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News and Politics, Obama Seeks 'New Beginning' for US, Muslims

Obama Seeks 'New Beginning' for US, Muslims

This is IN THE NEWS in VOA Special English.

President Obama is calling for new efforts toward progress in peace talks between Israelis and Palestinians. He says "each side is going to have to make some difficult compromises." But he pointed to his recent talks with leaders on both sides. And he noted that George Mitchell, his special diplomat for the Middle East, is going back next week.

BARACK OBAMA: "I think given what we have done so far, we have at least created the space, the atmosphere in which talks can restart." President Obama spoke Friday in Germany, part of a European visit to remember the Allied invasion on D-Day, June sixth, nineteen forty-four. He met with Chancellor Angela Merkel in Dresden. Later they visited the remains of the Nazi death camp at Buchenwald. The president's great uncle was part of American forces who liberated the camp. The murder of six million Jews in the Holocaust led to the creation of Israel.

Friday's visit came a day after President Obama gave a speech in Egypt directed to the world's more than one billion Muslims. At Cairo University he called for a new beginning between the United States and Muslims around the world. He said they should work together to stop extremism and support peace.

He spoke of being a Christian whose father came from a Kenyan family with generations of Muslims. He also noted that as a boy he spent several years in the country with the world's largest Muslim population, Indonesia. BARACK OBAMA: "That experience guides my conviction that partnership between America and Islam must be based on what Islam is, not what it isn't." President Obama discussed several areas of tensions, especially the conflict between Israelis and Palestinians.

BARACK OBAMA: "If we see this conflict only from one side or the other, then we will be blind to the truth." He called America's bond with Israel "unbreakable" and said the tragic history that led to a Jewish homeland cannot be denied. But he went on to say "it is also undeniable that the Palestinian people - Muslims and Christians - have suffered in pursuit of a homeland." He said the Palestinians must reject violence, but he also demanded a stop to Israeli settlement activity. He said again that the only solution is two states, where Israelis and Palestinians each live in peace and security. In his words, "That is in Israel's interest, Palestine's interest, America's interest and the world's interest." Many Muslims who commented on the speech said they were generally pleased. But they said that of course the true test would not be in words, but actions.

The president used words from the Koran several times throughout his speech. He also called for religious understanding and spoke of the importance of equality for women. The speech contained no major policy changes. But it did signal what many Muslims saw as a newly sympathetic voice from an American president.

And that's IN THE NEWS in VOA Special English, written by Brianna Blake. For more about the speech, go to voaspecialenglish.com. I'm Steve Ember. Transcript of radio broadcast: 05 June 2009

Obama Seeks 'New Beginning' for US, Muslims Obama will "Neuanfang" für USA und Muslime Ο Ομπάμα επιδιώκει "νέα αρχή" για τις ΗΠΑ, τους μουσουλμάνους Obama Seeks 'New Beginning' for US, Muslims Obama busca un "nuevo comienzo" para EE.UU. y los musulmanes Obama souhaite un "nouveau départ" pour les États-Unis et les musulmans Obama cerca un "nuovo inizio" per Stati Uniti e musulmani オバマ大統領、米国とイスラム教徒の「新たな始まり」を模索 오바마, 미국, 무슬림을 위한 '새로운 시작'을 모색하다 Obama szuka "nowego początku" dla USA i muzułmanów Obama procura um "novo começo" para os EUA e os muçulmanos Обама стремится к "новому началу" для США и мусульман Obama ABD ve Müslümanlar için 'Yeni Bir Başlangıç' Arıyor Обама прагне "нового початку" для США і мусульман 奥巴马为美国和穆斯林寻求“新的开始” 奧巴馬為美國和穆斯林尋求“新的開始”

This is IN THE NEWS in VOA Special English.

President Obama is calling for new efforts toward progress in peace talks between Israelis and Palestinians. President Obama is calling for new efforts toward progress in peace talks between Israelis and Palestinians. Le président Obama appelle à de nouveaux efforts pour faire avancer les négociations de paix entre Israéliens et Palestiniens. He says "each side is going to have to make some difficult compromises." He says "each side is going to have to make some difficult compromises." Selon lui, "chaque partie devra faire des compromis difficiles". But he pointed to his recent talks with leaders on both sides. And he noted that George Mitchell, his special diplomat for the Middle East, is going back next week. |||他指出||||||||||||||

BARACK OBAMA: "I think given what we have done so far, we have at least created the space, the atmosphere in which talks can restart." BARACK OBAMA : "Je pense qu'au vu de ce que nous avons fait jusqu'à présent, nous avons au moins créé l'espace, l'atmosphère dans laquelle les pourparlers peuvent reprendre". President Obama spoke Friday in Germany, part of a European visit to remember the Allied invasion on D-Day, June sixth, nineteen forty-four. |||||||||||||||入侵行動|||||||| He met with Chancellor Angela Merkel in Dresden. |||總理||||德累斯頓 Later they visited the remains of the Nazi death camp at Buchenwald. Plus tard, ils ont visité les vestiges du camp de la mort nazi de Buchenwald. The president's great uncle was part of American forces who liberated the camp. ||||||||||解放了|| Le grand-oncle du président faisait partie des forces américaines qui ont libéré le camp. The murder of six million Jews in the Holocaust led to the creation of Israel.

Friday's visit came a day after President Obama gave a speech in Egypt directed to the world's more than one billion Muslims. La visite de vendredi a eu lieu un jour après que le président Obama a prononcé un discours en Égypte à l'intention du milliard de musulmans que compte la planète. At Cairo University he called for a new beginning between the United States and Muslims around the world. |||||||||||美國|||||| He said they should work together to stop extremism and support peace. ||||||||極端主義|||

He spoke of being a Christian whose father came from a Kenyan family with generations of Muslims. He also noted that as a boy he spent several years in the country with the world's largest Muslim population, Indonesia. BARACK OBAMA: "That experience guides my conviction that partnership between America and Islam must be based on what Islam is, not what it isn't." BARACK OBAMA : "Cette expérience guide ma conviction que le partenariat entre l'Amérique et l'islam doit être fondé sur ce qu'est l'islam, et non sur ce qu'il n'est pas". President Obama discussed several areas of tensions, especially the conflict between Israelis and Palestinians. Le président Obama a abordé plusieurs sujets de tension, notamment le conflit entre Israéliens et Palestiniens.

BARACK OBAMA: "If we see this conflict only from one side or the other, then we will be blind to the truth." He called America's bond with Israel "unbreakable" and said the tragic history that led to a Jewish homeland cannot be denied. ||||||||||悲慘的|||||||||| Il a qualifié le lien entre l'Amérique et Israël d'"indéfectible" et a déclaré que l'histoire tragique qui a conduit à la création d'une patrie juive ne pouvait être niée. But he went on to say "it is also undeniable that the Palestinian people - Muslims and Christians - have suffered in pursuit of a homeland." ||||||||||||||||||||追求||| Mais il a ajouté qu'"il est également indéniable que le peuple palestinien - musulmans et chrétiens - a souffert dans sa quête d'une patrie". Ancak sözlerine şöyle devam etti: "Filistin halkının -Müslümanlar ve Hıristiyanlar- bir vatan uğruna çektikleri acılar da yadsınamaz." He said the Palestinians must reject violence, but he also demanded a stop to Israeli settlement activity. Il a déclaré que les Palestiniens devaient rejeter la violence, mais il a également exigé l'arrêt des activités de colonisation israéliennes. He said again that the only solution is two states, where Israelis and Palestinians each live in peace and security. In his words, "That is in Israel's interest, Palestine's interest, America's interest and the world's interest." Many Muslims who commented on the speech said they were generally pleased. De nombreux musulmans qui ont commenté le discours se sont déclarés généralement satisfaits. But they said that of course the true test would not be in words, but actions. Mais ils ont dit que, bien sûr, le véritable test ne serait pas dans les mots, mais dans les actes.

The president used words from the Koran several times throughout his speech. Le président a utilisé des mots du Coran à plusieurs reprises au cours de son discours. He also called for religious understanding and spoke of the importance of equality for women. The speech contained no major policy changes. Le discours ne contenait pas de changements politiques majeurs. Konuşmada önemli bir politika değişikliği yer almadı. But it did signal what many Muslims saw as a newly sympathetic voice from an American president. |||||||||||同情的||||| Mais il a signalé ce que de nombreux musulmans considèrent comme une voix nouvellement sympathique de la part d'un président américain.

And that's IN THE NEWS in VOA Special English, written by Brianna Blake. For more about the speech, go to voaspecialenglish.com. I'm Steve Ember. Transcript of radio broadcast: 05 June 2009