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Science in English, 00. You Are NOT Bad at Math

00. You Are NOT Bad at Math


What's the secret to being good at math? If you think it's all about being blessed with good math genes, think again. Read on to find out what being good at math is really all about.

By Jason Marshall, PhD, The Math Dude November 9, 2013.


Have you ever heard yourself, your kids, or anybody else utter the words: "I'm bad at math" or "I'm just not a math person?" Of course you have. In fact, I'd guess that all of us have. And that's because this type of thinking has - very, very unfortunately - become the standard way of thinking about math. I recently came across an article published in The Atlantic called The Myth of "I'm Bad at Math," and if you're a parent, an educator, or a student you should definitely read this article. What does it have to say about negative attitudes about math? And how can it help you tap your inner mathematical being? Those are exactly the questions we'll be talking about today. Sponsor: Want to save more, invest for the future, but don't have time to be a full-on investor? Betterment.com helps you build a customized, low-cost portfolio that suits your goals. Sign up at betterment.com/mathdude and receive a $25 bonus when you make a deposit of $250 or more.

You Are NOT Bad at Math

Despite what you might believe, you were not born bad at math. At least that's the premise of a great article from The Atlantic called The Myth of "I'm Bad at Math," and it's a premise with which I completely agree. The article's authors, Professors Miles Kimball of the University of Michegan and Noah Smith of Stony Brooke University, write: "I'm just not a math person. We hear it all the time. And we've had enough. Because we believe that the idea of 'math people' is the most self-destructive idea in America today. The truth is, you probably are a math person, and by thinking otherwise, you are possibly hamstringing your own career. Worse, you may be helping to perpetuate a pernicious myth that is harming underprivileged children—the myth of inborn genetic math ability."

Although I'm not sure if this belief is the "most self-destructive idea in America today," I do agree that it's really, really bad. The authors go on to write:

"Is math ability genetic? Sure, to some degree...[but] for high-school math, inborn talent is much less important than hard work, preparation, and self-confidence."

I know this sounds a little mushy-gushy, but it really is true. If you want to know why I can confidently say that, check out the article—it goes on to describe a bunch of research showing how people come to (falsely) believe that they are mathematically deficient, and how the even more detrimental belief that this perceived deficiency cannot be changed which occurs as a result ends up creating a vicious self-fulfilling prophecy.

Math Is Hard (But So Is Sleeping)

In my mind, the most important line in the article states that "IQ itself can improve with hard work." (Check out the links in the article if you don't believe this!) In other words, learning math—or anything worthwhile—isn't easy. It's not supposed to be! It takes actual work…lots of it. And sure, math is harder for some people than others, but that doesn't mean those people can't do it. This reminds me of helping my 3-month-old daughter learn to sleep. It's been a struggle, to say the least. Until I had a kid, I couldn't have imagined that sleeping was difficult - I love to sleep, I'm pretty good at it, and I actually find it quite easy, thank you very much. But she struggles to go to sleep, then struggles to stay asleep, and finally struggles to fall back asleep when she wakes up after only 15 minutes.

My point is that yes, math is hard, but so is sleeping…at first. It takes work, but eventually we get better at it. The important point is that we have to keep trying and not convince ourselves that we simply can't do it. Again, I know this sounds overly simplistic, but the research described in the article shows that this simple starting point really is the starting point. If we can fix the black hole of math negativity, then we can start to fix math.

Why Is Math Worth Fixing

Which might lead you to wonder: "Why is math worth fixing?" The authors of The Atlantic article address that, too. They write:

"Math skills are increasingly important for getting good jobs these days - so believing you can't learn math is especially self-destructive. But we also believe that math is the area where America's 'fallacy of inborn ability' is the most entrenched. Math is the great mental bogeyman of an unconfident America. If we can convince you that anyone can learn math, it should be a short step to convincing you that you can learn just about anything, if you work hard enough."

I've taught enough math and physics students - of all ability levels - over the years, and I know first-hand that this mental block surrounding mathematical abilities is very real, very destructive, and even debilitating for some people. But I also know first hand that it can be overcome. The first step in overcoming this fear is to realize that you are not alone in "not getting it" - the truth is that nobody "gets it" at first. As Kimball and Smith describe:

"Too many Americans go through life terrified of equations and mathematical symbols. We think what many of them are afraid of is 'proving' themselves to be genetically inferior by failing to instantly comprehend the equations (when, of course, in reality, even a math professor would have to read closely). So they recoil from anything that looks like math, protesting: 'I'm not a math person.' And so they exclude themselves from quite a few lucrative career opportunities. We believe that this has to stop."

I couldn't agree more. How to Heal Math

So, what can be done to heal math? According to Kimball and Smith:

"We have at least one American-style idea for making kids smarter: treat people who work hard at learning as heroes and role models . We already venerate sports heroes who make up for lack of talent through persistence and grit; why should our educational culture be any different?

In the debate between 'nature vs. nurture,' a critical third element - personal perseverance and effort—seems to have been sidelined. We want to bring it back, and we think that math is the best place to start."

What can you do to help heal math? The simplest piece of advice I can give you is to try to avoid talking negatively about math. I know this can be a tough ask for people who have struggled over the years with math, but every time a kid hears a parent or any other adult talking about how hard math is or how "I was never any good at math," a seed is planted in that child's mind that makes him or her wonder if maybe they are bad at math, too. And thus the cycle will be doomed to continue. Let's all agree to help break it. Wrap Up

Okay, that's all we have time for today. I'd be very interested to hear what you guys think about this article and the ideas I've talked about. Please send your thoughts via email to mathdude@quickanddirtytips.com.

Please be sure to check out my book The Math Dude's Quick and Dirty Guide to Algebra . And remember to become a fan of the Math Dude on Facebook where you'll find lots of great math posted throughout the week. If you're on Twitter, please follow me there, too. Until next time, this is Jason Marshall with The Math Dude's Quick and Dirty Tips to Make Math Easier . Thanks for reading, math fans!

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00. You Are NOT Bad at Math |||나쁘지 않다||수학 00. Sie sind NICHT schlecht in Mathematik 00. You Are NOT Bad at Math 00. NO se te dan mal las matemáticas 00. Vous n'êtes PAS mauvais en maths 00.あなたは数学が苦手ではない 00. Nie jesteś zły z matematyki 00. Não és mau a matemática 00. Вы НЕ плохи в математике 00. Matematikte Kötü Değilsiniz 00.你的数学并不差 00.你數學不差

Intro: 소개 Giriş:

What’s the secret to being good at math? 무엇이||비결||수학 잘하기||| Was ist das Geheimnis, um gut in Mathe zu sein? ¿Cuál es el secreto para ser bueno en matemáticas? 数学が上手になる秘訣は何ですか? Matematikte iyi olmanın sırrı nedir? 学好数学的秘诀是什么? If you think it’s all about being blessed with good math genes, think again. |||||||축복받은||||유전자|| |||||||błogosławiony|||||| |||||||benedetti|||||| Wenn Sie denken, dass es nur darum geht, mit guten mathematischen Genen gesegnet zu sein, denken Sie noch einmal darüber nach. Si piensas que todo se trata de tener buenos genes matemáticos, piénsalo de nuevo. Если вы думаете, что все дело в хороших математических генах, подумайте еще раз. Her şeyin iyi matematik genleriyle kutsanmış olduğunu düşünüyorsanız, tekrar düşünün. 如果您认为这完全取决于拥有良好的数学基因,那么请再想一想。 Read on to find out what being good at math is really all about. 읽어보세요|||알아보세요|||||||||| Sigue leyendo para descubrir de qué se trata realmente ser bueno en matemáticas. Читайте дальше, чтобы узнать, что значит быть хорошим математиком. Matematikte iyi olmanın gerçekte neyle ilgili olduğunu öğrenmek için okumaya devam edin. 请继续阅读,了解擅长数学的真正含义。

By Jason Marshall, PhD, The Math Dude November 9, 2013. |제이슨|마샬|박사|||친구야|11월 Por Jason Marshall, PhD, El Tipo de Matemáticas 9 de noviembre de 2013.

Transcript 전사 Transcripción Стенограмма

Have you ever heard yourself, your kids, or anybody else utter the words: "I’m bad at math" or "I’m just not a math person?" |||||||ou bien|||||||||||||||| ||||||||||Say out loud||||||||||||| ||한 번이라도||자신||아이들|||다른 사람|발음하다|||||||||||||사람 ||||||||||pronounce||||||||||||| Haben Sie sich, Ihre Kinder oder irgendjemand anderen jemals die Worte sagen hören: „Ich bin schlecht in Mathe“ oder „Ich bin einfach kein Mathe-Mensch“? ¿Alguna vez te has oído a ti mismo, a tus hijos o a cualquier otra persona pronunciar las palabras: "Se me dan mal las matemáticas" o "Simplemente no soy una persona de matemáticas"? 您是否曾听过您自己、您的孩子或其他任何人说过这样的话:“我数学不好”或“我只是不是一个数学人”? Of course you have. In fact, I’d guess that all of us have. |사실은|나는|추측하다|||의|우리|가졌을 것이다 De hecho, supongo que todos lo hemos hecho. На самом деле, я бы предположил, что у всех нас. Aslında, hepimizin sahip olduğunu tahmin ediyorum. 事实上,我猜我们所有人都有。 And that’s because this type of thinking has - very, very unfortunately - become the standard way of thinking about math. |그것은|||이런 사고 방식||사고 방식||||불행하게도|되었다||표준||||| 这是因为非常(非常非常不幸)这种类型的思考已成为思考数学的标准方法。 I recently came across an article published in The Atlantic called The Myth of "I’m Bad at Math," and if you’re a parent, an educator, or a student you should definitely read this article. |최근에||찾았다||기사|발행된|||애틀랜틱|이라고 불리는||신화||||||||당신이||부모||교육자|||학생|||확실히||| ||||||||||||mito||||||||||un genitore||||||||||| Hace poco me encontré con un artículo publicado en The Atlantic titulado The Myth of "I'm Bad at Math" (El mito de "se me dan mal las matemáticas"), y si eres padre, educador o estudiante deberías leerlo sin duda. 我最近遇到了在《大西洋》上发表的一篇名为“我对数学不好的神话”的文章,如果您是父母,教育者或学生,则应该阅读这篇文章。 What does it have to say about negative attitudes about math? |하다||가지고|에 대해|말하다||부정적인 태도|태도|| ¿Qué tiene que decir sobre las actitudes negativas hacia las matemáticas? 数学に対する否定的な態度について、それは何を言わなければなりませんか? And how can it help you tap your inner mathematical being? |||es||||||| |어떻게|||||탭하다||내면의|| ||||||tapping||interiore|mathematical| ||||||access|||| Und wie kann es Ihnen helfen, Ihr inneres mathematisches Wesen zu erschließen? ¿Y cómo puede ayudarle a aprovechar su ser matemático interior? そして、それはあなたの内なる数学的存在をどのように活用するのに役立ちますか? И как это может помочь вам задействовать ваше внутреннее математическое существо? Ve içsel matematiksel varlığınıza dokunmanıza nasıl yardımcı olabilir? 它如何帮助您挖掘内在的数学存在? Those are exactly the questions we’ll be talking about today. 这些正是我们今天要讨论的问题。 Sponsor: Want to save more, invest for the future, but don’t have time to be a full-on investor? ||||||||||||||||||investitore Sponsor: ¿Quieres ahorrar más, invertir para el futuro, pero no tienes tiempo para ser un inversor en toda regla? スポンサー: もっと貯蓄したい、将来のために投資したいが、本格的な投資家になる時間がない? Sponsor: Daha fazla tasarruf etmek, geleceğe yatırım yapmak istiyor, ancak tam yatırımcı olmak için zamanınız yok mu? 赞助商:想存更多钱,为未来投资,但没有时间成为一名全面的投资者? Betterment.com helps you build a customized, low-cost portfolio that suits your goals. Amélioration||||||||||||| |||||||||portfolio|||| Betterment.com te ayuda a construir una cartera personalizada y de bajo coste que se adapte a tus objetivos. Betterment.com, hedeflerinize uyacak özelleştirilmiş ve düşük maliyetli bir portföy oluşturmanıza yardımcı olur. Betterment.com 帮助您构建适合您目标的定制、低成本产品组合。 Sign up at betterment.com/mathdude and receive a $25 bonus when you make a deposit of $250 or more. |||||mathdude|||||||||deposito||| Regístrese en betterment.com/mathdude y reciba una bonificación de 25 $ al realizar un depósito de 250 $ o más.

You Are NOT Bad at Math NO se te dan mal las matemáticas

Despite what you might believe, you were not born bad at math. A pesar de lo que puedas creer, no naciste siendo malo en matemáticas. 不管你怎么想,你并不是生来数学不好。 At least that’s the premise of a great article from  The Atlantic  called The Myth of "I’m Bad at Math," and it’s a premise with which I completely agree. ||||prémisse|||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||underlying idea||||||||titled|||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||||||||Prämisse||||| ||||premisa|||||||||||||||||||premisa||||| Al menos esa es la premisa de un estupendo artículo de The Atlantic titulado The Myth of "I'm Bad at Math" (El mito de "se me dan mal las matemáticas"), y es una premisa con la que estoy completamente de acuerdo. 至少这是《大西洋月刊》一篇名为“我数学不好”的神话的伟大文章的前提,也是我完全同意的前提。 The article’s authors, Professors Miles Kimball of the University of Michegan and Noah Smith of Stony Brooke University, write: |dell'articolo|autores del artículo|||||||||||||||| Los autores del artículo, los profesores Miles Kimball, de la Universidad de Michegan, y Noah Smith, de la Universidad de Stony Brooke, escriben: 文章的作者,密歇根大学的Miles Kimball教授和石溪大学的Noah Smith写道: "I’m just not a math person. "No soy una persona de matemáticas. "Ben sadece matematik insanı değilim. “我只是不是一个数学家。 We hear it all the time. Lo oímos todo el tiempo. And we’ve had enough. Y ya hemos tenido bastante. もう十分だ。 Ve biz yetti. Because we believe that the idea of 'math people' is the most self-destructive idea in America today. |||||||||||||self-sabotaging|||| なぜなら、「数学の人々」という考えは、今日のアメリカで最も自己破壊的な考えであると信じているからです. Çünkü biz “matematik insanları” fikrinin bugün Amerika'daki en çok yıkıcı fikir olduğuna inanıyoruz. 因为我们相信“数学人”的观念是当今美国最具自我毁灭性的观念。 The truth is, you probably are a math person, and by thinking otherwise, you are possibly hamstringing your own career. ||||||||||||||||behindern||| ||||||||||||||||hindering||| ||||||||||||||||足を引っ張||| |||||||||||pensando de otra manera|in another way||||limitando tu carrera|your|| Die Wahrheit ist, dass Sie wahrscheinlich ein Mathematiker sind, und wenn Sie anders denken, behindern Sie möglicherweise Ihre eigene Karriere. La verdad es que probablemente seas una persona de matemáticas y, al pensar lo contrario, posiblemente estés obstaculizando tu propia carrera. Правда в том, что вы, скорее всего, математик, и, думая иначе, вы, возможно, мешаете своей карьере. Gerçek şu ki, muhtemelen matematiksel bir insansınız ve başka türlü düşünerek, muhtemelen kendi kariyerinizi zorluyorsunuz. 事实是,您可能是一个数学专家,如果不这么想,您可能会阻碍自己的职业生涯。 Worse, you may be helping to perpetuate a pernicious myth that is harming underprivileged children—the myth of inborn genetic math ability." ||||||aufrechterhalten||schädlicher Mythos||||||||||||| ||||||continue||Harmful and damaging|||||disadvantaged|||||||| ||||||perpetuare||perniciosa||||harming|svantaggiati|||||innata||| Schlimmer noch, Sie tragen möglicherweise dazu bei, einen schädlichen Mythos aufrechtzuerhalten, der unterprivilegierten Kindern schadet – den Mythos der angeborenen genetischen mathematischen Fähigkeiten. Peor aún, puede estar contribuyendo a perpetuar un mito pernicioso que perjudica a los niños desfavorecidos: el mito de la capacidad matemática genética innata". Хуже того, вы, возможно, помогаете увековечить пагубный миф, который вредит обездоленным детям, - миф о врожденных генетических способностях к математике". Daha da kötüsü, imtiyazsız çocuklara zarar veren zararlı bir efsaneyi - doğuştan gelen genetik matematik yeteneğinin efsanesini - sürdürmeye yardımcı olabilirsiniz. ” 更糟糕的是,你可能会助长一个伤害贫困儿童的有害神话——天生遗传数学能力的神话。”

Although I’m not sure if this belief is the "most self-destructive idea in America today," I do agree that it’s really, really bad. Aunque no estoy seguro de que esta creencia sea la "idea más autodestructiva de Estados Unidos en la actualidad", sí estoy de acuerdo en que es muy, muy mala. Her ne kadar bu inancın "bugün Amerika'da en çok yıkıcı fikir" olup olmadığından emin olmasam da, bunun gerçekten, gerçekten kötü olduğuna katılıyorum. 尽管我不确定这种信念是否是“当今美国最具有自我毁灭性的想法”,但我确实同意这是非常非常糟糕的。 The authors go on to write:

"Is math ability genetic? Sure, to some degree...[but] for high-school math, inborn talent is much less important than hard work, preparation, and self-confidence." |||||||||inné|||||||||||| Sicher, bis zu einem gewissen Grad … [aber] für die Highschool-Mathematik ist angeborenes Talent viel weniger wichtig als harte Arbeit, Vorbereitung und Selbstvertrauen. Claro, hasta cierto punto... [pero] para las matemáticas de secundaria, el talento innato es mucho menos importante que el trabajo duro, la preparación y la confianza en uno mismo". Elbette, bir dereceye kadar… [ama] lise matematiği için, doğuştan gelen yetenek, sıkı çalışmak, hazırlık yapmak ve kendine güvenmekten çok daha az önemlidir. ” 当然,在某种程度上……[但是]对于高中数学来说,与生俱来的天赋远不如努力、准备和自信重要。”

I know this sounds a little mushy-gushy, but it really is true. ||||||romantisch|schmalzig||||| |am aware|||||overly sentimental|||||| ||||||感情的|感情的||||| |sei||||||||||| Sé que suena un poco sensiblero, pero es la verdad. Я знаю, что это звучит немного грустно, но это действительно так. Kulağa biraz sarhoş geliyor biliyorum ama bu gerçekten doğru. If you want to know why I can confidently say that, check out the article—it goes on to describe a bunch of research showing how people come to (falsely) believe that they are mathematically deficient, and how the even more detrimental belief that this perceived deficiency cannot be changed which occurs as a result ends up creating a vicious self-fulfilling prophecy. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||prophétie auto-réalisatrice |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||fälschlicherweise||||||mangelhaft||||||schädlich, nachteilig||||||||||||||||||||selbst erfüllend| ||||understand the reason||||||||||||continues|||||||||||begin to believe||||||||||||||more harmful||||||||||||||||||harmful, destructive cycle|||self-fulfilling prediction |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||悪循環の||| |||||||||||||||||||||un gruppo|||||||||||||matematicamente|deficiente||||||detrimentale||||percepita|deficienza|||cambia||||||||||vicious||auto-realizzante|profezia autoavverante Si quieres saber por qué puedo afirmar esto con seguridad, consulta el artículo: describe un montón de investigaciones que demuestran cómo las personas llegan a creer (falsamente) que son deficientes en matemáticas, y cómo la creencia aún más perjudicial de que esta deficiencia percibida no se puede cambiar, que se produce como resultado, acaba creando una viciosa profecía autocumplida. 私が自信を持ってそう言える理由を知りたい場合は、記事をチェックしてください。この記事では、人々が数学的に欠陥があると(誤って)信じるようになる方法と、これがさらに有害であると信じていることを示す一連の研究について説明しています。認識された欠乏は変えることができず、その結果、悪質な自己実現的予言が作成されます。 Bunu neden güvenle söyleyebildiğimi bilmek istersen, makaleyi inceleyin - insanların nasıl matematiksel olarak eksik olduklarına (yanlış) inandıklarını ve bunun nasıl daha da zararlı olduğuna inandıklarını gösteren bir araştırmayı tanımlamak algılanan eksiklik değiştirilemez ve bunun sonucunda kısır bir kendini gerçekleştiren kehanet yaratır. 如果你想知道为什么我可以自信地说出这一点,请查看这篇文章——它继续描述了一系列研究,显示人们如何(错误地)相信自己在数学上有缺陷,以及更有害的信念如何感知到的缺陷是无法改变的,最终会产生恶性的自我实现预言。

Math Is Hard (But So Is Sleeping) Matematik Zor (Ama Öyle Uyuyor) 数学很难(但睡觉也是如此)

In my mind, the most important line in the article states that "IQ itself can improve with hard work." ||||||||||afferma||QI|||||| ||||mais|||||||||||||| En mi opinión, la línea más importante del artículo afirma que "el propio CI puede mejorar con trabajo duro". Aklımda, makaledeki en önemli satır "IQ'nun kendisinin çok çalışarak gelişebileceğini" belirtiyor. 在我看来,文章中最重要的一句话是“智商本身可以通过努力提高”。 (Check out the links in the article if you don’t believe this!) (如果您不相信,请查看文章中的链接!) In other words, learning math—or anything worthwhile—isn’t easy. 换句话说,学习数学——或者任何有价值的东西——并不容易。 It’s not supposed to be! |isn't||| ¡No se supone que sea así! Olmaması gerekiyordu! 不应该这样! It takes actual work…lots of it. Se necesita trabajo real... mucho de ello. Asıl işi alır… birçoğunu. 这需要实际的工作……大量的工作。 And sure, math is harder for some people than others, but that doesn’t mean those people  can’t do it. Y claro, las matemáticas son más difíciles para algunas personas que para otras, pero eso no significa que esas personas no puedan hacerlo. 当然,数学对某些人来说比其他人更难,但这并不意味着这些人做不到。 This reminds me of helping my 3-month-old daughter learn to sleep. This situation||||||||||| Esto me recuerda cuando ayudaba a mi hija de 3 meses a aprender a dormir. Bu bana 3 aylık kızımın uyumayı öğrenmesinde yardımcı olduğumu hatırlatıyor. It’s been a struggle, to say the least. Ha sido una lucha, por no decir otra cosa. En azından söylemek zor bir mücadele oldu. 至少可以说,这是一场斗争。 Until I had a kid, I couldn’t have imagined that sleeping was difficult - I love to sleep, I’m pretty good at it, and I actually find it quite easy, thank you very much. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||abbastanza||||| Hasta que tuve un hijo, no podía imaginar que dormir fuera difícil: me encanta dormir, se me da bastante bien y, de hecho, me resulta bastante fácil, muchas gracias. Çocuğum olana kadar uyumanın zor olduğunu hayal edemezdim - uyumayı seviyorum, bunda oldukça iyiyim ve aslında oldukça kolay buluyorum, çok teşekkür ederim. 在我有了孩子之前,我无法想象睡觉是一件困难的事——我喜欢睡觉,我很擅长睡觉,而且我实际上发现睡觉很容易,非常感谢。 But she struggles to go to sleep, then struggles to stay asleep, and finally struggles to fall back asleep when she wakes up after only 15 minutes. ||||||||||||as well as||||||||||||| ||fa fatica|||||||||addormentata|||||||||||||| Pero le cuesta dormirse, luego le cuesta permanecer dormida y, por último, le cuesta volver a dormirse cuando se despierta después de sólo 15 minutos. 但她很难入睡,然后又很难保持睡眠状态,最后在仅仅15分钟后醒来时又难以入睡。

My point is that yes, math is hard, but so is sleeping…at first. Lo que quiero decir es que sí, las matemáticas son difíciles, pero también lo es dormir... al principio. Demek istediğim, evet, matematik zor, ama ilk başta… öyle uyuyor. 我的意思是,是的,数学很难,但睡觉也是如此。 It takes work, but eventually we get better at it. Cuesta trabajo, pero al final lo hacemos mejor. İşe ihtiyaç var ama sonunda daha iyi olacağız. 这需要付出努力,但最终我们会做得更好。 The important point is that we have to keep trying and not convince ourselves that we simply can’t do it. ||||||||continuare||||||||||| Lo importante es que tenemos que seguir intentándolo y no convencernos de que sencillamente no podemos hacerlo. Önemli olan, denemeye devam etmemiz ve kendimizi basitçe yapamayacağımıza ikna etmememiz gerektiğidir. 重要的一点是,我们必须继续努力,不要让自己说服自己根本做不到。 Again, I know this sounds overly simplistic, but the research described in the article shows that this simple starting point really is the starting point. ||||||overly simple|||||||||||||||||| ||||||semplista|||||||||||||||||| De nuevo, sé que esto suena demasiado simplista, pero la investigación descrita en el artículo demuestra que este sencillo punto de partida es realmente el punto de partida. Yine bunun son derece basit olduğunu biliyorum, ancak makalede açıklanan araştırma bu basit başlangıç noktasının gerçekten başlangıç noktası olduğunu gösteriyor. 再说一遍,我知道这听起来过于简单,但文章中描述的研究表明,这个简单的起点确实是起点。 If we can fix the black hole of math negativity, then we can start to fix math. ||||||||matemática|||||||| ||||||buco|||negatività||||||| Si podemos arreglar el agujero negro de la negatividad matemática, entonces podremos empezar a arreglar las matemáticas. Eğer matematik olumsuzluğunun kara deliğini düzeltebilirsek, matematik düzeltmeye başlayabiliriz. 如果我们能够修复数学消极性的黑洞,那么我们就可以开始修复数学。

Why Is Math Worth Fixing ||||correggere ¿Por qué vale la pena arreglar las matemáticas? Neden Matematik tamir etmeye değer mi

Which might lead you to wonder: "Why is math worth fixing?" Lo que podría llevarte a preguntarte: "¿Por qué vale la pena arreglar las matemáticas?" Hangisi merak etmenize neden olabilir: "Neden matematik tamir etmeye değer?" 这可能会让你想知道:“为什么数学值得修正?” The authors of The Atlantic article address that, too. Los autores del artículo de The Atlantic también abordan eso. Atlantik makalesinin yazarları da bunu ele alıyor. 《大西洋》的作者也谈到了这一点。 They write:

"Math skills are increasingly important for getting good jobs these days - so believing you can’t learn math is especially self-destructive. |||sempre più|||||||||believing|||||||| "Las habilidades matemáticas son cada vez más importantes para conseguir buenos trabajos hoy en día, por lo que creer que no puedes aprender matemáticas es especialmente autodestructivo. “Matematik becerileri bugünlerde iyi işler elde etmek için giderek daha önemli - bu nedenle matematiği öğrenemediğinize inanmak özellikle kendi kendini yıkıcı. “如今,数学技能对于找到好工作变得越来越重要-因此,认为自己不会学习数学尤其具有自毁性。 But we also believe that math is the area where America’s 'fallacy of inborn ability' is the most entrenched. |||||||||||||angeborene Fähigkeit||||| |||||||||||false belief|||||||deeply rooted |||||||||||誤謬||||||| Wir glauben aber auch, dass Mathematik der Bereich ist, in dem Amerikas "Irrtum der angeborenen Fähigkeiten" am stärksten verankert ist. Pero también creemos que las matemáticas son el área en la que la "falacia de la capacidad innata" de Estados Unidos está más arraigada. Ancak, matematiğin Amerika'nın “doğuştan gelen yeteneklerin yanlışlığı” nın en sağlam olduğu alan olduğuna da inanıyoruz. 但我们也认为,数学是美国“先天能力谬论”最根深蒂固的领域。 Math is the great mental bogeyman of an unconfident America. Mathématiques|||||épouvantail mental|||| |||||feared challenge|||| |||||お化け|||| |||||spauracchio|||unconfident| Las matemáticas son el gran espantapájaros mental de una América insegura. Matematik, kendine güvenen bir Amerika'nın büyük zihinsel öcü olduğunu. 数学是不自信的美国的伟大精神上的柏忌。 If we can convince you that anyone can learn math, it should be a short step to convincing you that you can learn just about anything, if you work hard enough." Si podemos convencerte de que cualquiera puede aprender matemáticas, debería ser un paso corto para convencerte de que puedes aprender casi cualquier cosa, si trabajas lo suficientemente duro. 如果我们能让你相信任何人都可以学习数学,那么距离让你相信只要你足够努力,你就可以学到任何东西,这应该是一个很短的步骤。”

I’ve taught enough math and physics students - of all ability levels - over the years, and I know first-hand that this mental block surrounding mathematical abilities is very real, very destructive, and even debilitating for some people. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||Crippling||| |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||衰弱させ||| |||||fisica||||||||||||||||||||||||||||debilitante||| He enseñado a suficientes estudiantes de matemáticas y física - de todos los niveles de habilidad - a lo largo de los años, y sé de primera mano que este bloqueo mental que rodea las habilidades matemáticas es muy real, muy destructivo e incluso debilitante para algunas personas. Yıllar boyunca tüm yetenek seviyelerinden yeteri kadar matematik ve fizik öğrencisi öğrendim ve ilk elden matematiksel yetenekleri çevreleyen bu zihinsel bloğun bazı insanlar için çok gerçek, çok yıkıcı ve hatta zayıflatıcı olduğunu biliyorum. 多年来,我教过足够多的数学和物理学生——各种能力水平的学生,而且我直接知道,这种围绕数学能力的心理障碍是非常真实的,非常具有破坏性,甚至对某些人来说是虚弱的。 But I also know first hand that it can be overcome. Ich weiß aber auch aus erster Hand, dass es überwunden werden kann. Pero también sé de primera mano que se puede superar. Ama bunun da üstesinden gelinebileceğini ilk elden biliyorum. 但我也知道第一手资料可以克服。 The first step in overcoming this fear is to realize that you are not alone in "not getting it" - the truth is that nobody "gets it" at first. ||||superare||paura||||||||||||||||||||| Der erste Schritt zur Überwindung dieser Angst besteht darin, zu erkennen, dass Sie nicht allein sind, wenn Sie "es nicht bekommen" - die Wahrheit ist, dass niemand es zuerst "bekommt". El primer paso para superar este miedo es darse cuenta de que uno no es el único que "no lo entiende"; la verdad es que nadie "lo entiende" a la primera. この恐怖を克服するための最初のステップは、「理解できない」のは自分だけではないことに気づくことです。 Bu korkunun üstesinden gelmenin ilk adımı "onu alamamak" konusunda yalnız olmadığınızın farkına varmaktır - gerçek şu ki, ilk başta kimsenin "alamadığı" dır. As Kimball and Smith describe: 正如金博尔和史密斯所描述的:

"Too many Americans go through life terrified of equations and mathematical symbols. ||||||terrorizzati||equazioni||| "Çok fazla Amerikalı, denklemlerden ve matematiksel sembollerden çok korkuyor. “太多的美国人过着可怕的方程式和数学符号的生活。 We think what many of them are afraid of is 'proving' themselves to be genetically inferior by failing to instantly comprehend the equations (when, of course, in reality, even a math professor would have to read closely). ||||||||||demonstrating|||||less capable|||||understand fully|||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||方程式|||||||||||||| |||||||afraid|||dimostrare|||||inferior||fallendo|||to comprehend|||||||||||||||| Creemos que lo que muchos de ellos temen es 'demostrar' que son genéticamente inferiores al no comprender instantáneamente las ecuaciones (cuando, por supuesto, en la realidad, incluso un profesor de matemáticas tendría que leer detenidamente). Мы думаем, что многие из них боятся "доказать" свою генетическую неполноценность, не сумев мгновенно понять уравнения (когда, конечно, в действительности даже профессору математики пришлось бы внимательно читать). Birçoğunun korktuğu şeyin, denklemleri anında kavramakta başarısızlıkla genetik olarak daha aşağı olduklarını kanıtladıklarını düşünüyoruz (gerçekte bir matematik profesörü bile yakından okumak zorunda kaldıklarında). 我们认为,他们中的许多人担心由于无法立即理解方程式而“证明”自己在基因上逊色(当然,实际上,即使是数学教授也必须仔细阅读)。 So they recoil from anything that looks like math, protesting: 'I’m not a math person.' ||shrink back|||||||objecting, claiming||||| |||||||||protestando||||| Así que se echan atrás ante cualquier cosa que parezca matemáticas, protestando: 'No soy una persona de matemáticas.' そのため、彼らは数学のように見えるものすべてに反抗し、「私は数学の人ではありません」と抗議します。 Böylece matematik gibi görünen her şeyden kurtuluyorlar, protesto ediyor: 'Ben matematik insanı değilim'. And so they exclude themselves from quite a few lucrative career opportunities. |||||||||high-paying|| |||escludono|||quite|||lucrative|| Y así se excluyen de bastantes oportunidades laborales lucrativas. そのため、彼らはかなりの数の有利なキャリアの機会から自分自身を除外します. Таким образом, они исключают для себя множество выгодных карьерных возможностей. Böylece, kendilerini oldukça az kazançlı kariyer fırsatlarından mahrum bırakıyorlar. 因此,他们将自己排除在许多有利可图的职业机会之外。 We believe that this has to stop." Creemos que esto tiene que acabar".

I couldn’t agree more. No podría estar más de acuerdo. Daha fazla katılamadım. How to Heal Math Matematik Şifa Nasıl 如何治愈数学

So, what can be done to heal math? Entonces, ¿qué se puede hacer para curar las matemáticas? Peki matematiği iyileştirmek için ne yapılabilir? According to Kimball and Smith:

"We have at least one American-style idea for making kids smarter: treat people who work hard at learning as heroes and role models . |||almeno||||||||più intelligenti|treat = treat||||||||||| "Tenemos al menos una idea al estilo estadounidense para hacer que los niños sean más inteligentes: tratar a las personas que se esfuerzan por aprender como héroes y modelos de conducta . "У нас есть, по крайней мере, одна американская идея, как сделать детей умнее: относиться к людям, которые усердно учатся, как к героям и образцам для подражания. “Çocukları daha akıllı yapmak için en az bir Amerikan tarzı fikrimiz var: öğrenmede çok çalışan insanlara kahramanlar ve rol modelleri olarak davranın. “我们至少有一种美国式的想法来让孩子变得更聪明:把努力学习的人视为英雄和榜样。 We already venerate sports heroes who make up for lack of talent through persistence and grit; why should our educational culture be any different? ||deeply respect|||||||||||determination||determination and perseverance|||||||| ||尊敬する||||||||||||||||||||| ||veneriamo = we venerate|||||||lack||||||determinazione|||||||| Ya veneramos a los héroes del deporte que compensan la falta de talento con perseverancia y agallas; ¿por qué debería ser diferente nuestra cultura educativa? 私たちはすでに、粘り強さと根性で才能の欠如を補っているスポーツヒーローを崇拝しています。なぜ私たちの教育文化は違うのですか? Biz zaten sebat ve cesaretle yetenek eksikliğinden oluşan spor kahramanları yetiştiriyoruz; Eğitim kültürümüz neden farklı olsun ki? 我们已经崇敬那些通过坚持和毅力弥补天赋不足的体育英雄;为什么我们的教育文化应该有所不同?

In the debate between 'nature vs. nurture,' a critical third element - personal perseverance and effort—seems to have been sidelined. ||||||environmental influence||||||persistent effort|||||||overlooked or ignored ||||natura||nurtura||||||perseveranza||sforzo|||||messo da parte En el debate entre 'naturaleza vs. crianza', un tercer elemento crítico - la perseverancia y el esfuerzo personal - parece haber sido relegado. В споре между "природой и воспитанием" важнейший третий элемент - личное упорство и старание - кажется, отошел на второй план. 'Doğaya karşı besleyici' arasındaki tartışmada, kritik bir üçüncü unsur - kişisel sebat ve çaba - kısaltılmış görünüyor. 在“自然与养育”之间的辩论中,关键的第三要素-个人的毅力和努力-似乎已被淘汰。 We want to bring it back, and we think that math is the best place to start." Queremos devolverlo, y pensamos que las matemáticas son el mejor lugar para empezar. 我们想把它带回来,我们认为数学是最好的起点。”

What can you do to help heal math? ||||||guarire| ¿Qué puedes hacer para ayudar a sanar las matemáticas? The simplest piece of advice I can give you is to try to avoid talking negatively about math. |||||||||||||||négativement|| |||||||||||||||in a critical manner|| |||||||||||||||in a negative way|| El consejo más sencillo que puedo darte es que intentes evitar hablar negativamente de las matemáticas. 我能给你的最简单的建议就是尽量避免消极地谈论数学。 I know this can be a tough ask for people who have struggled over the years with math, but every time a kid hears a parent or any other adult talking about how hard math is or how "I was never any good at math," a seed is planted in that child’s mind that makes him or her wonder if maybe they are bad at math, too. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||graine|||||||||||||||||||| ||||||difficile||||||hanno lottato|||||||||||ascolta|||||||||||||||||||||||seme||is planted||||||makes = makes||||se pregunta|||||||| Sé que esto puede ser un pedido difícil para las personas que han luchado a lo largo de los años con las matemáticas, pero cada vez que un niño escucha a un padre o cualquier otro adulto hablar sobre lo difícil que son las matemáticas o cómo "nunca fui bueno en matemáticas", se planta una semilla en la mente de ese niño que le hace preguntarse si tal vez él o ella también son malos en matemáticas. Bunun yıllar boyunca matematikle mücadele eden insanlar için zor bir istekte bulunabileceğini biliyorum, ancak bir çocuk bir matematiği veya başka bir yetişkin duyduğunda, matematiğin ne kadar zor olduğu veya nasıl "matematikte asla iyi olamadığım" hakkında Tohum, çocuğun matematikte kötü olup olmadığını merak etmesini sağlayan aklına ekilir. 我知道对于多年来一直在数学上挣扎的人来说,这可能是一个艰难的要求,但每次孩子听到父母或任何其他成年人谈论数学有多难或“我从来都不擅长数学”时,在孩子的心中种下了一颗种子,让他或她怀疑自己是否也擅长数学。 And thus the cycle will be doomed to continue. ||||||fated to persist|| ||||||destinato|| Y así, el ciclo estará condenado a continuar. Ve böylece döngü devam etmeye mahkum olacak. Let’s all agree to help break it. Todos acordemos ayudar a romperlo. それを打破するのを助けることに皆で同意しましょう。 Hepimiz onu kırmaya yardım etmeyi kabul edelim. Wrap Up concludere| Cerrar Sarmak

Okay, that’s all we have time for today. Está bien, eso es todo lo que tenemos tiempo para hoy. Tamam, bugün için zamanımız bu. 好了,今天的时间就到此为止。 I’d be very interested to hear what you guys think about this article and the ideas I’ve talked about. Me interesaría mucho saber qué opináis de este artículo y de las ideas que he expuesto. Bu makale hakkında ne düşündüğünüzü ve bahsettiğim fikirleri duymak isterim. 我很想听听你们对这篇文章的看法以及我所讨论的想法。 Please send your thoughts via email to mathdude@quickanddirtytips.com. Envíe sus ideas por correo electrónico a mathdude@quickanddirtytips.com.

Please be sure to check out my book  The Math Dude’s Quick and Dirty Guide to Algebra . ||||||||||||||||algebra Por favor, asegúrese de revisar mi libro The Math Dude's Quick and Dirty Guide to Algebra . 请务必查看我的书《The Math Dude's Quick and Dirty Guide to Algebra》。 And remember to become a fan of the Math Dude on Facebook where you’ll find lots of great math posted throughout the week. ||||||||||||||||||||durante|| Y recuerda hacerte fan del Amigo de las Matemáticas en Facebook, donde encontrarás un montón de estupendas matemáticas publicadas a lo largo de la semana. If you’re on Twitter, please follow me there, too. Until next time, this is Jason Marshall with  The Math Dude’s Quick and Dirty Tips to Make Math Easier . Hasta la próxima, soy Jason Marshall con The Math Dude's Quick and Dirty Tips to Make Math Easier . Thanks for reading, math fans!

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