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Friends S02, Friends S02E10 4d

Friends S02E10 4d

Don't you have to be at your interview? Oh, yeah. See you guys. Bye... ...ridiculously dull Bobby. Oh, my God. He's not that bad. Not that bad? Did you not hear the hammer story? Okay, don't get all squinky. Maybe it's the kind of story where you had to be there. But I'm gonna be there! For the rest of my life. I can't dump him. I made him quit drinking. I made him dull! Don't say that. He's probably always been dull. You just, you know... ...set it free. Hey, Ross. Hi, Russ. I've got two more tables to clean, and then we'll go. I'll just sit here and... ...chat with your... ...friend-type people. Rachel? So, you know what you're doing, right? Waitressing? Well, yeah. But, no. I mean... Doesn't Russ just remind you of someone? Bob Saget? Oh, yeah! No, no, no! Oh, my, oh! What's wrong? She's upset because... ...she buttered a spider into her toast this morning. All right. Listen, Pheebs. This is gonna be okay. Ross, Russ. Russ, Ross. Are you a friend of Rachel's? Yes. Yes, I am. Are you a friend of Rachel's? Actually, I'm kind of a... ...you know... ...a date-type thing... ...of Rachel's. A date? I'm her date. Oh! Oh, you're a... Oh, you're the date. This is actually good... ...because if we lose Ross, we have a spare. Oh! You are the paleontologist. Yes. Yes, I am. And you are a... Periodontist. See? Now they're as different as night and... ...later that night. Well, I am going to get a beverage. It was nice meeting you. Ditto. Well, I met Russ. Hey, I didn't know we were seeing other people. Well, we're not seeing each other, so... For your information, there's a woman at the museum... ...who's curator of moths and other... ...winged things... ...who's let it be known that she is drawn to me, much like a... ...you know. I've kept her at bay, but if this is the deal This is the deal. Okay, well, have a nice evening. Russ, you ready?

Friends S02E10 4d フレンズ S02E10 4d 프렌즈 S02E10 4d Friends S02E10 4d Друзья S02E10 4d Friends S02E10 4d

Don't you have to be at your interview? Вам не обов'язково бути на співбесіді? Oh, yeah. See you guys. Bye... ...ridiculously dull Bobby. До побачення... ...до смішного нудний Боббі. Oh, my God. He's not that bad. Він не такий вже й поганий. Not that bad? Did you not hear the hammer story? Ви не чули історію про молот? Okay, don't get all squinky. Гаразд, не кривляйся. Maybe it's the kind of story where you had to be there. Можливо, це така історія, де тобі довелося бути там. But I'm gonna be there! For the rest of my life. I can't dump him. Я не можу його кинути. I made him quit drinking. Я змусив його кинути пити. I made him dull! Я зробив його нудним! Don't say that. He's probably always been dull. You just, you know... ...set it free. Ти просто, знаєш... ...звільнив його. Hey, Ross. Hi, Russ. I've got two more tables to clean, and then we'll go. Мені залишилося прибрати ще два столи, а потім підемо. I'll just sit here and... ...chat with your... ...friend-type people. Я просто сидітиму тут і... ...балакатиму з вашими... ...людьми типу друзів. Rachel? So, you know what you're doing, right? Waitressing? Офіціанткою? Well, yeah. But, no. I mean... Doesn't Russ just remind you of someone? Я маю на увазі... Хіба Расс просто не нагадує вам когось? Bob Saget? Oh, yeah! No, no, no! Oh, my, oh! What's wrong? She's upset because... ...she buttered a spider into her toast this morning. Вона засмучена, тому що... ...вона сьогодні вранці намазала маслом павука у свої тости. All right. Listen, Pheebs. This is gonna be okay. Ross, Russ. Russ, Ross. Are you a friend of Rachel's? Ви друг Рейчел? Yes. Yes, I am. Are you a friend of Rachel's? Actually, I'm kind of a... ...you know... ...a date-type thing... ...of Rachel's. Взагалі-то, я начебто... ...знаєш... ...типу побачення... ...з Рейчел. A date? I'm her date. Я її побачення. Oh! Oh, you're a... Oh, you're the date. This is actually good... ...because if we lose Ross, we have a spare. Це насправді добре... ...бо якщо ми втратимо Росса, у нас буде запасний. Oh! You are the paleontologist. Yes. Yes, I am. And you are a... Periodontist. А ти... Пародонтолог. See? Now they're as different as night and... ...later that night. Тепер вони такі ж різні, як ніч і... ...пізніше ввечері. Well, I am going to get a beverage. Ну, я йду випити. It was nice meeting you. Ditto. Так само. Well, I met Russ. Ну, я зустрів Расса. Hey, I didn't know we were seeing other people. Гей, я не знав, що ми зустрічаємося з іншими людьми. Well, we're not seeing each other, so... For your information, there's a woman at the museum... ...who's curator of moths and other... ...winged things... ...who's let it be known that she is drawn to me, much like a... ...you know. Ну, ми не бачимося, тож... Для вашого відома, в музеї є жінка... ...яка куратор метеликів та інших... ...крилатих речей... ... хто дав знати, що її тягне до мене, дуже як... ...ви знаєте. I've kept her at bay, but if this is the deal This is the deal. Я тримав її на відстані, але якщо така угода, то така угода. Okay, well, have a nice evening. Russ, you ready?