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COURSERA Business Model Canvas, Wk5-01 Animated Video, Proving It

Wk5-01 Animated Video, Proving It

[MUSIC] All right. You've got your model, you made your best guess. It's time to fail. I know it's hard to hear, but even your most promising prototype is pretty certain to fail. Many of your hypotheses are bound to be wrong. Luckily, the canvas makes it easy to adapt as long as your mistakes are cheap and you act quickly to fix them. See the only judge of a business model is your future customer. What you've created so far is just hypotheses, guesses that need to be true for your business model to succeed. You have to test these hypotheses, fail or succeed, learn, then adjust. This process is known as customer development and lean startup. Begin by explicitly stating the most important hypotheses underlying your business model. Okay. You believe that boomers crave custom travel experiences that are tailored to their needs, and that a great a brand can overcome a dominant competitor's advantage. Great. Now get out into the world and see if you're right. You can conduct low cost experiments to test your most important hypotheses. Talk to your distributors, potential partners, and industry experts. But most importantly, talk to your prospective customers. They're likely to have questions and concerns that never crossed your mind. The idea of overseas travel might be stressful for your customers, money could be a concern, or there might just be a general lack of interest. Yes, learning that overseas travel is not attractive to many of your customers can feel like a major setback. But what you learn in the field can also lead you to unexpected opportunities, like the fact that retirement is cheaper overseas, and this might lead you to modify your original idea in favor of something new. [MUSIC] As you gain confidence with your model you should intensify testing. [MUSIC] You'll succeed in some ways, but you'll fail in others, because there will always be factors that you can't foresee from your office. If you adapt rapidly and cheaply, you can account for these factors. Solutions like quality assurance for high standards might be easier to implement through retirement village franchises. [SOUND] The more you test, the more you learn, the more your model matures. [MUSIC] It's time to start thinking about business models in a revolutionary new way. The era of the fixed business plan is over. To compete today you need an evolving business model, and if you document your evolution you can play back your canvases like a flip book, a valuable documentation of your increasingly viable business model. Now your business model is not just a bunch of guesses. You've tested, adapted, and your business model is now likely to succeed. You're ready for the next step. It's time to pitch your model.

Wk5-01 Animated Video, Proving It

[MUSIC] All right. You've got your model, you made your best guess. あなたはあなたのモデルを持っています、あなたはあなたの最善の推測をしました。 Você tem o seu modelo, você fez o seu melhor palpite. It's time to fail. É hora de falhar. I know it's hard to hear, but even your most promising prototype is pretty certain to fail. 聞き取りにくいことは承知していますが、最も有望なプロトタイプでさえ失敗することは間違いありません。 Eu sei que é difícil de ouvir, mas mesmo seu protótipo mais promissor certamente falhará. Many of your hypotheses are bound to be wrong. あなたの仮説の多くは間違いです。 Muitas de suas hipóteses estão fadadas a estar erradas. Luckily, the canvas makes it easy to adapt as long as your mistakes are cheap and you act quickly to fix them. 幸いなことに、ミスが安く、迅速に修正できる限り、キャンバスを使用すると簡単に適応できます。 Felizmente, a tela facilita a adaptação, desde que seus erros sejam baratos e você aja rapidamente para corrigi-los. See the only judge of a business model is your future customer. ビジネスモデルの唯一の判断者はあなたの将来の顧客です。 Veja que o único juiz de um modelo de negócios é o seu futuro cliente. What you've created so far is just hypotheses, guesses that need to be true for your business model to succeed. O que você criou até agora são apenas hipóteses, suposições que precisam ser verdadeiras para que seu modelo de negócios tenha sucesso. You have to test these hypotheses, fail or succeed, learn, then adjust. Você tem que testar essas hipóteses, falhar ou ter sucesso, aprender e depois ajustar. This process is known as customer development and lean startup. Esse processo é conhecido como desenvolvimento do cliente e startup enxuta. Begin by explicitly stating the most important hypotheses underlying your business model. Mulailah dengan secara eksplisit menyatakan hipotesis paling penting yang mendasari model bisnis Anda. ビジネスモデルの根底にある最も重要な仮説を明確に述べることから始めます。 Comece declarando explicitamente as hipóteses mais importantes subjacentes ao seu modelo de negócios. Okay. You believe that boomers crave custom travel experiences that are tailored to their needs, and that a great a brand can overcome a dominant competitor's advantage. あなたは、ブーマーが彼らのニーズに合わせたカスタム旅行体験を切望していると信じており、優れたブランドは支配的な競合他社の利点を克服できると信じています。 Você acredita que os boomers anseiam por experiências de viagem personalizadas que sejam adaptadas às suas necessidades e que uma grande marca pode superar a vantagem de um concorrente dominante. Great. Excelente. Now get out into the world and see if you're right. 今、世界に出て、あなたが正しいかどうかを確認してください。 Agora saia para o mundo e veja se você está certo. You can conduct low cost experiments to test your most important hypotheses. 低コストの実験を行って、最も重要な仮説をテストできます。 Você pode realizar experimentos de baixo custo para testar suas hipóteses mais importantes. Talk to your distributors, potential partners, and industry experts. ディストリビューター、潜在的なパートナー、業界の専門家に相談してください。 Converse com seus distribuidores, parceiros em potencial e especialistas do setor. But most importantly, talk to your prospective customers. しかし、最も重要なことは、見込み客と話すことです。 Mas o mais importante, converse com seus clientes em potencial. They're likely to have questions and concerns that never crossed your mind. 彼らはあなたの心を決して越えなかった質問や懸念を持っている可能性があります。 É provável que tenham dúvidas e preocupações que nunca passaram pela sua cabeça. The idea of overseas travel might be stressful for your customers, money could be a concern, or there might just be a general lack of interest. 海外旅行のアイデアは、顧客にとってストレスになるかもしれませんし、お金が心配になるかもしれません。あるいは、一般的に興味がないかもしれません。 A ideia de viajar para o exterior pode ser estressante para seus clientes, o dinheiro pode ser uma preocupação ou pode haver apenas uma falta geral de interesse. Yes, learning that overseas travel is not attractive to many of your customers can feel like a major setback. はい、海外旅行が多くの顧客にとって魅力的ではないことを知ることは、大きな挫折のように感じる可能性があります。 Sim, saber que viajar para o exterior não é atraente para muitos de seus clientes pode parecer um grande revés. But what you learn in the field can also lead you to unexpected opportunities, like the fact that retirement is cheaper overseas, and this might lead you to modify your original idea in favor of something new. しかし、現場で学んだことは、海外での引退が安いという事実など、予期しない機会につながる可能性もあります。これにより、元のアイデアを変更して新しいものに変える可能性があります。 Mas o que você aprende na área também pode levá-lo a oportunidades inesperadas, como o fato de a aposentadoria ser mais barata no exterior, e isso pode levá-lo a modificar sua ideia original em favor de algo novo. [MUSIC] As you gain confidence with your model you should intensify testing. [音楽]モデルに自信がついたら、テストを強化する必要があります。 [MÚSICA] À medida que você ganha confiança com seu modelo, deve intensificar os testes. [MUSIC] You'll succeed in some ways, but you'll fail in others, because there will always be factors that you can't foresee from your office. [音楽]あなたはいくつかの方法で成功しますが、他の方法では失敗します。なぜなら、あなたのオフィスからは予測できない要素が常にあるからです。 [MÚSICA] Você terá sucesso em alguns aspectos, mas fracassará em outros, porque sempre haverá fatores que você não pode prever do seu escritório. If you adapt rapidly and cheaply, you can account for these factors. 迅速かつ安価に適応すれば、これらの要因を説明することができます。 Se você se adaptar de forma rápida e barata, poderá levar em conta esses fatores. Solutions like quality assurance for high standards might be easier to implement through retirement village franchises. Solusi seperti jaminan kualitas untuk standar tinggi mungkin lebih mudah diterapkan melalui waralaba desa pensiunan. 高水準の品質保証などのソリューションは、退職後の村のフランチャイズを通じて実装する方が簡単な場合があります。 Soluções como garantia de qualidade para altos padrões podem ser mais fáceis de implementar por meio de franquias de aposentados. [SOUND] The more you test, the more you learn, the more your model matures. [サウンド]テストすればするほど、学習するほど、モデルは成熟します。 [SOM] Quanto mais você testa, mais você aprende, mais seu modelo amadurece. [MUSIC] It's time to start thinking about business models in a revolutionary new way. [MÚSICA] É hora de começar a pensar em modelos de negócios de uma maneira revolucionária. The era of the fixed business plan is over. 固定事業計画の時代は終わりました。 A era do plano de negócios fixo acabou. To compete today you need an evolving business model, and if you document your evolution you can play back your canvases like a flip book, a valuable documentation of your increasingly viable business model. 今日競争するには、進化するビジネスモデルが必要です。進化を文書化すると、パラパラマンガのようにキャンバスを再生できます。これは、ますます実行可能なビジネスモデルの貴重な文書です。 Para competir hoje, você precisa de um modelo de negócios em evolução e, se documentar sua evolução, poderá reproduzir suas telas como um flip book, uma documentação valiosa de seu modelo de negócios cada vez mais viável. Now your business model is not just a bunch of guesses. 今、あなたのビジネスモデルは単なる推測の集まりではありません。 Agora, seu modelo de negócios não é apenas um monte de palpites. You've tested, adapted, and your business model is now likely to succeed. Você testou, adaptou e seu modelo de negócios agora provavelmente será bem-sucedido. You're ready for the next step. Você está pronto para o próximo passo. It's time to pitch your model. Saatnya untuk mempromosikan model Anda. É hora de lançar seu modelo.