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Conversational English: Basic to Intermediate, Real Conversation #4: Family (Gabriel & Kevin)

Real Conversation #4: Family (Gabriel & Kevin)

Gabriel: Alright Kevin, so today we're going to talk about relationships with your family and other things that are related to this. So, do you have any brothers or sisters?

Kevin: I have no brothers or sisters, I'm an only child. My mom she was born in Poland and my father was born in Iran. And they both met in Greece in the city of Athens, the capital of Greece. And they moved to Canada, to Vancouver. I was born and I've been living here all my life now.

Gabriel: Excellent, wow that's a really cool story. I knew that you were part Polish part Iranian… But I didn't know that your mom was Polish and your father Iranian, that's really cool.

Kevin: Exactly.

Gabriel: Have you been to Poland?

Kevin: I have been to Poland. The last time I went to Poland was two years ago, during the summer. I was there for two months.

Gabriel: Excellent. Was it a good experience?

Kevin: It was a great experience. I have my grandmother, my uncle, and a lot of friends in Poland, and we like to go to the river during the summer time. We have a beer and we just talk and we laugh.

Gabriel: Excellent, sounds like a lot of fun. So you have a lot of family members then in Poland?

Kevin: Not a lot of family members, just my uncle and my grandmother and I have three cousins but they now live in Italy, so they don't live in Poland but I see them from time to time as well.

Gabriel: Excellent, ok. How old are they?

Kevin: My cousins?

Gabriel: Your cousins, yes.

Kevin: My cousins. Uh, one is 14 years old, the other one is 18 years old and the oldest one is 24 years old.

Gabriel: Oh cool, so they're all younger than you.

Kevin: They're all younger.

Gabriel: I think that's really cool, because you can be almost like a brotherly figure.

Kevin: Exactly.

Gabriel: You can be like an older brother.

Kevin: And I don't have a brother.

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Real Conversation #4: Family (Gabriel & Kevin) ||||Kevin real|conversación|familia||Kevin Real Conversation #4: Family (Gabriel & Kevin) Conversación real nº 4: Familia (Gabriel y Kevin) Vraie conversation #4 : La famille (Gabriel & Kevin) Conversa Real #4: Família (Gabriel e Kevin) Реальна розмова #4: Сім'я (Габріель і Кевін)

Gabriel: Alright Kevin, so today we’re going to talk about relationships with your family and other things that are related to this. ||||||||||relationships||||||||||| ||||||||||relacionamentos|||||||||relacionadas|| Gabriel|bien||||vamos a|||||||||||||||| غابرييل: حسنًا كيفن ، سنتحدث اليوم عن العلاقات مع عائلتك والأشياء الأخرى المرتبطة بهذا. Gabriel: Muito bem, Kevin, hoje vamos falar de relações com a família e outras coisas relacionadas com isto. So, do you have any brothers or sisters? |||||irmãos||irmãs إذن ، هل لديك إخوة أو أخوات؟ Então, tens irmãos ou irmãs?

Kevin: I have no brothers or sisters, I’m an only child. ||||hermanos||hermanas|||hijo único|hijo único كيفن: ليس لدي إخوة أو أخوات ، أنا طفل وحيد. Kevin: Não tenho irmãos ou irmãs, sou filho único. My mom she was born in Poland and my father was born in Iran. ||||||Polônia|||meu pai||||Irã |mamá|||||Polonia|||padre|||| أمي ولدت في بولندا وولد والدي في إيران. A minha mãe nasceu na Polónia e o meu pai no Irão. And they both met in Greece in the city of Athens, the capital of Greece. |||came together||||||||||| |||||Grécia|||||Atenas||capital da Grécia||Grécia |||se encontraron|||||ciudad||Atenas||capital de Grecia||Grecia والتقى كلاهما في اليونان بمدينة أثينا عاصمة اليونان. E ambos se conheceram na Grécia, na cidade de Atenas, a capital da Grécia. And they moved to Canada, to Vancouver. ||se mudaron||Canadá||Vancouver وانتقلوا إلى كندا، إلى فانكوفر. そして彼らはカナダ、バンクーバーに引っ越しました。 E mudaram-se para o Canadá, para Vancouver. I was born and I’ve been living here all my life now. لقد ولدت وأنا أعيش هنا طوال حياتي الآن. Nasci e tenho vivido aqui toda a minha vida.

Gabriel: Excellent, wow that’s a really cool story. |||||||história |excelente|||||genial|historia غابرييل: ممتاز ، واو هذه قصة رائعة حقًا. Gabriel: Excelente, é uma história muito fixe. I knew that you were part Polish part Iranian… But I didn’t know that your mom was Polish and your father Iranian, that’s really cool. ||||||polaca||iraniano|||||||||||||||| |sabía|||||polaca||iraní|||||||||||||||| كنت أعلم أنك جزء بولندي إيراني ... لكنني لم أكن أعرف أن والدتك بولندية وأن والدك إيراني ، هذا رائع حقًا. あなたがポーランド人とイラン人の一部であることは知っていました…しかし、あなたのお母さんがポーランド人で、あなたの父親がイラン人であることを知りませんでした。 Eu sabia que era parte polaca e parte iraniana... Mas não sabia que a sua mãe era polaca e o seu pai iraniano, isso é muito fixe.

Kevin: Exactly. |exactamente كيفن : بالضبط. Kevin: Exactamente.

Gabriel: Have you been to Poland? |||estado|| غابرييل: هل زرت بولندا؟ Gabriel: Já esteve na Polónia?

Kevin: I have been to Poland. كيفن: لقد زرت بولندا. Kevin: Já estive na Polónia. The last time I went to Poland was two years ago, during the summer. |última|||||||||hace dos años|durante el verano||verano آخر مرة ذهبت فيها إلى بولندا كانت قبل عامين ، خلال الصيف. A última vez que fui à Polónia foi há dois anos, durante o Verão. I was there for two months. |||||meses مكثت هناك لمدة شهرين. Estive lá durante dois meses.

Gabriel: Excellent. جبرائيل: ممتاز. Was it a good experience? ||||experiencia هل كانت تجربة جيدة؟ Foi uma boa experiência?

Kevin: It was a great experience. كيفن: لقد كانت تجربة رائعة. Kevin: Foi uma óptima experiência. I have my grandmother, my uncle, and a lot of friends in Poland, and we like to go to the river during the summer time. |||minha avó|||||||||||||||||o rio|||| |||abuela||tío|||||||||||||||el río|durante||| لديّ جدتي وعمي والعديد من الأصدقاء في بولندا ، ونحب الذهاب إلى النهر خلال فصل الصيف. Tenho a minha avó, o meu tio e muitos amigos na Polónia, e gostamos de ir ao rio durante o Verão. We have a beer and we just talk and we laugh. |||una cerveza|||||||reímos لدينا بيرة ونتحدث ونضحك. Bebemos uma cerveja, conversamos e rimo-nos.

Gabriel: Excellent, sounds like a lot of fun. غابرييل: ممتاز ، يبدو كثيرًا من المرح. Gabriel: Excelente, parece ser muito divertido. So you have a lot of family members then in Poland? |||||||membros da família||| |||||||miembros de la familia||| إذاً لديك الكثير من أفراد العائلة في بولندا؟ ポーランドには家族がたくさんいますか? Então, tem muitos familiares na Polónia?

Kevin: Not a lot of family members, just my uncle and my grandmother and I have three cousins but they now live in Italy, so they don’t live in Poland but I see them from time to time as well. |||||||||||||||||primos||||||Itália|||||||||||||||| |||||||||||||||||primos||||||Italia|||||||||||||||| كيفن: ليس الكثير من أفراد الأسرة ، فقط عمي وجدتي ولدي ثلاثة أبناء عمومة لكنهم يعيشون الآن في إيطاليا ، لذا فهم لا يعيشون في بولندا ولكني أراهم من وقت لآخر أيضًا. Kevin: Não tenho muitos familiares, só o meu tio e a minha avó e tenho três primos, mas agora vivem em Itália, por isso não vivem na Polónia, mas também os vejo de vez em quando.

Gabriel: Excellent, ok. ||bien جبرائيل: ممتاز ، حسنًا. How old are they? كم عمرهم؟ Que idade têm?

Kevin: My cousins? كيفن: أبناء عمي؟ Kevin: Os meus primos?

Gabriel: Your cousins, yes. جبرائيل: أبناء عمومتك ، نعم. Gabriel: Os vossos primos, sim.

Kevin: My cousins. كيفن: أبناء عمي. Kevin: Os meus primos. Uh, one is 14 years old, the other one is 18 years old and the oldest one is 24 years old. |||||||||||||el mayor|||| أه واحد عمره 14 سنة والآخر 18 سنة والأكبر 24 سنة. Um tem 14 anos, o outro tem 18 anos e o mais velho tem 24 anos.

Gabriel: Oh cool, so they’re all younger than you. ||||||más jóvenes|que| غابرييل: أوه رائع ، كلهم أصغر منك. Gabriel: Oh fixe, então são todos mais novos do que tu.

Kevin: They’re all younger. |||más jóvenes كيفن: كلهم أصغر سنا. Kevin: São todos mais novos.

Gabriel: I think that’s really cool, because you can be almost like a brotherly figure. |||||||||||||fraternal| ||||||||||casi|||fraternal|figura fraternal غابرييل: أعتقد أن هذا رائع حقًا ، لأنك يمكن أن تكون تقريبًا مثل شخصية أخوية. ガブリエル:あなたは兄弟のような存在になることができるので、それは本当にクールだと思います。 Gabriel: Acho que isso é muito fixe, porque podes ser quase como uma figura fraternal. Габріель: Я думаю, що це дуже круто, тому що ти можеш бути майже як брат.

Kevin: Exactly. كيفن: بالضبط. ケビン:そうです。

Gabriel: You can be like an older brother. Gabriel||||||hermano mayor|hermano mayor غابرييل: يمكنك أن تكون مثل الأخ الأكبر. ガブリエル:あなたは兄のようになることができます。 Gabriel: Podes ser como um irmão mais velho.

Kevin: And I don’t have a brother. ケビン:そして私には兄弟がいません。 Kevin: E eu não tenho um irmão. Кевин: И у меня нет брата.