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Steve's Youtube Videos - Miscellaneous, My Thoughts on the U.S. Primaries

My Thoughts on the U.S. Primaries

Hi, this is an experiment. I bought myself a selfie stick with a tripod and, just to vary things a bit, I'm going to shoot some videos both inside the house and possibly again outside hoping that this works. In the winter as I've said before, largely because my wife likes to come down here because it's sunny and stuff, we come down here for four months of the year. We like coming down here. We like coming to California to the States. The people here are very friendly. The community where we live, our neighbors are very helpful. We love it.

And, of course, being down here I've been watching on TV the various debates of the presidential hopefuls, at least the people who are involved in both the Republican Primary and the Democratic Party primary, so I want to comment a little bit. I do, on occasion, make the sort of political video, so what are my thoughts on these various candidates. Let's start with the democrats because there are only two of them. I think that Bernie Sanders is very irresponsible and very simplistic. I think it would be a very bad thing if he were voted in as President of the United States. The reason I say that is because to him everything is the fault of Wall Street, everything is the fault of big business, if only we strengthened the unions, but if you really listen to what he's saying there's so much inconsistency. I watched him the other night and he was saying everyone in the States should have access to a university education free of charge. Maybe, maybe, but if you listen to him he basically has nothing but scorn for factory jobs. He said people shouldn't have to work in a factory or something to the effect of it's not the greatest job in the world. On two or three occasions, he implied that a factory job is not a great job and therefore the solution is that everybody should get a university education and then they wouldn't work in factories. Well, the fact of the matter is that (A) probably only 30 or 40% of jobs require a university education. Even though parents would all like their kids to go to university, a lot of what kids do at university is largely a waste of time. There have been studies to show that they don't improve their ability to communicate, to use the language, they really don't learn an awful lot, especially in the humanities, which is a large part of why people go to to university. I think that universities should be heavily subsidized, but I don't think they should be free of charge and I don't think it's a panacea. I've worked not as a factory worker, but I've spent time working in factories and many people actually enjoy those jobs because that is their social nexus. That's where they meet people. They do things that are meaningful. They become very expert in certain jobs and that becomes their life. They're just as proud of that as he is of being a politician. So that's insofar as Sanders. I didn't appreciate his whole approach to that and his somewhat demagogic approach to ‘social justice', as he calls it. With Hillary, again, I'm against this whole dynastic approach. Bill Clinton was there, so now we're going to get Hillary Clinton. Even in terms of her final comments, she twice, I think, made reference to the LGBT community. I have nothing against the LGBT community, but that's not an awful lot of people. It might be a bit of a litmus test in terms of the tolerance of a society, but she seemed to emphasize her support for certain interest groups – the unions, the LGBT community and so forth. I felt that that again was unnecessarily sort of narrowing her appeal and made me feel a little bit suspicious of just how much of a person with empathy for all different points of view she is.

Moving on to the Republicans in no particular order…

Ben Carson, I think it's absolutely extraordinary. I mean he says things that are completely off the wall. He ended his comments the other night by quoting Stalin, ascribing to him a comment that Stalin never made. So I don't take him very seriously. Rubio in his final comment said everything is bad. We're losing our jobs, wrong is right, right is wrong, which is all unnecessarily alarmist. Then he said that we need to recognize that the rights we enjoy in the Constitution don't come from the President, they come from our Creator. Well, first of all, I haven't heard people say that the rights in the American Constitution come from the President. That's a bit of a straw man. On the other hand, for someone who wants to be President of the United States, to me as a Canadian to suggest that the laws or the rights that Americans enjoy they enjoy because of the Creator, that's like Sharia law. That's like laws are created by God and it's not people who make laws. My belief is all of our rights and laws are basically arrangements that we agree upon as a society. This is how we want to lead our lives, this is what we obligate people to do and this is what we allow people to do because we think this is a nice way to organize society. It's not something that is natural law, God-given law. The only thing natural is our general inclination to like reciprocity and I think there's a bunch of reasons why. Reciprocity makes a lot of sense, do unto others as you would have them do unto you.

Jeb Bush brought his brother out the other day, I mean the more I see his brother involved in supporting Jeb Bush… Jeb Bush seems to also be involved in this petty squabbling between him, Ted Cruz, Trump and so forth. I would not vote for Jeb Bush (A) because he would be the third Bush member to be president. Bear in mind I'm not American so I have no right to vote, I'm only commenting as a foreign observer and not impressed with Bush. Cruz, he just comes across to me as being very petty and sort of snipping back and forth. There's nothing statesman-like about the man. He doesn't represent any sense of ‘boy, I would really like him as a leader,' at least that's how I react to him. I haven't really heard much, other than he's going to be tough on immigration, tough on that, tough on this. To me, he doesn't stand for anything, so I wouldn't vote for him. Trump is very popular, I can't understand it. I think he is the most irresponsible of all those people. He never misses an opportunity to burn bridges, to aggravate people. A couple recent examples, the Pope makes a comment about Trump saying he's not a Christian. To my mind the Pope shouldn't make that comment, he has no right to interfere in the electoral process in the United States. I'm not Catholic, but I think the Pope wanders a lot into political areas where he doesn't belong. That's a whole other issue. He has many positive attributes and he is the leader of 50% of all the Catholics in the world. Trump, though, could have easily said it's unfortunate he said that, but don't inflame the situation. Similarly, I saw him today on a video clip saying that people should boycott Apple because Apple won't cooperate with the FBI on this issue of giving access to the iPhone used by terrorists. In fact, if you read about it the situation is quite complicated. There are very good reasons for Apple to refuse the FBI access to the phone, there may be other reasons why they should, but it's complicated. It's not something that should be decided by someone who aspires to be president whipping people up by saying, well, we'll boycott Apple. What's boycotting Apple? In other words, we will use strong-arm methods to achieve what we want. We will bully Apple basically is what he's saying. That's kind of the approach he takes to trade relations. The United States exists because it has relations with other countries, China, Japan, Mexico, and to just constantly say these people are ‘ripping us off', as he says. I keep on expecting to hear that Canada is ripping them off, too. It's so unnecessarily inflammatory and I don't see the purpose. He's promising to do things that he won't be able to do. At the very least, he won't be able to do them by himself and if he's burning bridges with everyone else who is going to do them with. How is he going to sit down with Mexico and arrive at some deal that's going to help control the flow of immigrants? Similarly, with this whole Muslim thing, we'll ban all Muslims or whatever he said until they're all checked. There are one and a half billion Muslims in the world, they're not going to go away. There are people in the Muslim world who say we have to look at the Koran and we have to look at the historical context in which certain things were written and maybe update ourselves in terms of what makes sense today, today when there are so many Muslims living amongst non-Muslims. So there are those people and I think it makes much more sense to work with those kinds of Muslims so that the Muslim world doesn't consider the Western world as their enemy. Now, that might be unrealistic, but I also think it's unrealistic to make all those people your enemy. Who did I leave out? Kasich, I am very impressed with Governor Kasich. He has a presence. He has empathy with people. For example, every time I've heard him speak he's talked about people with mental illness. There are a lot more people with mental illness, I believe, in the United States. The numbers are larger than say the LGBT community. So if we hear Hillary always talking about the LGBT community, I'm much more impressed with Kasich who talks about the mentally ill. They don't lobby and have parades, they aren't the squeaky wheel, but there are a large number of them, there are serious problems and it is related to the very high incarceration rate in the United States, drug addiction, crime and so many other things. So I'm very impressed with the degree of empathy, even though I'm not a religious person. He bases how he conducts himself, including in his public persona, on his personal beliefs, but he doesn't force these believes on others. So if I were voting in the United States, I would vote for Kasich. He is the only one of all those people who impresses me.

I'm not saying that because in Canadian somehow we have better politicians. I'm not at all impressed with our new Prime Minister (that could be a whole separate rant) and I didn't like our previous Prime Minister either. I just thought it would be fun to throw some comments out there about the primary race in the United States because it's quite topical. So I look forward to being bombarded by negative comments from my listeners.

Thank you for listening, bye for now.

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My Thoughts on the U.S. Meine Gedanken zu den U.S. Vorwahlen Mis reflexiones sobre las primarias estadounidenses アメリカについての私の考え 미국 예비선거에 대한 나의 생각 As minhas ideias sobre as primárias americanas Мои мысли о праймериз в США ABD Ön Seçimleri Üzerine Düşüncelerim Мої думки щодо праймеріз у США 我对美国初选的看法 我對美國初選的看法 Primaries primārie 原色

Hi, this is an experiment. こんにちは、これは実験です。 I bought myself a selfie stick with a tripod and, just to vary things a bit, I'm going to shoot some videos both inside the house and possibly again outside hoping that this works. 三脚付きの自撮り棒を購入しましたが、少し状況を変えるために、家の中と外の両方でビデオを撮影するつもりです。これがうまくいくことを願っています。 我给自己买了一个带三脚架的自拍杆,为了稍微改变一下,我打算在屋内和室外拍摄一些视频,希望它能奏效。 In the winter as I've said before, largely because my wife likes to come down here because it's sunny and stuff, we come down here for four months of the year. 前にも言ったように、冬には妻がここに来るのが好きで、晴れているなどの理由で、1 年のうち 4 か月間ここに来ます。 就像我之前说过的那样,在冬天,主要是因为我妻子喜欢来这里,因为那里阳光明媚等等,我们一年有四个月来这里。 We like coming down here. 私たちはここに来るのが好きです。 We like coming to California to the States. 私たちはカリフォルニアにアメリカに来るのが好きです。 我们喜欢到美国来加利福尼亚。 The people here are very friendly. ここの人々はとてもフレンドリーです。 The community where we live, our neighbors are very helpful. 私たちが住んでいるコミュニティ、隣人はとても役に立ちます。 We love it. 私達はそれが大好き。

And, of course, being down here I've been watching on TV the various debates of the presidential hopefuls, at least the people who are involved in both the Republican Primary and the Democratic Party primary, so I want to comment a little bit. そしてもちろん、私はここにいて、大統領候補のさまざまな討論をテレビで見てきました。少なくとも、共和党予備選挙と民主党予備選挙の両方に関与している人々です。少しコメントしたいと思います。 当然,在这里,我一直在电视上观看总统候选人的各种辩论,至少是参与共和党初选和民主党初选的人,所以我想发表一点评论。 I do, on occasion, make the sort of political video, so what are my thoughts on these various candidates. 私はときどき政治的なビデオを作っているので、これらのさまざまな候補者についてどう思いますか. 我有时会制作那种政治视频,那么我对这些不同的候选人有什么看法。 Let's start with the democrats because there are only two of them. 民主党員は2人しかいないので、民主党員から始めましょう。 I think that Bernie Sanders is very irresponsible and very simplistic. バーニー・サンダースは無責任で単純すぎると思います。 我认为伯尼桑德斯非常不负责任而且非常简单化。 I think it would be a very bad thing if he were voted in as President of the United States. もし彼が米国大統領に選ばれたら、それは非常に悪いことだと思います. The reason I say that is because to him everything is the fault of Wall Street, everything is the fault of big business, if only we strengthened the unions, but if you really listen to what he's saying there's so much inconsistency. 私がそう言う理由は、彼にとってはすべてがウォール街のせいであり、すべてが大企業のせいであるからです.もし私たちが組合を強化したとしても、彼の言っていることに本当に耳を傾けると、非常に多くの矛盾があります. 我之所以这么说,是因为对他来说,一切都是华尔街的错,一切都是大企业的错,如果我们加强工会就好了,但如果你真的听他说的话,就会发现很多不一致之处。 I watched him the other night and he was saying everyone in the States should have access to a university education free of charge. 先日、私は彼を見て、彼はアメリカの誰もが無料で大学教育を受けられるべきだと言っていました。 那天晚上我看着他,他说美国的每个人都应该免费接受大学教育。 Maybe, maybe, but if you listen to him he basically has nothing but scorn for factory jobs. たぶん、多分、でも彼の話を聞くと、彼は基本的に工場の仕事を軽蔑しているだけです。 He said people shouldn't have to work in a factory or something to the effect of it's not the greatest job in the world. 彼は、世界で最も素晴らしい仕事ではないという趣旨で、人々は工場などで働く必要はないと言いました. 他说人们不应该在工厂或其他地方工作,因为这不是世界上最好的工作。 On two or three occasions, he implied that a factory job is not a great job and therefore the solution is that everybody should get a university education and then they wouldn't work in factories. Bei zwei oder drei Gelegenheiten deutete er an, dass ein Fabrikjob kein toller Job sei und deshalb die Lösung darin bestehe, dass jeder eine Universitätsausbildung machen sollte und er dann nicht in Fabriken arbeiten würde. 2、3 回、彼は工場での仕事は素晴らしい仕事ではないことをほのめかしました。したがって、解決策は、誰もが大学教育を受けるべきであり、その後、工場で働くことはなくなるということです。 他有两三次暗示工厂工作不是好工作,因此解决办法是每个人都应该接受大学教育,然后他们就不会在工厂工作了。 Well, the fact of the matter is that (A) probably only 30 or 40% of jobs require a university education. 実のところ、(A) 大学教育を必要とする仕事はおそらく 30% から 40% にすぎません。 Even though parents would all like their kids to go to university, a lot of what kids do at university is largely a waste of time. 親は皆、自分の子供が大学に行くことを望んでいますが、大学で子供がすることの多くは、ほとんどが時間の無駄です。 尽管父母都希望他们的孩子上大学,但孩子们在大学做的很多事情基本上都是在浪费时间。 There have been studies to show that they don't improve their ability to communicate, to use the language, they really don't learn an awful lot, especially in the humanities, which is a large part of why people go to to university. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||humanities|||||||||||| 彼らはコミュニケーション能力や言語使用能力を向上させていないことを示す研究があり、特に人文科学では、実際にはあまり多くを学んでいないことが示されています。 有研究表明,他们并没有提高他们的沟通能力,使用语言的能力,他们真的没有学到很多东西,尤其是在人文学科方面,这是人们上大学的很大一部分原因。 I think that universities should be heavily subsidized, but I don't think they should be free of charge and I don't think it's a panacea. 大学には多額の補助金を出すべきだと思いますが、無料にするべきではないと思いますし、万能薬ではないと思います。 I've worked not as a factory worker, but I've spent time working in factories and many people actually enjoy those jobs because that is their social nexus. 私は工場労働者として働いたことはありませんが、工場で働いた経験があり、多くの人が実際に工場での仕事を楽しんでいます。 That's where they meet people. そこで人々と出会う。 They do things that are meaningful. 彼らは意味のあることをします。 They become very expert in certain jobs and that becomes their life. Sie werden in bestimmten Berufen sehr sachkundig und das wird zu ihrem Leben. 彼らは特定の仕事の専門家になり、それが彼らの人生になります。 他们在某些工作上变得非常专业,这成为他们的生活。 They're just as proud of that as he is of being a politician. Darauf sind sie genauso stolz wie er darauf, Politiker zu sein. 彼らは、彼が政治家であることを誇りに思っています。 他们为此感到自豪,就像他为成为一名政治家一样。 So that's insofar as Sanders. それはサンダースに関する限りです。 这就是桑德斯的情况。 I didn't appreciate his whole approach to that and his somewhat demagogic approach to ‘social justice', as he calls it. 私はそれに対する彼の全体的なアプローチと、彼が言うところの「社会正義」に対する彼のいくぶん扇動的なアプローチを高く評価していませんでした。 With Hillary, again, I'm against this whole dynastic approach. Auch bei Hillary bin ich gegen diesen ganzen dynastischen Ansatz. ヒラリーに関しても、私はこの王朝的アプローチ全体に反対です。 对于希拉里,我再次反对这种整个王朝式的做法。 Bill Clinton was there, so now we're going to get Hillary Clinton. ビル・クリントンがそこにいたので、今度はヒラリー・クリントンを迎えます。 Even in terms of her final comments, she twice, I think, made reference to the LGBT community. 彼女の最後のコメントに関しても、彼女は 2 回、LGBT コミュニティに言及したと思います。 我认为,即使是在她最后的评论中,她也两次提到了 LGBT 社区。 I have nothing against the LGBT community, but that's not an awful lot of people. 私はLGBTコミュニティに対して何も反対していませんが、それはそれほど多くの人ではありません. 我不反对 LGBT 社区,但那不是很多人。 It might be a bit of a litmus test in terms of the tolerance of a society, but she seemed to emphasize her support for certain interest groups – the unions, the LGBT community and so forth. 社会の寛容さという点では少しリトマス試験紙かもしれませんが、組合やLGBTコミュニティなど、特定の利益団体への支持を強調しているように見えました. 就社会的容忍度而言,这可能有点试金石,但她似乎强调了她对某些利益集团的支持——工会、LGBT 社区等。 I felt that that again was unnecessarily sort of narrowing her appeal and made me feel a little bit suspicious of just how much of a person with empathy for all different points of view she is. それがまた不必要に彼女の魅力を狭めているような気がして、彼女がどれだけ様々な視点に共感できる人なのか少し疑問に思いました。 我觉得这又一次不必要地缩小了她的吸引力,让我有点怀疑她是一个对所有不同观点都有同理心的人。

Moving on to the Republicans in no particular order… 順不同で共和党に移ります… 没有特别的顺序继续共和党人......

Ben Carson, I think it's absolutely extraordinary. ベン・カーソン、それは絶対に並外れたものだと思います。 I mean he says things that are completely off the wall. Ich meine, er sagt Dinge, die völlig abwegig sind. つまり、彼は完全に壁から外れたことを言っているということです。 我的意思是他说的话完全不合常理。 He ended his comments the other night by quoting Stalin, ascribing to him a comment that Stalin never made. 彼は先日の夜、スターリンを引用してコメントを締めくくり、スターリンが決してしなかったコメントを彼に帰した。 那天晚上,他引用斯大林的话结束了他的评论,将斯大林从未发表过的评论归于他。 So I don't take him very seriously. だから私は彼をあまり真剣に受け止めていません。 所以我不太把他当回事。 Rubio in his final comment said everything is bad. ルビオは最後のコメントで、すべてが悪いと言いました。 We're losing our jobs, wrong is right, right is wrong, which is all unnecessarily alarmist. 私たちは仕事を失いつつあります。間違っているのは正しく、正しいのは間違っています。 Then he said that we need to recognize that the rights we enjoy in the Constitution don't come from the President, they come from our Creator. それから彼は、私たちが憲法で享受している権利は大統領から来るものではなく、私たちの創造主から来るものであることを認識する必要があると言いました。 Well, first of all, I haven't heard people say that the rights in the American Constitution come from the President. ええと、まず第一に、アメリカ憲法の権利は大統領にあると人々が言うのを聞いたことがありません。 That's a bit of a straw man. Eso es un poco un hombre de paja. それはちょっとストローマンです。 这有点像个稻草人。 On the other hand, for someone who wants to be President of the United States, to me as a Canadian to suggest that the laws or the rights that Americans enjoy they enjoy because of the Creator, that's like Sharia law. 一方、米国の大統領になりたい人にとって、カナダ人である私にとって、アメリカ人が享受している法律や権利は、創造主のおかげで享受されていると提案するのは、シャリア法のようなものです. 另一方面,对于想成为美国总统的人来说,作为加拿大人,我建议美国人享有的法律或权利是因为造物主而享有的,这就像伊斯兰教法。 That's like laws are created by God and it's not people who make laws. それは、法律は神によって作られ、法律を作るのは人間ではないということです。 My belief is all of our rights and laws are basically arrangements that we agree upon as a society. 私たちのすべての権利と法律は、基本的に社会として同意する取り決めであると私は信じています。 我相信我们所有的权利和法律基本上都是我们作为一个社会达成一致的安排。 This is how we want to lead our lives, this is what we obligate people to do and this is what we allow people to do because we think this is a nice way to organize society. これが私たちの生き方であり、私たちが人々に義務付けていることであり、これが社会を組織する良い方法であると考えているため、私たちが人々に許可していることです。 这就是我们想要的生活方式,这是我们要求人们做的事情,也是我们允许人们做的事情,因为我们认为这是组织社会的好方法。 It's not something that is natural law, God-given law. それは自然法則、神から与えられた法則というものではありません。 The only thing natural is our general inclination to like reciprocity and I think there's a bunch of reasons why. ||||||||||reciprocity||||||||| 自然な唯一のことは、相互関係を好む一般的な傾向であり、それには多くの理由があると思います. 唯一自然的是我们普遍倾向于喜欢互惠,我认为有很多原因。 Reciprocity makes a lot of sense, do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Reciprocity|||||||||||||||| 相互関係は非常に理にかなっています。自分にしてもらいたいことを他の人にもしてください。 互惠很有意义,己所不欲,勿施于人。

Jeb Bush brought his brother out the other day, I mean the more I see his brother involved in supporting Jeb Bush… Jeb Bush seems to also be involved in this petty squabbling between him, Ted Cruz, Trump and so forth. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||squabbling|||||||| Jeb Bush hat neulich seinen Bruder herausgebracht, ich meine, je mehr ich sehe, wie sein Bruder in die Unterstützung von Jeb Bush verwickelt ist … Jeb Bush scheint auch in diesen kleinen Streit zwischen ihm, Ted Cruz, Trump und so weiter verwickelt zu sein. ジェブ・ブッシュは先日弟を連れてきました。つまり、彼の弟がジェブ・ブッシュを支援することに関与しているのを見るほどです.ジェブ・ブッシュは、彼、テッド・クルーズ、トランプなどの間のささいな口論にも関与しているようです。 杰布什前几天带他弟弟出来,我的意思是我越看他弟弟参与支持杰布布什……杰布布什似乎也卷入了他、特德克鲁兹、特朗普等之间的这种小争吵。 I would not vote for Jeb Bush (A) because he would be the third Bush member to be president. 私はジェブ・ブッシュ (A) には投票しません。 我不会投票给杰布·布什 (A),因为他将成为第三位成为总统的布什成员。 Bear in mind I'm not American so I have no right to vote, I'm only commenting as a foreign observer and not impressed with Bush. 私はアメリカ人ではないので、投票する権利がないことを心に留めておいてください。私は外国のオブザーバーとしてコメントしているだけで、ブッシュには感銘を受けていません. 请记住,我不是美国人,所以我没有投票权,我只是作为外国观察员发表评论,对布什没有印象。 Cruz, he just comes across to me as being very petty and sort of snipping back and forth. クルス、彼は非常にささいで、前後に切り取っているように思えます。 克鲁兹,他给我的印象是非常小气,有点来回吹嘘。 There's nothing statesman-like about the man. ||statesman|||| その男について政治家のようなものは何もありません。 这个人一点也不像政治家。 He doesn't represent any sense of ‘boy, I would really like him as a leader,' at least that's how I react to him. 他并不代表任何“男孩,我真的很喜欢他作为领导者”的感觉,至少那是我对他的反应。 I haven't really heard much, other than he's going to be tough on immigration, tough on that, tough on this. 我真的没有听到太多,除了他会在移民问题上强硬,强硬,强硬。 To me, he doesn't stand for anything, so I wouldn't vote for him. Trump is very popular, I can't understand it. I think he is the most irresponsible of all those people. He never misses an opportunity to burn bridges, to aggravate people. 他从不错过任何一个挑拨离间、激怒人们的机会。 A couple recent examples, the Pope makes a comment about Trump saying he's not a Christian. 最近的几个例子,教皇对特朗普发表评论说他不是基督徒。 To my mind the Pope shouldn't make that comment, he has no right to interfere in the electoral process in the United States. 在我看来,教皇不应该发表那样的评论,他无权干涉美国的选举进程。 I'm not Catholic, but I think the Pope wanders a lot into political areas where he doesn't belong. 我不是天主教徒,但我认为教皇经常游荡到他不属于的政治领域。 That's a whole other issue. 那是另一个问题。 He has many positive attributes and he is the leader of 50% of all the Catholics in the world. 他有许多积极的品质,他是世界上 50% 的天主教徒的领袖。 Trump, though, could have easily said it's unfortunate he said that, but don't inflame the situation. 不过,特朗普本可以轻松地说他这么说很不幸,但不要激化局势。 Similarly, I saw him today on a video clip saying that people should boycott Apple because Apple won't cooperate with the FBI on this issue of giving access to the iPhone used by terrorists. 同样,我今天在一段视频中看到他说人们应该抵制苹果,因为苹果不会在允许恐怖分子使用 iPhone 的问题上与 FBI 合作。 In fact, if you read about it the situation is quite complicated. in||||||||||| There are very good reasons for Apple to refuse the FBI access to the phone, there may be other reasons why they should, but it's complicated. It's not something that should be decided by someone who aspires to be president whipping people up by saying, well, we'll boycott Apple. 这不应该由一个渴望成为总统的人来决定,他们会通过说好吧,我们将抵制苹果来煽动人们。 What's boycotting Apple? ||Apple In other words, we will use strong-arm methods to achieve what we want. 换句话说,我们将使用强壮的方法来实现我们想要的。 We will bully Apple basically is what he's saying. 我们会欺负 Apple 基本上就是他所说的。 That's kind of the approach he takes to trade relations. 这就是他处理贸易关系的方式。 The United States exists because it has relations with other countries, China, Japan, Mexico, and to just constantly say these people are ‘ripping us off', as he says. I keep on expecting to hear that Canada is ripping them off, too. 我一直期待听到加拿大也在敲诈他们。 It's so unnecessarily inflammatory and I don't see the purpose. 它是如此不必要的煽动性,我看不出目的。 He's promising to do things that he won't be able to do. 他承诺会做他做不到的事情。 At the very least, he won't be able to do them by himself and if he's burning bridges with everyone else who is going to do them with. 至少,如果他正在与其他将要一起做的人断绝关系,他将无法独自完成它们。 How is he going to sit down with Mexico and arrive at some deal that's going to help control the flow of immigrants? 他将如何与墨西哥坐下来达成一些有助于控制移民流动的协议? Similarly, with this whole Muslim thing, we'll ban all Muslims or whatever he said until they're all checked. 同样,对于整个穆斯林的事情,我们将禁止所有穆斯林或他所说的任何内容,直到他们全部被检查为止。 There are one and a half billion Muslims in the world, they're not going to go away. There are people in the Muslim world who say we have to look at the Koran and we have to look at the historical context in which certain things were written and maybe update ourselves in terms of what makes sense today, today when there are so many Muslims living amongst non-Muslims. 穆斯林世界有人说我们必须看古兰经,我们必须看写某些东西的历史背景,也许在今天有这么多穆斯林的今天更新我们自己的意义生活在非穆斯林中间。 So there are those people and I think it makes much more sense to work with those kinds of Muslims so that the Muslim world doesn't consider the Western world as their enemy. 所以有那些人,我认为与这些穆斯林一起工作更有意义,这样穆斯林世界就不会将西方世界视为他们的敌人。 Now, that might be unrealistic, but I also think it's unrealistic to make all those people your enemy. Who did I leave out? Wen habe ich ausgelassen? 我遗漏了谁? Kasich, I am very impressed with Governor Kasich. 卡西奇,我对卡西奇州长印象深刻。 He has a presence. He has empathy with people. For example, every time I've heard him speak he's talked about people with mental illness. 例如,每次我听到他说话时,他都在谈论患有精神疾病的人。 There are a lot more people with mental illness, I believe, in the United States. The numbers are larger than say the LGBT community. 这些数字比 LGBT 社区还要多。 So if we hear Hillary always talking about the LGBT community, I'm much more impressed with Kasich who talks about the mentally ill. |||||||||||||||||||||mentally| They don't lobby and have parades, they aren't the squeaky wheel, but there are a large number of them, there are serious problems and it is related to the very high incarceration rate in the United States, drug addiction, crime and so many other things. 他们不游说,不游行,他们不是吱吱作响的轮子,但是数量多,问题严重,跟美国很高的监禁率,毒瘾,犯罪和这么多其他的东西。 So I'm very impressed with the degree of empathy, even though I'm not a religious person. 所以我对同理心的程度印象深刻,即使我不是宗教人士。 He bases how he conducts himself, including in his public persona, on his personal beliefs, but he doesn't force these believes on others. ||||conducts|||||||||||||||||| 他的行为方式,包括在公众形象中的表现,都基于他的个人信仰,但他不会将这些信仰强加于他人。 So if I were voting in the United States, I would vote for Kasich. He is the only one of all those people who impresses me. ||||||||||impresses|

I'm not saying that because in Canadian somehow we have better politicians. I'm not at all impressed with our new Prime Minister (that could be a whole separate rant) and I didn't like our previous Prime Minister either. 我对我们的新总理一点印象都没有(这可能是完全不同的咆哮)而且我也不喜欢我们的前任总理。 I just thought it would be fun to throw some comments out there about the primary race in the United States because it's quite topical. 我只是觉得就美国的初选发表一些评论会很有趣,因为它很热门。 So I look forward to being bombarded by negative comments from my listeners. 所以我期待着被听众的负面评论轰炸。

Thank you for listening, bye for now.