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Interesting facts, Why Do People Think Werewolves are Real?

Why Do People Think Werewolves are Real?

Hi guys.

I'm Catie Wayne. And this is "Animalist News." Halloween is almost here. And in light of this spooky holiday, we're going to talk about one of history's most spooky villains-- werewolves. I'm sure I don't need to tell you that lycanthropy is the nonoptional ability to shape shift from a human into a vicious bloodthirsty half-human, half-wolf hybrid.

References to werewolves date back as early as 7th century BC. And this shows that tales of werewolves have been around basically as long as human civilization has. But why do we fear the wolf so? Real wolves rarely attack humans without provocation. It's a bit of a mystery. Regardless, there have been many recorded cases of lycanthropy. In France between 1520 and 1630, there were more than 30,000 cases. These werewolves hunts occurred during the same time as the famous witch hunts. One belief at the time was that werewolves turned their skin inside out to appear human, so one of their super-duper scientific tests was to cut your flesh, and pull it back to see if you had any fur hiding underneath.

So logical. In their defense though, it was a different, simpler time. They were still figuring out how to stay alive during childbirth. I doubt they had time to study the intricacies of genetic disorders, like hypotrichosis, a condition where people can grow thick hair all over their face and body. Or worry ergot poisoning.

Ergot being a fungus which can thrive in wheat and barley, and when ingested can cause hallucinations. Forget about rabies, or any other kind of disease other than the sniffles. And guys, they were probably too caught up in collective hysteria to take a step back and go guys, hold on. Hold on a second. Maybe this dude isn't a shape-shifting bloodthirsty demon sent from hell to murder us all? Maybe? Maybe we got some collective hysteria. What animal are you the most afraid of their? Is there a story behind it? Please share with me in the comments below.

And if you want to learn more about actual wolves, check out my weird, gross, and beautiful on them. Communal pacts will howl together to maybe communicate something to a different pack. I love you all, and I'll see you next time. Bye. Mwah!

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Why Do People Think Werewolves are Real? Porque é que as pessoas pensam que os lobisomens são reais?

Hi guys.

I’m Catie Wayne. And this is "Animalist News." Halloween is almost here. And in light of this spooky holiday, we’re going to talk about one of history’s most spooky villains-- werewolves. |||||жуткий||||||||||||злодеи| ||||||||||||||||||werewolves A ve světle této strašidelné dovolené budeme hovořit o jednom z nejstrašidelnějších darebáků v historii - vlkodlaky. I’m sure I don’t need to tell you that lycanthropy is the nonoptional ability to shape shift from a human into a vicious bloodthirsty half-human, half-wolf hybrid. |||||||||ликантропия|||неопциональная|||||||||||||||| Jsem si jistý, že vám nemusím říkat, že lykantropie je nonoptionální schopnost formovat posun z člověka do bludného krvežíznivého napůl člověka, napůl vlčího hybridu. Я уверен, что мне не нужно говорить вам, что ликантропия - это неоптическая способность формировать переход от человека к порочному кровожадному получеловеку, полу-волчьему гибриду.

References to werewolves date back as early as 7th century BC. Odkazy na vlkodlaky pocházejí již ze 7. století před naším letopočtem. As referências aos lobisomens datam do século 7 aC. Ссылки на оборотней датируются еще в 7 веке до нашей эры. And this shows that tales of werewolves have been around basically as long as human civilization has. A to ukazuje, že příběhy o vlkodlacích byly v podstatě tak dlouho, jak je tomu u lidské civilizace. E isso mostra que contos de lobisomens existem há tanto tempo quanto a civilização humana. И это показывает, что рассказы о оборотнях были в основном до тех пор, пока существует человеческая цивилизация. But why do we fear the wolf so? Mas por que tememos tanto o lobo? Но почему мы боимся волков? Real wolves rarely attack humans without provocation. ||||||провокации Lobos reais raramente atacam humanos sem provocação. It’s a bit of a mystery. Je to trochu záhada. É um pouco misterioso. Regardless, there have been many recorded cases of lycanthropy. Apesar de tudo, tem havido muitos casos registrados de licantropia. In France between 1520 and 1630, there were more than 30,000 cases. Na França, entre 1520 e 1630, houve mais de 30.000 casos. These werewolves hunts occurred during the same time as the famous witch hunts. Tyto lovy vlkodlaků se odehrály ve stejné době jako slavné honby na čarodějnice. Essas caças aos lobisomens ocorreram na mesma época que as famosas caçadas às bruxas. Эти охотники за оборотнями происходили в то же самое время, что и знаменитая охота на ведьм. One belief at the time was that werewolves turned their skin inside out to appear human, so one of their super-duper scientific tests was to cut your flesh, and pull it back to see if you had any fur hiding underneath. |||||||||||||||||||||супер-пуп|||||||||||||||||||| V té době se jednalo o víru, že vlkodlaci obrátili svou kůži naruby, aby vypadala jako člověk, takže jedním z jejich superduper vědeckých testů bylo podříznutí masa a jeho stažení zpět, aby se zjistilo, zda se pod nimi neskrývá nějaká kožešina. Une croyance à l'époque était que les loups-garous tournaient leur peau à l'envers pour paraître humaine, donc l'un de leurs tests scientifiques super-duper était de couper votre chair et de la retirer pour voir si vous aviez de la fourrure cachée en dessous. Een overtuiging in die tijd was dat weerwolven hun huid binnenstebuiten keerden om er menselijk uit te zien, dus een van hun superduper wetenschappelijke tests was om je vlees te snijden en het naar achteren te trekken om te zien of er een pels onder zat. Uma crença na época era que os lobisomens viravam a pele do avesso para parecerem humanos, então um de seus testes científicos superduros era cortar sua carne e puxá-la para trás para ver se havia algum pelo escondido por baixo. Одна вера в то время состояла в том, что оборотни превращали кожу в наизнанку, чтобы казаться человеком, поэтому один из их супер-пуперских научных испытаний заключался в том, чтобы вырезать свою плоть и вытащить ее обратно, чтобы увидеть, есть ли у вас мех, скрывающийся под ним.

So logical. Tak logické. In their defense though, it was a different, simpler time. Na jejich obranu to však byla jiná, jednodušší doba. Em sua defesa, porém, foi uma época diferente e mais simples. Однако в их защиту это было другое, более простое время. They were still figuring out how to stay alive during childbirth. Stále vymýšleli, jak zůstat naživu během porodu. Eles ainda estavam tentando descobrir como permanecer vivos durante o parto. Они все еще выясняли, как оставаться в живых во время родов. I doubt they had time to study the intricacies of genetic disorders, like hypotrichosis, a condition where people can grow thick hair all over their face and body. ||||||||сложности|||||гипотрихоз|||||||||||||| Pochybuji, že měli čas prozkoumat složitost genetických poruch, jako je hypotrichóza, stav, kdy lidem mohou růst husté vlasy po celé tváři a těle. Я сомневаюсь, что у них было время изучить тонкости генетических нарушений, таких как гипотрихоз, состояние, при котором люди могут расти густыми волосами по всему лицу и телу. Or worry ergot poisoning. ||отравление эргот| Nebo se obávejte otravy námeli. Of maak je zorgen over moederkorenvergiftiging. Ou se preocupe com o envenenamento por ergotamina. Или беспокоиться о отравлении спорыньем.

Ergot being a fungus which can thrive in wheat and barley, and when ingested can cause hallucinations. Эргот гриб||||||||||ячмень|||||| |||fungus|||||wheat||barley|||||| Ergot je houba, které se daří v pšenici a ječmeni a při požití může způsobit halucinace. A cravagem é um fungo que pode se desenvolver no trigo e na cevada e, quando ingerido, pode causar alucinações. Forget about rabies, or any other kind of disease other than the sniffles. ||бешенство||||||||||насморк Zapomeňte na vzteklinu nebo jakýkoli jiný druh nemoci kromě čichání. Esqueça a raiva ou qualquer outro tipo de doença que não seja o resfriado. Забудьте о бешенстве или любом другом заболевании, кроме принюшек. And guys, they were probably too caught up in collective hysteria to take a step back and go guys, hold on. A lidi, pravděpodobně byli příliš chyceni v kolektivní hysterii, aby udělali krok zpět a šli, lidi, vydržte. И, ребята, они, вероятно, были слишком втянуты в коллективную истерию, чтобы сделать шаг назад и пойти, ребята, держитесь. Hold on a second. Počkej chvilku. Espere um segundo. Держать на секунду. Maybe this dude isn’t a shape-shifting bloodthirsty demon sent from hell to murder us all? Možná, že tenhle chlápek není krvežíznivý démon, který posílá z pekla, aby nás všechny zavraždil? Maybe? Maybe we got some collective hysteria. Možná jsme dostali nějakou kolektivní hysterii. Talvez tenhamos alguma histeria coletiva. Может быть, у нас была какая-то коллективная истерия. What animal are you the most afraid of their? Jakého zvířete se jejich bojí nejvíce? Qual animal você tem mais medo deles? Какое животное вы больше всего боитесь их? Is there a story behind it? Je za tím nějaký příběh? Existe uma história por trás disso? Есть ли история? Please share with me in the comments below. Por favor, compartilhe comigo nos comentários abaixo.

And if you want to learn more about actual wolves, check out my weird, gross, and beautiful on them. A pokud se chcete dozvědět více o skutečných vlcích, podívejte se na moje divné, drsné a krásné. E se você quiser aprender mais sobre lobos reais, dê uma olhada em como eles são estranhos, nojentos e lindos. Communal pacts will howl together to maybe communicate something to a different pack. |пакты||выть|||||||||паке Komunální pakty budou vytí společně možná komunikovat něco do jiného balíčku. Os pactos comunais uivam juntos para talvez comunicar algo a uma matilha diferente. Коммунальные пакты будут выть вместе, возможно, сообщать что-то другому. I love you all, and I’ll see you next time. Bye. Mwah! Mwah!