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Steve's Youtube Videos - The Language Learning Tripod, The Language Learning Tripod #1 - Attitude

The Language Learning Tripod #1 - Attitude

Hi there, Steve Kaufmann here.

Today I want to do the first of three videos on what I've called the three keys. Let's call them the tripod, the tripod of language learning. It's ‘A' – Attitude, ‘T' – Time and ‘N' – the ability to Notice. You could also call it attentiveness, but it's the ability to notice, which is something we develop. I'm going to do a video on each one because to me all of language learning boils down to those three letters A, T and N. So today I'm going to talk about attitude. I think my previous video was about the difficulty that Chinese immigrants have in Canada, the difficulty they have in learning English.

The study showed that after seven years a subgroup of Mandarin-speaking immigrants actually made no progress in their English after seven years or very little progress and that a group of Slavic speakers, Russian, Ukrainian, Croatian, whatever they were, made much more progress. Now, obviously, there are reasons relating to how Mandarin is more different from English than say Slavic languages, but I think the biggest factor is attitude.

So the first element of attitude I want to talk about -- as usual, I haven't scripted this out so I just ramble on here, I don't know what is going to come first and second – is that Chinese people, in particular, have trouble coming out of their own cultural little world. They have a very strong what I would call cultural ego. They have trouble sort of achieving what I have called cultural weightlessness. In other words, rather than thinking that they're a Chinese person who is going to learn this foreign language but remain a Chinese person, they would be better off if they said I'm a person, some other group of people are persons, they speak another language, I can learn to speak it just as well as them.

I can be part of their group, I want to be part of their group, it doesn't matter who I am. When I did go to learn Chinese, I wanted to be Chinese.

I didn't hang back in my English-speaking cultural world and we see this, as well, amongst let's say English-speaking people. I find in many ways English-speaking people, by no means all and there are many, many exceptions to this, but as a general rule there is this cultural centeredness. All the world should speak English, isn't it great that everyone speaks English and, therefore, they have trouble, some of them, many of them but certainly not all, just saying I'll connect with a Chinese speaker or a Spanish speaker or a Russian speaker. People from smaller countries, in some cases I would say, not always, have less of this cultural ego.

Now, it's not always true. I would say that the southern Europeans, even say if we contrast the French to the Germans, the Germans have less of this cultural ego. They're more prepared to become a Spaniard or an Italian or something else. I know I'm going to be subject to a lot of criticism because this is the kind of thing that doesn't apply to all people. I have met Chinese people in China who are absolutely fluent in three languages, have never left the country and were totally into learning those cultures and those languages and the same is true in France. I have met Germans and Swedes who could only speak their own language. There are always exceptions, so maybe I shouldn't characterize it as specific to a nationality, but the ability to elevate yourself, get above your own culture and deliberately project yourself into the new culture, the desire to want to be part of that culture and to find aspects of that culture that you enjoy, that attitude is extremely important to language learning.

If you can't find something to enjoy you may still learn it if there's a very strong necessity, but you won't learn it as easily as the person who has this genuine interest. Not tied to their culture of origin, but totally committed to the culture of the language that they're trying to learn. So that is a very, very important attitude and all good learners have that cultural weightlessness. They want to pretend they're Russian or French or Chinese or Japanese. So that's one. The other attitude part is determination.

You have to will yourself to learn a language. A book that I often refer to by Jeffrey Schwartz called The Mind and the Brain talks about determination, for example, with patients who have obsessive-compulsive disorder. Rather than taking drugs, he can persuade them that there is activity in their brain, networks in their brain that are causing them to behave in a certain way and they can actually break that. Well, similarly, with language learning if you are very determined to learn, that helps you create the necessary neuro networks to learn the language. Another aspect of attitude is the confidence that you're going to succeed, as I've often said.

If you're trying to climb a mountain and you don't think you can reach the peak, you have no idea where the peak is, you're not likely going to get there. You're going to give up halfway. People who are confident they can achieve their goal, and that's very often the case with people who have learnt more than one language, they're going to do better. So, you know, cultural weightlessness, willpower and confidence, those are all parts of the attitude you have to have.

Part of their cultural weightlessness is a liking for that language. You have to have an attitude that you're going to enjoy the activity and anything you're enjoying you're going to do better at. I don't know what I've left out, but I think attitude is 70% of the battle. So the biggest reason why these Chinese immigrants in Canada have difficulty relates to attitude.

They don't think they can do it. In many cases they're not so interested. They would almost like to learn the language without the people because they're not so comfortable interacting with say Canadians, but I'm going to be spending some time with different groups of Chinese immigrants over the next few weeks here and I want to learn more about their attitudes. I'm going to ask them. I'm giving a speech in front of a group of Chinese immigrants and I'm going to get three or four of them up on stage and ask them how they relate to English. What are their feelings about English, what are their feelings about communicating with people in Canada in English, what are their feelings about their own learning experience to try to get at that attitude because I think attitude is absolutely number one. Another thing that's very important in terms of attitude is, in my view, not to be a perfectionist, not to get frustrated, not to expect to remember anything and to accept the fact that at first everything is very foggy, whatever you learn you forget, you stumble when you try to speak and you don't understand no matter how many times you listen.

None of this should bother you, it's part of the process. Attitude wise I think the thought that if you are exposing yourself to the language, if you are listening and reading, putting in the effort, you are going to improve.

The brain learns all the time. The brain learns all the time. There are things that we can do to help it learn, but it learns all the time so you need to have that confidence that you are learning and not to get frustrated. The brain learns all the time, but it learns slowly and so we have to be patient with the brain. The brain takes it time to learn. So all of those attitudinal things, cultural weightlessness, you know many people resist the language.

How many times do I hear people say well, why do they say it that way in that language or people who will deliberately translate sayings or expressions from their own language. They think it's clever to translate say this into English or if it's an English expression translate it into French, but you have to leave that behind. You have to leave your own language behind. You have to imitate the cultural behavior of this other group. The further away you get from your own language the better. I mean you need the language for the dictionary and stuff like that. All of these attitudinal things, that is like 70% of the battle.

Cultural weightlessness, confidence, not allowing yourself to be frustrated, not resisting the language, not asking a bunch of questions all the time, why do they say it this way, why do they say it that way and trusting your brain. The brain will learn if you give it enough time and exposure, but recognizing that the brain learns slowly and, of course, enjoying the course. The three feet of the tripod are attitude, time and noticing, so in my next video I will talk about time.

How do we find the time and we need a lot of time. So thanks for listening, bye for now.

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The Language Learning Tripod #1 - Attitude الـ|||الحامل الثلاثي| Das Sprachlern-Dreibein #1 - Einstellung The Language Learning Tripod #1 - Attitude El trípode del aprendizaje de idiomas nº 1 - Actitud Le trépied de l'apprentissage des langues #1 - Attitude Il treppiede dell'apprendimento linguistico #1 - Atteggiamento 語学学習の二人三脚 #1 - 姿勢 O tripé da aprendizagem de línguas #1 - Atitude Штатив для изучения языка #1 - Отношение Dil Öğrenme Tripodu #1 - Tutum Тринога для вивчення мови №1 - Ставлення 语言学习三脚架#1——态度 語言學習三腳架#1-態度

Hi there, Steve Kaufmann here.

Today I want to do the first of three videos on what I’ve called the three keys. Сьогодні я хочу зробити перше з трьох відео про те, що я назвав трьома ключами. Let’s call them the tripod, the tripod of language learning. 我们称它们为三脚架,语言学习的三脚架。 It’s ‘A' – Attitude, ‘T' – Time and ‘N' – the ability to Notice. それは「A」 - 態度、「T」 - 時間、「N」 - 気づく能力です。 它是“A”——态度,“T”——时间和“N”——注意的能力。 You could also call it attentiveness, but it’s the ability to notice, which is something we develop. |||||专注力||||||||||| 注意力とも言えますが、それは気づく能力であり、私たちが開発するものです。 Ви також можете назвати це уважністю, але це здатність помічати, яку ми розвиваємо. 你也可以称它为注意力,但它是注意的能力,这是我们培养的东西。 I’m going to do a video on each one because to me all of language learning boils down to those three letters A, T and N. So today I’m going to talk about attitude. |||||||||||||||||降到|||||||||||||||| 私にとって、言語学習はすべて A、T、N の 3 文字に集約されるので、それぞれについてビデオを作成します。今日は態度についてお話しします。 Я збираюся зробити відео про кожну з них, тому що для мене все вивчення мови зводиться до тих трьох літер A, T і N. Тож сьогодні я поговорю про ставлення. 我打算为每个人制作一个视频,因为对我来说所有的语言学习都归结为这三个字母 A、T 和 N。所以今天我要谈谈态度。 I think my previous video was about the difficulty that Chinese immigrants have in Canada, the difficulty they have in learning English. 我想我之前的视频是关于中国移民在加拿大的困难,他们学习英语的困难。

The study showed that after seven years a subgroup of Mandarin-speaking immigrants actually made no progress in their English after seven years or very little progress and that a group of Slavic speakers, Russian, Ukrainian, Croatian, whatever they were, made much more progress. ||||||||子群体|||||||||||||||||||||||||||乌克兰的|克罗地亚的||||||| ||||||||مجموعة فرعية||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||specific group||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Çalışma, Mandarin dili konuşan göçmenlerin bir alt grubunun yedi yıl sonra İngilizcelerinde hiç ilerleme kaydetmediklerini ya da çok az ilerleme kaydettiklerini ve Slav dili konuşan bir grubun, Rusça, Ukraynaca, Hırvatça, her neyse, çok daha fazla ilerleme kaydettiklerini göstermiştir. Дослідження показало, що через сім років підгрупа іммігрантів, які розмовляють мандаринською мовою, фактично не прогресувала у своїй англійській мові через сім років або дуже незначно, а група слов’янськомовних, російськомовних, україномовних, хорватських, хто б вони не були, досягла набагато більшого прогресу. . 研究表明,七年后,一部分讲普通话的移民在英语方面实际上没有取得任何进步,或者进展甚微,而一群讲斯拉夫语、俄语、乌克兰语、克罗地亚语的移民,无论他们是什么人,进步更大. Now, obviously, there are reasons relating to how Mandarin is more different from English than say Slavic languages, but I think the biggest factor is attitude. |||||相关的|||||||||||||||||||| |بوضوح|||||||||||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||mindset 现在,很明显,普通话与英语比斯拉夫语有更多不同是有原因的,但我认为最大的因素是态度。

So the first element of attitude I want to talk about -- as usual, I haven’t scripted this out so I just ramble on here, I don’t know what is going to come first and second – is that Chinese people, in particular, have trouble coming out of their own cultural little world. |||元素||||||||||||未编写||||||闲聊||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||عنصر||||||||||||||||||أثرثر||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 所以我想谈的第一个态度因素——像往常一样,我没有把它写下来,所以我只是在这里闲聊,我不知道第一和第二是什么——是中国人,在特别是,很难走出自己的文化小世界。 They have a very strong what I would call cultural ego. |||||||||ثقافي|الغرور الثقافي 他们有一种非常强烈的文化自我。 They have trouble sort of achieving what I have called cultural weightlessness. |||||||||||失重 |||||||||||légèreté culturelle |||||reaching|||||| |||||||||||انعدام الوزن الثقافي |||||||||||peso cultural 他们在实现我所说的文化失重方面遇到了困难。 In other words, rather than thinking that they’re a Chinese person who is going to learn this foreign language but remain a Chinese person, they would be better off if they said I’m a person, some other group of people are persons, they speak another language, I can learn to speak it just as well as them. 在||||||||||||||||||||||||他们||||更好|||||||||||||||||||||||||作为||| ||||||||||||||||||||يبقى|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Başka bir deyişle, bu yabancı dili öğrenecek ama Çinli olarak kalacak bir Çinli olduklarını düşünmek yerine, ben bir insanım, başka bir grup insan da insan, onlar başka bir dil konuşuyor, ben de onlar kadar iyi konuşmayı öğrenebilirim deseler daha iyi olur. Іншими словами, замість того, щоб думати, що вони китаєць, який збирається вивчити цю іноземну мову, але залишиться китайцем, їм було б краще, якби вони сказали, що я людина, якась інша група людей є людьми, вони говорять іншою мовою, я можу навчитися розмовляти нею так само добре, як і вони. 换句话说,与其认为他们是一个中国人,要学习这门外语,但仍然是一个中国人,如果他们说我是一个人,其他一些人是人,他们会过得更好,他们说另一种语言,我可以学着说得和他们一样好。

I can be part of their group, I want to be part of their group, it doesn’t matter who I am. When I did go to learn Chinese, I wanted to be Chinese. Çince öğrenmeye gittiğimde Çinli olmak istiyordum. 当我去学中文时,我想成为中国人。

I didn’t hang back in my English-speaking cultural world and we see this, as well, amongst let’s say English-speaking people. |||后退||||||||||||好|||||| Non sono rimasto indietro nel mio mondo culturale di lingua inglese e lo vediamo anche tra le persone, diciamo, di lingua inglese. İngilizce konuşulan kültürel dünyamda geri çekilmedim ve bunu İngilizce konuşan insanlar arasında da görüyoruz. Я не затримувався в своєму англомовному культурному світі, і ми бачимо це також серед, скажімо так, англомовних людей. 我并没有在英语文化世界中退缩,我们在英语国家中也看到了这一点。 I find in many ways English-speaking people, by no means all and there are many, many exceptions to this, but as a general rule there is this cultural centeredness. ||||||||通过|||||||||||||||||||||文化中心性 |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||centrisme culturel |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||تمركز ثقافي |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||cultural focus 我发现说英语的人在很多方面都不是全部,而且有很多很多例外,但作为一般规则,存在这种文化中心性。 All the world should speak English, isn’t it great that everyone speaks English and, therefore, they have trouble, some of them, many of them but certainly not all, just saying I’ll connect with a Chinese speaker or a Spanish speaker or a Russian speaker. ||||||||||||||لذلك||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 世界中の人が英語を話す必要があります。誰もが英語を話すのは素晴らしいことではありませんか。そのため、中国語を話す人やスペイン語を話す人とつながろうと言うだけで、問題を抱えている人もいます。またはロシア語話者。 全世界都应该说英语,这不是很好吗,每个人都说英语,因此,他们有麻烦,其中一些人,很多人,但肯定不是全部,只是说我会与说中文或说西班牙语的人联系或讲俄语的人。 People from smaller countries, in some cases I would say, not always, have less of this cultural ego. 小さな国の人々は、常にというわけではありませんが、場合によっては、この文化的自我が少なくなっています。 我想说,在某些情况下,来自较小国家的人,但并非总是如此,他们的文化自我意识较少。

Now, it’s not always true. さて、それは常に真実ではありません。 现在,这并不总是正确的。 I would say that the southern Europeans, even say if we contrast the French to the Germans, the Germans have less of this cultural ego. |||||||||||对比||||||||||||| |||||||||||نقارن بين||||||||||||| 南ヨーロッパ人は、フランス人とドイツ人を対比させたとしても、ドイツ人はこの文化的エゴが少ないと言えます。 我想说,南欧人,甚至说,如果我们将法国人与德国人进行比较,德国人的文化自我意识较少。 They’re more prepared to become a Spaniard or an Italian or something else. ||||||西班牙人|||||| 彼らは、スペイン人、イタリア人、または他の何かになる準備ができています。 他们更愿意成为西班牙人、意大利人或其他人。 I know I’m going to be subject to a lot of criticism because this is the kind of thing that doesn’t apply to all people. |||||||||||انتقاد||||||||||||| Sei que vou ser alvo de muitas críticas porque este é o tipo de coisa que não se aplica a todas as pessoas. 我知道我会受到很多批评,因为这并不适用于所有人。 I have met Chinese people in China who are absolutely fluent in three languages, have never left the country and were totally into learning those cultures and those languages and the same is true in France. 私は中国で3つの言語に完全に堪能で、国を離れたことがなく、それらの文化と言語を完全に学ぶことに夢中になっている中国人に会いました。フランスでも同じことが言えます. 我在中国遇到过中国人,他们精通三种语言,从未离开过这个国家,并且完全热衷于学习这些文化和语言,在法国也是如此。 I have met Germans and Swedes who could only speak their own language. |||||瑞典人||||||| 母国語しか話せないドイツ人とスウェーデン人に会ったことがあります。 我遇到过只会说自己语言的德国人和瑞典人。 There are always exceptions, so maybe I shouldn’t characterize it as specific to a nationality, but the ability to elevate yourself, get above your own culture and deliberately project yourself into the new culture, the desire to want to be part of that culture and to find aspects of that culture that you enjoy, that attitude is extremely important to language learning. ||||||||描述||||||国籍|||||提升|||||||||展现||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| |||outliers||||||||||||||||raise|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||يصف|||||||||||الارتقاء بنفسك||||||||بِقَصْد|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 例外は常にあるので、国籍に固有のものとして特徴付けるべきではないかもしれませんが、自分自身を高め、自分の文化を超えて、意図的に新しい文化に自分自身を投影する能力、その文化の一部になりたいという願望その文化の中で自分が楽しめる側面を見つけるという姿勢は、語学学習にとって非常に重要です。 总有例外,所以也许我不应该将其描述为特定于某个国籍,而是提升自己的能力,超越自己的文化并故意将自己融入新文化,渴望成为该文化一部分的愿望为了找到你喜欢的文化的各个方面,这种态度对于语言学习极其重要。

If you can’t find something to enjoy you may still learn it if there’s a very strong necessity, but you won’t learn it as easily as the person who has this genuine interest. Zevk alacağınız bir şey bulamazsanız, çok güçlü bir gereklilik varsa yine de öğrenebilirsiniz, ancak bu gerçek ilgiye sahip kişi kadar kolay öğrenemezsiniz. 如果你找不到喜欢的东西,如果有很强的必要性,你仍然可以学习它,但你不会像真正有兴趣的人那样容易学。 Not tied to their culture of origin, but totally committed to the culture of the language that they’re trying to learn. |不受限||||||||||||||||||| |مرتبطين||||||||ملتزم تمامًا||||||||||| Não estão ligados à sua cultura de origem, mas totalmente comprometidos com a cultura da língua que estão a tentar aprender. Köken kültürlerine bağlı değiller ama öğrenmeye çalıştıkları dilin kültürüne tamamen bağlılar. 与他们的原籍文化无关,但完全致力于他们想要学习的语言的文化。 So that is a very, very important attitude and all good learners have that cultural weightlessness. 所以这是一种非常非常重要的态度,所有优秀的学习者都有这种文化失重感。 They want to pretend they’re Russian or French or Chinese or Japanese. Rus, Fransız, Çinli ya da Japon gibi davranmak istiyorlar. 他们想假装自己是俄罗斯人、法国人、中国人或日本人。 So that’s one. Portanto, essa é uma delas. 这就是其中之一。 The other attitude part is determination. |||||决心 |||||العزيمة 态度的另一个部分是决心。

You have to will yourself to learn a language. |||意志力|你自己|||| É preciso ter vontade própria para aprender uma língua. Bir dili öğrenmek için kendi isteğiniz olmalı. 你必须有意志力去学习一门语言。 A book that I often refer to by Jeffrey Schwartz called The Mind and the Brain talks about determination, for example, with patients who have obsessive-compulsive disorder. ||||||||杰弗里|施瓦茨||||||||||||||||强迫性|强迫性的|障碍 |||||أرجع إلى|||||||||||||||||||||| Rather than taking drugs, he can persuade them that there is activity in their brain, networks in their brain that are causing them to behave in a certain way and they can actually break that. ||||||يقنعهم||||||||||||||||||يتصرفوا|||||||||| 他可以说服他们,他们的大脑中存在活动,大脑中的网络导致他们以某种方式行事,而他们实际上可以打破这种行为,而不是服用药物。 Well, similarly, with language learning if you are very determined to learn, that helps you create the necessary neuro networks to learn the language. |||||||||||||||||||神经网络|||| ||||||||||||||||||العصبية||||| Another aspect of attitude is the confidence that you’re going to succeed, as I’ve often said. |جانب|||||||||||||| Іншим аспектом ставлення є впевненість у тому, що ти досягнеш успіху, як я часто казав.

If you’re trying to climb a mountain and you don’t think you can reach the peak, you have no idea where the peak is, you’re not likely going to get there. You’re going to give up halfway. 你就会半途而废。 People who are confident they can achieve their goal, and that’s very often the case with people who have learnt more than one language, they’re going to do better. 目標を達成できると自信を持っている人は、複数の言語を学んだ人によくあることですが、より良い成績を収めることができます。 Hedeflerine ulaşabileceklerinden emin olan kişiler, ki bu genellikle birden fazla dil öğrenmiş kişiler için geçerlidir, daha başarılı olacaklardır. Люди, які впевнені, що можуть досягти своєї мети, а це дуже часто буває з людьми, які вивчили більше ніж одну мову, вони досягнуть кращих результатів. 那些对自己能够实现目标充满信心的人,对于学习了不止一种语言的人来说通常就是这种情况,他们会做得更好。 So, you know, cultural weightlessness, willpower and confidence, those are all parts of the attitude you have to have. |||||意志力||||||||||||| |||||قوة الإرادة||||||||||||| つまり、文化的な無重力、意志力、自信、これらはすべてあなたが持つべき態度の一部です。 Por isso, a ausência de peso cultural, a força de vontade e a confiança são partes da atitude que temos de ter. Таким чином, культурна невагомість, сила волі та впевненість, це всі частини ставлення, яке ви повинні мати. 所以,你知道,文化失重、意志力和信心,这些都是你必须拥有的态度的一部分。

Part of their cultural weightlessness is a liking for that language. |||||||喜爱||| Parte della loro assenza di peso culturale è la simpatia per quella lingua. 彼らの文化的な無重力の一部は、その言語に対する好みです。 Частина їхньої культурної невагомості полягає в любові до цієї мови. 他们文化失重的部分原因是对这种语言的喜爱。 You have to have an attitude that you’re going to enjoy the activity and anything you’re enjoying you’re going to do better at. Devi avere un atteggiamento che ti piacerà l'attività e tutto ciò che ti piace lo farai meglio. アクティビティを楽しみ、楽しんでいることは何でも上手にできるという姿勢が必要です。 Ви повинні мати позицію, що вам сподобається ця діяльність, і все, що вам подобається, ви будете робити краще. I don’t know what I’ve left out, but I think attitude is 70% of the battle. |||||留下的||||||||| 何を省いたかわかりませんが、戦いの70%は態度だと思います。 我不知道我遗漏了什么,但我认为态度占了战斗的70%。 So the biggest reason why these Chinese immigrants in Canada have difficulty relates to attitude. ||||||||||||يتعلق بـ|| したがって、カナダにいるこれらの中国人移民が苦労する最大の理由は、態度に関係しています。 Отже, найбільша причина, чому китайські іммігранти в Канаді мають труднощі, пов’язана зі ставленням.

They don’t think they can do it. 彼らはそれができるとは思っていません。 In many cases they’re not so interested. 多くの場合、彼らはあまり興味を持っていません。 在很多情况下,他们并不那么感兴趣。 They would almost like to learn the language without the people because they’re not so comfortable interacting with say Canadians, but I’m going to be spending some time with different groups of Chinese immigrants over the next few weeks here and I want to learn more about their attitudes. ||||||||||||||||التفاعل مع|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 彼らは、カナダ人との交流にあまり慣れていないため、人々なしで言語を学びたいと思っていますが、私はここ数週間、さまざまな中国系移民のグループと時間を過ごす予定で、学びたいと思っています。彼らの態度についてもっと。 他们几乎想在没有人的情况下学习语言,因为他们不太习惯与加拿大人互动,但我将在接下来的几周内与不同的中国移民群体一起度过一些时间,我想学习更多关于他们的态度。 I’m going to ask them. 私は彼らに尋ねるつもりです。 I’m giving a speech in front of a group of Chinese immigrants and I’m going to get three or four of them up on stage and ask them how they relate to English. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||如何|||| 私は中国系移民のグループの前でスピーチをしているのですが、そのうちの 3 人か 4 人をステージに上げて、彼らが英語とどのように関係しているかを尋ねます。 Я виголошую промову перед групою китайських іммігрантів, і збираюся вивести трьох-чотирьох із них на сцену й запитати, як вони ставляться до англійської. 我正在一群中国移民面前发表演讲,我打算让他们中的三四个上台,问他们如何看待英语。 What are their feelings about English, what are their feelings about communicating with people in Canada in English, what are their feelings about their own learning experience to try to get at that attitude because I think attitude is absolutely number one. 彼らは英語についてどう感じていますか、カナダの人々と英語でコミュニケーションをとることについてどう感じていますか、その態度を身につけようとする自分自身の学習経験についてどう感じていますか。 O que é que eles sentem em relação ao inglês, o que é que sentem em relação a comunicar em inglês com pessoas no Canadá, o que é que sentem em relação à sua própria experiência de aprendizagem, para tentar chegar a essa atitude, porque penso que a atitude é absolutamente o número um. 他们对英语有什么感觉,他们对用英语与加拿大人交流有什么感觉,他们对自己学习的经历有什么感觉,因为我认为态度是绝对第一位的。 Another thing that’s very important in terms of attitude is, in my view, not to be a perfectionist, not to get frustrated, not to expect to remember anything and to accept the fact that at first everything is very foggy, whatever you learn you forget, you stumble when you try to speak and you don’t understand no matter how many times you listen. |||||在||||||||||||完美主义者||||||||||||||||||||||模糊的|||||||绊倒|||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||trébucher|||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||مُتَطَلِّب الكَمال||||محبطًا|||||||||||||||||||||||||تتعثر|||||||||||||||| 態度に関して非常に重要なことは、私の見解では、完璧主義者にならないこと、イライラしないこと、何も覚えていないこと、最初はすべてが非常に曖昧であるという事実を受け入れることです。 、 話そうとするとつまずき、何度聞いてもわからない。 Інша річ, яка дуже важлива з точки зору ставлення, це, на мій погляд, не бути перфекціоністом, не розчаровуватися, не очікувати, що щось запам’ятаєш, і прийняти той факт, що спочатку все дуже туманно, що б ти не дізнався, ти забудеш , ти спотикаєшся, коли намагаєшся говорити, і не розумієш, скільки б разів не слухав. 在我看来,就态度而言,另一件非常重要的事情是,不要成为完美主义者,不要感到沮丧,不要期望记住任何事情,并接受这样一个事实:一开始一切都很模糊,无论你学到什么,你都会忘记,当你试图说话时你会结结巴巴,而且无论你听多少次你都听不懂。 在我看来,有关态度的另一个非常重要的事情是,不要追求完美,不要感到沮丧,不要期待记住任何东西,并接受这样一个事实:起初一切都是很模糊的,无论你学习什么,你都很快会遗忘,试图说话时会结结巴巴,无论你听多少次都无法理解。

None of this should bother you, it’s part of the process. Attitude wise I think the thought that if you are exposing yourself to the language, if you are listening and reading, putting in the effort, you are going to improve. |من ناحية|أنا||||||||||||||||||||||||||| 態度に関しては、その言語に触れたり、聞いたり読んだりして努力すれば、上達できると思います。 Em termos de atitude, penso que a ideia de que se nos expusermos à língua, se ouvirmos e lermos, se nos esforçarmos, vamos melhorar. Tutum olarak, kendinizi dile maruz bırakırsanız, dinler ve okursanız, çaba gösterirseniz, gelişeceğinizi düşünüyorum. Я вважаю мудрим ставлення до думки, що якщо ви наражаєтесь на мову, якщо ви слухаєте та читаєте, докладаючи зусиль, ви збираєтеся покращитися. 就态度而言,我认为如果你让自己接触语言,如果你在听和读,付出努力,你就会有所进步。

The brain learns all the time. 脳は常に学習しています。 大脑一直在学习。 The brain learns all the time. 脳は常に学習しています。 There are things that we can do to help it learn, but it learns all the time so you need to have that confidence that you are learning and not to get frustrated. 学習を支援するために私たちができることはありますが、常に学習しているため、学習していることに自信を持ち、イライラしないようにする必要があります。 我们可以做一些事情来帮助它学习,但它一直在学习,所以你需要有信心你正在学习而不是感到沮丧。 The brain learns all the time, but it learns slowly and so we have to be patient with the brain. The brain learns all the time, but it learns slowly and so we have to be patient with the brain. 脳は常に学習していますが、ゆっくりと学習するため、私たちは脳に対して忍耐強くなければなりません。 Мозок постійно вчиться, але вчиться повільно, тому ми повинні бути терплячими до мозку. 大脑一直在学习,但学习速度很慢,所以我们必须对大脑有耐心。 The brain takes it time to learn. 脳は学習に時間がかかります。 So all of those attitudinal things, cultural weightlessness, you know many people resist the language. ||||||||||||يقاومون|| ですから、これらの態度、文化的無重力、多くの人が言語に抵抗していることを知っています。 因此,所有这些态度问题、文化失重,你知道很多人都抵制这种语言。

How many times do I hear people say well, why do they say it that way in that language or people who will deliberately translate sayings or expressions from their own language. |||||||||||||||||||||||عن قصد|||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||phrases|||| 人々がよく言うのを何回聞いたことがありますか、なぜその言語でそのように言うのか、またはことわざや表現を自分の言語から故意に翻訳する人々. İnsanların kaç kez "peki, o dilde neden öyle söylüyorlar" dediğini ya da kendi dillerindeki deyimleri veya ifadeleri kasıtlı olarak tercüme ettiklerini duyuyorum. 我有多少次听到人们说得好,为什么他们用自己的语言这么说,或者有人故意从自己的语言翻译谚语或表达方式。 They think it’s clever to translate say this into English or if it’s an English expression translate it into French, but you have to leave that behind. 彼らは、これを英語に翻訳するか、英語の表現ならフランス語に翻訳するのが賢明だと考えていますが、それは置いておいてください。 Bunu İngilizceye çevirmenin ya da İngilizce bir ifadeyi Fransızcaya çevirmenin zekice olduğunu düşünüyorlar ama bunu geride bırakmanız gerekiyor. Вони думають, що розумно перекласти це слово англійською або, якщо це англійський вислів, перекласти його французькою, але ви повинні залишити це позаду. 他们认为将这句话翻译成英语是很聪明的做法,或者如果这是一个英语表达,请将其翻译成法语,但你必须把它抛在脑后。 You have to leave your own language behind. 自分の言語を後にしなければなりません。 你必须抛弃你自己的语言。 You have to imitate the cultural behavior of this other group. この他のグループの文化的行動を模倣しなければなりません。 你必须模仿其他群体的文化行为。 The further away you get from your own language the better. 母国語から離れれば離れるほど良い。 Kendi dilinizden ne kadar uzaklaşırsanız o kadar iyi. 离自己的语言越远越好。 I mean you need the language for the dictionary and stuff like that. つまり、辞書などの言語が必要です。 Yani sözlük ve bunun gibi şeyler için dile ihtiyacınız var. 我的意思是你需要字典和类似的东西的语言。 All of these attitudinal things, that is like 70% of the battle. |||态度的||||||| これらすべての態度は、戦いの 70% に相当します。

Cultural weightlessness, confidence, not allowing yourself to be frustrated, not resisting the language, not asking a bunch of questions all the time, why do they say it this way, why do they say it that way and trusting your brain. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||信任|| 文化的な無重力、自信、イライラしないこと、言語に抵抗しないこと、常にたくさんの質問をしないこと、なぜ彼らはこのように言うのか、なぜ彼らはそのように言うのか、そしてあなたの脳を信頼する. 文化失重,自信,不让自己沮丧,不抗拒语言,不总是问一堆问题,为什么他们这么说,为什么他们这么说并相信你的大脑。 The brain will learn if you give it enough time and exposure, but recognizing that the brain learns slowly and, of course, enjoying the course. 十分な時間と露出を与えると、脳は学習しますが、脳がゆっくりと学習することを認識し、もちろんコースを楽しんでいます. Мозок навчиться, якщо ви приділите йому достатньо часу та уваги, але визнаючи, що мозок навчається повільно, і, звичайно, насолоджуючись курсом. 如果你给大脑足够的时间和接触,大脑就会学习,但要认识到大脑学习得很慢,当然,它会享受这个过程。 The three feet of the tripod are attitude, time and noticing, so in my next video I will talk about time. 三脚の三本足は姿勢、時間、気づきですので、次回の動画では時間についてお話しします。 三脚架的三只脚分别是态度、时间和注意,所以在我的下一个视频中我将谈论时间。

How do we find the time and we need a lot of time. どうやって時間を見つけますか、そして私たちは多くの時間を必要としています。 Як знаходимо час, а нам потрібно багато часу. So thanks for listening, bye for now. 聞いてくれてありがとう、さようなら。 感谢您的聆听,现在再见。