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PBS NewsHour (Nov to Dec 2017), Nov 22, 2017 - In remote Kenyan villages, solar startups bring light

Nov 22, 2017 - In remote Kenyan villages, solar startups bring light

Nov 22, 2017 - In remote Kenyan villages, solar startups bring light.

Judy Woodruff:

Now – bringing light, sound, and even pictures to vast regions of the world that go dark at sunset.

Special correspondent Fred de Sam Lazaro reports from Kenya on the growing promise and popularity of off-grid solar power.

It's part of our on-going series Breakthroughs, and this week's segment on the Leading Edge of science and technology. Fred De Sam Lazaro:

It takes a long time to reach remote villages like the one Peter Mulili lives in. The electric grid hasn't yet reached here. But today, Mulili is able to flip a switch to turn on an overhead light, listen to the radio, even watch a music video on television. Peter Mulili (through Interpreter):

I had been using kerosene to light my house. But now I spend that money to use solar power to light my house, charge my phone and watch TV. Fred De Sam Lazaro:

Mulili used to pay about a $1.50 a day for kerosene, a fuel still used by his neighbors here in Central Kenya and some 1.3 billion people around the globe who don't have any access to grid electricity. A number of upstart companies have taken advantage of improved technology and falling prices of panels to deliver cleaner solar power, which also lets their customers charge their phones at home, a chore that otherwise takes a trip to the nearest town. Jesse Moore:

Well, I spent my 20s traveling and working in a lot of different developing countries. Fred De Sam Lazaro:

Jesse Moore is one of the co-founders of M-KOPA, a leading for-profit start-up in Kenya. Jesse Moore:

What we're trying to do is change the world and change the lives of low-income people for the better by bringing cheaper, less expensive, affordable energy into their homes on a daily basis. Fred De Sam Lazaro:

The setup is simple. Customers place a single panel on their roof. Wires connect it to a battery, which powers three light bulbs, a phone charging station and a radio. A more powerful panel and television comes in an upgrade package.

A 24-hour call center at the company's headquarters trouble-shoots problems. Jesse Moore:

We have got an embedded a chip inside every solar system, and so if I were to call in and say my system isn't working tonight, can you help me out, the call center operator can look into our systems and see very specific information about their system and how it's performing. And, often, that allows us to remotely diagnose and fix the problem over the phone. Fred De Sam Lazaro:

Sales have been robust. We watched as these rural residents surrounded an M-KOPA salesman to hear his pitch, and at an M-KOPA store in the town of Machakos, where Anastasia Musya, a customer already, was adding a television to her system.

I asked her why. Anastasia Musya (through Interpreter):

I will get to see what's happening in the world. I will get to see the news. Fred De Sam Lazaro:

In addition to getting news, solar customers say their children are able to do homework more hours at night, and they don't have the health problems and fire risk associated with kerosene lamps. Peter Mulili (through Interpreter):

My sister used to study using the kerosene lamp, but she developed problems with her eyes. Now she doesn't have that problem. Fred De Sam Lazaro:

But it's not just the cheaper solar technology that has made this possible. It's the transformation in how customers pay for it, through their mobile phone. Vast swathes of Kenya and sub-Saharan Africa have moved quickly from never being wired to now being connected to the world wirelessly. Barely a decade ago, only one out of 10 Kenyan adults owned a mobile phone. Today, more than eight out of 10 own one.

The new solar companies use a pay-as-you-go model. Customers pay a small amount daily with a popular mobile app called M-Pesa. The solar companies says it's the same price or even cheaper than kerosene. Professor Varun Sivaram, at Georgetown University and the Council on Foreign Relations says mobile payments have been key to the rise of these businesses. Varun Sivaram:

There are limited regulations on mobile payments, and so entrepreneurs have taken advantage of advances in mobile payments to deploy off-grid solar systems. Fred De Sam Lazaro:

And, Sivaram says, that gives people more than just lights and television. Varun Sivaram:

You should be able to make a living, whether it's through an online business that you conduct over the Internet or on a cell phone, whether it's using appliances, such as a sewing machine or an iron, such as having storefront lighting, so that you can be a vendor that sells things. And that's why livelihoods and economic development is one of the major potential benefits of off-grid solar. Jesse Moore:

Next, there will be refrigeration, there will be computing, there will be fans that will all come into play as affordable products that people can plug in off solar.

And so it's really nice at the end of the day to think that the developing world and the low-income customers who have been neglected by the grid will be the ones actually who actually leapfrog straight to the future. Fred De Sam Lazaro:

But Sivaram says development of the electrical grid is still very important. Varun Sivaram:

A study in Nature Climate Change found that, between now and 2030, one-third of all the gains in energy access could come from off-grid solar systems. And the other two-thirds are going to come from central grid extension. So off-grid solar is still only one part of the solution, not a silver bullet. Fred De Sam Lazaro:

Not a silver bullet, but a ray literally of sunshine for vast regions of the planet.

For the PBS NewsHour, I'm Fred de Sam Lazaro in Machakos, Kenya. Judy Woodruff:

Fred's reporting is a partnership with the Under-Told Stories Project at the University of St. Thomas in Minnesota.

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Nov 22, 2017 - In remote Kenyan villages, solar startups bring light 22. November 2017 - In abgelegenen kenianischen Dörfern bringen Solar-Startups Licht Nov 22, 2017 - En aldeas remotas de Kenia, las startups solares llevan luz 22 nov. 2017 - Dans des villages reculés du Kenya, des startups solaires apportent la lumière 22 novembre 2017 - Nei villaggi remoti del Kenya, le startup solari portano la luce 2017年11月22日 - ケニアの遠隔地の村で、ソーラー新興企業が光をもたらす Nov 22, 2017 - Atokiuose Kenijos kaimuose saulės energijos startuoliai atneša šviesą 22 listopada 2017 r. - W odległych kenijskich wioskach startupy solarne przynoszą światło Nov 22, 2017 - Em aldeias remotas do Quénia, as startups de energia solar trazem luz Nov 22, 2017 - В отдаленных кенийских деревнях солнечные стартапы дают свет 22 Kasım 2017 - Kenya'nın ücra köylerinde güneş enerjisi girişimleri ışık getiriyor 22 листопада 2017 - У віддалених кенійських селах сонячні стартапи дарують світло 2017 年 11 月 22 日 - 太阳能初创公司为肯尼亚偏远村庄带来光明 2017 年 11 月 22 日 - 太陽能新創公司為肯亞偏遠村莊帶來光明

Nov 22, 2017 - In remote Kenyan villages, solar startups bring light. 22 nov. 2017 - Dans des villages reculés du Kenya, des startups solaires apportent la lumière.

Judy Woodruff:

Now – bringing light, sound, and even pictures to vast regions of the world that go dark at sunset. Maintenant - apporter de la lumière, du son et même des images dans de vastes régions du monde qui s'assombrissent au coucher du soleil.

Special correspondent Fred de Sam Lazaro reports from Kenya on the growing promise and popularity of off-grid solar power. ||||||||||その||||||オフグリッド|オフグリッド|太陽光| Le correspondant spécial Fred de Sam Lazaro rapporte du Kenya sur la promesse et la popularité croissantes de l'énergie solaire hors réseau.

It's part of our on-going series Breakthroughs, and this week's segment on the Leading Edge of science and technology. Fred De Sam Lazaro:

It takes a long time to reach remote villages like the one Peter Mulili lives in. The electric grid hasn't yet reached here. Le réseau électrique n'est pas encore arrivé ici. But today, Mulili is able to flip a switch to turn on an overhead light, listen to the radio, even watch a music video on television. Mais aujourd'hui, Mulili est capable d'appuyer sur un interrupteur pour allumer un plafonnier, écouter la radio, voire même regarder un clip vidéo à la télévision. Peter Mulili (through Interpreter):

I had been using kerosene to light my house. But now I spend that money to use solar power to light my house, charge my phone and watch TV. Fred De Sam Lazaro:

Mulili used to pay about a $1.50 a day for kerosene, a fuel still used by his neighbors here in Central Kenya and some 1.3 billion people around the globe who don't have any access to grid electricity. |||||||||灯油|||||||||||||||||||||||||| A number of upstart companies have taken advantage of improved technology and falling prices of panels to deliver cleaner solar power, which also lets their customers charge their phones at home, a chore that otherwise takes a trip to the nearest town. Un certain nombre d'entreprises en démarrage ont profité de l'amélioration de la technologie et de la baisse des prix des panneaux pour fournir une énergie solaire plus propre, ce qui permet également à leurs clients de recharger leurs téléphones à la maison, une corvée qui nécessiterait autrement un voyage jusqu'à la ville la plus proche. Jesse Moore:

Well, I spent my 20s traveling and working in a lot of different developing countries. Eh bien, j'ai passé mes 20 ans à voyager et à travailler dans de nombreux pays en développement. Fred De Sam Lazaro:

Jesse Moore is one of the co-founders of M-KOPA, a leading for-profit start-up in Kenya. Jesse Moore est l'un des cofondateurs de M-KOPA, une start-up à but lucratif de premier plan au Kenya. Jesse Moore:

What we're trying to do is change the world and change the lives of low-income people for the better by bringing cheaper, less expensive, affordable energy into their homes on a daily basis. Ce que nous essayons de faire, c'est de changer le monde et d'améliorer la vie des personnes à faible revenu en apportant chaque jour de l'énergie moins chère, moins chère et abordable dans leurs maisons. Fred De Sam Lazaro:

The setup is simple. La configuration est simple. Customers place a single panel on their roof. Wires connect it to a battery, which powers three light bulbs, a phone charging station and a radio. Des fils le relient à une batterie, qui alimente trois ampoules, une station de charge de téléphone et une radio. A more powerful panel and television comes in an upgrade package. Un panneau et un téléviseur plus puissants sont fournis dans un ensemble de mise à niveau.

A 24-hour call center at the company's headquarters trouble-shoots problems. Un centre d'appels ouvert 24 heures sur 24 au siège social de l'entreprise résout les problèmes. Jesse Moore:

We have got an embedded a chip inside every solar system, and so if I were to call in and say my system isn't working tonight, can you help me out, the call center operator can look into our systems and see very specific information about their system and how it's performing. Nous avons une puce intégrée à l'intérieur de chaque système solaire, et donc si je devais appeler et dire que mon système ne fonctionne pas ce soir, pouvez-vous m'aider, l'opérateur du centre d'appels peut examiner nos systèmes et voir des informations très spécifiques sur leur système et comment il fonctionne. And, often, that allows us to remotely diagnose and fix the problem over the phone. Fred De Sam Lazaro:

Sales have been robust. |||堅調な Les ventes ont été robustes. We watched as these rural residents surrounded an M-KOPA salesman to hear his pitch, and at an M-KOPA store in the town of Machakos, where Anastasia Musya, a customer already, was adding a television to her system. Nous avons vu ces résidents ruraux entourer un vendeur M-KOPA pour entendre son discours, et dans un magasin M-KOPA de la ville de Machakos, où Anastasia Musya, déjà cliente, ajoutait une télévision à son système.

I asked her why. Anastasia Musya (through Interpreter):

I will get to see what's happening in the world. I will get to see the news. Fred De Sam Lazaro:

In addition to getting news, solar customers say their children are able to do homework more hours at night, and they don't have the health problems and fire risk associated with kerosene lamps. En plus d'avoir des nouvelles, les clients solaires disent que leurs enfants peuvent faire leurs devoirs plus d'heures la nuit, et qu'ils n'ont pas les problèmes de santé et les risques d'incendie associés aux lampes à pétrole. Peter Mulili (through Interpreter):

My sister used to study using the kerosene lamp, but she developed problems with her eyes. Now she doesn't have that problem. Fred De Sam Lazaro:

But it's not just the cheaper solar technology that has made this possible. Mais ce n'est pas seulement la technologie solaire moins chère qui a rendu cela possible. It's the transformation in how customers pay for it, through their mobile phone. C'est la transformation de la façon dont les clients paient, via leur téléphone mobile. Vast swathes of Kenya and sub-Saharan Africa have moved quickly from never being wired to now being connected to the world wirelessly. De vastes étendues du Kenya et de l'Afrique subsaharienne sont passées rapidement de l'absence de connexion câblée à la connexion sans fil au monde. Barely a decade ago, only one out of 10 Kenyan adults owned a mobile phone. Today, more than eight out of 10 own one.

The new solar companies use a pay-as-you-go model. Les nouvelles entreprises solaires utilisent un modèle de paiement à l'utilisation. Customers pay a small amount daily with a popular mobile app called M-Pesa. The solar companies says it's the same price or even cheaper than kerosene. Les compagnies solaires disent que c'est le même prix ou même moins cher que le kérosène. Professor Varun Sivaram, at Georgetown University and the Council on Foreign Relations says mobile payments have been key to the rise of these businesses. Varun Sivaram:

There are limited regulations on mobile payments, and so entrepreneurs have taken advantage of advances in mobile payments to deploy off-grid solar systems. Il existe des réglementations limitées sur les paiements mobiles, et les entrepreneurs ont donc profité des progrès des paiements mobiles pour déployer des systèmes solaires hors réseau. Fred De Sam Lazaro:

And, Sivaram says, that gives people more than just lights and television. Varun Sivaram:

You should be able to make a living, whether it's through an online business that you conduct over the Internet or on a cell phone, whether it's using appliances, such as a sewing machine or an iron, such as having storefront lighting, so that you can be a vendor that sells things. Vous devriez pouvoir gagner votre vie, que ce soit par le biais d'une activité en ligne que vous menez sur Internet ou sur un téléphone portable, qu'il s'agisse d'appareils électroménagers, comme une machine à coudre ou un fer à repasser, comme un éclairage de vitrine, de sorte que vous peut être un vendeur qui vend des choses. And that's why livelihoods and economic development is one of the major potential benefits of off-grid solar. Et c'est pourquoi les moyens de subsistance et le développement économique sont l'un des principaux avantages potentiels de l'énergie solaire hors réseau. Jesse Moore:

Next, there will be refrigeration, there will be computing, there will be fans that will all come into play as affordable products that people can plug in off solar. Ensuite, il y aura la réfrigération, il y aura l'informatique, il y aura des ventilateurs qui entreront tous en jeu en tant que produits abordables que les gens pourront brancher à l'énergie solaire.

And so it's really nice at the end of the day to think that the developing world and the low-income customers who have been neglected by the grid will be the ones actually who actually leapfrog straight to the future. ||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||飛び越える|||| Et donc c'est vraiment agréable en fin de compte de penser que le monde en développement et les clients à faible revenu qui ont été négligés par le réseau seront ceux qui sauteront directement vers l'avenir. Fred De Sam Lazaro:

But Sivaram says development of the electrical grid is still very important. Mais Sivaram affirme que le développement du réseau électrique est toujours très important. Varun Sivaram:

A study in Nature Climate Change found that, between now and 2030, one-third of all the gains in energy access could come from off-grid solar systems. Une étude publiée dans Nature Climate Change a révélé que, d'ici 2030, un tiers de tous les gains d'accès à l'énergie pourraient provenir de systèmes solaires hors réseau. And the other two-thirds are going to come from central grid extension. Et les deux autres tiers proviendront de l'extension du réseau central. So off-grid solar is still only one part of the solution, not a silver bullet. L'énergie solaire hors réseau n'est donc qu'une partie de la solution, pas une solution miracle. Fred De Sam Lazaro:

Not a silver bullet, but a ray literally of sunshine for vast regions of the planet.

For the PBS NewsHour, I'm Fred de Sam Lazaro in Machakos, Kenya. Judy Woodruff:

Fred's reporting is a partnership with the Under-Told Stories Project at the University of St. ||||提携||||||||||| Le reportage de Fred est un partenariat avec le projet Under-Told Stories de l'Université de St. Thomas in Minnesota.