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English LingQ Podcast 1.0, Sixty-five: Blogging and Podcasting

Sixty-five: Blogging and Podcasting

Steve: Once again, here we are at the EnglishLingQ Podcast.

This time Jill is going to talk to Mark about some of the basic terms and concepts on the Internet. Jill, you have the floor.

Jill: Thanks, Steve. I think that probably a lot of people are like me out there who really don't know very much about this whole Web 2.0 you were speaking about and blogging and twittering and all of these other…podcasting even, so maybe I'll just ask you some very basic general questions so that we can find out a little bit more about these…what are they called even? Applications?

Mark: Yes.

Jill: Okay. Maybe we should start with blogging. For me, I know when we started blogging on The Linguist maybe a year ago or half a year ago, to me, it just seemed like a website. I really didn't understand what the difference is between having a blog and having a website, so maybe you could tell us the difference, if there is one.

Mark: I mean a blog is a website; however, it's a specific type of website. It's a website usually run by an individual but not always. A group can have a blog too, but on a blog an individual puts up blog posts on a regular basis. Often it's a bit of an online journal whereas a website typically, you know, a company has a website.

Jill: It doesn't change.

Steve: It doesn't change regularly. Like a blog, the content changes regularly. It's updated regularly. It's, hopefully, up to date. You know, the last update wasn't a year ago. There's interaction because there's commenting available on the post usually. I mean, I don't know the exact definition of a blog but, essentially, it's an online journal where an individual just talks about whatever he wants to talk about or whatever the theme of his blog is and then his readers can interact with him.

Steve: We should say his or hers because there are a lot of female bloggers, so it's certainly not a male domain.

Mark: We should also say that…you said we started blogging a year and a half ago. That's when we had the Vox community when you started blogging but, in fact, we've been blogging at The Linguist for quite a while. I don't know how long The Linguist on language has been going, but probably four years. I know that when I first heard about blogging I was just like you. What's a blog? I don't get it. Why? The more you use them and read other people's blogs you just understand what that word means and what type of website it refers to. I know that you understand that now, but yeah, it was a question I had at the beginning as well.

Jill: What we're doing right now is a podcast and I know I also didn't, maybe a year ago, understand what a podcast was. I might still not understand everything about it, I'm not sure but, essentially, it's what? Just people speaking and putting up their conversation or their information onto their blog or website?

Mark: Essentially, of course, the pod comes from iPod. Broadcast, whatever, iPod broadcast, podcast, I guess that's how they came up with the name. It's essentially…it doesn't have to be a conversation. It can be one person talking as well, but it is a, I guess, non-professionally produced audio program, in a way, that you're putting up on the Web for people to download and listen to. The way it's delivered is through a blog, basically, by putting links to MP3 files in a blog format and it's updated regularly and then people can subscribe to your podcast feed, either in iTunes or with a feed reader. They don't have to, they can, of course, download episodes individually from your podcast website but, essentially, they are audio programs produced by individuals.

Jill: It seems to me that most of them are free of charge; most that I have found on the Internet and I'm just wondering why that is. Why people are putting in all this time and effort into doing something that they're not receiving any money for.

Mark: Yeah, I mean, that's a good question. I mean I think there are a lot of podcasters that use it as an outlet for them to talk and have people listen to them. Just like a lot of bloggers, it's an outlet for people to listen to them and comment back. I mean it's social interaction. It's not a lot different than when we talked about Web 2.0 and the social interaction, I mean, blogging and podcasting are part of that. You know, the blog post and the podcast are one way, in a way, but then because they're on blogs there's commenting and responding and so on that goes along with it so that, for many people, I think, number one: they find it fun to podcast. Number two: another topic that we've touched on in the past is this whole culture on the Web or feeling that things should be free so that people are maybe not willing to pay for podcasts. Although, I think if the content is good why wouldn't people pay? Although, I guess the radio is free too, but you can pay for satellite radio, I believe. I mean, theoretically, if the content was good enough people would pay, but for whatever reason I too have never seen a podcast that you pay for. Yeah and for that reason I think a lot of podcasters now who've been making podcasts for years are starting to say God, I put a lot of time into this. You know, I don't think it's that easy to find advertisers. What a lot of podcasters do is have advertising on their podcast, but it's not that easy. They may be making a little money but maybe not covering their costs and certainly not getting rich from it. I think a lot of podcasters start to say, I think, after a while, why am I doing this? In our case, I should say also that at least in terms of our podcast, we're doing it because we're hoping to draw people to LingQ. We're not doing it because we want to necessarily communicate with the world; although, certainly, I think our members enjoy listening to our conversations, but a big reason why we put out our podcast is we want to attract new members.

Steve: Can I ask you…I know that you listen to podcasts that are relevant to your work too, relevant to the Web and developments on the Web, new technology and so forth, what motivates these people because these are very busy, well-established people who have podcasts and they are just disseminating lots of useful information free of charge, which is very nice. I think what we do is very useful for some people too, so that we're giving back, but maybe describe some of those podcasts that you listen to and what do you think their motivation is?

Mark: Yeah, I must say, I do listen to quite a few podcasts, not for language learning, but just because they're interesting -- in English. There are a lot of interesting podcasts out there. One great thing about podcasts is you can listen to them while you're doing other things. You know, if you're out for a run or cleaning up the kitchen or whatever. That's why this sort of rise in video podcasting, I'm not as keen on personally, because you have got to sit there and watch it whereas the big attraction for me to the podcast is that you can be listening while you're doing other things.

Regarding the podcasts that I listen to…I'm trying to think now…one is put out by a marketing guy so, obviously, he's doing it in hopes that people will come visit his website. He's a marketing consultant, I think. He's written a book and so maybe he wants to promote his book; promote his business. There definitely is that, similar to what we're doing to promote your own activities. There's another podcast from CNET and they are some kind of news-tech website, so they are paid, I think, to come on this. There is advertising on it. It's part of their Web presence and it's what they do. I assume that it makes money for them or draws traffic to their website or somehow they benefit by it.

I'm trying to think of some others. I've been listening lately to some podcasts from the Stanford Business School or some kind of entrepreneur's program that they have where it's basically recordings of visitors to their school that they put up. People come and give a talk and they record it and put it up. I don't know if they are promoting that program or they're just doing it for the general good.

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Sixty-five: Blogging and Podcasting number sixty||Writing online|| Fünfundsechzig: Bloggen und Podcasting Sixty-five: Blogging and Podcasting Sesenta y cinco: Blogging y Podcasting Soixante-cinq : blogs et podcasts Sessantacinque: Blogging e Podcasting 65歳ブログとポッドキャスティング 65: 65: 블로그 및 팟캐스트 Sešdesmit pieci: Blogošana un podkāstings Sześćdziesiąt pięć: Blogowanie i podcasting Sessenta e cinco: Blogues e Podcasting Шестьдесят пять: Блоггинг и подкастинг Sextiofem: Bloggande och podcasting Altmış beş: Bloglama ve Podcasting Шістдесят п'ять: Ведення блогу та подкастинг 六十五:博客和播客 六十五博客和播客

Steve: Once again, here we are at the EnglishLingQ Podcast. Steve : Encore une fois, nous voici au podcast EnglishLingQ. Stīvs: Atkal esam šeit, EnglishLingQ podkastā.

This time Jill is going to talk to Mark about some of the basic terms and concepts on the Internet. En esta ocasión, Jill va a hablar con Mark sobre algunos términos y conceptos básicos de Internet. Cette fois, Jill va parler à Mark de certains termes et concepts de base sur Internet. Šoreiz Jill ar Marku runās par dažiem interneta pamatterminiem un jēdzieniem. Jill bu kez Mark ile İnternet'teki bazı temel terimler ve kavramlar hakkında konuşacak. Jill, you have the floor. Jill||||la parole ||||Jill, você tem a palavra. Jill, tienes la palabra. Jill, vous avez la parole. ジル、床があります。 Jill, tev ir vārds. Jill, tem a palavra. Jill, katın sende. Джилл, тобі слово.

Jill: Thanks, Steve. Jill: Teşekkürler, Steve. I think that probably a lot of people are like me out there who really don’t know very much about this whole Web 2.0 you were speaking about and blogging and twittering and all of these other…podcasting even, so maybe I’ll just ask you some very basic general questions so that we can find out a little bit more about these…what are they called even? je||||un|beaucoup||||||||qui||||||sujet|||||||||||tweeter|et(3)||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||comment|||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||tweeting||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||twittero||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Je pense que probablement beaucoup de gens sont comme moi là-bas qui ne savent vraiment pas grand-chose sur tout ce Web 2.0 dont vous parliez et bloguez et twitter et tous ces autres… podcasting même, alors peut-être que je vais juste demander vous quelques questions générales très basiques afin que nous puissions en savoir un peu plus sur ceux-ci… comment s'appellent-ils même ? おそらく、多くの人が私のようなところにいると思うのですが、あなたが話していたこのWeb 2.0全体、そしてブログやツイッター、そしてこれらすべてのことについて本当に知りません...ポッドキャスティングでさえ、あなたはいくつかの非常に基本的な一般的な質問をしていますので、これらについてもう少し詳しく知ることができます。 Es domāju, ka, iespējams, daudzi cilvēki, tāpat kā es, nezina neko daudz par šo visu Web 2.0, par ko jūs runājāt, par blogošanu, čivināšanu un visiem pārējiem... pat par podkāstiem, tāpēc varbūt es jums uzdrošināšos uzdot dažus ļoti vispārīgus jautājumus, lai mēs varētu uzzināt mazliet vairāk par šīm... kā tās sauc? Penso que provavelmente muitas pessoas são como eu, que realmente não sabem muito sobre toda esta web 2.0 de que falava e blogs e twittering e todos estes outros...podcasting mesmo, por isso talvez lhe faça algumas perguntas gerais muito básicas para que possamos saber um pouco mais sobre estes...como é que se chamam mesmo? Sanırım benim gibi pek çok insan bahsettiğiniz Web 2.0, bloglar, twitter ve diğer tüm... hatta podcasting hakkında pek bir şey bilmiyor, bu yüzden belki de size çok temel bazı genel sorular soracağım, böylece bunlar hakkında biraz daha fazla bilgi edinebiliriz... hatta bunlara ne deniyor? Applications? Applications (1) Aplicações? Başvurular?

Mark: Yes. Marks: Jā.

Jill: Okay. Maybe we should start with blogging. peut-être||devrions||| Varbūt mums vajadzētu sākt ar blogošanu. Talvez devêssemos começar com os blogues. Belki de blog yazmakla başlamalıyız. For me, I know when we started blogging on The Linguist maybe a year ago or half a year ago, to me, it just seemed like a website. Pour moi, je sais que lorsque nous avons commencé à bloguer sur The Linguist il y a peut-être un an ou six mois, pour moi, cela ressemblait à un site Web. Kad mēs sākām rakstīt blogus The Linguist pirms gada vai pusgada, man tas šķita tikai kā tīmekļa vietne. Para mim, sei que quando começámos a escrever no The Linguist talvez há um ano ou meio atrás, para mim, parecia apenas um website. Benim için, The Linguist'te blog yazmaya başladığımızda, belki bir yıl önce ya da bir buçuk yıl önce, bana sadece bir web sitesi gibi göründüğünü biliyorum. I really didn’t understand what the difference is between having a blog and having a website, so maybe you could tell us the difference, if there is one. Es patiešām nesapratu, kāda ir atšķirība starp blogu un tīmekļa vietni, tāpēc varbūt jūs varētu mums pastāstīt, kāda ir atšķirība, ja tāda ir. Não percebi realmente qual é a diferença entre ter um blogue e ter um website, por isso talvez nos possa dizer a diferença, se é que existe um. Blog sahibi olmakla web sitesi sahibi olmak arasındaki farkın ne olduğunu gerçekten anlamadım, bu yüzden eğer varsa belki bize farkı anlatabilirsiniz.

Mark: I mean a blog is a website; however, it’s a specific type of website. Marks: Blogs ir tīmekļa vietne, taču tas ir īpašs tīmekļa vietnes veids. Marca: Quero dizer que um blog é um website; no entanto, é um tipo específico de website. Mark: Yani blog bir web sitesidir; ancak belirli bir web sitesi türüdür. It’s a website usually run by an individual but not always. Tā ir vietne, ko parasti vada privātpersona, bet ne vienmēr. É um website geralmente gerido por um indivíduo, mas nem sempre. Genellikle bir birey tarafından yönetilen bir web sitesidir, ancak her zaman değil. A group can have a blog too, but on a blog an individual puts up blog posts on a regular basis. |||||||||||un||publie||||||| Un grupo también puede tener un blog, pero en un blog un individuo publica entradas regularmente. Un groupe peut aussi avoir un blog, mais sur un blog, un individu publie régulièrement des articles de blog. Um grupo também pode ter um blogue, mas num blogue um indivíduo coloca regularmente posts no blogue. Bir grubun da bir blogu olabilir, ancak bir blogda bir birey düzenli olarak blog yazıları yayınlar. Often it’s a bit of an online journal whereas a website typically, you know, a company has a website. A menudo es una especie de diario en línea, mientras que un sitio web suele ser, ya sabes, una empresa que tiene un sitio web. Souvent, c'est un peu un journal en ligne alors qu'un site Web, vous savez, une entreprise a généralement un site Web. Muitas vezes é um pouco um jornal em linha, ao passo que um sítio web normalmente, sabe, uma empresa tem um sítio web.

Jill: It doesn’t change. Jill: Não muda.

Steve: It doesn’t change regularly. Estêvão: Não muda regularmente. Like a blog, the content changes regularly. Tal como um blogue, o conteúdo muda regularmente. It’s updated regularly. É actualizado regularmente. It’s, hopefully, up to date. c'est|||| Es de esperar que esté actualizado. Está, esperemos, actualizado. You know, the last update wasn’t a year ago. A última actualização não foi há um ano. There’s interaction because there’s commenting available on the post usually. Il y a interaction parce qu'il y a généralement des commentaires disponibles sur la publication. I mean, I don’t know the exact definition of a blog but, essentially, it’s an online journal where an individual just talks about whatever he wants to talk about or whatever the theme of his blog is and then his readers can interact with him. Je veux dire, je ne connais pas la définition exacte d'un blog mais, essentiellement, c'est un journal en ligne où un individu parle juste de ce dont il veut parler ou quel que soit le thème de son blog et ensuite ses lecteurs peuvent interagir avec lui . Quero dizer, não sei a definição exacta de um blogue mas, essencialmente, é um diário online onde um indivíduo apenas fala sobre o que quer que queira falar ou sobre qualquer tema do seu blogue e depois os seus leitores podem interagir com ele.

Steve: We should say his or hers because there are a lot of female bloggers, so it’s certainly not a male domain. |nous|||||||||||||||||||| Steve: Deberíamos decir de él o de ella porque hay muchas blogueras, así que desde luego no es un ámbito masculino. Steve : Nous devrions dire le sien ou le sien parce qu'il y a beaucoup de blogueuses femmes, donc ce n'est certainement pas un domaine masculin. Estêvão: Devemos dizer o dele ou dela porque há muitas bloggers femininas, por isso certamente não é um domínio masculino.

Mark: We should also say that…you said we started blogging a year and a half ago. |nous||||||||||||||| Mark: También deberíamos decir que... has dicho que empezamos a bloguear hace un año y medio. Mark : Nous devrions également dire que… vous avez dit que nous avons commencé à bloguer il y a un an et demi. Marca: Devemos também dizer que...disse que começámos a blogar há um ano e meio. That’s when we had the Vox community when you started blogging but, in fact, we’ve been blogging at The Linguist for quite a while. |||||Vox社群|||||||||||||||||| |||||Vox platform|||||||||||||||||| |||||Vox(1) コミュニティ|||||||||||||||||| C'est à ce moment-là que nous avons eu la communauté Vox lorsque vous avez commencé à bloguer, mais en fait, nous bloguons sur The Linguist depuis un certain temps. Foi aí que tivemos a comunidade Vox quando começou a fazer blogues, mas, de facto, temos vindo a fazer blogues no The Linguist há bastante tempo. I don’t know how long The Linguist on language has been going, but probably four years. Je ne sais pas depuis combien de temps The Linguist on language existe, mais probablement quatre ans. I know that when I first heard about blogging I was just like you. Je sais que lorsque j'ai entendu parler des blogs pour la première fois, j'étais comme vous. What’s a blog? I don’t get it. je||| No lo entiendo. Why? The more you use them and read other people’s blogs you just understand what that word means and what type of website it refers to. Plus vous les utilisez et lisez les blogs d'autres personnes, plus vous comprenez ce que ce mot signifie et à quel type de site Web il se réfère. あなたがそれらを使用し、他の人々のブログを読むほど、その言葉の意味とその言葉の種類を理解するだけです。 I know that you understand that now, but yeah, it was a question I had at the beginning as well. |||||||||c'était||||je|||||aussi| Je sais que vous comprenez cela maintenant, mais oui, c'était aussi une question que j'avais au début.

Jill: What we’re doing right now is a podcast and I know I also didn’t, maybe a year ago, understand what a podcast was. Jill : Ce que nous faisons en ce moment, c'est un podcast et je sais que je ne comprenais pas non plus, il y a peut-être un an, ce qu'était un podcast. I might still not understand everything about it, I’m not sure but, essentially, it’s what? Je n'y comprends peut-être toujours pas tout, je ne suis pas sûr mais, en gros, c'est quoi ? Just people speaking and putting up their conversation or their information onto their blog or website? ¿Sólo gente que habla y cuelga su conversación o su información en su blog o sitio web? Juste des gens qui parlent et publient leur conversation ou leurs informations sur leur blog ou leur site Web ?

Mark: Essentially, of course, the pod comes from iPod. |||||portable media player||| Mark: Esencialmente, por supuesto, la vaina viene del iPod. Mark : Essentiellement, bien sûr, le pod vient de l'iPod. Broadcast, whatever, iPod broadcast, podcast, I guess that’s how they came up with the name. Radio transmission|||||||||||||| Broadcast, lo que sea, iPod broadcast, podcast, supongo que así se les ocurrió el nombre. Diffusion, peu importe, diffusion iPod, podcast, je suppose que c'est comme ça qu'ils ont trouvé le nom. It’s essentially…it doesn’t have to be a conversation. C'est essentiellement… ça n'a pas à être une conversation. It can be one person talking as well, but it is a, I guess, non-professionally produced audio program, in a way, that you’re putting up on the Web for people to download and listen to. Il peut aussi s'agir d'une seule personne qui parle, mais il s'agit, d'une certaine manière, d'un programme audio produit par des non-professionnels que vous mettez sur le Web pour que les gens puissent le télécharger et l'écouter. Tek bir kişi de konuşabilir, ancak bu, sanırım, insanların indirip dinlemesi için Web'e koyduğunuz, profesyonel olarak üretilmemiş bir ses programıdır. The way it’s delivered is through a blog, basically, by putting links to MP3 files in a blog format and it’s updated regularly and then people can subscribe to your podcast feed, either in iTunes or with a feed reader. |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||flux|||||avec un||| La forma de hacerlo es a través de un blog, básicamente, poniendo enlaces a archivos MP3 en un formato de blog que se actualiza con regularidad y luego la gente puede suscribirse a tu feed de podcasts, ya sea en iTunes o con un lector de feeds. La façon dont il est livré se fait via un blog, essentiellement, en mettant des liens vers des fichiers MP3 dans un format de blog et il est mis à jour régulièrement, puis les gens peuvent s'abonner à votre flux de podcast, soit dans iTunes, soit avec un lecteur de flux. They don’t have to, they can, of course, download episodes individually from your podcast website but, essentially, they are audio programs produced by individuals. Ils ne sont pas obligés de le faire, ils peuvent bien sûr télécharger des épisodes individuellement à partir de votre site Web de podcasts, mais il s'agit essentiellement de programmes audio produits par des particuliers.

Jill: It seems to me that most of them are free of charge; most that I have found on the Internet and I’m just wondering why that is. Jill : Il me semble que la plupart d'entre eux sont gratuits ; la plupart que j'ai trouvé sur Internet et je me demande simplement pourquoi. Why people are putting in all this time and effort into doing something that they’re not receiving any money for. Pourquoi|||||||||effort|dans||||||||| Pourquoi les gens consacrent tout ce temps et ces efforts à faire quelque chose pour lequel ils ne reçoivent pas d'argent.

Mark: Yeah, I mean, that’s a good question. |ouais|||||| I mean I think there are a lot of podcasters that use it as an outlet for them to talk and have people listen to them. |||||||||播客製作人|||||||||||||||| |||||||||podcast creators||||||creative expression|||||||||| Creo que hay muchos podcasters que lo utilizan como un medio para hablar y que la gente les escuche. Je veux dire, je pense qu'il y a beaucoup de podcasteurs qui l'utilisent comme un moyen de parler et que les gens les écoutent. Yani bence bunu konuşmak ve insanların onları dinlemesini sağlamak için bir çıkış noktası olarak kullanan pek çok podcast yayıncısı var. Just like a lot of bloggers, it’s an outlet for people to listen to them and comment back. ||||||||platform||||||||| |||||blogueros|||||||||||| Comme beaucoup de blogueurs, c'est un moyen pour les gens de les écouter et de commenter. I mean it’s social interaction. It’s not a lot different than when we talked about Web 2.0 and the social interaction, I mean, blogging and podcasting are part of that. |||||de|||||||||||||||||| Ce n'est pas très différent que lorsque nous parlions du Web 2.0 et de l'interaction sociale, je veux dire, les blogs et les podcasts en font partie. You know, the blog post and the podcast are one way, in a way, but then because they’re on blogs there’s commenting and responding and so on that goes along with it so that, for many people, I think, number one: they find it fun to podcast. Ya sabes, la entrada del blog y el podcast son de una manera, en cierto modo, pero luego porque están en los blogs hay comentarios y respuestas y así sucesivamente que va junto con él de modo que, para muchas personas, creo que, número uno: les resulta divertido podcast. Vous savez, l'article de blog et le podcast sont à sens unique, d'une certaine manière, mais parce qu'ils sont sur les blogs, il y a des commentaires et des réponses, etc., de sorte que, pour beaucoup de gens, je pense, numéro un : ils trouvent amusant de podcaster. Bilirsiniz, blog yazısı ve podcast bir şekilde tek yönlüdür, ancak bloglarda oldukları için yorum yapma, yanıt verme ve benzeri şeyler de buna eşlik eder, bu yüzden birçok insan için bence bir numara: podcast yapmayı eğlenceli buluyorlar. Number two: another topic that we’ve touched on in the past is this whole culture on the Web or feeling that things should be free so that people are maybe not willing to pay for podcasts. Numéro deux : un autre sujet que nous avons abordé dans le passé est toute cette culture sur le Web ou le sentiment que les choses devraient être gratuites pour que les gens ne soient peut-être pas disposés à payer pour des podcasts. Although, I think if the content is good why wouldn’t people pay? Cependant, je pense que si le contenu est bon, pourquoi les gens ne paieraient-ils pas ? Although, I guess the radio is free too, but you can pay for satellite radio, I believe. Bien que je suppose que la radio est gratuite aussi, mais vous pouvez payer pour la radio par satellite, je crois. I mean, theoretically, if the content was good enough people would pay, but for whatever reason I too have never seen a podcast that you pay for. Je veux dire, théoriquement, si le contenu était assez bon, les gens paieraient, mais pour une raison quelconque, moi aussi, je n'ai jamais vu un podcast pour lequel vous payez. Yeah and for that reason I think a lot of podcasters now who’ve been making podcasts for years are starting to say God, I put a lot of time into this. Oui, et pour cette raison, je pense que beaucoup de podcasteurs qui font des podcasts depuis des années commencent à dire Dieu, j'ai mis beaucoup de temps là-dedans. You know, I don’t think it’s that easy to find advertisers. No creo que sea tan fácil encontrar anunciantes. Vous savez, je ne pense pas que ce soit si facile de trouver des annonceurs. What a lot of podcasters do is have advertising on their podcast, but it’s not that easy. Ce que beaucoup de podcasteurs font, c'est avoir de la publicité sur leur podcast, mais ce n'est pas si simple. They may be making a little money but maybe not covering their costs and certainly not getting rich from it. I think a lot of podcasters start to say, I think, after a while, why am I doing this? Je pense que beaucoup de podcasteurs commencent à dire, je pense, après un certain temps, pourquoi je fais ça ? In our case, I should say also that at least in terms of our podcast, we’re doing it because we’re hoping to draw people to LingQ. En nuestro caso, debo decir también que, al menos en lo que respecta a nuestro podcast, lo hacemos porque esperamos atraer gente a LingQ. Dans notre cas, je devrais également dire qu'au moins en ce qui concerne notre podcast, nous le faisons parce que nous espérons attirer les gens vers LingQ. We’re not doing it because we want to necessarily communicate with the world; although, certainly, I think our members enjoy listening to our conversations, but a big reason why we put out our podcast is we want to attract new members.

Steve: Can I ask you…I know that you listen to podcasts that are relevant to your work too, relevant to the Web and developments on the Web, new technology and so forth, what motivates these people because these are very busy, well-established people who have podcasts and they are just disseminating lots of useful information free of charge, which is very nice. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||傳播||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||spreading||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||menyebarkan||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||diseminando||||||||||| ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||広めている||||||||||| Steve: Puedo preguntarte... sé que tú también escuchas podcasts que son relevantes para tu trabajo, relevantes para la Web y los desarrollos en la Web, nueva tecnología y demás, qué motiva a estas personas porque se trata de personas muy ocupadas y bien establecidas que tienen podcasts y simplemente están difundiendo mucha información útil de forma gratuita, lo cual es muy agradable. Steve : Puis-je vous demander… je sais que vous écoutez aussi des podcasts qui sont pertinents pour votre travail, pertinents pour le Web et les développements sur le Web, les nouvelles technologies et ainsi de suite, ce qui motive ces gens parce qu'ils sont très occupés, bien- des personnes établies qui ont des podcasts et qui diffusent gratuitement de nombreuses informations utiles, ce qui est très agréable. I think what we do is very useful for some people too, so that we’re giving back, but maybe describe some of those podcasts that you listen to and what do you think their motivation is? Creo que lo que hacemos también es muy útil para algunas personas, de modo que estamos devolviendo algo, pero quizás describa algunos de esos podcasts que escucha y ¿cuál cree que es su motivación? Je pense que ce que nous faisons est également très utile pour certaines personnes, de sorte que nous redonnons, mais décrivez peut-être certains de ces podcasts que vous écoutez et quelle est selon vous leur motivation ?

Mark: Yeah, I must say, I do listen to quite a few podcasts, not for language learning, but just because they’re interesting -- in English. Mark : Oui, je dois dire que j'écoute pas mal de podcasts, pas pour l'apprentissage des langues, mais simplement parce qu'ils sont intéressants, en anglais. There are a lot of interesting podcasts out there. Il existe de nombreux podcasts intéressants. One great thing about podcasts is you can listen to them while you’re doing other things. Lo bueno de los podcasts es que puedes escucharlos mientras haces otras cosas. L'un des avantages des podcasts est que vous pouvez les écouter pendant que vous faites autre chose. You know, if you’re out for a run or cleaning up the kitchen or whatever. That’s why this sort of rise in video podcasting, I’m not as keen on personally, because you have got to sit there and watch it whereas the big attraction for me to the podcast is that you can be listening while you’re doing other things. Por eso no me gusta tanto el auge de los podcasts de vídeo, porque tienes que sentarte a verlos, mientras que para mí el gran atractivo de los podcasts es que puedes escucharlos mientras haces otras cosas. C'est pourquoi ce genre d'essor du podcasting vidéo, je ne suis pas aussi enthousiaste personnellement, parce qu'il faut s'asseoir et le regarder alors que la grande attraction pour moi du podcast est que vous pouvez écouter pendant que vous faites d'autres des choses. Bu nedenle video podcast yayıncılığındaki bu tür bir artışa şahsen pek hevesli değilim, çünkü orada oturup izlemeniz gerekiyor, oysa podcast'in benim için en büyük cazibesi, başka şeyler yaparken dinleyebilmeniz.

Regarding the podcasts that I listen to…I’m trying to think now…one is put out by a marketing guy so, obviously, he’s doing it in hopes that people will come visit his website. sobre||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Was die Podcasts angeht, die ich mir anhöre... ich versuche gerade, mich zu erinnern... einer wird von einem Marketing-Typen herausgegeben, also hofft er offensichtlich, dass die Leute seine Website besuchen werden. En cuanto a los podcasts que escucho... estoy intentando pensar ahora... uno lo publica un tipo de marketing, así que, obviamente, lo hace con la esperanza de que la gente visite su sitio web. En ce qui concerne les podcasts que j'écoute… j'essaie de penser maintenant… l'un est publié par un gars du marketing donc, évidemment, il le fait dans l'espoir que les gens viendront visiter son site Web. He’s a marketing consultant, I think. Es un consultor de marketing, creo. C'est un consultant en marketing, je crois. He’s written a book and so maybe he wants to promote his book; promote his business. There definitely is that, similar to what we’re doing to promote your own activities. There’s another podcast from CNET and they are some kind of news-tech website, so they are paid, I think, to come on this. ||||科技新聞網站||||||||||||||||||| ||||Technology news website||||||||||||||||||| ||||CNET||||||||||||||||||| ||||CNET||||||||||||||||||| Il y a un autre podcast de CNET et c'est une sorte de site Web de nouvelles technologiques, donc ils sont payés, je pense, pour venir sur ce site. There is advertising on it. It’s part of their Web presence and it’s what they do. I assume that it makes money for them or draws traffic to their website or somehow they benefit by it. |||||||||||||||in some way|||| Je suppose que cela leur rapporte de l'argent ou attire du trafic vers leur site Web ou qu'ils en bénéficient d'une manière ou d'une autre.

I’m trying to think of some others. J'essaie de penser à d'autres. I’ve been listening lately to some podcasts from the Stanford Business School or some kind of entrepreneur’s program that they have where it’s basically recordings of visitors to their school that they put up. |||||||||Stanford University|||||||||||||||||||||||| Últimamente he estado escuchando algunos podcasts de la Escuela de Negocios de Stanford o algún tipo de programa para emprendedores que tienen en el que básicamente se trata de grabaciones de visitantes de su escuela que cuelgan. J'ai écouté récemment des podcasts de la Stanford Business School ou une sorte de programme pour entrepreneurs qu'ils ont où ce sont essentiellement des enregistrements de visiteurs de leur école qu'ils mettent en place. Son zamanlarda Stanford Business School'dan bazı podcast'ler dinliyorum ya da okullarına gelen ziyaretçilerin kayıtlarını yayınladıkları bir tür girişimci programı var. People come and give a talk and they record it and put it up. La gente viene a dar una charla, la graban y la cuelgan. I don’t know if they are promoting that program or they’re just doing it for the general good. Je ne sais pas s'ils font la promotion de ce programme ou s'ils le font simplement pour le bien général. Bu programın tanıtımını mı yapıyorlar yoksa bunu sadece genelin iyiliği için mi yapıyorlar bilmiyorum.