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to be - simple present, You are, you're

You are, you're You are a student. You're a student. What are you? You are a student. You're a student. Are you a student? Yes, you are a student. Yes, you're a student. You are not a student. You're not a student. You aren't a student. What are you not? You are not a teacher. You're not a teacher. You aren't a teacher. Are you not a student? No, you are not a student. No, you're not a student. No, you aren't a student.

You are, you're Tu sei, tu sei You are a student. You're a student. What are you? You are a student. You're a student. Are you a student? Yes, you are a student. Yes, you're a student. You are not a student. You're not a student. You aren't a student. What are you not? You are not a teacher. You're not a teacher. You aren't a teacher. Are you not a student? Vous n'êtes pas étudiant ? No, you are not a student. No, you're not a student. No, you aren't a student.