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Steve's Language Learning Tips, IELTS, TOEIC, Compelling Input & Acquiring Good Language Habits

IELTS, TOEIC, Compelling Input & Acquiring Good Language Habits

So now your focus shifts from sort of deliberately learning the language to, you know, consuming a lot of interesting, compelling content in that language. Hi there Steve Kaufmann here. Um, today again, I'm going to do this question and answer thing that I did last week. Uh, people seem to enjoy it. Uh, I am able to deal with a number of different subjects.

Uh, remember if you enjoy these, um, videos, please subscribe, click on the bell for notification. And if you listen to me on podcasts, Apple Podcasts, or Spotify or wherever, uh, please leave a review. I'll make sure we put links to those podcasts in the description box. Without further ado, and here my people seem to like these glasses, they're clickable glasses.

I Googled, I bought two pairs. I have one pair down in Palm Springs, one pair up here. They're quite inexpensive and they're, you know, different strengths, 1.5, 2, or whatever you need for reading. So now here are the questions that I got, uh... says Gujarati has been awesome to study, blah, blah, blah. When the joy dwindles I switch to French.

So, uh, The point here is that we have Gujarati at LingQ. I don't know how many people are studying it. Uh, I'm not, I may, one day it's not the major Indian language, but someone volunteered to do the mini stories and that's our condition for adding a new language. It's also interesting that, uh, having a major and a minor language sometimes can be good for maintaining interest. I'm struggling a bit right now because I have my Persian and my Arabic, and I've even started into a Egyptian Arabic. So I've got three sort of languages bouncing around and there was some suggestion that I might do a video, uh, with a Russian person who lives in Turkey. And so I went back and tried to refresh my Turkish.

So all these languages bouncing around in your brain is an obstacle. It is confusing, but it also is this element of things new and interesting. And, uh, you know, I'm a debutante. So I enjoy doing that. I think, uh... is doing it for fun. Obviously, if you're going to go for IELTS or something, uh, TOEIC, then you really want to focus on one language.

All right. Next person, Capacitor says the problem is that when you reach an advanced level, it becomes more difficult to learn more because you already know so much. And thus it becomes more difficult to stay motivated with the learning process. I mean, I've said it many times, the word frequency declines very, very steeply.

So the more words you learn, the more difficult it is to learn new words, because these new words will appear less and less frequently in whatever you're listening to or reading. So, you know, I've sometimes said that when we start in a language, we have that initial, I talk about the upside down hockey stick.

We have that initial period: wow, we're learning a lot of words because the most frequent words show up so often and all of a sudden we understand some things. And, uh, you know, we can even say a few things, but then we discovered that there's actually a long road before you reach sort of a decent level of fluency, because unfortunately we need a lot of words to understand books, to understand movies, to even understand conversations that native speakers are having because native speakers actually have a lot of words because they've been with that language since they were kids. And that they say as a rule of thumb, that you add a thousand words for every year of your life.

So someone who's 40 years old has 40,000 words. As a learner to acquire all these words, it takes a long time. The secret therefore is to not be so conscious of the words you're acquiring and forgetting and reacquiring and re-forgetting. But if you can find content of interest that you are motivated by learning about the country or learning about some aspect of the country, Some subject that may not even be related to the country, but it's a subject of interest to you and you're learning it in the language that you're trying to learn.

So now your focus shifts from sort of deliberately learning the language to, you know, consuming a lot of interesting, compelling content in that language. And I did say earlier that it's difficult to start with compelling content, but when you reach the level of where you already know a lot of words, the content has to be compelling or it's hard to continue, even though, as I also said, I sometimes go back to my mini stories, especially if I'm preparing to speak and to use the language, because that helps me to train. It's kind of like my gym, it's my core exercises, but yeah, you need that compelling input in order to keep going. For sure.

Uh, ... says I have a question for people who are learning the language and living in the country where the target language is spoken. So I've been learning English, I don't have a chance to use spoken English currently. I'm going to go to Germany. My level is A1, I'm wondering whether their learning will be easier and faster because of the environment of German native speakers.

All right. A warning. I have always found that when you go to that country where the language is spoken, you have to have a level of B1, B almost B2 in order to take advantage. Uh, because not everyone you deal with in a shop or on the street, and of course this depends on the level of your language or a language that you know, what that level is in the country.

So if you go to Germany where the level of English is quite good, uh, the average person you encounter will have a level of English that is higher than A1. So you either, either you have to find people who have practically no, uh, English, and they will then humor you in German, or you have to get a teacher.

So my advice always is to do as much as you can before you go. And even when you are in the country, you have to work hard on your input activities. So when I lived in Japan, I did a lot of listening and reading, this is course 45 years ago, on my own because the amount that I was able to use, you know, in the early stages was very limited.

So you can't rely on being surrounded by the, by the language. Of course you turn on the TV, you can listen to the radio, you can read newspapers, all of that, which you can do in your home country, too, in whatever language. But the more you can build it up before you get there. And the more you continue your input activities so that you can get yourself up to almost a, I would say B1 and a half in terms of your comprehension, the better you're going to do.

And the more likely people will speak to you in the language you are learning, in the target language. So Mac says, uh, what do I have to do in order to take IELTS or TOEFL, if I'm learning on my own, what kind of techniques? So many people need these, uh, tests of English. Like IELTS, TOEFL, they need them to get into a good school or they need them for work.

My feeling is that you can get copies of those tests so that you have some sense of what the tests are all about. You can even do, you know, example tests. All of this material is available on the internet, but fundamentally you have to raise up your overall language skills. You have to become a better reader.

You have to read fast, or you're going to run out of time in the test. So again, it comes back to listening and reading. Personally, I think LingQ is a great way to work on TOEIC or IELTS because it's, it's all about comprehension, vocabulary, and you listen to so much and you read so much that you have...

you get a better sense of what's correct grammar and not correct grammar. You don't have to scratch your brain as much. And many of those questions on those tests, comprehension questions, or questions about what is correct and not correct usage. If you, if you can read quickly and if you can understand well for the parts where you have to listen to content, the better you comprehend, the better you understand, the better you're going to do. The better your'll feel for the language, the better you're going to do. I don't think it's that useful, uh, to study, you know, the 5,000 words that will show up in TOEIC. You can do that, and there's nothing wrong with doing that, but it should be done against the backdrop, backdrop of having elevated your overall level in the language, listening, comprehension, reading skills, vocabulary.

Uh, okay. What about reading the dictionary from page, from the front to the back? It's not something that I would do, uh, you know, it's one of these activities, it's like studying a list of words. Um, you know, you think you're doing something, you think you're learning. I don't think you're learning very much, so it can be interesting.

And if you see a lot of words that you already kind of have no idea, Sort of reinforce what you are still trying to learn, but I don't think it's a tremendous strategy and it's hard to keep doing, but any exposure to the language is good.

Now, here's a question... Says, is finding out... he learns the conjugations in Spanish, but how are they used, you know?... in other words, the different pass forms. Well, this is true in any language. In English when do we say I, I have done it. I did it. Simple past versus a, the sort of whatever it's called in English...

Uh, these are things that have to do with usage, and it's not just when you use these different conjugation forms, it's even a matter of which words are used together with which other words. Word usage, word usage. These are, this is a matter of developing habits in the language. And I believe that a lot of listening and reading, hearing the language starts to create patterns in your brain.

So certain forms, certain conjugation forms are going to seem more natural. There are always sort of trigger words that trigger the tense because we're here talking about tenses in the case of this conjugation forum. And so, you know, Just now I did... okay. "Just now" suggests simple past, uh, while, uh, "while I was watching TV, I was also..." so the "while" tends to suggest a more, a continuous form, sort of the imperfect.

So you should look at words that surround these different tenses, whether it's in Spanish or English or any other languages, and you will see that certain tenses are suggested by certain trigger words, and you should notice those and maybe save them at LingQ. And all of this helps you notice. And once you notice things, you can develop the proper language habits so that the usage will seem more natural.

That doesn't mean you'll always get it right. And in many cases, it may not even matter what you use. Uh, in English sometimes it's just best to use the simple past. Can't go wrong kind of thing. Uh, but you want to develop a feel and that's only achieved through lots of listening and reading and eventually using the language.

Um... starting in Mandarin the same as everything else, except you have to learn the characters. What do you think about negative motivation? Like if people aren't nice to you, I, you know, he goes on, uh, make fun of immigrant students and stuff. I mean, you have to turn that off. Like there are going to be nasty people in this world.

There are people who will make fun of you in any situation, not just having to do with language. And you can't take these things too seriously. The majority of people are nice. The majority of people are encouraging. Some people are not. And I just turn off the people who are... I try to have a very selective memory. When I was in Japan everyone was nice to me. That doesn't mean everyone was nice to me. That means I only remember the people who were nice to me. And I think you have to focus on the positive. Um, you talked about reading, reading, reading, but do you do this silently or out loud? Okay. Reading I read, I think I'm reading silently and I'll often depending on where I am in the language, I will listen while I'm reading.

I think when we learn another language, when we're reading, we're also sub vocalizing, because when we read our own language, it's instant, meaning we don't need to sub vocalize. We Don't need to say it to ourselves, but when we're reading in a foreign language, I find that I'm saying it to myself, but I very rarely read out loud, out loud.

It's tiring. But I tend to subvocalize. And that's why combining listening with reading is so important because it gives you that momentum, it gives you that sense. It gives you greater confidence that you are self vocalizing with the right pronunciation and the right intonation. Person says I never thought of listening while exercising.

I mean, come on, you can listen while you're doing anything. Washing the dishes, driving a car, exercising, working in the garden, you name it. Someone here says that the voice is too low. I've had this comment before. I, I don't know. Uh, I think when I listened to my videos, the audio sounds fine. Please let me know if the audio is a problem.

Here's what we call a soft question. What is the best app or program to learn a new language. Well, of course, I'm going to say LingQ L I N G Q. And finally here's one from Nikita who says, uh, how do you go into self limited vocabulary in German? When I read interesting stuff, I don't understand it. So this is a constant issue of, you know, the beginner stuff is easy because the word frequency, declines very quickly. So in an initial period, you have contact with a lot of high frequency words, like our mini stories, and then as you move into natural content, of course, now all of a sudden you're dealing with far more low frequency words. So what do you do? Well, it's a bit of a...

I believe that that the lack of intermediate content is a problem in many languages. I experienced it in Arabic and in Persian. That's where I'm grateful to Sahra who has created a lot of excellent content in Persian. I've mentioned, you know, if Français Authentique or Inner French, which are great sources of intermediate content in French.

But it is a problem. And, uh, I think at LingQ, for example, if I can find content that has 10, 15% new words, that's a comfort zone there. I'm learning a lot of new words because some of those 10, 15% are in fact names. So it's actually less than that. And so that to me is good content. I'm coming across new words, and yet I have enough known words that it's not painful. But I have gone through Russian for example, in the early days when I was with Russian and LingQ was much slower than it is now. And I had material with 40% new words, and I just fought on because I wanted to learn this language and I was interested in whatever it was that I was reading.

It could have been, you know, tolstoy or something, and I just struggled on, so it's a function of our, you know, Pain threshold. So, and, and I tend to find myself bouncing back and forth. I fight my way through a difficult content, lots of new words. And ah, I'm tired of doing that. I get back to my mini stories and this kind of gives me a little more confidence.

And then I go back and fight with the more difficult content. And you just have to find a proper mix of easy content and difficult content so that you maintain your motivation. You get enough fluency because you're dealing with easier content and yet you're acquiring new words and you're fighting way fighting your way through to, uh, eventually getting enough vocabulary so that you can deal with more authentic content more easily.

Okay. I'm just going to deal with those questions today. I hope that was of interest. I see I've gone on a bit longer. Um, leave you a few videos kind of relevant related to this. And let me know if this is of interest to you. Thank you. Bye for now.

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IELTS, TOEIC, Compelling Input & Acquiring Good Language Habits IELTS|TOEIC|||||| |TOEIC|engaging||Acquiring|||Habits IELTS|TOEIC|Überzeugend||||| IELTS||||||| IELTS||||||| 雅思||引人注目的||习得|||习惯 ||||Набуття||| IELTS, TOEIC, überzeugender Input & Erlernen guter Sprachgewohnheiten IELTS, TOEIC, Contenidos convincentes y Adquisición de buenos hábitos lingüísticos IELTS, TOEIC, Compelling Input & Acquérir de bonnes habitudes linguistiques IELTS, TOEIC, Input convincenti e acquisizione di buone abitudini linguistiche IELTS、TOEIC、Compelling Input & Acquiring Good Language Habits。 IELTS, 토익, 영어 실력 향상 및 좋은 언어 습관 기르기 IELTS, TOEIC, przekonujący wkład i nabywanie dobrych nawyków językowych IELTS, TOEIC, entrada convincente e aquisição de bons hábitos de linguagem IELTS, TOEIC, Compelling Input & Acquiring Good Language Habits IELTS, TOEIC, Zorlayıcı Girdi ve İyi Dil Alışkanlıkları Edinme IELTS, TOEIC, переконливі вхідні дані та набуття хороших мовних навичок 雅思、托业、引人入胜的输入和养成良好的语言习惯 雅思、托业、引人入胜的输入和养成良好的语言习惯 雅思、託業、引人入勝的輸入和養成良好的語言習慣

So now your focus shifts from sort of deliberately learning the language to, you know, consuming a lot of interesting, compelling content in that language. ||||se déplace||||||||||||||||captivant|||| ||||changes to||kind of||intentionally||||||||||||engaging|||| |||foco||||||||||||||||||||| ||||shifts||||||||||||||||fesselndem|||| ||||변화한다||||||||||||||||흥미로운|||| ||||si sposta|||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||apzināti|||||||||||||||| 所以||||转移||||故意地|||||||消费||||||||| ||||переміщується||||навмисно|||||||||||||||| ||||移る|||||||||||消費する|||||魅力的な|||| Portanto, agora seu foco muda de aprender deliberadamente o idioma para, você sabe, consumir muito conteúdo interessante e atraente nesse idioma. 所以现在你的注意力从刻意学习语言转移到使用该语言的大量有趣、引人注目的内容。 Hi there Steve Kaufmann here. Olá, Steve Kaufmann aqui. Um, today again, I'm going to do this question and answer thing that I did last week. um|||||||||||||||| |today|again|I am|||||||answer|||||| Hum, hoje novamente, vou fazer uma pergunta e resposta que fiz na semana passada. 嗯,今天我又要做上周做过的问答事情了。 Uh, people seem to enjoy it. ||semblent||aimer| uh|people||to|enjoy|it Uh, as pessoas parecem gostar. 呃,人们似乎很喜欢它。 Uh, I am able to deal with a number of different subjects. |||||tikt galā|||vairāki||| |||||trattare|||||| |||||справлятися|||||| ええと、私はさまざまなテーマを扱うことができる。 Eu sou capaz de lidar com vários assuntos diferentes. 呃,我可以处理很多不同的问题。

Uh, remember if you enjoy these, um, videos, please subscribe, click on the bell for notification. |||||||||||||||paziņojumiem Uh, lembre-se se você gosta desses, hum, vídeos, por favor, inscreva-se, clique no sino para notificação. 呃,记住,如果您喜欢这些视频,请订阅,点击铃铛接收通知。 And if you listen to me on podcasts, Apple Podcasts, or Spotify or wherever, uh, please leave a review. ||||||||||||||||laisser|| |||||||||||Spotify||||||| |||||||||||||jebkur citur||||| |||||||||||Spotify||||||| ||||||||||||||||||залиште відгук ||||||||||||または|||||| I'll make sure we put links to those podcasts in the description box. Vou colocar links para esses podcasts na caixa de descrição. 我会确保我们在描述框中放置这些播客的链接。 Without further ado, and here my people seem to like these glasses, they're clickable glasses. ||пустой болтовни|||||||||очки||| ||retard|||||||||||cliquables| |more delay|fuss or delay|||||||||||clickable| ||ado|||||||||||| ||ohne weiteres Aufheben|||||||||||| ||더 이상 지체 없이|||||||||안경||클릭 가능| ||ado|||||||||||| |||||||||||||klikšķināmi brilles| 没有|||||||||||||| |||||||||||||клікабельні окуляри| 前置きなしに||前置きなしに|||||||||||クリック可能な| Senza ulteriori indugi, e qui alla mia gente sembrano piacere questi occhiali, sono occhiali clickabili. これ以上苦労することはありませんが、ここで私の人々はこれらのメガネを気に入っているようです。それらはクリック可能なメガネです。 Zonder verder oponthoud, en hier lijken mijn mensen van deze bril te houden, het is een klikbare bril. Sem mais delongas, e aqui meu pessoal parece gostar desses óculos, eles são clicáveis. 不用多说,我的人似乎很喜欢这些眼镜,它们是可点击的眼镜。 话不多说,我的人似乎很喜欢这种眼镜,它们是可点击的眼镜。

I Googled, I bought two pairs. |поискал в Гугле|||| |ho cercato su Google||||Paare |谷歌搜索|||| Ho cercato su Google, ho comprato due paia. Eu pesquisei no Google, comprei dois pares. 我谷歌了一下,买了两双。 I have one pair down in Palm Springs, one pair up here. |||||||Springs|||| |||||||||Paar|| ||||||||||here| ||одна||||||||| Ho un paio giù a Palm Springs, un paio qui sopra. パームスプリングスに1ペア、ここに1ペアあります。 Eu tenho um par em Palm Springs, um par aqui. 我在棕榈泉有一双,在这边有一双。 They're quite inexpensive and they're, you know, different strengths, 1.5, 2, or whatever you need for reading. ||||||||forces|||||| ||affordable||||||magnifications|||||| ||economici||||||strengths|||||| ||||||||forze|||||| ||diezgan lēti||||||stiprumi|||||| ||||||||||і таке інше|||| ||手頃な価格||||||強さ|||||| 它们非常便宜,而且有不同的强度,1.5、2,或者您阅读所需的任何强度。 So now here are the questions that I got, uh... says Gujarati has been awesome to study, blah, blah, blah. |||||||||||гуджарати|||замечательным||||| |||||||||||le gujarati|||||||| |||||||||||Gujarati language studies|||||||| |||||||||||Gujarati|||||||| |||||||||||Gujarati|||incredible||||| |||||||||||gujarati|||||||| |||||||||||гуджараті|||||||| |||||||||||グジャラート語|||素晴らしい||||| |||||||||||gujarati|||||||| Así que ahora aquí están las preguntas que tengo, eh... dice que Gujarati ha sido increíble para estudiar, bla, bla, bla. When the joy dwindles I switch to French. |||уменьшается||||французский язык |||diminue||passe|| ||happiness|fades away|||| |||diminui|||| |||nachlässt|||| |||줄어든다|||| |||svanisce||passo|| |||samazinās|||| |||减少|||| |||зменшується|||| |||減少する|||| Cuando la alegría disminuye, cambio a francés. 喜びが薄れると、私はフランス語に切り替えます。 Kad prieks mazinās, es pārslēdzos uz franču valodu.

So, uh, The point here is that we have Gujarati at LingQ. ||точка|||||||гуджарати (1)|| |||||||||gujarati|| |||||||||Gujarati language|| |||||||||Gujarati|| |||||||||구자라티어|| |||||||||gujarati|| |||||||||古吉拉特语|| つまり、ここでのポイントは、LingQにグジャラート語があるということです。 Runa ir par to, ka mums ir gujarati valoda LingQ. I don't know how many people are studying it. |||||||学习的人| Es nezinu, cik daudz cilvēku to pēta. 我不知道有多少人在研究它。 Uh, I'm not, I may, one day it's not the major Indian language, but someone volunteered to do the mini stories and that's our condition for adding a new language. ||||||||||||||||||||||||nosacījums||pievienot||| |||||||||||||||hat sich freiwillig gemeldet|||||||||||hinzufügen||| ||||||||||primary||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||основна||||||||||||||||||| Uh, no lo soy, puede que algún día no sea el idioma indio principal, pero alguien se ofreció como voluntario para hacer las mini historias y esa es nuestra condición para agregar un nuevo idioma. ええと、私はそうではないかもしれませんが、いつかそれは主要なインドの言語ではありませんが、誰かがミニストーリーをすることを志願しました、そしてそれは新しい言語を追加するための私たちの条件です。 E, es neesmu, iespējams, kādu dienu tā nebūs galvenā indiešu valoda, bet kāds brīvprātīgi pieteicās, ka darīs mini stāstus, un tas ir mūsu nosacījums, lai pievienotu jaunu valodu. It's also interesting that, uh, having a major and a minor language sometimes can be good for maintaining interest. |||||||||||||||||uzturēt| |||||拥有|||||小语种|||||||| ||||||||||другорядна|||||||| ええと、メジャーとマイナーの言語を持つことは時々興味を維持するのに良いかもしれないということも興味深いです。 Interesanti ir arī tas, ka dažkārt ir labi, ja tev ir galvenā un otrā valoda, lai saglabātu interesi. 有趣的是,有时候,拥有一门主修语言和一门辅修语言可以有助于保持兴趣。 I'm struggling a bit right now because I have my Persian and my Arabic, and I've even started into a Egyptian Arabic. |有点挣扎|||||||||波斯语||||而且||甚至||||| |lutte|||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||begun|||| |маю труднощі|||||||||||||||||||| Man šobrīd ir mazliet grūti, jo man ir persiešu un arābu valoda, un es pat esmu sācis mācīties ēģiptiešu arābu valodu. 我现在有点挣扎,因为我会波斯语和阿拉伯语,甚至开始学习埃及阿拉伯语。 So I've got three sort of languages bouncing around and there was some suggestion that I might do a video, uh, with a Russian person who lives in Turkey. |||||||bouncing||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||herumhüpfend||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||오가는||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||che rimbalzano||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||līksmojošas||||||ieteikums||||||||||||||| |||||||перемішуються||||||пропозиція||||||||||||||| Así que tengo tres tipos de idiomas dando vueltas y hubo una sugerencia de que podría hacer un video, eh, con una persona rusa que vive en Turquía. Quindi ho tre lingue che rimbalzano nella mia testa e c'era qualche suggerimento che potrei fare un video, eh, con una persona russa che vive in Turchia. Man ir trīs valodas, un bija kāds ieteikums, ka es varētu uzņemt video ar kādu Turcijā dzīvojošu krievu tautības cilvēku. 所以我有三种语言可供选择,有人建议我和住在土耳其的俄罗斯人一起拍摄一个视频。 And so I went back and tried to refresh my Turkish. ||||||||复习|| ||||||||auffrischen|| E così sono tornato indietro e ho cercato di rinfrescare il mio turco. Tāpēc es atgriezos un mēģināju atsvaidzināt savu turku valodu. En dus ging ik terug en probeerde mijn Turks op te frissen. 于是我回去尝试复习一下土耳其语。

So all these languages bouncing around in your brain is an obstacle. ||||翻腾|||||||障碍 ||||battent|||votre||||obstacle |||||||||||Hindernis |||||навколо||||||перешкода Quindi tutte queste lingue che rimbalzano nella tua testa sono un ostacolo. したがって、これらすべての言語が脳内で跳ね回るのは障害です。 Tātad visas šīs valodas, kas mutuļo jūsu smadzenēs, ir šķērslis. 因此,所有这些语言在你的大脑中徘徊是一个障碍。 It is confusing, but it also is this element of things new and interesting. ||||||||élément||choses||| ||verwirrend||||||||||| |||||||||||||흥미로운 Tas ir mulsinoši, bet tas ir arī jauns un interesants elements. 这确实令人困惑,但这也是事物新鲜有趣的元素。 And, uh, you know, I'm a debutante. ||||||дебютантка ||||||débutante ||||||young woman introduced ||||||debutante ||||||Debütantin ||||||첫무대의 여성 ||||||debutante ||||||初次亮相者 ||||||デビュータント ||||||debutante そして、ええと、あなたが知っている、私はデビュタントです。 Un, ziniet, es esmu debitante. En, uh, weet je, ik ben een debutante. Và, ừ, bạn biết đấy, tôi là một đứa trẻ mới ra mắt. 呃,你知道,我还是个初次登台的少女。 So I enjoy doing that. Tāpēc man tas sagādā prieku. 所以我很乐意这么做。 I think, uh... is doing it for fun. 我认为,呃...是为了好玩。 Obviously, if you're going to go for IELTS or something, uh, TOEIC, then you really want to focus on one language. |||||||||||Test of English||||||||| |||||||IELTS||||||||||||| |||가고 있는||||||||||||||||| |||||||IELTS||||||||||||| Очевидно|||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||TOEIC||||||||| 明らかに、IELTSか何か、ええと、TOEICに行くつもりなら、あなたは本当に1つの言語に集中したいと思うでしょう。 Acīmredzot, ja jūs gatavojaties iet uz IELTS vai kaut ko citu, piemēram, TOEIC, tad jūs patiešām vēlaties koncentrēties uz vienu valodu. 显然,如果您要参加雅思考试或托业考试,那么您确实需要专注于一门语言。

All right. 好的。 Next person, Capacitor says the problem is that when you reach an advanced level, it becomes more difficult to learn more because you already know so much. ||Конденсатор(1)|||||||||||||||||||||||| ||Capacitor|||problème||||||||||||||||||||| ||Capacitor|||||||||||||||||||||||| ||Kondensator||||||||erreichen|||||||||||||||| ||커패시터(1)|||||||||||||||||||||||| ||Capacitore|||||||||||||||||||||||| ||Kondensators|||||||||||||||||||||||| ||电容器|||||||||||||||||||||||| ||キャパシタ|||||||||||||||||||||||| Nākamā persona, Capacitor, saka, ka problēma ir tā, ka, sasniedzot augstāku līmeni, kļūst grūtāk iemācīties vairāk, jo tu jau tik daudz zini. 接下来的人,电容器说,问题在于,当你达到高级水平时,学习更多会变得更加困难,因为你已经知道了很多。 And thus it becomes more difficult to stay motivated with the learning process. |il||||||||||| |so||||||||||| |Таким чином||||||||||| Tādējādi kļūst grūtāk saglabāt motivāciju mācīties. 因此,保持学习动力变得更加困难。 I mean, I've said it many times, the word frequency declines very, very steeply. |||||много||||||||круто |||||||||||||rapidement |||||||||rate of occurrence|decreases|||sharply |||||||||||||de forma acentuada |||||||||||||sehr stark |||||||||||||in modo ripido ||||||||||samazinās|||strauji ||||||||||下降|||陡峭地 ||||||||||зменшується|||різко |||||||||||||急激に Voglio dire, l'ho detto molte volte, la frequenza delle parole diminuisce molto, molto ripidamente. Es jau daudzkārt esmu teicis, ka vārdu biežums samazinās ļoti, ļoti strauji. 我的意思是,我已经说过很多次了,词频下降得非常非常快。

So the more words you learn, the more difficult it is to learn new words, because these new words will appear less and less frequently in whatever you're listening to or reading. ||||||||||||||||||||apparaître||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||erscheinen||||häufig||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||자주||||||| Quindi, più parole impari, più diventa difficile imparare nuove parole, perché queste nuove parole appariranno sempre meno frequentemente in ciò che stai ascoltando o leggendo. Jo vairāk vārdu jūs mācāties, jo grūtāk ir apgūt jaunus vārdus, jo šie jaunie vārdi klausāmajā vai lasāmajā tekstā parādīsies arvien retāk. 因此,你学的单词越多,学习新单词就越困难,因为这些新单词在你听或读的任何内容中出现的频率会越来越低。 So, you know, I've sometimes said that when we start in a language, we have that initial, I talk about the upside down hockey stick. ||||||||||||||||初始|||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||avantage||hockey| |||||||||||||||||||||oben||Hockey| ||||||||||||||||||||||||bastone |||||||||||||||||я||||||клюшка хоккея| Entonces, ya sabes, a veces he dicho que cuando comenzamos en un idioma, tenemos esa inicial, hablo del palo de hockey al revés. Quindi, sai, a volte ho detto che quando iniziamo a parlare in una lingua, abbiamo quella iniziale, parlo dell'hockey stick capovolto. Ziniet, dažreiz esmu teicis, ka, kad mēs sākam mācīties kādu valodu, mums ir tā sākotnējā - es runāju par apgriezto hokeja nūju. 所以,你知道,我有时会说,当我们开始学习一种语言时,我们有那个首字母,我谈论的是倒置的曲棍球棒。 所以,你知道,我有时会说,当我们开始学习一种语言时,我们有最初的,我说的是颠倒的冰棍。

We have that initial period: wow, we're learning a lot of words because the most frequent words show up so often and all of a sudden we understand some things. ||diesen|anfängliche|||||||||||||||||||||||||| Abbiamo quel periodo iniziale: wow, stiamo imparando molte parole perché le parole più frequenti compaiono così spesso e all'improvviso comprendiamo alcune cose. Sākotnējais periods ir šāds: vau, mēs mācāmies daudz vārdu, jo biežāk lietotie vārdi parādās tik bieži, un pēkšņi mēs saprotam dažas lietas. 我们经历了最初的阶段:哇,我们学到了很多单词,因为最常用的单词出现的频率很高,突然间我们就明白了一些事情。 And, uh, you know, we can even say a few things, but then we discovered that there's actually a long road before you reach sort of a decent level of fluency, because unfortunately we need a lot of words to understand books, to understand movies, to even understand conversations that native speakers are having because native speakers actually have a lot of words because they've been with that language since they were kids. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||相当不错|||||||||||||||||||甚至|||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||choses||||avons découvert|||en fait|||route|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||il y a| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||괜찮은||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| E, eh, sai, possiamo anche dire alcune cose, ma poi abbiamo scoperto che in realtà c'è una lunga strada da percorrere prima di raggiungere un livello decente di fluidità, perché purtroppo abbiamo bisogno di molte parole per comprendere i libri, per comprendere i film, per capire persino le conversazioni che i madrelingua stanno avendo perché i madrelingua in realtà hanno molte parole perché sono stati con quella lingua sin da quando erano bambini. それで、ええと、私たちはいくつかのことを言うことができると思ったのですが、実際には、ある程度の流ちょうさに到達するまでには長い道のりがあることを発見しました。なぜなら、残念ながら、本を理解したり、映画を理解したり、ネイティブスピーカーがしている会話を理解したりするためには、たくさんの言葉が必要だからです。ネイティブスピーカーは実際に子供の頃からその言語と共にいるので、多くの言葉を持っています。 Un, ziniet, mēs pat varam pateikt dažas lietas, bet tad mēs atklājām, ka patiesībā ir garš ceļš, pirms jūs sasniedzat pienācīgu valodas prasmes līmeni, jo diemžēl mums vajag daudz vārdu, lai saprastu grāmatas, filmas, lai saprastu sarunas, kurās runā dzimtās valodas lietotāji, jo dzimtās valodas lietotājiem ir daudz vārdu, jo viņi ar šo valodu runā jau kopš bērnības. 嗯,你知道,我们甚至可以说一些话,但后来我们发现,在达到相当流利的水平之前还有很长的路要走,因为不幸的是,我们需要大量的词汇才能理解书籍、电影,甚至理解母语人士的对话,因为母语人士实际上有很多词汇,因为他们从小就接触这种语言。 And that they say as a rule of thumb, that you add a thousand words for every year of your life. И||||||||пальца|||||||||||| ||||||||règle d'or|||||mille|mots|||||| ||||||||Daumenregel|||||||||||| ||||||||経験則|||||||||||| ||||||||pollice|||||||||||| Y eso que dicen por regla general, que sumas mil palabras por cada año de tu vida. E dicono come regola pratica che aggiungi mille parole per ogni anno della tua vita. 一般的な経験則として、人生の年数に対して千の単語を加えると言われています。 Un ka, kā mēdz teikt, par katru dzīves gadu jūs pievienojat tūkstoš vārdu. En dat ze als vuistregel zeggen dat je duizend woorden toevoegt voor elk jaar van je leven. 他们说,根据经验法则,你生命中的每一年都会增加一千个单词。

So someone who's 40 years old has 40,000 words. ですので、40歳の人は40,000語を持っているということです。 Tātad cilvēkam, kuram ir 40 gadu, ir 40 000 vārdu. 因此,对于 40 岁的人来说,有 40,000 个单词。 As a learner to acquire all these words, it takes a long time. ||||||||это|||| Como aprendiz, para adquirir todas estas palabras, lleva mucho tiempo. 学習者としてこれらすべての単語を習得するには、時間がかかります。 Lai apgūtu visus šos vārdus, skolēnam ir nepieciešams ilgs laiks. 作为一个学习者要掌握所有这些单词,需要很长时间。 The secret therefore is to not be so conscious of the words you're acquiring and forgetting and reacquiring and re-forgetting. |||||||||||||||||восстанавливаете||| ||||||||conscient|||||acquérir||oublier||réacquérir||| ||as a result||||||aware|||||||||reacquiring|||losing track |||||||||||||||||wiedererwerben||| |||||||||||||||||riacquisendo||| ||||||||意识到|||||||||重新获得||| |||||||||||||||||再獲得||| したがって、秘密は、習得している言葉や忘れて再習得し再び忘れることにあまり意識を向けないことです。 Tāpēc noslēpums ir nepievērst tik lielu uzmanību vārdiem, kurus jūs apgūstat, aizmirstat, atkal apgūstat un atkal aizmirstat. 因此,秘诀在于不要太在意你正在获取、忘记、重新获取和重新忘记的单词。 But if you can find content of interest that you are motivated by learning about the country or learning about some aspect of the country, Some subject that may not even be related to the country, but it's a subject of interest to you and you're learning it in the language that you're trying to learn. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||甚至||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||su|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| しかし、もし国について学ぶことに対して興味を持っているコンテンツを見つけることができれば、国に関連していないかもしれないが、あなたにとって興味のあるテーマであり、あなたが学ぼうとしている言語でそれを学んでいるということです。 Bet, ja jūs varat atrast saturu, kas jūs interesē un kuru jūs motivē mācīties par attiecīgo valsti vai kādu tās aspektu, kādu tematu, kas var pat nebūt saistīts ar attiecīgo valsti, bet tas jūs interesē, un jūs to apgūstat valodā, kuru cenšaties apgūt. 但是如果你能找到感兴趣的内容,激励你了解这个国家或者了解这个国家的某些方面,有些科目甚至可能与这个国家无关,但它是你感兴趣的科目,而且你正在用你想学的语言来学习它。

So now your focus shifts from sort of deliberately learning the language to, you know, consuming a lot of interesting, compelling content in that language. ||||||||délibérément||||||||||||captivant|||| ||||||||intentionally|||||||Engaging with|||||captivating|||| ||||변화한다|||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||coinvolgente|||| ||||||||absichtlich||||||||||||fesselndem|||| So now your focus shifts from sort of deliberately learning the language to, you know, consuming a lot of interesting, compelling content in that language. Quindi ora il tuo focus si sposta da un certo apprendimento deliberato della lingua a, sai, consumare molti contenuti interessanti e coinvolgenti in quella lingua. だから今、あなたの焦点は、ある種の意図的に言語を学ぶことから、あなたが知っているように、その言語で多くの興味深く、説得力のあるコンテンツを消費することに移ります。 Tagad jūsu uzmanība tiek pievērsta nevis apzinātai valodas apguvei, bet gan daudz interesanta un saistoša satura patēriņam šajā valodā. 所以现在你的注意力从刻意学习语言转移到了获取大量有趣的、引人入胜的语言内容。 And I did say earlier that it's difficult to start with compelling content, but when you reach the level of where you already know a lot of words, the content has to be compelling or it's hard to continue, even though, as I also said, I sometimes go back to my mini stories, especially if I'm preparing to speak and to use the language, because that helps me to train. |||||||||||captivant||||||||||||||||mots||||||||||||c'est|il||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||engaging|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||überzeugendem|||||erreichen|||||||||||||||||überzeugend|||||||||||||||||||||||vorbereiten||||||||||||| ||||agrāk|||||||saistošs||||||||||||||||||||||saistošs|||||||lai gan||||||||||||||||gatavojoties||||||||||||| |||||||||||引人注目的|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||ミニ|||||||||||||||||| E ho detto prima che è difficile iniziare con contenuti coinvolgenti, ma quando raggiungi il livello in cui conosci già molte parole, il contenuto deve essere coinvolgente altrimenti è difficile continuare, anche se, come ho anche detto, a volte torno alle mie mini storie, specialmente se mi sto preparando a parlare e a usare la lingua, perché questo mi aiuta ad allenarmi. そして、私は以前に魅力的なコンテンツを始めるのが難しいと言ったのですが、すでにたくさんの単語を知っているレベルに達すると、コンテンツが魅力的でないと続けるのが難しいです。とはいえ、私が言ったように、言語を話す準備をしているときには特にミニストーリーに戻ることがあります。それが私のトレーニングに役立つからです。 Un es jau iepriekš teicu, ka ir grūti sākt ar pārliecinošu saturu, bet, kad sasniedzat līmeni, kad jau zināt daudz vārdu, saturam ir jābūt pārliecinošam, citādi ir grūti turpināt, lai gan, kā jau teicu, es dažkārt atgriežos pie saviem miniatūrajiem stāstiem, īpaši, ja gatavojos runāt un lietot valodu, jo tas man palīdz trenēties. 我之前确实说过,一开始就很难有引人入胜的内容,但是当你达到已经掌握很多单词的水平时,内容就必须引人入胜,否则就很难继续下去,尽管如此,正如我所说,我有时会回到我的小故事,特别是当我准备说话和使用这种语言时,因为这有助于我训练。 It's kind of like my gym, it's my core exercises, but yeah, you need that compelling input in order to keep going. |||||||||Übungen||||||anregendes|||||| ||||||||nucleo||||||||||||| È un po' come la mia palestra, sono i miei esercizi fondamentali, ma sì, hai bisogno di quel input coinvolgente per continuare. ジムのようなもので、核心的なエクササイズですが、続けるためには魅力的なインプットが必要です。 Tā ir kā mana sporta zāle, tie ir mani pamatvingrinājumi, bet, jā, lai turpinātu darboties, ir nepieciešams pārliecinošs ieguldījums. 这有点像我的健身房,是我的核心练习,但是是的,你需要那种令人信服的投入才能坚持下去。 For sure. 確かに。 Noteikti. 一定。

Uh, ... says I have a question for people who are learning the language and living in the country where the target language is spoken. ||||||||||||||||||||cible|||parlée えっと、... 言うには、その言語を学んでいて、目標言語が話されている国に住んでいる人々に質問があります。 Uh, ... saka, ka man ir jautājums cilvēkiem, kuri mācās valodu un dzīvo valstī, kur runā mērķa valodā. So I've been learning English, I don't have a chance to use spoken English currently. ||||||||||||||目前 ||||||||||||||zurzeit ||||||||||||||現在 ||||||||||||||attualmente Quindi ho iniziato a imparare l'inglese, attualmente non ho occasione di usare l'inglese parlato. 私は英語を学んでいるのですが、現在は話す英語を使う機会がありません。 Esmu mācījies angļu valodu, bet šobrīd man nav iespējas izmantot sarunvalodu. Я учу английский, у меня нет возможности использовать разговорный английский в данный момент. I'm going to go to Germany. Vado in Germania. 私はドイツに行く予定です。 Es došos uz Vāciju. Я собираюсь поехать в Германию. My level is A1, I'm wondering whether their learning will be easier and faster because of the environment of German native speakers. ||||||si||||||||||||||| |||||frage mich||||||||||||Umfeld|||| |||||mi chiedo|||||||||||||||| Il mio livello è A1, mi chiedo se il loro apprendimento sarà più facile e veloce grazie all'ambiente dei madrelingua tedeschi. 私のレベルはA1です。ドイツ語のネイティブスピーカーの環境のおかげで、彼らの学習がより簡単に、より速くなるのではないかと思います。 Mans līmenis ir A1, man ir jautājums, vai vācu valodas dzimtās valodas runātāju vides dēļ viņu mācīšanās būs vieglāka un ātrāka. Мой уровень A1, мне интересно, будет ли их обучение легче и быстрее из-за окружающей среды носителей немецкого языка. 我的水平是A1,不知道在德语母语人士的环境中,他们的学习是否会变得更容易、更快。

All right. 好的。 A warning. |un avertissement |eine Warnung |警告 警告です。 Brīdinājums. 一个警告。 I have always found that when you go to that country where the language is spoken, you have to have a level of B1, B almost B2 in order to take advantage. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||avantage |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||benefit ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||その言語を活用する| 私は常に、その言語が話されている国に行くときは、活用するためにB1レベル、B2に近いレベルが必要だと感じています。 Vienmēr esmu secinājusi, ka, dodoties uz valsti, kur runā attiecīgajā valodā, jums jābūt B1, B vai B2 līmenī, lai izmantotu priekšrocības. 我一直发现,当你去到说该语言的国家时,你必须达到 B1、B 甚至 B2 的水平才能占据优势。 Uh, because not everyone you deal with in a shop or on the street, and of course this depends on the level of your language or a language that you know, what that level is in the country. ||||||||||||||||||atkarīgs no||||||||||||||||||| |||tout le monde||traitez||||magasin|||||||bien sûr||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||abhängt||||||||||||||||||| Uh, porque no todos con los que tratas en una tienda o en la calle, y claro esto depende del nivel de tu idioma o un idioma que sepas, cuál es ese nivel en el país. Uh, perché non tutti con cui interagisci in un negozio o per strada, e naturalmente questo dipende dal livello della tua lingua o di una lingua che conosci, quale sia quel livello nel paese. ええ、なぜなら、店や街で接する相手が全員そうであるわけではありませんし、もちろんこれはあなたの言語のレベルやあなたが知っている言語によって、この国でのそのレベルが何であるかによります。 Uh, jo ne ar visiem, ar kuriem jūs sarunājaties veikalā vai uz ielas, un, protams, tas ir atkarīgs no jūsu valodas vai valodas, kuru jūs protat, līmeņa valstī, kāds tas ir. 呃,因为不是你在商店或街上遇到的每个人,当然这取决于你的语言水平或你所掌握的语言水平,以及该国家/地区的水平。

So if you go to Germany where the level of English is quite good, uh, the average person you encounter will have a level of English that is higher than A1. |||||||||||||||||||遇到||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||A1 |||||||||||||||||||begegnen||||||||||| Quindi, se vai in Germania dove il livello di inglese è piuttosto buono, uh, la persona media che incontri avrà un livello di inglese superiore a A1. ですから、英語のレベルがかなり良いドイツに行くと、ええと、あなたが出会う平均的な人は、A1よりも高い英語のレベルを持っているでしょう。 Tātad, ja dodaties uz Vāciju, kur angļu valodas līmenis ir diezgan labs, vidējais angļu valodas līmenis, ar kuru jūs sastapsiet, būs augstāks par A1. 所以如果你去德国,那里的英语水平相当好,你遇到的普通人的英语水平会高于 A1。 So you either, either you have to find people who have practically no, uh, English, and they will then humor you in German, or you have to get a teacher. |||||||||||||||||||развлекут|||||вам||||| ||soit|||||||||pratiquement|||anglais|||||vous divertiront|||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||humor|||||||||| |||||||||||praktisch||||||||unterhalten|||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||맞춰주다|||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||ti faranno da sp|||||||||| |||||||||||几乎没有|||||||||||||||||| Así que, o tienes que encontrar gente que prácticamente no sepa nada de inglés y luego te sigan la corriente en alemán, o tienes que conseguir un profesor. Quindi o devi trovare persone che non hanno praticamente alcun, uh, inglese, e loro ti parleranno allora in tedesco, oppure devi trovare un insegnante. ですから、あなたは、英語がほとんどない人を見つける必要があります。そうすれば、彼らはドイツ語であなたをユーモアを交わすでしょう。あるいは、先生を雇わなければなりません。 Tātad jums vai nu ir jāatrod cilvēki, kuriem praktiski nav angļu valodas, un viņi jūs izjūtat humoru vācu valodā, vai arī jums ir jāmeklē skolotājs. 所以你要么找一个几乎不会说英语的人,然后他们会用德语逗你开心,要么你就得找个老师。

So my advice always is to do as much as you can before you go. ||Rat|||||||||||| ||||||행하다|||||||| だから私のアドバイスは、行く前にできるだけ多くのことをすることです。 Tāpēc mans padoms vienmēr ir - pirms došanās ceļā darīt tik daudz, cik vien iespējams. Так что мой совет всегда заключается в том, чтобы сделать как можно больше перед тем, как ты уедешь. 因此我的建议始终是出发前尽可能多地做好事。 And even when you are in the country, you have to work hard on your input activities. ||||||||||必须|努力|努力|||| ||언제|||||||||||||| そして、国にいるときも、インプット活動に一生懸命取り組まなければなりません。 Un pat tad, kad atrodaties valstī, jums ir cītīgi jāstrādā pie ieguldījuma aktivitātēm. И даже когда ты в стране, тебе нужно усердно работать над своими активностями. 即使在国内,你也必须努力开展投入活动。 So when I lived in Japan, I did a lot of listening and reading, this is course 45 years ago, on my own because the amount that I was able to use, you know, in the early stages was very limited. |||||||||||||||||||||||то|||||||||||в||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||parce que|||||||||||||préliminaires|||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||Betrag||||||||||||||| Entonces, cuando vivía en Japón, escuchaba y leía mucho, este es un curso hace 45 años, por mi cuenta porque la cantidad que pude usar, ya sabes, en las primeras etapas fue muy limitada. 私が日本に住んでいたとき、私は多くのリスニングとリーディングをしました。これは45年前のことですが、自分でやったのです。初期の段階で使用できた量は非常に限られていました。 Kad es dzīvoju Japānā, es daudz klausījos un lasīju (tas ir pirms 45 gadiem) pats, jo tas, ko es varēju izmantot, agrīnajā posmā bija ļoti ierobežots. Так что, когда я жил в Японии, я много слушал и читал, это было 45 лет назад, сам, потому что количество, которое я мог использовать, знаешь, на ранних этапах, было очень ограниченным. 所以当我住在日本的时候,我做了很多听力和阅读工作,这是 45 年前的事了,都是我自己做的,因为在早期阶段我能用到的知识量非常有限。

So you can't rely on being surrounded by the, by the language. |||compter|||||||| ||||||umgeben||||| |||fare affidamento|||||||| Así que no puedes confiar en estar rodeado por el idioma. だから、言語に囲まれていることを頼りにはできません。 Tātad jūs nevarat paļauties uz to, ka jūs ieskauj valoda. Поэтому вы не можете полагаться на то, что будете окружены языком. 所以你不能依赖于被语言所包围。 Of course you turn on the TV, you can listen to the radio, you can read newspapers, all of that, which you can do in your home country, too, in whatever language. もちろん、テレビをつけたり、ラジオを聞いたり、新聞を読んだりすることができますが、これらは自国でもできることです、どんな言語でも。 Protams, jūs varat ieslēgt televizoru, klausīties radio, lasīt laikrakstus un visu pārējo, ko varat darīt arī savā dzimtenē jebkurā valodā. Конечно, вы можете включить телевизор, слушать радио, читать газеты, все это вы можете делать и в своей родной стране, на любом языке. But the more you can build it up before you get there. Pero cuanto más puedas construir antes de llegar allí. Ma più riesci a costruirlo prima di arrivarci. しかし、そこに行く前にそれを築き上げることができるほど良いです。 Bet jo vairāk jūs varat to izveidot, pirms jūs tur nokļūstat. Но чем больше вы сможете подготовиться до того, как доберетесь туда. 但是在到达那里之前你可以积累更多。 And the more you continue your input activities so that you can get yourself up to almost a, I would say B1 and a half in terms of your comprehension, the better you're going to do. Y cuanto más continúe con sus actividades de entrada para que pueda llegar a casi un, yo diría B1 y medio en términos de comprensión, mejor lo hará. E più continui le tue attività di input in modo da poter arrivare a quasi un, direi, B1 e mezzo in termini di comprensione, meglio farai. そして、入力アクティビティを続けて、ほぼaに到達できるようにすればするほど、理解度の観点からB1と半分になると思います。 Un jo vairāk jūs turpināsiet ievadīšanas aktivitātes, lai jūs varētu sasniegt gandrīz, es teiktu, B1 ar pusi līmeni izpratnes ziņā, jo labāk jums veiksies.

And the more likely people will speak to you in the language you are learning, in the target language. Y es más probable que la gente le hable en el idioma que está aprendiendo, en el idioma de destino. E più è probabile che le persone ti parlino nella lingua che stai imparando, nella lingua target. そして、あなたが学んでいる言語、目標言語で人々があなたに話しかける可能性が高くなります。 Jo lielāka iespēja, ka cilvēki ar jums runās valodā, kuru apgūstat, - mērķa valodā. 人们就越有可能用你正在学习的语言,即目标语言与你交谈。 So Mac says, uh, what do I have to do in order to take IELTS or TOEFL, if I'm learning on my own, what kind of techniques? |Мак|||||||||||||||TOEFL|||||||||| |Mac|dit|||||||||||||||||||||||| |Mac||||||||||Reihenfolge||||||||||||||| |Mac|||||||||||||IELTS|||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||技巧 |マック|||||||||||||||TOEFL|||||||||| Entonces Mac dice, uh, ¿qué tengo que hacer para tomar IELTS o TOEFL, si estoy aprendiendo por mi cuenta, qué tipo de técnicas? だからマックは言います、えっと、自分で学んでいる場合、IELTSまたはTOEFLを受けるために何をすればよいのか、どんな技術が必要ですか? Maks jautā, kas man jādara, lai nokārtotu IELTS vai TOEFL, ja es mācos pats, kādas metodes? So many people need these, uh, tests of English. |||ont besoin||||| ||||||тести з англійської|| 多くの人々がこれらの、えっと、英語のテストを必要としています。 Tik daudziem cilvēkiem ir nepieciešami šie angļu valodas testi. 很多人都需要这些英语测试。 Like IELTS, TOEFL, they need them to get into a good school or they need them for work. |IELTS|||||||||||||||| IELTSやTOEFLのように、良い学校に入るために必要だったり、仕事のために必要だったりします。 Piemēram, IELTS, TOEFL - tās ir nepieciešamas, lai iestātos labā skolā vai strādātu. 就像雅思、托福一样,他们需要这些成绩进入好的学校或者找到工作。

My feeling is that you can get copies of those tests so that you have some sense of what the tests are all about. |||||||копии|||||||||||||тестов||| |||||||des copies|||||||||||||||| |||||||Kopien|||||||||||||||| |||||||복사본||||||너|||||||||| |||||||コピー|||||||||||||||| Mi sensación es que puede obtener copias de esas pruebas para que tenga una idea de lo que tratan las pruebas. 私の感覚としては、それらのテストのコピーを手に入れることができるので、テストがどのようなものかをある程度理解できます。 Man šķiet, ka jūs varat saņemt šo testu kopijas, lai jums būtu priekšstats par to, ko šie testi nozīmē. 我的感觉是,您可以获得这些测试的副本,以便您能够了解测试的全部内容。 You can even do, you know, example tests. ||||||пример(1)| 例題テストを行うこともできます。 Varat pat veikt piemēru testus. 你甚至可以做示例测试。 All of this material is available on the internet, but fundamentally you have to raise up your overall language skills. |||||||||||||должен|||||| ||||||||||fondamentalement||||élever||||| ||||||||||grundsätzlich||||verbessern|||allgemeine Sprachkenntnisse|| ||||||||||||||migliorare|||complessive||abilità |||||pieejams|||||||||||||| ||||||||||根本上|||||||整体|| このすべての資料はインターネット上で入手可能ですが、基本的には全体的な言語スキルを向上させる必要があります。 Visi šie materiāli ir pieejami internetā, taču pamatā jums ir jāpaaugstina savas vispārējās valodas prasmes. 所有这些材料都可以在互联网上找到,但从根本上来说,你必须提高你的整体语言技能。 You have to become a better reader. より良い読者になる必要があります。 Jums ir jākļūst par labāku lasītāju.

You have to read fast, or you're going to run out of time in the test. |||||否则|||||||||| 速く読む必要があります。さもなければ、試験で時間が足りなくなります。 Jums ir jālasa ātri, citādi testā jums pietrūks laika. 你必须读得快,否则考试时就会没时间了。 So again, it comes back to listening and reading. |||returns||||| Tāpēc atkal jāatgriežas pie klausīšanās un lasīšanas. Personally, I think LingQ is a great way to work on TOEIC or IELTS because it's, it's all about comprehension, vocabulary, and you listen to so much and you read so much that you have... ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||ka|| |||||||||||||IELTS||||||||||||||||||||| 個人的には、LingQはTOEICやIELTSに取り組む素晴らしい方法だと思います。なぜなら、それはすべて理解、語彙についてのものであり、たくさん聴き、たくさん読んでいるので、あなたは... Personīgi es domāju, ka LingQ ir lielisks veids, kā strādāt pie TOEIC vai IELTS, jo tas ir viss par izpratni, vārdu krājumu, un jūs klausāties tik daudz un lasāt tik daudz, ka jums ir...

you get a better sense of what's correct grammar and not correct grammar. ||||idée|||||||| 正しい文法と正しくない文法の感覚がより良くなります。 jūs labāk sapratīsiet, kas ir pareizā gramatika un kas nav pareizā gramatika. You don't have to scratch your brain as much. ты|||||||| ||||se creuser|||| ||||grattare|||| ||||动脑|||| Non devi grattarti il cervello tanto. それほど頭を悩ませる必要はありません。 Jums nav tik daudz jāskrāpē smadzenes. And many of those questions on those tests, comprehension questions, or questions about what is correct and not correct usage. |||||||||||||||||||用法 ||||||||understanding||||||||||| Y muchas de esas preguntas en esos exámenes, preguntas de comprensión o preguntas sobre qué es el uso correcto y no correcto. E molte di quelle domande su quei test, domande di comprensione, o domande su ciò che è corretto e non corretto uso. そして、それらのテストの多くの質問、理解に関する質問や、正しい使い方と不正確な使い方に関する質問があります。 Un daudzi no šo testu jautājumiem ir jautājumi par izpratni vai par to, kas ir pareizs un kas nav pareizs lietojums. If you, if you can read quickly and if you can understand well for the parts where you have to listen to content, the better you comprehend, the better you understand, the better you're going to do. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||理解|||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||verstehen|||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||이해하다|||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||comprehend|||||||||| Se puoi leggere rapidamente e se puoi capire bene per le parti in cui devi ascoltare contenuti, più comprendi, meglio capisci, meglio farai. もしあなたが速く読めて、内容を聞かなければならない部分を理解できるなら、理解が深まるほど、成績も良くなります。 Ja jūs varat ātri lasīt un labi saprast tās daļas, kurās jums ir jāieklausās saturā, jo labāk jūs saprotat, jo labāk saprotat, jo labāk jums veiksies. The better your'll feel for the language, the better you're going to do. ||вы будете|чувствовать себя||||||||| ||vous|||||||||| ||your|||||||||| ||du|||||||||| ||당신의|||||||||| ||ti sentirai|||||||||| ||jo labāk jutīsieties|||||||||| ||你对语言的感觉|||||||||| ||あなたの|||||||||| ||te sentirás|||||||||| 言語への感覚が良くなればなるほど、成績も良くなります。 Jo labāk jūs izjutīsiet valodu, jo labāk jums veiksies. 你对语言的感觉越好,你做得就越好。 I don't think it's that useful, uh, to study, you know, the 5,000 words that will show up in TOEIC. ||||||||||||||||||TOEIC TOEICに出てくる5,000の単語を勉強するのは、それほど有用だとは思いません。 Es nedomāju, ka ir tik lietderīgi mācīties 5000 vārdu, kas parādīsies TOEIC. 我认为学习托业考试中的 5,000 个单词没什么用。 You can do that, and there's nothing wrong with doing that, but it should be done against the backdrop, backdrop of having elevated your overall level in the language, listening, comprehension, reading skills, vocabulary. ||||||||||||||||||||||повышении||||||||||| |||||il n'y a||de mal|||||||||||contexte||||élevé||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||background||||improved||total||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||Hintergrund||||erhöht||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||배경||||향상된||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||contesto||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||背景|||拥有|提高||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||背景||||向上させた||||||||||| それをするのも良いですが、全体的な言語レベルを向上させた背景の中で行うべきです。リスニング、理解力、読解力、語彙力を高めることが重要です。 Jūs to varat darīt, un tas nav nekas slikts, bet tas jādara uz fona, uz fona, kad esat paaugstinājis savu vispārējo valodas, klausīšanās, izpratnes, lasīšanas prasmju, vārdu krājuma līmeni.

Uh, okay. ああ、分かりました。 What about reading the dictionary from page, from the front to the back? ||||Wörterbuch|||||||| ¿Qué hay de leer el diccionario de la página, de adelante hacia atrás? ページの前から後ろに辞書を読むのはどうですか? Kā lasīt vārdnīcu no lappuses uz lappusi, no priekšpuses uz aizmuguri? Как насчет чтения словаря со страницы, с первой страницы до последней? 那么从头到尾逐页阅读字典怎么样? It's not something that I would do, uh, you know, it's one of these activities, it's like studying a list of words. ||||||||||||||||||a||| |||||||||||||ces|||||||| No es algo que yo haría, eh, ya sabes, es una de estas actividades, es como estudiar una lista de palabras. Tas nav kaut kas tāds, ko es darītu, eh, ziniet, tas ir viens no tiem uzdevumiem, tas ir kā mācīties vārdu sarakstu. Это не то, что я бы сделал, эээ, вы знаете, это одно из таких действий, это как изучение списка слов. 这不是我会做的事情,呃,你知道,这是这些活动之一,就像研究一个单词列表一样。 Um, you know, you think you're doing something, you think you're learning. ||||penses||||||| Ziniet, jūs domājat, ka kaut ko darāt, domājat, ka mācāties. Эм, вы знаете, вы думаете, что делаете что-то, вы думаете, что учитесь. I don't think you're learning very much, so it can be interesting. ||||apprendre||||||| あなたはあまり学んでいないと思うので、面白いかもしれません。 Es nedomāju, ka jūs mācāties ļoti daudz, tāpēc tas var būt interesanti. 我认为你学到的并不多,所以这可能会很有趣。

And if you see a lot of words that you already kind of have no idea, Sort of reinforce what you are still trying to learn, but I don't think it's a tremendous strategy and it's hard to keep doing, but any exposure to the language is good. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||продолжать|||||||||| ||||||||||||||||une sorte||renforce||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||strengthen understanding of||||||||||||||very effective||||||||||familiarity with||||| ||||||||||||||||||verstärken||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||엄청난||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||加强||||||||||||||极好的||||||||||||||| Y si ve muchas palabras de las que ya no tiene idea, refuerce lo que todavía está tratando de aprender, pero no creo que sea una estrategia tremenda y es difícil seguir haciéndolo, pero cualquier exposición a la el lenguaje es bueno. そして、あなたがすでにちょっと知らない言葉をたくさん見たら、あなたがまだ学ぼうとしていることを強化しますが、それは途方もない戦略ではなく、続けるのは難しいと思いますが、言語は良いです。 Un, ja jūs redzat daudz vārdu, par kuriem jums jau nav nekāda priekšstata, tas pastiprina to, ko jūs vēl mēģināt iemācīties, bet es nedomāju, ka tā ir milzīga stratēģija, un to ir grūti turpināt darīt, bet jebkura valodas iedarbība ir laba. 如果你看到很多你已经不认识的单词,那就强化你正在努力学习的内容,但我不认为这是一个了不起的策略,而且很难坚持下去,但任何对语言的接触都是有好处的。

Now, here's a question... Says, is finding out... he learns the conjugations in Spanish, but how are they used, you know?... ||||||uzzināšana|||||||||||||| |||||||||||动词变位||||||||| さて、ここに質問があります...言います、見つけています...彼はスペイン語で活用を学びます、しかしそれらはどのように使われますか、あなたは知っていますか?... Tagad, šeit ir jautājums... Saka, ir noskaidrot... viņš iemācās konjugācijas spāņu valodā, bet kā tie tiek izmantoti, jūs zināt?.... in other words, the different pass forms. ||||不同的|| 言い換えれば、異なるパスフォームです。 citiem vārdiem sakot, dažādas caurlaides formas. 换句话说,就是不同的传球形式。 Well, this is true in any language. まあ、これはどの言語にも当てはまります。 Tas attiecas uz jebkuru valodu. In English when do we say I, I have done it. ||quand|faire||disons||||| En inglés cuando decimos yo, lo he hecho. Angļu valodā mēs sakām I, I have done it. 在英语中什么时候我们说“我,我已经做了”? I did it. Es to izdarīju. 我做到了。 Simple past versus a, the sort of whatever it's called in English... Pasado simple versus a, como se llame en inglés... Vienkāršais pagātnes laiks pretī a, tāds kā tas jebkurā gadījumā tiek saukts angļu valodā... 一般过去时与 a,无论在英语中如何称呼...

Uh, these are things that have to do with usage, and it's not just when you use these different conjugation forms, it's even a matter of which words are used together with which other words. |||||||||用法|||||||||不同的|||||||||||||||| ||||관계대명사|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Uh, queste sono cose che hanno a che fare con l'uso, e non si tratta solo di quando si usano queste diverse forme di coniugazione, è persino una questione di quali parole vengono utilizzate insieme a quali altre parole. ええと、これらは使用法に関係しているものであり、これらの異なる活用形を使用するときだけでなく、どの単語が他のどの単語と一緒に使用されるかという問題でもあります。 Nu, šie ir lietas, kas saistītas ar lietojumu, un tas nav tikai par to, kad izmanto šīs dažādās konjugācijas formas, pat lieta ir par to, kādi vārdi tiek lietoti kopā ar kuriem citiem vārdiem. 呃,这些事情与用法有关,不仅仅是当你使用这些不同的动词变位形式时,甚至还包括哪些词与哪些其他词一起使用的问题。 Word usage, word usage. |Verwendung|| Uso delle parole, uso delle parole. Vārdu lietojums, vārdu lietojums. These are, this is a matter of developing habits in the language. |||||事情|||||| |||||||entwickeln|||| Queste sono, questa è una questione di sviluppare abitudini nella lingua. これらは、これは言語の習慣を発達させることの問題です。 Tie ir, tas ir jautājums par valodas lietošanas paradumu attīstīšanu. 这些都是培养语言习惯的问题。 And I believe that a lot of listening and reading, hearing the language starts to create patterns in your brain. ||||||||||||||||Muster||| そして、私は、多くのリスニングとリーディング、言語を聞くことはあなたの脳にパターンを作り始めると信じています。 Un es ticu, ka daudz klausoties un lasot, dzirdot valodu, smadzenēs sāk veidoties modeļi. 我相信,大量的聆听和阅读,听到的语言会开始在你的大脑中形成模式。

So certain forms, certain conjugation forms are going to seem more natural. ||||Konjugation||||||| Quindi certe forme, certe forme di coniugazione sembreranno più naturali. Tāpēc dažas formas, dažas konjugācijas formas šķiet dabiskākas. 因此某些形式、某些动词变位形式会显得更加自然。 There are always sort of trigger words that trigger the tense because we're here talking about tenses in the case of this conjugation forum. |||||触发词|||触发||||||||||||||| ||||||||||temps||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||discussion group |||||||||||||||||||||||포럼 Siempre hay una especie de palabras desencadenantes que activan el tiempo verbal porque aquí estamos hablando de tiempos verbales en el caso de este foro de conjugación. Ci sono sempre sorta di parole chiave che attivano il tempo perché qui stiamo parlando dei tempi nel caso di questo forum di coniugazione. Vienmēr ir kādi palīgvārdi, kas nosaka laiku, jo šajā forumā mēs runājam par laikiem. 总会有一些触发词来触发时态,因为我们在这里讨论的是这种动词变位论坛中的时态。 And so, you know, Just now I did... okay. Y entonces, ya sabes, hace un momento lo hice... está bien. E quindi, sai, proprio adesso ho fatto... va bene. だから、あなたが知っている、ちょうど今私はした...大丈夫。 Un tā, ziniet, Tikko es... labi. "Just now" suggests simple past, uh, while, uh, "while I was watching TV, I was also..." so the "while" tends to suggest a more, a continuous form, sort of the imperfect. ||||||||||||||||||pendant|||||||||||| ||deutet|||||||||||||||||tendiert||deutet||||fortlaufende|||||Imperfekt 「ちょうど今」は単純な過去を示唆しますが、ええと、「私がテレビを見ている間、私も...」だったので、「間」はより多くの連続した形、一種の不完全さを示唆する傾向があります。 "Tikko" norāda uz vienkāršo pagātni, "kamēr es skatījos TV, es arī...", tāpēc "kamēr" norāda uz nepārtraukto formu, sava veida imperfekts.

So you should look at words that surround these different tenses, whether it's in Spanish or English or any other languages, and you will see that certain tenses are suggested by certain trigger words, and you should notice those and maybe save them at LingQ. |||||||umgeben||||||||||||||||||||||vorgeschlagen||||||||||||||| Así que deberías mirar las palabras que rodean estos diferentes tiempos, ya sea en español o inglés o en cualquier otro idioma, y verás que ciertos tiempos son sugeridos por ciertas palabras desencadenantes, y deberías notarlos y tal vez guardarlos en LingQ. したがって、スペイン語、英語、その他の言語のいずれであっても、これらの異なる時制を囲む単語を確認する必要があります。特定の時制が特定のトリガー単語によって提案されていることがわかります。それらに気づき、LingQに保存する必要があります。 Tāpēc jums vajadzētu aplūkot vārdus, kas ieskauj šos dažādos laikus, neatkarīgi no tā, vai tie ir spāņu, angļu vai citās valodās, un jūs redzēsiet, ka noteiktus laikus ierosina noteikti sprūda vārdi, un jums vajadzētu tos pamanīt un, iespējams, saglabāt tos LingQ vietnē. And all of this helps you notice. Un tas viss palīdz jums pamanīt. And once you notice things, you can develop the proper language habits so that the usage will seem more natural. |||||||||richtigen||||||Verwendung|||| ||||||||||||||||||even more| そして、物事に気づいたら、適切な言語習慣を身につけて、使い方がより自然に見えるようにすることができます。 Kad pamanīsiet, varēsiet attīstīt pareizus valodas lietošanas paradumus, lai to lietošana šķistu dabiskāka. 一旦你注意到了这些事情,你就可以养成适当的语言习惯,这样使用起来就会显得更自然。

That doesn't mean you'll always get it right. それはあなたがいつもそれを正しくするという意味ではありません。 Tas nenozīmē, ka jums vienmēr izdosies to izdarīt pareizi. 但这并不意味着你总是能做对。 And in many cases, it may not even matter what you use. Y en muchos casos, puede que ni siquiera importe lo que uses. そして、多くの場合、何を使用してもかまいません。 Un daudzos gadījumos var pat nebūt svarīgi, ko izmantojat. Uh, in English sometimes it's just best to use the simple past. ええと、英語では、単純な過去形を使用するのが最善の場合があります。 Uh, angļu valodā dažreiz ir labāk lietot vienkāršo pagātni. Can't go wrong kind of thing. No puede salir mal ese tipo de cosas. 間違ったことはできません。 Nevar kļūdīties. 不会出错的事情。 Uh, but you want to develop a feel and that's only achieved through lots of listening and reading and eventually using the language. |||||培养||||||||||||||||| ええと、しかしあなたは感触を発達させたいと思っています、そしてそれはたくさんの聞いて読んでそして最終的に言語を使うことによってのみ達成されます。 Bet jūs vēlaties attīstīt izjūtu, un to var panākt tikai ar daudz klausīšanās un lasīšanas, un, visbeidzot, valodas lietošanas. 呃,但是你想要培养一种感觉,而这只有通过大量的听、读并最终使用语言才能实现。

Um... starting in Mandarin the same as everything else, except you have to learn the characters. Uhm... iniziando in mandarino come tutto il resto, tranne che devi imparare i caratteri. ええと...あなたがキャラクターを学ばなければならないことを除いて、他のすべてと同じように北京語で始めます。 Um... mandarīnu valodā sākas tāpat kā viss pārējais, tikai ir jāmācās rakstzīmes. 嗯……开始学习普通话和学习其他语言一样,只是你必须学习汉字。 What do you think about negative motivation? Cosa pensi della motivazione negativa? ネガティブなモチベーションについてどう思いますか? Ko jūs domājat par negatīvo motivāciju? 您如何看待负面动机? Like if people aren't nice to you, I, you know, he goes on, uh, make fun of immigrant students and stuff. например|||||||||||||||||||| |||ne sont pas|||toi|||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||等等 Como si la gente no es amable contigo, yo, ya sabes, él continúa, eh, se burla de los estudiantes inmigrantes y esas cosas. Tipo, se le persone non sono gentili con te, io, sai, lui continua, uh, prende in giro gli studenti immigrati e robe simili. 人々があなたに親切でないかのように、私は、あなたが知っている、彼は続けます、ええと、移民の学生やものをからかいます。 Piemēram, ja cilvēki pret tevi nav laipni, es, zini, viņš turpina ņirgāties par imigrantiem studentiem un tamlīdzīgi. 比如,如果人们对你不友好,我,你知道,他就会继续嘲笑移民学生等等。 I mean, you have to turn that off. |||||éteindre|cela| |||||그것을 끄다|| Voglio dire, devi spegnerlo. つまり、それをオフにする必要があります。 Tas nozīmē, ka jums tas ir jāizslēdz. 我的意思是你必须把它关掉。 Like there are going to be nasty people in this world. ||||||des méchants|gens||| ||||||mean|||| ||||||gemeine|||| ||||||불쾌한|||| ||||||cattive|||| 例えば|||||||||| Come se ci fossero persone cattive in questo mondo. この世界には厄介な人々がいるように。 Tāpat kā šajā pasaulē būs nejauki cilvēki. 就像这世界上会有卑鄙的人一样。

There are people who will make fun of you in any situation, not just having to do with language. Hay personas que se burlarán de ti en cualquier situación, no solo en el lenguaje. Ci sono persone che ti prenderanno in giro in qualsiasi situazione, non solo per quanto riguarda la lingua. 言語だけでなく、どんな状況でもあなたをからかう人がいます。 Ir cilvēki, kas jūs izsmies jebkurā situācijā, ne tikai saistībā ar valodu. And you can't take these things too seriously. |||||||ernst そして、あなたはこれらのことをあまり真剣に受け止めることはできません。 Un jūs nevarat uztvert šīs lietas pārāk nopietni. 你不能对这些事情太过认真。 The majority of people are nice. 大多数の人はいい人です。 Lielākā daļa cilvēku ir jauki. The majority of people are encouraging. |||||鼓励的 |||||encourageantes |||||supportive 大多数の人々は勇気づけられています。 Lielākā daļa cilvēku ir iedrošinoši. Some people are not. Daži cilvēki nav. And I just turn off the people who are... I try to have a very selective memory. |||||||||я||||||избирательная| |||||||||||||||discriminating| |||||||||||||||wählerisch| |||||||||||||||선택적인| ||||||||||||||非常|选择性的| |||||||||||||||選択的な| そして、私はただある人々をオフにします...私は非常に選択的な記憶を持つようにしています。 Un es vienkārši izslēdzu cilvēkus, kas ir... Es cenšos, lai man būtu ļoti selektīva atmiņa. 我只是关掉那些人...我试着有选择性地记忆。 When I was in Japan everyone was nice to me. |||||tout le monde|était||| 私が日本にいたとき、誰もが私に親切でした。 Kad es biju Japānā, visi pret mani bija laipni. That doesn't mean everyone was nice to me. だからといって、みんなが私に親切だったわけではありません。 Tas nenozīmē, ka visi bija laipni pret mani. That means I only remember the people who were nice to me. |||||||||親切な|| Eso significa que solo recuerdo a las personas que fueron amables conmigo. つまり、私は私に親切だった人々だけを覚えているということです。 Tas nozīmē, ka es atceros tikai tos cilvēkus, kuri pret mani bija laipni. And I think you have to focus on the positive. そして、私はあなたがポジティブに集中しなければならないと思います。 Un es domāju, ka jums ir jākoncentrējas uz pozitīvo. Um, you talked about reading, reading, reading, but do you do this silently or out loud? ||||||||||||silencieusement||| ||||||||||||leise||| ||||||||||||without speaking||| Um, hablaste de leer, leer, leer, pero ¿haces esto en silencio o en voz alta? えっと、読む、読む、読むって話しましたが、これは静かに読むのですか、それとも声に出して読むのですか? Jūs runājāt par lasīšanu, lasīšanu, lasīšanu, bet vai jūs to darāt klusi vai skaļi? 嗯,你谈到了阅读、阅读、阅读,但是你是默默地还是大声地阅读? Okay. はい。 Reading I read, I think I'm reading silently and I'll often depending on where I am in the language, I will listen while I'm reading. |||||||leise||||abhängig||||||||||||| Leggere Leggo, penso di leggere in silenzio e spesso a seconda di dove mi trovo nella lingua, ascolterò mentre leggo. 私は静かに読んでいると思いますが、言語のレベルによっては、読みながら聴くこともよくあります。 Lasot es lasu, es domāju, ka lasu klusu, un bieži vien atkarībā no tā, kurā valodas vietā es esmu, es klausos, kamēr es lasu. 阅读我会阅读,我想我是在默读,而且我经常会根据我在语言中的位置,在阅读的同时聆听。

I think when we learn another language, when we're reading, we're also sub vocalizing, because when we read our own language, it's instant, meaning we don't need to sub vocalize. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||внутренне проговариваем |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||sous-vocaliser ||||||||||||unter|unterbewusst sprechen|||||||||sofort|||||||unterbewusst sprechen ||||||||||||하위|소리내기|||||||||즉각적이다||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||sottovoce |||||||||||||默读|||||||||即时||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||声に出して Creo que cuando aprendemos otro idioma, cuando leemos, también estamos subvocalizando, porque cuando leemos en nuestro propio idioma, es instantáneo, lo que significa que no necesitamos subvocalizar. Penso che quando impariamo un'altra lingua, quando leggiamo, stiamo anche sub vocalizzando, perché quando leggiamo la nostra lingua, è immediato, il che significa che non abbiamo bisogno di sub vocalizzare. 私たちが他の言語を学ぶとき、私たちが読んでいるとき、私たちはサブボーカルもしていると思います。なぜなら、私たちが自分の言語を読むとき、それは瞬時であり、サブボーカルする必要がないからです。 Es domāju, ka tad, kad mēs mācāmies citu valodu, kad mēs lasām, mēs arī subvokalizējam, jo, kad mēs lasām savu valodu, tas notiek uzreiz, tas nozīmē, ka mums nav nepieciešams subvokalizēt. 我认为当我们学习另一种语言时,当我们阅读时,我们也在默读,因为当我们阅读自己的语言时,它是即时的,这意味着我们不需要默读。 We Don't need to say it to ourselves, but when we're reading in a foreign language, I find that I'm saying it to myself, but I very rarely read out loud, out loud. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||selten||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||seldom||||| No necesitamos decírnoslo a nosotros mismos, pero cuando leemos en un idioma extranjero, me doy cuenta de que me lo digo a mí mismo, pero muy rara vez leo en voz alta, en voz alta. Non abbiamo bisogno di dirlo a noi stessi, ma quando leggiamo in una lingua straniera, trovo che lo sto dicendo a me stesso, ma raramente leggo ad alta voce. 私たちは自分自身に言う必要はありませんが、外国語で読んでいるとき、私は自分の中で言っていることに気付きますが、私は非常に稀に声に出して読むことはありません。 Mums tas nav jāsaka pašiem sev, bet, kad lasām svešvalodā, es to sev saku, bet ļoti reti lasu skaļi, skaļi. 我们不需要对自己这么说,但是当我们用外语阅读的时候,我发现我在对自己这么说,但是我很少大声、大声地朗读。

It's tiring. |fatigant |ermüdend |stancante |stancante Es agotador. 疲れます。 Tas ir nogurdinoši. 很累。 But I tend to subvocalize. ||||шептать про себя ||||sous-vocaliser ||||leise sprechen ||||내면의 목소리 ||||sottovoce ||||默念 ||||内声で読む しかし、私は内声を使う傾向があります。 Bet es mēdzu subvokalizēt. Maar ik heb de neiging om te subvocaliseren. 但我倾向于默读。 And that's why combining listening with reading is so important because it gives you that momentum, it gives you that sense. |||||||||||||||élan||||| |||||||||||||||forward drive||||| |||das Kombinieren||||||||||||Schwung||||| |||||||||||||||동력||||| |||||||||||||||slancio||||| |||||||||||||||动力||||| |||組み合わせる||||||||||||勢い||||| Ed è per questo che combinare l'ascolto con la lettura è così importante perché ti dà quell'inerzia, ti dà quel senso. だから、リスニングとリーディングを組み合わせることが非常に重要なんです。なぜなら、それがあなたに勢いを与え、理解の感覚を与えてくれるからです。 Tāpēc ir tik svarīgi klausīšanos apvienot ar lasīšanu, jo tas dod jums šo impulsu, šo sajūtu. It gives you greater confidence that you are self vocalizing with the right pronunciation and the right intonation. ||||||||||||||||bonne|intonation |||||||||vokalisiert||||||||Intonation Ti dà maggiore fiducia nel fatto che stai vocalizzando da solo con la pronuncia giusta e la giusta intonazione. それは、正しい発音と適切なイントネーションで自分を声に出しているという自信を高めてくれます。 Tas sniedz jums lielāku pārliecību, ka jūs pats pareizi izrunājat un pareizi intonējat. 它能让你更有信心,相信你是在用正确的发音和语调进行自我发声。 Person says I never thought of listening while exercising. ||||||听力|| ||||||||trainieren La persona dice que nunca pensé en escuchar mientras hacía ejercicio. La persona dice che non aveva mai pensato di ascoltare mentre si esercita. ある人は、運動中に聴くことを考えたことがないと言っています。 Persona saka, ka es nekad neesmu domājis par klausīšanos, kamēr izmanto. 有人说我从来没想过在锻炼时听音乐。

I mean, come on, you can listen while you're doing anything. Quiero decir, vamos, puedes escuchar mientras haces cualquier cosa. つまり、何をしていても聞けるということです。 Tu taču vari klausīties, kamēr kaut ko dari. 我的意思是,你可以一边做事一边听。 Washing the dishes, driving a car, exercising, working in the garden, you name it. ||||||||||jardin||| |||||||||||너가 말해봐|| 皿洗い、車の運転、運動、庭仕事、何でもですね。 Trauku mazgāšana, automašīnas vadīšana, vingrošana, darbs dārzā, viss, kas jums patīk. 洗碗、开车、锻炼、在花园里干活,等等。 Someone here says that the voice is too low. ||||||слишком|| ここにいる誰かが声が小さいと言っています。 Kāds šeit saka, ka balss ir pārāk zema. 这里有人说声音太小了。 I've had this comment before. このコメントは前にも言われたことがあります。 Šo komentāru esmu saņēmis jau iepriekš. 我以前有过这样的评论。 I, I don't know. あ、わからない。 Uh, I think when I listened to my videos, the audio sounds fine. ええと、私のビデオを聞いたとき、音声は大丈夫だと思います。 Uh, man šķiet, ka, kad es klausījos savus videoklipus, audio skan labi. Please let me know if the audio is a problem. Lūdzu, dodiet man zināt, ja audio ir problēma. 如果音频有问题,请告诉我。

Here's what we call a soft question. これが私たちがソフト質問と呼ぶものです。 Šādu jautājumu mēs saucam par "mīkstu" jautājumu. 这就是我们所说的软问题。 What is the best app or program to learn a new language. Kāda ir labākā lietotne vai programma jaunas valodas apguvei. Well, of course, I'm going to say LingQ L I N G Q. And finally here's one from Nikita who says, uh, how do you go into self limited vocabulary in German? ||||||||||||||||||Nikita||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||Nikita||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||Nikita||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||니키타(1)||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||Nikita||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||尼基塔||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||ニキータ||||||||||||| Bueno, por supuesto, voy a decir LingQ LING Q. Y finalmente aquí hay uno de Nikita que dice, eh, ¿cómo entras en un vocabulario autolimitado en alemán? まあ、もちろん、私はLingQ L I N G Qと言います。そして最後に、Nikitaからの質問があります。彼は、「ドイツ語の限られた語彙にどのように入っていくのですか?」と言っています。 Nu, protams, es teikšu LingQ L I N G Q. Un visbeidzot šeit ir viens no Nikitas, kurš saka, uh, kā jūs iedziļināties sev ierobežotā vārdu krājumā vācu valodā? 嗯,当然,我会说 LingQ LING Q。最后是 Nikita 的问题,他说,呃,你如何用德语进入自我限制词汇? When I read interesting stuff, I don't understand it. 興味深いものを読んでいると、理解できません。 Kad es lasu interesantas lietas, es tās nesaprotu. So this is a constant issue of, you know, the beginner stuff is easy because the word frequency, declines very quickly. ||||||||||||||||||下降|| ||||||||||||||||||sinkt|| ||||||||||||||||||declina|| Entonces, este es un problema constante de, ya sabes, las cosas para principiantes son fáciles porque la frecuencia de las palabras disminuye muy rápidamente. Quindi questo è un problema costante, sai, le cose per principianti sono facili perché la frequenza delle parole diminuisce molto rapidamente. これは常に問題です。初心者の材料は簡単ですが、単語の頻度は非常に早く低下します。 Tātad tas ir pastāvīgs jautājums par to, ka iesācējiem ir viegli, jo vārdu biežums ļoti ātri samazinās. Dus dit is een constant probleem van, weet je, het beginnerswerk is gemakkelijk omdat het woord frequentie heel snel afneemt. 所以这是一个持续存在的问题,你知道,初学者的东西很容易,因为词频下降得非常快。 So in an initial period, you have contact with a lot of high frequency words, like our mini stories, and then as you move into natural content, of course, now all of a sudden you're dealing with far more low frequency words. |||anfänglichen|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Quindi in un periodo iniziale, hai contatto con molte parole ad alta frequenza, come le nostre mini storie, e poi, man mano che ti sposti verso contenuti naturali, ovviamente, all'improvviso ti trovi a dover affrontare molte più parole a bassa frequenza. 最初の期間では、私たちのミニストーリーのように、多くの高頻度単語に接することがあります。そして、自然なコンテンツに移行すると、突然、遥かに低頻度の単語に対処することになります。 Sākotnējā posmā jums ir saskare ar daudz augstfrekvences vārdiem, piemēram, mūsu mini stāsti, bet pēc tam, kad jūs pāriet uz dabisko saturu, jūs, protams, pēkšņi saskaraties ar daudz zemākas frekvences vārdiem. 因此,在最初阶段,你会接触很多高频词,比如我们的小故事,然后,当你转向自然内容时,当然,现在你突然要处理更多的低频词。 So what do you do? E quindi, cosa fai? それで、どうしますか? Ko jūs darāt? 那你该怎么办? Well, it's a bit of a... ええ、少し... Nu, tas ir mazliet... 嗯,有点...

I believe that that the lack of intermediate content is a problem in many languages. |||||||中级内容||||||| |crois||||||||||||| 中間コンテンツの不足は多くの言語において問題であると信じています。 Es uzskatu, ka starpposma satura trūkums ir problēma daudzās valodās. Ik geloof dat het gebrek aan intermediaire inhoud in veel talen een probleem is. I experienced it in Arabic and in Persian. |erlebte|||||| 私はアラビア語とペルシア語でそれを経験しました。 Es to piedzīvoju arābu un persiešu valodā. That's where I'm grateful to Sahra who has created a lot of excellent content in Persian. |||reconnaissant|||||||||||| |||thankful to|||||||||||| |||感謝している|||||||||||| だからこそ、ペルシア語で素晴らしいコンテンツをたくさん作ってくれたサフラに感謝しています。 Tāpēc esmu pateicīgs Sahrai, kura ir radījusi daudz lieliska satura persiešu valodā. 在这里我要感谢萨拉 (Sahra),他用波斯语创作了大量精彩的内容。 I've mentioned, you know, if Français Authentique or Inner French, which are great sources of intermediate content in French. |erwähnt|||||||Inner|||||Quellen||fortgeschrittene||| ||||||authentic|||||||||||| |||||フランス語|フランス語の本|||||||||||| Es jau pieminēju, jūs zināt, ja Français Authentique vai Inner French, kas ir lieliski avoti starpposma satura franču valodā. 我提到过,Français Authentique 或 Inner French,它们是法语中级内容的极佳来源。

But it is a problem. Taču tā ir problēma. And, uh, I think at LingQ, for example, if I can find content that has 10, 15% new words, that's a comfort zone there. |||||||||||||||||||||là そして、ええと、たとえば、LingQで、10、15%の新しい単語を含むコンテンツを見つけることができれば、それはそこの快適ゾーンだと思います。 Un, piemēram, LingQ, ja es varu atrast saturu, kurā ir 10, 15 % jaunu vārdu, tā ir komforta zona. 而且,呃,我认为,例如在 LingQ,如果我能找到包含 10% 到 15% 新词汇的内容,那就是一个舒适区。 I'm learning a lot of new words because some of those 10, 15% are in fact names. ||||||||||||||noms 私はたくさんの新しい単語を学んでいます。なぜなら、それらの10、15%のいくつかは実際には名前だからです。 Es iemācos daudz jaunu vārdu, jo daži no tiem 10, 15 % patiesībā ir vārdi. 我正在学习很多新单词,因为其中的 10% 到 15% 实际上是名字。 So it's actually less than that. |||moins|| ですから、実際にはそれよりも少ないのです。 Tātad patiesībā tas ir mazāk. 因此,实际上比这个要少。 And so that to me is good content. Tas man ir labs saturs. 所以对我来说这是好的内容。 I'm coming across new words, and yet I have enough known words that it's not painful. ||||||but||||||||| |||||||||||||||苦痛ではない Estoy encontrando nuevas palabras y, sin embargo, tengo suficientes palabras conocidas para que no sea doloroso. 私は新しい言葉に出くわしました、それでも私はそれが苦痛ではないのに十分な既知の言葉を持っています。 Es sastopos ar jauniem vārdiem, un tomēr man ir pietiekami daudz zināmu vārdu, lai tas nebūtu sāpīgi. 我遇到了新单词,但我已经知道足够多的单词了,所以这并不痛苦。 But I have gone through Russian for example, in the early days when I was with Russian and LingQ was much slower than it is now. しかし、たとえば私はロシア語を経験しました。私がロシア語を使っていた初期の頃、LingQは現在よりもはるかに遅かったです。 Bet es esmu gājis cauri, piemēram, krievu valodu, piemēram, sākumā, kad es biju ar krievu valodu un LingQ bija daudz lēnāks nekā tagad. 但是我曾经尝试过俄语,在早期当我使用俄语的时候,LingQ 比现在慢得多。 And I had material with 40% new words, and I just fought on because I wanted to learn this language and I was interested in whatever it was that I was reading. ||||||||||ho lottato|||||||questa||||||||||||| E avevo materiale con il 40% di nuove parole, e ho continuato a lottare perché volevo imparare questa lingua e ero interessato a qualunque cosa stavo leggendo. そして、私は40%の新しい単語を含む資料を持っていました、そして私はこの言語を学びたいと思っていたので、私はただ戦いました、そして私は私が読んでいるものが何であるかに興味がありました。 Un man bija materiāls ar 40 % jaunu vārdu, un es vienkārši cīnījos, jo gribēju apgūt šo valodu un mani interesēja tas, ko es lasīju. 我所掌握的材料中有 40% 是新单词,但我仍然坚持学习,因为我想学习这门语言,而且我对所读内容很感兴趣。

It could have been, you know, tolstoy or something, and I just struggled on, so it's a function of our, you know, Pain threshold. |||||||||||||||||||||||seuil ||||||||||||||||||||||Suffering tolerance level|Pain tolerance level ||||||||||||||||||||||dor|limiar ||||||||||||||||||||||Schmerz|Schmerzgrenze |||||||||||||||||||||||soglia del dolore |||||||||||||||||||||||sāpju slieksnis ||||||托尔斯泰||||||挣扎|||||||||||痛阈 |||||||||||||||||||||||痛みの閾値 ||||||||||||||||||||||dolor| Pudo haber sido, ya sabes, Tolstoi o algo así, y simplemente luché, así que es una función de nuestro, ya sabes, umbral del dolor. Poteva essere, sai, Tolstoj o qualcosa del genere, e io continuavo a combattere, quindi è una funzione della nostra, sai, soglia del dolore. それはトルストイか何かだったかもしれません、そして私はただ苦労しました、それでそれは私たちの、あなたが知っている、痛みの閾値の関数です。 Tas varēja būt, ziniet, Tolstojs vai kaut kas cits, un es vienkārši cīnījos tālāk, tāpēc tas ir atkarīgs no mūsu, ziniet, sāpju sliekšņa. 你知道,它可能是托尔斯泰或类似的什么人,我只是继续挣扎,所以这是我们痛苦阈值的功能。 So, and, and I tend to find myself bouncing back and forth. ||||||||bouncing||| ||||||||moving||| ||||||||rimbalzare||| Entonces, y, y tiendo a encontrarme rebotando de un lado a otro. Quindi, e, e tendo a trovarmi a rimbalzare avanti e indietro. だから、そして、そして私は自分が前後にバウンドしていることに気付く傾向があります。 Es mēdzu lēkāt uz priekšu un atpakaļ. 所以,而且,而且我发现自己经常来回反复。 I fight my way through a difficult content, lots of new words. 私は難しい内容、たくさんの新しい言葉を通して自分の道を戦います。 Es cīnos ar sarežģītu saturu, daudz jaunu vārdu. 我努力理解困难的内容和大量新单词。 And ah, I'm tired of doing that. ああ、私はそれをするのに疲れています。 Un es esmu noguris to darīt. 啊,我厌倦这样做了。 I get back to my mini stories and this kind of gives me a little more confidence. ミニストーリーに戻ると、これが私に少し自信を与えてくれます。 我回到我的小故事,这给了我更多的信心。

And then I go back and fight with the more difficult content. et||||||||||| Y luego vuelvo y lucho con el contenido más difícil. それから、もっと難しいコンテンツと戦いに戻ります。 Un tad es atgriežos un cīnos ar sarežģītāku saturu. 然后我再回去继续应对更困难的内容。 And you just have to find a proper mix of easy content and difficult content so that you maintain your motivation. ||||||||||||||||||||动力 |||||||passenden|Mischung||||||||||beibehältst|| ||||||||||||||||||mantieni|| そして、モチベーションを維持するために、簡単なコンテンツと難しいコンテンツの適切な組み合わせを見つける必要があります。 Un jums vienkārši jāatrod pareizs viegla un sarežģīta satura apvienojums, lai saglabātu motivāciju. 你只需要找到简单内容和困难内容的适当组合,这样你就能保持动力。 You get enough fluency because you're dealing with easier content and yet you're acquiring new words and you're fighting way fighting your way through to, uh, eventually getting enough vocabulary so that you can deal with more authentic content more easily. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||真实的||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||authentisch||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||genuine||| より簡単なコンテンツを扱っているのに十分な流暢さを得ることができますが、新しい単語を取得し、最終的には十分な語彙を取得して、より本格的なコンテンツをより簡単に扱うことができるようになります。 Jūs apgūstat pietiekami daudz vārdu, jo jums ir vieglāks saturs, bet jūs apgūstat jaunus vārdus, un jūs cīnāties, cīnoties par to, lai beidzot iegūtu pietiekamu vārdu krājumu, kas ļautu jums vieglāk strādāt ar autentiskāku saturu.

Okay. I'm just going to deal with those questions today. 今日はそれらの質問に対処します。 Es šodien pievērsīšos tikai šiem jautājumiem. 我今天只是要处理这些问题。 I hope that was of interest. それがおもしろかったと思います。 Es ceru, ka tas bija interesanti. 我希望这会引起你的兴趣。 I see I've gone on a bit longer. もう少し長く進んだようです。 Redzam, ka esmu nedaudz pakavējies. 我发现我又说得有点久了。 Um, leave you a few videos kind of relevant related to this. ||||||||saistīti ar šo||| ||||||||相关的||| |||||||||relevant|| |||||||||rilevanti|| ええと、これに関連するいくつかのビデオを残してください。 Um, atstāt jums dažus videoklipus, kas ar to ir saistīti. 嗯,给你留下一些与此相关的视频。 And let me know if this is of interest to you. そして、これがあなたに興味があるかどうか私に知らせてください。 Un dodiet man zināt, ja tas jūs interesē. 如果您对此感兴趣请告诉我。 Thank you. ありがとう。 Paldies. Bye for now. またね。