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English at Work, 4: Doing lunch Introducing yourself

4: Doing lunch Introducing yourself

Narrator: Last week, Anna got the job of sales executive at Tip Top Trading, thanks to her quick-thinking in an office crisis. Today it's her first day in the office. How are you feeling now, Anna? Anna: Excited, but a bit worried. I really want to make a good first impression. Narrator: Well, you're going to need some phrases to introduce yourself politely, such as: Hello, I don't think we've met. You must be – and say the person's name. I've just joined the team. Nice to meet you. Have you worked here long? Why don't you start by saying hello to Tom Darcy, the Senior Account Manager? Tom: (On the phone) Yah, yah, no, yah, yah, OK, yah. I'll seal the deal, yah, no worries. OK, see ya mate, bye! (Hangs up) Anna: Hello, I don't think we've met. Tom: No. Anna: You must be Tom. I'm Anna. I've just joined the team. Tom: Uh huh. Anna: Nice to meet you. Have you worked here long? Tom: Sorry, I'm quite busy right now – I've got a big deal just coming through. But let's get together sometime. Um... can you do lunch tomorrow? Anna: You want me to do lunch? Well, I'm not very - (Telephone rings) Tom: Sorry, important client. Lunch tomorrow at 12.30 then? (On the phone) Tom speaking. Yah! Frankie! So what's the latest, are we on? Anna: Well, OK then.

Narrator: Great Anna! You used some nice phrases to introduce yourself. It's a shame Tom thinks he's too important to do the same. Anna: I'm sure he's just busy. But I'm a bit worried about tomorrow! (The next day…) Anna: (Struggling into the office carrying cooking implements) Good morning Paul! Paul: Good morning Anna, are you OK? Anna: Fine, the kitchen's through there, isn't it? Paul: Er, yes. (Kitchen noises as Anna starts preparing lunch) Denise: Anna! Anna: Oh hi, Denise! Denise: What are you doing? Anna: Cooking lunch for Tom. Denise: You what? Anna: Tom asked me to have lunch ready for 12.30. Denise: Did he indeed? Tom: Er, Anna. Anna: Hi Tom! Tom: What are you doing? Anna: Spring rolls, followed by crispy duck in black bean sauce. Tom: No, I mean, why are you cooking? Anna: Well, if I don't start now, it won't be ready for you by 12.30. Tom: Oh, you misunderstood me, Anna. When I said "Can you do lunch?" it didn't mean "Can you make lunch?" It meant "Are you available to come to lunch with me?" In a cafe or something. Anna: Oh! Paul: Mmm... something smells good, but what's going on here?

Denise: Anna thinks it's her job to cook for people! Anna: No, no, I misunderstood! Tom: Anna just got a bit confused. Paul: Well, never mind, it looks tasty. Anna: There's enough for everyone if you want some. Paul: I think that's a splendid idea, we can have an office picnic! Anna: Yes! Paul: Mmm, that sauce looks delicious. Anna: Yes, it's my favourite. Narrator: Well, once again everything has worked out well for Anna! Before we go, a reminder of the phrases she used: Hello, I don't think we've met. You must be Tom. I've just joined the team. Nice to meet you. Have you worked here long? Narrator: Just remember - if somebody says "Would you like to do lunch?" they're not usually expecting you to cook for them! Goodbye.

4: Doing lunch Introducing yourself 4: Hacer el almuerzo Presentarse 4:昼食をとる自己紹介 4: Делать обед самостоятельно 4: Öğle yemeği yemek Kendinizi tanıtmak

Narrator: Last week, Anna got the job of sales executive at Tip Top Trading, thanks to her quick-thinking in an office crisis. ナレーター:先週、アンナはオフィスの危機についての彼女の素早い思考のおかげで、TipTopTradingのセールスエグゼクティブの仕事に就きました。 Рассказчик: На прошлой неделе Анна получила должность руководителя отдела продаж в Tip Top Trading, благодаря ее быстрому мышлению в офисном кризисе. Today it’s her first day in the office. How are you feeling now, Anna? Anna: Excited, but a bit worried. Анна: взволнована, но немного взволнована. I really want to make a good first impression. Я действительно хочу произвести хорошее первое впечатление. Narrator: Well, you’re going to need some phrases to introduce yourself politely, such as: Hello, I don’t think we’ve met. ナレーター:そうですね、丁寧に自己紹介するために、次のようなフレーズが必要になります。こんにちは、会ったことはないと思います。 Рассказчик: Ну, вам понадобятся некоторые фразы, чтобы представить себя вежливо, такие как: Здравствуйте, я не думаю, что мы встретились. You must be – and say the person’s name. あなたはそうしなければなりません–そしてその人の名前を言ってください。 Вы должны быть - и сказать имя человека. I’ve just joined the team. Я только что присоединился к команде. Nice to meet you. Have you worked here long? Вы работали здесь долго? Why don’t you start by saying hello to Tom Darcy, the Senior Account Manager? シニアアカウントマネージャーのトム・ダーシーに挨拶してみませんか? Почему бы вам не начать говорить с Томом Дарси, старшим менеджером по работе с клиентами? Tom: (On the phone) Yah, yah, no, yah, yah, OK, yah. I’ll seal the deal, yah, no worries. 私は契約を結びます、ええ、心配はありません。 Я заключу сделку, да, не беспокойся. OK, see ya mate, bye! |||d'accord, à plus, mec| OK、じゃあね、さようなら! Хорошо, увидимся, пока! (Hangs up) Anna: Hello, I don’t think we’ve met. (Вешает трубку) Анна: Здравствуйте, я не думаю, что мы встретились. Tom: No. Anna: You must be Tom. I’m Anna. I’ve just joined the team. Tom: Uh huh. Том: Угу Anna: Nice to meet you. Have you worked here long? Вы работали здесь долго? Tom: Sorry, I’m quite busy right now – I’ve got a big deal just coming through. Том: Извините, я сейчас очень занят - у меня только что получилось. But let’s get together sometime. しかし、いつか集まりましょう。 Но давайте вместе когда-нибудь. Um... can you do lunch tomorrow? Anna: You want me to do lunch? アンナ:あなたは私に昼食をして欲しいですか? Анна: Вы хотите, чтобы я сделал обед? Well, I’m not very - (Telephone rings) Tom: Sorry, important client. Lunch tomorrow at 12.30 then? (On the phone) Tom speaking. (電話で)トムが話します。 Yah! Frankie! So what’s the latest, are we on? |||Quoi de neuf||| Итак, что нового? Anna: Well, OK then.

Narrator: Great Anna! You used some nice phrases to introduce yourself. It’s a shame Tom thinks he’s too important to do the same. ||C'est dommage||||||||| |||||||too valuable|||| トムが同じことをするのはあまりにも重要だと思っているのは残念です。 Обидно, что Том считает, что он слишком важен, чтобы делать то же самое. Anna: I’m sure he’s just busy. アンナ:彼は忙しいだけだと思います。 But I’m a bit worried about tomorrow! (The next day…) Anna: (Struggling into the office carrying cooking implements) Good morning Paul! ||||en difficulté||||||||| ||||||||||cooking tools||| (Am nächsten Tag...) Anna: (Mit Kochutensilien ins Büro stapfend) Guten Morgen Paul! (На следующий день ...) Анна: (бьется в офис с кухонными принадлежностями) Доброе утро, Пол! Paul: Good morning Anna, are you OK? Anna: Fine, the kitchen’s through there, isn’t it? アンナ:いいでしょう、キッチンはそこにありますね。 Анна: Хорошо, кухня там прошла, не так ли? Paul: Er, yes. (Kitchen noises as Anna starts preparing lunch) Denise: Anna! Anna: Oh hi, Denise! Denise: What are you doing? Anna: Cooking lunch for Tom. Denise: You what? Anna: Tom asked me to have lunch ready for 12.30. Denise: Did he indeed? |||vraiment デニス:彼は確かにそうしましたか? Дениз: Действительно ли он? Tom: Er, Anna. Anna: Hi Tom! Tom: What are you doing? Anna: Spring rolls, followed by crispy duck in black bean sauce. |||||crunchy||||| アンナ:春巻きに続いて、黒豆ソースのサクサクしたアヒル。 Анна: Блинчики с начинкой, затем хрустящая утка в соусе из черной фасоли. Tom: No, I mean, why are you cooking? Anna: Well, if I don’t start now, it won’t be ready for you by 12.30. Анна: Ну, если я не начну сейчас, она не будет готова для вас к 12.30. Tom: Oh, you misunderstood me, Anna. |||mal compris|| Том: О, ты неправильно меня понял, Анна. When I said "Can you do lunch?" 「お弁当はできますか?」と言ったら it didn’t mean "Can you make lunch?" это не означало "Вы можете приготовить обед?" It meant "Are you available to come to lunch with me?" |||||pour||||| Это означало "Ты готов пойти на обед со мной?" In a cafe or something. В кафе или что-то. Anna: Oh! Paul: Mmm... something smells good, but what’s going on here? Пол: Ммм ... что-то хорошо пахнет, но что здесь происходит?

Denise: Anna thinks it’s her job to cook for people! デニス:アンナは人のために料理をするのが彼女の仕事だと思っています! Дениз: Анна считает, что ее работа - готовить для людей! Anna: No, no, I misunderstood! Tom: Anna just got a bit confused. Том: Анна просто запуталась. Paul: Well, never mind, it looks tasty. ||||the food|| Anna: There’s enough for everyone if you want some. アンナ:あなたがいくつか欲しいなら、みんなのために十分です。 Анна: Достаточно для всех, если хочешь. Paul: I think that’s a splendid idea, we can have an office picnic! |||||excellent||||||| Пол: Я думаю, что это великолепная идея, мы можем устроить офисный пикник! Anna: Yes! Paul: Mmm, that sauce looks delicious. Anna: Yes, it’s my favourite. Narrator: Well, once again everything has worked out well for Anna! ナレーター:まあ、もう一度、すべてがアンナのためにうまくいきました! Рассказчик: Ну, еще раз все хорошо сработало для Анны! Before we go, a reminder of the phrases she used: Hello, I don’t think we’ve met. You must be Tom. I’ve just joined the team. Nice to meet you. Have you worked here long? Narrator: Just remember - if somebody says "Would you like to do lunch?" they’re not usually expecting you to cook for them! Goodbye.