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Steve's Language Learning Tips, Learning Languages in the Moment

Learning Languages in the Moment

Hi there. Hopefully, this is going. Let me see. Yeah. I can't really see too well because the sun is in my face. Today, I want to talk about learning languages in the moment. This is something that applies to so many things that we do in life. Very often, we're looking forward to what's going to happen tomorrow or we have goals of what we want to achieve, but sometimes we just have to focus on what we're enjoying right now.

By the way, if you enjoy these videos, please subscribe. You can click on the little bell in order to get notification. And if you want to learn languages the way I do, please join us at LingQ.

I was thinking of this as I was driving up to Whistler, Whistler, B.C., which is where I am right now. It's about an hour and 15 minutes from my home. It's a spectacular place, mountains. I'll kind of swing this around. Maybe you can see the mountains up there. I don't know. We're staying at this unit here for two nights, my wife and I, just to get a little break from being hunkered down because of COVID.

The drive up here is just spectacular. You drive along a fjord, Howe Sound, then you drive inland and you've got mountains surrounding you. I might intersperse this video with some pictures, if we take some more pictures. We're going to play a bit of golf here. It's very warm. I think it's like 27-28 degrees. It's supposed to go up to 32. We're going to Pemberton, which is another 45 minutes down the road and play a golf course called Big Sky.

I'm driving up here with my wife and we're listening to a podcast about the Byzantine Empire. So I'm enjoying the drive. I'm enjoying listening to the Byzantine Empire podcast. Why am I listening to a podcast about the Byzantine Empire? Because I've been learning Arabic, Persian and Turkish, so I'm kind of exploring that part of the world. I've read books now on the history of Persia or of Iran, on the history of Arabic countries prior to Islam, post Islam, the Colonial period and, low and behold, I read a book on the Byzantine Empire, which is something we learned so little about.

All of these things that spring from my learning of the language are things that I enjoy and while I'm doing them, reading in English, I'm enjoying that. But when I'm with the language, if I'm doing our mini stories in Arabic and I'm kind of rediscovering things that I learned and forgot in the sort of mini stories, the simple vocabulary, the basic structures, I get this giddy feeling that I actually understand say the Al Jazeera podcast when they talk about the United Arab Emirates deal with Israel mutual recognition, what that means, tensions in the Middle East and I'm hearing it from someone from the area in Arabic. Although, until I actually start reading it, saving words, looking them up, I don't necessarily understand that much, but I understand quite a bit of it, so I enjoy that.

I'm not thinking about the day when I'll be fluent in Arabic. I know I will get there, but I'm actually enjoying the time that I spend with the language now and I think this applies to everything we do. We can turn around and I can look at the trees. Even at my home, I can look at the texture of my pine flooring or a carpet that we bought in Beijing 50 years ago. Or in Hong Kong, I don't remember. In fact, I tweeted about that.

I think it's important always to focus on what you're doing in the moment and it's really important in language learning because we have to believe that what we are doing is important and enjoyable. You want to enjoy what you're doing. So if you're learning a language and you're saying this is boring, but I'm hoping that some day it will be worth it for me, to me that is not as powerful as I'm enjoying what I'm doing now. This is what I want to be doing. There are all kinds of other things I can do, but I'll do those later. Right now, I'm enjoying being in my language.

And, of course, what's so wonderful in today's world, I thought about this again as I was preparing my trip up here with my wife and, of course, I just finished this book on the Byzantine Empire discussing Byzantine strategy and how they managed to play different step people and other enemies against each other so that they survived for 1,000 years. After all, the Byzantine Empire survived up until 1453. So then I said, well, I wonder if there's a podcast on this. So I go to an app called Pocket Cast or something like that and, low and behold, there are podcasts on everything.

For example, if I take the word Arabia for Arabic and I put that in the search, I find all kinds of Arabic podcasts, Persian podcasts, French podcasts, Spanish podcasts. All of these things are available to us. I haven't yet done any research to find which of these have transcripts because I require transcripts certainly in Arabic and Persian to understand what's being said, but I know there's this tremendous quantity of material out there. I can actually listen to a podcast in Arabic even without having the transcripts and it's new, it's interesting, I pick up certain things and even that is enjoyable.

I just want to emphasize this idea that, obviously, to be successful in language learning you have to believe in what you're doing. You have to believe that you can succeed. The belief that you will succeed in becoming fluent is kind of projecting into the future, but at the same time you have to find ways to enjoy what you're doing now because if you enjoy what you're doing it's going to come into your brain. You're going to stay with it. You're going to put in the time. You're going to stay positive. You will eventually achieve your goal, if you can enjoy what you're doing in the moment.

So that's what I wanted to say about learning in the moment. Bye for now.

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Learning Languages in the Moment Sprachen lernen im Moment Aprender idiomas en el momento Apprendre les langues dans l'instant Imparare le lingue al momento 瞬間的に語学を学ぶ 순간순간 언어 학습 Nauka języków w chwili obecnej Aprender línguas no momento Изучение языков в данный момент Anında Dil Öğrenmek Вивчайте мови миттєво 立即学习语言 當下學習語言

Hi there. Ciao. こんにちは。 Hopefully, this is going. Spero che questo stia andando. うまくいくといいね。 Let me see. Fammi vedere. 見せてくれ。 Yeah. Sì. そうだね。 I can't really see too well because the sun is in my face. Non riesco davvero a vedere molto bene perché ho il sole in faccia. 太陽が顔に当たってよく見えないんだ。 Today, I want to talk about learning languages in the moment. Today, I want to talk about learning languages in the moment. Oggi voglio parlare dell'apprendimento delle lingue in questo momento. 今日は、今この瞬間の語学学習についてお話ししたいと思います。 This is something that applies to so many things that we do in life. ||||gilt||||||||| Questo è qualcosa che si applica a così tante cose che facciamo nella vita. これは、私たちが人生で行う多くのことに当てはまることだ。 Это то, что относится ко многим вещам, которые мы делаем в жизни. Very often, we're looking forward to what's going to happen tomorrow or we have goals of what we want to achieve, but sometimes we just have to focus on what we're enjoying right now. Molto spesso, non vediamo l'ora di cosa accadrà domani o abbiamo degli obiettivi su ciò che vogliamo ottenere, ma a volte dobbiamo solo concentrarci su ciò che ci piace in questo momento. 多くの場合、私たちは明日起こることを楽しみにしていたり、達成したい目標を持っていたりするが、時には今楽しんでいることに集中しなければならないこともある。 Очень часто мы с нетерпением ждем того, что произойдет завтра, или у нас есть цели, которых мы хотим достичь, но иногда нам просто нужно сосредоточиться на том, что нам нравится прямо сейчас. 很多时候,我们期待着明天会发生什么,或者我们想要实现什么目标,但有时我们只需要关注我们现在正在享受的事情。

By the way, if you enjoy these videos, please subscribe. ところで、これらのビデオを楽しんでいただけたら、ぜひ購読をお願いします。 You can click on the little bell in order to get notification. ||||||Glocke|||||Benachrichtigung |||||||||||alert ||||||sininho|||||notificação 小さなベルをクリックすると通知が届く。 And if you want to learn languages the way I do, please join us at LingQ. 私と同じように言語を学びたい方は、ぜひLingQにご参加ください。 Eğer siz de benim gibi dil öğrenmek istiyorsanız, lütfen LingQ'da bize katılın.

I was thinking of this as I was driving up to Whistler, Whistler, B.C., which is where I am right now. |||||||||||Whistler BC|||||||||| ||||||||operating a vehicle||||||||||||| |||||||||||Whistler BC|||||||||| |||||||||||Whistler BC|||||||||| ウィスラー(BC州ウィスラー)に向かって車を走らせながら、このことを考えていた。 Şu anda bulunduğum Whistler, Whistler, B.C.'ye doğru araba kullanırken bunu düşünüyordum. It's about an hour and 15 minutes from my home. 自宅から約1時間15分。 It's a spectacular place, mountains. ||великолепное|| ||breathtaking|| 壮大な場所だよ、山は。 I'll kind of swing this around. |||faire pivoter|| |||schwenken|| |||振り回す|| |||girar|| Ich werde das irgendwie herumschwingen. この辺でちょっと振っておこう。 Bunu biraz sallayacağım. 我会扭转这种局面。 Maybe you can see the mountains up there. 山が見えるかもしれない。 I don't know. 分からないよ。 We're staying at this unit here for two nights, my wife and I, just to get a little break from being hunkered down because of COVID. |||||||||||||||||||||запертыми|||| ||||logement|||||||||||||||||confinés|||| |||||||||||||||||||||staying inside|||| ||||unidade|||||||||||||||||refugidos||||COVID-19 ||||Einheit||||Nächte|||||||||||||eingekerkert|||| |||||||||||||||||||||躲避疫情|||| |||||||||||||||||||||身を縮めて|||| |||||||||||||||||||||acurrucados|||| Wir bleiben hier für zwei Nächte in dieser Einheit, meine Frau und ich, nur um eine kleine Pause davon zu bekommen, dass wir uns wegen COVID zusammengekauert haben. Mi mujer y yo nos vamos a quedar dos noches en esta unidad para descansar un poco de estar encerrados por culpa del COVID. 私たち夫婦は、COVIDのために身を縮めていたのを少し休めるために、ここのユニットに2泊するんだ。 Мы с женой остановились в этом здании на две ночи, чтобы немного передохнуть, не засиживаясь из-за COVID. Eşim ve ben iki geceliğine bu birimde kalıyoruz, sadece COVID nedeniyle bir yere kapanmaya biraz ara vermek için. 我和我的妻子在这个单位住了两个晚上,只是想从因 COVID 而陷入的困境中稍事休息。

The drive up here is just spectacular. ここまでのドライブはまさに絶景だ。 开车到这里感觉真是太棒了。 You drive along a fjord, Howe Sound, then you drive inland and you've got mountains surrounding you. ||||фьельд||||||вглубь страны|||||| ||||fjord|||||||||||| ||||narrow sea inlet|a fjord|||||away from coast|||||| ||||fiorde|Som de Howe|||||para o interior|||||| ||||Fjord|Howe Sound|||||ins Landesinnere|||||umgeben| ||||峡湾|豪湾||||||||||| ||||フィヨルド|ハウサウンド||||||||||| ||||fiordo|Howe Sound|||||hacia el interior|||||| フィヨルド沿いを走り、ハウ・サウンドに入り、内陸に入れば周囲を山々が取り囲んでいる。 Je rijdt langs een fjord, Howe Sound, dan rijd je landinwaarts en heb je bergen om je heen. 沿着峡湾豪湾(Howe Sound)行驶,然后驶入内陆,群山环绕。 I might intersperse this video with some pictures, if we take some more pictures. ||вставлю||||||||||| ||parsemer||||||||||| ||mix with||||||||||| ||intercalar||||||||||| ||einfügen||||||||||| ||插入||||||||||| ||挿入する||||||||||| ||intercalar||||||||||| Ich könnte dieses Video mit einigen Bildern durchsetzen, wenn wir noch mehr Bilder machen. もう少し写真を撮ったら、このビデオに写真を挟むかもしれない。 Posso intercalar este vídeo com algumas fotos, se tirarmos mais fotos. We're going to play a bit of golf here. ここで少しゴルフをしよう。 It's very warm. とても暖かいよ。 I think it's like 27-28 degrees. 気温は27~28度だと思う。 It's supposed to go up to 32. 32歳まで上がるはずだ。 We're going to Pemberton, which is another 45 minutes down the road and play a golf course called Big Sky. |||彭伯顿||||||||||||||| |||Pemberton|||||||Straße|||||||| |||a nearby town||||||||||||||| |||Pemberton||||||||||||||| さらに45分先のペンバートンに行って、ビッグスカイというゴルフ場でプレーするんだ。 Yolun 45 dakika aşağısındaki Pemberton'a gideceğiz ve Big Sky adında bir golf sahasında oynayacağız.

I'm driving up here with my wife and we're listening to a podcast about the Byzantine Empire. |||||||||||||||拜占庭| |||||||||||||||byzantinischen|Reich |||||||||||||||Eastern Roman Empire| |||||||||||||||bizantino| 妻と車でここまで来て、ビザンチン帝国についてのポッドキャストを聴いている。 So I'm enjoying the drive. I'm enjoying listening to the Byzantine Empire podcast. ||||||Reich| ビザンチン帝国のポッドキャストを楽しんで聞いているよ。 Why am I listening to a podcast about the Byzantine Empire? |||||||||拜占庭| なぜ私はビザンチン帝国についてのポッドキャストを聴いているのか? Because I've been learning Arabic, Persian and Turkish, so I'm kind of exploring that part of the world. |||||персидский|||||||||||| アラビア語、ペルシア語、トルコ語を学んでいるから、世界のその部分を探求しているようなものなんだ。 I've read books now on the history of Persia or of Iran, on the history of Arabic countries prior to Islam, post Islam, the Colonial period and, low and behold, I read a book on the Byzantine Empire, which is something we learned so little about. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||he aquí|||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||et voilà|||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||見よ|||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||eis que|||||||||||||||| Ahora he leído libros sobre la historia de Persia o de Irán, sobre la historia de los países árabes antes del Islam, después del Islam, el periodo colonial y, he aquí que he leído un libro sobre el Imperio Bizantino, que es algo de lo que hemos aprendido tan poco. ペルシャやイランの歴史、イスラム以前のアラビア諸国の歴史、イスラム以後、植民地時代、そしてなんと、私たちがほとんど学んだことのないビザンチン帝国についての本を読んだ。 İran ve Pers tarihi, Arap ülkelerinin İslam öncesi, İslam sonrası ve sömürge dönemi tarihi üzerine kitaplar okudum ve bir de baktım ki hakkında çok az şey öğrendiğimiz Bizans İmparatorluğu üzerine bir kitap okudum. 我现在已经阅读了有关波斯或伊朗历史的书籍,有关伊斯兰教前、后伊斯兰和殖民时期的阿拉伯国家历史的书籍,而且,我还阅读了一本关于拜占庭帝国的书,而我们对拜占庭帝国了解甚少。 我读过关于波斯或伊朗历史的书,也读过关于伊斯兰教之前、伊斯兰教之后、殖民地时期阿拉伯国家历史的书。

All of these things that spring from my learning of the language are things that I enjoy and while I'm doing them, reading in English, I'm enjoying that. |||||découlent de|||||||||||||||||||||| |||||arise from|||||||||||||||||||||| 語学の勉強から生まれるこれらのことは、すべて私が楽しんでいることであり、それをやっている間、私は英語で読書をし、それを楽しんでいるのだ。 But when I'm with the language, if I'm doing our mini stories in Arabic and I'm kind of rediscovering things that I learned and forgot in the sort of mini stories, the simple vocabulary, the basic structures, I get this giddy feeling that I actually understand say the Al Jazeera podcast when they talk about the United Arab Emirates deal with Israel mutual recognition, what that means, tensions in the Middle East and I'm hearing it from someone from the area in Arabic. ||||||||||||||||||вновь открываю||||||||||||||||||структуры||||восторженное||||на самом деле||||||||||||||||||взаимное|признание||||напряженность||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||Sure, the translation for "giddy" in this context would be "euphorique".|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||Excited and joyful||||||||||||||||||United Arab Emirates|||||acknowledgment||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||redescobrindo||||||||||||||||||||||uma sensação de euforia||||||||||||||||||Emirados Árabes Unidos|||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||aufgeregt|||||||||||||||||||||||||||Spannungen||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||兴奋的||||||||||播客|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||再発見||||||||||||||||||||||浮き浮きする|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||eufórico|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Pero cuando estoy con el idioma, si estoy haciendo nuestras minihistorias en árabe y estoy redescubriendo cosas que aprendí y olvidé en las minihistorias, el vocabulario sencillo, las estructuras básicas, tengo esta sensación de vértigo de que realmente entiendo, digamos, el podcast de Al Jazeera cuando hablan del acuerdo de los Emiratos Árabes Unidos con Israel sobre el reconocimiento mutuo, lo que eso significa, las tensiones en Oriente Medio y lo estoy escuchando de alguien de la zona en árabe. でも、アラビア語でミニ・ストーリーをやっているとき、簡単な語彙や基本的な構造など、ミニ・ストーリーの中で学んだことや忘れていたことを再発見しているとき、例えばアルジャジーラのポッドキャストで、アラブ首長国連邦とイスラエルの相互承認協定について話しているとき、それが何を意味するのか、中東の緊張について話しているとき、現地の人からアラビア語でそれを聞いているとき、私は実際に理解しているような気がして、めまいがするんだ。 Ancak dille iç içe olduğumda, mini hikayelerimizi Arapça yapıyorsam ve mini hikayelerde öğrendiğim ve unuttuğum şeyleri, basit kelimeleri, temel yapıları yeniden keşfediyorsam, örneğin El Cezire podcast'inde Birleşik Arap Emirlikleri'nin İsrail ile karşılıklı tanıma anlaşmasından, bunun ne anlama geldiğinden, Orta Doğu'daki gerilimlerden bahsettiklerinde ve bunu bölgeden birinden Arapça olarak duyduğumda gerçekten anladığımı hissediyorum. 但是当我使用阿拉伯语讲故事时,我会重新发现我在故事中学过但又忘记的东西,那些简单的词汇、基本的结构,我会有一种兴奋的感觉,我真的听懂了半岛电视台的播客,他们谈到阿联酋与以色列的相互承认,这意味着什么,中东的紧张局势,而我听到的是来自该地区的人用阿拉伯语说的话。 Although, until I actually start reading it, saving words, looking them up, I don't necessarily understand that much, but I understand quite a bit of it, so I enjoy that. とはいえ、実際に読み始めて、単語を保存したり、調べたりするまでは、必ずしもそこまで理解しているわけではないが、かなりの部分は理解しているので、それはそれで楽しんでいる。

I'm not thinking about the day when I'll be fluent in Arabic. アラビア語がペラペラになる日のことは考えていない。 I know I will get there, but I'm actually enjoying the time that I spend with the language now and I think this applies to everything we do. |||||||||||||||||||||||适用于|||| でも、今は言語と一緒に過ごす時間を楽しんでいる。 我知道我会到达那里,但我实际上很享受现在花在语言上的时间,我认为这适用于我们所做的一切。 We can turn around and I can look at the trees. ||||||||aux|| 振り向けば木々が見える。 Even at my home, I can look at the texture of my pine flooring or a carpet that we bought in Beijing 50 years ago. |||||||||текстура|||||||ковер||||||| ||||||||||||Kiefernholz||||||||||| |||||||||surface quality|||type of wood|pine wood floor|||woven floor covering||||||| |||||||||||||床材|||||||||| |||||||||textura||||piso|||tapete||||||| Even at my home, I can look at the texture of my pine flooring or a carpet that we bought in Beijing 50 years ago. 私の家でも、パイン材のフローリングや50年前に北京で買ったカーペットの質感を見ることができる。 Даже у себя дома я могу рассмотреть текстуру соснового пола или ковра, который мы купили в Пекине 50 лет назад. Evimde bile, 50 yıl önce Pekin'den aldığımız bir halının ya da çam döşememin dokusuna bakabiliyorum. Or in Hong Kong, I don't remember. それとも香港か、覚えていない。 In fact, I tweeted about that. |||твитнул об этом|| Tatsächlich habe ich darüber getwittert. 実は、そのことをツイートしたんだ。

I think it's important always to focus on what you're doing in the moment and it's really important in language learning because we have to believe that what we are doing is important and enjoyable. 今やっていることが重要で楽しいことだと信じなければならないからだ。 You want to enjoy what you're doing. 自分のやっていることを楽しみたい。 So if you're learning a language and you're saying this is boring, but I'm hoping that some day it will be worth it for me, to me that is not as powerful as I'm enjoying what I'm doing now. だから、もしあなたが語学を学んでいて、これはつまらない、でもいつか自分にとって価値のあるものになると期待している、と言うのなら、私にとってそれは、今やっていることを楽しんでいることほどパワフルではない。 Yani bir dil öğreniyorsanız ve bunun sıkıcı olduğunu söylüyorsanız, ama bir gün benim için buna değeceğini umuyorum, benim için bu şu anda yaptığım şeyden zevk aldığım kadar güçlü değil. This is what I want to be doing. Questo è quello che voglio fare. これが僕のやりたいことなんだ。 There are all kinds of other things I can do, but I'll do those later. 他にもいろいろできることはあるんだけど、それはまた後で。 Right now, I'm enjoying being in my language. 今は、自分の言葉で楽しんでいる。

And, of course, what's so wonderful in today's world, I thought about this again as I was preparing my trip up here with my wife and, of course, I just finished this book on the Byzantine Empire discussing Byzantine strategy and how they managed to play different step people and other enemies against each other so that they survived for 1,000 years. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||Византийской|||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||ステップ||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||inimigos||||||||| Und natürlich, was in der heutigen Welt so wunderbar ist, dachte ich noch einmal darüber nach, als ich meine Reise mit meiner Frau hierher vorbereitete, und natürlich habe ich gerade dieses Buch über das Byzantinische Reich fertiggestellt, in dem es um die byzantinische Strategie ging und wie sie es geschafft haben Spielen Sie verschiedene Schrittleute und andere Feinde gegeneinander, damit sie 1.000 Jahre lang überleben. Y, por supuesto, lo que es tan maravilloso en el mundo de hoy, pensé en esto de nuevo como yo estaba preparando mi viaje hasta aquí con mi esposa y, por supuesto, acabo de terminar este libro sobre el Imperio Bizantino discutir la estrategia bizantina y cómo se las arreglaron para jugar diferentes personas paso y otros enemigos unos contra otros para que sobrevivieron durante 1.000 años. E, naturalmente, cosa c'è di così meraviglioso nel mondo di oggi, ci ho pensato di nuovo mentre stavo preparando il mio viaggio quassù con mia moglie e, naturalmente, ho appena finito questo libro sull'impero bizantino che parla della strategia bizantina e di come sono riusciti a gioca diversi passi persone e altri nemici l'uno contro l'altro in modo che sopravvivano per 1.000 anni. そしてもちろん、今の世の中でとても素晴らしいのは、妻と一緒にここまでの旅を準備しているときに、このことを改めて考えたことだ。もちろん、ビザンチン帝国に関するこの本を読み終えたばかりだが、ビザンチン帝国の戦略について論じており、彼らが1000年間生き残るために、いかにして異なるステップの人々や他の敵を互いに翻弄することに成功したのかについて書かれている。 Ve elbette bugünün dünyasında harika olan şey, eşimle buraya seyahatimi hazırlarken bunu tekrar düşündüm ve elbette Bizans İmparatorluğu üzerine Bizans stratejisini ve farklı step insanlarını ve diğer düşmanları birbirlerine karşı oynamayı nasıl başardıklarını ve böylece 1.000 yıl boyunca hayatta kaldıklarını tartışan bu kitabı yeni bitirdim. 而且,当然,在当今世界上如此奇妙的是,当我准备与妻子一起去这里旅行时,我又想到了这一点,当然,我刚刚完成了这本关于拜占庭帝国的书,讨论了拜占庭的战略以及他们如何设法玩家和其他敌人互相对抗,使他们存活了1000年。 After all, the Byzantine Empire survived up until 1453. 結局、ビザンチン帝国は1453年まで存続した。 So then I said, well, I wonder if there's a podcast on this. それで、これに関するポッドキャストはないかと言ったんだ。 So I go to an app called Pocket Cast or something like that and, low and behold, there are podcasts on everything. ||||||||播客||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||et voilà||||| ||||||||||||||und siehe da||||||| |||||||bolsa|transmissão||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||вот||||| Quindi vado su un'app chiamata Pocket Cast o qualcosa del genere e, basso ed ecco, ci sono podcast su tutto. それでPocket Castとかいうアプリにアクセスすると、なんと、あらゆるものにポッドキャストがある。 Захожу в приложение под названием Pocket Cast или что-то в этом роде, и, о чудо, там есть подкасты на все случаи жизни. Bu yüzden Pocket Cast ya da onun gibi bir uygulamaya giriyorum ve bir de bakıyorum ki her şeyde podcast var.

For example, if I take the word Arabia for Arabic and I put that in the search, I find all kinds of Arabic podcasts, Persian podcasts, French podcasts, Spanish podcasts. |||||||Arabic language content|||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||アラビア|||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||Arábia|||||||||||||||||||||| Ad esempio, se prendo la parola Arabia per arabo e la metto nella ricerca, trovo tutti i tipi di podcast arabi, podcast persiani, podcast francesi, podcast spagnoli. たとえば、アラビア語をArabiaとして検索にかけると、アラビア語のポッドキャスト、ペルシア語のポッドキャスト、フランス語のポッドキャスト、スペイン語のポッドキャストなど、あらゆる種類のポッドキャストが見つかる。 例如,如果我将阿拉伯语单词 Arabia 放入搜索中,我会找到各种阿拉伯语播客、波斯语播客、法语播客、西班牙语播客。 All of these things are available to us. Tutte queste cose sono a nostra disposizione. これらはすべて、私たちが利用できるものだ。 I haven't yet done any research to find which of these have transcripts because I require transcripts certainly in Arabic and Persian to understand what's being said, but I know there's this tremendous quantity of material out there. ||还||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||benötige|||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||need|||||||||||||||||||||| 内容を理解するためにはアラビア語やペルシア語の原稿が必要なので、どの原稿があるかはまだ調べていないが、膨大な量の資料があることは知っている。 Я еще не проводил исследования, чтобы найти, какие из них имеют стенограммы, потому что мне нужны стенограммы на арабском и персидском языках, чтобы понять смысл сказанного, но я знаю, что там есть огромное количество материала. 我还没有做任何研究来找出其中哪些有抄本,因为我需要阿拉伯语和波斯语的抄本才能理解所说的内容,但我知道那里有大量的材料。 我还没有做任何研究来查找其中哪些有文字记录,因为我需要阿拉伯语和波斯语的文字记录才能理解所说的内容,但我知道那里有大量的资料。 I can actually listen to a podcast in Arabic even without having the transcripts and it's new, it's interesting, I pick up certain things and even that is enjoyable. Posso effettivamente ascoltare un podcast in arabo anche senza avere le trascrizioni ed è nuovo, è interessante, capisco certe cose e anche quello è divertente. 実際にアラビア語のポッドキャストを聴くと、トランスクリプトがなくても新しい発見があり、興味深く、ある種の発見があり、それさえも楽しい。

I just want to emphasize this idea that, obviously, to be successful in language learning you have to believe in what you're doing. ||||подчеркнуть|||||||||||||||||| Voglio solo sottolineare l'idea che, ovviamente, per avere successo nell'apprendimento delle lingue devi credere in quello che stai facendo. 言語学習で成功するためには、自分のやっていることを信じなければならない。 You have to believe that you can succeed. Devi credere che puoi avere successo. 成功できると信じなければならない。 The belief that you will succeed in becoming fluent is kind of projecting into the future, but at the same time you have to find ways to enjoy what you're doing now because if you enjoy what you're doing it's going to come into your brain. ||||||||||||проецирование||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||vorausdenken||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||anticipating||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||be absorbed||| La creencia de que conseguirás hablar con fluidez es una especie de proyección hacia el futuro, pero al mismo tiempo tienes que encontrar la manera de disfrutar de lo que estás haciendo ahora, porque si disfrutas con lo que haces, te llegará al cerebro. La convinzione che riuscirai a diventare fluente è una specie di proiezione nel futuro, ma allo stesso tempo devi trovare modi per divertirti con quello che stai facendo ora perché se ti piace quello che stai facendo entrerà nel tuo cervello. ペラペラになるという信念は、未来への投影のようなものだが、同時に今やっていることを楽しむ方法を見つけなければならない。 You're going to stay with it. Rimarrai con esso. このままでいいんだ。 You're going to put in the time. ||||||時間 Ci metterai del tempo. 時間をかけるんだ。 You're going to stay positive. |||ficar| You will eventually achieve your goal, if you can enjoy what you're doing in the moment.

So that's what I wanted to say about learning in the moment. Bye for now.