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Steve's Language Learning Tips, Tips to Improve Your Pronunciation From Expert @hadar.shemesh (2)

Tips to Improve Your Pronunciation From Expert @hadar.shemesh (2)

even when you repeat it, it's a strategy.

That's what I have done.

I just drilled sounds to be able to build those habits.

But then if I want it to be faster than what I need to do is to also focus on

speaking or repetition or shadowing.

Thinking about those sounds.

And when I do or I'm more focused and I'm directing my tongue and

mouth and lips to go into the direction that I want it to go.

And then there is an overall strategy that I think is important

is to understand what sounds are important for the specific speaker.

'Cause not all sounds are equally important.

For example, the flap T may not be as critical as someone who is re

replacing the R and the L, right?

So if you pronounce the L instead of an R, that is more critical than the flap T.

Let's say if you pronounce it like a true T, like a "Tu"

sound, Betty instead of Betty.

So it's not equally important because one will affect your clarity and the other is

just, you know, you sound more American.

So that is also important to understand.

And, and yeah but there are English speakers who say, Betty.

So I mean it's not...

and exactly, it's an allophone, so that's not even critical.

But let's say, let's take the R.

Let's say I say "right" instead of "right"or "right".

I use the ... then people at some point would get it.

Of course, it affects clarity.

It's important to work on it, but people will understand it.

But if you say "light" instead of "right", then it's gonna be critical and it will

for sure affect your, uh, intelligibility.

So intelligibility of course is sort of the, the minimal condition

and then the ultimate is to be almost taken for a native.

How close can people get?

And does it depend on the individual?

I think it depends on the individual, the time invested, their willingness

to, to get into that character.


Because a lot of times there is resistance.

I just had a conversation with students of mine that said when they use the

English sounds instead of their native sounds, they have this voice that says,

oh, why are you trying to be so fake?

It sounds fake.

It feels fake.

So also being able to let go of that voice and understand that while it

might feel fake at the beginning, you can make it your own with, you

know, just like repetition and using it enough times until you own it.


Uh, you know, that's a very good point.

Um, I'm, I'm reminded of my father who was born in Czechoslovakia, well became

Czechoslovakia Austro-Hungarian Empire.

And in Canada there's a province called Nova Scotia.

There's even a Bank of Nova Scotia, he would always say Bank of Nova Scotia.

Uh, he can say the "shu" sound.

He had a wonderful command of English, you know, vast vocabulary.

But he would always say Nova Scotia.

At some, at some level, he didn't want to say Nova Scotia.

You know, it's like in Czech, this would be Nova Scotia,

therefore it should be Nova Scotia.

There is a level at which people simply don't want to.

So I, I I think that, you know, or they don't enjoy, you know,

basically becoming more native-like, so it, it's also a choice.

I think to some extent.

It's absolutely a choice, and I think it really is all about the experience

of the learner with the language, with the speaker, the native speakers of

that language, and, um, And I think it's, it's also having the right

strategy and technique 'cause it does require commitment and repetition.

It's not enough to listen to pronunciation lesson and accept or, and not expose

yourself to the sounds of English.

And expect yourself to just use it naturally and spontaneously

without thinking about it.

It just doesn't work that way.

You know, uh, I will leave a link to your website, to your, uh, YouTube channel.

And, uh, I agree with what you're saying, and it begins with perception.

But then we need, if we have a specific goal, then we need to work towards it.

And you obviously have some excellent techniques based on your acting,

uh, experience and, uh, your experience with developing your

wonderful North American accent.

So, uh, you know, uh, I don't want to cut it off.

Sometimes it seems like I cut off these discussions that we could go on for

another, you know, half hour or so.

But maybe we could leave it there because I think we've hit, you have hit on

some very important points and I would encourage, uh, my listeners to go to

your YouTube channel and, uh, Hadar, uh, Accent's Way if they are interested

in improving their pronunciation in English or really the, I'm sure the same

principles apply to other languages.


And we're gonna

also have an interview with you on my channel where you shared a lot

of interesting, um, facts and more information about language learning so

we can invite them to watch it there.

And, and one final point that you made in our discussion that is there

may be areas where people who have different opinions, even people

who are interested in languages.

And I think that's the wonderful thing about language learning.

It's an individual journey.

People do what they wanna do.

They can listen to a variety of opinions, some of which may

agree, some of which may disagree.

Although I found in our discussion that mostly we agreed.

I think so too.


Okay, Hadar, thank you very much.

Thank you, Steve.

Thank you, you very much.

And I look forward to talking again sometime.

Thank you.

Thank you.


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Tips to Improve Your Pronunciation From Expert @hadar.shemesh (2) Helpful advice|for achieving|Enhance||||Expert 1||Hadar Shemesh Wenke om jou uitspraak te verbeter deur deskundige @hadar.shemesh (2) Tipps zur Verbesserung der Aussprache vom Experten @hadar.shemesh (2) Συμβουλές για να βελτιώσετε την προφορά σας από τον εμπειρογνώμονα @hadar.shemesh (2) Tips to Improve Your Pronunciation From Expert @hadar.shemesh (2) Consejos para mejorar su pronunciación del experto @hadar.shemesh (2) Conseils de l'expert @hadar.shemesh pour améliorer votre prononciation (2) Consigli per migliorare la pronuncia dell'esperto @hadar.shemesh (2) 専門家@hadar.shemeshから学ぶ、発音を良くするコツ (2) 전문가가 알려주는 발음 개선 팁 @hadar.shemesh (2) Eksperto @hadar.shemesh patarimai, kaip pagerinti tarimą (2) Tips om je uitspraak te verbeteren van expert @hadar.shemesh (2) Wskazówki dotyczące poprawy wymowy od eksperta @hadar.shemesh (2) Dicas para melhorar sua pronúncia do especialista @hadar.shemesh (2) Советы по улучшению произношения от эксперта @hadar.shemesh (2) Uzman @hadar.shemesh'ten Telaffuzunuzu Geliştirmek İçin İpuçları (2) Поради щодо покращення вимови від експерта @hadar.shemesh (2) 来自专家 @hadar.shemesh 的提高发音的技巧 (2) 來自專家 @hadar.shemesh 的提高發音的技巧 (2)

even when you repeat it, it's a strategy. even when you repeat it, it's a strategy. même quand vous le répétez, c'est une stratégie. を繰り返しても、それは戦略である。 mesmo quando você repete, é uma estratégia. даже когда вы повторяете это, это стратегия.

That's what I have done. C'est ce que j'ai fait. それが、私のやってきたことです。 Isso é o que eu fiz. Это то, что я сделал. Ben de öyle yaptım.

I just drilled sounds to be able to build those habits. ||练习|||||||| ||practiced repeatedly|||||in order to||| ||esercitato|||||||| ||practiqué|||||||| Jen jsem vrtal zvuky, abych si ty návyky dokázal vybudovat. I just drilled sounds to be able to build those habits. J'ai juste foré des sons pour pouvoir construire ces habitudes. その習慣を身につけられるように、音をドリルで鳴らすだけなんです。 Eu apenas perfurei sons para poder construir esses hábitos. Я просто тренировал звуки, чтобы выработать эти привычки.

But then if I want it to be faster than what I need to do is to also focus on But then if I want it to be faster than what I need to do is to also focus on Mais si je veux que ce soit plus rapide que ce que je dois faire, c'est aussi de me concentrer sur しかし、それよりも速くしたいのであれば、私がすべきことは、次のことにも焦点を当てることです。 Mas então se eu quero que seja mais rápido do que eu preciso fazer é focar também em Но затем, если я хочу, чтобы это было быстрее, чем то, что мне нужно сделать, это также сосредоточиться на Але якщо я хочу, щоб це було швидше, мені потрібно також зосередитися на

speaking or repetition or shadowing. ||||Теневое повторение ||||shadowing technique ||||sombra speaking or repetition or shadowing. parole ou répétition ou filature. fala ou repetição ou sombreamento. говоря или повторение или слежка. говоріння, повторення чи тіні.

Thinking about those sounds. Penser à ces sons. その音に思いを馳せながら。 Pensando nesses sons. Думая об этих звуках. Bu sesleri düşünüyorum.

And when I do or I'm more focused and I'm directing my tongue and ||||||||||指向||| Et quand je le fais ou que je suis plus concentré et que je dirige ma langue et そして、そうしているとき、あるいはもっと集中して、舌の動きを指示しているとき、そして И когда я это делаю или я более сосредоточен, я направляю свой язык и

mouth and lips to go into the direction that I want it to go. la bouche et les lèvres pour aller dans la direction que je veux qu'elles aillent. の口と唇を、自分の望む方向へ導く。 boca e lábios para ir na direção que eu quero que vá. рот и губы двигаться в том направлении, в котором я хочу, чтобы это шло.

And then there is an overall strategy that I think is important |||||整体策略|||||| A pak je tu celková strategie, která je podle mě důležitá Et puis il y a une stratégie globale qui me semble importante そして、重要だと思うのは全体的な戦略です。 E então há uma estratégia geral que eu acho importante А еще есть общая стратегия, которую я считаю важной.

is to understand what sounds are important for the specific speaker. |||||||||特定的| est de comprendre quels sons sont importants pour le locuteur spécifique. は、特定のスピーカーにとってどのような音が重要かを理解することです。 é entender quais sons são importantes para o falante específico. заключается в том, чтобы понять, какие звуки важны для конкретного говорящего.

'Cause not all sounds are equally important. Protože ne všechny zvuky jsou stejně důležité. Parce que tous les sons n'ont pas la même importance. 'すべての音が同じように重要なわけではありませんから。 Porque nem todos os sons são igualmente importantes. Потому что не все звуки одинаково важны.

For example, the flap T may not be as critical as someone who is re |||клапан||||||||||| |||flap|||||||||||relevant |||solapa|T(1)|||||||||| |||襟翼||||||||||| For example, the flap T may not be as critical as someone who is re 例えば、フラップTは、リの人ほど危機感を持たないかもしれません。 Por exemplo, o retalho T pode não ser tão crítico quanto alguém que é re Например, лоскут Т может быть не таким критичным, как у кого-то, кто повторно

replacing the R and the L, right? substituting|||||| replacing the R and the L, right? RとLを入れ替える、ですね。 substituindo o R e o L, certo? замена R и L, верно?

So if you pronounce the L instead of an R, that is more critical than the flap T. 特殊正交群|||||||||||||关键的|||| |||pronunci|||||||||||||| So if you pronounce the L instead of an R, that is more critical than the flap T. Donc si vous prononcez le L au lieu d'un R, c'est plus critique que le rabat T. ですから、RではなくLを発音する場合は、フラップTよりもそちらの方が重要なのです。 Portanto, se você pronunciar o L em vez de um R, isso é mais crítico do que o flap T. Так что, если вы произносите L вместо R, это более критично, чем лоскуток T.

Let's say if you pronounce it like a true T, like a "Tu" ||||||||||||Ты ||||||||||||two Let's say if you pronounce it like a true T, like a "Tu" Disons que si tu le prononces comme un vrai T, comme un "Tu" 本当のTのように、"Tu "のように発音するとしましょうか。 Скажем, если вы произносите это как истинное Т, как "Ту"

sound, Betty instead of Betty. |贝蒂(1)|||贝蒂(2) ||||Betty sound sound, Betty instead of Betty. の音、Bettyの代わりにBetty。 som, Betty em vez de Betty. звук, Бетти вместо Бетти.

So it's not equally important because one will affect your clarity and the other is ||||||||||understanding|||| |quindi non è||||||||||||| Ce n'est donc pas aussi important parce que l'un affectera votre clarté et l'autre est Portanto, não é igualmente importante porque um afetará sua clareza e o outro é Так что это не одинаково важно, потому что одно повлияет на вашу ясность, а другое

just, you know, you sound more American. juste, vous savez, vous semblez plus américain. просто, знаешь, ты звучишь более по-американски.

So that is also important to understand. Donc c'est aussi important à comprendre. Так что это тоже важно понимать.

And, and yeah but there are English speakers who say, Betty. ||||||||||贝蒂 And, and yeah but there are English speakers who say, Betty. Et, et ouais mais il y a des anglophones qui disent, Betty. E sim, mas há falantes de inglês que dizem, Betty. И да, но есть англоговорящие, которые говорят Бетти.

So I mean it's not... Donc je veux dire que ce n'est pas... Então eu quero dizer que não é... Так я имею в виду, что это не...

and exactly, it's an allophone, so that's not even critical. ||||аллофон||||| ||||variant sound||||| ||||변이음||||| ||||同位异音||||| ||||異音||||| ||||alófono||||| and exactly, it's an allophone, so that's not even critical. et justement, c'est un allophone, donc ce n'est même pas critique. と正確には同音異義語なので、そこは致命的でもない。 e exatamente, é um alofone, então isso nem é crítico. и точно, это аллофон, так что это даже не критично.

But let's say, let's take the R. Mais disons, prenons le R. Mas digamos, vamos pegar o R. Но скажем, возьмем Р.

Let's say I say "right" instead of "right"or "right". Допустим, я говорю «правильно» вместо «правильно» или «правильно».

I use the ... then people at some point would get it. J'utilise le ... alors les gens à un moment donné l'obtiendraient. Eu uso o ... então as pessoas em algum momento entenderiam. Я использую ... тогда люди в какой-то момент это поймут.

Of course, it affects clarity. ||||clarity Конечно, это влияет на четкость.

It's important to work on it, but people will understand it. C'est important d'y travailler, mais les gens comprendront. É importante trabalhar nisso, mas as pessoas vão entender. Над этим важно работать, но люди это поймут.

But if you say "light" instead of "right", then it's gonna be critical and it will Mais si vous dites "léger" au lieu de "juste", alors ça va être critique et ça va Mas se você disser "leve" em vez de "certo", será crítico e Но если вы скажете «легкий» вместо «правильный», то это будет критично, и это будет

for sure affect your, uh, intelligibility. |||||clarity of speech |||||Verständlichkeit |||||이해도 |||||可理解性 |||||理解しやすさ |||||claridad del habla for sure affect your, uh, intelligibility. certainement affecter votre, euh, intelligibilité. наверняка повлияет на вашу, э-э, разборчивость.

So intelligibility of course is sort of the, the minimal condition |||||||||最小条件| |understandability||||||||| Donc, l'intelligibilité est bien sûr en quelque sorte la condition minimale Так что разборчивость, конечно, своего рода, минимальное условие

and then the ultimate is to be almost taken for a native. |||máximo logro|||||||| et puis le nec plus ultra est d'être presque pris pour un natif. e então o máximo é ser quase considerado um nativo. и тогда окончательное должно быть почти принято за туземца.

How close can people get? Jusqu'où les gens peuvent-ils s'approcher ? Quão perto as pessoas podem chegar?

And does it depend on the individual? Et est-ce que ça dépend des individus ? また、個人差はあるのでしょうか? E isso depende do indivíduo?

I think it depends on the individual, the time invested, their willingness |||||||||time spent|| |||||||||invertido||disposición I think it depends on the individual, the time invested, their willingness Je pense que cela dépend de l'individu, du temps investi, de sa volonté Acho que depende da pessoa, do tempo investido, da vontade

to, to get into that character. |||||personaggio para entrar en ese personaje. à, pour entrer dans ce personnage. para, para entrar naquele personagem.

Right? Droite?

Because a lot of times there is resistance. |||||||抗拒 Parce que souvent il y a de la résistance. Porque muitas vezes há resistência.

I just had a conversation with students of mine that said when they use the ||||||||||||||il Acabo de tener una conversación con unos alumnos míos que decían que cuando usan el Je viens d'avoir une conversation avec des étudiants qui m'ont dit que lorsqu'ils utilisent le Acabei de conversar com alunos meus que diziam que quando eles usam o

English sounds instead of their native sounds, they have this voice that says, sonidos ingleses en lugar de sus sonidos nativos, tienen esta voz que dice, sons anglais au lieu de leurs sons natifs, ils ont cette voix qui dit, Inglês soa em vez de seus sons nativos, eles têm essa voz que diz:

oh, why are you trying to be so fake? ¿por qué intentas ser tan falso? oh, pourquoi essayez-vous d'être si faux? oh, por que você está tentando ser tão falso?

It sounds fake. Suena falso. Ça sonne faux.

It feels fake. Parece falso. C'est faux.

So also being able to let go of that voice and understand that while it Así que también ser capaz de dejar ir esa voz y entender que aunque Donc aussi être capable de lâcher cette voix et de comprendre que pendant qu'elle Então também poder soltar aquela voz e entender que enquanto ela

might feel fake at the beginning, you can make it your own with, you puede parecer falsa al principio, puedes hacerla tuya con, tú peut sembler faux au début, vous pouvez le personnaliser avec, vous pode parecer falso no começo, você pode torná-lo seu, você

know, just like repetition and using it enough times until you own it. ya sabes, como la repetición y usarlo suficientes veces hasta que lo poseas. savoir, tout comme la répétition et l'utiliser suffisamment de fois jusqu'à ce que vous le possédiez. sabe, assim como a repetição e usá-lo várias vezes até que você o possua.

Hmm. thinking sound Hmm.

Uh, you know, that's a very good point. Euh, tu sais, c'est un très bon point. Uh, você sabe, isso é um ponto muito bom.

Um, I'm, I'm reminded of my father who was born in Czechoslovakia, well became |||||||||||Czech Republic|| Um, I'm, I'm reminded of my father who was born in Czechoslovakia, well became Euh, je suis, je me souviens de mon père qui est né en Tchécoslovaquie, bien devenu Hum, eu, eu me lembro do meu pai que nasceu na Tchecoslováquia, bem se tornou

Czechoslovakia Austro-Hungarian Empire. ||匈牙利的|帝国 |Austrian|| Czechoslovakia Austro-Hungarian Empire. Checoslovaquia Imperio Austrohúngaro. Tchecoslováquia Império Austro-Húngaro.

And in Canada there's a province called Nova Scotia. ||||||||Шотландия ||||||||Nova Scotia And in Canada there's a province called Nova Scotia. Et au Canada, il y a une province qui s'appelle la Nouvelle-Écosse. E no Canadá há uma província chamada Nova Escócia.

There's even a Bank of Nova Scotia, he would always say Bank of Nova Scotia. There's even a Bank of Nova Scotia, he would always say Bank of Nova Scotia. Il y a même une Bank of Nova Scotia, il disait toujours Bank of Nova Scotia. Tem até um Banco da Nova Escócia, ele sempre dizia Banco da Nova Escócia.

Uh, he can say the "shu" sound. |||||шу| |||||shoo| |||||书| Er kann das "shu"-Geräusch sagen. Uh, he can say the "shu" sound. Euh, il peut dire le son "shu". Uh, ele pode dizer o som "shu".

He had a wonderful command of English, you know, vast vocabulary. |||||||||广博的| Er beherrschte die englische Sprache wunderbar, er hatte einen großen Wortschatz. Il avait une merveilleuse maîtrise de l'anglais, vous savez, un vaste vocabulaire. Ele tinha um domínio maravilhoso do inglês, você sabe, um vocabulário vasto.

But he would always say Nova Scotia. But he would always say Nova Scotia. Mas ele sempre dizia Nova Escócia.

At some, at some level, he didn't want to say Nova Scotia.

You know, it's like in Czech, this would be Nova Scotia,

therefore it should be Nova Scotia. portanto, deve ser a Nova Escócia.

There is a level at which people simply don't want to. There is a level at which people simply don't want to. Há um nível em que as pessoas simplesmente não querem.

So I, I I think that, you know, or they don't enjoy, you know, So I, I I think that, you know, or they don't enjoy, you know,

basically becoming more native-like, so it, it's also a choice. basicamente se tornando mais parecido com um nativo, então também é uma escolha.

I think to some extent. ||||某种程度 Eu acho que até certo ponto.

It's absolutely a choice, and I think it really is all about the experience それは絶対的な選択であり、本当にすべてが経験であると思います É absolutamente uma escolha, e acho que é tudo sobre a experiência

of the learner with the language, with the speaker, the native speakers of do aprendiz com a língua, com o falante, os falantes nativos da

that language, and, um, And I think it's, it's also having the right aquela linguagem, e, hum, e eu acho que é, também é ter o direito

strategy and technique 'cause it does require commitment and repetition. |||||||承诺|| |||||||impegno|| |||||requiere||compromiso y repetición|| estratégia e técnica porque requer comprometimento e repetição.

It's not enough to listen to pronunciation lesson and accept or, and not expose 発音のレッスンを聞いて、受け入れるか、公開しないかだけでは十分ではありません

yourself to the sounds of English.

And expect yourself to just use it naturally and spontaneously |||||||||自然而然地 |||||||||without thinking |||||||||espontáneamente And expect yourself to just use it naturally and spontaneously E espere que você o use naturalmente e espontaneamente

without thinking about it.

It just doesn't work that way.

You know, uh, I will leave a link to your website, to your, uh, YouTube channel.

And, uh, I agree with what you're saying, and it begins with perception. ||||||||||||awareness And, uh, I agree with what you're saying, and it begins with perception.

But then we need, if we have a specific goal, then we need to work towards it. |||||||||||||||verso| Mas então precisamos, se temos um objetivo específico, precisamos trabalhar para alcançá-lo.

And you obviously have some excellent techniques based on your acting, ||||||||||recitazione

uh, experience and, uh, your experience with developing your

wonderful North American accent. wonderful North American accent.

So, uh, you know, uh, I don't want to cut it off. So, uh, you know, uh, I don't want to cut it off. Então, uh, você sabe, uh, eu não quero cortá-lo.

Sometimes it seems like I cut off these discussions that we could go on for Às vezes parece que eu cortei essas discussões que poderíamos continuar Иногда кажется, что я прерываю эти дискуссии, которые мы могли бы продолжить.

another, you know, half hour or so. outra, você sabe, meia hora mais ou menos.

But maybe we could leave it there because I think we've hit, you have hit on

some very important points and I would encourage, uh, my listeners to go to

your YouTube channel and, uh, Hadar, uh, Accent's Way if they are interested |||||||Accent's Way||||| your YouTube channel and, uh, Hadar, uh, Accent's Way if they are interested seu canal do YouTube e, uh, Hadar, uh, Accent's Way, se eles estiverem interessados

in improving their pronunciation in English or really the, I'm sure the same

principles apply to other languages. 原则适用于||||


And we're gonna

also have an interview with you on my channel where you shared a lot |||discussion|||||||||| also have an interview with you on my channel where you shared a lot

of interesting, um, facts and more information about language learning so

we can invite them to watch it there. |||||||那里

And, and one final point that you made in our discussion that is there

may be areas where people who have different opinions, even people

who are interested in languages.

And I think that's the wonderful thing about language learning.

It's an individual journey.

People do what they wanna do.

They can listen to a variety of opinions, some of which may

agree, some of which may disagree.

Although I found in our discussion that mostly we agreed. |||||||||estuvimos de acuerdo

I think so too.


Okay, Hadar, thank you very much. Okay, Hadar, thank you very much.

Thank you, Steve.

Thank you, you very much. Thank you, you very much.

And I look forward to talking again sometime. |||||||in the future And I look forward to talking again sometime.

Thank you.

Thank you.
