bulk Rifle.

X: [[Attempts a joke.]] You know, you really shouldn't assume…

Kai: [[Drily.]] I've heard. Speaking of which, has anyone checked you for a concussion?

X: No, but I've had them before and I know what they feel like. And I don't think… [[Trails off.]]

Kai: [[Drily.]] What was that about assumption?

X: [[Narrows eyes suspiciously.]] You're really trying to keep me away from what's going on by the maple tree.

Kai: [[Evenly, perhaps slightly wearily.]] No, I'm trying to assess whether my friend has a serious brain injury.

X: [[Pleased, amused.]] … Are you finally admitting that we're friends?

Kai: If it means you'll pay attention and let me help you, yes. Here -- look up for a second. Do you have a headache?

X: Obviously.

Kai: Nausea?

X: [[Considers.]] I'm kind of hungry, I guess?...

[[SFX: Flashlight click.]]

Kai: Sensitivity to light?

X: [[Surprised.]] Woah. You have a flashlight in your neck?

Kai: All right. You seem to be --

X: [[Suddenly distracted.]] Chen's looking at me weird.

Kai: [[Matter-of-factly.]] He's worried about you.

X: No, this is… hm. Now Dani's looking at me, too.

Kai: [[Relents with a sigh.]] Stay here. I'll go find out --

X: How about we both go?

[[SFX: X begins walking back to the tree. Waterfall fades.]]

X: [[Calls out to Dani & Chen, almost defensively.]] What? What is it?

Chen: What happened here? Do you know? Did you know these bones were here?

Dani: [[Surveys the area, hands on her hips.]] There are the remains of at least seven bodies here.

X: [[Reels a bit.]] Woah. What?! [[Thinks about the question; to Chen:]] Uh… no! I had no idea… [[Considers.]] Oh. Well, maybe? [[Pauses for an uncomfortably long time. Embarrassed.]] I don't know… I mean… I used to have these… dreams?

Chen: [[Expression unreadable; echoes her word.]] Dreams.

X: [[Nods.]] Yeah. But they weren't… I mean, they didn't mean anything. They were just… dreams!

Dani: [[Gently.]] Like what?

X: I don't know… flies and a metal door on a beach… Drones hovering over the ocean… A… some sort of vehicle collision? A white-haired woman in a green chair next to a vase full of lilacs?! [[She shrugs, helplessly.]] They don't mean anything.

Dani: [[Encouraging, without being condescending.]] That's all right. You said… did you have one about the maple tree?

X: [[Nods.]] I… um. I was little, and my mom was crying and… um. [[Realization.]] Burying… something? [[Horrified.]] Oh my gosh.

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[[SFX: Door opens in distance; footsteps and Charlotte's hydraulics approach.]]

**X:** [[To self, anxiously.]] …I… really should go lie back down.

**Charlotte:** [[Repeats, a la “Warning.”]] Triumph. Triumph. Triumph.

**X:** [[Turns.]] Hey! Dani! Charlotte! What's the -- [[Gasps.]] __Kai__!! !

**Kai:** Hello, X.

**X:** Oh my __gosh__!

[[SFX: X's footsteps in the grass -- just three or four steps.]]

**Dani:** Wait -- no! Don't run -- ergh.

**X:** Kai! I'm so happy to see you! Well, I mean, I've been seeing you, technically -- or, your body at least -- er, I mean, your chassis? [[Makes a face.]] Sorry, that sounds super weird and creepy. Ugh. I'm just so stoked that you're functional again!

**Charlotte:** I am [[blip]] also happy to see you.

**X:** [[Ignoring Charlotte, continues rambling.]] Oh man! I have this super-weird urge to run up to you and, like, squeeze your torso?! I mean… [[Laughs awkwardly.]] What's that all about, right? !

**Dani:** [[In the background.]] ...That's called a hug.

**Kai:** [[Matter-of factly.]] How about instead, we remain calm and civil so as to not worsen the massive blunt force trauma you've managed to incur on your forehead? [[Pause.]] Also, I am glad to see you as well.

**Dani:** [[Sternly.]] X, you bleed through those bandages one more time and I will __end__ you.

**Kai:** [[To Dani:]] I am impressed by your devotion to your work. [[Turns to X:]] How is Chen?

**X:** [[Solemn.]] Not great. Sleeping, for now. That stupid assistant shot him through the shoulder this time -- close range. His lungs and heart were exposed, and we had to re-attach one of his arms. Thankfully, we've got the mother lode of antibiotics, bandages, IV fluids, and hemostatic sponges, so… I'm optimistic.

**Kai:** You usually are. [[Pause.]] And how are you?

**X:** Eh. [[Waves a hand dismissively.]] Just a lil' bump to the head. I was more worried about you, actually. [[Winces.]] I'm so sorry I couldn't fix you. I've never been good with machinery…

**Kai:** [[Stiffly, perhaps offended.]] It's fine. Don't worry about it.

**X:** [[Continues rambling.]] Ugh, and I can't believe I'm saying this, but I'm so glad Charlotte was here!

**Dani:** Me, too. It was her idea to harvest the final part we needed to repair Kai from the engine pod.

**Charlotte:** [[Pleased.]] Would you like to live -- [[blip]]?

**X:** [[Smiles.]] Nice. Thank you, Charlotte.

**Charlotte:** [[Primly.]] You are welcome.

**X:** Oh man. Kai, I'm just so glad you're back. I have so many questions for you! Like, were you conscious the whole time your suit was out of order? I mean, I was so afraid that you were trapped there in the darkness, screaming silently, staring out at us helplessly from within the metal prison of your suit…

**Kai:** [[Still stiffly.]] I am fine now, thank you.

**X:** [[Catches on to Kai's discomfort.]] Aaah, sorry, I don't mean to be all ramble-y… I'm just super excited you're back!

**Dani:** [[Tactfully changes the subject.]] Yeah, so… um… Charlotte and I took a quick stock of the ship, and it turns out the damage from the earthquake wasn't nearly as bad as we thought! [[Beat.]] … Earthquake? Shipquake? Tremor? [[Shrugs.]] Whatever we're calling it.

**X:** I like "shipquake"? That sounds accurate. And… what is the damage?

**Dani:** Well, we'll cover the bad news first just to get it over with. The communications pod is gone. Like, it finally broke off and sailed away and is officially gone forever. But it had been kinda hanging on by a thread, so… maybe it's not that much of a surprise?

[[Continues on.]] Also, the hull of the cockpit pod was ruptured, and we lost a lot of atmo before we could get it patched up. So basically, the whole thing's off-limits right now. Even though it's not technically my field, I tried grafting some of those pink crystals onto the rift to see if they'd help reinforce the seal, and so far they're responding with a nice even growth. They really flourished with the addition of some heat.

[[Considers.]] Oh, and Frost is still trapped and sedated in the dash core. They might be in shock, too, but… [[Shrugs.]] I kinda don't care since they're actively trying to kill us… [[To Charlotte.]] What else?

**Charlotte:** There was also significant damage along the portside corridor.

**Dani:** Oh right, yeah.

**Charlotte:** [[Continues.]] The trauma from the communications pod breaking away bent and ruptured several of the support beams near the one remaining magnetically sealed pod.

**X:** Uh-huhhh. And… __what's__ in that pod again?

**Charlotte:** Aural receptors malfunctioning.

**X:** [[Rolls eyes.]] Okay. Is the door still sealed?

**Charlotte:** Affirma//tive. [[Blip.]] Yes. For now.

**X:** [[Nods.]] Okay. What else?

**Dani:** Just some minor buckling in the bulkheads and floors… some furniture and personal items out of place… broken glass… [[Shrugs.]] But… that seems to be the worst of it.

**X:** Wow. [[Relieved.]] Not too terrible. Thanks for checking. We can totally deal with all of this.

[[SFX: Bedsheets stirring on gurney.]]

**Chen:** [[Weakly.]] Deal with… what?

**X:** [[Can hardly contain excitement.]] Oh my __gosh__! And Chen's awake! Heee! Everything is so amazing!

**Chen:** [[Coughs blood.]] Yeah. Amazing. [[He spots Kai, and sounds genuinely pleased.]] Hey! Kai -- good to see you again.

**Kai:** The same to you, sir. I regret I was not around to help you take on the councillor's assistant.

**Chen:** Oh, I did just… just fine on my own. [[Coughs up more blood.]]

**X:** Yay. Good. [[Claps hands, rubs them together.]] Now -- who wants to help me round up the birds and get them back into the aviary? We only had a few dozen species to begin with, and they're not all exactly… friendly toward each other, so I'm worried that number might be rapidly dropping. Chen, you're exempt, of course, but I could actually use your help with --

**Dani:** [[Frowning, taking a step forward.]] Wait. Is that…?

**X:** What? [[Follows her gaze.]] A rock? Yes.

[[SFX: Dani takes a few steps into grass.]]

**Dani:** Nnnnno… [[Tone sounds definite.]] That. There. Under the maple tree.

**X:** The big white rock wedged underneath those exposed roots?

**Dani:** [[Eyes X.]] No. [[Beat.]] Um… not to alarm you or anything, but I'm… pretty sure that's a human skull.

**Chen:** What? !

**X:** [[Blinks. Then, dismissively:]] Noooooo. We're all just tired and stressed and suffering from massive amounts of blood loss and head trauma! Plus, it's been a super long day…

**Chen:** [[Attempts to sit up slightly, squints into the near distance.]] I… [[Grunts with pain.]] I think she might be right.

**X:** [[To Chen, covering up a deeper emotion, perhaps fear/anger.]] Okay, __you__ were unconscious until about 30 seconds ago. You're probably hallucinating.

[[SFX: Dani steps forward into the grass/dirt, prods at the tree roots.]]

**Dani:** [[Squats down for a closer look.]] Yeah. This is very clearly a human skull. Male… probably aged six to seven months…

**X:** [[To self, chuckles helplessly.]] What?! That didn't really happen…

**Chen:** [[Peers at X closely with concern.]] What didn't happen?

**Dani:** Oh my gosh! [[SFX: Scrabble of dirt.]] Look… There's more than one!

**Charlotte:** [[Blip.]] Would you like to live forever?

**X:** I… no! [[Breathing quickens into hyperventilation.]] It was a dream.

[[SFX: Flies.]]

**X:** [[Desperate, nervous.]] Here -- they're seriously just rocks. I'll show you!

[[SFX: X takes a couple steps forward through the grass.]]

**Chen:** I don't think that's a good idea. [[Calmly, to Kai.]] Kai, why don't you help X re-bandage her head over there, by the waterfall and the orchids?

**Kai:** Roger that.

**X:** [[Snaps.]] Hey! Don't talk about me like I'm not here! And don't treat me like some hysterical invalid and usher me off to safety or whatever! I'm a scientist, and you have no idea what I've been through or dealt with or seen or done over the years. Okay? You have no idea what I'm capable of. In fact, I'm … I'm… [[Trails off, wipes her face absentmindedly. Stares at her fingertips, alarmed.]] Aaaah! What is this? This is blood.

**Kai:** [[Calmly.]] Yes. There is blood literally dripping down your face from your massive head injury.

**Dani:** [[Looks up briefly, frowns.]] Aw, come on! I've rebandaged that thing four times!

**X:** [[Mollified.]] Ah. [[Falls quiet.]]

**Kai:** [[Gently, though not condescending.]] Let's assess your injuries, get you bandaged up, and then we'll come back and figure all of this out.

**X:** [[Voice ever-so-slightly shaky.]] Yeah. Okay.

**Kai:** Here. [[Offers an arm.]]

[[SFX: They begin to walk away. Waterfall eventually fades in.]]

**Charlotte:** Do not judge us too harshly.

**Dani:** [[Distant.]] Oh my gosh… there's…

**Kai:** [[Talks over Dani, to X.]] It wasn't that bad.

**X:** [[Glances up at Kai.]] Hmm? What wasn't that bad?

**Kai:** Being… off. Out of commission. It wasn't all darkness and silent screaming. It was… quiet. Nothingness. Peace.

**X:** Oh. [[Thinks for a moment.]] That sounds… kind of nice, actually. Restful. [[Beat.]] Would you… um. Have preferred to stay that way?

**Kai:** No.

[[SFX: They stop walking.]]

**Dani:** [[In distance.]] … four… five… six…

**Chen:** [[Wearily, in distance.]] Look out -- there's one to your right. No, your other right.

**X:** [[Distracted, turns, frowns.]] Sounds like they're…

**Kai:** [[Firmly.]] They're just doing their jobs. We'll join them again when we're done with ours here. Hold still --

[[SFX: Bandage is removed from X's head.]]

**X:** [[Hisses in pain.]] Aaaaaah. Wow. That really… Ugh, it's like echoes of pain rippling through my skull. [[Pause.]] You know, I never did find out what happened --

**Kai:** [[Inspects her forehead, assesses quickly.]] Hm. Looks like a compound cranial fracture caused by a blunt object to the forehead. I'm assuming said object was the stock of a Caldwell Enterprises Bulk Rifle.

**X:** [[Attempts a joke.]] You know, you really shouldn't assume…

**Kai:** [[Drily.]] I've heard. Speaking of which, has anyone checked you for a concussion?

**X:** No, but I've had them before and I know what they feel like. And I don't think… [[Trails off.]]

**Kai:** [[Drily.]] What was that about assumption?

**X:** [[Narrows eyes suspiciously.]] You're really trying to keep me away from what's going on by the maple tree.

**Kai:** [[Evenly, perhaps slightly wearily.]] No, I'm trying to assess whether my friend has a serious brain injury.

**X:** [[Pleased, amused.]] … Are you finally admitting that we're friends?

**Kai:** If it means you'll pay attention and let me help you, yes. Here -- look up for a second. Do you have a headache?

**X:** Obviously.

**Kai:** Nausea?

**X:** [[Considers.]] I'm kind of hungry, I guess?...

[[SFX: Flashlight click.]]

**Kai:** Sensitivity to light?

**X:** [[Surprised.]] Woah. You have a flashlight in your neck?

**Kai:** All right. You seem to be --

**X:** [[Suddenly distracted.]] Chen's looking at me weird.

**Kai:** [[Matter-of-factly.]] He's worried about you.

**X:** No, this is… hm. Now Dani's looking at me, too.

**Kai:** [[Relents with a sigh.]] Stay here. I'll go find out --

**X:** How about we both go?

[[SFX: X begins walking back to the tree. Waterfall fades.]]

**X:** [[Calls out to Dani & Chen, almost defensively.]] What? What is it?

**Chen:** What happened here? Do you know? Did you know these bones were here?

**Dani:** [[Surveys the area, hands on her hips.]] There are the remains of at least seven bodies here.

**X:** [[Reels a bit.]] Woah. What?! [[Thinks about the question; to Chen:]] Uh… no! I had no idea… [[Considers.]] Oh. Well, maybe? [[Pauses for an uncomfortably long time. Embarrassed.]] I don't know… I mean… I used to have these… dreams?

**Chen:** [[Expression unreadable; echoes her word.]] Dreams.

**X:** [[Nods.]] Yeah. But they weren't… I mean, they didn't mean anything. They were just… dreams!

**Dani:** [[Gently.]] Like what?

**X:** I don't know… flies and a metal door on a beach… Drones hovering over the ocean… A… some sort of vehicle collision? A white-haired woman in a green chair next to a vase full of lilacs?! [[She shrugs, helplessly.]] They don't mean anything.

**Dani:** [[Encouraging, without being condescending.]] That's all right. You said… did you have one about the maple tree?

**X:** [[Nods.]] I… um. I was little, and my mom was crying and… um. [[Realization.]] Burying… something? [[Horrified.]] Oh my gosh.