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LingQ Academy - Tech Startup Course, 12 Things You Should Never Say to Your Customers

12 Things You Should Never Say to Your Customers

Is it true that "The customer is always right?" Of course not! But even if your customers are wrong in practice, your attitude towards them and the respect you treat them with shouldn't change. All business owners know that the customer is your bread and butter. While it's not possible to keep everyone pleased, all the time, here are 12 things you should absolutely never say to your customers. "That's against our policy." Maybe it is, but customers aren't interested in your policy. They're interested in how their situation can be resolved to their satisfaction. Rather than saying their request is against policy, offer what you can do to solve the problem.

ProTip: On how to address or approach an angry/upset/displeased customer,Maptive CEO Brad Crisp gives this advice:

"Dealing with angry customers is all about retention/conversion through relationship building. I recommend following these steps: (1) own the issue (take responsibility and apologize); (2) embrace that there is opportunity in difficult situations to build a relationship; (3) propose solutions and overwhelm their anger with your kindness; (4) offer free stuff if necessary; (5) follow up to make sure you made them happy. " "Let me try to do that..." Try? That sounds like your customers may not get their issues resolved, and demonstrates a lack of self-confidence on your part. If you need to ask someone else, or get approval, simply say that you're doing that. Don't sound unsure about whether or not you can help the customer--be sure you can! "I'll get back to you as soon as I can." If you think about this from a customer perspective, it's easy to see why this is frustrating, as it leaves customers wondering what "soon" means--today? Tomorrow? A week from now? Be as specific as you can about your follow-up. If you don't know when the issue will be resolved, offer a call on a specific date to give an update on the situation. ProTip: On how to address or approach an angry/upset/displeased customer,Groove Founder/CEO Alex Turnbull gives this advice:

"Much of the time, the number one thing the customer is looking for is an apology. Always start with sorry, and mean it. Even if you're not at fault, you can still empathize and feel sorry for the way the situation is making the customer feel. " "What you should do is..." People generally resent being told what to do. If they called you, they want YOU to fix it--not to tell them to fix it. Do everything you can and then offer customers specific follow up steps to resolve their issues.

ProTip: On how to address or approach an angry/upset/displeased customer,When I Work CEO & Founder Chad Halvorson gives this advice: "I've found the best approach to helping an upset customer is to stay calm and and be as helpful as possible. Maintain control of the conversation, set clear expectations and always be working towards a solution. " "Are you sure?" Customers can be wrong, but service representatives shouldn't point it out. It's tempting to do so--especially if you feel the customer is being silly or making an issue out of nothing. But doing so discounts their feelings and makes them feel foolish, which may escalate the situation. Calmly help them with their issue and move forward--no matter how much you'd like to do otherwise. ProTip: On how to address or approach an angry/upset/displeased customer, VeroCEO & Co-Founder Chris Hexton gives this advice: "Treat them with respect. There is nothing worse than brushing a customer's opinion aside or acting like you know everything: your customers are the those whose pain you're solving--listen to them! " "I'm not sure, but I think..." You won't know the answer to every situation, but you shouldn't tell the customer that. You also shouldn't give customers an answer you're unsure of, as doing so might lead them in the wrong direction. Instead, let them know you'll look up some information and either put them on hold or offer to call them back in a few minutes. "That's not so bad..." If your customers are upset with something, you want to empathize as much as possible. The issue you're hearing about may not be major to you, but it is to them--and that's what matters. Be careful not to make any statement that downplays the customer's feelings or frustration over the situation. ProTip: On how to address or approach an angry/upset/displeased customer,Autosend Co-Founder Ashli Norton gives this advice:

"Answer quickly and completely. There's nothing worse than partially helping a displeased days after they need you. You'll not only make them more upset but they'll have enough time to hunt down your competitors and share their experience with others online. " "Listen to me..." Angry customers rarely listen. However, ordering them to be quiet and listen will come across as condescending and make the situation worse. Allow the customer to vent their feelings and empathize with them before offering a solution.

"I will let them know." Even if you agree with the customer's frustration, you never want to call the company you work for "them." To the customer, you are the company, so be careful to say "we" when referring to your employer. If you don't, you'll lose credibility and risk coming across as avoiding responsibility. "You shouldn't have done that." While it's true that the customer shouldn't have thrown away the bill, disregarded the company's email message, or made some other mistake, telling them won't change the situation. It will, however, make the customer feel angry and embarrassed. Focus on the situation as it is and offer the best solution you have.

ProTip: On how to address or approach an angry/upset/displeased customer,Filament Director of Products Jason Amunwa gives this advice:

"Sound like a human being, talking to them face-to-face. Say "I", instead of "We", "Sorry" instead of "apologize" and never, ever say "inconvenience! "" "Calm down." This one phrase elicits more anger than nearly any other. Yes, customers may need to calm down in order to effect a solution, but telling them so will only make them more irate. Instead, let the customer vent, showing empathy with phrases like "I see," and "I understand." Eventually, they'll calm down on their own, allowing you to move forward. "You don't want that, you want this..." Offering alternate solutions or products may seem perfectly reasonable, but phrasing it like this tells customers that you think they're foolish. Instead, say something like, "Yes, that's a great option, but let me tell you about an even better one..." If they doubt the quality or usefulness of your solution, focus on the positive benefits they can gain from continuing their relationship with your company. ProTip: On how to address or approach an angry/upset/displeased customer,Help Scout Content Strategist Gregory Ciotti gives this advice:

"The CARP method is incredibly useful: control of the situation, acknowledge that you understand your customer's concerns, refocus away from the customer's emotions to the solution at hand, outlining how you'll take care of it. Finally, solve the problem, confirming that everything has been resolved to the customer's satisfaction. " In the case of customer service, MANY things are better left unsaid. Hiding your own frustration or confusion can be difficult, but it's very important in terms of creating and maintaining a growing business and happy customers. Avoiding these 12 phrases won't eliminate your customer service issues entirely, but they will prevent a lot of needless frustrations.

12 Things You Should Never Say to Your Customers 12 Dinge, die Sie niemals zu Ihren Kunden sagen sollten 12 cosas que nunca debe decir a sus clientes 顧客に言ってはいけない12のこと 12 coisas que nunca deve dizer aos seus clientes 12 вещей, которые никогда не следует говорить своим клиентам Müşterilerinize Asla Söylememeniz Gereken 12 Şey 你永远不应该对顾客说的 12 件事 绝不能对客户说的 12 句话

Is it true that "The customer is always right?" É verdade que "O cliente tem sempre razão?" Of course not! But even if your customers are wrong in practice, your attitude towards them and the respect you treat them with shouldn't change. Mas mesmo que seus clientes estejam errados na prática, sua atitude em relação a eles e o respeito com que os trata não devem mudar. Но даже если на практике ваши клиенты ошибаются, ваше отношение к ним и уважение, с которым вы к ним относитесь, не должны меняться. All business owners know that the customer is your bread and butter. Todos os empresários sabem que o cliente é o seu pão com manteiga. Все владельцы бизнеса знают, что клиент - это ваш хлеб с маслом. While it's not possible to keep everyone pleased, all the time, here are 12 things you should absolutely never say to your customers. Embora não seja possível manter todos satisfeitos, o tempo todo, aqui estão 12 coisas que você absolutamente nunca deve dizer aos seus clientes. Хотя невозможно постоянно радовать всех и каждого, вот 12 вещей, которые вы никогда не должны говорить своим клиентам. "That's against our policy." "Isso é contra nossa política." "Это противоречит нашей политике". Maybe it is, but customers aren't interested in your policy. Talvez seja, mas os clientes não estão interessados em sua política. They're interested in how their situation can be resolved to their satisfaction. Eles estão interessados em como sua situação pode ser resolvida para sua satisfação. Их интересует, как можно разрешить ситуацию, чтобы они остались довольны. Rather than saying their request is against policy, offer what you can do to solve the problem. En lugar de|||||||||||||||| Em vez de dizer que o pedido deles é contra a política, ofereça o que você pode fazer para resolver o problema. Вместо того чтобы говорить, что их просьба противоречит правилам, предложите, что вы можете сделать для решения проблемы.

ProTip: On how to address or approach an angry/upset/displeased customer,Maptive CEO Brad Crisp gives this advice: Consejo profesional|||||||||||||||||| Dica profissional: sobre como abordar ou abordar um cliente irritado/chateado/desagradado, o CEO da Maptive, Brad Crisp, dá este conselho: ProTip: О том, как обращаться к рассерженному, расстроенному или недовольному клиенту, генеральный директор компании Maptive Брэд Крисп дает такой совет:

"Dealing with angry customers is all about retention/conversion through relationship building. "Lidar com clientes irritados tem tudo a ver com retenção/conversão por meio da construção de relacionamento. "Работа с рассерженными клиентами - это удержание/конверсия через построение отношений. I recommend following these steps: (1) own the issue (take responsibility and apologize); (2) embrace that there is opportunity in difficult situations to build a relationship; (3) propose solutions and overwhelm their anger with your kindness; (4) offer free stuff if necessary; (5) follow up to make sure you made them happy. " Eu recomendo seguir estes passos: (1) assumir o problema (assumir a responsabilidade e pedir desculpas); (2) aceitar que há oportunidade em situações difíceis para construir um relacionamento; (3) propor soluções e dominar sua raiva com sua bondade; (4) oferecer coisas grátis se necessário; (5) acompanhe para ter certeza de que você os fez felizes. " Я рекомендую следовать следующим шагам: (1) взять проблему на себя (взять ответственность и извиниться); (2) понять, что в сложных ситуациях есть возможность наладить отношения; (3) предложить решения и подавить их гнев своей добротой; (4) предложить бесплатные вещи, если необходимо; (5) проследить, чтобы убедиться, что вы сделали их счастливыми. " "Let me try to do that..." Try? "Deixe-me tentar fazer isso..." Tentar? "Позвольте мне попытаться сделать это..." Попробовать? That sounds like your customers may not get their issues resolved, and demonstrates a lack of self-confidence on your part. Isso parece que seus clientes podem não resolver seus problemas e demonstra falta de autoconfiança de sua parte. Это похоже на то, что ваши клиенты не смогут решить свои проблемы, и свидетельствует о недостатке уверенности в себе с вашей стороны. If you need to ask someone else, or get approval, simply say that you're doing that. Se você precisar perguntar a outra pessoa ou obter aprovação, simplesmente diga que está fazendo isso. Если вам нужно спросить кого-то еще или получить одобрение, просто скажите, что вы это делаете. Don't sound unsure about whether or not you can help the customer--be sure you can! Não pareça inseguro sobre se você pode ou não ajudar o cliente – tenha certeza de que pode! Не говорите о том, что вы не уверены в том, что можете помочь клиенту - будьте уверены, что можете! "I'll get back to you as soon as I can." "Eu vou voltar para você assim que eu puder." "Я свяжусь с вами, как только смогу". If you think about this from a customer perspective, it's easy to see why this is frustrating, as it leaves customers wondering what "soon" means--today? Se você pensar sobre isso da perspectiva do cliente, é fácil ver por que isso é frustrante, pois deixa os clientes se perguntando o que significa "em breve" - hoje? Если подумать об этом с точки зрения покупателя, то легко понять, почему это раздражает, ведь покупатели задаются вопросом, что значит "скоро" - сегодня? Tomorrow? A week from now? Uma semana a partir de agora? Be as specific as you can about your follow-up. Seja o mais específico possível sobre seu acompanhamento. If you don't know when the issue will be resolved, offer a call on a specific date to give an update on the situation. Se você não sabe quando o problema será resolvido, ligue para uma data específica para atualizar a situação. Если вы не знаете, когда вопрос будет решен, предложите позвонить в определенный день и сообщить о ситуации. ProTip: On how to address or approach an angry/upset/displeased customer,Groove Founder/CEO Alex Turnbull gives this advice: Совет: Основатель и генеральный директор Groove Алекс Тернбулл дает следующий совет: как обращаться к рассерженному, расстроенному или недовольному клиенту:

"Much of the time, the number one thing the customer is looking for is an apology. "Na maioria das vezes, a primeira coisa que o cliente procura é um pedido de desculpas. "Чаще всего клиент ищет извинений. Always start with sorry, and mean it. Sempre comece com desculpa, e seja sincero. Всегда начинайте с извинения и серьезно его произносите. Even if you're not at fault, you can still empathize and feel sorry for the way the situation is making the customer feel. " Mesmo que você não tenha culpa, você ainda pode ter empatia e sentir pena da forma como a situação está fazendo o cliente se sentir. " Даже если вы не виноваты, вы все равно можете сопереживать и сочувствовать клиенту. " "What you should do is..." People generally resent being told what to do. "O que você deve fazer é..." As pessoas geralmente se ressentem quando dizem o que fazer. "Что вы должны сделать, так это..." Люди обычно не любят, когда им указывают, что делать. If they called you, they want YOU to fix it--not to tell them to fix it. Se eles ligaram para você, eles querem que VOCÊ conserte – não para dizer a eles para consertar. Если они позвонили вам, значит, они хотят, чтобы вы все исправили - а не говорили им, что нужно исправить. Do everything you can and then offer customers specific follow up steps to resolve their issues. Faça tudo o que puder e, em seguida, ofereça aos clientes etapas específicas de acompanhamento para resolver seus problemas. Сделайте все, что в ваших силах, а затем предложите клиентам конкретные последующие шаги для решения их проблем.

ProTip: On how to address or approach an angry/upset/displeased customer,When I Work CEO & Founder Chad Halvorson gives this advice: ProTip: О том, как обращаться к рассерженному, расстроенному или недовольному клиенту, генеральный директор и основатель компании When I Work Чад Халворсон дает такой совет: "I've found the best approach to helping an upset customer is to stay calm and and be as helpful as possible. "Descobri que a melhor abordagem para ajudar um cliente chateado é manter a calma e ser o mais útil possível. "Я убедился, что лучший способ помочь расстроенному клиенту - сохранять спокойствие и быть максимально полезным. Maintain control of the conversation, set clear expectations and always be working towards a solution. " Mantenha o controle da conversa, defina expectativas claras e esteja sempre trabalhando para uma solução. " Сохраняйте контроль над разговором, устанавливайте четкие ожидания и всегда работайте над решением. " "Are you sure?" Customers can be wrong, but service representatives shouldn't point it out. Os clientes podem estar errados, mas os representantes de serviço não devem apontar isso. Клиенты могут ошибаться, но представители службы поддержки не должны указывать на это. It's tempting to do so--especially if you feel the customer is being silly or making an issue out of nothing. É tentador fazê-lo – especialmente se você sentir que o cliente está sendo bobo ou criando um problema do nada. Соблазнительно так поступить - особенно если вам кажется, что клиент ведет себя глупо или раздувает проблему из ничего. But doing so discounts their feelings and makes them feel foolish, which may escalate the situation. Mas fazer isso desconta seus sentimentos e faz com que se sintam tolos, o que pode agravar a situação. Но при этом вы упускаете их чувства и заставляете их чувствовать себя глупо, что может привести к эскалации ситуации. Calmly help them with their issue and move forward--no matter how much you'd like to do otherwise. Calmamente, ajude-os com seu problema e siga em frente - não importa o quanto você gostaria de fazer o contrário. Спокойно помогите им решить их проблему и двигайтесь дальше - как бы вам ни хотелось поступить иначе. ProTip: On how to address or approach an angry/upset/displeased customer, VeroCEO & Co-Founder Chris Hexton gives this advice: "Treat them with respect. "Trate-os com respeito. "Относитесь к ним с уважением. There is nothing worse than brushing a customer's opinion aside or acting like you know everything: your customers are the those whose pain you're solving--listen to them! " Não há nada pior do que deixar de lado a opinião de um cliente ou agir como se você soubesse tudo: seus clientes são aqueles cuja dor você está resolvendo - ouça-os! " Нет ничего хуже, чем отмахнуться от мнения клиента или вести себя так, будто вы все знаете: ваши клиенты - это те, чьи проблемы вы решаете, - прислушайтесь к ним! " "I'm not sure, but I think..." You won't know the answer to every situation, but you shouldn't tell the customer that. "Я не уверен, но мне кажется..." Вы не будете знать ответ на все вопросы, но не стоит говорить об этом клиенту. You also shouldn't give customers an answer you're unsure of, as doing so might lead them in the wrong direction. Você também não deve dar aos clientes uma resposta da qual não tem certeza, pois isso pode levá-los na direção errada. Также не стоит давать клиентам ответ, в котором вы не уверены, так как это может направить их по ложному пути. Instead, let them know you'll look up some information and either put them on hold or offer to call them back in a few minutes. Em vez disso, informe-os de que você procurará algumas informações e os colocará em espera ou se oferecerá para ligar de volta em alguns minutos. Вместо этого сообщите им, что вы посмотрите информацию, и либо переведите их в режим ожидания, либо предложите перезвонить через несколько минут. "That's not so bad..." If your customers are upset with something, you want to empathize as much as possible. "Isso não é tão ruim..." Se seus clientes estão chateados com alguma coisa, você quer ter empatia o máximo possível. "Это не так уж плохо..." Если ваши клиенты чем-то расстроены, вы должны как можно больше сопереживать им. The issue you're hearing about may not be major to you, but it is to them--and that's what matters. A questão sobre a qual você está ouvindo pode não ser importante para você, mas é para eles – e é isso que importa. Возможно, для вас проблема, о которой вы слышите, не является важной, но для них она важна - и это главное. Be careful not to make any statement that downplays the customer's feelings or frustration over the situation. Tenha cuidado para não fazer qualquer declaração que subestime os sentimentos ou a frustração do cliente com a situação. Будьте осторожны и не делайте заявлений, преуменьшающих чувства клиента или его разочарование ситуацией. ProTip: On how to address or approach an angry/upset/displeased customer,Autosend Co-Founder Ashli Norton gives this advice: ProTip: Соучредитель Autosend Эшли Нортон дает следующий совет: как обращаться к рассерженному, расстроенному или недовольному клиенту:

"Answer quickly and completely. "Responda rápida e completamente. "Отвечайте быстро и полно. There's nothing worse than partially helping a displeased days after they need you. Não há nada pior do que ajudar parcialmente um descontente dias depois que eles precisam de você. Нет ничего хуже, чем частично помочь недовольному человеку через несколько дней после того, как он в вас нуждается. You'll not only make them more upset but they'll have enough time to hunt down your competitors and share their experience with others online. " Você não apenas os deixará mais chateados, mas eles terão tempo suficiente para caçar seus concorrentes e compartilhar suas experiências com outras pessoas online. " Вы не только заставите их расстроиться, но и у них будет достаточно времени, чтобы выследить ваших конкурентов и поделиться своим опытом с другими в Интернете. " "Listen to me..." Angry customers rarely listen. "Послушайте меня..." Рассерженные клиенты редко слушают. However, ordering them to be quiet and listen will come across as condescending and make the situation worse. No entanto, ordenar que eles fiquem quietos e ouçam parecerá condescendente e piorará a situação. Однако приказывать им молчать и слушать будет выглядеть снисходительно и только усугубит ситуацию. Allow the customer to vent their feelings and empathize with them before offering a solution. Permita que o cliente desabafe seus sentimentos e tenha empatia com eles antes de oferecer uma solução. Дайте клиенту высказать свои чувства и посочувствуйте ему, прежде чем предлагать решение.

"I will let them know." "Vou avisá-los." "Я дам им знать". Even if you agree with the customer's frustration, you never want to call the company you work for "them." Mesmo que você concorde com a frustração do cliente, você nunca vai querer chamar a empresa para a qual trabalha para "eles". Даже если вы согласны с недовольством клиента, никогда не стоит называть компанию, в которой вы работаете, "ими". To the customer, you are the company, so be careful to say "we" when referring to your employer. Para o cliente, você é a empresa, portanto, tenha cuidado ao dizer "nós" ao se referir ao seu empregador. Для клиента вы - это компания, поэтому будьте осторожны, говоря "мы", когда речь идет о вашем работодателе. If you don't, you'll lose credibility and risk coming across as avoiding responsibility. Se não o fizer, perderá credibilidade e correrá o risco de passar a impressão de estar evitando a responsabilidade. В противном случае вы потеряете доверие и рискуете показаться уклоняющимся от ответственности. "You shouldn't have done that." "Тебе не следовало этого делать". While it's true that the customer shouldn't have thrown away the bill, disregarded the company's email message, or made some other mistake, telling them won't change the situation. Embora seja verdade que o cliente não deveria ter jogado fora a conta, ignorado a mensagem de e-mail da empresa ou cometido algum outro erro, dizer a eles não mudará a situação. Хотя это правда, что клиент не должен был выбрасывать счет, игнорировать сообщение компании по электронной почте или совершать какую-то другую ошибку, сказав ему об этом, вы не измените ситуацию. It will, however, make the customer feel angry and embarrassed. No entanto, isso fará com que o cliente se sinta irritado e envergonhado. Однако это заставит клиента чувствовать себя рассерженным и смущенным. Focus on the situation as it is and offer the best solution you have. Concentre-se na situação como ela é e ofereça a melhor solução que você tem. Сосредоточьтесь на ситуации как она есть и предложите лучшее решение, которое у вас есть.

ProTip: On how to address or approach an angry/upset/displeased customer,Filament Director of Products Jason Amunwa gives this advice: ProTip: О том, как обращаться к рассерженному, расстроенному или недовольному клиенту, директор по продукции компании Filament Джейсон Амунва дает такой совет:

"Sound like a human being, talking to them face-to-face. "Pare com um ser humano, falando com eles cara a cara. "Говорите как человек, общаясь с ними лицом к лицу. Say "I", instead of "We", "Sorry" instead of "apologize" and never, ever say "inconvenience! "" Diga "eu", em vez de "nós", "desculpe" em vez de "desculpe" e nunca, jamais diga "inconveniência!" Говорите "я", а не "мы", "простите", а не "извините" и никогда, никогда не говорите "неудобно! "" "Calm down." "Acalmar." "Успокойся". This one phrase elicits more anger than nearly any other. Esta frase provoca mais raiva do que quase qualquer outra. Эта фраза вызывает больше гнева, чем любая другая. Yes, customers may need to calm down in order to effect a solution, but telling them so will only make them more irate. Sim, os clientes podem precisar se acalmar para conseguir uma solução, mas dizer isso só os deixará mais irados. Да, клиентам может потребоваться успокоиться, чтобы найти решение, но если сказать им об этом, они только еще больше разозлятся. Instead, let the customer vent, showing empathy with phrases like "I see," and "I understand." Em vez disso, deixe o cliente desabafar, mostrando empatia com frases como "Entendo" e "Entendo". Вместо этого дайте клиенту выговориться, проявляя сочувствие фразами вроде "я вижу" и "я понимаю". Eventually, they'll calm down on their own, allowing you to move forward. Eventualmente, eles se acalmarão por conta própria, permitindo que você avance. В конце концов, они успокоятся сами и позволят вам двигаться дальше. "You don't want that, you want this..." Offering alternate solutions or products may seem perfectly reasonable, but phrasing it like this tells customers that you think they're foolish. "Você não quer isso, você quer isso..." Oferecer soluções ou produtos alternativos pode parecer perfeitamente razoável, mas formular assim diz aos clientes que você acha que eles são tolos. "Вам не нужно это, вам нужно вот это..." Предложение альтернативных решений или продуктов может показаться вполне разумным, но подобная формулировка говорит клиентам, что вы считаете их глупыми. Instead, say something like, "Yes, that's a great option, but let me tell you about an even better one..." If they doubt the quality or usefulness of your solution, focus on the positive benefits they can gain from continuing their relationship with your company. Вместо этого скажите что-то вроде: "Да, это отличный вариант, но позвольте мне рассказать вам о еще более лучшем...". Если они сомневаются в качестве или полезности вашего решения, сосредоточьтесь на положительных преимуществах, которые они могут получить от продолжения отношений с вашей компанией. ProTip: On how to address or approach an angry/upset/displeased customer,Help Scout Content Strategist Gregory Ciotti gives this advice: ProTip: О том, как обращаться к рассерженному, расстроенному или недовольному клиенту, Help Scout Content Strategist Gregory Ciotti дает следующий совет:

"The CARP method is incredibly useful: control of the situation, acknowledge that you understand your customer's concerns, refocus away from the customer's emotions to the solution at hand, outlining how you'll take care of it. “O método CARP é incrivelmente útil: controle da situação, reconheça que você entende as preocupações do seu cliente, reoriente as emoções do cliente para a solução em mãos, descrevendo como você cuidará disso. "Метод CARP невероятно полезен: контроль над ситуацией, признание того, что вы понимаете обеспокоенность клиента, переориентация с эмоций клиента на решение проблемы, изложение того, как вы будете ее решать. Finally, solve the problem, confirming that everything has been resolved to the customer's satisfaction. " Por fim, resolva o problema, confirmando que tudo foi resolvido a contento do cliente. " Наконец, решите проблему, подтвердив, что все решено к удовлетворению клиента. " In the case of customer service, MANY things are better left unsaid. No caso do atendimento ao cliente, é melhor deixar MUITAS coisas não ditas. В случае с обслуживанием клиентов о многих вещах лучше не говорить. Hiding your own frustration or confusion can be difficult, but it's very important in terms of creating and maintaining a growing business and happy customers. Esconder sua própria frustração ou confusão pode ser difícil, mas é muito importante em termos de criar e manter um negócio em crescimento e clientes satisfeitos. Скрыть свое разочарование или замешательство бывает непросто, но это очень важно с точки зрения создания и поддержания растущего бизнеса и довольных клиентов. Avoiding these 12 phrases won't eliminate your customer service issues entirely, but they will prevent a lot of needless frustrations. Evitar essas 12 frases não eliminará completamente seus problemas de atendimento ao cliente, mas evitará muitas frustrações desnecessárias. Избегая этих 12 фраз, вы не избавитесь от проблем с обслуживанием клиентов полностью, но они предотвратят множество ненужных разочарований.