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Gulliver's Travels (Graded Reader), Chapter Five. I Visit Strange and Wonderful Places

Chapter Five. I Visit Strange and Wonderful Places

On Balnibarbi. Inside the Academy.

The Magical Island. I meet Hannibal.

When I reached Balnibarbi, I was very happy. I walked to Lagado (I'm sure you remember that this is the capital city). I had the name of a man to visit in Lagado, Lord Munodi. He was a friend of my friend on Laputa. The man was very happy to meet me. I stayed in his house.

The next morning, he took me to visit the capital. It was about the same size as London. The houses were very strange and very badly built. The people in the streets walked fast. They looked a little wild. Their clothes were old. Then, we walked into the countryside. Again the people were poor. I was surprised, because the land was good. Lord Munodi's house was different from the others. His garden was also more beautiful than the others. I asked Lord Munodi why.

‘About forty years ago, the Laputan government built an academy here in Lagado. The academy studies building, agriculture and languages. The professors have some very strange ideas. They tell the Laputan government their ideas and the government makes stupid laws. They aren't practical. My house is different, because I break the laws.'

‘Can I visit the academy?' I asked.

‘Yes, but you must go alone,' he answered. ‘I hate the academy and I'll never, ever go there. You must take some money with you. They never have any money for their studies so they beg from visitors.

The following day, I visited the academy. The dean was very happy to meet me. The academy was very big with about five hundred rooms.

In the first room, there was an old man. He told me about his studies. ‘I'm working on a very important project. I'm trying to make sunlight from cucumbers. We take the sunlight out of the cucumbers, put it in a bottle and then we can use it on cold days.'

‘Very interesting,' I said. I gave him some money.

I went into another room. The smell was so bad that I left immediately.

In another room, there was a very clever engineer. He had a new way of building houses. He built the roof first and the walls second. At the end, he built the foundations.

In the next room, there was a man who couldn't see. His job was to mix colours for artists. He did this by smell and by touch.

I visited a lot of rooms in the academy, but I didn't see any practical ideas. The dean wanted to show me more rooms on the other side of the academy. There, I visited the school of languages. There were three professors there. Their job was to improve their language.

‘What exactly are you doing?' I asked one professor.

‘This is my language machine,' he answered. ‘It's making our words shorter. All words will soon be very, very short.'

‘Very interesting,' I said.

‘My job is more interesting,' said the second professor. ‘There's no need for words in our language. Speaking is very bad for people. Too much speaking makes people ill. In my system, we don't need words, we need things. People will soon communicate by carrying things in their pockets. For short conversations, you only need a few things. Of course, for long conversations, you need servants to carry your things. For very long conversations, you need a cart. My system has one great advantage – it's a universal language. You can communicate with people from all over the world.'

‘But my language machine is the best!' said the first professor.

‘No, yours is too complicated!' said the second.

I gave them some money and left quickly.

Next, I spent a very short time at the school of mathematics. There, the scientists wrote formulas on edible paper. They then ate them, immediately.

I now understood that all these professors were mad. Balnibarbi was poor and unhappy because of these professors and their silly ideas. I decided to leave the academy and Balnibarbi as soon as possible. I wanted to go back to Europe.

The next day, I spoke to Lord Munodi. ‘I want to go back to England,' I said.

‘I'm not surprised,' he answered. ‘Perhaps I can help. The King of Luggnagg is a good friend of the Emperor of Japan. It must be possible to get from there to Japan and from Japan to England. Why don't you go to Luggnagg? It's a small island and it's quite near.'

‘Thank you,' I said. ‘That's a very good idea.

I said goodbye to Lord Munodi and left Lagado. I travelled to the port of Maldonada. When I arrived, I spoke to a man at the port. ‘When's the next ship for Luggnagg?' I asked.

‘In five weeks,' he answered.

I decided to spend the time visiting a different island, Glubbdubdrib. Its other name is the Magical Island. It's a very small island. The king of the Magical Island is a magician. He has a very special power. He can call ghosts from the past to be his servants. They can only work for him for twenty-four hours. When I arrived at the Magical Island, I went immediately to see the king. He was very happy to see me and invited me to stay in the royal palace. It was a little strange at first, the servants were always different.

One evening, the king invited me to a special dinner. After dinner, we talked.

‘I like you, Gulliver,' he said. ‘I have an interesting idea. Do you want to meet some people from the past?'

‘Yes, please!' I answered.


‘Let me think. Alexander the Great,' I answered.

‘Call him! Then he'll appear!' said the king.

‘Alexander the Great!' I called.

Two seconds later, Alexander appeared. It was difficult to understand his Greek at first.

‘Another!' said the king.

Soon, Hannibal appeared.

‘Look! He's crossing the Alps!' I shouted.

I then asked to see Caesar and Pompey. Then the whole Senate of Rome appeared. Caesar and Brutus came near to me. I spoke to Brutus, a very fine man.

The next day, I decided to call some more ghosts. Homer and Aristotle were interesting. I called Descartes and Gassendi. Aristotle was pleased to meet them. ‘Oh dear, I made some mistakes in my philosophy,' he said, after a long conversation.

The next day, I called some ghosts from modern history. They were very disappointing. I called people from the past and recent past. It was strange, all the people from the recent past were very disappointing. At the end of my stay on the Magical Island, I understood more about the problems of my country and the problems of Europe.

It was time for me to leave. I thanked the King of the Magical Island very much and went back to Maldonada. There, I found a ship for Luggnagg. The journey took a month.

It's easy to communicate with the people of Luggnagg, because many of them speak the language of Balnibarbi. The Luggnaggians are very polite, kind people. They all seem to be very happy.

Soon after I arrived, the king invited me to the royal palace. I wanted to be polite too, so I learned some words in Luggnaggian. When I arrived at the palace, I said these words to the king, ‘Ickpling gloffthrob squutserumm blhiop mlashnalt zwin modbalkguffh slhiophad gurdlubh asht.'

He was very pleased. He invited me to stay in the royal palace. I stayed for three months.

One day, a Luggnaggian asked me a strange question. ‘Would you like to meet an Immortal?'

‘What do you mean?'

‘Some people here are immortal – they live for ever.'

‘How wonderful,' I said. ‘Yes, I'd like to learn from an Immortal. They'll teach me a lot about life. Perhaps I can learn something special.'

Unfortunately, the Immortals aren't nice people. They're angry, horrible, jealous, miserable and talk a lot. Because they're different from other people, they don't have friends. They're also very ugly. They've a strange blue spot on their heads. The oldest Immortal I met was two hundred years old. He was very, very angry and very, very horrible.

I began to understand that the Luggnaggians don't like the Immortals. They don't want to live for ever. Perhaps that's why the Luggnaggians are so happy.

After three months at the royal palace, I decided to leave. It was time to go back to England and my family. The king was sorry. ‘Stay here,' he said. ‘You can work for my government.'

‘I'm sorry,' I answered, ‘I must go home. I must see my family again.'

The king was very kind. He gave me some gold and a beautiful red diamond.

In early May, I left Luggnagg. I arrived in Japan two weeks later. In Japan, I began to look for a ship to take me to Europe. It was very difficult to find a ship. After a few weeks, I found a Dutch ship. I spoke to the captain.

‘Where are you from?' he asked.

‘Holland,' I answered. The Dutch and the English weren't good friends at this time. It was better to be Dutch. Luckily, I knew the Dutch language very well.

Captain Theodorus Vangrult was happy to take me. He needed a ship's doctor. I invented some stories about my family in Guelderland. No-one knew I was English.

In June, we finally left Japan. The journey was long, but there were no adventures. We stopped at the Cape of Good Hope. This time, we only stayed for two days, because the weather was good. We got fresh water and sailed away immediately. On 6th April 1710, we arrived at Amsterdam. I immediately found another boat from Amsterdam to England. Four days later, I was home.

My wife was very happy to see me. She was very well and so were my children.

I stayed at home in England for five very happy months. Then, I started to think about travelling again. I spoke to some friends.

‘Didn't you sail on the Adventure, a few years ago?' one of them said.

‘Yes, why?'

‘Well, they need a new captain. Why don't you speak to the owner?'

I travelled to Portsmouth to meet the owner of the Adventure. After many years as a ship's doctor, I understood navigation very well. It was time for me to become the captain of a ship. The owner was happy, he remembered me from before.

‘The job is yours!' he said.

I was very pleased. Now I needed a ship's doctor. I found a young man: he was very good at his job. Then, I said goodbye to my wife and children. We left Portsmouth on 7th September 1710. Our destination? The South Seas, again.

Chapter Five. I Visit Strange and Wonderful Places Fünftes Kapitel. Ich besuche seltsame und wunderbare Orte Capítulo 5. Visito lugares extraños y maravillosos Chapitre cinq. Je visite des endroits étranges et merveilleux Capitolo 5. Visito luoghi strani e meravigliosi 第五章私は奇妙で素晴らしい場所を訪れる 챕터 5. 낯설고 멋진 장소를 방문하다 Rozdział piąty. Odwiedzam dziwne i cudowne miejsca Capítulo Cinco. Visito lugares estranhos e maravilhosos Глава 5. Я посещаю странные и удивительные места Beşinci Bölüm. Tuhaf ve Harika Yerleri Ziyaret Ediyorum Розділ п'ятий. Я відвідую дивні та чудові місця 第五章。我参观陌生而美妙的地方 第五章。我參觀陌生而美妙的地方

On Balnibarbi. Auf Balnibarbi. Inside the Academy. Por dentro da Academia.

The Magical Island. Die magische Insel. I meet Hannibal. Ich treffe Hannibal.

When I reached Balnibarbi, I was very happy. Als ich Balnibarbi erreichte, war ich sehr glücklich. Quando cheguei a Balnibarbi, estava muito feliz. I walked to Lagado (I'm sure you remember that this is the capital city). Ich bin nach Lagado gelaufen (Sie erinnern sich sicher, dass dies die Hauptstadt ist). Fui a pé até Lagado (decerto se lembram que esta é a capital). I had the name of a man to visit in Lagado, Lord Munodi. Ich hatte den Namen eines Mannes, den ich in Lagado besuchen sollte, Lord Munodi. He was a friend of my friend on Laputa. Er war ein Freund meines Freundes auf Laputa. The man was very happy to meet me. Der Mann war sehr erfreut, mich zu treffen. I stayed in his house. Ich blieb in seinem Haus.

The next morning, he took me to visit the capital. Am nächsten Morgen nahm er mich mit, um die Hauptstadt zu besichtigen. It was about the same size as London. Sie war etwa so groß wie London. Era mais ou menos do mesmo tamanho de Londres. The houses were very strange and very badly built. Die Häuser waren sehr seltsam und sehr schlecht gebaut. The people in the streets walked fast. Die Menschen auf den Straßen liefen schnell. They looked a little wild. Sie sahen ein wenig wild aus. Pareciam um pouco selvagens. Their clothes were old. Ihre Kleidung war alt. Then, we walked into the countryside. Dann sind wir in die Landschaft gegangen. Again the people were poor. Auch hier waren die Menschen arm. Mais uma vez, as pessoas eram pobres. I was surprised, because the land was good. Ich war überrascht, denn das Land war gut. Fiquei surpreendido, porque a terra era boa. Lord Munodi's house was different from the others. Das Haus von Lord Munodi war anders als die anderen. His garden was also more beautiful than the others. Sein Garten war auch schöner als die anderen. I asked Lord Munodi why. Ich habe Lord Munodi gefragt, warum.

‘About forty years ago, the Laputan government built an academy here in Lagado. Vor etwa vierzig Jahren baute die Regierung von Laputan hier in Lagado eine Akademie. The academy studies building, agriculture and languages. Die Akademie studiert Bauwesen, Landwirtschaft und Sprachen. The professors have some very strange ideas. Die Professoren haben sehr seltsame Ideen. They tell the Laputan government their ideas and the government makes stupid laws. Sie teilen der lappländischen Regierung ihre Ideen mit, und die Regierung erlässt dumme Gesetze. Dizem ao governo lapão as suas ideias e o governo faz leis estúpidas. They aren't practical. Sie sind nicht praktisch. Não são práticas. My house is different, because I break the laws.' Mein Haus ist anders, denn ich breche die Gesetze. A minha casa é diferente, porque eu infrinjo as leis".

‘Can I visit the academy?' I asked. Kann ich die Akademie besuchen?", fragte ich. Posso visitar a academia?", perguntei.

‘Yes, but you must go alone,' he answered. Ja, aber du musst allein gehen", antwortete er. ‘I hate the academy and I'll never, ever go there. Ich hasse die Akademie und werde nie wieder dorthin gehen. You must take some money with you. Sie müssen etwas Geld mitnehmen. They never have any money for their studies so they beg from visitors. Da sie kein Geld für ihr Studium haben, betteln sie bei Besuchern. Nunca têm dinheiro para os seus estudos e por isso pedem esmola aos visitantes.

The following day, I visited the academy. Am nächsten Tag besuchte ich die Akademie. The dean was very happy to meet me. Der Dekan war sehr erfreut, mich zu treffen. The academy was very big with about five hundred rooms. Die Akademie war mit etwa fünfhundert Zimmern sehr groß. A academia era muito grande, com cerca de quinhentos quartos.

In the first room, there was an old man. Im ersten Zimmer saß ein alter Mann. No primeiro quarto, estava um velhote. He told me about his studies. Er hat mir von seinem Studium erzählt. Ele falou-me dos seus estudos. ‘I'm working on a very important project. Ich arbeite an einem sehr wichtigen Projekt. I'm trying to make sunlight from cucumbers. Ich versuche, aus Gurken Sonnenlicht zu machen. We take the sunlight out of the cucumbers, put it in a bottle and then we can use it on cold days.' Wir nehmen das Sonnenlicht aus den Gurken, füllen es in eine Flasche und können es dann an kalten Tagen verwenden. Tiramos a luz do sol dos pepinos, colocamo-la numa garrafa e depois podemos usá-la nos dias frios".

‘Very interesting,' I said. Sehr interessant", sagte ich. I gave him some money. Ich habe ihm etwas Geld gegeben.

I went into another room. Ich ging in ein anderes Zimmer. Fui para outra sala. The smell was so bad that I left immediately. Der Geruch war so schlimm, dass ich sofort gegangen bin. O cheiro era tão mau que me fui embora imediatamente.

In another room, there was a very clever engineer. In einem anderen Raum gab es einen sehr klugen Ingenieur. He had a new way of building houses. Er hatte eine neue Art, Häuser zu bauen. Ele tinha uma nova forma de construir casas. He built the roof first and the walls second. Er baute zuerst das Dach und dann die Wände. At the end, he built the foundations. Am Ende hat er das Fundament gebaut.

In the next room, there was a man who couldn't see. Im Nebenzimmer saß ein Mann, der nicht sehen konnte. His job was to mix colours for artists. Seine Aufgabe war es, Farben für Künstler zu mischen. O seu trabalho consistia em misturar cores para artistas. He did this by smell and by touch. Er tat dies durch Geruch und Berührung. Fazia-o pelo cheiro e pelo tato.

I visited a lot of rooms in the academy, but I didn't see any practical ideas. Ich habe viele Räume in der Akademie besucht, aber ich habe keine praktischen Ideen gesehen. The dean wanted to show me more rooms on the other side of the academy. Der Dekan wollte mir weitere Räume auf der anderen Seite der Akademie zeigen. There, I visited the school of languages. Dort besuchte ich die Schule für Sprachen. Aí, visitei a escola de línguas. There were three professors there. Es waren drei Professoren anwesend. Estavam lá três professores. Their job was to improve their language. Ihre Aufgabe war es, ihre Sprache zu verbessern. O seu trabalho consistia em melhorar a sua língua.

‘What exactly are you doing?' I asked one professor. Was genau machen Sie da? fragte ich einen Professor.

‘This is my language machine,' he answered. Das ist meine Sprachmaschine", antwortete er. ‘It's making our words shorter. Sie macht unsere Worte kürzer. Está a tornar as nossas palavras mais curtas. All words will soon be very, very short.' Alle Worte werden bald sehr, sehr kurz sein.' Em breve, todas as palavras serão muito, muito curtas".

‘Very interesting,' I said. Sehr interessant", sagte ich.

‘My job is more interesting,' said the second professor. Meine Arbeit ist interessanter", sagte der zweite Professor. ‘There's no need for words in our language. In unserer Sprache braucht es keine Worte. Não há necessidade de palavras na nossa língua. Speaking is very bad for people. Sprechen ist sehr schlecht für die Menschen. Falar é muito mau para as pessoas. Too much speaking makes people ill. Zu viel Sprechen macht krank. Falar demasiado faz adoecer as pessoas. In my system, we don't need words, we need things. In meinem System brauchen wir keine Worte, wir brauchen Dinge. No meu sistema, não precisamos de palavras, precisamos de coisas. People will soon communicate by carrying things in their pockets. Die Menschen werden bald kommunizieren, indem sie Dinge in ihren Taschen tragen. Em breve, as pessoas vão comunicar carregando coisas nos bolsos. For short conversations, you only need a few things. Für kurze Gespräche braucht man nur wenige Dinge. Para conversas curtas, só precisa de algumas coisas. Of course, for long conversations, you need servants to carry your things. Natürlich braucht man für lange Gespräche Diener, die einem die Sachen tragen. É claro que, para conversas longas, são necessários criados para transportar as suas coisas. For very long conversations, you need a cart. Für sehr lange Gespräche brauchen Sie einen Wagen. Para conversas muito longas, é necessário um carrinho. My system has one great advantage – it's a universal language. Mein System hat einen großen Vorteil: Es ist eine universelle Sprache. You can communicate with people from all over the world.' Sie können mit Menschen aus der ganzen Welt kommunizieren.

‘But my language machine is the best!' said the first professor. Aber meine Sprachmaschine ist die beste!", sagte der erste Professor. Mas a minha máquina de línguas é a melhor!", disse o primeiro professor.

‘No, yours is too complicated!' said the second. Nein, deines ist zu kompliziert!", sagte der zweite.

I gave them some money and left quickly. Ich gab ihnen etwas Geld und ging schnell wieder. Dei-lhes algum dinheiro e fui-me embora rapidamente.

Next, I spent a very short time at the school of mathematics. Danach verbrachte ich eine sehr kurze Zeit an der Schule für Mathematik. There, the scientists wrote formulas on edible paper. Dort schrieben die Wissenschaftler Formeln auf essbares Papier. They then ate them, immediately. Sie haben sie dann sofort gegessen.

I now understood that all these professors were mad. Ich verstand nun, dass all diese Professoren verrückt waren. Compreendi agora que todos estes professores eram loucos. Balnibarbi was poor and unhappy because of these professors and their silly ideas. Balnibarbi war arm und unglücklich wegen dieser Professoren und ihrer dummen Ideen. Balnibarbi era pobre e infeliz por causa desses professores e das suas ideias disparatadas. I decided to leave the academy and Balnibarbi as soon as possible. Ich beschloss, die Akademie und Balnibarbi so schnell wie möglich zu verlassen. Decidi deixar a academia e Balnibarbi o mais rapidamente possível. I wanted to go back to Europe. Ich wollte zurück nach Europa. Eu queria voltar para a Europa.

The next day, I spoke to Lord Munodi. Am nächsten Tag sprach ich mit Lord Munodi. ‘I want to go back to England,' I said. Ich will zurück nach England", sagte ich.

‘I'm not surprised,' he answered. Das wundert mich nicht", antwortete er. ‘Perhaps I can help. Vielleicht kann ich helfen. Talvez eu possa ajudar. The King of Luggnagg is a good friend of the Emperor of Japan. It must be possible to get from there to Japan and from Japan to England. Es muss möglich sein, von dort nach Japan und von Japan nach England zu gelangen. Deve ser possível ir de lá para o Japão e do Japão para Inglaterra. Why don't you go to Luggnagg? Warum gehst du nicht nach Luggnagg? Porque não vais para Luggnagg? It's a small island and it's quite near.' Es ist eine kleine Insel und sie ist ganz in der Nähe.

‘Thank you,' I said. Danke", sagte ich. ‘That's a very good idea. Das ist eine sehr gute Idee. É uma óptima ideia.

I said goodbye to Lord Munodi and left Lagado. Ich verabschiedete mich von Lord Munodi und verließ Lagado. I travelled to the port of Maldonada. Ich reiste zum Hafen von Maldonada. When I arrived, I spoke to a man at the port. Als ich ankam, sprach ich mit einem Mann am Hafen. ‘When's the next ship for Luggnagg?' I asked. Wann geht das nächste Schiff nach Luggnagg? fragte ich.

‘In five weeks,' he answered. In fünf Wochen", antwortete er.

I decided to spend the time visiting a different island, Glubbdubdrib. Ich beschloss, die Zeit damit zu verbringen, eine andere Insel, Glubbdubdrib, zu besuchen. Its other name is the Magical Island. Ihr anderer Name ist "Magische Insel". O seu outro nome é a Ilha Mágica. It's a very small island. The king of the Magical Island is a magician. Der König der magischen Insel ist ein Magier. He has a very special power. Er hat eine ganz besondere Kraft. Ele tem um poder muito especial. He can call ghosts from the past to be his servants. Er kann Geister aus der Vergangenheit zu seinen Dienern machen. Ele pode chamar fantasmas do passado para serem seus servos. They can only work for him for twenty-four hours. Sie können nur vierundzwanzig Stunden lang für ihn arbeiten. Só podem trabalhar para ele durante vinte e quatro horas. When I arrived at the Magical Island, I went immediately to see the king. Als ich auf der magischen Insel ankam, ging ich sofort zum König. He was very happy to see me and invited me to stay in the royal palace. Er freute sich sehr, mich zu sehen und lud mich ein, im Königspalast zu wohnen. It was a little strange at first, the servants were always different. Am Anfang war es etwas seltsam, die Bediensteten waren immer anders. No início, era um pouco estranho, os criados eram sempre diferentes.

One evening, the king invited me to a special dinner. After dinner, we talked. Nach dem Essen unterhielten wir uns.

‘I like you, Gulliver,' he said. Ich mag dich, Gulliver", sagte er. ‘I have an interesting idea. Ich habe eine interessante Idee. Do you want to meet some people from the past?' Willst du ein paar Leute aus der Vergangenheit kennenlernen?' Queres conhecer algumas pessoas do passado?

‘Yes, please!' I answered. 'Ja, bitte!' antwortete ich.


‘Let me think. Alexander the Great,' I answered. Alexander der Große", antwortete ich.

‘Call him! Rufen Sie ihn an! 'Chama-o! Then he'll appear!' said the king.

‘Alexander the Great!' I called. "Alexandre, o Grande! Eu chamei.

Two seconds later, Alexander appeared. Zwei Sekunden später erschien Alexander. It was difficult to understand his Greek at first. Anfangs war es schwierig, sein Griechisch zu verstehen.

‘Another!' said the king. Noch einer!", sagte der König. Outro!" disse o rei.

Soon, Hannibal appeared. Bald darauf erschien Hannibal.

‘Look! He's crossing the Alps!' I shouted. Er überquert die Alpen! rief ich.

I then asked to see Caesar and Pompey. Dann bat ich darum, Caesar und Pompejus zu sehen. Then the whole Senate of Rome appeared. Caesar and Brutus came near to me. Cäsar und Brutus kamen auf mich zu. I spoke to Brutus, a very fine man. Ich habe mit Brutus gesprochen, einem sehr guten Mann.

The next day, I decided to call some more ghosts. Am nächsten Tag beschloss ich, noch ein paar Geister zu rufen. Homer and Aristotle were interesting. Homer und Aristoteles waren interessant. I called Descartes and Gassendi. Ich habe Descartes und Gassendi angerufen. Aristotle was pleased to meet them. Aristoteles war erfreut, sie zu treffen. ‘Oh dear, I made some mistakes in my philosophy,' he said, after a long conversation. Oh je, ich habe einige Fehler in meiner Philosophie gemacht", sagte er nach einem langen Gespräch. Oh, meu Deus, cometi alguns erros na minha filosofia", disse ele, depois de uma longa conversa.

The next day, I called some ghosts from modern history. Am nächsten Tag rief ich einige Geister aus der modernen Geschichte an. They were very disappointing. Sie waren sehr enttäuschend. Foram muito decepcionantes. I called people from the past and recent past. Ich habe Menschen aus der Vergangenheit und der jüngsten Vergangenheit angerufen. It was strange, all the people from the recent past were very disappointing. Es war seltsam, all die Menschen aus der jüngsten Vergangenheit waren sehr enttäuschend. Era estranho, todas as pessoas do passado recente eram muito decepcionantes. At the end of my stay on the Magical Island, I understood more about the problems of my country and the problems of Europe. Am Ende meines Aufenthalts auf der magischen Insel habe ich mehr über die Probleme meines Landes und die Probleme Europas verstanden.

It was time for me to leave. Es war Zeit für mich zu gehen. I thanked the King of the Magical Island very much and went back to Maldonada. Ich dankte dem König der magischen Insel sehr und kehrte nach Maldonada zurück. There, I found a ship for Luggnagg. Dort habe ich ein Schiff für Luggnagg gefunden. The journey took a month. Die Reise dauerte einen Monat.

It's easy to communicate with the people of Luggnagg, because many of them speak the language of Balnibarbi. Es ist einfach, sich mit den Luggnaggern zu verständigen, denn viele von ihnen sprechen die Sprache der Balnibarbi. The Luggnaggians are very polite, kind people. Die Luggnaggier sind sehr höfliche, freundliche Menschen. Os lugglandeses são pessoas muito educadas e amáveis. They all seem to be very happy. Sie scheinen alle sehr glücklich zu sein.

Soon after I arrived, the king invited me to the royal palace. Bald nach meiner Ankunft lud mich der König in den königlichen Palast ein. I wanted to be polite too, so I learned some words in Luggnaggian. Ich wollte auch höflich sein, also habe ich einige Wörter auf Luggnaggisch gelernt. When I arrived at the palace, I said these words to the king, ‘Ickpling gloffthrob squutserumm blhiop mlashnalt zwin modbalkguffh slhiophad gurdlubh asht.' Als ich im Palast ankam, sagte ich zum König: "Ickpling gloffthrob squutserumm blhiop mlashnalt zwin modbalkguffh slhiophad gurdlubh asht".

He was very pleased. Er war sehr zufrieden. He invited me to stay in the royal palace. Er lud mich ein, im königlichen Palast zu wohnen. I stayed for three months. Ich blieb drei Monate lang.

One day, a Luggnaggian asked me a strange question. Eines Tages stellte mir ein Luggnaggier eine seltsame Frage. Um dia, um luggnaggiano fez-me uma pergunta estranha. ‘Would you like to meet an Immortal?' Möchtest du einen Unsterblichen treffen? Gostarias de conhecer um Imortal?

‘What do you mean?' Was meinen Sie?

‘Some people here are immortal – they live for ever.' Manche Menschen hier sind unsterblich - sie leben für immer.

‘How wonderful,' I said. Wie wunderbar", sagte ich. "Que maravilha", disse eu. ‘Yes, I'd like to learn from an Immortal. Ja, ich würde gerne von einem Unsterblichen lernen. They'll teach me a lot about life. Sie werden mir eine Menge über das Leben beibringen. Perhaps I can learn something special.' Vielleicht kann ich etwas Besonderes lernen.'

Unfortunately, the Immortals aren't nice people. Leider sind die Unsterblichen keine netten Menschen. Infelizmente, os Imortais não são pessoas simpáticas. They're angry, horrible, jealous, miserable and talk a lot. Sie sind wütend, furchtbar, eifersüchtig, unglücklich und reden viel. São zangados, horríveis, ciumentos, infelizes e falam muito. Because they're different from other people, they don't have friends. Weil sie anders sind als andere Menschen, haben sie keine Freunde. Por serem diferentes das outras pessoas, não têm amigos. They're also very ugly. Também são muito feios. They've a strange blue spot on their heads. Sie haben einen seltsamen blauen Fleck auf dem Kopf. The oldest Immortal I met was two hundred years old. Der älteste Unsterbliche, den ich traf, war zweihundert Jahre alt. He was very, very angry and very, very horrible.

I began to understand that the Luggnaggians don't like the Immortals. Comecei a perceber que os Luggnaggianos não gostam dos Imortais. They don't want to live for ever. Eles não querem viver para sempre. Perhaps that's why the Luggnaggians are so happy. Talvez seja por isso que os Luggnaggianos estão tão felizes.

After three months at the royal palace, I decided to leave. Nach drei Monaten im Königspalast beschloss ich zu gehen. It was time to go back to England and my family. The king was sorry. O rei lamentou. ‘Stay here,' he said. 'Fica aqui', disse ele. ‘You can work for my government.'

‘I'm sorry,' I answered, ‘I must go home. I must see my family again.'

The king was very kind. He gave me some gold and a beautiful red diamond. Ele deu-me algum ouro e um belo diamante vermelho.

In early May, I left Luggnagg. I arrived in Japan two weeks later. In Japan, I began to look for a ship to take me to Europe. It was very difficult to find a ship. After a few weeks, I found a Dutch ship. I spoke to the captain. Falei com o capitão.

‘Where are you from?' he asked.

‘Holland,' I answered. Holland", antwortete ich. The Dutch and the English weren't good friends at this time. Die Niederländer und die Engländer waren zu dieser Zeit keine guten Freunde. Nessa altura, os holandeses e os ingleses não eram bons amigos. It was better to be Dutch. Era melhor ser holandês. Luckily, I knew the Dutch language very well. Zum Glück kannte ich die niederländische Sprache sehr gut.

Captain Theodorus Vangrult was happy to take me. Kapitän Theodorus Vangrult nahm mich gerne mit. O capitão Theodorus Vangrult ficou feliz por me levar. He needed a ship's doctor. Er brauchte einen Schiffsarzt. I invented some stories about my family in Guelderland. Ich habe einige Geschichten über meine Familie in Guelderland erfunden. No-one knew I was English. Keiner wusste, dass ich Engländerin bin. Ninguém sabia que eu era inglês.

In June, we finally left Japan. Im Juni verließen wir schließlich Japan. The journey was long, but there were no adventures. Die Reise war lang, aber sie war nicht abenteuerlich. We stopped at the Cape of Good Hope. This time, we only stayed for two days, because the weather was good. Dieses Mal blieben wir nur zwei Tage, weil das Wetter gut war. Desta vez, ficámos apenas dois dias, porque o tempo estava bom. We got fresh water and sailed away immediately. Wir bekamen frisches Wasser und segelten sofort los. On 6th April 1710, we arrived at Amsterdam. I immediately found another boat from Amsterdam to England. Ich habe sofort ein anderes Schiff von Amsterdam nach England gefunden. Four days later, I was home. Vier Tage später war ich zu Hause.

My wife was very happy to see me. She was very well and so were my children. Es ging ihr sehr gut und meinen Kindern auch. Ela estava muito bem e os meus filhos também.

I stayed at home in England for five very happy months. Ich blieb fünf sehr glückliche Monate lang zu Hause in England. Then, I started to think about travelling again. Dann begann ich wieder ans Reisen zu denken. I spoke to some friends.

‘Didn't you sail on the Adventure, a few years ago?' one of them said. Bist du nicht vor ein paar Jahren mit der Adventure gesegelt?", fragte einer von ihnen. Não navegou no Adventure, há uns anos?", disse um deles.

‘Yes, why?' "Sim, porquê?

‘Well, they need a new captain. Nun, sie brauchen einen neuen Kapitän. Why don't you speak to the owner?' Porque é que não fala com o proprietário?

I travelled to Portsmouth to meet the owner of the Adventure. Ich bin nach Portsmouth gereist, um den Eigentümer von Adventure zu treffen. After many years as a ship's doctor, I understood navigation very well. Nach vielen Jahren als Schiffsarzt verstand ich die Navigation sehr gut. Depois de muitos anos como médico de bordo, compreendia muito bem a navegação. It was time for me to become the captain of a ship. Es war Zeit für mich, Kapitän eines Schiffes zu werden. The owner was happy, he remembered me from before. Der Besitzer war glücklich, denn er kannte mich noch von früher.

‘The job is yours!' he said. Der Job gehört Ihnen!", sagte er.

I was very pleased. Ich war sehr zufrieden. Now I needed a ship's doctor. Jetzt brauchte ich einen Schiffsarzt. Agora precisava de um médico de bordo. I found a young man: he was very good at his job. Ich fand einen jungen Mann, der seine Arbeit sehr gut machte. Encontrei um jovem: era muito bom no seu trabalho. Then, I said goodbye to my wife and children. We left Portsmouth on 7th September 1710. Wir verließen Portsmouth am 7. September 1710. Our destination? Unser Ziel? The South Seas, again. Die Südsee, wieder einmal. Os mares do sul, outra vez.