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Anne of Green Gables (Graded Reader), Chapter 2. Anne Finds a Friend

Chapter 2. Anne Finds a Friend

In the afternoon, Marilla spoke to Anne. ‘You can stay at Green Gables,' said Marilla. Anne was very happy.

‘Can I call you ‘aunt'?' asked Anne.

‘No, because I'm not really your aunt,' said Marilla.

‘But can you imagine that you're my aunt?'

‘No, I can't,' said Marilla. ‘I don't like imagining things.'

‘Oh Marilla, it's so sad not to have an imagination.'

Then Marilla told Anne some more good news. ‘There's a young girl, Diana. She lives near Green Gables. One day, you can meet her. Maybe you can be friends.'

A real friend, thought Anne. Anne wanted a friend very much. She went to her bedroom and looked in the mirror and said, ‘You're only Anne of Green Gables, but it's good to be Anne of Green Gables!'

For the next two weeks, Anne helped Marilla in the house. She went for a walk every day. She looked at every tree in the area. She visited every pond and every lake. Matthew loved listening to Anne. Marilla also enjoyed listening to Anne. But she didn't tell Anne this.

One morning, Rachel Lynde arrived. She wanted to see Anne. When Rachel arrived, she asked Marilla, ‘Why didn't Anne go back to the orphanage?'

‘We quite like her,' said Marilla. ‘Of course, she has to learn many things. Everything is new for her. We need to teach her these things.'

At that moment, Anne ran into the house.

‘Well,' said Rachel. ‘You look very skinny and plain … and with your red hair … well, you look like a carrot.'

‘I HATE YOU!' cried Anne. You're a very rude woman!'

Anne went to her bedroom. Marilla was angry with Anne. It was rude to speak to an adult in that way. Marilla was also angry with Rachel. ‘You were very unkind to Anne,' said Marilla to Rachel.

‘Don't forget, Anne doesn't know what's right, and what's wrong. She needs to learn.'

Rachel was also angry and she went home. Now Marilla had to make a decision. She had to punish Anne.

Soon, she decided what to do. She went to Anne's bedroom and said, ‘Anne, you must apologise to Rachel.'

‘I can never apologise to that rude woman,' said Anne.

‘Then you must stay in your room,' said Marilla.

The next day, breakfast, lunch and dinner passed. Anne wasn't there. It was very quiet at the table. Anne ate in her room. She didn't eat very much.

That evening, Marilla went out. Matthew went to Anne's room. Anne smiled when she saw Matthew. But she was very sad.

‘Anne,' said Matthew. ‘It's better to say sorry to Rachel. You must say sorry one day. Why not say sorry now?'

‘Alright, only for you, to make you happy,' said Anne.

The next day, Anne and Marilla went to Rachel's house to apologise. When they arrived, Anne said to Rachel, ‘I'm so sorry, Mrs. Rachel. I also want to say sorry to Marilla and Matthew. They're so kind to me. Thanks to them, I can stay at Green Gables. Please forgive me!'

Rachel was happy that Anne said she was sorry. ‘Maybe I was wrong to speak to you in that way, and maybe, in the future, the colour of your hair will be better.'

On the way home, Anne chatted to Marilla. Marilla had a strange feeling. Maybe it was love, for this little girl.

One day, Anne went to Sunday School. Marilla made a dress for her. Anne didn't like it. It was dark and plain. On the way to Sunday School, she saw some flowers. She put them on her hat. At the school, there were some girls. They had beautiful pink and blue dresses. The girls looked at Anne. She was strange, with her plain dress and flowers in her hat.

When Anne came home, she spoke to Marilla about Sunday School.

‘I didn't like Sunday School very much,' said Anne to Marilla. ‘I don't think it's very interesting. I answered all the teacher's questions. But I often looked out of the window. I could see the Lake of Shining Waters.'

‘You must think more about your lessons,' said Marilla.

On Friday, Anne and Marilla went to Diana's house. Anne was excited but also worried. I hope that Diana likes me, she thought.

They arrived at Diana's house. Diana was beautiful. She had dark hair and black eyes. She had a happy expression.

‘This is Anne,' said Marilla. ‘Diana, take Anne to the garden to look at the flowers.' Anne and Diana went into the garden.

‘Oh, Diana,' said Anne, ‘do you think we can be best friends forever?'

‘I think so,' said Diana. ‘It'll be nice to have a friend to play with.'

Anne and Diana promised to be best friends.

They made a special promise. They looked at each other and said, ‘I'll be your special friend forever.'

Diana thought that Anne was very strange. But she was very happy to have this new friend. Anne was different from other girls. ‘You're a strange girl, Anne, but I like you,' she said.

Anne was very happy. Finally, she had a real friend, not an imaginary friend, but a real friend.

Later, Matthew came home. He gave Anne a box of sweets. Anne was so happy. I can give some of the sweets to Diana, she thought.

On Sunday, Anne had some exciting news for Marilla.

‘Oh, Marilla,' she said, ‘there's a Sunday School picnic next week with real ice cream. Just imagine, real ice cream! Can I go? Please can I go?'

Marilla agreed. ‘You can go to the picnic,' she said.

‘But,' said Anne, ‘everybody must take a picnic basket of things to eat. How can I go without one?'

‘Don't worry, I can make some food for you,' said Marilla.

So, for the rest of the week, Anne was very excited. She talked about the picnic. She thought about the picnic. And she dreamed about the picnic.

Chapter 2. Anne Finds a Friend Kapitel 2. Anne findet einen Freund Κεφάλαιο 2. Η Ανν βρίσκει έναν φίλο Capítulo 2. Ana encuentra una amiga Chapitre 2. Anne se trouve un ami Capitolo 2. Anne trova un amico 第2章.アンは友人を見つける 2장. 앤이 친구를 찾다 2 skyrius. Anė randa draugą Rozdział 2. Anne znajduje przyjaciela Capítulo 2. Ana encontra um amigo Глава 2. Анна находит друга Bölüm 2. Anne Bir Arkadaş Buluyor Розділ 2. Енн знаходить друга 第 2 章 安妮找到了一个朋友 第2章 安妮找到了一個朋友

In the afternoon, Marilla spoke to Anne. Am Nachmittag sprach Marilla mit Anne. ‘You can stay at Green Gables,' said Marilla. Du kannst in Green Gables bleiben", sagte Marilla. “你可以住在绿山墙,”玛丽拉说。 Anne was very happy.

‘Can I call you ‘aunt'?' asked Anne. ||llame||tía|| Darf ich dich 'Tante' nennen?", fragte Anne. Posso chamar-lhe "tia"? perguntou a Ana.

‘No, because I'm not really your aunt,' said Marilla. Nein, denn ich bin nicht wirklich deine Tante", sagte Marilla. “不,因为我实际上并不是你的阿姨,”玛丽拉说。

‘But can you imagine that you're my aunt?' |||상상하다|||| ||tú|imagina|que|||tía Aber kannst du dir vorstellen, dass du meine Tante bist?

‘No, I can't,' said Marilla. |||dijo Marilla| Nein, ich kann nicht", sagte Marilla. ‘I don't like imagining things.' |||상상하는 것| |||imaginando cosas| Ich mag es nicht, mir Dinge einzubilden. “我不喜欢想象事情。”

‘Oh Marilla, it's so sad not to have an imagination.' ||||triste|||verbo auxiliar|una| Oh Marilla, es ist so traurig, keine Fantasie zu haben. Oh Marilla, é tão triste não ter imaginação.

Then Marilla told Anne some more good news. entonces||dijo||más|más|| Dann erzählte Marilla Anne eine weitere gute Nachricht. Depois, Marilla contou a Anne mais algumas boas notícias. ‘There's a young girl, Diana. hay||joven|chica joven|Diana Da ist ein junges Mädchen, Diana. Há uma rapariga jovem, Diana. She lives near Green Gables. ||근처|| ||cerca de|| One day, you can meet her. ||tú|podrás conocer|conocerás|ella Eines Tages kannst du sie treffen. Um dia, poderás conhecê-la. Maybe you can be friends.' quizás|tú||verbo auxiliar|

__A real friend,__ thought Anne. |verdadero|amigo verdadero|pensó Anne| Ein echter Freund, dachte Anne. Anne wanted a friend very much. |deseaba|||mucho|mucho Anne wünschte sich sehnlichst einen Freund. アンはとても友達が欲しかった。 A Ana queria muito ter um amigo. She went to her bedroom and looked in the mirror and said, ‘You're only Anne of Green Gables, but it's good to be Anne of Green Gables!' |fue|||||||||||tú eres|||||||||||||| Sie ging in ihr Schlafzimmer, schaute in den Spiegel und sagte: "Du bist nur Anne von Green Gables, aber es ist gut, Anne von Green Gables zu sein! 寝室に行って鏡を見て、『あなたはただの赤毛のアンだけど、赤毛のアンになるのはいいことだわ!』と言った。 Foi para o seu quarto, olhou-se ao espelho e disse: "És apenas a Anne do Frontão Verde, mas é bom ser a Anne do Frontão Verde! 她走进卧室,看着镜子说:“你只是绿山墙的安妮,但成为绿山墙的安妮真好!”

For the next two weeks, Anne helped Marilla in the house. por||las próximas||||ayudó a|||| In den nächsten zwei Wochen half Anne Marilla im Haus. She went for a walk every day. |salió|||paseo|| Sie ging jeden Tag spazieren. 彼女は毎日散歩に出かけた。 Ela ia passear todos os dias. She looked at every tree in the area. |||cada uno|árbol|||zona 她观察了该地区的每一棵树。 She visited every pond and every lake. |||estanque||cada uno| Sie besuchte jeden Teich und jeden See. 她参观了每一个池塘和每一个湖泊。 Matthew loved listening to Anne. |amaba|escuchar a|| Matthew hat Anne gerne zugehört. 马修喜欢听安妮说话。 Marilla also enjoyed listening to Anne. |también|disfrutó escuchar||| Auch Marilla hörte Anne gerne zu. But she didn't tell Anne this. ||no lo hizo|||esto Aber das hat sie Anne nicht gesagt. Mas ela não disse isso a Anne.

One morning, Rachel Lynde arrived. |mañana||| Eines Morgens kam Rachel Lynde. She wanted to see Anne. |quería ver||ver| Sie wollte Anne sehen. When Rachel arrived, she asked Marilla, ‘Why didn't Anne go back to the orphanage?' Als Rachel ankam, fragte sie Marilla: "Warum ist Anne nicht zurück ins Waisenhaus gegangen? 当雷切尔到达时,她问玛丽拉:“安妮为什么不回孤儿院?”

‘We quite like her,' said Marilla. nosotros|bastante|||| Wir mögen sie sehr", sagte Marilla. “我们很喜欢她,”玛丽拉说。 ‘Of course, she has to learn many things. |||tiene que||aprenderá|muchas cosas| Natürlich muss sie viele Dinge lernen. “当然,她必须学习很多东西。 Everything is new for her. todo||nuevo|| Tudo é novo para ela. We need to teach her these things.' |||가르치다||| nosotros|||enseñar||estas cosas|cosas Wir müssen ihr diese Dinge beibringen.' Temos de lhe ensinar estas coisas".

At that moment, Anne ran into the house. ||||corrió|hacia adentro|| In diesem Moment rannte Anne ins Haus.

‘Well,' said Rachel. bueno|| Nun", sagte Rachel. ‘You look very skinny and plain … and with your red hair … well, you look like a carrot.' |||여리여리한||수수한|||||||||||당근 |te ves|muy|muy delgada||sencilla||||pelirroja|pelo||||como||zanahoria Du siehst sehr dünn und schlicht aus ... und mit deinen roten Haaren ... na ja, du siehst aus wie eine Karotte. “你看起来很瘦很朴素……还有你的红头发……嗯,你看起来像一根胡萝卜。”

‘I HATE YOU!' cried Anne. |odio||| '我恨你!'安妮喊道。 You're a very rude woman!' |||무례한 여자| |||grosera| Sie sind eine sehr unhöfliche Frau!'

Anne went to her bedroom. |fue||| Anne ging in ihr Schlafzimmer. Marilla was angry with Anne. ||enojada|| 玛丽拉对安妮很生气。 It was rude to speak to an adult in that way. |||||||어른|그런 식으로|| eso|verbo auxiliar|grosero|||||adulto||| Es war unhöflich, auf diese Weise mit einem Erwachsenen zu sprechen. 大人に対してそのような言い方をするのは失礼だ。 以这种方式与成年人说话是不礼貌的。 Marilla was also angry with Rachel. |verbo auxiliar|también||| Auch Marilla war wütend auf Rachel. A Marilla também estava zangada com a Rachel. ‘You were very unkind to Anne,' said Marilla to Rachel. |verbo auxiliar||desconsiderada|||||| Du warst sehr unfreundlich zu Anne", sagte Marilla zu Rachel. あなたはアンにとても不親切だった」とマリラはレイチェルに言った。

‘Don't forget, Anne doesn't know what's right, and what's wrong. no|olvides|||sabe||lo correcto|||incorrecto Vergessen Sie nicht, dass Anne nicht weiß, was richtig und was falsch ist. アンは何が正しくて、何が間違っているのかわかっていないことを忘れないで。 “别忘了,安妮不知道什么是对,什么是错。 She needs to learn.' Sie muss lernen.'

Rachel was also angry and she went home. ||||||fue a casa| Auch Rachel war wütend und ging nach Hause. レイチェルも怒って家に帰った。 A Raquel também estava zangada e foi para casa. Now Marilla had to make a decision. ||||결정하다||결정 Ahora||tenía que|||| Nun musste Marilla eine Entscheidung treffen. Agora, Marilla tinha de tomar uma decisão. 现在玛丽拉必须做出决定。 She had to punish Anne. |||처벌하다| |tuvo que||castigar| Sie musste Anne bestrafen. Ela tinha de castigar a Anne.

Soon, she decided what to do. pronto||||| Bald entschied sie, was zu tun war. Em breve, decidiu o que fazer. She went to Anne's bedroom and said, ‘Anne, you must apologise to Rachel.' ||||||||||사과하다|| |fue||||||||debe hacerlo|disculparte|| Sie ging in Annes Schlafzimmer und sagte: "Anne, du musst dich bei Rachel entschuldigen.

‘I can never apologise to that rude woman,' said Anne. ||||||무례한||| Ich kann mich niemals bei dieser unhöflichen Frau entschuldigen", sagte Anne.

‘Then you must stay in your room,' said Marilla. 그때|||||||| ||debes|quedarte||||| Dann musst du in deinem Zimmer bleiben", sagte Marilla. “那你必须呆在你的房间里,”玛丽拉说。

The next day, breakfast, lunch and dinner passed. |||el desayuno|almuerzo|||pasaron Am nächsten Tag gab es Frühstück, Mittagessen und Abendessen. No dia seguinte, passaram o pequeno-almoço, o almoço e o jantar. 第二天,早餐、午餐、晚餐就这样过去了。 Anne wasn't there. |no estaba|allí Anne war nicht da. A Anne não estava lá. 安妮不在那儿。 It was very quiet at the table. |||조용했다||| la mesa||muy|silencio||| Anne ate in her room. |comió||| She didn't eat very much. Sie hat nicht sehr viel gegessen.

That evening, Marilla went out. |esa tarde||salió|salió de casa An diesem Abend ging Marilla aus. Nessa noite, a Marilla saiu. Matthew went to Anne's room. |fue||| Matthew ging in Annes Zimmer. Anne smiled when she saw Matthew. |미소 지었다|||| ||||vio a| Anne lächelte, als sie Matthew sah. But she was very sad. |||muy|

‘Anne,' said Matthew. ‘It's better to say sorry to Rachel. |||decir||| You must say sorry one day. |debes|||| Eines Tages müssen Sie sich entschuldigen. Why not say sorry now?' ||||ahora なぜ今謝らない?

‘Alright, only for you, to make you happy,' said Anne. 좋아||||||||| |||||hacer|||| わかったわ、あなたのためだけに、あなたを幸せにするために」とアンは言った。 Está bem, só para ti, para te fazer feliz", disse a Anne.

The next day, Anne and Marilla went to Rachel's house to apologise. When they arrived, Anne said to Rachel, ‘I'm so sorry, Mrs. Rachel. Als sie ankamen, sagte Anne zu Rachel: "Es tut mir so leid, Mrs. Rachel. I also want to say sorry to Marilla and Matthew. |también|quiero||decir||||| Ich möchte mich auch bei Marilla und Matthew entschuldigen. They're so kind to me. Ellos son|tan|amables|| Sie sind so nett zu mir. Thanks to them, I can stay at Green Gables. ||ellos|||||| Dank ihnen kann ich in Green Gables wohnen. Please forgive me!' |용서해줘| |perdona| Bitte verzeihen Sie mir!'

Rachel was happy that Anne said she was sorry. |verbo auxiliar||que||||| Rachel war froh, dass Anne sich entschuldigt hat. Raquel ficou contente por Ana ter pedido desculpa. ‘Maybe I was wrong to speak to you in that way, and maybe, in the future, the colour of your hair will be better.' |||equivocado||hablar|||||manera|||||futuro||||||futuro simple|verbo auxiliar| Vielleicht war es falsch von mir, so mit dir zu sprechen, und vielleicht wird die Farbe deiner Haare in Zukunft besser sein. あのような言い方をしたのは間違いだったかもしれないし、将来、髪の色が良くなるかもしれない』。 Talvez eu tenha feito mal em falar contigo dessa maneira e talvez, no futuro, a cor do teu cabelo seja melhor". “也许我这样对你说话是错误的,也许,将来,你头发的颜色会更好。”

On the way home, Anne chatted to Marilla. ||camino|||charló|| 回家的路上,安妮和玛丽拉聊天。 Marilla had a strange feeling. |||이상한| |verbo auxiliar||extraña sensación|sensación extraña Marilla teve uma sensação estranha. 玛丽拉有一种奇怪的感觉。 Maybe it was love, for this little girl. |||amor||||

One day, Anne went to Sunday School. |||fue||escuela dominical| Eines Tages ging Anne in die Sonntagsschule. Um dia, Ana foi à catequese. Marilla made a dress for her. |hizo||vestido|| Marilla hat ein Kleid für sie genäht. Anne didn't like it. |no le|gustó|eso Das gefiel Anne nicht. It was dark and plain. ||||단순한 |era|oscuro||sencillo Es war dunkel und schlicht. On the way to Sunday School, she saw some flowers. 길 위에|그|길에서||||||| |||||||vio|algunas flores| Auf dem Weg zur Sonntagsschule sah sie ein paar Blumen. She put them on her hat. |그녀는 그것들을 올렸다|||| ||las plumas|||sombrero Sie setzte sie auf ihren Hut. Colocou-os no chapéu. At the school, there were some girls. ||||había|algunas| In der Schule gab es einige Mädchen. Na escola, havia algumas raparigas. They had beautiful pink and blue dresses. ellas|tenían|||||vestidos Sie hatten wunderschöne rosa und blaue Kleider. The girls looked at Anne. Die Mädchen sahen Anne an. As raparigas olharam para Ana. She was strange, with her plain dress and flowers in her hat. ||extraña|||sencilla|||||| Ela era estranha, com o seu vestido simples e flores no chapéu. 她很奇怪,穿着朴素,帽子上插着花。

When Anne came home, she spoke to Marilla about Sunday School. Als Anne nach Hause kam, sprach sie mit Marilla über die Sonntagsschule.

‘I didn't like Sunday School very much,' said Anne to Marilla. Die Sonntagsschule hat mir nicht besonders gefallen", sagte Anne zu Marilla. ‘I don't think it's very interesting. |||||재미있지 않다 Ich glaube nicht, dass es sehr interessant ist. Não acho que seja muito interessante. I answered all the teacher's questions. |답했다|||| |respondí|||| Ich habe alle Fragen des Lehrers beantwortet. But I often looked out of the window. ||자주||밖|의|| ||a menudo||||| Aber ich habe oft aus dem Fenster geschaut. Mas eu olhava muitas vezes pela janela. 但我经常看窗外。 I could see the Lake of Shining Waters.' |podía ver|||lago||| 我可以看到闪亮水域湖。

‘You must think more about your lessons,' said Marilla. |debes pensar|piensas|||||| Du musst mehr an deinen Unterricht denken", sagte Marilla.

On Friday, Anne and Marilla went to Diana's house. Am Freitag gingen Anne und Marilla zu Dianas Haus. Anne was excited but also worried. ||신이 났지만||| ||||también|preocupada Anne war aufgeregt, aber auch besorgt. __I hope that Diana likes me__, she thought. |||||||생각했다 |||||||pensó Ich hoffe, dass Diana mich mag, dachte sie.

They arrived at Diana's house. Sie kamen bei Dianas Haus an. Diana was beautiful. She had dark hair and black eyes. |tenía||||| Sie hatte dunkles Haar und schwarze Augen. She had a happy expression. ||||행복한 표정 |tenía|||expresión feliz Sie hatte einen glücklichen Gesichtsausdruck. 她一脸幸福的表情。

‘This is Anne,' said Marilla. ‘Diana, take Anne to the garden to look at the flowers.' Anne and Diana went into the garden. |lleva a||||jardín|||||||||||| Diana, geh mit Anne in den Garten, damit sie sich die Blumen ansehen kann", und Anne und Diana gingen in den Garten.

‘Oh, Diana,' said Anne, ‘do you think we can be best friends forever?' ||dijo Anne|||||||||mejores amigas| 'Oh, Diana', sagte Anne, 'glaubst du, wir können für immer beste Freundinnen sein?'

‘I think so,' said Diana. ||así|| Ich glaube ja", sagte Diana. ‘It'll be nice to have a friend to play with.' Es wird schön sein, einen Freund zu haben, mit dem man spielen kann. Vai ser bom ter um amigo com quem brincar". “有一个朋友一起玩真是太好了。”

Anne and Diana promised to be best friends. |||약속했다|||| |||prometieron|||| Anne und Diana haben versprochen, beste Freundinnen zu werden.

They made a special promise. ||||약속 |hicieron||| Sie haben ein besonderes Versprechen gegeben. Fizeram uma promessa especial. They looked at each other and said, ‘I'll be your special friend forever.' ||||||||||||영원히 |||||||||||amigo especial| Sie sahen sich an und sagten: "Ich werde für immer dein besonderer Freund sein". Olharam um para o outro e disseram: "Serei o teu amigo especial para sempre".

Diana thought that Anne was very strange. ||||||이상한 Diana fand, dass Anne sehr seltsam war. Diana achava que Ana era muito estranha. 戴安娜觉得安妮很奇怪。 But she was very happy to have this new friend. Aber sie war sehr glücklich, diesen neuen Freund zu haben. 但她很高兴有这个新朋友。 Anne was different from other girls. ||다른|다른|| Anne war anders als die anderen Mädchen. アンは他の女の子とは違っていた。 ‘You're a strange girl, Anne, but I like you,' she said. Du bist ein seltsames Mädchen, Anne, aber ich mag dich", sagte sie.

Anne was very happy. Finally, she had a real friend, not an imaginary friend, but a real friend. ||||||||상상의||||| 想像上の友達ではなく、本当の友達ができたのだ。

Later, Matthew came home. 나중에||왔다| He gave Anne a box of sweets. ||||||사탕 él|dio||||| Er gab Anne eine Schachtel mit Süßigkeiten. Deu uma caixa de rebuçados à Ana. Anne was so happy. |verbo auxiliar|| __I can give some of the sweets to Diana__, she thought. ||dar|algunos|||||||pensó Ich kann Diana etwas von den Süßigkeiten geben, dachte sie.

On Sunday, Anne had some exciting news for Marilla. |||||신나는||| |domingo||había||||| Am Sonntag hatte Anne eine aufregende Nachricht für Marilla. No domingo, Anne tinha uma notícia emocionante para Marilla.

‘Oh, Marilla,' she said, ‘there's a Sunday School picnic next week with real ice cream. ||||||||소풍|||||| ||||||||picnic escolar|||||helado real|crema helada Oh, Marilla", sagte sie, "nächste Woche gibt es ein Picknick in der Sonntagsschule mit echtem Eis. “哦,玛丽拉,”她说,“下周主日学校有野餐,有真正的冰淇淋。” Just imagine, real ice cream! Stellen Sie sich das vor: echtes Eis! Can I go? Darf ich gehen? Posso ir? Please can I go?' Kann ich bitte gehen?

Marilla agreed. |마릴라가 동의했다. |estuvo de acuerdo ‘You can go to the picnic,' she said. Du kannst zum Picknick gehen", sagte sie.

‘But,' said Anne, ‘everybody must take a picnic basket of things to eat. ||||||||바구니|||| |dijo Anne||todo el mundo|debe llevar||||cesta de picnic||cosas|| Aber", sagte Anne, "jeder muss einen Picknickkorb mit etwas zu essen mitnehmen. “但是,”安妮说,“每个人都必须带一篮子野餐吃的东西。 How can I go without one?' 어떻게||||| cómo|puedo|||sin uno| Wie kann ich ohne sie auskommen?' Como é que posso passar sem um? 没有人我怎么走?

‘Don't worry, I can make some food for you,' said Marilla. ||||preparar|algo de comida||||| Mach dir keine Sorgen, ich kann dir etwas zu essen machen", sagte Marilla.

So, for the rest of the week, Anne was very excited. 그래서|위해|그|||||||| |||el resto||||||| Für den Rest der Woche war Anne also sehr aufgeregt. She talked about the picnic. Sie sprach über das Picknick. She thought about the picnic. |pensó||| Sie dachte an das Picknick. And she dreamed about the picnic. ||소풍을 꿈꿨다||| ||soñó|sobre|| Und sie träumte von dem Picknick.