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Steve's Language Learning Tips, My Language Learning Goals for 2021

My Language Learning Goals for 2021

Today, I'm going to talk about my plans and my, what I would like to achieve in the new

year. Hi there, Steve Kaufman here, it's New Year's day in Vancouver. It's raining. Today I'm going to talk about my plans and my. I guess the resolutions are what I would like to achieve in the new year. Remember if you enjoy these videos, please subscribe and come and join me at LingQ, uh, to learn languages where I do.

So, um, yeah, it's quite common to make new year's resolutions. I can't say that I, that that's something I regularly do because I find that I'm often saying to myself, I would like to do this. I would like to do that. And I act on some of them. I don't act on some of them. I do some of them for a while and then stop.

Some of the things that I want to have happen are kind of outside my control. Uh, but... nevertheless, let me talk a little bit about what I would like to see in the year 2021. So, first of all, in so far as learning languages, I'm going to continue with Persian and Arabic. And at some point I will, uh, sort of refresh and try to get back into Turkish.

Uh, I'm motivated to stay with Persian and Arabic because I have that sense that it's becoming easier and easier for me to read the Arabic script. And that's the major sort of obstacle for me, preventing me from, uh, you know, advancing more quickly in those languages, because if you can read easily, then you can, you know, expose yourself to more and more of the language.

So, uh, for the foreseeable future, I'm going to stay with Persian and Arabic. Uh, maybe come summertime, I'll go into Turkish for awhile. One of the motivations is that there's many Turkish, uh, you know, series on Netflix and my wife sometimes watches those. So that's one thing. Uh, the next, the thing is with regard to LingQ, which is a big part of my life life.

Um, you know, I am impatient to see the new beta version. What is now the beta version, which I am using on my iPhone and iPad. Which is to my mind, just so much more attractive and so much more convenient than the existing, uh, thing, but there are still problems with it. So until we can, you know, finish upgrading, and there are some functions that we want it to have that aren't there yet.

Now that is not within my control. That is our technical team. And there seems to be that it seems that there's always new obstacles or new problems. Uh, we have increased the resources that we're putting at the project. So like I'm hopeful that we can get that out to people, you know, uh, in the spring I'm hoping.

Uh, so that's something that's outside my control, but it's something that no, not only for myself as a user, but because I want to be able to share this with other people. I'm very much hopeful that we can get that out. Uh, as I say in the spring, well, that's something I would like to see. Another thing that I would like to see is something that I've mentioned before.

And that is sort of contributing somehow towards the development of more intermediate content, more of the sort of people just talking in their language. Uh, and, and we would want to feature that at LingQ as sort of a step between the mini stories and then genuinely authentic content, you know, videos on YouTube or Netflix, or, you know, audio books and eBooks and stuff like that.

It's, it's that intermediate level of material, which it can be, so, you know, easily accessible has so much resonance. It's connecting with people, speakers of the language. How do we do that? I don't know yet. Uh, it's something we're looking at within LingQ. Uh, obviously we have so many languages that we can't be paying for people in all these languages to produce an unlimited amount of content.

We have to figure out some way that we can do that, that benefits everyone. So I want to spend some time on, on that, but still a first thing is to get the new LingQ 5.0 done. That's not something I'm involved with. I'm not technical. Uh, but it's something that I very much want to see happen in the year 2021.

Um, you know, I don't think I'm going to stray outside of, um, the, uh, the languages that I'm now learning. I may, I did have a look just for the fun of it in, in the new LingQ, because I find the sort of sentence mode with timestamps, such a convenient way of learning difficult languages. I went and had a look at Finnish and Indonesian, languages where I have no knowledge.

And I found that it was quite easy to get started. Say in a mini story, you listen to it, the sentence you look up each word, then you go to the next sentence, you look up each word. And of course you hear the sentence spoken by a native speaker. And just by doing that and looking at words and some words show up again and again, because there's so much repetition.

I have no doubt. That, uh, without even worrying about the niceties of grammar in Finnish or Indonesian, that simply by putting the time in to those languages, uh, I could get the same toehold in those languages as I was able to do in Persian and Arabic, in fact, easier because both those languages are written in the Latin alphabet.

So I just wanted to do that because people often say to me, well, how do I listen and read if I don't know anything. Well, of course you don't know anything at the very beginning, but I think the, the mini stories, the sentence mode, uh, all the functionality there makes it quite easy to access the language almost in midstream because the mini stories are not sort of total beginner content there. It's simplified. There's a lot of repetition, a lot of very common verbs, but it's not necessarily sort of. "Hello, my name is..." kind of content, so I don't think I'll go back to Finnish and Indonesia, I just did that as an experiment. It may be that once we have LingQ 5.0 up and we're supposed to have Thai and Vietnamese and Georgian and a whole bunch of other languages, I might just experiment a little bit.

Just to have a look at what those languages look like. And of course, once you're a member at LingQ, you can explore all the languages you want, very tempting, but in so far as my sort of commitment for the year 2021, I, I do feel myself, you know, achieving a greater and greater level of comprehension in Arabic and Persian.

So I, I'm not, uh, I'm not going to allow myself to be distracted. And if I do move away from those two, it'll be into Turkish because that sort of helps to complete a sense of the Middle East, Central Asia. And of course, I'm reading up on the history of that region. So I'm very much committed to getting a better handle on all of that. And if I were to make an, uh, another sort of geographic move, it might very well be into the Asian.. into the Asian Subcontinent, South Asia, India, Indian languages. We have a lot of Punjabi speakers here in Vancouver. Maybe Urdu, Hindi. I don't know, but that's a little bit beyond the horizon at this point.

So those are my sort of thoughts, what I hope to achieve, what I hope is going to happen in 2021 and where I'm going to put my focus. Uh, thank you for listening. Bye for now.

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My Language Learning Goals for 2021 Meine Sprachlernziele für 2021 My Language Learning Goals for 2021 Mis objetivos de aprendizaje de idiomas para 2021 Mes objectifs d'apprentissage des langues pour 2021 I miei obiettivi di apprendimento delle lingue per il 2021 2021年の私の語学学習の目標 2021년 나의 언어 학습 목표 Moje cele związane z nauką języków na 2021 rok Os meus objectivos de aprendizagem de línguas para 2021 Мои цели в области изучения иностранных языков на 2021 год 2021'deki Dil Öğrenme Hedeflerim Мої цілі з вивчення мови на 2021 рік 我的 2021 年语言学习目标 我的 2021 年語言學習目標

Today, I'm going to talk about my plans and my, what I would like to achieve in the new

year. Hi there, Steve Kaufman here, it's New Year's day in Vancouver. |||||||do ano||| It's raining. Today I'm going to talk about my plans and my. I guess the resolutions are what I would like to achieve in the new year. |||goals||||||||||| |||목표||||||||||| |||risoluzioni||||||||||| |||resoluções||||||||||| Supongo que los propósitos son lo que me gustaría conseguir en el nuevo año. 我想这些决心就是我想在新的一年里实现的。 Remember if you enjoy these videos, please subscribe and come and join me at LingQ, uh, to learn languages where I do. |||||||||viens|||||||||||| Recuerda que si disfrutas de estos vídeos, por favor suscríbete y ven conmigo a LingQ, eh, para aprender idiomas como yo.

So, um, yeah, it's quite common to make new year's resolutions. ||||||||||goals ||||||||新年の||新年の抱負 所以,嗯,是的,制定新年决心是很常见的。 I can't say that I, that that's something I regularly do because I find that I'm often saying to myself, I would like to do this. I would like to do that. And I act on some of them. I don't act on some of them. Ich handle nicht nach einigen von ihnen. I do some of them for a while and then stop. Hago algunas de ellas durante un tiempo y luego las dejo.

Some of the things that I want to have happen are kind of outside my control. Uh, but... nevertheless, let me talk a little bit about what I would like to see in the year 2021. ||even so|||||||||||||||| ||não obstante|||||||||||||||| 嗯,但是...不过,让我谈谈我希望在2021年看到的内容。 So, first of all, in so far as learning languages, I'm going to continue with Persian and Arabic. 因此,首先,就学习语言而言,我将继续学习波斯语和阿拉伯语。 And at some point I will, uh, sort of refresh and try to get back into Turkish. |||||||||start again||||||| そしてある時点で、私はある種のリフレッシュをして、トルコ語に戻ろうとします。

Uh, I'm motivated to stay with Persian and Arabic because I have that sense that it's becoming easier and easier for me to read the Arabic script. And that's the major sort of obstacle for me, preventing me from, uh, you know, advancing more quickly in those languages, because if you can read easily, then you can, you know, expose yourself to more and more of the language. ||||||препятствие|||предотвращая||||||продвигаться||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||stopping|||||||||||||||||||||||immerse in|||||||| |||||||||妨げる||||||進む||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||avançando||||||||||||||||||||||||| Y ese es el principal obstáculo que me impide avanzar más rápidamente en esos idiomas, porque si puedes leer con facilidad, puedes exponerte cada vez más a la lengua. I to jest dla mnie główna przeszkoda, uniemożliwiająca mi szybsze postępy w tych językach, ponieważ jeśli potrafisz czytać z łatwością, to możesz, no wiesz, poznawać coraz więcej języków.

So, uh, for the foreseeable future, I'm going to stay with Persian and Arabic. ||||предсказуемом||||||||| ||||prévisible||||||||| ||||near-term future||||||||| ||||futuro previsível||||||||| ||||예측 가능한||||||||| ||||prevedibile futuro||||||||| ||||可预见的||||||||| ||||予見可能な||||||||| ||||futuro previsible||||||||| Así que, en el futuro inmediato, me quedaré con el persa y el árabe. Uh, maybe come summertime, I'll go into Turkish for awhile. |||летом||||||на некоторое время |||summer season||||||a short time |||verão||||||por um tempo |||여름에|||||| |||||||||per un po' |||||||||しばらく |||||||||un tiempo One of the motivations is that there's many Turkish, uh, you know, series on Netflix and my wife sometimes watches those. |||||||||||||||||||regarde| |||動機||||||||||||||||| |||motivações||||||||||||||||| So that's one thing. Uh, the next, the thing is with regard to LingQ, which is a big part of my life life. |||||||concernant||||||||||| ||||aspect|||||||||||||| |||||||riguardo a|||||||||||

Um, you know, I am impatient to see the new beta version. ||||||||||version bêta| ||||||||||베타(1)| ||||||||||versione beta| ||||||||||versão beta| What is now the beta version, which I am using on my iPhone and iPad. Сейчас это бета-версия, которую я использую на iPhone и iPad. Which is to my mind, just so much more attractive and so much more convenient than the existing, uh, thing, but there are still problems with it. ||||||||||||||bequem|||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||current||||||||| На мой взгляд, это намного привлекательнее и удобнее, чем существующая вещь, но с ней все равно есть проблемы. So until we can, you know, finish upgrading, and there are some functions that we want it to have that aren't there yet. |||||||la mise à niveau||||||||||||||| |||||||업그레이드||||||||||||||| |||||||aggiornamento||||||||||||||| Así que hasta que podamos, ya sabes, terminar la actualización, y hay algunas funciones que queremos que tenga y que aún no están ahí. Так что пока мы не сможем закончить модернизацию, а некоторые функции, которые мы хотим, чтобы в нем были, еще не реализованы. 因此,在我们完成升级之前,我们希望它具备一些目前尚未实现的功能。

Now that is not within my control. Теперь это не в моей власти. That is our technical team. And there seems to be that it seems that there's always new obstacles or new problems. Uh, we have increased the resources that we're putting at the project. Uh, hemos aumentado los recursos que estamos poniendo en el proyecto. So like I'm hopeful that we can get that out to people, you know, uh, in the spring I'm hoping.

Uh, so that's something that's outside my control, but it's something that no, not only for myself as a user, but because I want to be able to share this with other people. |||||||||||||||||||usuário||||||||||||| I'm very much hopeful that we can get that out. Uh, as I say in the spring, well, that's something I would like to see. Another thing that I would like to see is something that I've mentioned before.

And that is sort of contributing somehow towards the development of more intermediate content, more of the sort of people just talking in their language. |||||helping with|in some way|||||||||||||||||| |||||contribuindo||||||||||||||||||| そしてそれは、より中間的なコンテンツの開発に何らかの形で貢献しているようなものであり、より多くの種類の人々が自分の言語で話しているだけです。 这在某种程度上有助于开发更多的中间内容,更多的人只是在说他们的语言。 Uh, and, and we would want to feature that at LingQ as sort of a step between the mini stories and then genuinely authentic content, you know, videos on YouTube or Netflix, or, you know, audio books and eBooks and stuff like that. ||||||||||||||||||||||по-настоящему|действительно аут||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||livres électroniques|||| |||||||highlight|||||||||||||||truly authentic content|genuine, real||||||||||||||||||| |||||||destacar||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 嗯,而且,我们希望在 LingQ 上将其作为迷你故事和真正真实的内容之间的一步,你知道,YouTube 或 Netflix 上的视频,或者有声读物和电子书等。

It's, it's that intermediate level of material, which it can be, so, you know, easily accessible has so much resonance. |||||||||||||||Easy to understand||||deep impact |||||||||||||||||||공명 It's connecting with people, speakers of the language. How do we do that? I don't know yet. Uh, it's something we're looking at within LingQ. Uh, obviously we have so many languages that we can't be paying for people in all these languages to produce an unlimited amount of content. Очевидно, что у нас так много языков, что мы не можем платить людям на всех этих языках за неограниченное количество контента.

We have to figure out some way that we can do that, that benefits everyone. Tenemos que encontrar alguna forma de hacerlo, que beneficie a todos. So I want to spend some time on, on that, but still a first thing is to get the new LingQ 5.0 done. ||||||||||||||||to||||| Поэтому я хочу потратить некоторое время на это, но в первую очередь необходимо подготовить новый LingQ 5.0. That's not something I'm involved with. I'm not technical. 私は技術的ではありません。 Uh, but it's something that I very much want to see happen in the year 2021.

Um, you know, I don't think I'm going to stray outside of, um, the, uh, the languages that I'm now learning. |||||||||s'écarter||||||||||| |||||||||deviate from||||||||||| |||||||||me desviar||||||||||| |||||||||abschweifen||||||||||| |||||||||allontanarmi||||||||||| |||||||||逸脱する||||||||||| Weißt du, ich glaube nicht, dass ich mich außerhalb der Sprachen, die ich jetzt lerne, verirren werde. No creo que vaya a salirme de los idiomas que estoy aprendiendo ahora. 嗯,你知道,我想我不会偏离我现在正在学习的语言。 I may, I did have a look just for the fun of it in, in the new LingQ, because I find the sort of sentence mode with timestamps, such a convenient way of learning difficult languages. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||horodatages|||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||marcatori temporali|||||||| Puede que eche un vistazo al nuevo LingQ sólo por diversión, porque el modo de frases con marcas de tiempo me parece una forma muy práctica de aprender idiomas difíciles. 也许吧,我确实在新的 LingQ 中看了一下,只是为了好玩,因为我发现带有时间戳的句子模式是学习困难语言的一种便捷方式。 I went and had a look at Finnish and Indonesian, languages where I have no knowledge. |||||||핀란드어|||||||| |||||||finlandesa||||||||

And I found that it was quite easy to get started. Say in a mini story, you listen to it, the sentence you look up each word, then you go to the next sentence, you look up each word. |||||||||||||||||||||||tu|||| ||||narrative||||||||||||||||||||||| And of course you hear the sentence spoken by a native speaker. |||||the|||||| And just by doing that and looking at words and some words show up again and again, because there's so much repetition. |||||||||||||||||||||repeating occurrence Y simplemente haciendo eso y mirando las palabras y algunas palabras aparecen una y otra vez, porque hay mucha repetición. 只要这样做并观察单词,有些单词就会一次又一次地出现,因为有太多的重复。

I have no doubt. That, uh, without even worrying about the niceties of grammar in Finnish or Indonesian, that simply by putting the time in to those languages, uh, I could get the same toehold in those languages as I was able to do in Persian and Arabic, in fact, easier because both those languages are written in the Latin alphabet. |||||||тонкостях|||||||||||||||||||||||опору|||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||subtilités|||||||||||||||||||||||point d'appui|||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||finer points|||||||||||||||||||||||Initial grasp|||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||detalles sutiles|||||||||||||||||||||||punto de apoyo|||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||delicadezas|||||||||||||||||||||||ponto de apoio|||||||||||||||||||||||||| Sin ni siquiera preocuparme por las sutilezas gramaticales del finlandés o el indonesio, con sólo dedicarles tiempo podía llegar a dominarlos igual que el persa y el árabe, de hecho, más fácilmente, porque ambos idiomas se escriben en alfabeto latino. Что, даже не заботясь о тонкостях грамматики финского или индонезийского, просто уделяя время этим языкам, я смогу закрепиться в них так же, как в персидском и арабском, даже легче, потому что оба эти языка написаны латинским алфавитом. 嗯,甚至不用担心芬兰语或印度尼西亚语的语法美感,只要花些时间在这些语言上,我就可以像在波斯语和阿拉伯语中一样获得这些语言的立足点,实际上,这很容易,因为这两种语言都是拉丁字母。

So I just wanted to do that because people often say to me, well, how do I listen and read if I don't know anything. ||||||cela|||||||||||||||||| Well, of course you don't know anything at the very beginning, but I think the, the mini stories, the sentence mode, uh, all the functionality there makes it quite easy to access the language almost in midstream because the mini stories are not sort of total beginner content there. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||в процессе|||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||en cours|||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||midway|||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||em andamento|||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||in der Mitte|||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||a metà strada|||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||中間段階で|||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||en medio|porque||||||||||| Конечно, в самом начале вы ничего не знаете, но я думаю, что мини-истории, режим предложений, все эти функции позволяют легко освоить язык почти в середине пути, потому что мини-истории не являются чем-то вроде контента для начинающих. 好吧,当然,您一开始并不了解任何内容,但是我认为,迷你故事,句子模式,呃,那里的所有功能都使得在中间阶段访问语言变得非常容易,因为迷你故事是那里没有总的初学者内容。 It's simplified. There's a lot of repetition, a lot of very common verbs, but it's not necessarily sort of. 繰り返しが多く、非常に一般的な動詞がたくさんありますが、必ずしもそうとは限りません。 "Hello, my name is..." kind of content, so I don't think I'll go back to Finnish and Indonesia, I just did that as an experiment. |||||||||||||||||Indonésia||||||| It may be that once we have LingQ 5.0 up and we're supposed to have Thai and Vietnamese and Georgian and a whole bunch of other languages, I might just experiment a little bit. ||||||||||||||||||||||много других|||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||Georgian|||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||tailandês||vietnamita||georgiano|||||||||||||| Puede que cuando tengamos LingQ 5.0 y se suponga que tendremos tailandés, vietnamita, georgiano y un montón de idiomas más, experimente un poco.

Just to have a look at what those languages look like. それらの言語がどのように見えるかを見てみましょう。 And of course, once you're a member at LingQ, you can explore all the languages you want, very tempting, but in so far as my sort of commitment for the year 2021, I, I do feel myself, you know, achieving a greater and greater level of comprehension in Arabic and Persian. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||обязанность|||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||very appealing|||||||||||||||||||||||||||understanding|||| ||||||||||||||||||魅力的な||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||tentador||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Y por supuesto, una vez que eres miembro de LingQ, puedes explorar todos los idiomas que quieras, muy tentador, pero en cuanto a mi tipo de compromiso para el año 2021, yo, yo me siento, ya sabes, logrando un mayor y mayor nivel de comprensión en árabe y persa. 当然,一旦你成为 LingQ 的会员,你就可以探索你想要的所有语言,这非常诱人,但就我对 2021 年的承诺而言,我确实感觉自己对阿拉伯语和波斯语的理解水平越来越高。

So I, I'm not, uh, I'm not going to allow myself to be distracted. And if I do move away from those two, it'll be into Turkish because that sort of helps to complete a sense of the Middle East, Central Asia. And of course, I'm reading up on the history of that region. そしてもちろん、私はその地域の歴史を読んでいます。 So I'm very much committed to getting a better handle on all of that. ||||impegnato|||||miglior controllo|||| Así que estoy muy comprometida con la mejora de todo esto. Так что я очень заинтересован в том, чтобы лучше справиться со всем этим. And if I were to make an, uh, another sort of geographic move, it might very well be into the Asian.. into the Asian Subcontinent, South Asia, India, Indian languages. |||||||||||地理上的|||||||||||||南亚次大陆||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||شبه القارة||||| |||||||||||地理的な|||||||||||||亜大陸||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||subcontinente asiático||||| ||||||||||||||||molto probabilmente||||||||||||| Y si tuviera que hacer otro tipo de movimiento geográfico, podría ser en el subcontinente asiático, en el sur de Asia, en la India, en las lenguas indias. そして、もし私が別の種類の地理的な動きをするならば、それはアジアに、アジア亜大陸、南アジア、インド、インドの言語に非常によくあるかもしれません。 И если бы я сделал еще один географический шаг, он вполне мог бы попасть в Азию... на Азиатский субконтинент, Южную Азию, Индию, индийские языки. We have a lot of Punjabi speakers here in Vancouver. |||||Punjabi speakers|||| |||||punjabi falantes|||| Maybe Urdu, Hindi. |Urdu|Hindi |urdu|hindi I don't know, but that's a little bit beyond the horizon at this point. ||||||||||горизонтом||| ||||||||||future possibilities||| ||||||||||先のこと||| ||||||||||horizonte||| Ich weiß es nicht, aber das ist zu diesem Zeitpunkt ein bisschen jenseits des Horizonts. Я не знаю, но это немного за горизонтом на данный момент.

So those are my sort of thoughts, what I hope to achieve, what I hope is going to happen in 2021 and where I'm going to put my focus. Таковы мои мысли: чего я надеюсь достичь, что, как я надеюсь, произойдет в 2021 году, и на чем я собираюсь сосредоточить свое внимание. Uh, thank you for listening. Bye for now.